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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Yes, it does appear they know what the power is (or at least that votes can be negated), but if Day can't say she has the power, it's kind of worthless. How does she convince even 4 people (aside from Jason) to throw her a vote if she's not allowed to tell them she only needs five votes?

And Jason is telling James "his" suspicions about Liz. These people.....

Maybe Clay's relationship with Davonne can be viewed in the context of our cultural views on women and women of color and how they're perceived.

Or maybe it can be viewed in the context of where Clay lives and the kind of views he likely grew up hearing.


Jackie is such a nothing. She's being compared to Victoria but at least Victoria had a distinctive personality and could be funny.

I think she's comparable to Victoria in looks and style but beyond that she seems to be basically a mannequin. I don't understand why she and Jeff were brought over to BB. Did they have a huge following on TAR that the BB producers thought would come over to this show?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Jason, James and Day are going over all the evidence about Liz/Julia. James wants to put a dot on one of them with a Sharpie so he'll know when there was a switch. Valid questions follow: "Where are you going to get a Sharpie?" "How would you do it without her noticing?" and "Wouldn't it just wash off when she takes a shower?"

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Jackie and Jeff dont talk everyday but they talked tonight. Clearly these two are trying play everyone as a pawn so they can get to the end.

Jackie had some nerve saying she didn't want to work with Vanessa because she does nothing. Like this chick was doing better just being cute with long pretty hair. She definitely is whiney and entitled similar like how Jeff was. He said also he didn't like Steve because hes a wuss because he didn't share his knowledge of the game with him. PFFT did this fool forget it's a game. Yet these two agreed they wanted to.work with Jason because he knows the game. Jeff also said they can't allow Meg to get to the end because she would win since she gets along with everyone. It's she would win because her social game thusfar has been good. Just looks at previous BB winners particularly Jordan shes a prime example.

Overall I hope these two clown dont see F5. Jesus. Plz no.

If he wants to be on The Bachelor he is an idiot. He's now signed to a CBS contract for a period of time and Bachelor is ABC.

Not trying to come for anyone's looks but Jeff is not attractive. That rosacea is killin me. Plus hes a d-bag especially how he talks about the opposite sex.

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I doubt that jeff and jackie were their first choice from amazing race. The premise was that phil was gonna get back at julie for sticking him with the always fighting brenchel. My guess is that they probably wanted blair and hayley ... but I think those two have like real jobs.


That was my thought as well.  I remember thinking if they were going to get a couple from last season it should have been Blair and Hayley, but as you said they have real jobs as one is a Doctor and the other is a Nurse.  I remember when it was revealed that it was Jackie and Jeff I was very underwhelmed because while they were not offensive on TAR, they were also not very memorable.  I actually remembered her and I had completely forgotten about him. 

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Did Clay really say the phone calls were rigged to save Day



Oh yeah, precisely. It's foolish to get pissed about them doing this stuff, as they've always done it. It's just amusing to me that they now have a specific shtick to go along with it this year. It's only the second week of the season, and already one of their "twists" has specifically been used for some rigging (and only, of course, once Liz/Julia was replaced with the more replaceable in the producers' eyes Meg). So it'll be fun to watch, as the season goes on, how each twist "shockingly" lands in the laps of a HG they want to get an advantage. They're not even messing around with having the advantage be something that is competed for, as that backfired when they tried to get Dan a DPOV back in Season 14, so now they're just handing it to people. 

Yikes.  I can't even imagine what it would be like to have Blair and Hayley in the house, but now that you mention it, BK1978, I think that was a missed opportunity.  At the very least Blair would have helped to even up the scales on the eye candy factor between the men and women, and he is smart too.  And I know Hayley would definitely bring the drama.  Too bad they have actual careers, unlike Jeff and Jackie who seem like your typical young famewhores.

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Maybe Clay's relationship with Davonne can be viewed in the context of our cultural views on women and women of color and how they're perceived.


Or maybe it's just two people who don't trust each other and want the other out of the house ASAP.  I remember the second Clay was brought into Day's early alliance, she told us this was very short-term.  She's wanted him gone almost from the get-go.  Especially after Shelli and he started getting close. 


