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S07.E07: Family Matters

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I would not have gone to boxing night either. Two grown men beating the shit out of each other for money, no thanks.

I agree ....unless it was Donald Trump and Donald Sterling.  They  are too soft to do any damage to the other but it would be kinda fun to watch two huge egos swinging at each other ;)

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I would never pay money to feed the clown.  That was some freaky shit.  The best part was when LuAnn told him his nose fell off. lol!!

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Didn't Luann's daughter have some art to show at Aviva's house early last season, when Aviva moved into her new home?

I think Aviva won a piece of her work in an auction and it was in her home. It was a tall bakes sketch or something of a woman.

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Kristen went from being completely horrifed by the sport and disgusted by the boxers sweat to being the cheerleading and I was fearing she would jump up on stage to give the winner a big fat kiss.  Carole and Luann's face expressions and body language were so funny I was LOL


Kristen's comment was so ridiculous, you are a SAHM (no bashing intended) but you are with your kids 24/7 and a nice treat is to get away from home every so often, Bethenny is going through a divorce and has to share her daughter's time , there is no way that she was going to give up her time with her daughter to go to a boxing match.


How come Dorinda and Sonja were not invited? Wouldn't it be wonderful if next episode Ramona tells Carole (in front of Heather) that Dorinda's and Sonja's feelings were hurt? I would LMAO if I could just watch Heather's and Carole's expressions to that comment.


Bravo, please make it happen, LOL

Edited by AnnaL
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I have to say, you people are making me dread turning 50 this summer. I'm a live and let live person. Wear whatever the hell you want to wear, as long as you're happy with what you wear, I don't care. Doesn't affect my life at all.

I never knew there were so many people who thought people should only dress a certain way after turning 50. I'm a jeans, t-shirt and sneakers kind of woman (oh shit, I almost said girl!) now I wonder if I need to go and buy some "old lady" clothes after my birthday.

It's enough to give somebody a complex.

I'm liking this season so far. I'm over the fake drama and screaming matches.

I keep wondering why Kristen is still on the show though.


I agree, but sometimes, it appears to me that Carole is just trying too hard to deny her age, rather than embrace it.  I only mentioned that hat because it was all popped up and looked like a mushroom on top of her head.


I don't know, some looks (droopy condom hat) aren't flattering on anyone regardless of age.

But wear what you want! I don't plan to start buying clothes from Chico's as soon I hit a certain age.


Personally, I think those hats are ridiculous on anyone, at any age.  IMO, they look just like you said.  And, to see people wearing them in the summer (not Carole), just in general, is also ridiculous.


And, hey - Chico's has some great stuff - doesn't matter how old you are.  Their skinny ankle pants are really nice!!  

Sheesh, you would think Moaner would learn by now NOT to bash someone else's man -- especially after what she did last season to Jonathan & now that everyone knows what a cheating a-hole Mario is.  She looked like such an idiot boasting about how Mario was so slick & Jon wasn't.  Well, it was actually quite nasty at the time, but she's certainly an even bigger fool looking back on that, since Mario revealed his true colors.  


But Moaner's comments on John were nasty as hell too.  And wow, she reminds us of just what a Manhattan snob she is.  That bullshit, I really can't stand.  And certainly not from her.  She's hardly a Manhattan blue blood herself, so she can fuck off with that bullshit attitude.


I still want to know where John lives....no one has said.  Did he somehow live in and apply to appear on RHNJ, but somehow got on the wrong show?  (I'm from NJ, and he reminds me of sooo many guys around here - like "I've seen him before - who is he"???)

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What's wrong with Kristen?   She made a big deal of Bethenny missing the boxing match.   Seriously?   Personally, I hate boxing so I wouldn't need an excuse to miss a boxing match.  I'd simply say I didn't want to go.


Bethenny doesn't have Bryn all the time so missing a boxing match to be with her daughter was the right choice. 


I really thought Kristen's comment was ridiculous and out of place. You can't compare her home life/child care situation to Bethenny's. B has even said on the show that when Bryn is with Jason, she works like crazy so that when she has custody she can spend as much time as possible with Bryn. How could anyone begrudge her that?

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I agree, but sometimes, it appears to me that Carole is just trying too hard to deny her age, rather than embrace it.  




