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S06.E04: Not Good Enough

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Yeah I don't consider Leah's Addie a trap baby at all. You want a trap baby, look at Maci's 2nd kid with Taylor. I firmly believe she misrepresented her chances of getting pregnant.

Edited by TonAmi
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I never said Jo was "breaking the law." I said he was irresponsible. Just because he's not a trash bag like Adam, doesn't negate the fact that he's got two children by two different women before he's even 25 years old

I like Jo, but if he's going to have a baby with Vee he really needs to put a ring on it. I agree having multiple baby mamas is tacky, especially at such a young age. Vee isn't Kail. It's ridiculous to think a wildebeest like Kail managed to get a guy to marry her, but Jo hasn't at least proposed to Vee (as far as I know at least).

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I think that the problem with Jo is that he comes off awkwardly on camera. He clearly isn't a "made-for-TV" type personality which can make him look a bit obtuse.  I'm friendly and confident (or at least I like to think so, lol) but put me in front of a camera and I get really awkward.  I tend to come across as stilted, which isn't at all like me in real life.  Either last week or the week before, Jo asked Isaac in the car if he was happy and when Isaac said he was, Jo said that "I'm happy when you are happy" which I have no doubt is true. But it came out really flat on camera which probably puts people off.  Jo isn't on camera nearly as much as the others and IMO he is probably more self-conscious.  Same as when he is talking to Kail, he looks a bit uncomfortable.  I thought that we saw the real Jo when he was having the conversation with Vee and said that he would miss her and then laughed about how he couldn't cope without her. I get the sense that he doesn't like being on camera and he tends not to get a good edit.  Even so, I respect him a lot given that he has been driving for 3 hours most weeks to see his son and now is picking up and moving to be closer to him.  It would have been easy for him to just say "Every other weekend will do" but he didn't (correct me if I am wrong) but I thought that he had Isaac for 12 nights a month.  I think that Jo is a good father and Kail is making it unnecessarily hard for him to see his son.  

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I can see Jo being reserved on camera because he knows he's going to be in an 18 year court battle with Kail over custody and visitation. I think he's very careful not to give her any ammo which is why he comes off as flat, especially when Kail tries to goad him into fights.

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I'm not saying Leah is blameless, and again there is A LOT we don't see, but I suffer from anxiety and depression, and my husband is my biggest supporter. When I went into a deep depression last year, he was there for me in every way. I'm a stay at home mom, and he works hard. If I had had a Jeremy who knows where I or my daughter would be today. 



The problem is that leah is not honest.  I would bet you were honest about your medical issues and your husband was able to help you.  Leah is in complete denial that she has any type of problem.  How can anyone help her if they don't know there is a problem?  All Jeremy sees is a lazy, lousy mother who can't be bothered doing a good job. 

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Agreed.  I like that he basically told Vee, "This is the deal.  I'm moving to Delaware to be closer to my son. You can come or you can stay.  I hope you will come because I will miss you, but either way I'm going to Delaware."  I like that.  It was a very mature and shows that he prioritizes Isaac.  I don't think Jo was always a favorite--especially on 16 & P and in earlier seasons of TM2, but he's really growing into a wonderful father.

I would agree with this more if he had not impregnated Vee.  He needs to be a wonderful father to the child he's having with Vee as well. 

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I would agree with this more if he had not impregnated Vee.  He needs to be a wonderful father to the child he's having with Vee as well. 

I don't see that he won't be. So far, he has done a great job with the child he has with Hulk.

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I don't see that he won't be. So far, he has done a great job with the child he has with Hulk.

My comment was more aimed at the idea that because Jo is moving to Delaware that makes him an amazing father because it shows he does not want to be far away from his kid. If Vee stays put, he will essentially have the same long commute to see that child as well so it just seems odd to me.


I have yet to watch the show that was just on: have they announced that Vee is pregnant yet? 

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I was confused on the timing of the filming. She made it pretty clear (at least in what they showed) that she wasn't up for the long distance thing, so either she was moving with him or they were breaking up. Then she said she was moving with him, but I don't think they said she was pregnant yet.


I know in real time Kail also moved, so I'm curious when that happened related to Jo's move.

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Vee has been on Jo's case about her getting pregnant for a couple years now. Either he finally gave in or she "accidentally" conceived.

