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S10.E04: Charity Case

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If Jim has gay rumors looming over him...switching from wife to wife so quickly would keep those rumors going.

I love some house porn..but I like when the house is done..not while it's being built.

Meghan. ..does she realize she was hosting a charity..not a debutante ball (i.e. her coming out to OC society ).

Shannon and Meghan were both in the wrong.

Lol regarding tamra saying she didn't want to be a blabbering mouth....since when sweetie?!?!

  • Love 5
  On 6/30/2015 at 5:21 AM, AnnA said:

That's a great question. Why answer that call from an unknown out of state number when she was driving with her kids in the car? If we assume that Meghan got Shannon's cell number from production, can we also assume that they prompted Shannon to answer it? Or perhaps since it came from an unknown "female" did Shannon think it might be one of David's side pieces calling her? Maybe that has happened before???? I'm just speculating because based on what Shannon said, she never would have answered that call.

I think production told Shannon to expect a call at a certain time, and that she should answer it.  They all seem to know when they are going to get calls from each other so they can put them on speaker-cameras were rolling when Tamra got her invitation call from Megan, we've seen it happen while wives are shopping,...I think Bravo set up the phone call, told Shannon to answer the call, but didn't tell her who it would be from or what it would be about.

  • Love 8

I'm torn.  On one hand, I get why Meghan didn't want Shannon at the party.  While Meghan definitely could have handled the second confrontation better and not gotten so snippy, Shannon also did herself no favors with her reaction to Meghan when first approached about the phone call.  


And then on the other hand, seriously Meghan?  You couldn't have extended the invitation to Shannon as well?  All that would have been required was a hello, thank you for coming, you look lovely, wine and appetizers are being served over there, enjoy yourself!  That's it!  She would have looked a lot more mature in my eyes then.  Now she just looks like a petulant child who needs a timeout.


Apparently all is fine now between the Beadors and Emmonds but if one can read between the lines of Meghan's blog, that's certainly not the case between Meghan and Vicki.  I have to admit, I'm a little bit excited to see someone try to take on Vicki.  

  • Love 4

Heather doing a walk through her new house construction site with the builder.... And just gleefully accepting all of his budget blow outs? Made me think of Bethenny (in her post RHoNYC show) busting, yes BUSTING, the balls of her builder to keep him on or below budget! Heather: blindly accepting all budget increases without question does not make you look like a fabulously wealthy whatever you want to look like.... It makes you look ridiculous. Wealthy people keep their wealth by being tight with their wealth!

I love Heather and love seeing her on this show but she just keeps giving me too much to snark on!

Oh, and Tamra pre charity party and pre makeup artist had NO eyelashes. None!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 5
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:28 PM, IKnowRight said:

I'm a long time SAHM. I agree at times, Vicki is bitchy to SAHM. It's clear she belittles SAHM.

Although I am a SAHM, I worked when we were first married until we had our first child...(I have worked later on when kids were old and part time) Vicki was being bitchy because Meghan is NOT a SAHM, she's actually a just married, wife #3, who is really a side piece with a fresh piece of paper, pretending to the audience that she has been the step mother extraordinaire of the year! So far, we've seen her with her assistant in every scene, moving or shopping in almost every scene, with movers doing the actual work, and no minimal decorating as she told us the decore was wife #2's work. So, no, Meghan can claim she's a SAHM, but she's no LeeAnn Edmonds #1 or Allison Edmonds #2, YET. She's been a step mom, for what, 5 minutes?! So, Vicki, IMO wasn't ridiculing Meghan in this situation with her usual wrath for SAHM, she was being a bitch towards Meghan for claiming and presenting herself as a claimer, another words, taking credit for her value so far and Jims money.

The issue here is that Meghan acts like it's been her & Jim, the power couple, power family but she really just came in on the scene. Let's not forget Allison Edmonds, #2, was a prospective RHOC first. That was the real diss.

Vicki has same SAHM's before, his is not new to her. Meghan worked until she moved to the OC she was a career woman until then and 1 would think she had some money of her own.


  On 6/30/2015 at 1:28 PM, DrivingSideways said:

Shannon may do and say a lot of stupid things, but she is at her core a likable and reasonable person.  She can go off on poor David like a crazy woman but will admit later that maybe she was a bit hasty.  I think that's why people don't really endorse her behavior, but still generally like her.


Meghan just gives off bitch vibes.  And I totally get what Vicki was saying about her.  Meghan is not a SAHM.  She's a gold digger.  Vicki is essentially saying, Slow your roll, bitch.  You gotta earn the right to throw around your new husband's money - especially when it's clear he hates you.  (Also - I just realized last night - Vicki isn't constantly talking about how much she works anymore - what's up with that?)


