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S06.E05: Can't Trust Them

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Ugh, Leah's laaaw-yer mimicked Momma Dawn's "that don't make no sense" about Corey getting the girls during the week.

What was up with Leah's exceptionally bad hair and makeup at that appointment? She looked just like Dana Carvey when he dressed like a woman for old SNL skits.

Aaaw, Adderall has a Chef Boyardee hat to be dressed all proper-like when eatin' her ravioli! She spits and hits and don't want to wear no shoes!

Poor Jigglypuff. That is the fattest baby with the most rolls I've ever seen on an infant. Is Nipples or the Michelin Man the father?

If I saw two men like Adumb and his heroin addict looking friend out with a little girl, I would be calling the police to make sure she was safe, and not a victim of kidnapping.

Edited by Shelby
  • Love 23

Good for Barb! I'm so happy to finally see her hang up on one of Jenelle's horrible, ungrateful, profanity-laced rants. Keep it up, Barb!

It's chilling to know that MTV is good-girl-editing the bejeebus out of Jenelle (completely glossing over the "wish you died in combat" incident) when what makes it on air is still this awful.

  • Love 12

Does the title make anyone else think of the 3OH3! Song that repeats "don't trust a hoe?" Because that could also be kind of fitting.

the title made me think of Leah's (possibly drug-related) paranoia about Corey "plotting" against her for wanting his girls to get proper education, medical attention and childcare.


Jenelle (disbelieving) "Stability?!? Is she telling me that Jace needs to stay at my mom's instead of coming here?"

Yes, Jenelle, she fucking is. A thousand times yes.


"When can he come live with his mother, then?!?"

Jace already does.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 11

Kail and Sterling have 4 chins between them! Speaking of Sterling, gee Kail, why don't you marry her since it's obvious she means more to you than Javi! You're totally willing to sacrifice your marriage for your girlfriends who will eventually settle down and no longer have time for you because spending time with their hubby will be more important.

Jenelle, Jace doesn't act up at your house because his afraid NipplesMcRoidrage will beat the shit out of him if he does!

  • Love 14

What kind of Jedi mind tricks is Nathan playing on Janelle. That calm, soothing voice when he was saying the complete opposite of all he had previously said about Jace and Barb? Creepy! That's clearly bow he keeps Janelle off balance and totally confused on if she's coming or going.

First the teacher tells her that Jace should stay with Barb and then Nathan seemingly switches teams and agrees. I would have to get high behind that too.

  • Love 14

Why does Leah's lawyer constantly bring up the fact that Corey works? I'd be a lot more concerned if he didn't work! What kind of people does this moron represent that consider working a bad thing?! I guess no parents who work right now deserve to see their kids more often, guys.

I don't get it. The kids are in school and it seems like his hours would accomodate that.

I don't understand why Leah couldn't get someone to take Ali to therapy,

I don't understand Kail's whole trip.

  • Love 11

I don't get it. The kids are in school and it seems like his hours would accomodate that.

I don't understand why Leah couldn't get someone to take Ali to therapy,

I don't understand Kail's whole trip.

Right?! On all counts!

Cory works from 8 to 3 or 4 did she say? Sounds perfect for spending time with the girlses after school. And to be able to get them there on time. Leah looked like an old crone when she was driving without any make up on. Scary!

Between the shots of Addy wearing the mysterious yogurt-like substance, she had a big red smear on the side of her face. Did the devil spawn slash her? Left-over nail polish adventures?

  • Love 10

Kali get off the damn phone when you're driving! This makes me crazy! She a wreck waiting to happen. I agree with the poster who said Sterling is more important than Javi and their marriage.

I hope Adam never gets unsupervised visitation with Aubree. He's such a POS manipulating that little girl like he does having her call Taylor and putting her on the spot about seeing Paisley.

I hope Barb lawyers up good so Jenelle does not get custody of Jace. The biggest WTF moment in her episode tonight was that Nathan was the voice of reason. How'd have thunk


Leah could gave called a friend, her family members or Miranda to take her daughter to therapy. She's fallen apart, she doesn't even care about her appearance anymore. That's a sign there is something wrong in her life and of course that will affect the girlses.

I feel bad for these kids. All of them.

  • Love 10

Addy looks just like her daddy in that picture.

I still have a couple hours before the show airs here in San Francisco but it sounds like it's another "Jenelle yells at Barb when she should be on her knees thanking her" type of episode.

