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S28.E06: Head of the Snake

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Anybody else hate Kass as much as I do? I know that Sarah's probably a huge pill (not as big as Trish, though), but I feel that Kass has joined the bully faction of the game (and Woo). Stupid Kass.

Not much else to add. When I see challenges, I wonder what would happen if J'Tia was still in the game. This week: she would've fell into the water before Probst officially started the game.

  • Love 8

Speaking of dumb moves, why would LJ hand over an idol to someone the others were obviously NOT going to vote for?

He may have figured that they'd vote for him anyway, thinking he wouldn't actually play the idol since they knew he had it.  (Sorry - does that sound convoluted?  It makes sense in my head but I'm not sure it makes sense in words.)

I was more surprised that Tony mentioned his idol when he did.  I was expecting him not to mention it, but just to play it.  But I can't complain, because whether or not it was the better strategy (I'm not sure it wasn't, actually), it was fun watching everyone scramble.  One thing about this season - it's had a few really interesting tribal councils.

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Anybody else hate Kass as much as I do?

She annoys me just because she's way more into herself than I think she wants to let on.  Her self satisfied smirk at the end wasn't just because Sarah was voted out, but because all of the attention was focused back where she wanted it...directly on herself.  I hope for her sake that all that attention warms her bed when she's at Loser's Lounge after finishing in 6th place as I can't see her finishing better than that now.

  • Love 3

Moving this over from TWOP so I can merge my thoughts over here as I forge new relationships with you all! :)


This season is love.


I don't get why Kass just didn't vote for Jefra anyway. Had they played the idol for the right person, Sarah would've gone home. It could've been a win-win.


All things considered, still a good result for her. Both idols gone, and someone who seems to have no game awareness completely gone.


All things aside, though. I find it hilarious that Kass was being so paranoid the whole time, while claiming that she loves it when other people lose their shit. I mean, really bitch? You know, the nonsense about pot and kettle.


Seriously, though. Tasha had the right idea. You have to be nice and give in to the demands of the swing vote. How Kass didn't realize this is beyond me.


That tribe was right to target a weak player...somehow, they lost target of keeping Kass. Mainly because Kass is a wee bit crazy. For a brain, she really did lose her shit, didn't she?


Now, let us look player by player...


Spencer - Why would you tell Kass she had 0 chance to win now? Are you willingly alienating someone who could be important moving forward?


Kass - Probably not a smart move for your end game and I really hate twitter, but I will give a shout out #ChaosKass. Entertaining tribal council.


Tasha - Clearly, she knows what she is doing. Also, they were between voting Spencer and Kass as the main person to take out for the brains. I think this can work well for her. This season has been so fluid that she might get to stick around and weasel in somewhere else.


Morgan - Judging by the preview, she is going to be quite spiteful when she doesn't get her way. She isn't really an immunity threat(though she did decently today...), so she should be around a while.


Jeremiah - He could be a target soon as an immunity threat, along with Spencer. Otherwise, relatively under the radar.


Jefra - Dodged a bullet today. The plan was perfectly executed. She is much smarter than they think she is.


LJ - Didn't really need to play his idol. This could foster some distrust, but it was received well.


Tony - A little paranoid, but it was an interesting move to put the idol out there. The brains saw right through the mind game, though.


Woo - I knew he would win the immunity. Dude is a huge challenge threat. People should pay attention.


Trish - I have to say...if she gets to the finals, she deserves a heaping plate of credit for weaseling her way in there to nab Kass. It was pure genius. She read the situation, forged a relationship, and gave into the demands of the swing vote without a second thought. Brilliant, brilliant play for her game. She has a move to hang her hat on and was very strategic today.




Well done. Great episode. This season is, once again, love

  • Love 2

Wow that was wild.

I think that Kass made a mistake voting out her alliance's 6th person.  It seems they never learn and do this every year.  You had the majority vote..keep it idiot.   She could have worked it out with Sarah. Now I'm afraid for Spencer.

I did love Tony's face during TC thinking he had the upper hand and then all the Jefra votes!!  I really wanted to see his ego deflate.

