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S06.E05: Can't Trust Them

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Maybe I'm an idiot since I'm ~not a mom~ and therefore not qualified to give an opinion, but can someone explain why Isaac goes to Kail's house while Kail is out of town? Wouldn't it just be easier and nicer for Jo to take him there? Is it a power thing for Kail? 


Kail and Javi are so mismatched its ridiculous. It is clear Javi needs someone who is just as needy as he is. He seems to want a codependent relationship. Kail, however, is exactly the opposite. She seems to be trying to make up for lost time. But, dude, you're a wife and mother now. I can see her doing these things if she didn't have kids, but so freaking often seems weird. I mean I live with my boyfriend without kids and we don't even take trips away from each other all that often. He sometimes goes to soccer matches or I'll occasionally go somewhere with girlfriends, but it's not every week.


Also, I agree with everyone else about Kail being a little bitch when it comes to texting with Javi. It's like neither one listen to the other and constantly try to bait one another. I went away from my boyfriend for a WHOLE MONTH and we were fine and I enjoyed myself. Like a normal couple, you text every so often throughout the day and maybe chat on the phone at night and recap your days. Is it so hard to be like, "Hey, Javi! I'm on a tour right now and then out to lunch. Will text you after."???

  • Love 4

I can't stand Kail, but I don't see any issue with her going on vacation without husband and kids from time to time (like in a girls trip) I think thats healthy. However if she spends every weekend with her friends and not her husband thats a problem.

If I was married I would still go on vacays without hubby and kids and wouldn't mind if he went either. If he and his guy friends were going to Vegas I'd tell him have a good time and enjoy the time apart( however I should note that I am a loner, and definitly not the "spend every waking moment with you" type of girl) The only way I'd have an issue is if I didn't trust him. And with Javi I can't firgure out if she's given him a reason not to trust her, he's, controlling, or if he's just clingy. Either way they both have different expectations on marriage and need to comprimise (like maybe one weekend a month Kail hangs out with friends and goes on a vacay without kids or hubby once a year and allow him to do the same) I doubt Kail and Javi ever discussed their expectations on marriage

I agree. I’ve gone on weekend trips with married friends, even ones with kids. My best friend and her husband have each taken trips without the other (they have a four-year-old and one on the way). And I love QT with my dude when I have one, but I would go completely batshit crazy with a man who insisted that we be joined at the hip – we would never work out, period. I remember in college my friend was dating a girl who would not leave his side except when they were each in class. I remember we were hanging out in a group and he suddenly remembered that he needed to mail something time-sensitive so he was going to the corner mailbox. She went too. I need to be with a guy that understands that I like solo time sometimes.


I think there are two issues here: the first is that Javi and Kailyn have different ideas for how much time they should spend together. It seems like quality time is Javi’s love language. (Cheesy, I know.) And in my opinion, he’s not out of line. (If she really extended her trip by three days without asking him, he's not out of line at all. Where they do that at?) Kailyn says she wants to be with her friends on the weekends? Every weekend? Girl, what? You are married with two young kids. That’s done. Even if Isaac is with Jo every weekend (and it doesn’t seem like he is, although it seems like Jo would welcome it), the little one is there all the time.


The second and more important thing is that Kailyn so clearly does not like her husband. I mean, she seems to hate everything except her kids, but Javi is at the top of the list. I wasn’t watching the show when she met and married him so I don’t know if she ever liked him, but she holds him in utter contempt now. He probably knows that on some level. I mean, as I said, I need some solo time in a relationship - but after I have it, I'm happy to see my dude. Kailyn is like "ugh, you're still here?"


I’m with y’all: why couldn’t Leah call Corey or Miranda or one of the friends floating around or Corey’s parents or Jeremy’s parents or her parents and get them to either take Ali to therapy or stay at her house with the sick kid while Leah took her? She has a HUGE support system. I was with Corey – there’s no reason that she should be missing therapy. Physical therapy is important! And if Corey’s hours are 8-4, that’s ideal for parenting! That’s MAYBE two hours in after school care or with one of the frillion relatives they have around. If Corey worked until 7 or 8 PM I could see complaining about his hours but 4?


I gave my play niece (best friend’s daughter) a dog hat and matching mittens last year and I thought of that when I saw Aubree in her little hat. The kids are very cute – it’s a shame that their parents are such messes.



I went away from my boyfriend for a WHOLE MONTH and we were fine and I enjoyed myself. Like a normal couple, you text every so often throughout the day and maybe chat on the phone at night and recap your days. Is it so hard to be like, "Hey, Javi! I'm on a tour right now and then out to lunch. Will text you after."???

A few months ago I took a four-day trip with one of my best friends to a place my now-ex had been to before, so before I went I asked him for recommendations. Then during the day I'd text him after doing the thing he recommended, and we'd do a quick phone call at night. My friend that I went with did the same with her boyfriend. Javi didn't ruin the trip; Kailyn did. But of course she did, because otherwise she wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 4

I was confused about the Kail situation. According to posts here, Javi was pissed because she was supposed to come home Sat/Sun but then texted Javi and said she wouldn't be home until Tues. But on the show, she was saying she was going to be gone four days from the get-go. I think she's totally selfish and ridiculous for leaving that long anyway with a husband and small children at home to crash someone else's "family vacation" (hey Kail, if you want a family vacation, why not take your OWN family on one?) but if she really did say from the beginning she was going to be gone until Tuesday and Javi agreed to it, he was totally in the wrong for harassing her the entire trip about it (and she reacted horribly.)