The reason I don't agree with this assertion (not addressed at this poster, but the topic in general) is that Carole herself seems so happy. If she were a person who seemed overwhelmed by unhappiness I would get on board with the idea that maybe she should look inside herself and make some changes. Since she seems happy and content with the life that she has created, I don't get why folks seem to want her to change and be someone else. Act younger, dress younger, stop trying to be hip, etc. But what if this is just who she is and she is happy with herself? What if her friends and family love her just the way she is? Beth seems miserable to me; she always has, even way back in the beginning. Ramona has at times seemed incredibly unhappy to me. Sonja is lost and clearly unhappy. All of these people need to make some changes, but I say Carole seems to be doing A-OK. 

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Wow, I never really heard any specifics about Bethenny's "raised by wolves" childhood until now. Her mother tried to kill herself in front of the child??? Her step-dad beat her mom in front of her, and apparently got physical with her as well? Wow, just wow. No wonder Bethenny is so screwed up. She actually seems fairly "normal" considering. But the fact that she even wants to re-connect with this guy and is calling him "a good man" shows just how damaged she still is. 


John didn't really seem to want to take any responsibility for the things they put her through. Granted, Beth didn't arrange this meeting to throw accusations at anyone, and he didn't DENY anything. But he seemed to have this very casual attitude about it, like these were just fun, family memories to look back on. "Remember the time we were running from the Mafia? Ha! Good times, good times". 


Just crazy. She probably had it right when she walked away as a young woman, she probably should have kept her distance. But at the end of the day, a child wants to feel wanted by her parents. That's what she's hurting for, searching for. I have to say, she may not make all the most perfect choices with Brynn, but she is definitely not repeating the cycle. She clearly loves her daughter and wants to be in her life. She's not putting her in seriously dangerous situations. 


That's why I got so annoyed with Kristen questioning Bethenny not being in attendance at the boxing event. "I can always get a sitter". Okay, well you're also a SAHM and married to the father of your children. So you basically have access to them whenever you want. Bethenny has to split time with her daughter, and she works. So I can imagine when she has time off with Brynn she wants to not only spend it with her, but be fully focused - not planning for an evening out after the kid is in bed. Plus, after my kids go to bed I am exhausted! Who has the energy to just pop out for the evening after that? 



Um....Carole was taking testosterone at one point? Whaaat? 



The art show was incredibly weird. That clown? No. Just no. Also, Victoria appears talented, but I don't know if I could deal with a nude of my daughter. Uncomfortable!

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Per what's been broadcast, Kristen's vendetta against Bethenny is really weird, even in the context of a cast desperate to situate themselves advantageously for screen time. Beth was perfectly friendly to her in Atlantic City, and the two of them appeared to get along while placing bets together at the Blackjack (or whatever game it was) table. Even if Bethenny didn't have to navigate the temporal limitations of joint custody, she has a job and Kristen doesn't; and if inclusiveness and participation in group events is such an imperative, why wasn't Dorinda invited? I'm also befuddled by certain points that have been communicated about Kristen's schedule by both herself and others. Upthread, it's mentioned that Kristen notes she often eats out with Josh after the kids are in bed. However, Brandi Glanville mentioned that Kristen has to bed in bed by 10:30 most nights (why?), so she and Josh often go out together when she visits. And last year I believe that Kirsten said that Josh usually corrals the kids in the morning and/or takes them to school . . . so, again, why does she require such early evenings if her husband is the one caring for Kingsley and Cash in the AMs? . . . It was John who paid Bethenny's boarding school and NYU tuition, right? I don't doubt that her childhood wasn't emotionally easy, but, at this point, I think it would perhaps be more productive for her to focus on the fact that John provided her with some degree of stability and certain advantages.

According to Brandi, Kristen and Beth will have a big issue because of a product that Kristen wants to develop/launch, and Beth has some harsh words for her. If Brandi is to be believed (a huge "if" I know), Beth is not at all nice to Kristen about this. 


It seems to me that the ladies (I am trying to break my habit of using the term "girls" as is per my usual because 50 is approaching for me later this summer and I don't want to pretend to be someone I am not) must have talked about Beth missing things. It was interesting that Lu had that conversation with Beth, when we've really seen nothing at this point that would indicate that there has been a problem with Beth not attending events. Carole was actually the one to make the comment at the Boxing Match, with Kristen following up in her TH. We never saw Kristen say anything to the other girls about Beth. This leads me to believe it has been a topic of conversation at other times and they are probably showing Kristen's words as a prelude to the upcoming issues between them. 