I will give Meghan a pass on all of the distasteful comments about the wife dying.  I'm sure she thought she was being magnanimous.  However, her line of bull about raising the daughter made me think of Gretchen when we met her with Jeff's kids.  As horrible as Gretchen was, she is a ball of sunshine compared to Meghan.  Meghan came in guns blazing but does not have the wit to back it up.  Let's hope she's one and done, I find her really terrible, and I'm glad that the other ladies seem united in their dislike.

Shannon goes off on David ALL the time, he can do nothing right and she was like that last year before he had the affair. She may admit she was wrong later on but she keeps repeating the same behaviors over and over again without fail so she is not really sorry she was nasty to him.


No, Vicki didn't talk about her work but at the same time it was more important to her to get her "award" and go to Disney than be with Brooks during his chemo treatments. Vicki is still all about what Vicki wants/needs, not her SO/husband/kids. LOL

  • Love 3
I'm torn.  On one hand, I get why Meghan didn't want Shannon at the party.  While Meghan definitely could have handled the second confrontation better and not gotten so snippy, Shannon also did herself no favors with her reaction to Meghan when first approached about the phone call.


Shannon's reaction did seem OTT. But then after she stormed off, she calmed down and it was over. Why Megan went over to her, apologized, but then proceeded to lambast Shannon for being rude and offensive AGAIN was beyond me. Let it die already. Both times Megan approached Shannon. So why she thinks Shannon is going to be the one to cause a scene is something I cannot figure out.

  • Love 14
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:11 PM, Ubiquitous said:

Before I forget, what kind of doctor gives orange juice and coffee enemas as part of your cancer treatment? Also, do they allow you to take home food from the airport food court?


Certainly not any licensed and practicing oncologist. Brooks and Vickie have stated that his cancer is not responding to the chemotherapy. (Sorry to hear that; time to consult with your oncologist about other treatment strategies.) As becomes evident in coming episodes, Brooks has decided to try the "alternative" therapies route instead of chemo or other conventional methods. Coffee enemas are just the start. Shannon has apparently done extensive research into holistic treatments for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and will be advising and consulting with Brooks in the weeks ahead.


If he really does have Stage 3 NHL, this is a dangerous and deadly strategy to follow. If he doesn't, he can tout the enemas, crystals, and Eastern herbal remedies for his miraculous recovery.

  • Love 5

OK, so it was about the charity when Shannon didn't return Long Neck's phone call or texts, but it was no longer about the charity when Long Neck decided not to invite Shannon?


I'm with Vicki: It's not her money, it's Jimmy's (and who in their right mind goes by "Jimmy" after childhood?). I'm sure he and his lawyers figured out a sturdy prenup before they married. He's no kid anymore.


Also, why was Meaghan regaling the people before the party with her woes of having to move somewhere soon? Were they the catering staff? Party setter-uppers? Why the hell would they care? Consider your audience, Meaghan. I'm as upset for you as I am for Heather, who is having SUCH a struggle and working so, so hard to build this house of hers. Poor babies, both of them.

  • Love 3

Maybe it is just me but Jimmy is like a combo of Jerry Seinfeld, a young Ronald Reagan + HGH and steroids and voila Jim Edmonds. 


I don't understand why a housewife that doesn't work and doesn't run a business of any kind needs an assistant. Also, is it typical to have an assistant cook and clean for you? Isn't that what housekeepers are for?


When Jim and Meghan were getting ready for the charity event and she was asking him to check out her hair in the back, he didn't even look at her because he was too busy checking himself out and then he told her to ask her sister because she was better at those things. LOL!

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 PM, ghoulina said:

Shannon's reaction did seem OTT. But then after she stormed off, she calmed down and it was over. Why Megan went over to her, apologized, but then proceeded to lambast Shannon for being rude and offensive AGAIN was beyond me. Let it die already. Both times Megan approached Shannon. So why she thinks Shannon is going to be the one to cause a scene is something I cannot figure out.

When Meghan first approached Shannon after round 1, she apologized, a simple apology with no "ifs, ands or buts" included either and what did Shannon do? She went off, telling Meghan why Meghan was wrong once again. Both were wrong and neither seemed to want to let go of their pettiness. LOL

  • Love 8

See, I thought Heather's house scene was specifically to show how much over budget they are going and how easily they can just write a check for 250k. I really thought that was the whole purpose. It seemed acted. Someone upthread brought up Yolanda. I have no idea what the construction process on her house was like but I just can't picture her being visibly excited about going over budget a la Heather. 


Re Meghan: She's a try hard and way out of her depth. And bitchy! Bad combo if you ask me. 


Lizzie has been around a lot huh? It's kind of a weird mix this season so far. With Katie and Lizzie around but not true cast members. I'm liking Vickie this season actually. I think Brianna being gone is good for her. And even ol' Tamballs is seeming mellower than usual. 

  • Love 3

I'm torn.... I fluctuate.... I'm not sure I believe Brooke's has cancer. I hate being doubtful. Then I think, it's Crooks. He's lying. Then I feel bad. Who would lie about that?

