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After Paradise

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Juelia, now she says she didn't care if Samantha liked Joe, she was just warning her. Bullcrap, if you didn't care about Joe why did you cry about him to everyone and then try to confront him a half dozen times? Then she plays the I took time away from my child card. BYE FELICIA. Please don't cast this boring, plain looking, simple minded person again.

  • Love 8

I think the show would be more entertaining with former cast members like Michelle Money. I don't understand why Jason Biggs or his wife are on this show. Thy were never involved with the show before.

I agree 100%. Michelle was made for that job. The. The "celeb couch" could be some of the better former contestants. And the best part is that fan faves who have settled down and left the circuit could still participate.

  • Love 6

That poor Juelia. There is nothing going on up,there. At least that director guy called her out on ignoring the other guys trying to warn her. But I wish she'd have been called out for lying to Samatha. She told her Joe asked her out immediately. Um...did not!

JJ was trying too hard to be funny. So weird, one minute I think he's ok, the next, total dislike. 0 to 60!

Jason Biggs can leave now. Nothing said of substance.

  • Love 4

Am I the only one who didn't care for Michelle Money, another single mom who went on this show umpteeen times


Nope, you're not. I would rather watch the whole Biggs family every week rather than one minute of her. I just cannot stand that woman!


Juelia is delusional, but I was also shocked at how cold Sam was towards her and now she's just plain lying all over the place. She deserves to be called out for insulting our intelligence.

  • Love 2

This show is so ridiculous, yet I can't stop watching. ugh

When CH excitedly announced that the next Bachelor would be revealed in person on next week's episode, and also said Joe would be a guest, did anyone think even for a split second it could be one and the same? hahaha, that would likely make it truly the Most. Dramatic. Season. of TB. Ever!

  • Love 2

What's Hot tub Jillian up to? I think she may be good at this. I can only dream of Kelsy Poe. Nothing boring about that fruit loop.


Harris? She is doing really well. She co-hosts Love It or List It Vancouver, has a ton of endorsement deals, a lifestyle site that is doing really well, among other things. She wouldn't touch this with a 100 foot pole.

  • Love 3

I'm another one who can't stand Michelle Money. Didn't know why she got so popular with BN...I was "meh" about her and Cody...but I really saw her as unlikable during the audience comment on ...Kaitlyn's? Chris's?  season.  I've forgotten what she said (fortunately) but it was crass and rude and, of course, live so they couldn't edit her. I don't like her or find her this fountain of wisdom like CH apparently does.


Speaking of CH, he's adapting well to the fakely-nice-while-setting-you-up talk show host gig.  He may even take Andy Cohen's award away since he also doesn't ask vulgar questions or play crude games, adding a nice, if completely fake, touch of (what passes for) class (compared to WWHL at least).


Over next week? Yay! Joe is the special guest? Boo! But I'll be watching, hating it, but watching. :(

Edited by Padma
  • Love 1

Oh, one thing about Joe that I -did- enjoy was when the woman in charge of the People magazine shoot called in.  Because we never know what's real, what's editing, etc.--and I'm disliking Joe enough to hope that everything we've seen is real and he's as much a jackass as he seems--I liked hearing her impressions during the photo shoot.


When she said she was so frustrated by him during the shoot because of the cold dead way he responded to her, regardless of what she asked him to do, it was just like the way he was on the date with Kaitlyn and how he's been with juelia. She didn't understand why Samantha was all over him--why he was supposedly popular--and she was so relieved to watch the show and see that, yes, he really IS a creep.


Like her, I found something reassuring in that, too. I hope when he comes on next week, Chris doesn't read a bunch of tweets about how poor Joe has been bullied and we all should be nice to him now.

  • Love 4

I went to bed last night thinking about the Single Mother thing and how that's all someone has to be to cause the whole world to walk on eggs around them. I know it can be a really hard situation for many women, I was there myself at one time, but then some SMs are divorced with huge alimony payments and a live-in nanny. We just don't know.

