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Life is too short...even with herbal remedies...to be as unhappy as Shannon is making herself...


She needs a new herbalist. Or to quit that crap altogether. It's clearly not helping. When she was handing Vicki all those concoctions, I was wondering where the "My husband cheated and I can't let it go and I obsess over every detail of the affair" elixir was. And, why, by this time has she not fed him any, "anti-potato" potions????


Brianna probably was the one who barred Brooks from coming to Chicago. Besides Vicki's brother Billy, didn't Vic have a sister too?


I don't see how Brianna has any right to bar someone from her grandmother's funeral. Who does she think she is? I feel like it just has to be Brianna. Billy always seemed to get along with Brooks. But if Vicki is still catering to her daughter this way, she's pathetic. What did they think Brooks was going to do? Something worse than clutching the corpse???


I suppose Ryan wants to come back to Orange County so he can claim his spot in the C.U.T. dynasty...lol


Frankly, I'm surprised the place has survived without him there to fold the towels. 

  • Love 8

He played MLB for 17 years.  Don't know if he had a multi-mil contract, but he probably didn't do too badly.  He's also a sportscaster now & I think he's a partner in some businesses & owns several homes.  I'd bet he & Terry are at around the same the level, despite those 2 building that ridiculous house & pretending to be billionaires.


Edmonds made $86 million in his 17 year career. He'd have to be really stupid to no longer be well-off but people have blown through more.



  • Love 2

I think that Shannon is a bit shrewish, but I have to cut her some slack. David's affair wasn't just a one time thing. He had an ongoing relationship with this woman and made a decision to leave his wife and children to start a life with her. It would be enormously difficult for me not to constantly wonder whether our marriage was strong enough for him to stay, and if he was planning his exit strategy once again. I mean, he was telling Shannon that he was committed to making their marriage better at the same time that he was planning to move in with the mistress. There is something so incredibly horrible about that, and I understand why Shannon is still reeling. And, on a related note, this is why I have no problems with David apologizing to his daughters, or for one daughter telling him that she "can forgive, but never forget." The words may be her mother's, but I wouldn't discount the possibility that the kids suffered some real emotional pain when their father up and left them for nearly a month. 


I got the feeling that Shannon's reasons and the mentioning of the restaurants did not come out as a whole story.  It sounded like David omitted a restaurant and someone saw him in the  restaurant.  Very awkward conversation.  Whoever is suggesting these exercises to David and Shannon needs to stop.  For all the allegations David was a great Dad I sense a disconnect.  How does one leave a session on parenting and get SEVEN good things before a criticism instead of SEVEN words.   

Roseville is much more affordable than OC. They would be stupid to move.

In addition to the affordability issue, Sara has two or three baby daddies up there who might fight her move to the OC.  Seems like Ryan just wants some easy RHOC money.  My guess is they will pretend move for filming then return to Roseville.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

I don't see how Brianna has any right to bar someone from her grandmother's funeral. Who does she think she is? I feel like it just has to be Brianna. Billy always seemed to get along with Brooks. But if Vicki is still catering to her daughter this way, she's pathetic. What did they think Brooks was going to do? Something worse than clutching the corpse???

I think it was Brianna. Billy and Michael have both said they have no problem with Brooks(which I interpreted as more of a "If that's who Vicki wants" than actually liking him), I imagine the rest of Vicki's siblings who probably have only met Brooks a few times would follow Billy's lead, then there's Brianna. She's the only one who has refused to be in a room with him so I'm going to assume she pulled the same shit about the funeral. She's really trying to give her mom a run for her narcissistic money, isn't she? I'm dreading her showing up this season. That girls has been infuriating me for years.

  • Love 11

Haley sounds like a brat but she is a teenage girl going through a few broken marriages and her mom is dying. I think it was stupid of her parents to let her on camera- I think if her mom passes she will really regret a lot of her behavior/ and def regret having it be on television. Also I am sure she is pissed about her moms illness and is taking it out on her mom. Horrible sure- and she needed to be called out- but IDK, I didn't see anything she might not grow out of. 


Meghan being the 'cool mom replacement' is really not helping things. She should back the hell off IMO. I hope Leann survives but colon cancer is no joke. :-( Haley better get screened as it is really genetic- A family friend's wife just died  ( she was under 30) from colon cancer - all 4 of her grandparents died from it and she was diagnosed young- like around age 24-25. I hope someone is looking out for her.