However, there ARE sick people who DO lie about that. My adult son was with a girfriend who lied to all of us that she was dying from cancer. Suffice to say, we went through months of caring for her and her two young children, visiting a palliative care hospice, saying final goodbyes, to finally finding out it was all false.

These few sentences cannot convey how much we went through and how dishonest she was... But she she seemed so credible until the end when she got busted. I just hope Brooks is being honest.

Ps. I am an intelligent, educated woman.... I guess I don't expect to be lied to on such a grand scale, so it was easy (???) to be preyed on by an unwell person (or an unscrupulous person).

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 8
Oh- I'm also curious how reselling wine benefits a charity all that much. Is there some value added based on who donated it? Is it all really, really rare stuff (which I can't imagine being the case in the OC...maybe in BH but not here...no offense to the OC).

The events I've been involved in take the wine donations and then bundle and raffle them. So for a ticket of $X, you could get 10 bottles of really good wine. Pure profit, since it was all donated.

  • Love 1
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 PM, ghoulina said:

Shannon's reaction did seem OTT. But then after she stormed off, she calmed down and it was over. Why Megan went over to her, apologized, but then proceeded to lambast Shannon for being rude and offensive AGAIN was beyond me. Let it die already. Both times Megan approached Shannon. So why she thinks Shannon is going to be the one to cause a scene is something I cannot figure out.


To be fair to Meghan(hurts to type that!), she didn't start back on Shannon until Shannon started up with her, IMO, bullshit excuses again.  Obviously SOMEONE affiliated with JDRF gave Meghan Shannon's number.  You want to bitch about that, you bitch to the person who gave your number out, not the person who called you looking for some help with a charity event.  Meghan definitely should not have kept interrupting Shannon, made her look like a 5 year old, but Shannon's own apology was so fake, I don't blame Meghan for not accepting it.

  • Love 6
  On 6/30/2015 at 10:26 AM, zoeysmom said:

She uses the term hashtag in her blogs to toss out insults.  So she is every bit the teenager.

I'm not a frequent reader of the cast blogs in part because I think this is one of the shallowest, dumbest, least informed casts. I wasn't aware that she was using hashtag insults in her blogs. I don't know that I'd call her a teenager for using them. Using hashtag insults is no more idiotic than Tamar Braxton's use of her dot com insults. I think I'll just libel Meghan by calling her a reality star and all of idiocy that tends to imply.

  • Love 2
  On 6/30/2015 at 12:35 PM, ghoulina said:

Vicki's back! Just in time to hear about Brook's plans for coffee enemas. C'mon, Vick, you know you want to assist. That's true love right there.

But true love is picking doodie bubbles from the other's butt.




  On 6/30/2015 at 12:35 PM, ghoulina said:

So Heather has a "fancy" light in her closet? She might want to get a couple more because she clearly cannot see when she looks ridiculous. I mean, either commit to actually wearing the leather jacket, or take it off. The way she had it draped over her shoulders just made her look like a linebacker. 

Not just a fancy light.. a chandelier! or maybe two!

Just how big is that closet to be able to do that? Zoikes!


  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 PM, WireWrap said:

No, Vicki didn't talk about her work but at the same time it was more important to her to get her "award" and go to Disney than be with Brooks during his chemo treatments. Vicki is still all about what Vicki wants/needs, not her SO/husband/kids. LOL

Perhaps she doesn't think Chili's is classy enough for her?

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  On 6/30/2015 at 2:43 PM, CrinkleCutCat said:

Meghan's charity function seemed more about her fancy society OC coming out than about raising money for a worthy cause. Jmo.


True.  Almost every single TH she had about it, it was all about how this party was her introduction to OC society....and oh yeah, it's also for charity!



  • Love 13
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 PM, WireWrap said:

Vicki has same SAHM's before, his is not new to her. Meghan worked until she moved to the OC she was a career woman until then and 1 would think she had some money of her own.



There are a lot of reasons that I dislike Vicki, and this is at the top of my list. I've never been a SAHM, but if I ever had, I'm not sure I could even watch her on my TV. She has over and over again made it clear that people who don't work - for whatever reason - are not as valuable as people who do work. This has come up with many HW's over time, including Tamra at one point. She basically told Tamra that she didn't work or contribute because she stayed at home with her children, and therefore just didn't understand what life was really like. I agree that the deal with Megan is slightly different because of the circumstances, but it is still basically Vicki asserting her feelings that if a woman doesn't earn any money, she can claim nothing for herself. And I don't really think it has anything to do with the tenure of the relationship, although Vicki will claim that it does all day long. She use to say the same damn thing about Donn. She always called it "her" house and "her" money. 