Neither Clay nor Day is subtle.  Just the opposite, they are more in-your-face types.  Doesn't take much to set either one off. 


If Day had managed to win HOH, I bet she'd have targeted Clay.  Sherri's win gave Clay the upper hand.  Sorry to see that - I much prefer Day to Clay - but I don't think Clay will last much longer than Day (assuming she gets evicted this week). 

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A quick word on rigging - what's interesting to me is how the show doesn't even seem to follow what makes the show so interesting. It isn't when "favorite" players get advantages, it's when players use their actual skills to pull out unlikely wins. To wit, back in Season 14, they actively tried to rig it so that Dan could get a DPOV to stay. They failed. And that failure led to Dan's Funeral, one of the most iconic moments in the show's history. Will and Jun, two of the best players in the game's history, never had things rigged in their favor in their initial seasons (rigging in general has been something that only really become prevalant during AG's tenure, although obviously Season 6 had some iffy moments, as well, as the Sovereign Six proved so popular that you could see the formulation of rigging pop into the producers' heads). Just let the people play - if they're any good, they'll win. If they're not, they'll lose. Have some faith in the audience determining their favorites without you telling them who their favorites should be. Day is undoubtedly a more interesting HG than Meg, and if Day were to stick around, that'd be swell by me (although I think Meg is a very nice HG, as well), but if it isn't her week, it isn't her week.  

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I wonder what would happen in this situation if Meg had a Save Me Speech something like...Well, Da'Vonne got real lucky with that twist. And as you super fans know, when someone gets lucky, the luck tends to follow them the whole game and they get very hard to vote out. Maybe it would be best to get the lucky person out now, while we can.

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Posted at 3:27 am on Jokers:  Day, Jason telling Jeff about twins.


Day: The thick one is here now.


Jason: The fat one is funny. The skinny one is friendlier.


Jason: The fat one has thick thighs and is busting out of her jeans. The skinny one wore the same jeans and it was loose. I was like, are those the same jeans??


Day: The thick one is really from Miami. The thin one is mean. She's like from Brooklyn.


Jason: I told Liz today "You be looking skinny." She looked at me and was mortified. Study their asses. One ass is lifted.  This is just like BB5. There were 3 sets of twins in house. And this season, there's 3 sets of twins too w/ Jeff, Shelli


Jeff: No wonder Liz has been giving me mixed signals. I like the thick one better.


Jason: We like the thick one better too!  The thick one likes Austin and the other one hates him. She's only working out with Austin to get skinny like her sister.


Jeff: OMG, the fat one keeps touching my butt. The other one doesn't even know we're friends.


Jason: Thick'ems is the smarter one.


Day: Thick'ems is the one that came in today. Skinny Minnie is the one that's not nice.


Jeff: I'm going to put a secret mark on one of them.


Jason: The fat one was the one who applied. The skinny one is just here to be on TV.


Steve comes out to backyard, they tell him about the twins. Jeff goes to HOH room to tell Clay and Shelli about twins.


Clay reacting to twins: OMG, the theme this season is lies and twists! This must be one of the twists!


Day: You can't be fat at 9am and skinny in the afternoon.


Jason: One of them has big thighs and the other doesn't.  The skinny one is out here in her whorekini. The fat one doesn't wear a bikini.


Seriously, how different can Liz and Julia's weight be?  To me, they both look slender and healthy.  But Day, Jason, and Jeff have decided that there's a thick/fat one that's nice, and a thin/skinny one that's mean.  It's the old saw about how skinny women are bitches and fat ones are friendly, because thin women don't have to be nice because they're so wonderful, while fat women can only have friends by working on their personality.

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Jeff, Jason, James and that side of the house disgust me calling Liz the "fat one" and the "skinny one". I feel Day tipped her hand when she revealed she figured out the twin twist and now nearly everyone in the house knows. I wouldn't keep someone like Day around, she's too smart but very emotional. You can't count on a person that can't keep their emotions in check in this game and doesn't have self discipline.

  • Love 5

Both Liz and Julia are slender women with good bodies.  They have to think of someway to differentiate them  as they discuss it.  I don't think anyone thinks the thick one is overweight or fat.  


Can anyone with feeds tell the difference and know which one is Liz, assuming she was the first one to appear?

