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S07.E16: Awfully Charitable

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Until they find a host that is as thoroughly meshed in the RH culture-not just watching the shows but being around for casting, contract negotiations, WWHL performances, apparently now tag line decisions I think it will be Andy for a very long time.  Last night there was a blogger as the bartender who has a Podcast Bitch something, who seemed to know her RH stuff.  What's true is it has to be someone who does not appear to be biased.  I think for the most part Andy doesn't give two rips about the collective of RH on a whole.  It would take a boatload of Carole and Bethenny's to even hold a candle to a SJP or Kelly Ripa.


NewDigs, your post is confusing to me. I don't understand what you are uncomfortable about, regarding the definitions. If you want to respond, I will look in the Dorinda thread, to keep on topic. I really don't understand what you are saying.

Perhaps the "pure" conversation has traveled through threads and I landed on a post quoting her initial use of "pure" here so will try to respond quickly here.

I responded to Lotusflower's post in an attempt (failed, I guess) to say that I don't accept that Dorinda's use of the word "pure" could be explained as, Maybe she meant the word "authentic" or, I don't think she meant it "that" way along with other, perhaps, contrivances.

Her use of "pure" has, to me, a MasterRace cringe to it.

Edited by NewDigs

Perhaps the "pure" conversation has traveled through threads and I landed on a post quoting her initial use of "pure" here so will try to respond quickly here.

I responded to Lotusflower's post in an attempt (failed, I guess) to say that I don't accept that Dorinda's use of the word "pure" could be explained as, Maybe she meant the word "authentic" or, I don't think she meant it "that" way along with other, perhaps, contrivances.

Her use of "pure" has, to me, a MasterRace cringe to it.

I've said this earlier, pure is one of those words making a comeback, as many sayings/words are cyclical. She is using it in a way that means real, of pure intent, pure of heart kind of people, down home, etc. You will notice everyone on TV latches on to certain words to up their cool factor.

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And what I'm getting at is I think she's ignorant and thoughtless in the things she says. A person with half a brain who knows they have exhibited suspicious behavior toward minorities (even if it wasn't with malice) would choose their phrases and words more considerately or with sensitivity. Which I guess is ironic since she is critical of what others say and how they phrase it.


This season to me had an awful lot of trips and contrived outings. Do they normally take a collective 3 or 4 vacations in one season (which in filming time is like 2 months)?


Holy Mother of Conspiracy Theories.

Bethenny hated Heather since the get go so she set up the tone for all the other HW to hate Heather too? LOL

The problem with that theory is that Bethenny and Heather didn't get along for the first half of the season while the other HW did. Bethenny despite some banter in T&C with Heather finally connected, even Luann made fun of Heather because Bethenny texted her, so when Bethenny got along with Heather that is when the other ones started to have problems with her, so much for following Bethenny's lead, these minions sure are weird.

Of course to even entertain the possibility that Heather has conflicts with every other HW because she is a buttinsky, arrogant, judgemental, meddlesome is out of the question I guess.

LOL, First I did not say Bethenny set this up or ask the other HWs to go along with anything. I said that Heather got 1 TH to every 4 or so of Bethenny's which, IMO, influenced the viewers to her side while we rarely heard Heather's side. Second, I said that right before the T&C trip, the tone between the other HWs and Heather changed without reason that we saw/heard and IMO, it is due to them wanting to hold onto their own Apples. These women know full well that someone will not be back next season, 8 is 1-2 too many HW on 1 show. They also know how close Bethenny, and Carole to a lesser degree, are to Andy in real, non HW, life. So that would mean it will be 1 or 2 of the remaining women and some of them are desperate to keep that Apple planted firmly in their hands and so the targets became Heather and to a lesser degree Kristen.   Oh, and of the old guard HWs, they have all had issues with Bethenny, big issues, as well. LOL Right now, the only ones that have not had issues with Bethenny are Carole and Dorinda, that's it.