So I was watching the Vicki scene where she was crying on the phone/hysterical and my husband ( who has low tolerance for these shows anyway) and he flipped out and was like ' WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THIS? THIS IS HORRIBLE' and " SHE WAS 83' ( when Vicki  was saying it was sudden)

. I couldn't even say why I was watching it. 

I then had to re-evaluate my life

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 8

I would chose Brooks over Brianna's psycho husband any day. So, if she was the one who didn't want Brooks at the funeral, and I was Vicki, I'd have to tell Brianne, it's my mother who died, your grandmother. It's more my loss. You have a problem with Brooks, you stay home with psycho Ryan. Granddaughter would take a back seat to the daughter. Ryan would have no say. Billy was in Mexico with Vicki and Brooks, I don't think he has a problem with Brooks. When my mother died, my sil criticized everything I suggested. I finally said, "my mother, my loss, back off". I no longer speak to that sil or my brother who is married to the bitch.

  • Love 14

Vicki's family doesn't live in Chicago!  I wish they'd stop staying that .  They're in some far away suburb, I'm thinking Palatine.  I've been to Palatine, and you Palatine are not Chicago.  /pet peeve of mine.  carry on.

Im from the west suburbs ( Elmhurst area) and its common to just say Chicago or Chicago area to people non-familiar because there is a HUGE difference between Northwest Suburbs/West Suburbs than like Peoria. IL is a big state, lol


If her family was from like Homer Glenn I would give you far away suburb or Morris or something...but Palatine really isn't THAT far from the city. If you can take the metra to the city you really aren't super far. Its not Lincoln Park or the Loop but Ill give Bravo a pass on saying Chicago.


If I am out of town and talking to people from IL- if they say they are from Chicago- I just assume either the city or Chicago suburbs, personally. However obviously talking to someone here I don't tell a Palatine resident  I am from Chicago when I am actually in West Suburbs.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 2

There is something terribly intrusive about Meghan glomming onto the dressing/pre-formal party--or whatever that idiocy was.To me, she had no right to be there. This is a special moment that Jim's ex-wife and her daughter should have shared ALONE or with close friends of their choice.


I hate when people say that, "all teenagers act that way." NO, they don't. I hesitate to criticize anyone who is struggling with cancer, and maybe that dirty ape's mother felt constrained by the cameras, but I have to wonder why she didn't knock her ungrateful, nasty daughter's teeth down her throat. And I agree with the poster up-thread who said that Jim should have pulled that dirty ape aside and set her straight...by knocking her teeth down her throat. I did like that the other girls in the suite contrasted sharply with Jim's daughter--further emphasizing that she is a Tamballs-style trailer monkey. One good thing is that everyone will forever be able to see how that filthy ingrate behaved to her dying mother. I realize that people process grief differently, but she (Jim's daughter--sorry I don't remember that loser's name; nor do I care to)  was nothing but a gross. rotten to the core pig we all observed, so I give her a pass on nothing,

Thank you! I am mortified by her entitled behavior and she will be too when she sees how she treated her mother.

  • Love 4
In addition to the affordability issue, Sara has two or three baby daddies up there who might fight her move to the OC.  Seems like Ryan just wants some easy RHOC money.  My guess is they will pretend move for filming then return to Roseville.


Baby daddies probably equals other family as well. Plus, they're likely very attached to their school(s), friends, etc. Obviously moving isn't going to kill a kid, plenty have done it. But it seems like as a whole family unit, there's more to lose by leaving Roseville than Ryan not being in the OC. But, of course, it's all about Grampon and HER needs. Ryan will go wherever he can be supported. 

  • Love 6

Not only is she completely insensitive, every word that leaves her mouth is self-congratulatory.  I love the poster upthread who said Meghan's probably burned off every last ounce of fat by constantly patting herself on the back.  And then there's how she enunciates her words, leans into the camera and waves her hands and arms around, as she tells her stories in which she's always the hero.  I


In a franchise already chock full of malignant narcissists and borderline sociopaths, Meghan is still a standout in terms of her wholly unique approach to self-idolatry and complete lack of empathy with others. In her many THs, she displays a strange lack of affect unless she's putting someone else down or enumerating her many fine qualities, in which case she becomes quite animated. She is an island unto herself.


