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The Bachelor in the Media

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Andi did the breaking up?! I am surprised since she seems so intent to riding the famewhoe train. I do believe she thinks she can do better too. She probably will find a guy with a good career and that's good looking in Atlanta. She's a big fish in a small pond. Good luck to whoever he is. Her bff Kelly found a rich guy in Atlanta but he's hideous so she may have to settle for one or the other.


I'm kind of glad Chris and Des are so lowkey. The franchise does ignore them a little but they were on the stupid Rose Parade float. I bet Fleiss now wishes they would've been the ones to be on the red carpet on Monday since they are actually in love and getting married in a few weeks.


I don't see Josh as The Bachelor. He is cute but to me he doesn't have the charisma. But who am I kidding? Neither did Ben, Jake, Juan Pablo, Chris and many of them.

  • Love 3

My conspiracy theory is that Andi and Josh broke up prior to the live red carpet event, but it was after they had already contractually agreed to make the appearance as a couple. I gotta believe they (and everyone who attended) were paid to attend this craptacular event, and Fleiss didn't want them to attend alone because he wanted to parade out as many successful couples on the red carpet to be interviewed as possible. I believe Andi and Josh benefited more monetarily from doing the interview together than they would have if Andi or Josh would've attended solo. TPTB still want to paint the picture that this Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise process works even though the statistics certainly don't back that up. These shows are successful at hooking people up, but they have a terrible track record of producing couples who last, which is supposedly the unrealistic premise of the show.


Andi has always been a company gal who has followed production's orders flawlessly, so she put on her acting shoes and faked affection with Josh and those back rubs were a way of getting through what must have been an awkward interview. Josh was clearly uncomfortable doing that, but it's old hat for Grumpy Cat at this point. If she had gone on to the red carpet alone a la Nikki, she would've been given the similar crappy treatment by Chris H. and she didn't want to do that. So she put on a facade and soldiered through it.


I sheepishly admit that I used to love Andi and thought she had her stuff together. The more I look at it now, I really respect the way Juan Pablo played the game. He was a douche at the time, but at least you could tell he was his own man and was being genuine. Like Eric (RIP) said, Andi seemed to be acting the entire time. I agree. She's been acting since Juan Pablo's season (i.e. the "it's okay" argument was her audition for The Bachelorette) and that, in addition to her blatant rudeness to Nick, hasn't done herself any favors with fans. And now this Grumpy Cat will be in Fleiss's doghouse. Josh will be fine, and Andi will be fine after playing the victim first. Hopefully she has learned to take the high road from watching Nikki. She shouldn't bad mouth Josh at all.

Edited by jmonkey
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I agree completely. Nice to see others who share my negative feelings about Andi. It sounds like she was the one who did the breaking up, but hopefully Josh is okay with it. I agree that he seems like a great guy. Their little "we're still thinking of marriage" charade on Monday was weird to me because CH could have said "hi" and ignored them like he ignores couples like Chris and Des, but maybe they agreed to hype the new season before breaking up (two days later...you know it probably happened weeks ago. Even more creepy all that back rubbing!)


I wouldn't be surprised if, with all the attention she's gotten, Andi feels she can do a lot better than Josh (more ambitious, bigger career, etc.) I disagree, but I'm convinced that -he- can do a lot better. I did notice how his eyes lit up when they said Chris had 30 women to choose from, so I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back as the next Bachelor. (Not a bad choice, either, imo.)



I think he is a genuine good man and I would love to see him be the Bachelor.  I think there are many of us out there who agree with our take on Andi.  

  • Love 1

I liked Nick V. and we were shown lots of chemistry with Andi, but I honestly didn't think she'd choose him over Josh when seeing/hearing about how much her father loves Josh's pro football-playing brother and their family pedigree, cut from similar cloth so to speak. Comparatively, Nick was some skinny, Northern smart-ass type who ran track (albeit very successful, it's not Georgia football). Maybe Andi was enamored with thoughts of living the Atlanta power couple fairy tale with real-man Josh, but something changed and may eventually come out--but how many will care.

  • Love 1

Thanks for that blog link, jb0495. So those bikini girls had to walk ONE FREAKING MILE down an LA highway? The heck.


