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S05.E09: The Dance Of Dragons

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Wasn't one of Mel's big early selling points the whole schtick that "If you hadn't stopped Stannis from bringing me, I could have stopped those fires at Blackwater?" Well, then, what the hell, Red? Are you just a big liar, who doesn't want to admit that she can only cast like, two or three cleric spells a day, tops? Or did you deliberately let the entire camp burn down just so you could talk Stannis into burning one more person for your stupid "ooh, fire is shiny" god?

Obsessive ass kings burning everybody they see, left and right. Didn't somebody fight a war over that?

We can start calling her StruggleWitch, <TM> Sleepy Hollow forums.

  • Love 7

I knew Shireen had it coming. Anyone that cute and sweet is not long for the GoT world. 


I'm going to suggest that GoT add a subtitle.  Something like - Game of Thrones:  Where Goodness and Honor are Desecrated.   Or - Game of Thrones:  Where Incest, Filicide, and Flaying Rule.


Team Littlefinger? At least we've never seen him misrule a city yet.


Nope.  I can't root for the man who orchestrated the fall of the Starks.  Plus, if he didn't know what he was abandoning Sansa to, it was willful ignorance.


Please, Gods, don't tell me Arya is going to prostitute herself to get close to Meryn Trant. Jaquen is not going to be pleased she is going off script. Finally, her storyline is picking up steam! It looked like Trant recognized her, huh? She's grown quite a bit since he saw her last. 


Shut your mouth!  But I think you're right.  I can only hope that they were sensitive to Maisie's age (seventeen when they filmed), and minimize any contact between Arya and Meryn.  She'll have to disable him long enough to explain who she is, and why she wants him dead.  It better be dramatic, I hate that guy.  I imagine that A Man (I hate that bullshit) will attempt to keep her from her revenge, but if she left the Hound to die, this loser needs to go, too.


It's interesting how people saw this scene and viewed it as confirmation of Dany's ultimate success because she has a Dragon. I watched that scene and had 2 thoughts, Dragon's aren't that hard to kill and people are willing to try and fight them.

I don't see the Royal Families/armies/knights giving up just because Dany has dragons.


As mentioned above, nothing compares to a religious fanatic willing to be martyred for a cause.

  • Love 2

Wait a minute. If Hizdar is dead, and Dany is out on dragon sabbatical, who is in charge of Mereen during the latter part of this riot? Some foreign dwarf who doesn't even speak the language? The guy whose exile was never actually revoked? I guess Grey Worm would be Commander in Chief of the military, and Daario and Missendei could play a sort of good cop/ bad cop game when it came down to actually talking to people.

Seems like things might go a little smoother if Varys were there, though.

Speaking of which, was I the only one looking for Varys?

"God damn it... I'll find him if I have to search every whorehouse on the continent... oh, hi, Arya. Seen Tyrion?"

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 9

(sigh). everyone who I like dies


Ned Stark, Drogo (eventually) Robb Stark I can't think of anyone in season three, but I bet there was something there, I'm forgetting, Martel, Shireen.  Screw you Stannis. Like seriously, screw you. I am so lost in this show (and i've seen every episode), so I don't know why they are sacrificing this poor little girl, but i know it's for something stupid. And her friend just left (didn't even kidnap her, so it's like you suck too. So did the mother. I hate the red-haired woman). :( that was brutal.  Poor Jorah has that greyscale leprosy thinger, so who knows how long he is for the world. (sigh). 


I am still trying to figure out why Martel's lover is all "lets get revenge!!" I get she's mad that he's dead - but Martel died in a trial by combat - that he volunteered to do. Like, get over it. Quickly. I like the daughters (where's the 4th?). I love Alexandre Siddig (hmm Dr. Bashir!) more of him please. (actually no. the longer y'all stay in pretty Dorne, the less chances you'll die). 


Arya is boring (and i'm confused - big shocker) about the perverted guy. 

bye bye Shireen. :(

  • Love 2

(sigh). everyone who I like dies


Ned Stark, Drogo (eventually) Robb Stark I can't think of anyone in season three, but I bet there was something there, I'm forgetting, Martel, Shireen.  Screw you Stannis. Like seriously, screw you. I am so lost in this show (and i've seen every episode), so I don't know why they are sacrificing this poor little girl, but i know it's for something stupid. And her friend just left (didn't even kidnap her, so it's like you suck too. So did the mother. I hate the red-haired woman). :( that was brutal.  Poor Jorah has that greyscale leprosy thinger, so who knows how long he is for the world. (sigh). 