I'm looking forward to the upcoming exchange with Vicki ("You shut your mouth!!..."Oh, you're just an old bitter woman."). I'm guessing Vicki will either (1) Grab Meghan by her long pointed elf ears and swing her around a few times (2) Put her in a painful giraffe neck hold until she apologizes, or (3) Fall down sobbing.

Edited by Should Be Working
  • Love 11

As someone  with a lot of experience with sickness, I need to cut Meghan's stepdaughter some slack. My family has illness spades, wih my hiv status and then, in 2007, with  my husbands an aortic dissection. He had the same kind that killed John Ritter, and which kills 90% of the people who have it. He was  in the hospital for 3 months, and we didn't know if he would survive. He was, and still is not in great health, and lives with a lot of pain.

     We have 3 kids. 2 of them were sweet as heck and so good. My 3rd, my son, who was 12 at the time did not handle it so well.  Combine dealing with a sick parent and the teenage years, and it was a recipe for disaster. MY sweet loving kid, became angry  and sullen, at his father. And believe me this kid worshipped his dad. I was heartbreaking. He just couldn't deal. He was in pain though. I think Meghan's stepdaugther is in pain. Kids in this situation feel anger and pain and they don't know how to deal with it. I've been told it is very common for kids to be angry at the sick parent. Heck, Adults  don't deal with this stuff well.  

I'm not excusing  it. I don't even know if this is the case with the stepdaughter, but my own life experiences cause me to give her the benefit of the doubt  

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 16

Shannon has a right to be hurt etc, even devastated. But she does not have the right to cling to this man forever simply to "make him pay" which is what she seems to be doing. I think she would love to,dump him, except he might want that and then be happy.

I'd hardly call it forever. IIRC Shannon told her friend (while preparing for the bunco party) that it had been 6 mos. since David ended the affair. That's not very long to "get over" an affair that latest 8 mos. This wasn't a drunken one night stand. David had a love affair.

So far no one has commented on the moment that disturbed me the most, so I'll do it:

Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??

I feel better now.

I snorted picturing Vicki taking a selfie. Thank you.

ETA: bunco party not brunch

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 5

As disturbing as it sounds, I've seen photos taken of the deceased in the open casket (after non-family exits the viewing) to be sent to relatives in Europe.  I don't know if this is some kind of tradition, but I found it to be beyond morbid, and can't, for the life of me, understand why people would want something like that.


Yea that reminds me!  My friend's mom is from Hungary, and once my friend was showing me her family photo albums, and lo and behold, there are pictures of not only her grandmother's casket, but the actual body laying in the casket. 


So maybe it' s a cultural thing, and much more "normal" to do in European countries?  I have no clue!

  • Love 1

Yea that reminds me!  My friend's mom is from Hungary, and once my friend was showing me her family photo albums, and lo and behold, there are pictures of not only her grandmother's casket, but the actual body laying in the casket. 


So maybe it' s a cultural thing, and much more "normal" to do in European countries?  I have no clue!

It's more common in Eastern Europe

I actually liked this episode quite a lot. Things were actually happening in their lives - not all this manufactured drama at this week's reason for a party.


The stepdaughter was a complete pill. I was glad Jim finally said something to her. And I laughed out loud when her friends pointed out that her Mom told her to take the dress and she didn't. Hilarious! As a stepmom myself to a teenager I kind of get why the mother didn't say anything. Arguing constantly takes so much out of you and maybe she just doesn't have the fight in her. 

Also, I think Meghan had as much right as anyone to be there. She is the stepmother and her daughter lives with her.


I love the interplay of the Dubrows at home on a random day. I found it funny and authentic. I could see very similar things happening in my own house. And I don't think the son was doing a model of their new home - I thought it was a picture of a D.C. historic building, maybe the Lincoln Memorial?


I am shocked that Vicky wasn't allowed to bring Brooks. Talk about focusing on all the wrong things at a moment of crisis. 


I might have teared up when Tamra first held the baby. But I will never admit it. 


Also, weeks ago didn't Shannon say it was time to move forward from the affair? And now she is making him make lists of where they went? What a joke. And he gets in trouble for not calling when she says? Ugh.