Interesting Chris's comments about being filmed in the shower. They are the direct opposite of VIRGIN Sean, who invited the woman camera person into the shower with him, to film him naked, which was okay with him because "she was a lesbian." Gah.

Thanks for that blog link, jb0495. So those bikini girls had to walk ONE FREAKING MILE down an LA highway? The heck.


Interesting Chris's comments about being filmed in the shower. They are the direct opposite of VIRGIN Sean, who invited the woman camera person into the shower with him, to film him naked, which was okay with him because "she was a lesbian." Gah.



Ha ha ha ha!  Really?  Is this true?  

Yes, true. There was a debate at TWOP about whether Sean was wearing trunks/pants in the shower. It was shown as the final scene, the one that's suppose to be funny after credits roll. It was just stripper music playing while Sean lathered up and rinsed off, rinse, repeat. I read something from Sean later (I posted link at TWOP) that he was indeed naked but the camera woman being a lesbian made it okay for her to be in the shower stall with him.

This is a blog Chris writes for People about this season. He writes interesting things about Ashley S. Most notable is that some things she says "make a lot of sense".




Oh good grief, Ashley S is crazy as a loon and he implied as much on Jimmy Kimmel.  Bachelor blogs are diplomatic and give us nothing!  

Jimmy Kimmel discussed 'The Bachelor' again tonight and showed some clips of the upcoming show.  I waited in vain for someone to post them to You Tube (because I don't know how), but alas, nothing yet.


Instead I found two different articles about what's coming up next.  This one here gives some hints about the day in general. 

In brief, Jimmy wakes Chris and spends the whole day with him, 'planning' and going on both a one-on-one and a group date, asks a lot of questions that neither bachelor Chris or host Chris would ask (at least not until after the finale), and generally spends the day spoofing the show.


And here is a still from a

Chris and Jimmy 'bonding session'.

  Darn, I can't figure out how to paste just the photo in.  Feel free to give it a shot, it's hilarious.

Edited by Rhondinella
hide potential spoilers

Last nights clip with Chris is not on youtube yet.  It is good.  It will probably be there today sometime.  

He visits him in his one on one date with Kaitlin.  He asks Kaitlin how she would feel if after they were home watching the show together she finds out he has slept with everyone in the FS.   She said that would be OK, you have to test a car before you buy it.  Kimmel said well, it doesn't get better than that or something to the effect.  It was funny.


Edited by Rhondinella
to hide potential spoilers
  • Love 1

Just a reminder that there should not be spoilers in this thread.  If you have spoilers for upcoming episodes, take them to the spoiler thread, please.  And, yes, out of an abundance of caution I'm considering discussion of the videos played on Kimmel last night to be spoilers.  Don't want people mad at me :-)  Thanks.

  • Love 1

Wow..okay then. And yeah, with Josh and Andi's breakup, I'm definitely inclined to believe that gossip late last year that the family didn't like her and then the whole thing of her and Josh not congratulating the brother and his fiance publicly. Honestly, as much as I can't stand Andi, I will say, the biggest thing that gave me pause a few weeks after her season ended, was reading this 25 Things You Don't Know about Josh article in US Weekly where it stated that he'd never had a girlfriend period.


That confused me because all during the season, the story he sold was that he'd just not had a girlfriend in 5 years but the article made it appear that Josh had never had a girlfriend/serious relationship in his life. And this is an attractive guy with a solid job - that just seemed really strange and made me wonder what was wrong with Josh. It also definitely made me question him and Andi lasting because how does one go from not being able to have one solid relationship ever, at 30, to being completely ready for marriage to a woman he'd spent at best a handful of hours with. 


With the brother's breakup, I'm also really starting to wonder about all those warning sings posters mentioned during Josh's hometown visit, where many felt the family came across as very you're either all in 100% or not. I think even Andi made some comments about that. There was also an article floating around stating that part of the reason Andi and Josh ended was because they were both trying to control the relationship and butted heads a lot. The funniest part was reading how apparently Josh tried to end the relationship many times a lot sooner but Andi stubbornly wouldn't let him. 