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That was such a fun tribal council!  I found both Sarah & Kass to be insufferable tonight.  I'm not sure Kass did herself any favors by flipping.  Time will tell, but she's at the bottom of both alliances at this point.  I hate to say it, but Tony is starting to grow on me.  He's so over the top, he sounds like a used car salesman, but at least he's playing and keeping things interesting. I was impressed with Trish's people skills and surprised by Sarah being such a good sport about being blindsided. 

  • Love 5

Watching tribal council, I can't believe that Tony and LJ didn't know that each other had an idol and then they played them for each other. Hmmm. Production involved, perhaps?

Kass isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Didn't she watch what Jonathan Penner did in Cook Islands, flip flopping to the point where everyone hated him?

Still, glad Sarah is gone. She seemed to be all over the place in her strategy.

  • Love 1

Ah,  hubris, my old friend.  I usually am pretty bad at figuring out where things are headed, but when I heard Sarah say for the 847th time what a great position she was in and how she had all the power, I kinda figured she was leaving.  Swing vote always looks good on the surface, but doesn't usually end well.  She was good-natured in her exit interview about being voted out.

I hadn't really warmed to Tony much, but tonight he really impressed me.  He did really well on a challenge that generally favors more petite people, was smart about the idol, helped create a memorable tribal council, and said exactly the right things to Kass.  He and Trish did it EXACTLY right - "Tell us who you want gone, and that person is gone. Period."  Tasha also got that, but what she needed to do was to take Kass aside and tell her to shut her mouth and kiss Sarah's ass until after the vote.  Maybe she tried and we didn't see it.

Kass made a bad move for herself but a very good move for us viewers, giving us a 5-5 split going in to next week.  Add in the fact that both idols were played, and this game could go anywhere at this point.  With LJ and Tony becoming BFF's and both having idols, I was a little worried that they'd swing either Kass or Sarah and we'd be in for a couple of predictable weeks.  Not anymore!

  • Love 4

I also think Kass may have made things worse for herself, but who knows with this game. It was definitely an entertaining TC, though. And if Kass is intentionally trying to cause chaos, then I welcome it. I don't care if she wins or loses.

Tony grew on me a little tonight, too.

Oh, and go (to my bedroom and wait for me there) Woo! He was smart or lucky enough to have a pair of those weird foot-shaped shoes for that balancing challenge. I almost thought it was unfair, but then I thought the others could have probably worn their shoes if they had wanted to. Their shoes just weren't as clever.

Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 1

When will these dummies learn that being the "swing vote" = "being at the bottom of two alliances"?  

Kass and Sarah were like two turkeys in mid-November fighting over who gets to get fattened up.

Tonight's TC was worth just for the serial "oh-shit" facial expressions.

And, as long as Morgan and Jefra are still on, more water challenges please!

  • Love 3

I enjoyed that TC.  Kass and Sarah both wanted to be the boss.  An alliance can't have 2 bosses. 

Part of me thinks LJ played his HI to show loyalty to Tony for playing his HI for him.  It should help bond those 2.  If Tony found out later that LJ had one and didn't tell him he would feel betrayed.

It will get really interesting next week.

  • Love 4

Kass made a bad move for herself but a very good move for us viewers, giving us a 5-5 split going in to next week.  Add in the fact that both idols were played, and this game could go anywhere at this point.  With LJ and Tony becoming BFF's and both having idols, I was a little worried that they'd swing either Kass or Sarah and we'd be in for a couple of predictable weeks.  Not anymore!

I agree... Kass's move was terrible for her own standing in the game but great for viewers.  This tribal council was one of the most unpredictable ever and truly entertaining to watch.  I'm so glad that both idols were burned off.  That's a big advantage out the window now for Tony and LJ.  There is no clear majority and no clear frontrunner to win the game, which is highly unusual at this point in a season of Survivor.  

However, I fear that the producers are mucking it all up with this "uber" immunity idol or whatever absurd new power they're injecting into the game.  It's probably going to give whoever lucks into finding it a ridiculous (and likely unearned) amount of power that can tip the game.  I'd much prefer the winner to win because of superior strategy and/or people skills, not their ability to find toy trinkets the Survivor producers hide randomly on the island...