I am still trying to figure out why Martel's lover is all "lets get revenge!!" I get she's mad that he's dead - but Martel died in a trial by combat - that he volunteered to do. Like, get over it. Quickly. I like the daughters (where's the 4th?). I love Alexandre Siddig (hmm Dr. Bashir!) more of him please. (actually no. the longer y'all stay in pretty Dorne, the less chances you'll die). 


Arya is boring (and i'm confused - big shocker) about the perverted guy. 

bye bye Shireen. :(

The perverted guy is Meryn Trant, a Kingsguard from Kings Landing who killed Arya's dancing (sword-fighting) master Syrio in S1. Trant is on the hit list Arya used to recite at night. He's escorting Mace Tyrrell from Tommen's Small Council in Braavos. (Cersei sent Mace away on a "mission" to consolidate her own power.)

  • Love 2

 Sheesh. I'm starting to root for the White Walkers.


I've been preparing to jump their bandwagon since Oberyn's death, but this just sealed the fucking deal. Go White Walkers, make sure you leave no one alive. And please kill the fucking Lord of Light, too. But not too fast, pretty please. 8000 years of flaying would be a nice start.

  • Love 1

Wait a minute. If Hizdar is dead, and Dany is out on dragon sabbatical, who is in charge of Mereen during the latter part of this riot? Some foreign dwarf who doesn't even speak the language? The guy whose exile was never actually revoked?


Well from the previews it looks like

our #1 Essos entourage is holed up in the palace while Jorah slowly zombifies and Meereen presumably goes through The Purge. Good times!

  • Love 2

I just wish Mereen's crowd security was better at noticing people walking in with bigass metal Harpy face masks. I mean, it's not like these people had backpacks or heavy winter clothing or anything. I did notice one maskless woman with a big bulky skirt getting fried by Drogon. Hopefully she was one of the mask smugglers.

  • Love 9

The order of the deaths I am wishing for -- Ramsay Bolton, then Melisandre.  I want Stannis to live to wake up and realize what he's done and have to live with the pain/guilt/self-loathing it will inspire.  


I literally squeed out loud at the screen when Dany took Jorah's hand.  He deserved that.  I didn't cry when Shireen "died," but I did when Dany walked up to Drogon and he blinked at her like he was saying "I love you, Mom."  

indeed.  Lol.  


Arya still remains my favorite character.  I was a little surprised when the brothel madam shooed Arya out rather than realizing she had the next night's girl standing right there.  I think Arya is ready to move beyond her servitude to the Many-Faced God, retrieve Needle from the rock pile and run it through that pedophile once and for all.  


Can't believe we only have one show to go this year.  Damn.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
  • Love 7

Wait a minute. If Hizdar is dead, and Dany is out on dragon sabbatical, who is in charge of Mereen during the latter part of this riot? Some foreign dwarf who doesn't even speak the language? The guy whose exile was never actually revoked? I guess Grey Worm would be Commander in Chief of the military, and Daario and Missendei could play a sort of good cop/ bad cop game when it came down to actually talking to people.

Seems like things might go a little smoother if Varys were there, though.

Speaking of which, was I the only one looking for Varys?

"God damn it... I'll find him if I have to search every whorehouse on the continent... oh, hi, Arya. Seen Tyrion?"



  • Love 12

Hope that Wun Wun does not step on Davos accidentally...Jon Snow should tell Stannis that Castle Black is not Costco....The Iron Bank should hedge their bets again by lending money to the White Walkers and Dany.


Do White Walkers need money? Do they actually need anything? I mean other than cannon fodder in the form of zombies.


I'm so glad Drogon made an appearance and roasted some Harpies... Though I'm still a little lost as to who they're supposed to be ? Hired mercenaries ? Previous Pit Veterans ? Religious Fanatics ? If only Dany had unmasked some of those dead Sons of Harpies from the last confrontation and started asking around so I'd have some idea of who those weirdos are supposed to be.


I'm fairly sure the Harpies will be regrouping after so many of them got burned/eaten/killed. May give the others time to get back to the other 9000 unsullied. Maybe those Unsullied that came with her were the Unblooded that SlaveMaster warned her about. *sigh* soldiers do not make for good defense against masked insurrections.