Everyone on the after show last night was in agreement that Juelia should have been treated better, with different rules, than the other women. I swear if they have to have a mother on every season of this show I may have to give up my favorite guilty pleasure, because it's making me crazy hearing someone repeatedly announce, "I left my child to be here!" as though they were military people sacrificing to serve the country and not airheads who voluntarily left their kid to be on the tee-vee.

  • Love 21

I also liked the caller who asked Joe why he, an able-bodied man, hadn't worked in three years.


I think his answer, "Dealing with my divorce and raising my daughter" confirmed what others here guessed -- that he quit work so he didn't have to pay alimony and child support. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if HE was collecting them while the woman he had cheated on is now working to support him as well as their child. Maybe he's also collecting federal assistance, in addition to living with his mother and enjoying her cooking.  ( Wouldn't surprise me if his mother is also working to help support him and his granddaughter.)  What a catch!

  • Love 2

There is absolutely no way to know what the real circumstances are with JJ & his marriage.  The knee-jerk response is that he's a deadbeat that's taking advantage of everybody else. 

His background is in finance - maybe he socked away a huge amount of cash that he's living on while he decides what's best for his daughter and himself.  And living with his parents so they can spend time with their granddaughter could be their choice as well.  Maybe the mother was barely in the picture at all.  He did get custody of the kid, so the mom may be a nightmare.  Maybe they were only married a few months and she was cheating first, so he cheated.  Maybe they were still legally married but separated when they found out she was pregnant.....


There are numerable possibilities ranging from it all being his fault, to who knows what.  But he is not airing his personal life in any more detail and not throwing the mother of his daughter under the bus, so I give him points for that.  He told Kaitlyn about the cheating last season, but only HIS part of it.   


Just throwing out possibilities here, as I'm trying not to assume anything.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 19

I also liked the caller who asked Joe why he, an able-bodied man, hadn't worked in three years.


I think his answer, "Dealing with my divorce and raising my daughter" confirmed what others here guessed -- that he quit work so he didn't have to pay alimony and child support. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if HE was collecting them while the woman he had cheated on is now working to support him as well as their child. Maybe he's also collecting federal assistance, in addition to living with his mother and enjoying her cooking.  ( Wouldn't surprise me if his mother is also working to help support him and his granddaughter.)  What a catch!

Someone has to raise the child.    Often, in a divorce, the dad works and pays child support to a stay-at-home mom.   Why can't a dad raise a child and the mom work?  I don't know his situation, but kudos to him if he is really the primary caretaker for his child.  


though I have to admit, I thought he was a jerk on Kaitlyn's season, I'm surprised as hell to find myself defending him and I actually like his twisted sense of humor.   He seems like the kind of guy who comes across abrasive and mean, until you get to know him.   Some of his comments to Jason Biggs were pretty funny. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8



Am I the only one who didn't care for Michelle Money, another single mom who went on this show umpteeen times


Nope, you're not. I would rather watch the whole Biggs family every week rather than one minute of her. I just cannot stand that woman!



I could never stand Michelle Money. Pretty much anything good anyone has to say about her, I believe the complete opposite, particularly the idea that she is funny. I would sooner laugh at Jason Biggs peeing on Chelsea Handler than at anything Michelle Money has to say. And Biggs urinating on Chelsea Handler basically sealed the idea with me that Biggs is nothing but a piece of human garbage. That's how much I can't stand Michelle Money.

Edited by reggiejax
  • Love 2

Ok, this is pretty hilarious.  Reality Steve re-tweeted this from Michelle Money last night.....


RealitySteve ‏@RealitySteve  16h16 hours ago
RealitySteve retweeted Michelle Money
Jenny Mollen just called Michelle Money "my good friend." Apparently she didn't see this tweet from Michelle:


RealitySteve added,
Michelle Money @MoneyMichelle
Not to be rude but who is this co-host and why are we listening to her opinion? I'm confused. Retweet if you are too. #AfterParadise
28 retweets 179 favorites
Reply Retweet  28 Favorite  179

  • Love 5

Padma beat me to it, but I couldn't help but think JJ is avoiding paying alimony or a settlement to his wife, or his ex, whichever she is. To quit work to "deal with my divorce" ... what? I can see quitting work to be a stay-at-home dad, but to deal with a divorce? What does that even mean? 