What is the "bread story" they keep talking about in reference to Liz and Julia?


It's disgusting, but... James told an outrageous story a few nights ago about how he was being uhh, "intimate" with a woman, and it looked like there were "breadcrumbs" in her privates. Liz was there for the story, and most of the house has heard it by now too. They've called James The Breadmaker and such. During tonight's episode of The Jeff and Austin Spiritual and Sexual Healing podcast, "bread" was mentioned by someone and while everyone laughed, Julia said she didn't get it. They're using it as further evidence that Liz is doing a twin switch.

I'm kind of disappointed, and a bit mortified, to read that thick vs thin comparison for Liz and Julia. I mean, there has to be another way to distinguish the twins. It may not be bad as racism or transphobia, but if Liz/Julia hear about them being compared by their weight, I can see them easily getting offended. Perhaps they won't, but they could. I don't know, maybe it's me being nitpicky, but I'm not fond of Day/Jason/Jeff using a thick vs thin comparison for trying to distinguish the twins. 

  • Love 7

I doubt that jeff and jackie were their first choice from amazing race. The premise was that phil was gonna get back at julie for sticking him with the always fighting brenchel. My guess is that they probably wanted blair and hayley ... but I think those two have like real jobs.

Yeah -- My guess was Jeff & Jackie had the free time...and that was the only reason they were picked.


They had WAY more interesting 'blind date' couples that season...but methinks J & J were the ones without 'schedule conflicts.'

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Oh boy, Day. You and Jason both definitely have the biggest mouths in that house. She could have used the twin twist to her advantage. She could have not told Jason, kept it to herself and then talked to Liz/Julia and blackmailed them for votes. But no, now Liz/Julia are going to be targeted, Day may not actually stay and Audrey gets to stay in the house for much longer. 


Plus, now I'm not liking Day or Jason because they keep calling the girls fat vs skinny. Like, if that's the only way you can distinguish them, then you're not doing a good job at exposing the twin twist.

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Jason and Day don't have a functioning brain between them. Of all the adjectives they could use to differentiate the twins, they come up with "Fat" and "Thick " If they mean to be derogatory, they still could without the body image slamming.  


I  need to rant about the casting for AAs on this show for a minute. Out of 17 seasons, it is a damn near crime that only two or three were notable for  their good game play. Danielle Reyes (BB3) and Kevin Campbell come to mind.   I'll edit if I think of a 3rd but don't hold your breath. The afore mentioned were also the only two who kissed the finales. 


When you compare the notably horrendous game play in the shows history, the AAs win. Just last season, we were given Amber who was as sweet a person as she was dumb when it comes to BB. As much I would have loved rooting for her, her painful game play had me too busy cringing during her time in the house. 


Don't get me started the on Lawons and Marcellas who top the list of most dumbest game play ever.


Nothing will convince me that INTELLIGENT black people don't audition for the show. If they don't, half the cast are recruited. What has stopped Grodner and her crew from finding representations that would make the community proud? That we root for, not because of the bigotry and alliniation they face in house, but because they are legitimately good Big Brother players? Why does the show, season after season, deny us (I don't want to assume every viewer want a root worthy AA houseguest) African American houseguests we can relate to on that personal level, that we'd enjoy cheering on? That we don't have to watch through our fingers. I am so sick of having to deal with dumbasses year after year.  


I know it won't make sense to many but I feel like a traitor when I am unable to root for them; They are my people. But I don't have it in me to overlook, say Chima's short fuses or Amber thinking she is good with an alliance that put her up for eviction week after week. Even when they tell her to her face the alliance she is ride and die for is no more. Kalia took out Jason but not before she sent out a member of her alliance so that is a complete wash.


Watching Day breakdown last night about the absence of her father, it hit me how many in my community suffer from the same reality she faces and I want to so badly root for her because if anyone needs cheering for, Day would be on top of the list IMO.  So it infuriated me that I think she is unworthy of being rooted for when it comes to the game of Big Brother. If she had a little savvy, I'd have no reservations rooting for her. 


As I type, I realize the same can be said for every minority houseguest they care to cast.  Big Brother, like America, needs to wake the fuck up and get with the times. America is not all white sprinkled with few minorities here and there. Moreover shows like Scandal and Empire is proof that viewership is not based on race, it is all about contain so any excuse that people won't tune in if they produce a show with a more diverse cast is nothing but a lie.