If she wants to move forward she needs to stop, accept it happened and leave it in the past. The details don't really matter.

  • Love 1

I agree! Shannon will probably never get over David cheating and he will likely do it again just to get some peace and something that makes him feel good. I work with a woman who was married 20 some years and her husband cheated on her. Before she found out, she was pretty easygoing, fun, basically a happy person. After the first affair (yes he did it again) she fell apart, lost weight etc. Her husband left her a few times for the other woman and eventually came back. Supposedly told her he wanted to work on their marriage, she was a mess.To this day she is obsessed with the other woman and wants to make her pay for "ruining her marriage". Doesn't trust her husband out of her sight and every time she calms down and thinks things are ok, something triggers her. Or her "wonderful" husband cheats on her again or walks out on her. She and her hubby had a baby together and her hubby had two kids with two women he's cheated on her with and his first mistress and he had a relationship for FOUR years behind his wife's back even after she found out the first time and the wife had a baby with her husband. (mistresses' baby was born first). Some people never let go. My coworker is a miserable bitter woman who looks like she aged ten years.  She would be so much happier if she just kicked him to the curb. She's obviously not happy now.  But she seems to not want to let go of him because he might run off with someone else and be happy.

David and Shannon are some sick individuals to drag their daughters into the middle of this mess. I don't think their marriage will last.

When I was a kid I was going through my grandmother's photo album and right next to the family Christmas pictures were pictures of my deceased uncle (Open casket) taken from several angles. He was in his 50's when he died. Talk about morbid. But people do it.

Back in the Victorian era, postmortem photography was common.  They actually propped up the deceased for photos with their family prior to burial.  WARNING: It's very creepy!




Even creepier -  look what's being done today!



The thing about Vicki and her grief is that after the initial shock of finding out about her mothers passing at  Shannon's house, she has been the one to call the Bravo cameras over after that. They all have the ability to work with production and schedule filming. With the exception of the group events, their schedule is their own. They call and set up production for whatever they want to do. Have lunch, go shopping, hang out with one of the other girls. Bravo doesn't just show up out of the blue and say "it's time to film you doing something". They certainly didn't just show up at her home the day she was leaving for Chicago and say "we'd like to watch you cry and pack". She had to be the one to schedule camera time immediately after getting the news, because I guess she wanted to make sure her grief was well documented.  I also don't have a lot of doubts that Vicki herself would have been fine with Bravo traveling to Illinois with her. They might not have been able to film the actual funeral, but there would have been lots of other time for them to film her hysterics. I just don't think they would believe that this would be something we would want to see, and they would be right. 

  • Love 4

I wonder if David and his mistress spent most of their time at the local Wendy's all you can eat baked potato bar.

I have visions of David at his mistress’ house.  She offers him potatoes prepared in many different ways – baked, mashed, fried, hash, scalloped.  They make love in a mountain of creamy garlic mashed potatoes with her putting her potato covered fingers in his mouth as he greedily sucks the evil white carbohydrates off her hand.  On another visit, she makes him a casserole from a very old school recipe.  We’re talking about canned soup and noodles.  Yes, wide egg noodles in all of their chewy glory.  She offers this with a simple salad and bread.  This is not your fancy whole grain, high fiber, good for you bread.  No.  She lays out a basket of white bread, dinner rolls, dare I say, even Pillsbury biscuits and crescent rolls and a whole stick of room temperature real butter, ready to spread.   When he’s had his fill, they curl up on the couch.  He unbuttons the top button on his pants to give himself more room to breathe.  He whispers to her, “How about next time we do taco Tuesday?  I’ll bring the chips and salsa.”


As to Hayley, yes she came off as an entitled brat.  I didn’t understand the whole let’s get a hotel suite set up.  Unless you had people there to do hair, makeup, mani/pedis, it makes no sense.  It was just designed to make Meghan look good and it failed.  Hayley’s behavior made me think of the show “Time of Death”.  It is a difficult watch.  It covers the last months or days of terminally ill people.  There was a single mother of three, two teenagers who lived with her and one who was in college.  There was a lot of acting out from the younger two kids.  For now I’ll give Hayley a pass on the behavior we saw.  She is 17 and being shoved into really awkward situations.  At the same time, I give no pass to her parents for exposing her this way.  Do none of these people have sense enough to let their children grow up off camera?  Oops.  Answered my own question. 