I said last year and I will stand behind it all day long that this will at some point become an issue between Shannon and Vicki. Vicki just feels too certain in her narrative that a woman who doesn't work is useless. She has actually made comments that seem to indicate that women who don't work are less intelligent than women who do work. There is no way that someone who feels as strongly as Vicki always has can look at someone like Shannon and not feel a certain amount of distaste for the fact that she literally appears to do nothing. I certainly don't share Vicki's feelings but even I am astounded at Shannon's lack of interest in doing something. Ever. At least it appears that Meghan worked prior to her marriage and supported herself. The same cannot be said for ShannonAt some point, this will be something that will divide them, IMO. 

  • Love 4

Megan reminds me a lot of Camille Grammer in season 1 of RHBH:


She is under the impression that  her husband is more famous and richer than the others.  This entitles her to treat the other women like the hired help, and the women should be thankful for her presence and kiss her finely pedicured toes.

She has a woman that she pays to cook, clean and be her friend (by her own admission last night)

She has a hairstylist that spends endless amounts of time combing, sectioning, curling and pinning her hair just so, only to end up with flat hair and bobby pins on the lawn.



anyone catch her sister telling her "you look classy"  i lol'd


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  On 6/30/2015 at 2:31 PM, jennylauren123 said:

I'm with Vicki: It's not her money, it's Jimmy's (and who in their right mind goes by "Jimmy" after childhood?). I'm sure he and his lawyers figured out a sturdy prenup before they married. He's no kid anymore.



Jimmy's new in town. Jimmy's been watching you. Jimmy would like to get to know you.


Jimmy's got some new moves.


Oh wait. Jimmy's DOWN!


Jimmy doesn't like misunderstanding. Jimmy and misunderstanding kinda clash. JIMMY HOLDS GRUDGES!


Watch out or Jimmy's gonna dis-invite you to his OC benefit.

  • Love 13
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:58 AM, Straycat80 said:

I'm not a fan of Megan's but I have to take her side on this one. Shannon is unpredictable and goes from zero to hot mess in a minute. I would not have invited her to a charity event at my house either. Besides, they needed a drama storyline so this is it.

I'm sick of hearing and seeing Heather's monstrosity of a house. We get it, you're filthy rich, move on.

Hot mess? She walks away when she gets upset with these women. I mean does she get irritated quicker than what people want to determine should be the tipping point? Maybe but it's not like she automatically starts screaming shut the fuck up in someone's face.... I like the fact that Shannon for the most part is straight to the point and tries to explain where she's coming from in a rather calm tone and when she feels that she's getting emotional then she removes herself in order to get herself together privately and with as little drama as possible. Also, lets keep in mind that she's trying to manage the very raw emotions that are raging because of the affair so there's also that. Ever since her first season I've always admired how she tries to approach these women and how a lot of times she's tried to just roll with the punches in order to keep the peace and still had someone else force a dramatic moment to happen (looking at you Heather) and not Megan has forced the conflict where there really wasn't one.

  • Love 15
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:56 PM, AnitaKnight said:

Why was it even necessary to bring up the fact that the ex has cancer? She's not on the show. It's irrelevant and nobody's business.I would be livid if my ex's wife-du-jour went on national tv talking about my health problems. Did she give permission? Being an asswipe seems to be Megan's storyline.

They seem close and its not a secret or shameful to have cancer and it explains why the daughter lives with Meghan even when Jim isn't there.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 10
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:00 AM, BlackMamba said:

She's petty!!! I'm sorry but she just made a mountain out of a mole hill about.the charity at Heather's champagne event. Now she doesn't invite Shannon because she was the one that poked the bear!

It's effin charity! I don't have to be your friend to collect a donation from you. The more money for the cause the better you'll look and be. And last I checked The Beadors have deep pockets!

I hate using her age as a go to but I think Meghan must like messing with older ones in the cast because it's fun to her.

And this is her 8th move? Goodness. I know they have money and all but have a sit and be settled already.

But I had to giggle at the shade Vicki had for Meghan that Jim's money is Jim's not Meghan's. LOL. For now unless he gets his 4th divorce.

And notice how Megan was all this is a special day for me and Jim? Um what? She kept making references to the charity event like it was about her. I mean I get she’s excited to be hosting and it is about introducing herself to the area but surely there’s a way to convey this without completely sounding like you’re hosting a housewarming with the focus being you and your husband. I just found her description of the event throughout the episode to be odd.

  • Love 9
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:21 PM, CrinkleCutCat said:

Wealthy people keep their wealth by being tight with their wealth!



That's a broad statement. There are many wealthy people that have ostentatious homes like the Dubrow's, take lavish vacations, have multiple luxury cars, investments,etc. Look at all the celebrities out there that flash their wealth. I hardly think The Beadors, Lisa Vanderpump or the Fosters are tight with their wealth. 

  • Love 6

I think Shannon is batshit crazy and a total downer, however, Meghan is just a stupid bitch. It seems she thinks she will make herself relevant by starting fights, but I think she is really miscalculating. Because she is a stupid bitch.


