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S06.E01: Keep It Moving

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I thought Javi was being an absolute jerk about it. You don't throw a bitchy hissy fit over a text message your wife gets, stooping to drag young children into it. He wanted acces to her phone and stuck it to everyone because of his insecurities. If Kail is doing things she shouldn't, Javi needs to let her so he can truly deal with reality instead of putting her on lockdown which will never work. He is immature and neither one of them should have married and had another child. At least they bought a house and Issac is very loved. Kail seems like a good mom, as well.

Jennelle is an utter failure as a human being. Fuck's sake, she is horrible! Already little Kaiser Roll is hearing her bitch ass mouth yelling inappropriately. She had no right to act like that to Barb. From what I heard, it seemed like Jennelle had plans to be with, er, watch Jace sometime over the vacation and Barb was miffed at Jennelle's complete lack of care about her or Jace (and The Roll). Barb was a huge interrupter but she always has the tone that Jennelle is going to fuck up something, and she usually does. Here is Barb struggling to raise Jace while her maniac daughter goes on a lovely vacation. Nipples has a lot of nerve calling Barb anything because he is a lowlife, hanger-on that can't seem to take care of his responsibilities.

Leah, omg girl. You are one fucked up person. Your girls are in serious need of decent parenting. Damn, what a mess.

Chelsea is looking good and is pretty boring, lol. I had to laugh with Adumb saying she was finally over him. He is a piece of shit and a loser trying to use his kids for money. He shouldn't be on the show.

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Yes. She also said to her friend, "I could cheat if I wanted to" (paraphrasing).


Why does it irk me so much when people say that? I feel like they're admitting they've already really thought about it/came close. 

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That whole situation between Kail and Javi was so uncomfortable to watch. Whether Javi is just ragingly insecure or there is a deeper history there, Kail was right about one thing: if they don't have trust, their marriage is screwed. I just feel bad for their kids - and their house guests! How awkward!

The highlights of Leah's scenes for me were giving her subtitles during her dinner with Germy because between the accent and being zonked out on whatever she is taking, she was hard to understand. The second was her talking to her friend about what a good mother she is and hearing a series of bangs in the background. Um, perhaps you should go check on Adderall?

Jennelle. I can't even. Poor Jace. I actually fear for Kaiser's safety. There is no way those two knuckleheads should be allowed to take care of a baby unsupervised. I don't know how Barb hasn't killed her. If I talked to my mother that way I don't think I'd be breathing. If Jennelle is regularly seeing/taking Jace on the weekends, then duh, of course Barb will now have to make other plans for him if they are gone an entire week. Jennelle is just so self-centered.

Lastly, Chelsea. The baby voice will never not be annoying, but it's nice to see her so happy and with a nice, Randy-approved guy. And what a little cutie Cole is! Such an upgrade from Adam. She's a good mom and admire how she and Randy are very careful not to bad mouth Adam in front of Aubree.

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That's interesting. I'm familiar with gas spectrometry/chromatography but I've seldom seen it used in cases like Leah. Usually it's reserved from criminal court when someone is on trial for driving under the influence of drugs or on probation, ect. That'd be AWESOME if they'd use it in Leah's case since she is so obviously abusing prescription drugs.

That's what they did to urinalysis when I was in the military GCMS

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Why does it irk me so much when people say that? I feel like they're admitting they've already really thought about it/came close. 

It likely irks you because as you mentioned, they have thought about it and/or they have done it. I cannot imagine saying such a thing. I am faithful to my spouse in all ways. For Kail to say she could cheat if she wanted to means she has at least figured out how she could go about cheating without being caught. Not a good sign about her marriage. Not that her marriage is anything to write home about. All she does is bitch about how she has to compromise (which she never does) and how FRUSTRATED! she is.



I'm familiar with gas spectrometry/chromatography but I've seldom seen it used in cases like Leah. Usually it's reserved from criminal court when someone is on trial for driving under the influence of drugs or on probation, ect. That'd be AWESOME if they'd use it in Leah's case since she is so obviously abusing prescription drugs.

Not sure how they do it there in her state, but the family courts here will sometimes do both a blood test and a hair test

Edited by GreatKazu
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Barbara is hardly the worst person in that scenario but I would've hung up on her too. She does that old person cell phone thing where she doesn't understand the delay and just keeps talking over Jenelle.


Please forgive us old persons.  We come from a time when telephone conversations were just that--conversations.  Not individual declarations made into space, where the other person has to just sit there waiting to see if there's more coming.  Or, more accurately, we did have that--on walkie-talkies, which were considered toys.  But we said "over" as a signal we were finished with that comment.


As for the show, Adam's house sure could use a visit from the people on HGTV's "Curb Appeal." 

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Adam saying he won't leave court without custody is right up there with Nipples crying in the back of the cop car. That shit will never not crack me up.