Leah: I was so happy to hear Cory finally going off on her. I could feel his frustration. I'd be at my wit's end with that girl.

Was it two DIFFERENT trips? The first was a concert on Saturday somewhere on the east coast that turned into once she was gone, a stay until Tuesday.

This was a second trip, to LA. Also with someone's family. Also super shady. Weird editing?

Edited by TaxNerd
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I watched a 2nd time and WTF was up with that dog kennel looking thing that was in Janelle's playroom? Looks like they keep Kaiser "fenced it" and just leave him alone in that room to play. WTH!! Seriously? I mean I've used baby gates but this was a metal enclosure that went around the entire room. Whats up with Kail having all these people to watch their kids? Javi's pregnant sister was watching the boys, Kail's mother in law lives with them?  As for Leah, she is a hot mess. Very telling that Adi immediately looked at Leah's random friend like "help me!"  when Leah was yelling about time out. Then Addi wanted to go sit by the friend. That lady probably watches Addi and takes care of her more often than Leah does by the looks of it. Corey handed Leah her ass in that conversation. Your a fake ass mom right now. Love you Corey!  I don't understand why a judge can't look at footage from this show and see adam clearly is taking Aubree without his parents' supervision. Off to the visitation center for him.  or a judge can't watch any episode in the last two seasons and see Leah high as a kite, or ignoring her girls, or out til midnight or hell just look at how they have been late to school 50 freakin percent of the time under leah's care .Hell I would give Corey the whole week and Leah can have the weekends. And Janelle, take one look at absolutely anything about Janelle and full custody.. no way. Barb is clearly Jace's mother.

Sterling telling Kail before Javi you did this (raised Issac) all on your own. Whoa back up. No way in hell has Kail ever "done it on her own" . She has the entire Rivera family, Junior babysat, Jo always saw his son and was willing to jump in (and still is). Hell, Jo wants MORE time and is willing to relocate to be able to see Issac more often.

  • Love 9

Why doesn't Karl just marry Sterling? She clearly means more to her than Javi does. Javi is needy but Kail clearly wants nothing to do with that marriage. They're a mess. Also completely agree with Sterling and her mom, Kail's miserable attitude ruined that vacation. Grow up, put your phone on silent, respond to the texts later, and stop being a downer.

Also wow. Corey read Leah for FILTH. What a read.

There was simply no excuse for Ali to miss therapy. She's got a whole NBA team of people on call willing to help. Also Leah said "girlses" tonight, she hadn't said it in a while. Looks like Germy is gonna make an appearance next episode. Got my popcorn ready!

Chelsea has a right to be worried imo. I can't believe Adam had Aubree dial Taylor to see Paislee that's just sick, you don't do that to kids. Who do I have to pay to not see Adam's junkie-looking friend on my screen next week.

Jenelle...really wish Barbara hung up as soon as Jenelle cursed at her. Who wants to hear that mess when they're in the store. Or ever for that matter. I was breathless during that phone conference as I fully expected Jenelle to start yelling and cursing on the phone in front of Jace's teacher. Nathan's mind games aren't fooling anyone but Jenelle.

Edited by TonAmi
  • Love 4

Have you guys ever noticed that whenever one of Leah's babydads take her to task on something, regardless of how reasonable they're being, her first response is "YOU'RE NOT THERE!" I can't decide if this is the same BS that people try to pull about "but you don't understaaaaaaand!" or if she's blaming them for her mistakes because they had the audacity  to work :clutches pearls: and not be around her 24/7.

  • Love 5

Chelsea has a right to be worried imo. I can't believe Adam had Aubree dial Taylor to see Paislee that's just sick, you don't do that to kids. Who do I have to pay to not see Adam's junkie-looking friend on my screen next week

Adam loves to set-up situations like this. He knows damn well Taylor isn't going to have anything to do with him until their custody mess is straightened out, so he makes her be the bad guy who has to say no to Aubree. Then he does the aw, shucks, kid, I tried, but SHE'S the one who won't let you see your sister. It's such a dick move. Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 9

Why does Leah's lawyer constantly bring up the fact that Corey works? I'd be a lot more concerned if he didn't work! What kind of people does this moron represent that consider working a bad thing?! I guess no parents who work right now deserve to see their kids more often, guys.

Did I hear right that Leah said Corey works from 8:00-3:30 or 4:00 on school days? And they were still like it doesn't make any sense that Corey should have the girls since he works? An 8am-4pm schedule works pretty well with a school schedule. It's not like he's working 12 hour shifts from 6am-6pm or something. Lots of parents would LOVE a schedule so closely aligned with school hours.

Um.. when was Corey nagging Leah? Also, Leah has a hard time hearing an alarm? I mean... I guess some people can but I honestly feel like thats something people need to grow out of in order to go to school/work/have a life before it's 6 p.m.. maybe that's just me.