I think the whole thing is stupid. Unless Bravo is going to show us other times when Beth has failed to show and the ladies are upset, this part makes absolutely no sense at all. 

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So I did see the scene where Carole was working then got a phone call from Adam. I have to say--it does not bother me in the slightest when she shares that she's not the kind of writer who cranks out stuff in a matter of weeks or months. I just submitted a short story that I started work on maybe in 2013. I worked on it off and on, setting it aside and coming back to it with fresh eyes, and didn't officially finish it until February of this year. Then I had a couple friends (one who's an avid and well-read reader and another who's a poet) read the story, and did another round of edits based on some of their feedback.



There are, quite simply, writers who do crank out work (doesn't Jodi Picoult have a new book, like, every six weeks or something?) and there are writers who don't (while Toni Morrison publishes a book every few years). Carole isn't an anomaly and it doesn't mean she lacks work ethic. But there are folks who believe that writers all operate The Same Way. She was a news producer for a number of years. The turnaround in that kind of work is very different from what she's doing now, so it seems to me that she likes the less-harried approach at this stage of her career.



I completely agree with you. I have my issues with Carole, but this is not one of them. I have always had an interest in writing, and in HS I wrote a lot of short stories. I really enjoyed it and one even won an award from a local paper. But in English class, when they tell what you have to write about, how long it should be, when it's due? Forget it. I never even came close to the same quality of work as when I called all the shots. I've just never been able to force myself to write. It has to come to me - and the creativity really does come and go for me. I've been toying with a full length book idea about 6 months now, but have barely actually written a thing. I just won't force it, and I appreciate that about Carole. If that's not her style, that's cool. If you're writing a weekly column in the paper, it's one thing. But if it's a book, take your time if you need to. (Looking at you, George R.R. Martin!)

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The art show was incredibly weird. That clown? No.

All I could think of with the clown was that major creepy clown in Poltergeist--and about 10 seconds later I saw an ad for the Poltergeist remake (which I intend to skip, thanks) with the new creepy clown jumping out of the dark. Yikes and no.


And the whole Bethenny storyline? Bored. We all have shit in our lives. Really, we do. Frankly, yours isn't all that much worst than anyone else. You're alive (unlike friends who lost 3 kids to cancer and are still buried in grief years later). As noted endlessly, you're not actually homeless. Having to wait for your multi-million $ second apartment to be customized to your every whim doesn't = homelessness. Hey, you can always camp out at your place in the Hamptons, inconvenient though that may be. Your parents sucked? Join the club. My grandmother and her siblings lost their mother then were abandoned, dumped in an orphanage when their father 's second wife decided she didn't like kids.


Shit happens. Deal. If you can't deal don't bore everyone else-they have their own problems and aren't being paid megabucks to display their dysfunction on  cheesy TV show.



in English class, when they tell what you have to write about, how long it should be, when it's due? Forget it. I never even came close to the same quality of work as when I called all the shots. I've just never been able to force myself to write. It has to come to me - and the creativity really does come and go for me.

Not criticizing you for an instant, Ghoulina, don't misunderstand.


My brother is a professional writer, has been for decades. His take has always been that this is his job. He writes every day, goes to work, as it were. It's his job and he treats it as such. His comment to me is that inspiration is for amateurs. Professionals doubledown and do it, just get it done; that's what he's paid to do. Period. A deadline is a deadline and if you can't make it, someone else will. Can't take pressure? Time for a career change.

Edited by Beden
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Here is what is wrong with Kristen (and Heather, who also complained about Bethenny not being there)....they are bitter and jealous that she is being paid more than they are, and she is not required to attend all the functions that they must be contractually required to attend.  Plain and simple....


I agree with this sentiment, but not with the tone.  I think it's like Luann essentially said to Bethenny:  Bethenny was hired to do an ensemble show with these women, but instead, she's mostly filming her original pitch idea to Andy, "Bethenny Starting Over."  Her interactions have been much more in the Bethenny Ever After camp (trips to Miami with old friends, therapy sessions) than the RHONY days.  I don't think Kristen and Heather are "bitter and jealous" - I think they're frustrated and possibly getting angry.  In any work situation, if you're hired to do a project with a team, and one person instead of working on the team project decides to do their own thing, you're not going to be overjoyed.