At the beginning, Kail said something about her life being so busy raising two kids and going back to school that she went back to court to change the visitation. Bitch, you made the choice to have another kid, move hours away and go back to school. Isaac shouldn't have to lose any more of the little bit of time he spends with his dad because of it. When she tells Jo not to move into her back yard, I actually talked to the TV and said I hoped he buys or rents the house next door. Her head would explode.

I'm sure Leah thinks that because she conned her doc into writing her a scrip for something for headaches that she'll breeze right through her court ordered drug test. What she doesn't know is that it won't be a simple pee in a cup to confirm the presence or absence of opiates and/or benzos. Testing is a lot more sophisticated these days and they not only look for the presence of drugs but also test for the levels of the drugs she says she's taking. So, lets say she has a scrip for vicodin but she's also taking percoset, oxycontin, heroin or some other opiate. Her test will not only show the presence of the opiates she has a scrip for, it'll show a higher level of opiates than she's prescribed and can differentiate between them. Unless she takes only what's written on her scrips for a at least a week before she tests, she's toast. Also, if you watch her mom's facial expressions during the ride to court and after it's over, it's clear that she knows whats going on and knows it's just a matter of time until she gets caught. I agree with the poster upthread that said Leah's biggest reason for not wanting Corey to have the girlses 50% of the time is because she'd have to get off her ass and get a job.

Nipples saying Barb is evil made me want to reach through my TV and punch his ugly mug. Barb knows what an asshole he is and knows the only reason he wants Jace to live with them is to hurt her because she's had his number from the get go. I'm sure the reason Jenelle never brings the Roll along when she takes Jace back to Barb is all Nipple's doing. He's probably threatened her with something if she ever lets Barb see her other grandkid.

Unfortunately those kinds of tests take time and money, my future daughter in law is a juvenile probation officer and 99% of the time drug testing is just a urine stick test.

They more than likely won't do the extensive testing on Leah.

I agree with the posters who have said she jumped to get an opiate prescription so her ass would be covered.

I must say that I'm so happy to not have to read people calling little Ali "goggles". I always thought that name was so mean. It's the same as calling a kid four eyes.

I'm glad everybody seems to have moved pat that name. It would be stupid now anyway since she wears regular glasses now.

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I think javi has done a bunch to accommodate kail and her choices. She shoved him into the role of father when he barely even knew Isaac or kail. Yes it was his stupidity to do that but kail is the one who actually had experience being a parent. It was her own self centered agenda that was backing that imo and now she's confused about why javi is done and wants to assert himself. Why should he drive 6 hours so she can go to a concert? Kail was the one who wanted to move and if she can't do it then Jo should. But Jo doesn't have to because she took on that responsibility when she insisted on moving 3 hours away. So kail can continue doing things that javi doesn't like such as text guys from school and kail gets to just continue on doing what she wants too bad so sad? I actually give javi props for having some balls and not being a doormat in that scenario. They say they're on the verge of divorce and javi will have pretty much nothing to do with Isaac if they divorce whether he has been pretending to be daddy till now or has a big ass Isaac tattoo or not. The marriage is not built on anything other than how kail wanted to stick it to Jo by moving and how she wanted military benefits from what I can see.

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Yes, I said it earlier, something is off with Kail being upset that Jo is moving closer to her. He is moving for Isaac's benefit but also helping her out as well, as there would be less driving. Something that I'm pretty sure she complained about in a past season. I swear she did. I don't really get what her deal is with that.  Like I said, I think she also likes having obstacles in her life because then she has cards to play and to use in her deck when need be. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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So Jace is wetting the bed and has behavior problems. Please MTV step in and get that kid some serious therapy.

And Jenelle better thank her lucky stars she has a mother that actually cares for her. Jace would be in foster care if it weren't for Barbs. Jace would starve and see his mother shoot up drugs if it weren't for Barbs. If Barbs were selfish she wouldn't even take care of Jace or worry about Jenelle. Yet she keeps taking Jenelle back and takes her up on her excuses. Please let Kaiser be adopted. Nathan and Jenelle don't need any kids. Barbs is Jace's mother

Edited by Darknight
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I agree, how has no one has helped that kid? Mtv is making big money from exploiting Jaces unfortunate situation but he still has to live like that. So gross. They just drag everyone on to those pathetic dr drew specials and ask stupid questions and then barb gets to go home and deal with some real issues by herself.

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Unfortunately those kinds of tests take time and money, my future daughter in law is a juvenile probation officer and 99% of the time drug testing is just a urine stick test.

They more than likely won't do the extensive testing on Leah.

I agree with the posters who have said she jumped to get an opiate prescription so her ass would be covered.

I must say that I'm so happy to not have to read people calling little Ali "goggles". I always thought that name was so mean. It's the same as calling a kid four eyes.

I'm glad everybody seems to have moved pat that name. It would be stupid now anyway since she wears regular glasses now.

The test runs about $250 here on the west coast and results take less than a week to get back. Since Corey has concerns about prescription drug abuse, I think it's probably likely that his lawyer could make a recommendation for something other than the dip stick test. It's so easy to get around one of those, a lot of courts are not using them anymore. I'd hope when the safety of children is at stake, they'd choose a test that you can't cheat.