And for all we know, the daughter is from the woman he had the affair with, not his wife. Or from a previous marriage or relationship.


Sorry, don't like the guy.


HATED the pie guy who thought this show was all about him. I agree, get people from Bachelor Nation on this show, not random friends of Fleiss or Harrison.

  • Love 5

Jason Biggs is famous for being in a series of movies years ago in which he has sex with a pie.  That's about the level of his 'fame'.  Not impressed with him or his wife.



And IIRC, Jenny the co-host once infamously purchased a prostitute for Jason as a birthday present and it was discussed on the View. Sure hope he doesn't come back...definitely not impressed either.  Both him and his wife try way too hard.  At least JJ provided a few laughs. 

Edited by Palomar
  • Love 7
Jason Biggs is famous for being in a series of movies years ago


He had a spin on Orange is the New Black too. His twitter commentary on Bachelor/Bachelorette is usually scathing and nasty--I thought he was pretty nice on this show. He could've eviscerated JJ over the pie comment but didn't take himself too seriously. I actually found myself enjoying him and his Molly coconut.


When Michelle Money called she didn't really say anything though, just kinda babbled and Chris cut her off.


Didn't JJ say on the first night of Bach that he was like a millionaire or something? I feel like I remember him saying he didn't have to work anymore. Or maybe he just meant he didn't have to work bc his parents foot the bill. I feel like people can get through divorces and raise children and still work a little right??

Edited by Kbilly

There is absolutely no way to know what the real circumstances are with JJ & his marriage.  The knee-jerk response is that he's a deadbeat that's taking advantage of everybody else. 

His background is in finance - maybe he socked away a huge amount of cash that he's living on while he decides what's best for his daughter and himself.  And living with his parents so they can spend time with their granddaughter could be their choice as well.  Maybe the mother was barely in the picture at all.  He did get custody of the kid, so the mom may be a nightmare.  Maybe they were only married a few months and she was cheating first, so he cheated.  Maybe they were still legally married but separated when they found out she was pregnant.....


There are numerable possibilities ranging from it all being his fault, to who knows what.  But he is not airing his personal life in any more detail and not throwing the mother of his daughter under the bus, so I give him points for that.  He told Kaitlyn about the cheating last season, but only HIS part of it.   


Just throwing out possibilities here, as I'm trying not to assume anything.  

Well, except that he didn't say any of that when he had the chance. His explanation was "my daughter and my divorce (for three years)."  Nothing about money--and he's got enough ego you know he'd say it if he could (unless, of course, he's found an under-the-table source of income, tax free, that he doesn't want to divulge.) And, yes, it seems fishy to me.  Then again, while I appreciate the snark he brings, I had to agree with whoever it was on this show who said he can go from "likable to douchebag and back" in seconds.  My guess is that he mainly inhabits the latter, although I don't know him either.


Also, do we know that he has sole custody? I've never heard that before. 


ETA: re: Saber5055.  That's a good point. He didn't say, "I'm not in the work place because I'm a stay-at-home father and I want to take care of my daughter" which I agree, could be perfectly commendable. He said, "I'm dealing with my divorce" which to me sounds like, "I don't want to pay my ex-wife alimony".  Just a guess, of course. But as sleazy as Juan Pablo was, he really DID come across as someone who shared parenting and really put a lot of effort into raising his daughter. JJ hasn't seemed the same to me.  At all.


On a different note, sentimental fool that I am, I did like that JJ said he and Clint are best friends again. I think Clint was so invested in JJ emotionally (no idea why) and the friendship they had (including some of the grosser aspects) was certainly unusual. So I'm happy for them that it survived the show, with all its bad PR (including Kaitlyn's comments--but no bullying her, remember!)