It's funny to me that Kristen is getting raked over the coals for her comment that Bethenny could have put Bryn to bed and come out.  I read this as Bethenny not wanting to film group scenes that weren't on her terms, and Kristen/Carole (NOT Heather who didn't say anything on the topic - Heather is getting the brunt of everyone's free floating anger it seems like) pointed it out.  I can see how single parents would have a different reaction than mine.  My only thing is, if you take a job of any kind (whether you're a single parent, caring for sick relatives, going through a divorce, insert tough family life situation here), you have professional obligations that come with it. And you have to navigate between those two.  Bethenny might have worked that all out with the producers, which is totally fair.  But to act all high and mighty "my kid will always come first, no matter what," I might just say, well, we're not talking about a social event, we're talking about a work situation.  And it's not TOTALLY unreasonable for people to think you should show up for a job for which you are being very well paid, and whose responsibilities you knew very well when you signed up.


Screaming in Ramona's voice, "I Can't! I Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't!"


Seriously, please Bravo, no more of Bethenny's whining about her childhood. I get it! I've gotten the message on every season of Real Housewives. Skinny Girl product ad! Every season of her spin off show. Skinny Girl product ad! Every interview. Every book. She's damaged, she's suffering, she was raised by wolves, she never had an ounce of happiness in her life and will never trust anyone. Skinny Girl product ad!


I'll also need Bravo to stop airing THs and therapy sessions of Bethenny whining about being homeless. Being a millionaire waiting for your expensive apartment to be renovated is not being homeless. Dating a man for months who was kicked out of college after being accused of rape is not being "alone" and "single". Put the tissues away,


Did Bethenny state, on camera, that she never tells her story to people? Hahahaha.


If I promise Bravo that I will order Skinny Girl products will they limit Bethenny? Please?


Seconded.  I am trying to practice kindness, so I will try to practice kindness to Bethenny, but it's a bit of a disconnect when she has such a hard time doing the same. Last episode she was melting down about "don't give digs" and this episode she was railing on Ramona's friends for aging, and Heather for using stupid slang (REALLY Bethenny?  REALLY?  Have you never heard YOURSELF on this show?)


I don't blame Bethenny, really, for this situation.  She negotiated a deal for herself that included basically getting to film "Bethenny Starting Over" with occasional pop-in visits to RHONY scenes and vacations; if she's smart (and she is, for sure), then she realized this was the best of both worlds.  Bethenny is WAY more likable when surrounded by people crazier than her, and she's at her best when she's being the Greek chorus calling out the crazy.  So she negotiated a great deal.  And this deal seems to include that she doesn't have to show up for "other people's events."  (This might be called the Lisa Vanderpump clause, but I think Bethenny has taken it to the next level.)


From a business perspective, good for Bethenny.  But as it would in any work environment, when one person is getting favored nations status, it can cause tension in the group.  Pretty normal.  And SO FAR I haven't seen anyone behaving that badly.  Just people noticing, in subtle ways so far, that Bethenny is out for Bethenny and not anyone else - which by the way, has been the story on her since Day One. 


From a personal perspective, I didn't enjoy Bethenny Ever After, and I didn't enjoy last night's episode.  I think there's too many cast members, and some people I really like (Heather, and even Ramona), I miss seeing them.  (I actually think Kristen has been reasonable this season but I don't know why she's here, and since she's friends with Brandi, I have a hard time ever imagining I will be on her side.)  I would like to drop Kristen and Dorinda, integrate Bethenny for real, and take it from there. Maybe return LuAnn to friend of status, since that was when I liked her best.  :)


P.S.  I admit, if Heather constantly called me Mama I might ask her to please stop - I don't have kids (despite trying), and being called mama all the time would bum me out.  (I think it's funny she calls Carole that, and wonder if it bothers Carole ever.)  And the "Holla" thing is getting old - at this point, I think Heather mostly does it so much because she knows some people don't like it, and she's stubborn.  Sort of immature, but not a deal breaker in my Heather love affair.  :)  

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An interesting article on the feud between Lu/Carole/Heather. Carole confirms that everything was fine with Lu until the end of the season when they went to T&C.  One thing that I had never thought about before was that even though Lu was demoted last year, she got a lot of camera time, which is sometimes unusual for a "friend of". Heather had this to say about that:


"When Luann was demoted and she came back on the show, I was a true friend to her. I invited her to all my scenes and was there to support her, to show the world the Lu—how I call her Lu—that I knew was in there and existed, but that was really just a short-lived thing," Heather said. "The Countess, like I said, has reared her ugly head and it's not at all attractive or interesting to me whatsoever."