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In Da's defense, she explained that where she's from, "thick" is far from an insult. She started out describing one as more heavy set and corrected herself because she knew that wasn't an apt description and started to use "thick" and "thickums" I agree that the one twin will probably be mortified when she hears all of this but I do think the others are using the various terms all in jest and somewhat ironically because they all think both women are beautiful--especially the men. And a few of the women have said that they all have to find a new description instead of thick or fat.

eta: Deputy Deputy, I agree with much of your post and wish the casts were much more diverse. I wonder what the track record would be if there were only one or two white people per season. Imagine if the white representatives each season were like Audrey and Amanda --both smart but couldn't win the game. Smart doesn't necessarily equal good game player-- I think players like Chima, Kalia (don't know if I have her name right) and Da are intelligent, they just weren't great game players. I think Amber was cast as eye candy without expectations for her game play. However, I do think producers were probably aware that Da was planning to call people out, etc, and they must know that type of player never or rarely wins. I agree that if we're only going to get one to two women of color per season, I wish the selection process was stronger so these players had a better chance of succeeding

Edited by NeelyOh
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I  need to rant about the casting for AAs on this show for a minute.

When you're finished I'll start in about their casting of gay men. And then we can chat together in those cases where the Venn diagram meets up (Marcellus and Beau). Not all gay men are bitchy queens, but you would never be able to determine that from watching this show - and it gets worse as the seasons progress. They can't even be bothered to cast a stereotypical WeHo muscle hunk much less one of the other myriad of gay stereotypes available to them. No, they default to the caustic, diminutive, gossipy bitch gay. It's really quite tiresome. Amazing Race and Survivor have somehow been able to cast their net to attract famewhorish gays of nearly every archetype, but Big Brother somehow can't, - excepting season 5 winner Drew Daniel, who had one of the shows more notorious hetero showmances but was pretty much outed years after his season aired by the tabloid press. I might also give a pass to Dustin, who was a crappy player but not what they usually foist on the house.


Ironically, they've been really pretty good at casting lesbians. They're generally there to tick off a box other than "gay", as with Ivette - who was more the token fiesty latina.

Edited by SteveAC10
  • Love 14

Ironically, they've been really pretty good at casting lesbians. They're generally there to tick off a box other than "gay", as with Ivette - who was more the token fiesty latina.

What lesbians have there been besides Ivette and Vanessa? I feel like there have been others, but I'm drawing a complete blank.


ETA: I remembered that Jenn City is gay and I think S1 Jordan was bi.

Edited by TheRealT


Big Brother, like America, needs to wake the fuck up and get with the times. America is not all white sprinkled with few minorities here and there.


I 100% agree, and yet it's Big Brother, I will always think that sane, rational, INTELLIGENT people don't audition for this show, over 17 seasons I can think of a handful, maybe: Dan, Allison, Jun, Danielle R. That's IT, and two of them were minority women. I just think anyone with the remotest common sense doesn't actually audition for this show.


Jun is just a bizarre exception from the typical HG. Asian? Woman? Had a real job? She was like a unicorn in terms of Big Brother-dom. 


That said, I think AG is the real culprit (Allison, Jun and Danielle all predate her tenure, as did Maggie, who I didn't like personally but she obviously played the game well). She just isn't interested in anything but young-ish attractive white people who might end up having sex with each other during the season. The Dans and Derricks of AG's tenure were the exception by far. Your Codys and your Clays are more the norm. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I would also love to see some more old people. Like, seriously old. But is anyone even over 35 this year? Ok fine if they don't want to put a 70 year old in the house but is anyone even 40? Why not a 55 or a 60 year old? I'd like to see more variety for sure.

Edit: sorry, I realize this is getting off topic.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 9

I would also love to see some more old people. Like, seriously old. But is anyone even over 35 this year? Ok fine if they don't want to put a 70 year old in the house but is anyone even 40? Why not a 55 or a 60 year old? I'd like to see more variety for sure.

Edit: sorry, I realize this is getting off topic.

Agreed, Renny was great.
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