  • Love 2

The perverted guy is Meryn Trant, a Kingsguard from Kings Landing who killed Arya's dancing (sword-fighting) master Syrio in S1. Trant is on the hit list Arya used to recite at night. He's escorting Mace Tyrrell from Tommen's Small Council in Braavos. (Cersei sent Mace away on a "mission" to consolidate her own power.)



ahh, thanks :)

  • Love 1

I was afraid reading the episode synopsis that poor Shireen might be a goner. At least her mom finally realized she loved her but it was too late. Hope Brienne makes good on her promise. I wish the show had chosen a different way of showing Varys had been right back in the Blackwater episode that Stannis and his red witch shouldn't be any where near the iron throne.


Drogon to the rescue!


Looks like Arya is going to go "O-Ren Ishi" on Ser Meryn next week.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 1

I don't know of Melisandre is a StruggleWitch. The other Lord of Light priest was resurrecting that guy every other day, and he behaved fairly deferentially to her when she came upon him. I think she let that shit burn on purpose so she could get at Shireen. She couldn't even put out a fire that was literally right next to her? No, that conniving ass bitch probably felt Ramsay coming and was smiling to herself. She was fully dressed and coiffed in the middle of the night, after all.


Of course it was Selyse who broke first. For all her big talk and harsh treatment, she still loves her only child to survive toddlerhood. I feel like Davos was considering snatching Shireen and hauling ass back to Castle Black, but decided to defer to his King's orders. When he comes back to find out she got burned alive, it will be like losing his son all over again (didn't he burn from wildfyre even?). He's going to try to murder somebody, whether he goes for Melisandre or Stannis first is what I want to know.


Fuck you Stannis. What kind of shit war commander gets his entire food stores burned by 20 men? His whole strategy seems to be "overwhelming force, screw how many die crashing against the waves as long as I win." Now I wish the Wildlings had killed them.


Did Jon not tell the Night's Watch about the literal undead legion that can pole vault off cliffs like it's no thing? It doesn't require a good heart to see trafficking the Wildlings away is necessary, it's common sense. Even if they cut down every freaking Wildling as they passed through the castle, they probably don't even have the resources or time to burn them all properly. Therefore, another few thousand Wights to tear them to pieces. Screw them and their stupid stank faces. What a reminder that most of them are feckless rapists and thieves and don't give 2 shits about actually protecting Westeros. They'd rather be killed by White Walkers and end up murdering their own families as long as the Wildlings died first. 


So Dany just hopped on Drogon to escape and thinks, what, the Sons of Harpy will be like "ahhh, man" and go home? She left her entire freaking council in the middle of the arena to die. And Daario "I survived in the Pits since I was an infant" has to go momentarily deaf, dumb, and blind so Jorah can save the day. I liked the subtle touch that Drogon was torching innocents caught up in the aftermath along with Harpies. Nukes don't discriminate. 


Arya might as well have told A Man what she did. It's not like she's succeeded at lying to him even once. Probably would make her incoming punishment less awful. So gross that brothel madam clearly snatched the nearest scullery girl to save her own ass. Ew, ew, ew. 


I still don't care about Myreen. Myrcella and Tristane are both obnoxious shits, I don't know why I should care about them. News about Cersei should have reached Dorne by now, bringing another incest baby back to Westeros is the worst idea possible right now. 

  • Love 5

Of course it was Selyse who broke first. For all her big talk and harsh treatment, she still loves her only child to survive toddlerhood. 


This is one of the reasons these scenes didn't work for me. I never got the impression that Selyse cared much at all about Shireen. She was closer to the fetuses of her unborn sons. She saw Shireen as willful and a burden and wanted to beat her. It just feels like a cliche that she would object. The same old "a mother's love" that tends to be wheeled out for female characters (Catelyn, Cersei, et al).

  • Love 3
Okay, I get that Stannis is the new Agamemnon, who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to get fair winds to send his ships to Troy. But really, would a whole battalion of men also have drunk the Kool-Aid and just stand around while a child is being incinerated and is screaming like that? That is impossible for me to believe. Someone upthread mentioned Nazi-era Germans but most of those Germans didn't actually SEE it. Actually watching a child burn to death--I just don't buy that those men, many of whom presumably have families of their own, would do nothing.