  • Love 3

That was SO entertaining!  I am loving this season so much.  How boring would it have been if the six had held together and spent the next 5 shows voting predictably?  Of course, the two idols would have probably guaranteed some excitement.  

Tony really impressed with his idol play.  LJ used his idol to solidify his alliance.  I loved it.  So, Sarah, "I guarantee Tony doesn't have an idol."  Did she say that 3 times in a row?  And he pulls one out at tribal.  Who doesn't love that??

And what is the point of arguing over who to vote off?  Ladies, ladies, that was really stupid on both your parts, but again, highly entertaining for us at home.  And I love how Trish made the best move of the game by finessing Kass.  

I also loved the challenge.  It required mental concentration as well as physical strength, and in my opinion, everyone did well.  No one wimped out, but it was always Woo's to win, and he did.  His win was all the sweeter as he was the six's first choice to vote out.  

Episodes like this are why I stay with this show.  Good, good stuff. Oh, and Sarah, it is not usually a good thing to be the swing vote in this game.  I'm looking at you, too, Kass.  I'm just saying. 

  • Love 3

You would think that Tasha would know that Kass is an insecure person and pulled her aside to let her know she was fine. Kass just couldn't stand being anything but the leader and now she is lost. She went from a solid final three to sixth.

Bad move.

Trish was fine this episode. I guess when she is not being picked on and alienated she is fine.

Love that they changed the vote to Jefra. That was. Brilliant.

  • Love 1

Holy Cow. 

Kass - way to go to the bottom of a six person group and hated by the other five. Good job. Freaking moron. 

Sarah - sorry. You were my dark horse in this one and in the space of 60 minutes went from one of my favorites to someone I'm embarrassed to have been pulling for. What the hell?? And that good-bye was so good-natured, Such a good sport! Where the hell was THAT person during that episode? You kept oscillating between the power trip (which went straight to your head) and this idea of being a victim. 

I really don't get why people dig their heels in so hard in this game. It seems to almost always end poorly for that person. This game seems to favor flexibility and adaptability above everything else. 

Dammit, and we still have Tony. The uses of the idols cracked me up, but LJ, c'mon man... really? You went to protect Tony? You had to know that they wouldnt' vote for him. 

Anyone else have an inward groan at the announcement of a "special idol"?? Because this season doesn't actually need any twists. The contestants are doing just fine and the reinventing of the wheel smacks of insecurity. Survivor producers: stop trying to fix what isn't broke!

Jefra was almost a non-entity for this episode, so as soon as I saw Jefra was "the other one" I knew Sarah was gone. Plus that little smile Kass wore was a dead give away. 

Also - what was on Woo's feet that no one else was wearing? It seemed to have given him a bit of an edge and seemed unfair in a challenge that was designed to be brutal to the feet. 

Well looks like the person I voted for (LJ) just went back to being the most likely to pull this one out. 

And say what you will about Trish... she's a hell of a lot more keen than it seems she's getting credit for. While Tony is trying to brow beat Sarah, she watched, saw the crack, made a gentle approach, whispered a few ideas into Kass's ear and the whole damn game just tilted. Color me impressed. 

  • Love 3

First of all let this be a cautionary tale of drinking a pint of rum when you haven't been eating very much and trying to "run" the game. Not the best approach for a clear head...

I call BS on Woo being the only one wearing shoes.

I enjoyed the yoga part, great displays there... of flexibility of course *winks*

I noticed that TONY put his name just above the tribe name on the flag almost like he was putting an 's on it, because he thinks he's running the game. Today all you did was self-flush two idols and suggest against Trish talking to Kass about flipping. You tie with Kass for making a whole lot of show that amounts to nada.

  • Love 2

First of all let this be a cautionary tale of drinking a pint of rum when you haven't been eating very much and trying to "run" the game. Not the best approach for a clear head...