I've had a bad day today, I don't know if I can watch that shit. I got a new TV for my birthday and I'd hate to have to throw it out the window.

TaxNerd, I agree about Kaiser. I've always thought he was so chubby because he had a bottle shoved into his mouth every time he makes a sound.

I wonder how many times his "mother" has cuddled him as she rocks him to sleep then stares at him as he sleeps, thinking how lucky she is to have him.

I say zero.

I used to do that every night when my kids were babies.

This show makes me sad.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 12

Leah has trouble hearing the alarm in the morning? She's spent the last five years raising babies. How is her brain not programmed to snap to attention at the crack of dawn? Why are the people of Boringtown, West Virginia so flabbergasted at the idea of a parent working during the day and taking care of the kids?


Why is Nathan suddenly talking rationally and sensibly about things, in direct opposition to the nonsense he'd been saying since we've known him? And why was he talking in that creepy voice? Was he high? Is Kaiser actually just a giant bong disguised as a baby?


Why is Sterling all up in Kailyn's business? Why does she have to be so blunt about how Kailyn and Javi's crap is ruining everyone else's day when that would obviously just make her feel worse? Why is Sterling's name Sterling? Why are Kailyn and Javi still married? How has Kailyn not crashed her car yet?


Why is Chelsea's story so boring this year? Why does the Chelsea/Taylor Adam-Haters Variety Hour just come off like a couple of bitter hags trading gripes about the douche who screwed them over?

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 24

Addy looks just like her daddy in that picture.

I still have a couple hours before the show airs here in San Francisco but it sounds like it's another "Jenelle yells at Barb when she should be on her knees thanking her" type of episode.

I've had a bad day today, I don't know if I can watch that shit. I got a new TV for my birthday and I'd hate to have to throw it out the window.

TaxNerd, I agree about Kaiser. I've always thought he was so chubby because he had a bottle shoved into his mouth every time he makes a sound.

I wonder how many times his "mother" has cuddled him as she rocks him to sleep then stares at him as he sleeps, thinking how lucky she is to have him.

I say zero.

I used to do that every night when my kids were babies.

This show makes me sad.

Two adults in that house, they should be fighting over who gets to hold him to give him the bottle. Holding a baby while they are eating is one of the sweetest things in life. Poor kid didn't even look like he was in the same room as his parents.

  • Love 9

Leah has trouble hearing the alarm in the morning? She's spent the last five years raising babies. How is her brain not programmed to snap to attention at the crack of dawn? Why are the people of Boringtown, West Virginia so flabbergasted at the idea of a parent working during the day and taking care of the kids?

Why is Nathan suddenly talking rationally and sensibly about things, in direct opposition to the nonsense he'd been saying since we've known him? And why was he talking in that creepy voice? Was he high? Is Kaiser actually just a giant bong disguised as a baby?

Why is Sterling all up in Kailyn's business? Why does she have to be so blunt about how Kailyn and Javi's crap is ruining everyone else's day when that would obviously just make her feel worse? Why is Sterling's name Sterling? Why are Kailyn and Javi still married? How has Kailyn not crashed her car yet?

Why is Chelsea's story so boring this year? Why does the Chelsea/Taylor Adam-Haters Variety Hour just come off like a couple of bitter hags trading gripes about the douche who screwed them over?

All valid questions.

Mkay linked in another thread to Kail's bachelorette party and Sterling was in the pictures. I think it's her last name. Edit: Nevermind, that was Stryker.

I'm glad her friend called her out. It sounds like her friend's Mom organized and probably paid for a good part of the trip and Kail ruined everyone's time by making it about her. She was crying the whole weekend? Why? The whole thing reminds me of a middle school romance.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 11

Two adults in that house, they should be fighting over who gets to hold him to give him the bottle. Holding a baby while they are eating is one of the sweetest things in life. Poor kid didn't even look like he was in the same room as his parents.

Seriously! I've never seen them hold him this season to feed him, or to just hug him and love on him. That poor kid already has enough issues. Really sad. That is probably one of the reasons why he's so chubby. They shove a bottle his way constantly.

  • Love 6

How did Kail not get that people were not mad at her because Javi kept calling, but because of her reactions. Why not turn you phone to silent?

Exactly! No wonder that girl's mother was pissed! Imagine spending your whole vacation listening to some bloated sea creature bitch about her marriage problems. Javi didn't ruin everyone's time, KAIL ruined everyone's time. Turn the phone off, set your ringer to silent, text your husband back and tell him you'll call at a specific time. It wasn't that serious.