I am NOT a morning person. Several times in my adult life I have turned off my alarm in my sleep and I've also slept through it a couple of times. You know what I do? Set more alarms! I set like three of them on my phone 5 minutes apart and one on the alarm clock. Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Kailyn: OMG. STFU. Sterling is your friend, not your husband. You don't let your friends interfere in your marriage. ESPECIALLY when there is a child/children involved. Who cares about your relationship with her and her mom? Are they paying for anything for you? Providing you with insurance and a home? No. Then just stop. You wanna cry? Leave the group activity and go back to your hotel room and do it. Unless Javi is being verbally or physically abusive and Sterling is trying to help you get out of the relationship, her and her mother's feelings about you should be a distant fifth, sixth, seventh to your relationship with your husband and children. 


And keep at least one hand on the wheel when you drive. Especially in the dark and in the rain. Jesus H Christ, you're not the only person on the road. And kudos to PP above who noted that it a basic enough model that it doesn't have bluetooth. 

Leah: Still high as fuck. So glad Cory finally gave her what for. She's such a mess. And not even texting Miranda to let her know that Allie wasn't at school to be picked up? That's just inconsiderate and hostile. 


Jenelle: PP's explanation that Keifer, I mean, Nathan has checked out and was thus trying to discourage her from having Jace full time (to spite Barbara) seems so spot on. I feel so sorry for Jace. She has zero consideration for him, or anyone else. Who will watch Jace when you and Nathan go off for a weekend or whatever you do? Nathan's mom who isn't even related to him and likely doesn't know him that well?  Nice.  Great planning. Way to put your kid first. She is a POS mother. 


That entire conversation with the teacher made me cringe. And yeah, the teacher and Barbara probably were rolling their eyes at her because she is SO. FUCKING. CLUELESS. about her own child. To come on late and say "tell me everything you've talked about..." and THEN argue her point with the teacher about Jace's stability (and that was some sort of trigger word for her that proved Barbara and the teacher were colluding). The teacher doesn't give two shits WHO has Jace or your reasons for not having him. She's not a judge. Jenelle just made a total ass of herself and I was embarrassed for her. She's just balls out swinging at everything. Also, STFU.


Chelsea: Adumb sucks. I feel so sorry for Aubree and that shit excuse for a father that she is stuck with. And the 50 year old dude that is always hanging around Adumb. WTF is going on there?!


Ok, I think I'm done ranting for now.  


For now.

  • Love 13

My one complaint for Chelsea is how she handles Aubree's discipline. The preschool is telling her that Aubree is disruptive and needs to be corrected and she seems to barely acknowledge it. She hears the Aubree knows all she needs for kindergarten and that's it. Kids also need to act right for kindergarten, she needs to have that dealt with too.

  • Love 10

Nipples has in the past acknowledged how attached Jace is to Barb and said when the little boy starts feeling sick all he wants is Babs. Still, I do agree that he's probably laying the groundwork for his own inevitable case against Jenelle. If they ever break up, he is not leaving his son with that train wreck.

Chelsea has lost all of her baby fat! When she was playing with Cole, she looked very slim and trim. Good for her.


Leah sucks and so does her lawyer. Why didn't that woman remind her high as fuck client that the judge also said she has to get the girlses to school on time and not miss PT appointments? And is playing with makeup the only activity they do when at Leah's house? Adderall should not know how to paint her nails. That is just all kinds of wrong.


Kailyn needs to bite the bullet and file for divorce. It is clear as day that she is totally done with this marriage and Javi looked pathetic during the closing montage, sitting there with the boys looking all forlorn. His military buds, if he has any, must give him a really hard time and I wouldn't blame them. He is stage-five clinging to a bitch who no longer cares for him if she ever did at all and it's time for him to fucking man up and grow some balls.

  • Love 7
I watched a 2nd time and WTF was up with that dog kennel looking thing that was in Janelle's playroom? Looks like they keep Kaiser "fenced it" and just leave him alone in that room to play. WTH!! Seriously? I mean I've used baby gates but this was a metal enclosure that went around the entire room.


Well, normally I wouldn't have a problem with that. Depending on where we've lived, I've rigged up similar situations. I once had this giant, octagonal playyard thing in the house for the baby. You can't watch them every minute, but I like to give them room to move around. Of course, knowing Jenelle, Kaiser is probably in there by himself all day long. 


Why doesn't Karl just marry Sterling? She clearly means more to her than Javi does.


True. But Sterling actually had the audacity to call Kail out on her bad behavior, so she's no longer a contender. 


By the by, did anyone else notice how thick Kail was laying it on, about how hard it is to "deal" with Javi and how she's going to have to go home and "deal" with him? It's almost like she was trying to paint him as scary or abusive. 

  • Love 6

Maybe I'm an idiot since I'm ~not a mom~ and therefore not qualified to give an opinion, but can someone explain why Isaac goes to Kail's house while Kail is out of town? Wouldn't it just be easier and nicer for Jo to take him there? Is it a power thing for Kail? 


I'm guessing it's because Issac is in school?  When Jo moves to the same area as Issac, he will be in the position to keep him in situations like that - where Kail is gone, busy, whatever.  I think he even mentioned that to his girlfriend when he told her he was moving to PA. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

Kailyn is that friend who you never want to invite anywhere because all she wants to do is bitch about her relationship.  You try to change the submit, nope she'll revert back to her and her problems.  Javi is no prize but Kailyn seems to want to throw her marriage away so she can hang out with her friends.  Inviting your friends into your marriage will get you a first class ticket to divorce court.  