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It was her own self centered agenda that was backing that imo and now she's confused about why javi is done and wants to assert himself. Why should he drive 6 hours so she can go to a concert?

Well, he had no issue doing it before and it was something he did many times. He actually was in on it with Kail when she wanted to move farther away from Jo. He sat there in a restaurant with that stupid grin on his face as he and Kail plotted the whole thing about going to court and getting the judge to sign off and giving her permission to move. Javi was right there as they both decided to buy a house and move in without telling Jo. Yeah, no sympathy for Javi at all. He plotted, planned, and got what he wanted.


Besides, the issue was not the six hours of driving. He was using Isaac to push Kail's buttons. He was using it as a passive-aggressive move by telling her he was NOT going to pick up Isaac from school. You know, the same kind of move that Jenelle pulls when she tells Barb she is going to take Jace back. It is meant to hurt and push buttons.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The test runs about $250 here on the west coast and results take less than a week to get back. Since Corey has concerns about prescription drug abuse, I think it's probably likely that his lawyer could make a recommendation for something other than the dip stick test. It's so easy to get around one of those, a lot of courts are not using them anymore. I'd hope when the safety of children is at stake, they'd choose a test that you can't cheat.

Peeing in a cup is free. If a place does thousands of drug tests a week, $250 a pop adds up fast. I'm also on the West Coast in the Bay Area.

I'm just reporting what my daughter in law, who had administered thousands of drug tests and my Dr. have told me.

I really hope you're right though and they go the extra step with Leah. Not only for the sake of the girls but I'm all for anything that will stop these prescription abusers. It's people like Leah who make it extremely hard for the people who legitimately need these pain medicines to get them.

I had a bad accident and have had 6 spinal and hip surgeries in less than 2 years and am in a wheelchair. I'm treated like an addict when I go pick up my medication. I'll be on some type if pain medicine for the rest of my life. It pisses me off when people like Leah make it so hard on the rest of us.

I know somebody who fell down some stairs, her foot was black and blue from her toes to above her ankle. It was also swollen twice it's normal size. She was given Tylenol because the Dr said too many people emergency room hop to get drugs.

Edited by Maharincess
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In addition to Jo moving closer to Issac and Kail, there was also a clip of him saying that Vee is having a baby. Maybe he's moving so that his children can be close and actually grow up together. That could also be why Kail is salty. Sure she's made up with Vee and Jo and they all get along, but it doesn't mean she wants to see him and Vee being happy with another baby. We all know that she's allowed to do whatever she wants but how dare Jo think he can do the same.


I thought Javi was an asshole unnecessarily. He knew what he was getting when he married her. In my opinion, that text message wasn't that bad. I hate that we didn't get to hear all the information. Like who the guy was, why he was asking, etc. There are so many innocent reasons why he could have been asking if she had class that day. Hell, maybe she had something of his that he needed. Its called communication and the two of them SUCK at it.


Honestly I can't stand when couples have arguments in front of other people anyway. I think he could have just sucked it up, and had it out with Kail when she came back or in another room. Same for Kail. It seemed that she was engaged with him in front of her people to get them on her side, in hopes that Javi would have just given up. That's classic Kail though. Play the victim.

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[Adam] Personal trainer aka selling roids out of the local wing joint's bathroom.



Best thing I read today. I also liked that the recap inadvertently listed Adam's career goals under "crimes against the English language."


Kail wants this distance simply because she is making things hard for Jo. This has always been her goal - keeping Jo far from Isaac.



Jo is such a better person than me, and a great parent as well. This bitch Kail moves *six* hours round-trip away, making his and his son's lives infinitely harder, and now he's the one being the bigger person once again by trying to move closer? She should be thanking her lucky stars.

Edited by missy jo
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Wouldn't the footage from last season that showed Leah clearly nodding off and looking very out of it sway a judge to order a hair follicle test?

One scene of Leah nodding off isn't enough to sway any judge to order drug testing. What I think Cory had going for him was the same thing Jo had going for him - unseen footage. On top of other things Cory had going for him, was the information that Leah was not taking Ali to her therapy appointments. He also had information that the girls were tardy for school time and time again. His own personal observations that she was not coherent, mood swings, the girls telling him what they see, and there is likely other information that we have been privy to or not been privy to.

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I honestly think Jenelle is a sociopath. Nathan calls Barb 'evil' and Jenelle doesn't stick up for her or tell Nathan that he's being disrespectful. If my boyfriend called my mother 'evil', he wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore. She has no appreciation for Barb stepping up and raising Jace. You know what's evil Jenelle? Giving up your son so you can go shoot heroin. Fucking every skeevy guy you can get your hands on. Getting arrested multiple times. The list goes on and on.

Such a shame that people like her exist while I just lost my cousin who was a responsible, productive member of society.