I don't think the Vickster was insulting SAHM's at all. Isn't her darling daughter one? I think she was just observing what we all have.  

Bitch has been married to her husband for 15 minutes and he already apparently can't stand her. Best not start counting houses bitch.

The dimwit probably signed all her rights away in a prenup and is too stupid to realize it.


So for the first time last night I had one moment of doubt that Brooks is faking his Cancer. When Vicki commented about the 4 or 5 days he feels so awful after Chemo. That was spot on. Of course, Brooksy may just be smart enough, or googled enough, to know that is how it works, but I have noticed many people think if you are undergoing Chemo you are sick constantly. That may sometimes be true, but my experience with my ex husband and a co worker was that they were sick for a few days immediately after, then were functional and my co-worker never even took a leave. 


I really loved Vicki's show of support for Shannon (even though I consider Shannon cray-cray) because you have to admire loyalty and in this case I do think Shannon (unlike Tam Tam) will return Vicki's loyalty.


Back to Meghan. Even if she wasn't a bitch, she totally doesn't fit on this show. She reminds me of first season Jo. It's not just that she's young,  she is clearly immature. Vicki said it are you 30 or 13?  I hope the Vickster goes after her, which I suspect is coming.

Certainly even Tam Tam isn't dumb enough to choose the wrong side in that sure to be epic take down.


Go Vicki.    

  • Love 7

I think Shannon was out of line last week for making that more than it needed. And likewise I think Meghan now needs to let. it. go. She is now looking like a loon. 


I think it's funny that Vicki points out it's Jimmy's money, not hers. Couldn't we all say the same thing about Brooks leaching off you Vicki? And you're not even married. 


I liked that Heather tried to intercede and get Meghan to rethink. And I love this crazy ridiculous house. But I am over Heather whining about what a pain it is to build the new house. That is lame.

  • Love 7
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:15 PM, MissMel said:

Did you see her husband during that proclamation?

I'm not too sure what it was. I'm leaning towards TV time.

All of these "events" are producer driven to begin with when they are filmed. This was a way to intro the newbie in a more neutral way, of course they, production, added the prerequisite spice with setting up the fight between Meghan/Shannon with "cell phone gate" LOL I also think that Tamra/Heather told production, in no uncertain terms, that they would not go at Shannon again this season after they were raked over the coals by viewers last season, so production needed a new "mean girl" this season...........introducing/calling Meghan and we know that Shannon loves, just loves, playing the victim! LOL  JMO

  • Love 3
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:18 PM, chlban said:

I think Shannon is batshit crazy and a total downer, however, Meghan is just a stupid bitch. It seems she thinks she will make herself relevant by starting fights, but I think she is really miscalculating. Because she is a stupid bitch.

I don't think the Vickster was insulting SAHM's at all. Isn't her darling daughter one? I think she was just observing what we all have.

Bitch has been married to her husband for 15 minutes and he already apparently can't stand her. Best not start counting houses bitch.

The dimwit probably signed all her rights away in a prenup and is too stupid to realize it.

So for the first time last night I had one moment of doubt that Brooks is faking his Cancer. When Vicki commented about the 4 or 5 days he feels so awful after Chemo. That was spot on. Of course, Brooksy may just be smart enough, or googled enough, to know that is how it works, but I have noticed many people think if you are undergoing Chemo you are sick constantly. That may sometimes be true, but my experience with my ex husband and a co worker was that they were sick for a few days immediately after, then were functional and my co-worker never even took a leave.

I really loved Vicki's show of support for Shannon (even though I consider Shannon cray-cray) because you have to admire loyalty and in this case I do think Shannon (unlike Tam Tam) will return Vicki's loyalty.

Back to Meghan. Even if she wasn't a bitch, she totally doesn't fit on this show. She reminds me of first season Jo. It's not just that she's young, she is clearly immature. Vicki said it are you 30 or 13? I hope the Vickster goes after her, which I suspect is coming.

Certainly even Tam Tam isn't dumb enough to choose the wrong side in that sure to be epic take down.

Go Vicki.

I was thinking Meghan reminded me of someone..and you hit it on the head with the comparison to Jo.

The difference was that season 1 of the show was a different shoe then what we have in season 10. Jo didn't fit in to the area..and we saw her try to make friends with Kimberly..and no later the other women. It was slightly more organic.

Even though people complained about the first episodes of season 5 of BH...I liked that there was almost no group activities from episode 2 through episode 5. We got to see newbies Eileen and Lisa rinna in their lives as well as the other women. Heck..even in episode 6 when the women got together and Lisa Rinna couldn't go...we got to see her with her daughters in her hometown.