Couple of years? They broke up briefly in 2014. I am pretty sure the first time she talked about having a baby was last season. That is hardly a couple of years.



I know in real time Kail also moved, so I'm curious when that happened related to Jo's move.


Is this why Kail moved? I know she put out there that it had to do with so-called fans stalking her. But, it makes more sense that she moved because of Jo. Anyone know?

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Is this why Kail moved? I know she put out there that it had to do with so-called fans stalking her. But, it makes more sense that she moved because of Jo. Anyone know?


I don't know her in real life so I don't know really, but her move because of the so-called stalker fans seemed to be fairly close to the time of Jo's move. That's why I was wondering about the timing.

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Also, I guess this is a general comment so I'm not sure where it goes, but I don't get the whole "Javi and Kail should get divorced!" and "Jo and Vee need to get married before the baby" thoughts. Either marriage means something or it doesn't. Divorce means something or it doesn't. I'm not even talking religion, just in general. If you (general you) are going to throw divorce around like it's meaningless, shouldn't marriage be equally meaningless?


Which by the way depresses the heck out of me because I think marriage DOES mean something, I think it means a lot.

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Couple of years? They broke up briefly in 2014. I am pretty sure the first time she talked about having a baby was last season. That is hardly a couple of years.

If I remember correctly they broke up for a while because Vee wanted to start family?

Also I think Jo actually waiting for a while to have another child is unusual as I believe in Hispanic culture people tend to marry and have kids much younger. It's not unusual in many cultures, heck I'm from former Czechoslovakia and when I got married at 22 I was one of the last girls from my class, all the other girls had already couple kids under the belt. My younger sister was a teen mom as my nephew was born just few weeks after her 18th birthday, I on the other hand decided when I was only 16 that I never wanted to have children and I never regretted my decision. Back then it was considered wery odd decision because pretty much only women who weren't married or couldn't have children were childless. Although that was 22 years ago and it's changing there as well. People now have opportunities to see the world and try to better themself unlike before Velvet revolution when getting married right after high school was a norm. I divorced 3 years later and to this day I thank my ex for cheating on me as after that I started to learn English and decided that I needed to change the scenery for a while. I went to an agency and tried to come to America as an au-pair under student cultural exchange program. And here I met my current boyfriend. We have been together almost 18 years and he is the best thing that ever happened to me (besides winning green card in lottery while being here for my year as an au-pair).

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I for one do not believe that people should marry because a female is pregnant. People should marry because they love each other, they are prepared to be married, and have financial security.

NikSac, Kail tosses around the D word with such ease. She clearly wasn't ready to be married. I never mentioned Jo should marry Vee.

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Leah (TM1) has Gary and Kristina's daughter, Bentley has Jayde, and Carly and Nova are biological sisters. Lincoln will have half sibs on both sides, Jace has Kaiser, Aubree has Paisley (but luckily only Paisley, since Adam got a vasectomy and hopefully if Chelsea provides a sibling, she waits a long time), and Leah's twins have Addy (and probably another one coming soon).

Ugh, when you put those both together it sounds like Chevy Nova. Can't believe I hadn't noticed that before.

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Just my opinion but I can't believe how easily these girls (and guys) have kids. And this show is supposedly teaching teenagers the hardships of having a child at a young age but that message isn't even reaching the people ON the show. Leah already had twins, one with a disability and was what six months post divorce and decides to lock down the next guy by attempting to have baby #3. Obviously having kids with Cory (which I realize was a dumb accident) didn't guarantee that marriage lasted forever so why would she think having a child with Jeremy was a good idea. He had this oilfield job before he met Leah and she was anamoured of his paychecks but if she had dated him for more than 2 weeks (being sarcastic I know it was a few months) she would have realized he's never around and caring for a 3rd child would fall on her shoulders. Even after she left Jeremy (after the miscarriage) and threw herself at Cory (therefore deciding she didn't want to be with Jeremy) she goes back to Jeremy and gets pregnant AGAIN.  I believe the reason we see Jeremy so angry and unwilling to help with anything this season is because he'd already found out about her and Robbie and was pretty much done with his marriage. Add to that your cheating wife is using drugs, spending all your money as fast as you make it, and has the nerve to complain you are never around ( when you are working!!) I would be pretty done with Leah too. On another note one of the reasons I think Leah is a terrible mother is that she puts men ahead of her kids (much like Janelle). Instead of focusing on her twins after her divorce she immediately got pregnant and added a third child to her household. And now after her divorce with Jeremy she is shacking up with some guy she barely knows and the girls are all living with their new "daddy". Not at all healthy for those poor kids.