Jenelle is so clueless..."my boyfriend says he may have ADHD."  WTF.  Yet when her boyfriend mentions that it will be traumatic for her son to have no contact with his grandmom (the only caretaker he's ever known), Jenelle gets all up in her feelings.  She is incapable to putting the well being of Jace ahead of her own selfish needs.  What is she going to school for again?  I missed that.

Leah....why couldnt she get her friend to watch the kids while she takes Ally to therapy?  She is a terrible mom.  When the one twin was sick, she should have been scrambling to find an alternative person to either take Ally to therapy or have someone sit with her sick child... Corey, Corey's wife, that friend that comes over to hear her bitch, her mom.  There are tons of people she could have called.  Glad that Corey called her on her bullshit.  

  • Love 9

Why is it that Chelsea continues to hand Aubree off for visitation she know isn't being done as agreed upon (or safely)? Taylor's not having it, clearly.

My guess is because she's allowing it to happen during filming because 1) she and her lawyer are gathering evidence - it's on tape that he isn't following the visitation agreement & anything shady he does while with Aubree (ie: having her call Taylor & say she wants to see Paislee) and 2) he isn't really unsupervised since the camera crew is there and Chelsea knows that if a situation was life-threatening, they'd get involved.

  • Love 5

True. But Sterling actually had the audacity to call Kail out on her bad behavior, so she's no longer a contender.

By the by, did anyone else notice how thick Kail was laying it on, about how hard it is to "deal" with Javi and how she's going to have to go home and "deal" with him? It's almost like she was trying to paint him as scary or abusive.

True! Kail wears the pants in her household! And yeah I wasn't sure what she was getting at. She clearly finds Javi annoying or else she wouldn't have gotten so worked up over his texts but she was so exasperated at the thought of going home to him, her husband. This is just a doomed marriage.

  • Love 2
True! Kail wears the pants in her household! And yeah I wasn't sure what she was getting at. She clearly finds Javi annoying or else she wouldn't have gotten so worked up over his texts but she was so exasperated at the thought of going home to him, her husband. This is just a doomed marriage.


It seems like she really wants everyone to feel awful for her, like Javi is just horrible and she's the victim here. 

  • Love 3

Regarding Chelsea continuing to let Adam have Aubree despite knowing that the Linds aren't following the visitation rules, I think she has no choice. She has objected to the goings-on and even requested/threatened to have visitation moved to that family center place, but it's not official yet and until then they have to keep going by the current arrangement. Could she file some kind of emergency petition to withhold visitation outright until/unless Adam's parents start following the rules and/or the family center plan gets decided on? I don't know.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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When Jenelle asked about ADD, my first thought was that she'd think all she had to do was give him a pill and she'd be absolved of having to do any mothering or helping with schoolwork.

And I thought Jenelle would love to dip into Jace's ADD medication. I used to be a Pharmacy Tech., you would not believe the parents who do that.

  • Love 6

Kailyn is that friend who you never want to invite anywhere because all she wants to do is bitch about her relationship. You try to change the submit, nope she'll revert back to her and her problems. Javi is no prize but Kailyn seems to want to throw her marriage away so she can hang out with her friends.

This. I used to be friends with a girl like Kail and she was the most draining person. I would get off the phone with her feeling like I'd just gone ten rounds with Mayweather. It was literally physically exhausting. I eventually ended the friendship because I got tired of the negativity. I hadn't talked to her for about five years when she randomly called me and she was STILL bitching about the exact same shit! Some people are broken records.

  • Love 7

I have to start out by saying I'm not the "cool wife," so I wouldn't be pleased of my husband went away for almost a week on vacation. Our kids are little, too, so it's a lot of work doing it all. He actually has a friend who's having an out of state bachelor party coming up and that got a huge hell no from me; I'm sure we'll be arguing about it again here soon as the date approaches lol. I just think it's weird that a parent would leave very little kids and husband for a solo vacation (not work or family emergency or something).

I think Javi can be controlling, but I think the crux of their issues are different expectations. Kail seems to want this fancy-free life along with being a parent, while Javi seems more family oriented. She harps on how much friend time (sans Javi) she desires, while he wants more family/couple time. Though it seems like part of it is just that she doesn't want to be around him. Maybe if she liked him more, she'd like more family time, and more couple time as opposed to individual friend time. I get needing a break, of course, but why not together? And why so often and for so long? I love hanging out with my husband; we look forward to our (rare) date nights. He gets guys night once in a while, but not as a weekly thing or whatever. I don't think time apart is necessary so regularly when your kids are young.



My husband and I have small kids (2 year old and 5 year old boys) and we do friend trips all the time.  I actually think it is important.  He just got back from Costa Rica and I am planning a trip with my girlfriends for the end of the year.  It was a lot of extra work when he was gone and it will be a lot of extra work for him when I go, but so nice to get away.  I think people need that time.  Here is the KEY - we trust each other.  He trusts me and I trust him.  We barely even speak or text when one of us is on a trip, we miss each other but we know that the other is having a great time.  Of course, we also take family vacations together too. 

I think Kail is such an awful a-hole, but Javi is super immature and clingy.  They don't trust each other and Javi probably thinks Kail is going to just up and run away.  She is just like her mother - just awful like her, too.

  • Love 8

This. I used to be friends with a girl like Kail and she was the most draining person. I would get off the phone with her feeling like I'd just gone ten rounds with Mayweather. It was literally physically exhausting. I eventually ended the friendship because I got tired of the negativity. I hadn't talked to her for about five years when she randomly called me and she was STILL bitching about the exact same shit! Some people are broken records.