I have to say, watching them during Andi's season, I could buy that. Seriously, a great perspective of how these two came across at times was Sharleen's blog recaps where she even mentioned how they constantly seemed like they were fighting for dominance in the conversations. This is why again, much as I can't stand Andi, if the rumors are true of why they ended, I can't feel too bad for Josh because he did know who she was. I even remember during the F3 episode Andi told him she was difficult and that he thinks he could handle her now but he might not say that later. And he was all "no...no" because Josh, feelings for Andi aside, was just as competitive as the other guys there and wanted to win. Well, as Maya Angelou said, "when a person tells you who they are, believe them." 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

Saturday night live did a pretty accurate Bachelor skit with Blake Shelton as the FARMHUNK. All the women were porn actresses from Hollywood, one kept going about all the tragedies in her life, and they all claimed to be thrilled at the prospect of moving to a farm in Iowa. There was a lot of "can I steal him for a minute?" And having identical conversations with multiple women. Not hilarious, but decent satire of the show.

  • Love 8

With the brother's breakup, I'm also really starting to wonder about all those warning sings posters mentioned during Josh's hometown visit, where many felt the family came across as very you're either all in 100% or not.

Yes, I would have been terrified of Josh's sports obsessed family that goes to every single one of the little brother's football games. Devoting your life to team booster-club activity is fine if that's what you're into, but it shouldn't be mandatory for anyone else. Added to that, I always expected that Josh wasn't as unconcerned as he acted about Andi and Nick doing "fiancé things" in the fantasy suite.
  • Love 2

Saturday night live did a pretty accurate Bachelor skit with Blake Shelton as the FARMHUNK. All the women were porn actresses from Hollywood, one kept going about all the tragedies in her life, and they all claimed to be thrilled at the prospect of moving to a farm in Iowa. There was a lot of "can I steal him for a minute?" And having identical conversations with multiple women. Not hilarious, but decent satire of the show.


It's on Youtube.

  • Love 2

Saturday night live did a pretty accurate Bachelor skit with Blake Shelton as the FARMHUNK. All the women were porn actresses from Hollywood, one kept going about all the tragedies in her life, and they all claimed to be thrilled at the prospect of moving to a farm in Iowa. There was a lot of "can I steal him for a minute?" And having identical conversations with multiple women. Not hilarious, but decent satire of the show.

Burning Love will always be my go-to for The Bach/Bachette satire. Three seasons of awesomeness.

  • Love 4

Watching the skit again I was struck by how the bachelor was portrayed as being very bland and boring, yet all the women seemed pretty head-over-heels. It reinforces the idea that many of these women convince themselves before going on the show, that the B ,whoever he turns out to be, is their soul mate.

Yes, while a spoof of The Bachelorette would have had Blake and others as "the bachelors" doing lots of "bro" activities with increasing machismo (drinking, bowling, video games, a firing range, etc.) while the Bachelorette (think: Deanna, for example) increasingly desperately tries to attract their attention in every way she can!


I thought Blake Shelton's acting as The Bachelor was very good--and very much in the bland, earnest, always polite ("So, tell me about yourself!") style that we've grown so accustomed to!

  • Love 3

It was linked in the episode thread, but I thought I'd put it here too.  Kimmel last night did a "break down" of Chris's incoherent rambling to Britt and it's pretty good.  Especially his last punchline: "That answer is so dumb he gave it a rose at the end of the night."  Heh.  Nice.



  • Love 1

According to this People article, the earrings that Jade got to keep cost $100,000. Now I kinda get why Ashley I was so frustrated. ;)


Must admit I'm not even a big jewelry person but I thought the earrings were gorgeous!  The valuations on jewelry always crack me up and I feel bad she'll probably end up having to figure out how to pay the taxes on that. Maybe Chris can help her out ;).

  • Love 1
Must admit I'm not even a big jewelry person but I thought the earrings were gorgeous!  The valuations on jewelry always crack me up and I feel bad she'll probably end up having to figure out how to pay the taxes on that. Maybe Chris can help her out ;)



I'm not into jewelry at all, so I'd be eBaying those babies as soon as the show finished airing. Then pay off the taxes and put a nice chunk of change into savings.