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I really do think Kail is a liar and is a very shady person in all aspects of her life. She was shady about moving with Javi and she always likes to make the situation harder for Jo. So I have this feeling that Kail texting some guy or getting texts from a guy isn't a new thing and jaci is sick of ot. Granted Javi knows who Kail is so he shouldn't have expected her to be truthful.

I love how Janelles logic works. The season finale of last season when she said she was only doing drugs after Barb took Jace away from her because she was so upset when the reality was she was doing drugs and going out all the time after he was born and on last nights episode telling Nathan that she waited this long to go to court for custody was because she was "trying to be nice about it" is hilarious. Same with Adam.

Speaking of Adam, it's obvious that Adam always does this custody thing to hurt Chelsea and make her worry and get upset. It's sometimes why I hate that it always gets filmed because Adam probably loves that he can get a reaction out of her-I wish she would not have much of a reaction. Don't get me wrong it's serious and she should always take it as such but I have a feeling Adam loves watching the reaction that is shown.

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What boggles my mind about Leah's defense of herself being such a "good mother" when she was talking to her friend was that she said with a straight fucking face that she takes Ali to her therapy appointments.  Dude, if Cory got a letter in the mail about Ali being on the verge of getting dropped from therapy, that means the number of missed sessions was excessive.  So, no, Leah, you weren't taking Ali to all of her therapy appointments.  I'm assuming she got the same letter, but I wonder if she didn't realize Cory would get it, too.  What a dumb, lying piece of crap she is either way.


Lastly, Chelsea. The baby voice will never not be annoying, but it's nice to see her so happy and with a nice, Randy-approved guy. And what a little cutie Cole is! Such an upgrade from Adam. She's a good mom and admire how she and Randy are very careful not to bad mouth Adam in front of Aubree.




I agree about Cole (and damn if I don't feel a little weird for being in my 30's and thinking he's cute!), but let's be honest, here... even Chelsea's pet pig would be considered a huge upgrade from skeevy Adam.

Edited by LIGirl
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Leah needs to have a good hard look at why her marriage broke down and SPOILER, it takes two to tango.  I don't mean to sound all 1950s housewife but if I was Germy and was coming home to a gladiator fight between the step-kids, Adderall sitting on a pot on the table and my wife completely zonked out, I wouldn't be thrilled. He has to come home to Leah whinging about how Corey is stealing the girls and in the same breath, how hard it is to raise the three of them.  Obviously what he should do is intervene to get Leah and the kid's help but I can understand why he is just running away to work.  He is as much to blame as Leah for not trying to address the problems but Leah needs to get off her high horse and think about why it all fell apart.  Virtually every couple on the planet involves one person working so she needs to stop pretending like she is the only person in the world who has to deal with a partner with a demanding job.  

Leah needs to stop with the victim mentality.  She has an extended family of people who are willing to help, an ex who is a good father and genuinely wants what is best for his girls (*cough* Adam *cough*) and doesn't have to work.  I'm over the "life is so tough" excuses.  It is hard to raise a special needs kid but from the looks of it, Leah isn't doing much parenting anyway.  It is hard raising 3 kids but it wasn't like Leah was caught by surprise with Baby Cheetos and if it is so difficult, let Corey have the twins more often to take the pressure off.  And neither Corey nor Germy forced those pills into Leah's mouth, addiction sucks but what Leah needs is some tough love and a reality check.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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I get that Chelsea is the best of the crop, if only for lack of competition (!), but I can never give her a full pass, because after every season it turns out she has still been hooking up with Adam. On the last reunion with Dr. Drew, she said they had last hooked up a few months before and he said "a few weeks." I hope she really *is* moving on this time, but the fact is that so far she has kept hooking up with that human stain Adam all these years.

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So I'm the only one getting warning vibes about Cole? Also because I don't see how Chelsea did any work on herself to spot red flags in potentially unhealthy relationships/predators.


It's just me, huh? OK.


<tiptoeing out of thread>

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Quick question-why is Nathan called "Nipples"? lol. Love reading everyone's comments!

I think its because he wears tight-ass shirts that make his nipples stand out/protrude. He thinks he's FINE or something.

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So I'm the only one getting warning vibes about Cole? Also because I don't see how Chelsea did any work on herself to spot red flags in potentially unhealthy relationships/predators.


It's just me, huh? OK.


<tiptoeing out of thread>


What?  What kind of warning vibes are you seeing?  I don't see a thing, but then again, I don't think we've seen nearly enough of Cole to get even one red flag yet.  But that's just me... so far.

Edited by LIGirl
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Wouldn't the footage from last season that showed Leah clearly nodding off and looking very out of it sway a judge to order a hair follicle test?


I would love to see the results of a follicle test:  "Test rejected.  Specimen was examined and was determined not to resemble human hair to any degree of scientific certainty."



Quick question-why is Nathan called "Nipples"? lol. Love reading everyone's comments!


I thought it was because he wears those muscle shirts that have his nipples showing out the side.

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So I'm the only one getting warning vibes about Cole? Also because I don't see how Chelsea did any work on herself to spot red flags in potentially unhealthy relationships/predators.