I can actually buy into it.  They're frozen, they have no way back or forward, their food and horses were destroyed.  This was their way to not only survive all of that but come out the victors.  Plus to try and stop it means going against the king and his witch.  In a way it was either her or them, or at least I can see it being perceived that way thus causing them to stand by and watch.

  • Love 3

This is one of the reasons these scenes didn't work for me. I never got the impression that Selyse cared much at all about Shireen. She was closer to the fetuses of her unborn sons. She saw Shireen as willful and a burden and wanted to beat her. It just feels like a cliche that she would object. The same old "a mother's love" that tends to be wheeled out for female characters (Catelyn, Cersei, et al).


Huh, that was the one thing that worked for me. When confronted with the actual implications of what she's been doing/letting happen, she finally realized how terrible this all was. Talk about too little, too late, but that was the point I think. See Stannis, when your batshit crazy miserable mother piece of wife is the voice of reason here, you know you're screwed.

  • Love 15

In tonight's episode, who did Arya see coming off the water (as she was wheeling those oysters) that caused her great concern? I am so lost.... and with all the characters I find it hard to keep track. Thanks.


ETA: I think I found the answer in a reply above. Is this it?


He is: "The perverted guy is Meryn Trant, a Kingsguard from Kings Landing who killed Arya's dancing (sword-fighting) master Syrio in S1. Trant is on the hit list Arya used to recite at night. He's escorting Mace Tyrrell from Tommen's Small Council in Braavos. (Cersei sent Mace away on a "mission" to consolidate her own power.)" 



Edited by DakotaLavender

This is one of the reasons these scenes didn't work for me. I never got the impression that Selyse cared much at all about Shireen. She was closer to the fetuses of her unborn sons. She saw Shireen as willful and a burden and wanted to beat her. It just feels like a cliche that she would object. The same old "a mother's love" that tends to be wheeled out for female characters (Catelyn, Cersei, et al).


It makes sense to me. She's probably seen the bowling pins lining up for this for a while now. How many upteen people has Melisandre roasted over the years at Dragonstone (or w/e it's called)? On top of that, Selyse is a religious fanatic, she probably knows the alleged power of lighting up king's blood. No doubt Selyse has always resented Shireen, but I can see her spewing extra venom because she anticipated that exactly this could happen. I can see her trying to build up all kinds of emotional walls because if she can't give her husband a son, she can damn well ensure he becomes a king, right?

  • Love 3

Oh yeah – the scene was short enough that it didn't bother me that much, but let me get this straight. The ships sailing back from Hardhome dropped off Jon Snow & the refugees... north of the Wall? With the ice & bullshit & nothing to hunt and also the enormous White Walker zombie mist death army skulking around? WHY


I also expected a nice little Night's Watch "you have no idea how screwed we are, seriously, game over" meeting with Jon & Alliser. Nopers!

  • Love 6

Shireen was hot.  Scorching.  Completely on fire.


Last episode Reek seemed really lonely with no one to really relate to.  Which is why I cannot wait for Stannis to join him.  Reek and Zeke can have a lot of fun together.  Ramsay take out the castrating knife and make it so!


Scary thought.  Roose Bolton is one of the best dads on the tv show.


Was anyone else surprised Dany did not die.  The pattern on this show has been to build someone up as the last best hope and then have them ruthlessly back stabbed and murdered.  And I was expecting her fiance to be the one holding the knife.  Without Dany I am completely on the side of House Whitewalker.  I mean what else is there?  The sheltered annoyingly entitled in way over their head incest "twins" of Myrcella and Tommen?  There is Prince Dorian but given the shows track record does anyone think his life expectancy is that high?


Might the High Sparrow's Taliban South end up the lesser of many evils?


This is what really annoyed me from this episode.  Why in hell was Jon going back to Castle Black from north of the wall?   I am not sure if the HBO website map ( http://viewers-guide.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/season-5/episode-9/map/location/5/braavos-free-city) is considered spoilerish so I'll refer just to the map in the opening credits where Castle Black is in the middle of the wall equidistant from the two coasts).  But wherever it is and if you have boats and are on the sea running from a zombie army of doom wouldn't you want to land SOUTH of the wall and then cross over from there?  Can anyone think of any rational reason they'd land their boats north of the wall risking running into zombies and then track back to Castle Black and cross the wall from there?  This is seriously bugging me.