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That scene of Sonja working out in her bathroom (in her bathroom!!!) with the intern bringing her shoes, and all the other interns, and all the racks of clothing, and the dog bowls, and the clutter.... Boy oh boy! There must have been a Swami or a High Priestess there somewhere just off camera.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I really thought Kristen's comment was ridiculous and out of place. You can't compare her home life/child care situation to Bethenny's. B has even said on the show that when Bryn is with Jason, she works like crazy so that when she has custody she can spend as much time as possible with Bryn. How could anyone begrudge her that?

I'm not sure if anyone is begrudging her anything, I just think they probably wonder why she took a job that requires her to be away from her daughter at times if this is something she doesn't want to do. She is in such a different place than many of them. She is loaded with money. She launched a brand that is successful. She is already crazy busy with her "day" job, yet she is taking on this additional work, but then doesn't want to participate to the extent the others are. Since she made it very clear last night that she won't take time away from her daughter on the days when she has her at home (50% of the time), I would assume that schedules have been adjusted to make this possible for the events she attends. Should this irritate the others? I'm not sure. It never bothers me to find that someone else at work earns more money than I do or has negotiated better benefits, because I have the same ability to negotiate and if the company thinks I am worth it, they will accept. If I'm not worth it, that is a different story. It looks like Beth has negotiated some stuff, especially with regard to showing her boyfriend, which she has never once mentioned, yet was serious with during filming. This is something Andy has said would not be tolerated, yet Beth is getting away with it. If events are also being scheduled around her time, and she is getting a ton more camera time in general for her one-on-one segments, it is possible this could irritate. 


On the one hand I liked it when Beth said that deciding to be with her daughter was the easiest decision she would ever make. I think she is a good mom and I think that is incredible considering the way she was raised. On the other hand, it is also a slight to the women who made a different decision. It is really the age-old debate and discussion (on a different level) of a mother who works outside of the home vs. a SAHM. As someone who has always had to work, I have heard hundreds of times from others that they just couldn't stand the idea of leaving their kids and therefore stayed home with them. This is something I admire like nothing else, because being a SAHM is the hardest job in the world. On the other hand, to look at someone who has made a different choice and did leave their kids in the hands of someone else, it can feel like they are saying that you must not have the same feelings for your little one that the SAHM does. I know this is not the truth, but on crazy busy days when you miss your kids like crazy and feel like a failure, it can feel like a judgement. When Beth said there was no question where she would be, it was almost like she was saying that the other girls cared less about their kids because they were able to leave them for the night. They were willing to make concessions that she herself would not make.  

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I still want to know where John lives....no one has said.  Did he somehow live in and apply to appear on RHNJ, but somehow got on the wrong show?  (I'm from NJ, and he reminds me of sooo many guys around here - like "I've seen him before - who is he"???)


I think under whatever bridge the Three Billy Goats Gruff call home in the NY metropolitan area.....

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The reason I don't agree with this assertion (not addressed at this poster, but the topic in general) is that Carole herself seems so happy. If she were a person who seemed overwhelmed by unhappiness I would get on board with the idea that maybe she should look inside herself and make some changes. Since she seems happy and content with the life that she has created, I don't get why folks seem to want her to change and be someone else. Act younger, dress younger, stop trying to be hip, etc. But what if this is just who she is and she is happy with herself? What if her friends and family love her just the way she is? Beth seems miserable to me; she always has, even way back in the beginning. Ramona has at times seemed incredibly unhappy to me. Sonja is lost and clearly unhappy. All of these people need to make some changes, but I say Carole seems to be doing A-OK. 


motorcitymom - You raise a very valid point.  (This is why I love these boards and discussing all of this with all of you!!)  I agee, Carole does seem very happy with herself, whoever or whatever she is.  