Also notice how when Sterling called her out on her shit, Kail pitched a fit and hung up the phone. None of these girls can deal when they're not coddled and enabled.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 19

Two adults in that house, they should be fighting over who gets to hold him to give him the bottle. Holding a baby while they are eating is one of the sweetest things in life. Poor kid didn't even look like he was in the same room as his parents.

I so agree. I was a teen mom and am a grandma now. My granddaughter is 7 but when she was newborn I would get set up in my late mom's chair with the baby and her blanket and I would feed her and rock her to sleep. I would rock her for hours remembering when I did the same thing with her mama and uncle.

Such sweet, priceless moments and they just don't give a shit. Prop a bottle in his mouth so he shuts up.

  • Love 10

Sterling Stryker!!!! Sounds like the name of a gay porn star! Lol

Kail is getting exactly what she deserves since she married Javi for selfish reasons.

My initial thought was that "friend" of Adam's who drove him and Aubree to the skating rink was some sort of sobriety coach but then I nixed the thought when I got full look at that douchy get-up he was wearing.

  • Love 8

Isn't Adam supposed to be at his parents house with Aubree? Why is he driving around with random ass Creepy people with Aubree?

I thought the rule was Aubree stayed with Adam's parents and Adam would see her there.

I don't know the guy's story, maybe he's a cancer patient or something so I don't want to judge his appearance but I wouldn't want him driving my 5 year daughter anywhere anytime.

I wonder if Chelsea has met the guy.

When Adam had Aubree call Taylor and say she wants to see Paislee, I was SO hoping Taylor would say "of course you can see your sister, I'll call your mom and set it up".

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 13

Ugh, Leah's laaaw-yer mimicked Momma Dawn's "that don't make no sense" about Corey getting the girls during the week.



Ew, did she really do the WV double negative?  I was surprised when Leah said Corey's work hours were about 8 - 8:30 until 4 - 4:30.  Those are perfect hours for having the kids stay with him.  He helps them in the morning because he will be able to get them up earlier than 10 minutes before school starts.  His wife brings them home and they are all there for an early dinner and an early bed. 


The lawyer might be feeling a little embarrassed after she sees the edit she gets.  Lawyer:  "you and Corey don't fight in front of the kids, right?"   Leah: "No!"   Cut to Leah swearing and screaming at Corey on the phone while the kids stare from various corners of the room. 

  • Love 13

Sorry if I scared anyone with how hard I laughed when Kailyn said Bradley Cooper will be her next baby's daddy. That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. A long while. You could probably hear my laugh from NJ to California.


Why the fuck does Kailyn need so much fun time anyway? Javi is a little bitch for sure. But, damn. I'm a grown man in my early thirties. I haven't had a legit vacation since 2004. That's with no kid and being single the whole time. A wife with two kids and taking weekends off from the family and going to concerts like it's nothing.


Janelle shut the hell up. She pointed out herself how unstable her house can be and then she still throws jabs and Barb all the time. Fuck outta here.


Leah - You should have never thrown another child on top of the two you already had anyway. You can't keep control of your home for shit. Your man works away from home all the time. Cory is the opposite to everything you are right now. Give him his freakin kids for a few days more. It can't even be any more unstable than what is already going on in your house so what the fuck is the problem? I know it must be hard to made to feel like your a bad mother. But, take some pressure off yourself and get your head back on straight.

  • Love 17

Leah could gave called a friend, her family members or Miranda to take her daughter to therapy.


Or just have had her friend(?) who was already there and taking care of all 3 kids (as they sat huffing an open nail polish remover container...!) continue to watch the 2 while Leah took Ali to therapy?! Or, of course she could have had Miranda do it since she was already driving around to pick up a kid who hadn't been in school to begin with!


I was so pissed at Leah's bullshit from her opening scene this week where she was threatening to put the little one in time out before she had managed to crawl all the way into her chair (herself). WTF? As usual, no interaction between Leah and her progeny, but her friend was at least capable of interacting with the child and basically seeing that she ate. And Corey, get your ass off the couch and take the info about the girlses needing to barricade themselves in the laundry room because Leah & Germy are terrifying humans straight to a judge, and stat! I would not stand for that for a minute.