So true. Some people are so toxic. Red flag for me is anyone who complains repetitively about their spouse. I have no interest in that negativity and my time is better spent elsewhere.

  • Love 6
Regarding Chelsea continuing to let Adam have Aubree despite knowing that the Linds aren't following the visitation rules, I think she has no choice. She has objected to the goings-on and even requested/threatened to have visitation moved to that family center place, but it's not official yet and until then they have to keep going by the current arrangement. Could she file some kind of emergency petition to withhold visitation outright until/unless Adam's parents start following the rules and/or the family center plan gets decided on? I don't know.


I think this is likely the reason, whereas Taylor has yet to get any official arrangement on the books. So she can basically do as she pleases at this point. As for an emergency petition, I'm not sure. You'd think that lawyer she spoke to would have addressed this is they felt it was necessary. Maybe like an other poster posited, they are allowing him to break the rules on camera for their benefit?

  • Love 1

An occasional trip apart is one thing- it can recharge the batteries and give you the chance to miss each other again. But Kail seems to be constantly looking for excuses to run off and leave Javi with the kids. It's always something. She seems to be always on the lookout to go out and exclude her husband. Not a healthy marriage.


When Nathan spoke up as the Voice Of Reason I jumped up in alarm, then ran outside to make sure that the sky was still up and the grass was still green. But then it occurred to me that now that he's getting a little taste of what custody of Jace would mean, day-to-day- the nonstop bickering, lawyers appointments, money, a 5 year old with behavior problems always there- he backed that shit up real fast. I think he encouraged Jenelle to file for custody just to mess with Barb without thinking it through and now he's regretting it.

  • Love 10
An occasional trip apart is one thing- it can recharge the batteries and give you the chance to miss each other again. But Kail seems to be constantly looking for excuses to run off and leave Javi with the kids. It's always something. She seems to be always on the lookout to go out and exclude her husband. Not a healthy marriage.


Right. The friend-trips should be balanced out by couple trips/dates, and that just doesn't seem to be the case. The only time I can recall seeing Kail and Javi out together without the kids is when he crashed her night out at the concert. 

  • Love 2
That entire conversation with the teacher made me cringe. And yeah, the teacher and Barbara probably were rolling their eyes at her because she is SO. FUCKING. CLUELESS. about her own child. To come on late and say "tell me everything you've talked about..." and THEN argue her point with the teacher about Jace's stability (and that was some sort of trigger word for her that proved Barbara and the teacher were colluding). The teacher doesn't give two shits WHO has Jace or your reasons for not having him. She's not a judge. Jenelle just made a total ass of herself and I was embarrassed for her. She's just balls out swinging at everything. Also, STFU.



As soon as that convo started I was thinking of the poor teacher who now had to sit there and repeat everything that was discussed. But it mostly sounded like Barb just recapping anyway so why couldn't Jenelle just talk to Barb after the conference and then call the teacher another day if she needed more information?  Although that would be annoying for the teacher too.  There was really no need for Jenelle to be in on the actual conference.  I loved that the teacher was one step ahead of Jenelle who OF COURSE thinks Jace has ADD and was like nope it's not ADD. 

  • Love 10

Kail and Javi are absolutely fucking miserable, and it’s sad to watch. Neither of them want to work on their marriage. Being miserable and fighting 24/7 is doing nothing for  you, or those boys. Also, if Javi was texting Kail 24/7, and it was so annoying, why didn’t she mute her phone? Javi deserves so much better than her.

Jenelle… You’re never going to get Jace back. You use that poor boy as a pawn in your arguments with Babs, and he knows it.  Also, when did Nathan become a social worker/psychologist that is able to diagnose Jace as ADD/ADDHD?  Doesn’t Jenelle realize that her mom has been caring for Jace his entire life? Ripping him away from the only stability he’s ever had, isn’t going to do him much good.

Chelsea: I don’t have much to say about her. Adumb manipulating Aubree was sad. He’s a douche.

Leah: Stop doing drugs, and tone down the make up. Also, if Aleeah was so sick, why wouldn’t you call Miranda, or GASP Corey to take Ali to therapy?  She has no good arguments about Corey being a shitty dad. She’s a bad mom. I hope she gets her life together. Doesn’t she realize that Germy plays the same role In her daughter’s lives, that Miranda does? He’s their stepfather.

  • Love 3

Catching up on Thursday night's DVR'd stuff - just some random thoughts as I watch.


- She and Cole are cute together. Also, nice catch Cole! (on the Dirty Dancing re-enactment - thought that was sweet and a good way for him to get on camera if he doesn't like talking on camera,as she said last week).
- Adam, what an ass calling to see if Aubree could talk to Paislee and then saying "well guess not" because of voicemail. Also, that one friend's truck drives me crazy. I have known guys like that who also drive me crazy so it's probably related.
- Aubree is so dang cute. I had to laugh a little at the scene where Chelsea told her she "had to work on listening" and Aubree had a hat plus like 3 other layers of stuff on her head. No wonder she isn't listening! She can probably barely hear.
- Please stop talking about Adam, or Taylor, or whoever, in front of Aubree!  She is listening even if it looks like she's just playing around and hugging the dog.