When they first showed Ryan’s spawn, her nose looked smashed in.  It was reminiscent of Cubert on Futurama, a clone of the professor that he left in the tube to long and his nose got smashed in.


If I were a member of Vicki’s family, I would welcome Brooks to accompany her.  Then he could be the one tasked with filling her never-full vortex of neediness.

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 13

I'd hardly call it forever. IIRC Shannon told her friend her friend (while preparing for the bunch party) that it had been 6 mos. since David ended the affair. That's not very long to "get over" an affair that latest 8 mos. This wasn't a drunken one night stand. David had a love affair.

I snorted picturing Vicki taking a selfie. Thank you.

I think it will be forever, though. I don't think she will be able to ever get past his cheating. Which is fine, but then don't stay in the marriage.

  • Love 2
I think it will be forever, though. I don't think she will be able to ever get past his cheating. Which is fine, but then don't stay in the marriage.


Exactly. Given what we know of Shannon, I think it's unlikely she will ever be able to get past it. I see the Beadors as being in this long-term stand-off. She won't leave because she's determined that holding the family "together" matters more than anything. And he won't leave, because he'll look like even more of an asshole. Those kids...

  • Love 4

I don't see how Brianna has any right to bar someone from her grandmother's funeral. Who does she think she is? I feel like it just has to be Brianna. Billy always seemed to get along with Brooks. But if Vicki is still catering to her daughter this way, she's pathetic. What did they think Brooks was going to do? Something worse than clutching the corpse???

Brianna has the same right to bar Brooks from the funeral as my ex-step-daughter had to bar me from her grandmother's funeral a few years ago. This was despite my ex-husband's wishes that I would be there. He called me a couple of days before the service to dis-invite me after his then 30-something physician's assistant daughter and her younger 20-something never do well brother had what my ex called 'a temper tantrum' at the thought of my being there.

Funerals are for the family. I was married to the family for 14 years. Out of respect for my a-hole ex-step children, I did not attend the funeral, but I also ended the connection that remained with my ex. It just got too weird for me.

Point being, yes, Brianna can bar Brooks from the funeral, especially if Vicky allows it.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 2

Not a good idea having a teenager on these type of shows. They always say the wrong things and then are raked over the coals on social media. And then they have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Lisa Rinna's daughters come to mind. On the RHOBH they made remarks about fast food and 'chub chubs ' , they got all kinds of grief for saying that.

If Bravo/Andy were caring people, which they are not, they wouldn't have kids on under the age of 18.

  • Love 5

Bravo uses the generic Chicago because so many people are ignorant about geography. If they would say Palantine, 80% of the viewing public would say "Huh? Where'd she say? Where the hell is that?" It's just easier to say Chicago. I grew up in Waukesha, Wi, but when people would ask where I lived, I just said Milwaukee. It's really not such a big deal, especially for the geography impaired.

When I said Heather was $500,000 over on her cabinets, I was being facetious.

  • Love 4

Bravo uses the generic Chicago because so many people are ignorant about geography. If they would say Palantine, 80% of the viewing public would say "Huh? Where'd she say? Where the hell is that?" It's just easier to say Chicago. I grew up in Waukesha, Wi, but when people would ask where I lived, I just said Milwaukee. It's really not such a big deal, especially for the geography impaired.

When I said Heather was $500,000 over on her cabinets, I was being facetious.

I live 30 miles outside of Detroit in a big suburb that no one except Ryebread has ever heard of before. When folks ask where I live I always say Detroit. I also think that Vicki kept saying Chicago, as did others, because that was the airport she was flying in to.

  • Love 5


Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??


    I feel better now.

As disturbing as it sounds, I've seen photos taken of the deceased in the open casket (after non-family exits the viewing) to be sent to relatives in Europe.  I don't know if this is some kind of tradition, but I found it to be beyond morbid, and can't, for the life of me, understand why people would want something like that.

My grandfather was a funeral director and he told me that sometimes--not all that often--people, family members, friends would want to take photos. He always allowed it as he was in favor of anything which might make the folks feel a little better. He'd only object if it was intrusive. He mentioned that it was usually an old custom from wherever (he never specified). I think he found it a bit weird as well. I know he never did it when someone he knew died.