Edited by Taget
  • Love 5

It makes sense to me. She's probably seen the bowling pins lining up for this for a while now. How many upteen people has Melisandre roasted over the years at Dragonstone (or w/e it's called)? On top of that, Selyse is a religious fanatic, she probably knows the alleged power of lighting up king's blood. No doubt Selyse has always resented Shireen, but I can see her spewing extra venom because she anticipated that exactly this could happen. I can see her trying to build up all kinds of emotional walls because if she can't give her husband a son, she can damn well ensure he becomes a king, right?


I could see this too, but to me, none of it was ever suggested onscreen. I saw a woman who resented her daughter and fervently believed in Melisandre's views, even at the death of her own brother. 


Having a, "She's a mother and it's all too much!" moment just made me feel like someone had once again gone to the TV Tropes page for a script.

Last episode Reek seemed really lonely with no one to really relate to.  Which is why I cannot wait for Stannis to join him.  Reek and Zeke can have a lot of fun together.  Ramsay take out the castrating knife and make it so!


Haven't they spent enough episodes laughing at castrated men and encouraging viewers to laugh at men who are raped, castrated and tortured? 


At this point I'd rather watch Arya staring into space and Tyrion recycling witty bon mots. 

  • Love 4

A few more things after re-watching.


It looks like Jon managed to get about 1,000-,2000 Wildings onto the ships before the WW attack last week. That was a significant sized group of Wildings that walked up to the Wall in the beginning. And nice to see the softer side of Tormund (he seemed to take charge of Karsi's orphaned daughters).


In the craziness that was Daznak's Pit, I noticed that Dany reached for Missandei twice. The first time when they regrouped running towards the center of the pit and the second time when Dany grabbed her hand as they waited to be killed. It was a nice nod to the fact that these 2 women have been friends/confidants/protector for a while now. 


Seeing Dany riding Drogon out of the pit reminded me of sweet Shireen and her books about the Targaryen dragon riders of old. She would have been in awe to see a woman riding a dragon. :-( It was awesome, though, after all these seasons of hearing the stories of Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters who flew into Westeros on their dragons, to see the last Targaryen riding her dragon for the first time. Pure fantasy but utterly fantastic. She is the first person in generations to fly. What an experience that must be. Now, who will ride the other 2 dragons?? 


I understand that Drogon wasn't going to leave while his mother was in danger, and Dany had to get him out of there or he would be killed but I sure hope Daario, Jorah, and the Unsullied finished off the Sons of the Harpy shortly after Dany took off. Because it was pretty funny that she flew away, leaving her friends in the middle of the pit with seemingly no way out.

  • Love 9

shit, where is jon snow when you need him? to shoot an arrow at Shereen and spare her from being fucking burned alive?????????? the only person who has the balls to try to stop that travesty is someone who has no balls? and who doesn't even like her daughter. isn't there a kinder gentler way to kill someone? at least chop her freaking head off. it's done in a second. i'm a hypocrite like many others because i had no problem with Drogon -- i was so glad to see him again -- burning up all those golden head people. but like others i am deeply concerned that a few spears come close to taking him down. i also had no idea that he was so fragile. which means the other 2 are also. i need them to be invincible so they can wipe out all the freaks we keep having to deal with: the boltons, stannis and his red whore, those gold mask people, the whitewalkers... never mind. they seem pretty much unbeatable. the dragons better eat their wheaties. feels like it's going to be them against the walkers. and i want them to win.


i'm so glad that next week is the finale because i can't take any more flaying or burning or torture or raping. which means the whole last episode will be full of that. i'm done with Outlander. i don't want to quit this show. but there has to be someone else besides jon snow and dany to root for. so when they are knocked off, there are some backups.

  • Love 7

When I took a college class on History of Western Civilization and the Greeks my professor talked about Agamemnon and how he sacrificed his daughter to win Troy and so his "name will live forever". I should have known when Stannis said a few seasons ago he wasn't going "to be a page in someone else's history book." I hope in this version it's Davos in the role of Clytemnestra  and kills him.

  • Love 7


Haven't they spent enough episodes laughing at castrated men and encouraging viewers to laugh at men who are raped, castrated and tortured?