Kail imo got pregnant with Lincoln because she wanted marriage and Javi's benefits.  She knew having a child would ensure child support. She doesn't seem very interested in making sure her kids have a stable home that she never had. She's ready to divorce Javi the second someone more interesting comes along. He's just the breadwinner and glorified babysitter and driver when she needs Issac transported to Jo's.


Janelle didn't even want her first kid. She was free to do what she pleased with no responsibilities. Not sure why they had Kaiser except that she wanted to remain relevant to the show.


Not sure, but I think Vee probably got pregnant to ensure her place in Jo's life when he started talking about moving to DE. She wanted to be on an equal playing field with Kail. 

No clue why anyone would want to procreate with Adam after seeing the way he treats Chelsea and Aubrey but Taylor isn't too bright. Not sure why Adam would have another child after refusing to pay support for the first one.

And the mess that is TM1 (with the exception of Farrah) all horrible decisions IMO

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No clue why anyone would want to procreate with Adam after seeing the way he treats Chelsea and Aubrey but Taylor isn't too bright. Not sure why Adam would have another child after refusing to pay support for the first one.


Why does any guy keep racking up baby mamas when he's already in over his head with the previous one(s)?

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Why does any guy keep racking up baby mamas when he's already in over his head with the previous one(s)?


I think it was reported that Adam had a vasectomy. So, cheers for his first smart move of his adult life (or possibly his first smart move ever).


I don't think that we have actually heard on TM2 that Vee is pregnant.  Given the stuffed up timelines, it may have been the case that Vee wasn't pregnant when Jo made the decision.  


I was also assuming Vee was not pregnant during the last two episodes when Jo discussed moving.

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I wonder how much of Jo's dickish behavior during 16&Pregnant and earlier seasons of Teen Mom could be attributed to having to dealing with Kail and her wonderful personality day in and day out.


I'm sure that factored into it, but I also just think Jo was really immature and self-centered back then. Most teen/young dads are. Girls, by nature, just have to mature faster than the boys do. And some never do, as these shows prove. But I think Jo was raised by good parents, who didn't just enable him and constantly make excuses (*cough*Lindfamily*cough), so it took some time but he grew up  and is now a great father. 

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I still maintain Leah conceived under pressure from Jeremy. I'd consider her more of a "band-aid baby" than a "trap baby". As for Kail, I think she actually wanted a baby more than she wanted a husband. I think part of the reason she wanted to get married (besides the benefits, the paycheck, and what she considered to be a live in babysitter) was that she wanted another baby that was not illegitimate (I don't really like using that word, but I don't know what else to use. I think Kail was very sensitive about having a kid while unmarried).

I would actually say that Addy was a trap baby, but from Jeremy's end. It was his way of keeping Leah as his own, and having equal status with Corey. Leah went along with it because babieses=loveses, and if all else fails (which it has), it entitles her to another child support check, from a guy who makes good money.

For Kail, Lincoln did serve to trap Javi, but aslo Isaac, in a way. During one of her many tantrums about why her home was better than Jo's, she said that her house, Isaac had a whole family (mom, stepdad, half brother and step extended family) as opposed to Jo's where it was "just him" (and his girlfriend, and his entire family). She actually said that she hoped Isaac having a brother would make him prefer to be with them instead of Jo. Vee having a baby that will be JUST AS related to Isaac as Lincoln is has to feel like such a threat to Kail. I think it was within a day of Jo and Vee announcing that they were having a girl, Kail posted a video of Isaac saying he wanted a baby brother. Anything to "downgrade" Jo and Vee, as Leah would say.

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If I remember correctly they broke up for a while because Vee wanted to start family?

Also I think Jo actually waiting for a while to have another child is unusual as I believe in Hispanic culture people tend to marry and have kids much younger.

No, they broke up because Jo said he wanted his space. This was mentioned by the both of them on the reunion show the last time. They even had separate hotel rooms.