- She was freaking me out in the restaurant scene with Adalynn and friend o' the week. I don't want to get into a whole spanking debate but I seriously thought she was going to beat Addy for trying

to take her shoes off (what 2 year old doesn't?) and that bothered me.
- Cannot stand her lawyer. I know she gets paid to look out for Leah and not so much the girls, but she pissed me off. I'm admittedly sensitive to this because of my brother's situation with my niece. "Stable situation" does not always = spending most of the week with mommy, especially if she can't get her ass out of bed to get the kid to school/therapy, make food, etc. All kinds of different arrangements work and I extra especially hate that "the mother is always the best choice" attitude even though that's not always true.

- I think she looked "less high" this episode than she did in some of the other recent ones, but that fight in front of the kids was awful. Corey had it dead on when he said that her place wasn't necessarily the most stable place - even during the school week. I think him having the girls Sun-Fri and her having Sat and part of Sun seems like a better plan, personally, based on what we've seen.  Not that it's even been suggested but it would be a stable household during the school week.


- "I still want to have a social life" - um how about having a social life THAT INCLUDES JAVI?  I realize people need their alone time too but come on. You generally kind of adjust to couples social life most of the time. That said I have had one friend whose (now ex) husband was obsessive about texting her. She is drop dead gorgeous and got hit on constantly but she never, ever did anything wrong - I think he just couldn't handle that it would be so easy for her to do so if she wanted to. Guess what else happened with her?  It finally took a number of us saying "turn off your phone!" for her to enjoy the last girls' night out we had.  But 99% of the time her social nights are with her husband, which I think is much more normal. It seems like Kail's rarely are - mostly he's just a

- Javi's sister looks so much like him!  The big lips are a much better look on a woman.
- So you flipped out on the trip, drove upset on the highway, and ruined a vacation with your friends. Yeah, blame Javi. Okay. Your fault, sorry. Phones have off buttons and batteries that can be removed.


- Oh please. You'll skip school for anything, but Jace's school conference is a no-go because you have school? Right.  Good job Barb on just hanging up on her. She was being a completely nasty bitch.
- Barb's face broke my heart when she opened the mail (and I even think that was probably a re-enacted scene - it was probably even sadder originally).
- heh... Jenelle you're an idiot in case we didn't already know.  "You're a fucking grandparent and that's all you'll EVER fucking be."  Pretty sure she's also a parent or you wouldn't even exist, Jenelle.
- That whole school thing and talk about transition made no sense. Let me modify that - in a logical world it makes sense. In the TM/TM2 world I don't get it. Are we really supposed to believe she's going to start supervising playdates with new friends?

  • Love 6

I think when it comes to friends trips, the intent behind the trips are what matters.  If you're looking to "escape" from your husband and kids, that's a problem.  Just look at how downright GIDDY Kailyn was when she was leaving for her trip.  It was more than just excitement to go to CA.  That girl was ELATED to be getting away from Javi.  It was sad.  Also, frequency matters.  I can see a girls trip maybe once a year with day outings a little more frequently.  But Kailyn said on a prior episode she wants to spend the "weekends" with her friends.  What?  I don't know anyone who, with a husband and small children, looks to spend every weekend away with their friends.  That's not a healthy relationship.  At all. 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 12

That scene of Adumb and his creepy, rapey, murdery-looking "friend" taking poor Aubree to the roller rink made me so mad!  Adumb knows her so little that he thought she'd love roller skating her first time out on the rink?


The plumes of black smog out of that guy's goofy "F.U. environmentalist hippies" truck probably cause brain damage.

  • Love 4

Hey Jenelle your mom can't just pick up and go. She works, so hmmmm the reason you haven't seen Jace is because it was your weekend to see Jace and you went on vacation. The reason things are planned out is because your mother works. She works, she can't just pick up at any time and fucking take Jace to see you, so get off your dead ass and go see your son. And as far as the conference, the schools close at a certain time, they don't revolve around you, Jenelle. Everything must revolve around her.

Thank you! When Jenelle was like "you know I get out of school at 3 and it's an hour drive" to the meeting, I wanted to scream at the TV "teachers don't get paid extra to stay several hours after working a full-day (which Jenelle would know nothing about) to accommodate your ass, Jenelle! Maybe Jace's teacher has children of her own she has to pick up & go home and take care of and start getting their evening/nighttime routine done!" (another thing she knows little about)

She clearly has no idea that the real world doesn't change to meet her schedule, that being a parent means altering your schedule, that other people's jobs/home responsibilities prevent them from meeting your schedule, etc.... She wants everyone to be considerate of her but she has not consideration of other people and the way the world works.

  • Love 9


- Oh please. You'll skip school for anything, but Jace's school conference is a no-go because you have school? Right.  Good job Barb on just hanging up on her. She was being a completely nasty bitch.

We never see her hitting the books for this school. I think all I've seen is her sitting down and logging in to some online course for a few seconds. It made me think of a toddler with one of those Fisher Price play centers.

  • Love 3

I'm just going to throw this out there re: Sterling & Kail making her family uncomfortable:

Kail is bisexual. She's dated girls in the past and talks about it in her book. http://starcasm.net/archives/139596

In fact, she and Javi almost broke up in the past because he thought she was cheating on him with a girl (the story is in her book). This probably makes the whole idea of a "girls weekend/trip" seem less innocent to Javi.