Unless someone actually knows that Brianna was the one who banned Brooks, I wouldn't assume. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. The situation was stressful enough--how couldn't it be with Vicki there?--without adding to it. It could well be that some other family member(s) decided to not add fuel to the fire.

  • Love 1

Edmonds made $86 million in his 17 year career. He'd have to be really stupid to no longer be well-off but people have blown through more.



Yea, ESPN did a show about professional athletes who go broke shortly after their careers end, due to a variety of circumstances.  I don't think Jim Edmonds is in that category.  However, one thing the documentary did mention was their propensity for opening restaurants.  Jim has opened at least two restaurants with Mark Winfield  in the St. Louis area, one of which closed due to a lack of business (The Precinct Bar and Grill).  Maybe the Edmonds and Dubrows can open one in OC, so there will finally be a place to eat that meets Heather's East Coast criteria. Their motto could be:    At least David Beador didn't bring his mistress here.


OOPS....HumblePi already mentioned the restaurant that closed.  I can't keep up.



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 9

Right? I thought the same thing.

I have a cat sweatshirt like hers, except mine has a zipper mouth you can open and close and ears on the shoulders. I bought it here: http://m.aliexpress.com/item/32221699387.html?productId=32221699387&productId=32221699387&productSubject=2014-Cartoon-Zipper-Mouth-Smile-3D-Ear-Sweatshirt-Women-Hoody-Casual-Tracksuit-Women-Hoodies-Cute-Sport&productSubject=2014-Cartoon-Zipper-Mouth-Smile-3D-Ear-Sweatshirt-Women-Hoody-Casual-Tracksuit-Women-Hoodies-Cute-Sport&tracelog=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail

I thought the Shannon's oldest daughter was so funny when David was talking about how to tell a teenager something negative and he started to give an example and she said, "Like you're ugly!" That was the only amusing part about watching the awkwardness that is David and Shannon's marriage.

  • Love 6

Random impressions from last night:

- Heather could have helped Coco express her feelings instead of finding the kid's passive-aggressive behavior cute. Heather said Coco was more like her - I can see it.

- Meghan and Hayley deserve each other - and both of them deserve the creepy ball player.

- I think David has an ugly dark side

- Enjoyed seeing the families - good episode!

  • Love 4

I'm pretty sure the suite she rented for her stepdaughter was featured on the first episode of "Laguna Beach." It looked exactly like the location of Lauren's black and white party. Maybe Megan saw it on TV when she was 20 and thought it would be cool to rent someday. 


Did Meghan set that up? I thought it was Jim and Lee Ann's doing.


Because she's the coolest Mom ever, ha! I hate it when people go around saying hash tag, so annoying, it's over let it go.

Don't forget those stupid gestures she makes.

  • Love 3

If she wants to move forward she needs to stop, accept it happened and leave it in the past. The details don't really matter.

Somebody is giving these two sucky advice under the guise of therapy.  As far as I know there are no remainders of the affair such as a child,  So reliving the restaurants, the hotels would be painful.  What a complete screw you if he took "the affair" to every restaurant Shannon liked.  I just assumed she wanted to know the restaurant so she would not go to the same ona and worry about if he was thinking of her during the appetizers.  I still maintain most of the affair was probably more room service than haute cuisine.

  • Love 3

Yea that reminds me! My friend's mom is from Hungary, and once my friend was showing me her family photo albums, and lo and behold, there are pictures of not only her grandmother's casket, but the actual body laying in the casket.

So maybe it' s a cultural thing, and much more "normal" to do in European countries? I have no clue!

It has been done in Appalachia since photography began.

Are wakes and viewings no longer held? In Appalachia we still have viewings at the funeral home, usually the night before the funeral. It's a way for those in the community to stop and pay their respects and support the family , especially if they're not going to attend the funeral.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 2


Are wakes and viewings no longer held? In Appalachia we still have viewings at the funeral home, usually the night before the funeral. It's a way for those in the community to stop and pay their respects and support the family , especially if they're not going to attend the funeral.


My dad died on a Friday morning.  There was a wake at the funeral home Saturday and Sunday and the funeral was Monday.  He lived on Long Island.