Wendy would be a good host doe the reunions..even Vivica A fox (except atlanta for her)..since she hosted the big rich Texas reunions..and was pretty objective and called out the women on their pettiness...anyone over Andy lol

I watched Fox do the Mob Wives reunion and she broke down in tears and was unable to control that reunion so I am not sure she could do the HWs reunions either.LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I agree with all of this except for 1 thing.....I don't think it is "subtle" in any way. IMO, the writing on the wall was done in day glow neon orange, the size of a billboard! LOL When you give 1 HW 4 THs to another's 1 TH, you are yelling to the viewers that the 1 HW rules and the other barely exists. The NY HW show is, for all intents and purposes, the New Bethenny Ever After Show IMO. A show where Bethenny controls the narrative without having to show/share anything about her real/personal life.


This is the thing that I wish they would discuss - but they won't - the incredible hypocrisy of Bethenny accusing Ramona of lying about her sex life, claiming to be "a nun" when she's really dating - when Bethenny is doing THE EXACT SAME THING!!  Bethenny gave full on interviews at the start of the season saying "I will not share anything of my personal life on this show, not my daughter, no boyfriends, just me" - and she's "calling Ramona out" for doing just that?  What?


Or the way she constantly berates Heather for talking behind her back - but she talks CONSTANTLY behind Heather's back?


Or she yells at Kristen "don't talk about me in the press" - but she talks about all of them in the press?  


Totally agree.  This isn't RHONY.  This is "Bethenny Starting Over" with special guest appearances by sycophants.  Not a show I care to watch.  It's just so dishonest.  But that's cool, there's lots of other shows out there.

  • Love 18

Kristen looked like Grace of Monaco at that event.  Wow.  She really is stunning.


Still can't stand Carole.  She never says anything in the present, but she always has plenty to say in her THs.  I guess if Heather isn't around, she's not going to stand up for herself when Luann makes a snarky comment?  Also, her fake forced crying at the psychic's house was atrocious.  She needs to never attempt that again.

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So Bravo's pyschic, one of many on their payroll, just happens to see the ghost of Carole's late husband who decides to give her shit from beyond about scratching his car.  She happens to know Heather's kid is about to have complex surgery and that the Dr. is Indian and it's goikng to be alright.  And gee Dorinda's balloons!  That's some pretty amazing skill this woman has using toxic waste to give people readings.

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Was that really coffee at the pyschic's house? It looked like chocolate pudding. OK, sorry, I love chocolate, moving on.

Another episode with very little Bethenny and no crying Bethenny either. Thank you reality TV gods!

So according to Krisen's Twitter, Moaner donated two necklaces right before the charity event and Kristen didn't have time to make up a thank you sign promoting Moaner's business. And I thought it was very rude Moaner was talking and sniping during Kristens speech.

I know some people don't like Carole but I thought it was interesting to hear about her life with her deceased husband and I didn't know she was best friends with Carolyn Kennedy.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 14

This is the thing that I wish they would discuss - but they won't - the incredible hypocrisy of Bethenny accusing Ramona of lying about her sex life, claiming to be "a nun" when she's really dating - when Bethenny is doing THE EXACT SAME THING!!  Bethenny gave full on interviews at the start of the season saying "I will not share anything of my personal life on this show, not my daughter, no boyfriends, just me" - and she's "calling Ramona out" for doing just that?  What?


Or the way she constantly berates Heather for talking behind her back - but she talks CONSTANTLY behind Heather's back?


Or she yells at Kristen "don't talk about me in the press" - but she talks about all of them in the press?  


Totally agree.  This isn't RHONY.  This is "Bethenny Starting Over" with special guest appearances by sycophants.  Not a show I care to watch.  It's just so dishonest.  But that's cool, there's lots of other shows out there.

I just realized the best part of the previous two weeks was limited Bethenny.  I find it interesting no child, no boyfriend  but shrink visits - cameras welcome.

  • Love 6

High heels are a decorative item for your side tables? OK Carole.