Jo is Latino, not Hispanic. He is Puerto Rican. Latino refers to geography. Specifically, to Latin America, to people from the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic), South America (Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, etc.) and Central America (Honduras, Costa Rica, etc.)


The Hispanic culture (of which I am a part of) is not about having kids at a young age. In fact, getting an education or a job/career, getting married, and then having babies, is the norm, as I believe it is for every group of people.




I wonder how much of Jo's dickish behavior during 16&Pregnant and earlier seasons of Teen Mom could be attributed to having to dealing with Kail and her wonderful personality day in and day out.

I'd be a major dick too if I had to wake up every morning and wonder what shit Kail was going to pull on my ass that day all the while being an ungrateful sow to my family and using my younger brother to watch our child while she goes around town seeking another dick to fulfill her needs and wants.

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I'd be a major dick too if I had to wake up every morning and wonder what shit Kail was going to pull on my ass that day all the while being an ungrateful sow to my family and using my younger brother to watch our child while she goes around town seeking another dick to fulfill her needs and wants.

Yet he was fine dating her and having unprotected sex with her. He got butthurt when she didn't want to be with him anymore. His brother (older, I think) is still Isaac's uncle, why shouldn't she have asked him to continue watching him, as he had been? Surely Jo and Kailyn being broken up doesn't change Junior's love for Isaac? Plus having a family member watching is better for Isaac?! I was impressed that Junior wasn't a vindictive ass and didn't say he wouldn't watch Isaac anymore. Jo was a miserable asshole to Kail just as much as she was to him back then, IMO. He picked her, she picked him to have this kid. No excuse.

Edited by Rebecca
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It wasn't just that Kail didn't want to be with Jo anymore. I think he had previously broken up with her at that point, but they had gotten back together. Then they broke up again and she was living there, but sneaking off to date another guy. In fact, she was having JO drop her off for their meet-ups. Kail handled that entire situation with the Riveras in a very very tacky manner. 

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ghoulina, I was just going to post the same exact thing.



His brother (older, I think) is still Isaac's uncle, why shouldn't she have asked him to continue watching him, as he had been? Surely Jo and Kailyn being broken up doesn't change Junior's love for Isaac?

This is quite simple. Jo's brother was unaware of what Kail was doing. Had his brother known he was being used by Kail to watch Isaac so she could go out and do extra-curricular activities (not going to school or not going to the library to study), he would have put a stop to it. Jo mentioned this long ago.  It is one thing to babysit for one's relative like a niece or grandchild, it is another to dump one's child on a family member, lie about where you are going, and then treat that same family with so much disrespect, all the while living there rent free. Free babysitting and free rent? Kail had it made and she took advantage of the Rivera family.


Well of course Jo picked Kail and vice-versa. If Kail had shown her true colors right off the bat, she wouldn't have ever had any guys in her life. When manipulative, abusive people date, they don't wave a big, giant flag that reads "Hey, I am an asshole and an abuser, watch out!" That happens over time. Kail has shown what she really is, and the same thing that happened with Jo and his family, is happening to Javi. Jo and Javi did right by trying to make the relationship work because of the children involved. Jo relieved himself of Kail because of her intolerable behavior. If the tables were turned and it was Kail being treated by a guy the way she treats the guys in her life, I don't believe anyone would blame her for leaving the situation.


Watching how she treats Javi, it is no stretch to figure out how she treated Jo when they were together. My God, Kail is so damn exhausting with all her insecurities, controlling attitude, and her anger problem. Kail has remained the same mentally stunted, immature, tacky girl that she has always been since the day she appeared on MTV.



He picked her, she picked him to have this kid. No excuse.

That's right. This is why Kail should stop playing Carmen Sandiego with Jo and trying to move around the world to try and keep Jo away from Isaac. She chose him to impregnate her. She chose not to use birth control. She chose not to abort or give up Isaac to the Riveras or adopt out. She kept her child and that child has a father. Not only is she affecting Jo's relationship with Isaac but, she is mentally screwing with that child's mind with her devious games.