  • Love 6

If you read this paragraph from the article carefully you see the price of the earrings are not mentioned.  It is deceiving whether on purpose by mistake. The talk abou the borrowed necklaces and bracelet. 


"So how much did those earrings actually cost? Well each strand was set with 25 carats for a price of $100,000. And that’s not all the bling Jade wore. She also paired her gown with a diamond strand necklace set with 50 carats of round brilliant stones — a retail price of $350,000. And a diamond-and-platinum 50-carat bracelet, which had the heftiest price tag — $550,000. For those of you who are good at math, that’s a total carat count of 125 — and $1 million worth of jewels!"

Edited by wings707

I just got this tweet:


Mall of America  @mallofamerica
.@SeanLowe09 will be signing copies of his new book this Saturday at MOA! We hope you can join us :) Event Info: bit.ly/1Bwn77i


Did anyone know he's written a book, "For The Right Reasons: American's favorite bachelor on faith, love, marriage, and why nice guys finish first."


Favorite Bachelor? Eh ...


His Twitter account has a link to his Today show segment which I guess he did ... Today. Also, a link to his interview with Glamour magazine.


Next: FarmHunk writes a book?

God, who would read that?    The following may as well go to press:


Bob Guiney:  How to get hot chicks when you're a doughy, slobby man whore.


Ben Flapjack:  Tread lightlyHow a guy even grosser then Bob Guiney got hot chicks.


Brad Womack:  Why I kept doing this shit, AKA the definition of insanity....


Aaron Buerge:  My head is even more massive  than Chris Soules'!


Jake Pavelka:  My picker is really, really broken.   P.S.-I'm short and it enrages me.

  • Love 12
Bob Guiney:  How to get hot chicks when you're a doughy, slobby man whore.

Ben Flapjack:  Tread lightly:  How a guy even grosser then Bob Guiney got hot chicks.

Brad Womack:  Why I kept doing this shit, AKA the definition of insanity....

Aaron Buerge:  My head is even more massive  than Chris Soules'!

Jake Pavelka:  My picker is really, really broken.   P.S.-I'm short and it enrages me.



Hilarious! I'd read every single one of those.

Okay, I was going to keep this little gem to myself, but it's too good not to share. On Saturday, Ron Charles, the top book reviewer of the Washington Post, wrote a gently mocking review of Sean's book


If you love Sean, you may take offense. It literally made me laugh out loud, however.


OMG, how can anyone stand to be anywhere near this narcissitic idiot?  I had no idea until now that he's 'America's Favorite Bachelor'.  I thought that would have been George Clooney or someone like that.


I love how he bemoans that being "stuck looking like a blong haired, 6' 3" fitness model" somehow prevented him from meeting women and that curse drove him to the Bachelorette, and then on to become the Bachelor.


He had such a difficult life...being 'raised in a loving family and having a successful high school career' he says he was "always the nice kid everyone's parents like".  I weep for him.


College was really rough because he struggled due to there being "so many fun things to do...I’d flip on the television and get interested in whatever was on.  Something like a PBS program about African wildebeests would ensnare me until late into the night.”

I'm surprised he admits that in his drive to become a millionaire before 30, he got into debt settlement and lost all his investors money, so he had to join the family business as a result.  Poor thing.


He was heartbroken when Emily didn't choose him even though she kept telling him “You’ve just the whole package — you’ve got it all. Even your dogs are perfect.”  He must have been a lot of fun to live with as every morning he led Bible study for his less perfect and less Godly housemates.


About Catherine all he says (in the review) was that he insisted he get 15 minutes alone with her the night before he proposed to make sure she was a Christian.  Yes, apparently he didn't know that about her until hours before proposing to her.  “I want someone who will love Jesus as much as I do,” he tells Giudici in a panicked, off-camera meeting. “Someone to help me raise my kids in the Christian faith.”


I think this book is one long monologue about how wonderful he is, how Godly, how handsome, how nice and wonderful.  Oh yeah, he found someone worthy of him in the end.  But enough about her.


ETA:  I must be one of a very few people who don't think much of Sean.  On January 27th, 20 people all logged on to Amazon.com to give 5 star reviews.  The next day he got a 4 star review.  The only other review consisted of the comment "Stupid book".  That's it.  I don't suppose that all those good reviews are from people who were paid to shill this literary masterpiece?