It's just me, huh? OK.

<tiptoeing out of thread>

He kind of pinged my creepy radar. He just seems too good to be true and Chelsea seems naive as hell. I also got skeeved out when they were joking about Cole being Aubrey's "boyfriend ". I am aware they were joking but it didn't sit well with me.

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I'll reserve judgment on Cole, but my first impression is that he seems nice and I personally did not get a creepy vibe. Given how long it has been since last season, it's hard to tell when Chelsea introduced him into Aubree's life. At the time of filming she said they had been dating "several months" and while that is a whole lot of vague, I'd like to think Chelsea waited a while to introduce a man into her daughter's life. The ladies are turning 23 or so and this is the first guy we've seen, so to me, it seems like he's important, compared to how some of the other young ladies have perhaps been a bit more cavalier in introducing love interests. Listening to Chelsea talk makes me think she is a total dip about 90% of the time, but her behavior in protecting and caring for her daughter has been pretty great. Maybe Randy whispers in her ear every day.

I do, however, agree that I would cringe and shake my head at her at every reunion special when she would admit that she had hooked up with Adam. I won't score that to terrible taste in men. I think she got sucked in by the deluded notion that if he wanted her, in any way, they'd finally be a family. It's sad really and this new relationship makes me hopeful that she is over that and has finally moved on. Sometimes it's hard to realize that you deserve better until you actually get better, and then you finally realize you never should have clung so hard to something dysfunctional, for no other reason than it was "something." I may be assigning way too much emotional depth to a woman who baby talks, but I feel like Chelsea got her first taste of what a good relationship looks and feels like, and rolls her eyes at Adam.

And despite Adam's sighs of relief that she has moved on, I kind of feel like he is jealous. I don't think he wants her back, but I always thought he enjoyed how much Chelsea pined for him. Hooking up with her, disappearing. She was his beck and call girl and I think his ego loved knowing that no matter what he did, Chelsea was always there. I, personally, think he loved the power in that dynamic.

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I'd love to see Kail's big head explode the day Javi has a female texting him for whatever reason. Kail would not take lightly to Javi even talking to a girl to her face, much less, having one sending him messages. Kail wouldn't honor that request of Javi, but she would be pretty upset and abusive if Javi denied showing her proof of something to her.



Assuming much? I sure as hell don't follow anyone here on this show. I get my information from the stories that are posted here. Good thing too. How else would I know that Leah and Jermy are divorced? How would I know that Leah is in rehab?

Someone said they find it hard to watch this show knowing so much of the off air news about these people. All I literally meant by my response is I don't have that problem because I don't follow these people. I don't follow them on twitter. I don't google them and I don't read articles or click links about them. So, it's not a problem for me. Not judging anyone else and I'm not trying to speak for anyone else. I watch the show and that's it. I'm like that way with every show. Like, people find themselves skipping out on shows because of something a showrunnner said or because they find them to be a douchebag. I don't want to know any of that. I just watch the show. I treat reality and written programming the same way in that regard. It has to be a big story for me to know about it.

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Well, he had no issue doing it before and it was something he did many times. He actually was in on it with Kail when she wanted to move farther away from Jo. He sat there in a restaurant with that stupid grin on his face as he and Kail plotted the whole thing about going to court and getting the judge to sign off and giving her permission to move. Javi was right there as they both decided to buy a house and move in without telling Jo. Yeah, no sympathy for Javi at all. He plotted, planned, and got what he wanted.


I think Javi was naive and was eating up whatever Kail said with a spoon.   She was out for revenge and hated Jo, also is a known liar and loves to play the victim.   I'm not excusing how Javi was a smug little bitch at the time, but Isaac is not his responsibility.   Isaac has a father.   Kail was 100% in the wrong for pushing a relationship with Javi, trying to make it more than Isaac's relationship with Jo--she literally said they had a better bond.  Isaac is her responsibility and she should have been more cautious.   Javi has made his bed and now he's lying in it.  He'll get a taste of what he put Jo through when Kail moves on to the next man and plays those games with Lincoln.  


Besides, the issue was not the six hours of driving. He was using Isaac to push Kail's buttons. He was using it as a passive-aggressive move by telling her he was NOT going to pick up Isaac from school. You know, the same kind of move that Jenelle pulls when she tells Barb she is going to take Jace back. It is meant to hurt and push buttons.


How is it pushing Kail's buttons to make her drive her own kid back from his father's?   He is doing her a favor by doing the driving, he isn't court ordered to do it and it's really not his responsibility.   He's finally standing up for himself after Kail has beat his ass, snuck around behind his back and dropped their kid off with her alcoholic mother, etc.  Who cares if it pisses her off? Anytime she pisses people off it's excused and we have to watch 15 minutes of her lisping out bullshit excuses and play the victim some more.  And I don't see it as the same as Jenelle's nonsense either.   She's pretending to want Jace back because Nipples says she should.   That's pure spite and she has no plans on it.   Javi was serious and followed through when he refused to do it. 