Isn't Adam supposed to be at his parents house with Aubree? Why is he driving around with random ass Creepy people with Aubree?


I thought the rule was Aubree stayed with Adam's parents and Adam would see her there.

I don't know the guy's story, maybe he's a cancer patient or something so I don't want to judge his appearance but I wouldn't want him driving my 5 year daughter anywhere anytime.


Why is it that Chelsea continues to hand Aubree off for visitation she know isn't being done as agreed upon (or safely)? Taylor's not having it, clearly.


All of Adumb's pals look like they're carrying at least one form of Hepatitis, it seems to be his "type" when it comes to guys. I wouldn't want him driving my kid over a 6'+ snowbank with that idiotstick truck either. I suppose if he hits anything, the 2 dummies in the front are thinking Aubree will be saved by being catapulted like a canon ball above any other cars. Idiots.


And yes, Jenelle, you can move your kid into your house after he graduates. It's clear you'll never get custody. I can't believe Nipples made a statement that was actually true!


Ugh, tonight marks my realization that Jenelle will pull the same "he's abusing me!"/calling the cops shit with her sons, as they age, if she gets the chance. As with all dangerous psychotics and narcissists, the moment the child gets older, they become competition -- and therefore -- the focus of all of the parent's hatred, emptiness and violence. Jenelle always channels this into an "I'm being abused by _____" and she will do the same with her kids unfortunately. And I forgot about the charter school thing again, damn her to hell and back 1000x if she yanks him from that school!


Kail, ugh. Sweet thigh tattoo... *barf, heave, hurl." I wish her phone would come to life and slap her unconscious while she's alone and bitching-while-driving in that damn car.

  • Love 7

If I was a judge all I would need to see is the 2 second clip of Leah texting and driving in the rain with the kids in the back seat. I'd give them to Corey in a second.

It must be so fucking frustrating for Corey and Chelsea to have to watch the lies and the damage being done to their kids and not being able to do a damn thing about it.

This may make me sound like a cold hearted bitch but its the truth. I was a teen mom, 2 kids by age 20 with a much older, very abusive man. I escaped with my kids one night and he harrassed me and messed with me for a long time. I was always terrified he would go to court and get them.

He died when my son was 1 and my daughter was 3. He did me a favor. I was so scared he would get my kids and abuse them like he abused me.

If that makes me sound cold hearted, I'm really not. He would have damaged my kids in a bad way.

Im glad he wasn't around to poison and damage my kids like he tried to do to me. I couldn't imagine having to sit back and watch him get my kids every weekend or half the time or even for a minute.

They're 29 and 31 now and have had the best daddy in the world since they were 3 and 5. They wouldn't have been the people they are today with his influence and abuse in their lives.

That's a little more personal than I intended but I just couldn't imagine being in the position of some of the parents on the show.

Racj82, is that what I heard here in San Francisco? Was that you laughing? It was hard to tell what it was because of my own laughter but I think I heard you!

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 23

It's chilling to know that MTV is good-girl-editing the bejeebus out of Jenelle (completely glossing over the "wish you died in combat" incident) when what makes it on air is still this awful.

It is believed MTV was not around when that fight went down where Jenelle wished death upon Nathan's brother. The footage that ended up on the internet, and linked here, was footage caught on Nathan's sister-in-law's cell phone.


Speaking of Jenelle, who the hell was that guy who was holding Butterball (Kaiser) in Jenelle's kitchen? He was speaking all kinds of truth and making sense as Jenelle was sitting there talking about revenge on her mom. Where did he come out all of a sudden?


Or just have had her friend(?) who was already there and taking care of all 3 kids (as they sat huffing an open nail polish remover container...!) continue to watch the 2 while Leah took Ali to therapy?!

I don't believe that was the same day. Look at Leah's hair in the SUV as she is talking to Ali, who is coughing up a lung. Leah's hair is long. When the scene shows her with her friend there with the girlses, suddenly her hair is short. Editing monkeys playing around with the timeline. Still, that doesn't mean Leah couldn't have made a phone call to someone to help her or take Ali to her appointment.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I think Chelsea was right to be worried about what would happen in court. I have a feeling Adam can put on quite the show when he's inclined to play "Devoted Father." You never know if the judge will fall for it or see through the b.s.

Regarding Nathan siding with Barb, I think he had a two-part motive. The first was to screw with Jenelle's head, as mentioned above. It's a lot easier to control someone that way. The second is because he really doesn't want Jace there and never figured Jenelle would actually file papers. The whole "your son, not my problem" remark showed he has zero interest in being a father figure to Jace (thank God).