Oh I totally didn't put that together. They were drinking rum (which is odd. Have they often given them a bottle of hard liquor?)... that surely changed some folks perception <looking at Sarah>

Anyone find it a little irresponsible to give underfed, slightly dehydrated, constantly stressed people alcohol? 

  • Love 1

Imagine there was a sticker on the bottle, we first see Sarah with it and it's about 3/4 of the way down the sticker. When Tony is giving her the Bad Cop act about how she has to come with them she says (approx.) "Okay I just want to finish this rum and then sit an think for a while." Living on rice and coconut and drinking that much rum can't be a good idea.

And they do usually give them champagne later on but the merge feast usually does have a jug of hooch too... and hilarity ensues.

  • Love 1

Bestest tribal council in ages!  The array of facial expressions (even on the same face) was very entertaining.  Woo almost rivaled Eliza.  Jury should be very entertaining.

I grew up in a family overrun with NYC cops, so I was a little sad to see both Tony and Sarah break their vow on the badge.  But I was also a lot amused.  My dad, however, would likely have shot the plasma screen if he'd watched.

Oh, Kass.  You idiot.  Who cares about Sarah?  Once you depleted the minority, you would have a clear shot at Sarah in the end game.  If you'd stuck with the Pagonging plan, you, Tasha, and Spencer would pretty much have a lock on final three.  Now you're in an alliance where you don't know anyone and your old alliance will be gunning for you.  Though, it's possible you're not doomed if you go all girl power with Trish and Jefra.  

Love that they changed the vote to Jefra. That was. Brilliant.


Whoever arranged that -- genius.  My bet is Spencer.  My beloved Spencer, whom I fear is now in grave danger.  Damn you, Kass.

My guess on the super duper Immunity Idol -- you get to veto someone else's idol when they play it.

Edited by whammo
  • Love 1

Sarah and Kass both get an F from me.

Sarah doesn't understand the game. She said she was in the best position because she was the swing vote. No, that's often the worst position because of how expendable you become as soon as the swing vote is done with. Furthermore, she antagonized her alliance, which is never wise. One of the worst post-merge performances imaginable.

As for Kass, well she didn't think ahead very far. Had she swallowed her pride and voted with Sarah, she would have been virtually guaranteed to make it through another few weeks. Now she's stuck in a 5-5 stalemate where she is disliked by many. Totally illogical game play, although I understand how motivating spite can be.

  • Love 2

Who would've thought brainless Trish would make the move of the game? I am not a fan, but that was a great move.

I think they went with Jefra as second choice because Jeremiah was certain that LJ had an idol but Sarah wouldn't vote for Trish, they cut away after that part of the discussion but Jefra seemed like the logical progression.

And can we just get a Woo/Spencer alliance?

  • Love 1

LOVED that episode. Very happy with the decison Kass made because it made rather entertaining television. Of course I think she should have just given in to Sarah like Tasha was trying to, but this was much more fun. Spencer is right, she has no chance of winning this game, and I found her annoying through most of the episode. She was right about the men having idols at least.

So then she chooses to vote out Sarah, who's not really a huge threat in the overall game—she just happened to have power in this episode. Any one of the six could have put themself in her position simply by threatening to flip. I don't think it was necessarily a bad choice given the circumstances that SHE created (by arguing with Sarah so much), but she shouldn't have let herself end up in those circumstances in the first place.

Edited by samuel
  • Love 2

Well, this wasn't just poorly played by Kass, it was terribly played by Sarah.  Rather than make a quick decision and then work from that, she waffled when dealing with the team of 5 and played too hard relative to the team of 6.   If she had just lied outright to Tony he would not have targeted her, and if she had held back and not given the appearence of protecting certain members of the opposing team then her team would have held together around her.  Instead, she let her mouth run her right out of the game.   That said, what Kass did was epic stupid.  As a lawyer she is most likely very used to being in control and driving her agenda forward.  In this case she should have just kept quiet and let the other players work the levers for awhile.  Instead, she let her own mouth - and ego - run her out of the game.  "Long way to go" indeed. 

  • Love 6

That was a seriously entertaining episode. Seriously messed up, but also entertaining.  I love watching these fools talk themselves out of the game.