I also think if the show is serious about redeeming tamra...how about showing more footage of her being excited to be a grandma and showing how she is getting along with her sons fiance, etc. That would help give her some dimension, imho

  • Love 2
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:03 PM, AnitaKnight said:

Megan reminds me a lot of Camille Grammer in season 1 of RHBH:


She is under the impression that  her husband is more famous and richer than the others.  This entitles her to treat the other women like the hired help, and the women should be thankful for her presence and kiss her finely pedicured toes.

She has a woman that she pays to cook, clean and be her friend (by her own admission last night)

She has a hairstylist that spends endless amounts of time combing, sectioning, curling and pinning her hair just so, only to end up with flat hair and bobby pins on the lawn.



anyone catch her sister telling her "you look classy"  i lol'd

Yes, another poster mentioned the classy comment...then Meghan responds with "classy as F**k" now that's classy.

  On 6/30/2015 at 3:32 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

I was thinking Meghan reminded me of someone..and you hit it on the head with the comparison to Jo.

The difference was that season 1 of the show was a different shoe then what we have in season 10. Jo didn't fit in to the area..and we saw her try to make friends with Kimberly..and no later the other women. It was slightly more organic.

Even though people complained about the first episodes of season 5 of BH...I liked that there was almost no group activities from episode 2 through episode 5. We got to see newbies Eileen and Lisa rinna in their lives as well as the other women. Heck..even in episode 6 when the women got together and Lisa Rinna couldn't go...we got to see her with her daughters in her hometown.

I also think if the show is serious about redeeming tamra...how about showing more footage of her being excited to be a grandma and showing how she is getting along with her sons fiance, etc. That would help give her some dimension, imho

With Jo, it's a good comparison, but I do think there's one big difference...Jo was nice for the most part. If I would describe her as a person, at that time, I would say young, naive and sweet. There's as much sweet in Meghan as there is in Tamra!

  • Love 9

I just can't bring myself to hate on Megan for some reason!  I can see, objectively, where she is overstepping her bounds and how her cutesy little sayings (hashtag this and that) are somewhat annoying. Yet Shannon is so VERY annoying and was unnecessarily bitchy to her re: the phone call that I find myself taking her (Megan's) side. 


Also?  She had the opportunity to be butthurt and dramatic when the ladies announced that they were leaving her party to go hang with Shannon and Vicky, but she didn't take the bait.  No bitchy Talking Head even.  I give her some props for that.


And while she probably should have not excluded Shannon from her charity event, I guess I can see the perspective of why she did what she did.  IDK, maybe I'm just a Megan apologist for some unknown reason.  But that is always subject to change!

  • Love 16

Has Vicki even met Meghan yet? I honestly can't remember.

Jimmy does seem like a major tool but c'mon. The fact that he goes by Jimmy as a adult is a ridiculous point to harp on. My BIL is 35 and a Jimmy. James in some professional settings but around friends and family he's Jimmy.

I don't mind Heather showing off her house. Not my taste and not something I'd want to spend my money on but to each their own. I had more of an issue with her showing up to a construction site in five inch wedged platform heels.

Lizzie just does not know how to dress. At all. I have big boobies too and always manage to look my age and keep them appropriately covered. I thought it odd how she is always seen by herself or with the other blonde girl so it was nice to see her and Christian with the group at the bar last night.

I still don't understand why Vicki told Meghan that Shannon showed up in full hair and makeup ready to go the charity event she knew she wasn't invited to when she obviously didn't. I mean, Vicki obviously did it to save face and to give herself a good "out" but all that does is help to continue the Meghan vs. Shannon feud.

Again, I don't despise Meghan but I also don't love her. She's my age so maybe that's why she doesn't bug me so much. I think she acts more her age than the rest of the crew so I sort of expect the behavior coming from her. She does need to let shit go and move on.

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:12 PM, biakbiak said:

They seem close and its not a secret or shameful to have cancer and it explains why the daughter lives with Meghan even when Jim isn't there.

I just thought it was distasteful to discuss someone else's health issues, especially on national television.  She didn't sign up for the show. If she's ok with being talked about to strangers, then that's ok. It just didn't sit right with me.



Now, if Jim brings home crabs or an STD from a waitress in one of his STL restaurants,... then that's open season,..

  • Love 4

Megan looked so smug and proud of herself for starting a fight and sending Shannon running upstairs.  


Hey Megan, you're a bitch and many people have private cellphones with numbers that they don't want out. It's really not that rare, sis.  Relax.  Also, you should not wear your hair back like that.  Your not-cute ears stick out and your neck looks even more E.T.-like.  That pointy face needs hair around it.


Shannon just isn't strong enough to be on this show.  Someone else would have remained calm and flipped that situation around on Megan.  Who is this newbie, a total nobody, to call someone that she doesn't even know and proceed to later DEMAND a response?  Hmmm, no. 


I don't care about Brooks or his treatment.


The Dubrows' contractors worked out the cabinet budget with Terry while they were in Napa? So, after Heather told him that they were $130k over budget, he ran and called them? LMAO.