  • Love 15

I don't believe that was the same day. Look at Leah's hair in the SUV as she is talking to Ali, who is coughing up a lung. Leah's hair is long. When the scene shows her with her friend there with the girlses, suddenly her hair is short. Editing monkeys playing around with the timeline.


Good catch. I noticed her hair looked about 1-2 months grown out between the restaurant scene and the meeting with her lawyer and was trying to figure out why that was looped in that way! Poor kid probably suffers from some malnutrition and constant inhaling of open containers of nail polish based on the fact that it's on every living being in the house and surface. Nothing little kids or a sick kid like Ali needs more than formaldehyde and toluene all over the place!


Regarding Nathan siding with Barb, I think he had a two-part motive. The first was to screw with Jenelle's head, as mentioned above. It's a lot easier to control someone that way. The second is because he really doesn't want Jace there and never figured Jenelle would actually file papers. The whole "your son, not my problem" remark showed he has zero interest in being a father figure to Jace (thank God).


He also sounds like someone possibly planning to get out of the relationship, or who's already banging someone else as suddenly he's all about slowing everything down. There's no doubt he's never had any real intention of helping to create a healthy home for Jace since he sabotages everything involving the pursuit, right down to actually getting to the lawyer's office. Sure, he went eventually, but he knew he'd gained control of Jenelle by the time they finally left, so he was satisfied. What happens to Roll in all of this? There's no Barb in his life as far as we know, well, other than Barb... if life with Jenelle alone seems terrifying, imagine being the Roll both Nathan and Jenelle want to get their hands on. Yikes.

  • Love 6

I have to start out by saying I'm not the "cool wife," so I wouldn't be pleased of my husband went away for almost a week on vacation. Our kids are little, too, so it's a lot of work doing it all. He actually has a friend who's having an out of state bachelor party coming up and that got a huge hell no from me; I'm sure we'll be arguing about it again here soon as the date approaches lol. I just think it's weird that a parent would leave very little kids and husband for a solo vacation (not work or family emergency or something).

I think Javi can be controlling, but I think the crux of their issues are different expectations. Kail seems to want this fancy-free life along with being a parent, while Javi seems more family oriented. She harps on how much friend time (sans Javi) she desires, while he wants more family/couple time. Though it seems like part of it is just that she doesn't want to be around him. Maybe if she liked him more, she'd like more family time, and more couple time as opposed to individual friend time. I get needing a break, of course, but why not together? And why so often and for so long? I love hanging out with my husband; we look forward to our (rare) date nights. He gets guys night once in a while, but not as a weekly thing or whatever. I don't think time apart is necessary so regularly when your kids are young.

I have to say, Nathan was a voice of reason. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to him not liking the idea of them never having a weekend away from Jace.

Edited by Harperlee1
  • Love 8

I posted the info on the last episode thread. Someone else originally posted the link on the Jenelle thread. She and Nathan broke up and she decided she is "too busy" and needs to focus on herself. She is no longer seeking custody.


Nathan was a voice of reason. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to him not liking the idea of them never having a weekend away from Jace

Or, he finally heard back from MTV's human resources department and found out that having Jace doesn't mean more money for the Nips-Jen household.

  • Love 8

Jenelle is not seeking custody anymore. She is "working on a solution" aka meaning she will see Jace whenever the fuck she feels like it (hardly) and as long as Barb allows it:




Jenelle was never planning on going to the hearing, apparently:



Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Adumb-what's up with wearing sunglasses in the house? He looked ridiculous sitting there on the couch with his shades on. Crazy editing too. One second, he was wearing them then in the next second, they were pushed up on his face. And the way he used Aubree to manipulate Taylor was awful.

I get that Corey is beyond pissed at Leah but citing a laundry list of all her recent misdeeds is not going to make her give him what he wants. All it will do is make her more defensive and more determined to keep the girlses. Which is exactly what happened. The old saying you get more flies with honey rather than vinegar applies here. Maybe if he'd approach it from the angle of "I know it's so hard for you to manage school drop offs/pickups, getting Ali to therapy and whatever else, so let me help you with that." Offer to assist rather than attack. But then again it's Leah we're dealing with here, so she don't make no sense most of the time either. The scene with her lawyer was so obviously scripted. And what was that big red slash on Adderall's face in the scene where she was in her car seat while Leah and her friend were driving to see the lawyer. Nail polish? Lipstick? Revenge from the cat?