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What?  What kind of warning vibes are you seeing?  I don't see a thing, but then again, I don't think we've seen nearly enough of Cole to get even one red flag yet.  But that's just me... so far.


He seemed awkward and artificial to me.


Then when I heard/read Chelsea was moving the guy in, I got weirded out, but that may not be because of Cole in particular (although I found him creepily off-putting) as much as my realization that Chelsea (and probably Randy) has no clue how to weed out bad-news guys. I got worried.


I should reserve further judgment, though, because we've seen very little of him. But in that brief scene he acted so weird (to me). And not like "shy in front of the cameras" weird either...


I'm with the PP who said don't move him in, Chelsea. Take it s l o w.


[Edited for grammar]

Edited by nikita
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I didn't see anything weird or creepy about Cole. He was on camera for about 2 minutes so it's hard to get any opinion of him. As for him being awkward and artificial, I think anybody would be that way their first time being filmed for a national TV show.

Chelsea and Aubree both seem happy and that's all that matters.

As for the boyfriend stuff..She's 5, it's a normal, natural thing. After my daughter met my cousin's boyfriend, every man in her life became her boyfriend. It's a sweet endearment for a 5 year old. My daughter is now a normal, happily married mother of 2 so her having "boyfriends" as a 5 year old didn't harm her at all.

It's creepy that anybody would attach anything weird to something so innocent.

Almost 30 years ago, I was a 22 year old widow with 2 young kids. I met a guy and fell head over heels in love. we moved in together about 10 days after we met. We've been together ever since so I have nothing to say about them moving in together. I say if it feels right, do it. Chelsea is a good mom. I'm not worried about them.

Edited by Maharincess
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I swear kali is going to say how selfish Jo was to knock vee up and not consider Isaac. Isaac is going to feel left out and hurt vee is pregnant. Then she's going to use that against Joe every opportunity she gets. Ugh. I can't with her. She has a serious personality disorder or other mental issues going on.

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I think Javi was naive and was eating up whatever Kail said with a spoon.   She was out for revenge and hated Jo, also is a known liar and loves to play the victim.   I'm not excusing how Javi was a smug little bitch at the time, but Isaac is not his responsibility.   Isaac has a father.   Kail was 100% in the wrong for pushing a relationship with Javi, trying to make it more than Isaac's relationship with Jo--she literally said they had a better bond.  Isaac is her responsibility and she should have been more cautious.   Javi has made his bed and now he's lying in it.  He'll get a taste of what he put Jo through when Kail moves on to the next man and plays those games with Lincoln.  


How is it pushing Kail's buttons to make her drive her own kid back from his father's?   He is doing her a favor by doing the driving, he isn't court ordered to do it and it's really not his responsibility.   He's finally standing up for himself after Kail has beat his ass, snuck around behind his back and dropped their kid off with her alcoholic mother, etc.  Who cares if it pisses her off? Anytime she pisses people off it's excused and we have to watch 15 minutes of her lisping out bullshit excuses and play the victim some more.  

To the first bolded part: When a person marries a person with a child/ren, they are in some ways responsible for the care of that child. It's a package deal. I am not even getting into what I think Javi is responsible for because that has nothing to do with what I posted.


To the second bolded part: Never did I say he is court-ordered to drive Isaac. He did make a promise to Kail the night before that he would pick up Isaac for Kail so she can enjoy an evening out with her friends. If he had an issue with her going out, he should have brought it up then.


Third bolded part: "Anytime she pisses people off it's excused"...Who excuses Kail? And what does that have to do with anything? The only one who excuses her abusive behavior is Dr. Drew. Oh, and there is Javi who will use social media to post how lovely life is and how rainbows are coming out of his ass after they have had one of their blowouts.


I made the comparison to Jenelle because as you posted, Jenelle does things out of spite. Well, that is exactly why Javi chose not to pick up Isaac. He did it out of spite. He was angry and he had to get back at Kail. Telling her he won't take the baby a bath or he won't take her out to dinner the following weekend wasn't going to cut it. He had to hit her where it hurt - she couldn't go to the concert. How did he do that? By telling her to go pick up Isaac.


Look, Kail is abusive. That should not change what Javi may be. There are ways to deal with an abusive partner. What Javi is doing has nothing to do with the abuse he has received at the hands of Kail. He told his sister he doesn't trust Kail AT ALL. Question is, why is he still in the marriage? He is looking like a fool for being with someone who he claims he cannot trust.

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Stupid question but did they ever say who Kail was going to see in concert?

Please let it be Ke$ha!


Nah, Kailyn didn't have a feather put in her hair to go see Ke$ha.  Besides, Teen Moms don't have tickets to see Ke$ha unless they're about to go to jail.

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I'm finally catching up on this episode and most of my thoughts have been covered but thought I'd throw a few out there anyway.