Edited by Padma
  • Love 3

In my experience, it's rare for a judge to give sole custody of a toddler girl to the father.  And JJ did say that both of them lived with his parents. 


Honestly, it's none of my business, so I'm not going to speculate any further. 


Though I absolutely agree that Jason Biggs is as disgusting as his wife.  Now they have a kid I feel sorry for. 

  • Love 3

To JJ's credit, he has a sense of humor about his situation, and he is pretty honest about it.  I don't know what his relationship is with his daughter, but I know that daughters benefit from a strong relationship with their dads.  We don't know anything about his mother....it would be nice to think that she enjoys being around her granddaughter and this is why JJ is free to vacation on Paradise Island (no kudos to him for doing that).  I imagine Juelie has a similar arrangement for her daughter, so I'm a little tired for her getting dinged for leaving her daughter when JJ gets less flack about leaving his. 

The difference for me, is that Juelia's husband, the father of the child, died - worse, he killed himself.   The child has already lost one parent, and the remaining parent is gone for a few weeks.  That messes with a kid's sense of security. Regardless of who is taking care of her while Juelia is away, she lost a parent already, she's 2 years old, she still needs her mom.  And Juelia is pretty clear that she's on the show looking for a replacement father for her daughter. 


JJ's daughter has a mom, we don't know if she's in the picture, and a grandparent she lives with.   JJ seems to be treating the show with just the right attitude.  He's not looking for a "new mother for his kid", he's having a fun vacation and is meeting some women. 

  • Love 4

To JJ's credit, he has a sense of humor about his situation, and he is pretty honest about it. I don't know what his relationship is with his daughter, but I know that daughters benefit from a strong relationship with their dads. We don't know anything about his mother....it would be nice to think that she enjoys being around her granddaughter and this is why JJ is free to vacation on Paradise Island (no kudos to him for doing that). I imagine Juelie has a similar arrangement for her daughter, so I'm a little tired for her getting dinged for leaving her daughter when JJ gets less flack about leaving his.

For me the difference is she keeps bringing the kid up, how she is missing out on being with her because Joe was killing time until Satan arrived. So if Joe had been sincerely invested she wouldn't miss the kid?
  • Love 8

For me the difference is she keeps bringing the kid up, how she is missing out on being with her because Joe was killing time until Satan arrived. So if Joe had been sincerely invested she wouldn't miss the kid?

Right, DeLurker, that goes along with what I was saying,.  JJ seems to be taking a vacation, and if he meets someone he wants to date, fine. His child has two parents, he's not desperate to find her a "new mom."  


  Juelia is on a "quest"  to find a replacement  husband/stepfather, and was angry that Joe wasted her time.  This show is not a good place to find what she wants.  She would be better off looking at a dating website, taking some classes, getting involved in her community, etc.   Actually, she'd be better off connecting with other single parents in her area, and stop thinking that she needs a man to rescue her. 

  • Love 7

his Molly coconut.



LOL! Thanks for that, Kbilly, you just cracked me up.


Wasn't it on this show that JJ said he gave producers a list of nine women he wanted to meet? Big reveal! So every man (probably just men, knowing how Fleiss works) gave TPTB a list of "prospects" so the show could play the entire group and bring in whomever whenever the drama was going downhill. That explains much, and shows how that man behind the curtain ("Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!") thinks and acts.

  • Love 2

I'm actually a big Jason Biggs fan and love his work. I thought he was great in Loser even though he's better known for banging a pie. What a claim to fame that is. You could tell JJ was just waiting for the right time to get that zing in about Biggs banging a pie. I was looking forward to watching Biggs on this show, but he was just as bad as his wife. That Molly coconut schtick did nothing for me and he didn't really add anything of substance. I think Biggs was supposed to be the funny man on the panel, but I didn't find him funny at all and he only got forced laughs from the panel. However, I thought JJ was much funnier and more entertaining. He's a professional divorcee and a real intellectual.