Sarah, meet hubris.  How could she think that going around telling everyone that she was in charge wouldn't bite her in the ass?  Had she just shut up for two minutes and let others realize that she had the power, she might have gone far in the game.  Instead, she had to try to wield her power, and it was her undoing.  I just wanted to scream "Shut UP, Sarah!!"  Idiots. 

I just can't with Kass at this point.  Her whole spiel about not trusting Sarah to stick with the alliance seems quite hypocritical now.  She was sooo convinced Sarah was going to swap - project much?  Had she stayed true to her tribe, Jefra would be gone and they'd have 6-4 advantage, with her probably in a power position with Tash and Spencer.  Now?  Spencer, Tash, Jeremiah, and Morgan will be out to get her, and she'll never get into a top 3 with Tony, Trish, Woo, LJ, and Jefra.  Basically, Kass just ruined Sarah's game (obviously), but also her own game.  Assuming that Tony/ Trish/ et al. group doesn't split (which I think is a good assumption at this point, especially with Sarah gone), she's top 5 at best, with only Jefra and LJ going out before her, instead of the top 3 she could have been.  Just dumb.  Dumb dumb dumb.  

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 5

Outstanding episode - this is proving to be a great season. I'm just not sure how to feel about the #KaosKass move: she might prove to be a right Siegfried with that decision. She is smart in a bunch of different ways and I think her read on Sarah, and her nervousness about her, was absolutely justified. I don't think her read on Tasha was on the money, though - that seemed like mere pique. My hope is she'll flip back to the originals, or at the very least organise a solid five from a combination of the two.

  • Love 1


I really don't get why people dig their heels in so hard in this game. It seems to almost always end poorly for that person. This game seems to favor flexibility and adaptability above everything else.

Sandra's "as long as it ain't me" strategy works! Sarah totally overplayed her hand and talked herself out of the game.

Kass SHOULD have gone along with her alliance, but told Trish she was with them to get them to vote for Sarah. Then, when the idols were played, if they didn't switch their votes, Sarah would be gone. If they did, Jeffra would be out and Sarah would look like the idiot that she is, putting Kass in the "I told you so" camp and back at the top of the alliance.


  • Love 3

Regarding Woo's shoes, I bet the producers gave everyone the option of wearing shoes or not, but if the rest all had sneakers instead of those things Woo wears they probably decided to go barefoot.

I'm still angry at Kass for not sticking with Spencer and Tasha.  She only had to suck it up for that one vote then Sarah wasn't needed anymore.  Idiot.  Wasn't Kass the one who wanted to vote out Jefra (or Trish) to begin with anyway?

  • Love 2
Cass really was annoying. Her having a snit because she wasn't the center of attention probably cost her the game. That was a dumb move.


Both Kass and Sarah got all emotional and outraged about someone else "thinking they were in charge." Who cares? Let 'em think it!

When will these dummies learn that being the "swing vote" = "being at the bottom of two alliances"?


Yep. The crowing about having all the power now, being the swing vote, lasts for exactly one tribal council. Then it's back to scrambling, trying to mix things up with the solid core alliances.

ETA: And also, how idiotic was Kass to go tell Sarah that she was worried about her loyalty, right at the beginning of the show? Sarah was right: that's what makes people squirrelly. If you think your alliance doesn't trust YOU, then you begin to think they won't have your back. Dumb move #5478 by Kass.

Edited by StatMom
  • Love 1

On a completely different note, was I the only one who was worried Morgan was going to lose her swimsuit top during the challenge?  I think I'd prefer to wear a sturdy swimsuit top with straps for the challenges than a low-cut, strapless one.  I think she has a different swimsuit available because her pictures all show her in a different one (striped top with straps).