I'm wondering if Javi suspects that Sterling is Kail's back-up plan. Her family appears to be wealthy. They took Kail on this trip. Sterling's mom has obviously been to (in the words of Kathy Griffin) "the dentist" a lot (ie: plastic surgeon). I think Sterling's family is somehow involved in the music industry and Kail attended the Grammy's with them? I'm just saying - Sterling (& her family) have way more BENEFITS to offer than Javi, such as luxurious vacations, entry to awards shows, etc. Kail was treating Javi like he was her paid nanny who kept bugging him while she was trying to hobnob. I think Javi is worried that Sterling might very well be her next significant other. She does seem to be all about "what can I get out of this person/relationship?," probably because of how she was raised. For whatever reason, MTV hasn't shown us any of Kail's bisexuality in her storyline, but I'm wondering if maybe Kail is/was planning her next benefactor to be Sterling and her family. That would also explain why Kail called Javi crying that he had ruined her relationships with Sterling & her family (we all know it was Kail herself who did that, but you know...). She was afraid she blew her chances at living the life with Familia de Sterling.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 21

Also in this clip she says her MIL lives with them so they do not need babysitters while Kail goes to school, so why the heck can she not make time for Javi and her to have dinner together after the boys are in bed.

Oy vey. I hate to defend Kail, but if my mother-in-law lived with us I'd be trying to take vacations away, go out on weekends, and take mini-vacations with friends all the damn time. (I'd love for my MIL to live in the neighborhood or something so I could have a little more support, but in our house? Oh hell no. I'd be wanting to "go out" all the time just to get away.) Does Javi's sister live there too?

  • Love 7

Whenever someone starts the bullshit about Cory working being the reason he can't have the girlses, I would love it if Miranda and Cory flipped the script and tell them that he's decided to be a stay at home Dad and that Miranda will work, just to see their reaction.


Leah sounded like petulant child when she was on the phone with Corey. I noticed she couldn't say anything specific about Cory and Miranda, because I'm guessing the girlses tell her things like "Daddy and Miranda don't let us stab each other". "Our dinner doesn't come out of a microwave at Daddy's", "Miranda doesn't eat candy out of brown bottles then take naps".


While Nipples was busy diagnosing Jace as ADD, I was busy diagnosing Kail as a selfish bitch. She cares about no one, not Jo, not Javi, no one, just her. Everyone show just bow down to her and be happy to do it. She has a husband? So what? She should be able to do whatever she wants and he needs to deal with it. Her son has a father? Who cares? He's not important, he should be grateful that Kail allows him to be a father.

  • Love 7

^^ Mind Blown!!

I'm just saying......Kail is a grifting grifter who grifts....She was grifting off of Joe's upper-middle class family, she's grifting benefits from Javi (and babysitting from his family), so I can only suspect she's grifting or planning to grift off of Sterling & family (aside from the free trip to LA where she made everyone uncomfortable). Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Thank you! When Jenelle was like "you know I get out of school at 3 and it's an hour drive" to the meeting, I wanted to scream at the TV "teachers don't get paid extra to stay several hours after working a full-day (which Jenelle would know nothing about) to accommodate your ass, Jenelle! Maybe Jace's teacher has children of her own she has to pick up & go home and take care of and start getting their evening/nighttime routine done!" (another thing she knows little about)

She clearly has no idea that the real world doesn't change to meet her schedule, that being a parent means altering your schedule, that other people's jobs/home responsibilities prevent them from meeting your schedule, etc.... She wants everyone to be considerate of her but she has not consideration of other people and the way the world works.

I wish Barb had told her that if she wants to see Jace more and be involved, then move back, her head would have exploded.

  • Love 2

As soon as that convo started I was thinking of the poor teacher who now had to sit there and repeat everything that was discussed. But it mostly sounded like Barb just recapping anyway so why couldn't Jenelle just talk to Barb after the conference and then call the teacher another day if she needed more information? Although that would be annoying for the teacher too. There was really no need for Jenelle to be in on the actual conference. I loved that the teacher was one step ahead of Jenelle who OF COURSE thinks Jace has ADD and was like nope it's not ADD.

Jenelle was so offended that the teacher said he needed stability and thought she was implying that Jace should stay with Barb (she probably was). News flash, Jenelle - that teacher KNOWS your child BETTER than you because she spends 30-35 (waking) hours per week with him where as if you have him a weekend or two a month and probably just have him spend most of it in front of the TV. She's interacted more with Jace in the past months than you probably have in the past couple of years. So have a seat - you do not know what's going on with him like the teacher and Barb do. Also, the teacher has probably seen TM2. I'm willing to bet even if she wasn't a viewer before, once she realized one of her students' moms was a train wreck on MTV who keeps disrupting the kid's life, she went and watched the old episodes. She's on to you, idiot. Anyone who has seen an episode knows Jace is better off with Barb.