(ETA - there were no photographs, at least not that I'm aware of).

Edited by mwell345

BEDEN, ON 12 JUL 2015 - 6:31 PM, SAID:

Am I the only one who thinks that the HW genre has outlived it's usefulness and is spiraling the drain?

As for Megs and Mr Megs--supposedly they sold their previous house for somewhere in the $7mil range and bought the new place for around $2 1/2 mil, give or take. That's not a bad profit piece of change to invest or sit on.

I posted this elsewhere too- she was saying that they were looking for a $10 million place?? Not that $2.5 million is shabby but it's not 10! She's a blowhard.

  • Love 2

What I don't get is how this show is garnering much higher ratings than the NY show. Just more long-time loyal viewers? It has sucked so bad thus far and the First Looks gave me zero hope for a change.



Boogles. RHNY so much better, cast and season.  I'm a So Cal girl and watched the first seasons of OC like they were a religion. OMG, the OC Angeles and Asian mail order brides were the best story lines ever and Laurie w/ her wallet and the OC Register articles were second. I've stopped watching and reading about NJ & ATL and am close to stopping OC too. I find my disinterest is first in watching and finally reading here about the wives.



I'm so glad I'm not the only one who finds this season of the OC boring.

  • Love 7

I am from a suburb of Chicago. I tell people I am from "Chicago" to make things simpler. If I told them my suburb name they would ask where that is. I would then reply, "Chicago" or "Chicago area" so really, what is the point? And Palatine isn't WAY out there. It is in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, about 25 mins. out of the city.


Those Victorian funeral photos freaked me out! I once was at a memorial service-(just a memorial, the deceased's body wasn't there) and while we were going around in a circle telling memories of the woman who died, two men who were related to her took pictures of us talking and crying! It was so invasive and I still to this day think they are a bit...off. Just so weird. My family is Catholic and we do have wakes/viewings. I actually like it as it gives closure to see the person. The services are peaceful and respectful.

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I grew up in the North Shore and lived in and around the north side of the city for years. I now live in Northwest Indiana and if someone from out of the area asks where I live, I always said "Chicago". I still say that and I'm not even officially in the state anymore but just an hour away. That designation means generally the greater Chicagoland area. Not a big thing. If anyone's interested, her ex lived in Carpentersville, so if she lived there with him, she was from the far Northwest burbs but no one outside this area would know....or care. 


Shannon is not going to get over this. She needs to move on and let go. It's so damn disturbing.


I'm watching WWHL with Tamra and I think she's worried about her job. She keeps trying to correct Andy in a really uptight way when he makes jokes about her. She must be on notice that she's a nightmare and needs to go.

  • Love 3

In these scenes with Shannon and David I feel like I'm watching them play out the (typed, numbered) list of things Shannon told David she needs from him in order to work through her feelings about his affair, and to get past it.  I can imagine him telling her that he would do whatever she asked if she would give him a second chance, so she said okay, I want you to go to couples' therapy, and also we will have sessions with a third party to discuss how you can be a better husband and father, and when I have bad feelings because something reminded me of your affair, you have to just stand there and listen to me tell you how those feelings made me feel, because you are the villain here, and you owe me endless amounts of contrition.  So he has been doing all of this, but there has been no sign of improvement, if anything Shannon is becoming more obsessed with his affair instead of less, and he's growing weary of jumping through the humiliating hoops and constantly having to acknowledge that yes, Shannon, I just did something inconsiderate again, I didn't call you when I said I would, I understand why you're upset.  Yes dear, yes dear, yes dear, I'm sorry to infinite and beyond. 


I can appreciate the reasoning behind trying to work it out and keep their family intact, but this shit digs in deep, the damage is too big and Shannon is clearly not the kind of person who can move on from it.  I'm not criticizing her for this, I'm the same way - if Mr. Irritable cheated, that would be it for us, because I know that I would never be able to look at him again without thinking about it.  You just have to know yourself, and what you can and cannot handle.  Shannon is fighting it in such a way that she's only making things worse, and if she doesn't get a grip then David will go from being the bad guy who cheated on his poor wife, to the poor guy that ran away screaming from his nagging wife and everyone will say, "Damn dude, I don't know how you stayed as long as you did!"  I still like Shannon, and I certainly understand her feelings and why she can't just get over it, but that is why if I were in her position I would just say well, I tried everything I could think of to get myself past what happened, but trust can't be regained and I can't live with these waves of emotion crashing over me every time someone says boo, so we should probably get a divorce.  It feels like that's the foregone conclusion, we are just seeing the death throes of the marriage, and it's so awkward.