Edited by SPLAIN
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When Adam was with his scary looking friend at the gym (well, Adam is pretty scary looking, too), he once again claimed to his friend that he had no idea why Chelsea and Taylor want his visits to happen in a totally supervised setting. I guess he forgets this entire thing is on film and it's because his parents aren't holding up their end of the bargain. Which brings me to the trip to the skating rink and the time before they left. Aubree was at his house, not his parent's home. Are we supposed to believe his parents were lurking in the background at his house and crouched down behind the seat of his friend's ridiculous truck? And, that they were lurking in the background at the skating rink? The footage he's provided sure will help Chelsea and Taylor in court. 

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My thought on Kail has always been that she wanted instant family.  I have no idea if she planned Issac, but both times she chose men with families who were very involved.  I can't say what Jordan's family was like and if he did not have a family like Javi and Jo if that played a role in why they did not work out.  Lincoln was very much a way to cement this new family.  I always liked the Riveras and thought they treated her well and respectfully as the mother of Issac and never cared for how she treated them.  She is treating Javi much the same way.  She wants him or his family to provide financial support and childcare while she goes off and has fun.


Someone earlier mentioned Leah and Mama Dawn.  I too get the idea that Leah is the favored sister and the heavier sister who seems smarter than Leah has been the one who has done more of the heavy work.  Didn't this sister have Leah's kids while she was in rehab or at some point?  


Leah should never have married Cory because she never loved him.  At no point in her 16 &P or TM2 career has she acted like she really loved him.  She needed his attention, but she never acted attracted to him.  She also should not have slept with him in the first place for that reason.  I always got the idea that Cory married her to do the right thing and he did have a fondness for her.

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What is Isaac's last name? If he shares his last name with Jo I wonder if it will eat her up that Jo's new baby will have the same last name as Isaac while Lincoln has a different one.

Oh! Good one! I don't know for sure, but I'd say that Isaac's last name is Rivera. 

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What is Isaac's last name? If he shares his last name with Jo I wonder if it will eat her up that Jo's new baby will have the same last name as Isaac while Lincoln has a different one.

I'm like 98% sure he's Isaac Elliott Rivera. Bentley, Leah, Isaac and the girlses have their father's names. Sophia has Farrah's, Jace has Jenelle's and Aubree might have Chelsea's. I'm not really sure, this came out awhile ago: http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainment/174149/Adam_Lind_Accuses_Chelsea_Houska and it makes sense. Chelsea was talking about changing her name in 16 and pregnant, but she and Adam got back together a few times since then.

Anyway, I'm sure Isaac's last name is a sore spot that even she probably hasn't dared to mess with. Can you imagine the shit Jo would flip if she tried to change it?

I just really hope that Jo goes on and on about "the Rivera genes" in front of her, and Vee posts some great "#RiveraKids" pics.

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Officially he is Rivera but last season there was a certificate on the fridge from Kinder that had Isaac Lowry, I only really noticed because I thought he had Jo's last name, it was probably just Kail being spiteful again.

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There is a new sneak peek with Kail http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kailyn-lowry-husband-javi-marroquin-sends-cruel-texts-vacation-teen-mom-2-201538


So I capped the texts to see how cruel they were, all I got was they are both immature twats it seems Kail just told Javi flat out she was staying longer and he would just have to deal with it, so he called her a bad mom and then the threats of divorce start again.





I couldn't screen grab the last message but the bit I could see was essentially

If we are getting divorced you can change your flights to tomorrow


It's alright though she doesn't need a man, if that was all the texts I can not see why it ruined her whole night as well as the people she was with

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She wants him or his family to provide financial support and childcare while she goes off and has fun

This x 1,0000^^^. It's one thing to be out with friends every Friday and Saturday if your ex has your kid on the weekends, but when you have a husband and children at home it's a bit of a different story. If she wanted to live the single girl life, she probably should have stayed single, stayed in PA and shared 50/50 custody with Jo. Edited by BitterApple
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Officially he is Rivera but last season there was a certificate on the fridge from Kinder that had Isaac Lowry, I only really noticed because I thought he had Jo's last name, it was probably just Kail being spiteful again.

She should have just went to a sperm bank!

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I want to say that Jo and Vee didn't know they were pregnant.  If she is due in October and the episodes airing are January or early February they may not know yet. 


I always said before that I wonder if Kail didn't move (she is still in Dover, just a little out in the country) because Jo got a house close to her. That would be funny!!! They signed on their new house in June.