Tamra is still such a gleeful, two-faced shitstirrer.  Nothing will ever change with her.  She looks like a leathery piece of shit, too.  Without eye makeup she looks about 100 years old.  It was nice of Vicki to stick by Shannon in this. However, she didn't need to make Shannon sound so pathetic in her call to Megan.


Jim Edmonds could not care less about his wife.  He ignores her most of the time.  I wonder what their prenup looks like.


All this said, I don't want to watch yet another season of someone going out of their way to pick on Shannon, and her crying/freaking out every episode.  Didn't we do this last season with Heather and Tamra?


I will say that it was nice of Lizzie and Tamra and Christian to meet up with Vicki and Shannon.  Take that, Megan.  Watching her face fall as she watched the cast leave was hilarious.  


ETA: This isn't really so much in defense of Shannon.  She shouldn't be on this show.  Her behavior is cringeworthy a lot of the time and she seems perpetually on edge.  However, excluding her from stuff is not nice, especially when it's a charity that she seems to be involved in.  I know that Megan would not want to be excluded if the situations were reversed.  Shannon has reached Kelly Bensimon levels of cray and poking her with a stick like this is just mean.  When even Tamra is telling you to back off, you might want to do it, asshole.

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 7

I don't think Brooks is lying. He might not "look" sick but he does look thinner and he seems a little different to me. I never disliked him as much as others but I definitely saw the slickness other saw. I think part of the reason I didn't mind Brooks and Vicki together, was because Tamra and Brianna hated it so much :)

Meghan is annoying! The funny thing about the whole Meghan Shannon fight was that everything was good, they all seemed to be laughing, having a good time. I guess Meghan remembered, oh snap, I forgot to stir some shit up.

I might not be remembering this right, but didn't they talk about the call/flirting thing at the beginning of the weekend?

I thought it was settled.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 4:02 PM, imjagain said:


Meghan is annoying! The funny thing about the whole Meghan Shannon fight was that everything was good, they all seemed to be laughing, having a good time. I guess Meghan remembered, oh snap, I forgot to stir some shit up.

I might not be remembering this right, but didn't they talk about the call/flirting thing at the beginning of the weekend?

I thought it was settled.

It was all cleared up, until Megan remembered the pot needed stirring and went over to Shannon and said "I know we cleared up the Hoedown thing, but I want to bring it up again,..." before launching into her ettiquette lecture on how to answer unsolicited phone calls from people using names that you don't know, calling from phone numbers you've never seen before asking for charity.

  • Love 10

Not many thoughts to add because ya'll pretty much already said it. The end of this episode made me miss Lizzie. She is definitely someone I'd hangout with, especially of all the ones in this cast. Sigh. I hope she is in more episodes. My other thought is I'm feeling conflicted about the charity event. I'm not thrilled to have Meghan affiliated with a charity (JDRF) I hold near and dear to my heart but I did love it got a little exposure. I wish it would have gotten a little more exposure....just enough at least to explain what the charity was.

  • Love 5

I can see Megan think. Not a good thing. Her buttons are not being taken seriously and being dismissed. I expect to see her stomp her foot in a future episode when it's not in her mouth. She doesn't have the cunning Tamrat has so you can spot her coming a mile off.


She is just a nice young piece Jimbo is leasing till he spots the next newest model. She should keep those moving boxes in storage as she will be needing them in the future. She might get knocked up but kid or no kid Jimbo will be moving on eventually.


Keep looking Andy this one isn't it.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10

I bet that is one iron clad pre-nup.   Megan's sister is equally as beautiful.  And I get that she doesn't want to live in the house that the old wife picked out, but damn, that is one beautiful home!  The courtyard is so pretty.


I can't believe Brooks would lie about his health.  With google/the internet people can find things out.  Then again, if your ego is big enough..........

  • Love 2

So why do Meghan and "Jimmy" keep moving so much? I thought they just bought this house and now they already sold it. She was telling the event planners that she had to move in to a rental for 4 mos. and look for another house to buy. What's the purpose? Is Jimmy just trying to keep her busy packing and unpacking? 


I'm not buying Tamra's nice Christian girl edit this season. I thought Shannon didn't like or trust her after all that went down last season, now they're buds. Same with Tamra and Lizzie. That was some serious hate going on between those two. Now all is ok?  It all feels so fake to me.

  • Love 5
However, excluding her from stuff is not nice, especially when it's a charity that she seems to be involved in.



I don't have watch this show on a regular basis...I know I saw a snippy Shannon tell Megan that she STARTS charities.  It was obvious to me she didn't want to be involved in some no-name newcomer's charity event--no matter what it was.  From further conversation, it sounded like both JDRF and Megan would invite guests. Why wasn't Shannon Numero Uno on the JDRF guest list if she's so special and so involved?   