- Chelsea - Aubree is so freaking cute!  Chelsea's always gone a little heavy on the makeup for my tastes, but I thought it was adorable how she had Aubree helping do her makeup and told her to basically slather it on. Maybe she's got a future cosmetologist on her hands. I liked Aubree's bright red clown lips later in the episode too. It reminds me of my first attempts at makeup as a kid. In spite of her heavy-handedness, I'd let Chelsea work on my hair/makeup, just tell her to keep it toned down. I really got a good impression from Cole too, and if Randy likes him he must be a pretty decent guy.


- Also Chelsea - I admired her for calling Taylor, I'm sure that wasn't easy but I think it was the right idea. She seems like she's FINALLY over Adam, hopefully. I'm sure Cole helped.


- Adam is horrible. He doesn't want 50% custody, he just wants to pay less in support - or that's how I took it anyway. Good for him if he's really been clean/sober for 15 months although I kind of doubt it - although he did look better. Personal trainer? Um no... but at least he seems to be improving?  Maybe? I can't remember if his other driving issues were before or after this was filmed.


- Kail - you know I used to kind of like her, then got to where I wasn't too sure, and now I can't stand her. Does this sound about right?:  Babe come downstairs so I can yell at you and embarrass you in front of my friends, and oh by the way, there IS no right answer because I'm going to accuse you of stuff you haven't even done yet because you always do it. When he DOES say he'll get Isaac and such she jumps to well you're just going to change your mind at the last minute like you always do.(did some marriage therapist actually encourage this kind of talk or is she just being a jerk? because most of them strongly discourage use of "always," "never," etc.)  So what was the point of talking to him again?  Do your friends think it's cool when you humiliate your husband? I assume that was the point to Kail's spiel. I would normally side with her on the "guy friends" thing except she's proven herself to be a liar and a cheater, so I can see why Javi has concerns. I don't know if she's ever cheated on Javi but it wouldn't surprise me, and I imagine it wouldn't surprise him either. I think he should give up his phone and passwords too. I think she mostly lost me the second she put her hands up.


- Also Kail - She totally pissed me off when she was complaining about the long drive (WHICH SHE CHOSE!) and then she had the nerve to complain about Jo moving closer. She's lucky he is such an involved Dad who wants to see his child.. hm, she and Javi just moved right?  Maybe Jo really did move right into her backyard!


- Leah - it was so hard watching her at the dinner thing with Jeremy. I thought it was hard in the preview but it was even harder in the episode. He is working hard and trying and she just ruins the whole dinner, which was apparently their first time together in quite awhile. It's obvious they have about 1000 things they need to talk about, but it couldn't wait, Leah?  One nice dinner together was just too much?  He looked exhausted, she looked higher than high.  Also just watched the part where she's talking to her friend and kind of blaming Miranda for the whole custody thing - saying "Corey's never been like this before."  Well, you also probably weren't high as a kite and missing therapy appointments before either, Leah. It's like she doesn't even see it.


- Also Leah - she looked totally high to me in the court scene too. She was having to work REALLY REALLY hard to focus on what the lawyer was saying about, you know, getting the kids to school on time. Also WTF Leah, I don't know of anything that's prescribed for "migraines" that makes you THAT out of it.  The migraine itself might completely knock you out, but not whatever prescription drug you're taking for it. I thought it was funny how the lawyer kept talking about her taking a drug test and how she wouldn't fail for anything she was prescribed.


- Jenelle - ugh. It made me sick seeing her fawning over what great parents she and Nathan are to Kaiser, and trying to use that to justify getting Jace back. Poor Jace. I don't know how much he sees of the bickering but I wish they could just make Barbara his official, full time, life-long parent, and Jenelle could be that fun person he gets to go hang out with every so often. CANNOT stand Nathan. I wish Jenelle wasn't so bitchy to her Mom. I think she should've taken Jace and given Barb the Virgin Island tix personally. I agree with those who said Kaiser's first words, if he even ends up staying w/Nathan and Jenelle, will be "SHUT UP!"  And Nathan... well, what is there to say?  He's an ass. I was so mad when he was talking badly about Jace's Mom (Barb).

Edited by NikSac
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heh... I just realized I was slamming the show quite a bit, but really it's kind of my guilty pleasure. And I really enjoy watching the kids, and the few adults who have improved/made progress. It freaks me out to think some of these kids will be teens in what, 7-8 years? Whew. Time flies.

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The test runs about $250 here on the west coast and results take less than a week to get back. Since Corey has concerns about prescription drug abuse, I think it's probably likely that his lawyer could make a recommendation for something other than the dip stick test. It's so easy to get around one of those, a lot of courts are not using them anymore. I'd hope when the safety of children is at stake, they'd choose a test that you can't cheat.

I was just about to write this too. Im sure that Corey could pay for the testing himself to help his case. Court already ordered the testing, he can just pay for upgraded one that will prove Leah drug use.