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There is a new sneak peek with Kail http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kailyn-lowry-husband-javi-marroquin-sends-cruel-texts-vacation-teen-mom-2-201538

So I capped the texts to see how cruel they were, all I got was they are both immature twats it seems Kail just told Javi flat out she was staying longer and he would just have to deal with it, so he called her a bad mom and then the threats of divorce start again.



I couldn't screen grab the last message but the bit I could see was essentially

If we are getting divorced you can change your flights to tomorrow

It's alright though she doesn't need a man, if that was all the texts I can not see why it ruined her whole night as well as the people she was with

Maybe it ruined her night because she knew he was right?

Thanks for the screenshots. So basically a concert on Saturday night and she last minute decides to stay until Tuesday? No wonder her husband was pissed. It would be one thing to plan it out, run it by your husband, switch weekends with your ex so you can get a weekend with your son where you will be home, etc. She basically ran away and told her husband to just deal.

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She should have just went to a sperm bank!

But sperm banks don't also provide free babysitters and extended paternal family members to drop the baby with while you party on the weekends or make an overnight trip to a concert into a mini-vacation. Or benefits.

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There is a new sneak peek with Kail http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kailyn-lowry-husband-javi-marroquin-sends-cruel-texts-vacation-teen-mom-2-201538


So I capped the texts to see how cruel they were, all I got was they are both immature twats it seems Kail just told Javi flat out she was staying longer and he would just have to deal with it, so he called her a bad mom and then the threats of divorce start again.





I couldn't screen grab the last message but the bit I could see was essentially

If we are getting divorced you can change your flights to tomorrow


It's alright though she doesn't need a man, if that was all the texts I can not see why it ruined her whole night as well as the people she was with

So eternally grateful to you, and to everyone, who takes the time to provide us with these gems.


The sarcasm just oozes in that text where Kail posts "honey". 


I have no clue how Javi can tolerate her crap. Jo didn't and yet, he gets called out as having been a dick or still is a dick. When Javi sits there and just takes it all, he gets blasted for not standing up to her. One is either a wuss or one is a dick. Makes me stabby because it is Kail's behavior that should be called out, not the people who have to deal with her. It is pretty obvious Kail can do what she does to Javi because he gets threatened to be kicked to the curb. She couldn't get away with it with Jo because 1) he stood up to her and didn't take her crap, and 2) she couldn't kick him out of HIS house.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Posting this link that someone provided on the Jenelle thread (thank you). Jenelle and Nathan are no longer a couple and, she is NO LONGER seeking custody of Jace because...*drumroll*...she is too busy: http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/04/jenelle-evans-nathan-griffith-engagement-off-jenelle-spends-jaces-birthday-party-promoting-freebies/#/slide/1



Moving on from Jenelle’s sometimes fiance to Jenelle’s sometimes son, Jace celebrated his birthday over the weekend. Jenelle, who recently said she’s not pursuing custody of her son because she is too busy, spent Jace’s 6th birthday party promoting all the freebies she got for the party. #priorities

How pathetic of her and her stupid little hashtag there. Jace, you ain't a priority to your bio "mother". As if we didn't see this coming. We knew she was only doing it because of Nathan.

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regarding the texts, Javi is totally right. Kail is a bad mother for behaving that way. She wasn't even sure she was going to spend the night (Sat night I believe) Issac was at Jo's but Lincoln was still at home. So Javi is under the impression Kail might be gone one night (and isn't happy about it) and then suddenly gets a text (not even a phone call) that she won't be home until Tuesday. So three nights later?? When does Issac come home?  He's in school so I assume he's home by Monday? So Javi has to go pick Issac up (Six hour drive) all while Kail parties with her friends. And it's ridiculous.. she's on her friend's family's vacation? Since when!! She told javi she was going to a concert. That girl is super shady. How does one not know ahead of time they are on their friend's family's vacation and that they are not just staying one night? What the hell!! Kail this is something you do if your single and childless, if you are single and your kids' fathers' have them for the weekend (and you arrange it ahead of time) or something you discuss with your husband ahead of time (as in weeks ahead of time) and either he agrees to  let you have a girl's trip and then you go or you and your husband go together after you  secure a babysitter for the kids. Lincoln was pretty young, how could Kail even WANT to leave him for four or five days?  Girl is acting like she' s already divorced. Wow I can't even wrap my mind around how she thought this was ok..