  • Love 1

Given the endless stream of vitriol spewed in their direction, I am starting to wonder why any woman over 40 would want to be on this show. Kass and Trish seem to split the vote for most hated survivor still there, and I am baffled as to why. I am 100% behind both these women. Kass is by no means dumb, as she is an undefeeated trial lawyer. I know lawyers get a bad wrap, but to be an undefeated trial lawyer is no small feat. Trish is a Pilates instructor, and is in fantastic shape for a woman of any age, let alone over 40. Both women have managed to survive to top 10, one with limited physical strengths, and one with a limited ability to read social situations. Trish has been in a precarious position from day one, as has Kass. Yet both have managed to play the game successfully. This apparently earns them zero respect. Were they men, I suspect the forums would be lit up with their fans, defending their stellar gameplay.

Folks just don't like to see women of a certain age behaving in a certain fashion, and haters are gonna hate. For this viewer, a final two of Kass and Trish would be very satisfying. Certainly more deserving than say, Jeremiah and Jefra.

Most satisfying moment for me was Spencer sulking after tribal and announcing that Kass just blew her game. In fact, Kass blew his game. That's what I call projection.

  • Love 7

So Kass knows the odds are not in her favor, right?  She just signed her ticket for bottom of the totem pole in ANY alliance.  Of course, there are several days to go and stranger things have happened in Survivor, but I think she's a goner before Final 5 if not sooner. I feel bad for Spencer.

I am glad Sarah's gone though.  The last thing you do is brag about how you control the game and that you are willing to "flip" to the group that kowtows to you best.  She painted a big target on herself by crowing "I'm the swing vote!"

Tony has got to go soon.  His rapid-fire babbling annoys me to no end!  I can't image being in a police interrogation room with him.  I'd confess to anyting just to get him to STFU.

And I mentioned this on TWoP but I'm amazed that Morgan is able to keep her strapless bikini top in place with those cannon balls she's carting around.  Most big boobed gals I know (like me) can't walk out of the house without some extra harnessing to keep the girls in place. 

Guy With Initials had been pretty much outed as having the other immunity idol, so I think that he was smart to give it to Tony.  If he'd kept it, he would have been seen as holding something back from his alliance, and this isn't the time to be seen as an outsider.  Giving it up made him appear to be all in with his group.  No, there wasn't any sense in giving it to Tony because nobody was going to vote Tony, but then Tony had just given one to him, so this move showed him deferring to Tony.  Tony needs to be the alpha male and giving him the idol sort of cemented that role -- very smart play.  Now instead of everybody being suspicious of the secret-idol-holding Guy With Initials, he's got to be the one Tony and that alliance will trust most not to flip.

Sarah, shut up.  Oh wait, you just did.

Trish, I had no idea you had any brains.  Brilliant move with luring Kass away from her group.

Kass, you couldn't see that your group needed to defer to Sarah's choice as the swing vote.  But when the others offered you exactly the same deal Sarah was asking for, you thought it was only right and reasonable.  Not much self-awareness there.

  • Love 3

Given the endless stream of vitriol spewed in their direction, I am starting to wonder why any woman over 40 would want to be on this show. Kass and Trish seem to split the vote for most hated survivor still there, and I am baffled as to why.


Folks just don't like to see women of a certain age behaving in a certain fashion, and haters are gonna hate. For this viewer, a final two of Kass and Trish would be very satisfying. Certainly more deserving than say, Jeremiah and Jefra.

For this week's episode, Kass and Sarah were the focus, and for me anyway, what turned my opinion of these two negative (Kass more so than Sarah, but both) was that they seemed to let emotions/pride get in the way of what would seem like smart play. Of course, much more went on than we saw, but it looks like Kass put herself in a worse position (as well as her former alliance). Maybe she's got a longer game plan going, but it didn't look like smart move to me. Not saying the woman can't argue a case or isn't sharp in her profession. 

Last week, Trish was presented as screechy and vindictive. What's to like about that? And no, I don't think she was being "assertive" or "just telling the truth." Again, lots we don't see, but based on what we were shown, she didn't seem to be a pleasant person. That's what they've shown us.

FWIW, I couldn't stand Tony there for a while. This week's episode was somewhat neutral on him, but when they first showed him announcing his idol at tribal, I didn't think that was a smart move, but it ended up OK for him. Still not a fan of his, and one of the reasons I resented Kass' move is because it helped him.