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 6

Okay, I was going to keep this little gem to myself, but it's too good not to share. On Saturday, Ron Charles, the top book reviewer of the Washington Post, wrote a gently mocking review of Sean's book


If you love Sean, you may take offense. It literally made me laugh out loud, however.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!   Thank you for this!  Hysterical.  

When I looked at Sean's Twitter, in his description he calls his "wife" a "dime-piece." Does anyone know what that means? 





Urban dictionary says:


"Dime Piece

When a girl is bangin', hot, beautiful, "A perfect ten."

Jess is a fucking dime piece, bro."


Ha Ha ha ha!!  Oh this is sooo not Sean!  

Edited by wings707
I love how he bemoans that being "stuck looking like a blong haired, 6' 3" fitness model" somehow prevented him from meeting women and that curse drove him to the Bachelorette, and then on to become the Bachelor.



I may have read that wrong, but I think the quote from Sean ended earlier in that paragraph and that last part about how hard it must have been for him to meet women any other way was the commentator.  In which case, heh.


Actually the whole piece is a keeper.  Good find!


"Dime Piece

When a girl is bangin', hot, beautiful, "A perfect ten."

Jess is a fucking dime piece, bro."




OMG, how can anyone stand to be anywhere near this narcissitic idiot?  I had no idea until now that he's 'America's Favorite Bachelor'.  I thought that would have been George Clooney or someone like that.


I love how he bemoans that being "stuck looking like a blong haired, 6' 3" fitness model" somehow prevented him from meeting women and that curse drove him to the Bachelorette, and then on to become the Bachelor.


He had such a difficult life...being 'raised in a loving family and having a successful high school career' he says he was "always the nice kid everyone's parents like".  I weep for him.


College was really rough because he struggled due to there being "so many fun things to do...I’d flip on the television and get interested in whatever was on.  Something like a PBS program about African wildebeests would ensnare me until late into the night.”

I'm surprised he admits that in his drive to become a millionaire before 30, he got into debt settlement and lost all his investors money, so he had to join the family business as a result.  Poor thing.


He was heartbroken when Emily didn't choose him even though she kept telling him “You’ve just the whole package — you’ve got it all. Even your dogs are perfect.”  He must have been a lot of fun to live with as every morning he led Bible study for his less perfect and less Godly housemates.


About Catherine all he says (in the review) was that he insisted he get 15 minutes alone with her the night before he proposed to make sure she was a Christian.  Yes, apparently he didn't know that about her until hours before proposing to her.  “I want someone who will love Jesus as much as I do,” he tells Giudici in a panicked, off-camera meeting. “Someone to help me raise my kids in the Christian faith.”


I think this book is one long monologue about how wonderful he is, how Godly, how handsome, how nice and wonderful.  Oh yeah, he found someone worthy of him in the end.  But enough about her.


ETA:  I must be one of a very few people who don't think much of Sean.  On January 27th, 20 people all logged on to Amazon.com to give 5 star reviews.  The next day he got a 4 star review.  The only other review consisted of the comment "Stupid book".  That's it.  I don't suppose that all those good reviews are from people who were paid to shill this literary masterpiece?


Yuck! And this here is why I never did and never will stand Sean. What a douche. And it's sad that Catherine has pretty much molded her personality to fit his. Gross. I hope they go away, they are even worse than Trista.

  • Love 2

I can only tolerate Sean, because his season was a "success", as in he actually found a wife. I thought he was a boring God botherer before his season and he seems even worse now. I don't think he has a single ironic bone in his body and his head is the size of a small planet. Ugh. The show really needs to stop feeding his ego one of these days.

  • Love 3

OMG, how can anyone stand to be anywhere near this narcissitic idiot?  I had no idea until now that he's 'America's Favorite Bachelor'.  I thought that would have been George Clooney or someone like that.


The book's marketing team may have used stories like this one from EOnline:



I love how he bemoans that being "stuck looking like a blong haired, 6' 3" fitness model"


This particular line was written by the Washington Post book reviewer.

  I liked the gist that Sean's painful earnestness allows for almost no sense of irony in his makeup.

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