Also did anyone noticed when baby Adderal was banging her head against sofa that she was holding white cat under her arm? I only noticed it when I stopped the DVR to confirm that it was Adderal (she is spitting image of Germy). Poor cat with these 3 terrors running around. I always feel sorry for pets living with Leah, Janelle and now Adam (and some other teen moms and dads). These people can barely take care of their kids so imagine how pets must live. Still remember Jannelle' abuse of her dogs :(:(:(

I love Chelsea's dog! Gorgeous!

Edited by ava111
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I was just about to write this too. Im sure that Corey could pay for the testing himself to help his case. Court already ordered the testing, they can just pay for upgraded one that will prove Leah drug use.

Also did anyone noticed when baby Adderal was banging her head against sofa that she was holding white cat under her arm? I only noticed it when I stopped the DVR to confirm that it was Adderal (she is spitting image of Germy). Poor cat with these 3 terrors running around. I always feel sorry for pets living with Leah, Janelle and now Adam (and some other teen moms and dads). These people can barely take care of their kids so imagine how pets must live. Still remember Jannelle' abuse of her dogs :(:(:(

I love Chelsea's dog! Gorgeous!


.. and Jenelle continues to abuse her dog. ("here boy, fetch, it's just a firework!")  I feel so sorry for all the pets, too.  And yes Add-whatever-her-name-is does look SO much like Jeremy! 

Edited by NikSac
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I think its because he wears tight-ass shirts that make his nipples stand out/protrude. He thinks he's FINE or something.


Plus in some of the early episodes he was on, the shirt straps were cut so that his "man boobs" were actually hanging out. Ew.

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And yes Add-whatever-her-name-is does look SO much like Jeremy! That's probably good for Leah's sake considering I bet it may be questionable who fathered which child otherwise.

It's also good because it will help her remember who goes where when it's time for all the kids to visit their daddies. Especially after she has a few more.

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It's also good because it will help her remember who goes where when it's time for all the kids to visit their daddies. Especially after she has a few more.


True!  I can't even imagine... guy shows up and she's thinking "oh this one looks like you, take this one!" And yet, this show makes me think it might happen.

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- Kail - you know I used to kind of like her, then got to where I wasn't too sure, and now I can't stand her. Does this sound about right?: Babe come downstairs so I can yell at you and embarrass you in front of my friends, and oh by the way, there IS no right answer because I'm going to accuse you of stuff you haven't even done yet because you always do it. When he DOES say he'll get Isaac and such she jumps to well you're just going to change your mind at the last minute like you always do.(did some marriage therapist actually encourage this kind of talk or is she just being a jerk? because most of them strongly discourage use of "always," "never," etc.) So what was the point of talking to him again? Do your friends think it's cool when you humiliate your husband? I assume that was the point to Kail's spiel. I would normally side with her on the "guy friends" thing except she's proven herself to be a liar and a cheater, so I can see why Javi has concerns. I don't know if she's ever cheated on Javi but it wouldn't surprise me, and I imagine it wouldn't surprise him either. I think he should give up his phone and passwords too. I think she mostly lost me the second she put her hands up.

- Also Leah - she looked totally high to me in the court scene too. She was having to work REALLY REALLY hard to focus on what the lawyer was saying about, you know, getting the kids to school on time. Also WTF Leah, I don't know of anything that's prescribed for "migraines" that makes you THAT out of it. The migraine itself might completely knock you out, but not whatever prescription drug you're taking for it. I thought it was funny how the lawyer kept talking about her taking a drug test and how she wouldn't fail for anything she was prescribed.

Yeah Kail was all pissy before she even called Javi to ask him about staying in Philly for the next night. But I guess she is always pissy and bitchy, it's her normal state.

And I wonder about Leah's lawyer - could she actually suggest to her that to win the case she should get herself prescription just in case of drug testing? Just the way she said about Leah not failing the test sounded fishy. I saw big prescription bottle on her kitchen island behind faucet.

Edited by ava111
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Omg this show. THE HAIR! Kail's hair is terrible. It's like two unrelated trends combined and it's just...not good. Leah's "hair" is always a nightmare and lol at whomever said the she'd fail the hair sample test because her hair wouldn't sample as human.

Kail- Mail- she's just horribly annoying. The good thing about her marriage is that they deserve each other, and it saves two innocent people from having to be married to either one of them.

I like Cole. I think he's trying hard and I imagine there's a certain awkward factor in having your girlfriend's daughter refer to you as her BF- during your first time on camera. I think he handled it well. Maybe I'm not creeped out anymore after seeing the creepiest creeper who ever creeped on TMOG (Matt).

Chelsea was dumb for sleeping with Adam all those times...but she's still my girl. I have a crush on Randy. I would totally date him!

I hate Jenelle. And I use that word about few people. Hell, I hate Nathan too.

Leah is so obviously on drugs, but if she can come up with the prescriptions, she can test positive and still pass- saw it in the military (without the drug abuse though- just normal usage). I can't fucking stand her pomous ass "momma" insisting she doesn't have a drug problem when she's nodding off on national television! Did Momma Dawn always have that nice house? Or is this a byproduct of the TM money?

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