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The problem is that leah is not honest.  I would bet you were honest about your medical issues and your husband was able to help you.  Leah is in complete denial that she has any type of problem.  How can anyone help her if they don't know there is a problem?  All Jeremy sees is a lazy, lousy mother who can't be bothered doing a good job. 


And every time things aren't going Leah's way, she runs and as sex with Robbie.

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I think this set of texts was when she went to the Grammies which were Feb 8th, she was in LA from Feb 5th going by her instagram posts. The tension we have seen was about the Sam Smith concert which was mid January. From what has been posted on social media, her short arse buttinski friends family goes every year and Kail was a last minute addition. So Kail knew she was heading to LA only about a week ahead and a few weeks and 600 million repetitive fights after the concert debacle. I am guessing Hulk announced her departure as she walked out the door to starve off any further passive aggressive crap from Javi that would ruin her holiday, hence the cruel texts.


From more recent social media Javi got his wish now both of them go out with Shortie & Peach and the kids are probably locked in a closet somewhere. Marriage crisis averted now they can be bad parents together. (kidding sort of Kail has posted that Javi's mum and sister have been looking after the kids a lot lately)


Another mystery solved the only person I have seen wearing Kail's clothing line is herself while crying into her salad trying to elicit sympathy from Shortie.

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From more recent social media Javi got his wish now both of them go out with Shortie & Peach and the kids are probably locked in a closet somewhere. Marriage crisis averted now they can be bad parents together. (kidding sort of Kail has posted that Javi's mum and sister have been looking after the kids a lot lately)


God, Javi, have a little dignity. I bet they all sit around and make fun of Javi right to his face and Javi just sits there with his big dumb grin, just grateful that he is allowed to sit at the cool kids' table.


Kail is a bitch. It can't be said enough.

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I was also confused when Kail said she wanted to spend the weekends with her friends.  What?  You're married with 2 kids, honey, that ship has sailed. Why did she bother getting married and having another child if she wanted to live like she was single with no kids?


ETA: Holy hell, I just read that she was only supposed to be gone Saturday night, then texted that she wouldn't be home until TUESDAY.  Is she serious?  Neither my husband nor I would've ever gotten away with crap like that.  How disrespectful!  She sure did do a good job finding a chump to marry that would take all of the shit she shovels his way. 

Edited by lezlers
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Her text said she was on a "friends family vacation". I took that to mean it was a family vacation for one of her friends, and she just tagged along. Who does that??? I mean, especially when you're a married mother of two young kids. I have a 3, 5, and 7-year-old. I can't imagine telling my husband I was going on vacation with my BFF in FL's family and would see him in three days. WTF???

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I was also confused when Kail said she wanted to spend the weekends with her friends.  What?  You're married with 2 kids, honey, that ship has sailed. Why did she bother getting married and having another child if she wanted to live like she was single with no kids?


ETA: Holy hell, I just read that she was only supposed to be gone Saturday night, then texted that she wouldn't be home until TUESDAY.  Is she serious?  Neither my husband nor I would've ever gotten away with crap like that.  How disrespectful!  She sure did do a good job finding a chump to marry that would take all of the shit she shovels his way. 



Her text said she was on a "friends family vacation". I took that to mean it was a family vacation for one of her friends, and she just tagged along. Who does that??? I mean, especially when you're a married mother of two young kids. I have a 3, 5, and 7-year-old. I can't imagine telling my husband I was going on vacation with my BFF in FL's family and would see him in three days. WTF???

My theory is that since she was pregnant with Isaac, Kail has spent her time plotting, grifting, finding a mark - I mean man - and pretending to be an "adult."  Now that she feels secure with her military benefits, live in babysitter and house, she wants to act like a teenager again.  To her, wife, mother, etc. are just labels to check off her list and not roles that require her to actually do anything.

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I think if it had been planned way in advance, Javi wouldn't have flipped out, but to say, oh, I'm staying an extra three days so figure it out, would make any husband pissed. Especially if you have to drive six hours to pick up your stepson and scramble to find a sitter for your baby so you can go to work on Monday.

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