Count me in as one of those who were blown away by Nathan saying Jace couldn't/shouldn't just come live with them without continuing to see Barb to help him transition and that Jenelle shouldn't use him as a pawn to get back at her mom. Plus, he said it in a calm manner and wouldn't get into a screaming match with her. I have no doubt part of that is because he's checked out of the relationship and is probably trying to look better on camera, but at least he has the self-awareness to know how he should respond. Jenelle is an idiot who didn't think twice about admitting on national TV she only wants her son to use him to hurt her mom & revel in the thoughts of doing so. Maybe he is manipulating Jenelle as well. But I choose to try to find hope in Nathan's response and hope there is a shred of human decency in him. He also does seem to hold, interact, and care for Kaiser more than Jenelle (which isn't saying much, but hey). I do think Nathan might actually love Kaiser, whereas I think Jenelle is incapable of loving anyone but Jenelle. I wouldn't want either of them as my parents, but I think at least with Nathan Kaiser has slightly less chance of being left in an abandoned home where Jenelle goes to do smack with Kieffer or end up trying to subsist off of drinking bong water. I know I'm probably giving Nathan way too much credit, but I just want to believe I saw a small sliver of humanity in one of his parents.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

I am just remembering something. Didn't janelle say to her mom that she is just his grandmother and that is all she will ever be? Janelle doesn't seem to realize that Barb is not only Jace's grandmother, she is his mother, his father, his caregiver, his everything. If something happened to Barbra, Jace would be lost. If something happened to Janelle, he would be sad, but he wouldn't be lost.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 16

I'm just saying......Kail is a grifting grifter who grifts....She was grifting off of Joe's upper-middle class family, she's grifting benefits from Javi (and babysitting from his family), so I can only suspect she's grifting or planning to grift off of Sterling & family (aside from the free trip to LA where she made everyone uncomfortable).

The set-up was odd from the get-go. I've never heard of a family paying for a grown, married woman to go on vacation with them. I can see them hooking her up with the Grammy ticket while Kail paid for airfare and chipped in for the hotel, but a free ride? Who does that?

I also agree it was bizarre when Kail kept stressing how Javi ruined her relationship with Sterling's family. Obviously they're SOMEBODIES, because Kail was panicking over the loss of that connection. It sure was a far cry from the way she treats the Riveras and Morroquins as if they're the hired help.

  • Love 6

I also agree it was bizarre when Kail kept stressing how Javi ruined her relationship with Sterling's family. Obviously they're SOMEBODIES, because Kail was panicking over the loss of that connection. It sure was a far cry from the way she treats the Riveras and Morroquins as if they're the hired help.

I cracked up when she sobbed something like "ruined people and ruined my relationship with them". Greatbig Papi magically destroyed Sterling's whole life with a few peremptory texts, who knew?

  • Love 5

Why doesn't Karl just marry Sterling? She clearly means more to her than Javi does. Javi is needy but Kail clearly wants nothing to do with that marriage. They're a mess. Also completely agree with Sterling and her mom, Kail's miserable attitude ruined that vacation. Grow up, put your phone on silent, respond to the texts later, and stop being a downer.


Kailyn needs to bite the bullet and file for divorce. It is clear as day that she is totally done with this marriage and Javi looked pathetic during the closing montage, sitting there with the boys looking all forlorn. His military buds, if he has any, must give him a really hard time and I wouldn't blame them. He is stage-five clinging to a bitch who no longer cares for him if she ever did at all and it's time for him to fucking man up and grow some balls.

I don't know why Kail isn't filing maybe for appearances. But, I think Kail is Javi's first love? I was in Javi's place just three months ago, and for us it was going on for over a year... It took me finding really solid evidence of cheating before I made him move out, and we didn't even have kids. 

  • Love 2

The only reason I mentioned the Mercedes is because they just had a BMW. Is that gone now? New house, new car.  All part of struggling as a Teen Mom. (I realize she is no longer a teen)  This has turned into a Soap Opera now, not a show about the struggles of being a young mother.


I wanted to scream at Leah when she acted so shocked Jeremy was going to his mother's in the sneak peak.  You cheated!! How is he supposed to fill.  So, he is staying at his mothers and she had to meet him. I thought they lived next door to his Momma? I'm so confused.

  • Love 3


get that Corey is beyond pissed at Leah but citing a laundry list of all her recent misdeeds is not going to make her give him what he wants. All it will do is make her more defensive and more determined to keep the girlses. Which is exactly what happened. The old saying you get more flies with honey rather than vinegar applies here. Maybe if he'd approach it from the angle of "I know it's so hard for you to manage school drop offs/pickups, getting Ali to therapy and whatever else, so let me help you with that." Offer to assist rather than attack.

Cory is dealing with an addict. All the honey in the world won't make that fly see things his way. Addicts only see things their way.


get that Corey is beyond pissed at Leah but citing a laundry list of all her recent misdeeds is not going to make her give him what he wants. All it will do is make her more defensive and more determined to keep the girlses. Which is exactly what happened. The old saying you get more flies with honey rather than vinegar applies here. Maybe if he'd approach it from the angle of "I know it's so hard for you to manage school drop offs/pickups, getting Ali to therapy and whatever else, so let me help you with that." Offer to assist rather than attack.

Cory is dealing with an addict. All the honey in the world won't make that fly see things his way. Addicts only see things their way.

  • Love 7

Wait... Kail's bisexual?  Woah, no wonder Javi's kinda worried about her girls weekends, especially if she wants it to be EVERY weekend.  And Javi's mom lives with them?  I completely missed that somehow.


lasandi yes Jenelle did say that to Barb. Actually I re-wound it and I'm fairly sure she said "a grandmother and that's all you'll ever be."  She apparently forgot that Barb is also a mother to her, and to her siblings.  Not to mention basically to Jace, but her statement was so stupid because of that grammatical issue it made me laugh.

  • Love 6

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