Hey how about that-Nips finally said something that made sense. First time ever. I almost fell off my chair! And the way Jenelle speaks to Barb. I have two grown daughters and if I heard "Dude, F you" from either one of them, they wouldn't hear from me for months, maybe even longer.

Kail-lousy friend, lousy wife and lousy driver. A Mercedes with no Bluetooth -really?

  • Love 5

I posted the info on the last episode thread. Someone else originally posted the link on the Jenelle thread. She and Nathan broke up and she decided she is "too busy" and needs to focus on herself. She is no longer seeking custody.

Or, he finally heard back from MTV's human resources department and found out that having Jace doesn't mean more money for the Nips-Jen household.

Thanks Kazu. I probably read it 10 times and just forgot. Getting old sucks.

Wow, what a packed episode. Don't even know where to begin.

Double Chins - is extremely selfish. As said above, as a parent with 6 month old twins, in full time grad school and working full time, I would love to get a weeklong vacation. But if I did, I would be going with my husband, who also deserves a break. And if not, then I would appreciate the heck out of him for watching the twins while I got to jet set. Kail does not work, and even though she is in 'school', I've never seen her study or worry about papers or exams. Maybe school is another excuse to ditch Javi, and she can just go to 'class' and pretend she is as free as a bird. She wants to party and act like a college kid with no responsibilities. Should have thought about that Chins before you got knocked up for the 2nd time. I know pple get on Javi for being a famewhore, but Kail is a horrible person to deal with. She is an unhappy person, who lives to make others around her miserable too. and since Joe doesn't take her shit anymore, she dumps it on Javi. Javi, as needy as he is seems to really care about Kail and the sad state of their marriage. Chinz however, is ready to throw in the towel. She made everyone miserable on the CA trip because she was getting texts from her HUSBAND? Wow, what a selfish, narcissistic asshat. I'm glad her friend called her out about it. Guess she won't be invited to anymore family trips with Sterling. And no, she of course did not buy a gift for Javi's sister...that would require some empathy, appreciation, and gratitude, something that Chins is in short supply of.

Adumb - was on the campaign trail. He knew his court date was coming up and he was trying to spin himself on camera. He is a manipulative sociopath, and even his daughter is not above his scheming and manipulation so. Notice when he took out that ratty comb to Aubree's locks and subtly accused Chelsea of not bathing her? Then the phone calls asking for a visit with Paisley...gimme a break! I hope Hayley gets her day in court. And he seems to always have a creepy friend waiting in the wings for him to spill his "I'm a devoted father" spiel. Was little Aubrey even in a car seat in the friends truck?

Corey & Miranda - I heard they aren't on the show next season. Don't get defeated Corey. Fight for your girls. They deserve to have loving, attentive parents. No matter what the lawyer says, he has the perfect schedule to be a full time parent. And with Miranda pitching in, they seem to be a good team. I wished they were in next season so we could continue to see the loving care, structure, and attention the girlies get at their house.

Leah is so distracted and spazzed out---"have trouble hearing the alarm?" Come on! And ITA that she could have called Miranda to take Ali to PT, but she lacks any forethought whatsoever. Leah is so focused on minutiae that the big stuff slips her by. Giving the girls to Corey for half the week might actually help her become a better mom, since she can sleep in on those days, only has to take care of Adderall, and maybe she can take some parenting classes. Cos she is a hot mess. Looks like Germy is serving papers next week. He moved on quick too.

Last but not least, Janelle. I don't even have anything to add, you have said it all. Poor Jace. It's so sad that there are so ma y women who are infertile and want children, yet this cabbage patch face girl pops them out like candy and doesn't give them any priority whatsoever. For all Barbs faults, she is trying her best to provide a stable home for Jace. That is infinitely more than what his mom does as she chases her next pair of pecs.

  • Love 13

It is believed MTV was not around when that fight went down where Jenelle wished death upon Nathan's brother. The footage that ended up on the internet, and linked here, was footage caught on Nathan's sister-in-law's cell phone.

Mm, that's a good point. I guess that I just thought that MTV might feel compelled to say something because the internet backlash after that video surfaced was massive, maybe walk Jenelle through some phony statement of support for the troops or whatnot . Looks like they decided to ignore it.

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