I know those Bloody Marys at the airport didn't look that good, but finish them before you leave, ladies. That's alcohol neglect.


It was good to get an update on Bethenny's WALLS! FYI they are down. Or partially down. Or it's a half wall, Maybe curb level. I don't know.

  • Love 9

Was that really coffee at the pyschic's house? It looked like chocolate pudding. OK, sorry, I love chocolate, moving on.

So according to Krisen's Twitter, Moaner donated two necklaces right before the charity event and Kristen didn't have time to make up a thank you sign promoting Moaner's business. 


I may be wrong, but didn't Ramona bring a whole handful of the necklaces when the women decorated the jeans last week?  I know she used one on her jeans, and I thought some of the others used them as well.

  • Love 4
Was that really coffee at the pyschic's house?


Yes, that's Turkish coffee.  Actually, you'll find it all over the Middle East, the Balkans and Greece.  You're only supposed to sip the top 2/3 of the coffee, and leave the grounds in the bottom.   My family drinks it all the time - ladies having their after-dinner coffee love to turn their cups over, let the grounds drain, and then try to read the grounds..."I see a baby in your future...you're going to take a trip..."

Edited by izabella
  • Love 11

I may be wrong, but didn't Ramona bring a whole handful of the necklaces when the women decorated the jeans last week?  I know she used one on her jeans, and I thought some of the others used them as well.

According to what Ramona said at the charity event, she gave 4 necklaces that cost $80 bucks each, a total of $320.  According to Kristen, she donated them 2 days before the event!

  • Love 5

Is it me or has Sonja had Ramona living under constant shade for the last few episodes? Sonja ain't letting Ramona get no sun. Its a wonder Ramona doesn't suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency or have rickets.


The girls to Ramona: What charities do you support?

Ramona: Domestic Violence

Sonja: No, they asked you what charity you support not what you do to people.


Zing!!!!!! More please. Love how quick on her feet and on the ball Sonja has been lately. Ramona is in need of constant and persistent dragging. What kills me is that Ramona always seems a bit out of sorts and perplexed when Sonja is slyly getting her ass to-gether. 


LOL! Ramona pulling a few of her TruFaith diamonelle necklaces through some belt loops and expecting to get top billing. 


I loved that dress Bethanny was wearing to her therapy session. Gorgeous. Looked hella expensive too. But lawd Bravo please stop with these sessions. 


How cute is it that Jax loves WWE wrestling and what an awesome gift Josh and Kristin gave him. 


So I am guessing there was no meat served at that dinner party? I would have an emergency ham sandwich or chicken wing in my bag. Adam has a bit of the vocal fry voice but he seems nice enough. I enjoyed the dinner party. At the end of the day (tm RHOATL Apollo) I've got no problem with Carole and him as a couple, just thought Carole was a bit annoying and trying to be the 'cool girl' which is just not a good look at any age but at 50+ just fucking ridiculous. 


The countess's "at least the men were over 40" comment didn't seem as bitchy as I thought it would be. I think if she hadn't been teasing around with Sonja or Sonja wasn't there it would've appeared more shady.  


The scene between Carole and Dorinda are what make me love and can't quit the show. Amazing! 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 21

Did Josh get hair plugs? There seemed to be a lot more hair atop his scalp at Kristin's charity event.


Ramona can STFU. If she wanted her Tru Faith brand plastered all over the step and repeat, she should have organized it with Kristin. Also, her jewelry looks like it belongs at a Claire's or some other such place where there are bins upon bins of cheap and costume-y accessories.


Heather gave Kristin a quick, disapproving once over with her eyes when Kristin proclaimed "my bestie, Heather Thomson." Then she flashed her crocodile smile, but as Ramona has astutely pointed out (much to my surprise), Heather's eyes often tell a different story when she smiles.


I wonder just how much Bravo production prepped and primed the Turkish coffee reader. From her "reading" it appeared they did indeed feed her a fair bit of background fodder to use. Perhaps I should make the 20 minute drive over to Queens and test her legitimacy for myself?