Shut up about being a sexy grandma,Tamra.  Better yet, shut up about being sexy.  Or best option of all, just shut up.  I don't understand why she and Ryan get to decide that because he doesn't like living where he is, that now his wife (?) and their 5 children should move back near his mommy.  The woman has her own established business, maybe she doesn't want to uproot and go where they can't afford to live.


Of course Vicki picked her mother up out of the coffin.  Of course she did. 


It's so hard to watch the scenes with Leeanne in them.  She seems so lovely, and in spite of how poorly she must feel most of the time, she still shows up for things, she smiles, she does her best to put everyone around her at ease.  She chooses not to light into her teenage daughter in front of her friends and the cameras for acting like a nasty brat, because she knows that in the grand scheme of her reality, getting into an argument on that day isn't worth it.  She is the epitome of grace, letting the bad behavior go by in order to keep things moving in a positive direction.  She wants to have good days, she wants to build happy memories.  In the end, her daughter will look back on how she treated her mom on that day and have to live with the pain and regret of it - that will be more than punishment enough.  Also, I think there is a really good chance that some of the girl's temper and moodiness comes from the stress of knowing her mother is so sick, and at that age it's hard to know how to handle the weight of something so serious looming over every moment.  She's frustrated that her mom is dying, much more so than she is frustrated that her dress got left behind.  But it's easier to act like it's about the dress, when you're a kid.  No matter how many pounds of godawful makeup are stacked on her face, she's still just a kid. 


So very well said.  There's so much wisdom all over this post that I just had to quote it and express my appreciation.  

  • Love 6
I'm watching WWHL with Tamra and I think she's worried about her job. She keeps trying to correct Andy in a really uptight way when he makes jokes about her. She must be on notice that she's a nightmare and needs to go


One of the things that really ticked me off about her appearance on WWHL was that even in the midst of knowing Brook's condition, she STILL cannot make an effort to give the guy a chance--for Vicki's sake.  It's like she makes ZERO effort. 

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Haylie was supposed to be going to a winter "formal"? If so, what were those kids wearing? Is that the fashion on the west coast? The kids who go to Homecoming or Formals or Prom here in the Northeast get really dressed up in pretty dresses and tuxes or suits. The girls dresses weren't anything special, and when I saw Haylie's date, I thought he looked like he raided Ferdinand Marco's closet.



Okay, I saw this first hand - myself.  I don't know if you have ever watched Laguna Beach reality show.  But, remember Casey - the now Casey Cupcake chick?  Her prom dress was yellow and had that huge cut out at her waste!!  I was at Angel Stadium watching my son's baseball CIF game where the Laguna Beach High School had their prom.  All of us moms were just staring with our mouths open.  I've seen hootchy, too short booties, hanging out boobies - seen it all.  West Coast - not all girls, but ya, lots of girls.  I was only embarrassed once by one of my son's dates.  Matter of fact, pissed off.  I think those dance pictures are in some land fill somewhere. ;)  

Edited by Lablover27
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One of the things that really ticked me off about her appearance on WWHL was that even in the midst of knowing Brook's condition, she STILL cannot make an effort to give the guy a chance--for Vicki's sake.  It's like she makes ZERO effort.

I think she still thinks he is not really sick.

I am fairly unconvinced myself...

If it was proven that this girl doesn't have an eating disorder, I'd eat my husband's shorts. So I'm pretty darned sure of it.



Omg...very haggard-looking here...

  • Love 2

Are wakes and viewings no longer held? In Appalachia we still have viewings at the funeral home, usually the night before the funeral. It's a way for those in the community to stop and pay their respects and support the family , especially if they're not going to attend the funeral.

I've always been to viewings, condition of body depending, of course. I've never seen any take photos of the body, however, but I hear there's this new thing with assholes take selfies with the corpse.


If it was proven that this girl doesn't have an eating disorder, I'd eat my husband's shorts. So I'm pretty darned sure of it.



Gah! Who the hell is that?

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