Jeremiah and Jefra would be unsatisfying, at least at this point, because we've hardly seen or heard from them. I have no opinion on them, so I agree on that. 

The "hater" label suggests knee-jerk non-thinking reactions. This thread has presented many reasons for the negative assessments of these two, and others.

  • Love 11

Ah,  hubris, my old friend.  I usually am pretty bad at figuring out where things are headed, but when I heard Sarah say for the 847th time what a great position she was in and how she had all the power, I kinda figured she was leaving.  Swing vote always looks good on the surface, but doesn't usually end well.  She was good-natured in her exit interview about being voted out.

I told my husband that Sarah was going home since every single episode where one person has crowed so much about being in charge, they were the one to leave.  I was disappointed, because up until last night, I thought Kass was a good player and was rooting for a final 3 brains sweep.  Now I just don't understand why Kass couldn't stand to be second fiddle to someone for one measly vote.  Once they'd increased their lead by taking out Tony (or anyone on Tony's "team"), she could deal with Sarah.  Oh well, this keeps LJ in the game longer, which is fine by me!

  • Love 1

I think Kass probably shot herself in the foot, but I also think she had a lot of help.  Spencer and Tash should have been a LOT more proactive about checking in with Kass, with just the three of them so they can reassure each other of their close bond AND of their mutual plan.  To assure that no one feels like they're being left out.

I kind of get why they didn't--they just assumed Kass was with them in playing Sarah along for the vote that they needed with her.  They misread her as much as she misread them.  A 5 minute confab among them would have likely been all that was needed to talk Kass down from her ledge, remind her that it really doesn't MATTER who they vote off first from the other group and that if voting out Tony will make Sarah happy, they can do that, but yielding to her THIS time doesn't make her in charge; they're still running Sarah.  They just NEEDED Sarah that vote and you do what you have to, in order to cement your alliance's power.

I don't know if Kass' actions have ruined everything for her.  Likely it has.  Maybe she can pull it out.  But it ruined (for me) the one alliance with a chance in hell of getting rid of Tony and for that, I find it very hard to forgive her. :)

  • Love 2

Well, that was fun! I kind of like Tony now. He seems to love the game, really throws himself into it, and has made some fun moves. I reserve the right to change my mind and pretend I never said that, lol.

Tony is loud and brash and I don't think I would enjoy him as a person. He seems like cops I know that I don't like. That said, he is growing on me as a Survivor player. I just tend to ramp up the hate on him really quickly, but he's made some smart moves and led some entertaining change. I can get past my own eyrolling, "pompous blowhard" muttering at tribal to admit he played his idol for the best for his crew. Didn't work out, but instilled enough loyalty that LJ promptly played HIS for Tony, so that's something. But I'll stay with you on that reservation of rights to later kvetch. 

Sarah - sorry. You were my dark horse in this one and in the space of 60 minutes went from one of my favorites to someone I'm embarrassed to have been pulling for. What the hell?? And that good-bye was so good-natured, Such a good sport! Where the hell was THAT person during that episode? You kept oscillating between the power trip (which went straight to your head) and this idea of being a victim. 

I'm with you. It makes me mad on three fronts. First, I get mad at the person that I was kinda digging as a player (in this case, Sarah), then mad at production for orchestrating the direction of my affection, then at myself for being taken in by production. But, ultimately, while production can't show what wasn't there, neither can I see what production doesn't show me.

Bestest tribal council in ages!  The array of facial expressions (even on the same face) was very entertaining.  Woo almost rivaled Eliza.  Jury should be very entertaining.

I grew up in a family overrun with NYC cops, so I was a little sad to see both Tony and Sarah break their vow on the badge.  But I was also a lot amused.  My dad, however, would likely have shot the plasma screen if he'd watched.


My guess on the super duper Immunity Idol -- you get to veto someone else's idol when they play it.

Ohhhh.... I like that speculation!

But with the new Uber Idol of Mystery, did Jeff ever attach the word "Immunity"? I only heard that it was a new idol with unknown powers. Like, could be a Challenge Idol or Veto Idol (as speculated) or even a Hot Shower Idol.

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