While the scenes of Theon's castration and torture were interminable and repetitive, I would disagree that the show encourages viewers to laugh. I think it's been presented as being horrifying, even though the target is a terrible person himself. The two other victims of castration, Varys and Greyworm, had their stories presented sympathetically and neither is a character of derision.

Also, what rape are you referring to? Was it Theon? I don't recall a depiction of a male rape on this show, just many many scenes of female rapes, attempted rapes, and threats of rape. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I just don't remember one, but then, after like the tenth Theon torture scene, I think I started to tune out.

  • Love 4

While the scenes of Theon's castration and torture were interminable and repetitive, I would disagree that the show encourages viewers to laugh. I think it's been presented as being horrifying, even though the target is a terrible person himself. The two other victims of castration, Varys and Greyworm, had their stories presented sympathetically and neither is a character of derision.

Also, what rape are you referring to? Was it Theon? I don't recall a depiction of a male rape on this show, just many many scenes of female rapes, attempted rapes, and threats of rape. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I just don't remember one, but then, after like the tenth Theon torture scene, I think I started to tune out.


I think they've been respectful at times, but every time I see that gif of Ramsay eating a sausage and smirking and it being used as great comic relief in fandom, I'm reminded that they did try to have it both ways. 


They had two women basically force Theon into being aroused right before Ramsay castrated him. 

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 1

From a purely logical point of view, I supported Stannis's claim on the throne because Robert had no legitimate heirs (thanks to Cersei only allowing Jaime's children to live). He might not have been as fun or as pretty as Renly, but I understood why Stannis should be next in line for the throne. But after tonight, fuck Stannis. I understand ambition, but if you are willing to sacrifice your only child for it, then you can suck it and then go to hell. Davos is going to be devastated when he finds out what Stannis did (which is exactly why Stannis sent him away). I don't care if Selyse had a change of heart at the last minute. She was willing to burn Shireen alive in theory so she can go to hell too.


That poor servant girl at the brothel. The only good thing is that I didn't have to see or hear that poor girl being raped. I really hope A Girl kills the crap out of Ser Meryn next week. Ugh, that disgusting pedo.


Ha, I love jolly Mace Tyrell singing songs and blustering about cheerfully.


When Dany started climbing up on her dragon, Mr. EB took one look at all the spikes along his back and said, "Whoa, be careful where you sit, lady!" It was cool to see Drogon swoop in, but I could see the collective thought bubble over the heads of Jorah, Missandei, Tyrion, and Daario: "Uhhhh, thanks for leaving us here to die!"


I loved that Tyrene made Bronn call her the most beautiful girl in the world one more time as he left the jail. There's no way that Ellaria has given up on her revenge plot. She is just biding her time until she can make her move.

  • Love 8

I was already disgusted by the thought of the no-longer-fresh seafood Arya was carting around all day long (and how that smell would affect brothel biz) when they went there with the sacrifice. Dany's story was like a palate cleanser after all that, and, even at that, was fairly harrowing until Drogon showed up! Dany instinctively knew that the "games" were a wrongheaded tradition, and even giving in on that point was never going to appease the dissidents, She does indeed need to set her other "kids" free and take control of the situation now that she's got decent advisors and show that she can rule wisely and well before heading anywhere else.

  • Love 7

Wait a minute. If Hizdar is dead, and Dany is out on dragon sabbatical, who is in charge of Mereen during the latter part of this riot? Some foreign dwarf who doesn't even speak the language? The guy whose exile was never actually revoked? I guess Grey Worm would be Commander in Chief of the military, and Daario and Missendei could play a sort of good cop/ bad cop game when it came down to actually talking to people.

Seems like things might go a little smoother if Varys were there, though.

Speaking of which, was I the only one looking for Varys?

"God damn it... I'll find him if I have to search every whorehouse on the continent... oh, hi, Arya. Seen Tyrion?"

I was surprised he wasn't shown to be hiding in Dorne, someone on the previous page(s) spec'd about Doran working with LF but Varys at least has met Oberyn before and could use that as an in.


This is what really annoyed me from this episode.  Why in hell was Jon going back to Castle Black from north of the wall?   I am not sure if the HBO website map ( http://viewers-guide.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/season-5/episode-9/map/location/5/braavos-free-city) is considered spoilerish so I'll refer just to the map in the opening credits where Castle Black is in the middle of the wall equidistant from the two coasts).  But wherever it is and if you have boats and are on the sea running from a zombie army of doom wouldn't you want to land SOUTH of the wall and then cross over from there?  Can anyone think of any rational reason they'd land their boats north of the wall risking running into zombies and then track back to Castle Black and cross the wall from there?  This is seriously bugging me.