The producers really screwed the pooch with this aftershow. The premise is fine. But fans of this show want to see past contestants rather than has-been or unknown actors or never-was tweeters co-hosting. I'm not a Michelle Money fan and don't want that to be the solution, but a new co-host every week from a past Bachelor/Bachelorette season would be great. They could get Sharlene one week and Marquel the next and mix it up. It's not like most of the past contestants wouldn't jump at the chance to be on TV again. They're predominantly fame whores on this franchise.


Having Joe on the panel next week should be illuminating. I hope he gives one-word responses the entire time. I can't wait to see who the guest stars will be next week. I wonder if Andy Dick is available.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 3

Padma beat me to it, but I couldn't help but think JJ is avoiding paying alimony or a settlement to his wife, or his ex, whichever she is. To quit work to "deal with my divorce" ... what? I can see quitting work to be a stay-at-home dad, but to deal with a divorce? What does that even mean? 


And for all we know, the daughter is from the woman he had the affair with, not his wife. Or from a previous marriage or relationship.


We do know though. He told Kaitlyn himself, unprompted, that he cheated on his wife 3 years ago and regrets it every day, because it cost him his whole life. I don't pity him, since it's his own fault for being a jerk, but my point is that he owned up to it on national television, took full responsibility and never tried to put blame on anyone else. I just can't coincide that with the speculation that he's trying to spite his ex and dodge responsibility, especially when you only have to look at his IG to know he's got a close and loving relationship with his daughter. You can scroll back like two years and see it's almost all about his daughter, who's adorable by the way: https://instagram.com/jjhlane21/


I think dealing with the divorce simply means dealing with the aftermath of the whole cheating situation. Like I said, it's his fault the marriage ended, but that doesn't mean that it was a walk in the park for him. He said in some podcast he was working really long days as an investment banker and I don't think it's a profession that you can just do a little. If he has enough money to take a break while his daughter is young, then good for him!

  • Love 4

I was really excited when Jennifer Weiner called in. Huff Po does a best Bachelor tweets of the week round up, and they always feature her quips. And when they introduced this Jenny Mollen as a super Tweeter, my immediate thought was that they should have gotten Jennifer Weiner...but even her call was a big letdown. I think this show concept just doesn't work. It's one thing to post snarky comments on the Internet, but it's just cruel to say mean things directly TO the people on the show. And the fact that it's live--none of these people are very quick on their feet and just end up rambling or missing the mark. I mean when you're Tweeting (or posting on PTV), you have the opportunity to edit yourself, so a good Tweeter does not necessarily a good co-host/guest star make.

  • Love 4

We do know though. He told Kaitlyn himself, unprompted, that he cheated on his wife 3 years ago and regrets it every day, because it cost him his whole life. I don't pity him, since it's his own fault for being a jerk, but my point is that he owned up to it on national television, took full responsibility and never tried to put blame on anyone else. I just can't coincide that with the speculation that he's trying to spite his ex and dodge responsibility, especially when you only have to look at his IG to know he's got a close and loving relationship with his daughter. You can scroll back like two years and see it's almost all about his daughter, who's adorable by the way: https://instagram.com/jjhlane21/


I think dealing with the divorce simply means dealing with the aftermath of the whole cheating situation. Like I said, it's his fault the marriage ended, but that doesn't mean that it was a walk in the park for him. He said in some podcast he was working really long days as an investment banker and I don't think it's a profession that you can just do a little. If he has enough money to take a break while his daughter is young, then good for him!

I actually like those of you taking the opposite point of view from mine about JJ, because that's the nicer side. I just haven't seen things to convince me that's all true of him--although it very well may be true. I'm not even persuaded he has sole custody unless he's said that somewhere. I took his comment about living with his mother to mean, "I live with my mother, so when my daughter sees me WE live with my mother." He may have meant something else, but I haven't heard him say it (granted, I seem to tune out or just forget about half of what's going on each week.) And I still do get an "I don't want to pay my ex anything" vibe, although for all I know, maybe they had a house that got liquidated in the divorce and that's what he's living on now.