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Show. Heather cannot even accept an apology correctly according to Dorinda. She seriously is looking for tits on an ant. By not mentioning that Dorinda was a mean, slobby drunkard, I think Heather did well.

I know! Seriously, what did Dorinda want Heather to do, make her beg for forgiveness? LOL I did not hear or see any indication that Heather was placing conditions on the apology or lauding it over her. Then Bethenny agrees with Dorinda about Heather in her blog tonight! Really, I mean HOW DARE Heather just accept an apology so easily!? LOL

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Then came the last 10 minutes of this ep -- with the widows talking about their experiences.  Man, I'm floored by how touching & beautiful that was.  Thank you, Carole.  I knew I wasn't nuts & there was a reason I liked you so much (once upon a time).  But it feels like a billion years ago -- way, way, way before Satan Andy forced you to take on these idiotic personas this season.  But in the last 10 minutes of this ep, you dropped being Carrie Bradshaw or Samantha Jones or Ariana Grande & you were yourself.  I wish you would only stay this way.  This is the Carole I really like & truly enjoy watching.




This is the Carole I love.


I actually enjoyed seeing her and Adam together. They seem very comfortable.

  • Love 16

Is it me or has Sonja had Ramona living under constant shade for the last few episodes? Sonja ain't letting Ramona get no sun. Its a wonder Ramona doesn't suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency or have rickets.


The girls to Ramona: What charities do you support?

Ramona: Domestic Violence

Sonja: No, they asked you what charity you support not what you do to people.


Zing!!!!!! More please. Love how quick on her feet and on the ball Sonja has been lately. Ramona is in need of constant and persistent dragging. What kills me is that Ramona always seems a bit out of sorts and perplexed when Sonja is slyly getting her ass to-gether. 





Sonja can be very funny.  Her quick wit (and not being sloppy drunk) is why I could see men going for her.  Plus she's a handsome woman.

  • Love 21
Maybe is just me but this episode was really boring.


It was, except for the last 10 minutes.  Well, there wasn't much Bethenny in this ep, so I guess the Bethenny uber-fans must have felt cheated.  While I'm tired of Bethenny, an ep with less of her doesn't necessarily guarantee a better ep.  Idk,  Dorinda's & Carole's chat just tugged at my heart.  But maybe it's just me.

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You know, I thought the scene with Heather & her kids was so sweet.  Those kids are adorable & she's great with them.  Sheesh, why did it take 8 billion eps into this season before ya showed Heather with her family, Satan Andy?  I'd much rather see this than yet another fake therapy session or Bethenny whining about her "probs".  I'd rather see Bethenny's place once it's finished, than under construction.  That scene with Carole was a waste of time.

It was so great. I'm just glad we finally got to see it.

I read an interview that Dorinda did a few months ago and she said this season was so great because there was a real Sex and The City vibe to it. I know a lot of people who previously loved Carole were dismayed by her Carrie Bradshaw persona, but she has always had these elements to her personality. This season that was just what was focused on. She said on Twitter recently that any of her more intelligent scenes were cut. Anyone who knows Andy is aware of his total and complete love for all things SATC, so I think that was the way they went with so many singletons on the show. No time for husbands or small children.

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I watched that scene three times. Heather was beginning to tear up, and was trying to stay composed. I'm sure Kristen's child charity reminds Heather of her own charity, which she seems passionate about. We see Kristen and Heather tearing up together shortly after that scene.

But yeah, I'm sure that nasty reptilian woman was giving Kristen dirty looks through her entire speech, and just faked the tears.


I sort of feel compelled to reply when I'm quoted, but perhaps I shouldn't take the sarcastic bait every time.


I'm not commented on the veracity of Heather's tears, just the smile. In my estimation Heather was a little ticked that Kristin referred to her as "her bestie." I watched that particular scene more than once myself and I still come away with that estimation.

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