Probably because they didn't feel like building a whole 'nother set for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, and people were all confused last year about how Stan's army got north of the Wall.

ETA: Fun fact: Good King Joffrey spoiled the endgame of the Dance of the Dragons back in s3.

Rhaenyra Targaryen was murdered by her brother, or rather his dragon. It ate her while her son watched. What's left of her is buried in the crypts right down there.

So, basically the Targs' equivalent of the Anarchy, except with dragons to eat people and burn everything. Edited by Lady S.

Shireen sweetly asking "Is there any way I can help?" is chilling given how she died.  Melisandre and her constant need to watch people burn needs to be put in a fire.  Can she survive like Dany would?  Those screams were heart-wrenching.  I am turning into Arya with my own list of people who must die:  Stannis, Melisandre, Ramsay Bolton . . . .

I turned the channel as it seemed obvious what was coming but my last image of Shireen will be the sweet way she was walking up to the stake as if she were there to sweetly and naively do something for her dad. Though GOT doesn't do sweet revenge, it is my hope that I see payback for Stannis and Melisandre soon.


I enjoyed Dany's plot. I took the dragon taking her out of there and not the rest of them -- that the sons of the harpy would leave as they have no interest in risking themselves to take out Dany's minions.  Are we sure that Hizar is dead? Probably greatly injured but it could have provided him cover to stay in the fold.


I am starting to think that the fire and ice will conclude in Jon and Dany. It was interesting that last week Jon took up the final part of the show running for his life (from something that can be defeated by dragons) and this week we have Dany doing pretty much the same.


I have always loved Jorah and I guess I would like them to get together but he is just too old for her. At least now I think he should be forgiven and I hope somehow gets cured.

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I've been preparing to jump their bandwagon since Oberyn's death, but this just sealed the fucking deal. Go White Walkers, make sure you leave no one alive. And please kill the fucking Lord of Light, too. But not too fast, pretty please. 8000 years of flaying would be a nice start.

I've refrained from judging the White Walkers too harshly ever since I realized they have better child care than most of the other people on this show. Heck, at least they took in a baby instead of leaving it out in the cold to die. Still, they are kind of freaky. But maybe they're just a species that found a way to evolve in the harsh cold beyond the wall. Still, I'm Team Dragons.

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What I really want to know is how Melissandre is getting all these very specific instructions about exactly what kind of sacrifice she needs to help Stannis. Like did the Lord of Light send her a letter saying to put leeches on Gendry to get some blood? And then did the Lord of Light send her a hologram of Princess Leia saying "Hey, a few leeches full of blood isn't going to cut it this time. BURN SHIREEN!"?

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Jon Snow took Stannis' fleet up to Hardhome to get the wildlings.    I don't understand why the boats didn't sail south past the wall before dropping the them all off.  There was no reason for Jon Snow, the Nights Watch group, and the wildlings to have to come up to the wall from the north side and ask for entry other than to have a dramatic moment as to whether the gate would open or not.   Just sail those boats a bit further south, then walk on over to Castle Black.

Edited by terrymct
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Davos is one of my favorites and now I'm so worried for him. I'm hoping he'll be held up at the Wall because I think he might do something about Shireen's death that will lead to his own death. If he tells Stannis that he can't support him any longer, I think Stannis would have him killed. If Davos blames the Red Witch more than Stannis and kills or tries to kill her, Stannis might kill Davos. But I sure would love to see Davos kill Melisandre! Brienne killing Stannis would be satisfying as well.




eta: Davos reminds me a little of Ned Stark-- loyal, honorable, won't stand for the killing of little children. I don't think this bodes well for Davos.


He's my favorite, too.  He's one of the few characters I can understand and identify with a good bit of the time.   This has to break his tie with Stannis finally.  Maybe that was the whole purpose of burning Shireen, to divide Davos and Stannis.    I had thought it might be the thing that divided Stannis and Melissandre, but the writers wanted to show us clearly how much Stannis really wants to be king.   If Davos is away from Stannis, Melissandre can get him to do literally anything she wants with no delay now.


I hope he stays with the Nights Watch and advises Jon Snow.

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