I've seen the little clips of Shannon freaking out in Mexico and then running up the stairs like an angry 10-year-old in Napa.  I think she's a spoiled, manipulative and unstable woman who does NOT belong on television of any sort--let alone "reality" TV.    Is it scripted that Shannon and Vicki need to make comments about Megan's age...like 30 is some embryo without any experience and not a serious thought in her head?  Maybe Shannon and Vicki need to be turned out to pasture because they're no longer "with it."

  • Love 8
  On 6/30/2015 at 5:22 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

Because it was the ex's marital home and she wants *her own* house. *eye roll*

She stated that Jim put the house on the market before they even started dating.

  On 6/30/2015 at 5:22 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

Because it was the ex's marital home and she wants *her own* house. *eye roll*

She stated that Jim put the house on the market before they even started dating.

  • Love 3
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:51 PM, MissMel said:

I agree. I'm not too totally sure about Lisa or Camille but, I would watch Yo and listen all day long. All three of them have an unquestionable bank statement. But Yo? Even my low-class self would feel comfortable to walk around her house, barefoot, and sit on her couch. She doesn't even seem to mind when people stand in her fabulous glass front kitchen cooler.

I'd be anxious to even to wash my hands in "the help's" bathroom at the DuBrow's.


Yeah, I can't quite put my finger on why it feels different between Heather and the likes of Yolanda, Camille or even Shannon, but it does feel different somehow. I think it's just the ostentatious nature of it all. For all their wealth, Yolanda and Camille still feel like they live in actual homes. Not museums. Not hotels. Even the DuBrows' last home felt so cold and impersonal, like this cavernous altar to their own wealth.  Everything just feels so "put on." The way Ms. Terry has talked about their new house in the past, as one of their greatest "accomplishments," I don't believe these people care about creating an actual homestead full of hearth for their family. I think they just care about showing off. And about being the best and the biggest in the neighborhood. Look, I make no apologies for spending money on myself. But I do it to make me feel good and to create a nice home that makes me (and guests) feel nurtured. I think Ms. Terry and Heather just swing their proverbial dicks around. It really turns my stomach to see their excess.

  • Love 11

There was a lot of bad behavior to go around, but overall, I thought that everyone had some good moments - even the ones that I don't like.  


Meghan - not sure how I feel about her and she handled much of this terribly, but there was some good stuff there. She issued an actual apology to Shannon, and this is rare indeed in ho'wife land. I also like that she wasn't mad at Heather for bringing the news that not inviting Shannon might not be the best idea. She didn't pull a Bethenny and go batshit crazy on her for giving her news she didn't want to hear, or pretend to sleep through it. I gave her points for that. I also like the way she took the news from Vicki that she wasn't coming. No anger to be found at all. She was also gracious in telling the other ladies there would be no hard feelings if they left her party to go and hang with Shannon. Overall, all of this can be forgotten among other stuff, but since she is 30 - something I learned by listening to the comments of some of the older chicks renders you dumb as hair - it wasn't so terrible for a newbie. 


Vicki, who I detest, handled the call to Meghan very well. She wasn't super judgmental on the phone, but made it clear where her priorities could be found. I thought she was gracious, and it was nice to see her stand up for Shannon. It was very different from the way that Ramona and Sonja handled Heather's anniversary party last year. They decided to not attend an event in solidarity to Aviva, who wasn't invited, but neither bothered to call Heather and let her know. Since I don't usually expect to see an OC housewife behave better than a NY housewife, it was a nice surprise. This might be the last nice thing I ever say about Vicki.


Tamra even had some good moments. I liked that she tried not to get in the middle of things or take sides. She was fine with Vicki making the decision she did and didn't turn it into a big huge deal, which I anticipated that it might become. I also liked that she wanted to go and support Shannon, and didn't go behind Meghan's back, but told her outright that they were thinking of going. Extremely mature way to handle what could have become a sensitive situation.


Shannon can be a mess, but I liked the way she accepted the situation and didn't go completely nuts. She seemed to put it in perspective, and I liked how grateful she was that the others showed up to support her. I thought that was a really nice moment for her.


Heather - she is my favorite so I am biased - but I thought she did great. This situation is the hardest for her because while she might not know Meghan well, she is the only one with any type of a relationship with her and "Jimmy".  At the same time, she has had a rocky relationship with Shannon. I liked that she asked Meghan if she was OK with her going to check on Shannon. This is another one of those little things that can turn into something big. She let Shannon know she was concerned about her but didn't go overboard. I also liked that she tried to make sure Meghan understood that she was potentially walking herself into something that would not be pleasant when she came by her house. I especially liked it when she asked Meghan if there were any way she could maybe see herself resolving the situation and changing her mind about inviting Shannon. She didn't tell her what to do, but made it clear what she thought the best course of action was. 


Mainly, I think points can be given because this didn't end up being this huge deal. Everyone had a moment or two that made that possible. Next week will probably be completely different. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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