I don't know, but so far I'm not getting a "dad" vibe from him at all except when he introduces himself to someone new and gets in the "living with my mother and yeah, no job either, what a catch" line. Other than that, he mentions his daughter less than anyone else I remember.


And ITA that this show has improved but really, really needs a rotating cohost from previous seasons (or Kathy Griffin if they must have someone "off show" who's a fan). There are plenty of past contestants whom we'd love to see commenting on all this. That would be so much fun. Whatshername is just so completely forgettable. I guess they want the benefit of her Twitter followers, but... really?

Edited by Padma
  • Love 1

I don't know, but so far I'm not getting a "dad" vibe from him at all except when he introduces himself to someone new and gets in the "living with my mother and yeah, no job either, what a catch" line. Other than that, he mentions his daughter less than anyone else I remember.


I actually like that he doesn't go on about missing his daughter while on a TV show he volunteered to go on. Though maybe he did and it just wasn't shown because it doesn't really go with this villain edit. The show seems to treat single parents as some kind of saints (see: Juelia), so best forget the "villain" has a kid too. But that's precisely why I linked his Instagram account, because like 90% of the pics on it are of his daughter. And it's been like that since the start, way way before he was ever on the show, so it's not just a PR trick either like one might cynically assume. So many of his cast mates comment on his posts about what a great dad he is and he's hung out with them together with his daughter several times. I just don't think you can fault him for his parenting, even if he has a lot of other faults. He seems very involved in her life and she seems very happy.

  • Love 6

Okay, I'm officially over this storyline. I was on Juelia's side in all of this but I'm really over her and really over her repeating the same story over and over again. You went on one date with the guy. You knew him for less than a week. Get the fuck over it already. I'm really tired of her being spoken to and about like she's a martyred saint.

  • Love 6
The show seems to treat single parents as some kind of saints (see: Juelia)


This is true, but I find it hilarious because to me a single parent going on TV to get laid and maybe find a ten minute insignificant other while leaving their small child at home is in no way whatsoever a saint. A saint is someone who would put their own wants and needs second to their child. Clearly the show doesn't feel that way and thinks that Juelia's selfless hunt for a toddler daddy is saintly. (I fear for our youth, who have grown up in a culture where becoming part of Bachelor Nation is actually a life goal. lol)

  • Love 7

I can't believe no one has mentioned JJ's new teeth yet!  On the B/BIP shows, he had little, grey, rat-like teeth.  Now they are big white chompers and he kept sucking on them and talking weird like he isn't used to them yet.  It was quite distracting once I noticed it.


But good on him for fixing himself and trying to look better.  

I looked up Michelle Collins, too. She's the new "View," host and six feet tall. Which is not that huge, so why does she make the men look like little boys when we know they're fairly tall? Good posture vs slouching?

Just saw the Samantha/Jade conversation. I do agree with Samantha that Clare, who I usually like, was judgy and out of line to jump on Samantha.

Oh Chris, yes you were worried about Juelia's happiness over Joe's. I'm really glad to hear a couple of callers who aren't in love with Juelia.

  • Love 4

Michelle's head and limbs look a lot larger than everyone else's on the panel. When they were standing around before the start of the show, I'd have guessed she was in the 6'5 range. eta: She is almost as tall as Ben, it looked like at the end, so I'm not far off.


Look forward to seeing how things pan out for Ben H on TB. I hope he gets better-quality women than the norm for this franchise!

Edited by KR Vermont

I thought it was Nick, too. Bad, misleading bit, Chris! Anyway it's Ben, who should be great, but part of me thought the DRAMA with Nick would have been fun. Nick might actually have slept with every one of the women.

I think Joe could apologize to JooLeeUh six hours a day for the rest of his life and she still wouldn't respond with a gracious acceptance. She would never tire of repeating back to him all the mean things he did. To her. A single mom.

  • Love 18

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