I am probably just being too judgmental (as I sometimes can be, LOL!!).  Carole is pretty much a boho-type of "girl" and kind of marches to her own drummer as far as style and fashion are concerned.  I was just taken aback at the hat, because, first of all, it was all poufed up on top her head (like she had stuffed it with tissue paper or something), and then, in the next scene, it appeared to have deflated to the droopy look that was in style for the hipster-types.


The look of the hat was just off-putting to me.


I'm not always a huge fan of Carole, but I will give her props for always wearing whatever she wants and wearing it with confidence.  

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motorcitymom - You raise a very valid point.  (This is why I love these boards and discussing all of this with all of you!!)  I agee, Carole does seem very happy with herself, whoever or whatever she is.  


I am probably just being too judgmental (as I sometimes can be, LOL!!).  Carole is pretty much a boho-type of "girl" and kind of marches to her own drummer as far as style and fashion are concerned.  I was just taken aback at the hat, because, first of all, it was all poufed up on top her head (like she had stuffed it with tissue paper or something), and then, in the next scene, it appeared to have deflated to the droopy look that was in style for the hipster-types.


The look of the hat was just off-putting to me.


I'm not always a huge fan of Carole, but I will give her props for always wearing whatever she wants and wearing it with confidence.

Regarding the hat, while the style originated with the hipster crowd, this past winter I noticed that the knit hat was having a bit of a moment. I was never a fan of this type of hat, but this winter in NY, it was everywhere! And surprisingly chic on many women. So much so that I considered ditching my furry earmuffs and trying it, but alas, even though I do have good hat hair, my head is too big to pull off the look.

Carole tried it, she failed. Eh, it happens.

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I'm not always a huge fan of Carole, but I will give her props for always wearing whatever she wants and wearing it with confidence.



I suspect that if she were 20 years younger, people would still be knocking her for hipster pretensions. It really comes down to how you feel about Carole, I think - what if LuAnn had showed up with that hat?


There's so much pretentiousness when it comes to fashion, who you're wearing, etc. and I like that Carole has fun with what she wears, even if it's not always a home run. In terms of "trying too hard" I have less a problem with her playful walking dress and rabbit ears than Sonja's frequent wardrobe malfunctions (or even those tight satin-y dresses Ramona used to pour herself into). Each season, Sonja proudly proclaims "I'm not wearing any underwear!" and then will wear a too-short dress that gets her into trouble. And I'm not convinced that her S4 "what is this? I'm missing half my costume!" was wholly an accident.


Say what you will about Carole's attire…at least she hasn't needed a snatch guard :-)

Edited by archer1267
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I know comparisons have been made of Carole to Carrie Bradshaw, but she definitely stole one of Carrie's lines last night from SATC, when she said she wanted to feel the weight of a man on top of her (which she couldn't do when her boyfriend was in Nicaragua).  I remember Carrie said the same thing when she was going to see Big in San Francisco on her book tour.  It's such a unique sentence that's why it popped out at me.  


I didn't like how Bethenny called herself a beautiful skeleton.  Not that I ever thought she was a pillar of good health despite her writing a book on "healthy eating" (I read a few paragraphs, it's basically eat whatever you want, just one bite of it.  Ha!).  Your brand is Skinnygirl, not Skeletongirl.   Please put away Bryn's clothes and get your own.  

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Heather must have done a hell of a job in negotiating her contract so as not to be paid at the rate of a "friend of". At this point, that is all she is. I don't think she said more than a dozen words in the whole episode. I wonder if the press I heard yesterday is true and that the other girls are upset with her because of her "lack of a storyline"?  I hate it because she is my favorite. 

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Sheesh, you would think Moaner would learn by now NOT to bash someone else's man -- especially after what she did last season to Jonathan & now that everyone knows what a cheating a-hole Mario is.  She looked like such an idiot boasting about how Mario was so slick & Jon wasn't.  Well, it was actually quite nasty at the time, but she's certainly an even bigger fool looking back on that, since Mario revealed his true colors.  


But Moaner's comments on John were nasty as hell too.  And wow, she reminds us of just what a Manhattan snob she is.  That bullshit, I really can't stand.  And certainly not from her.  She's hardly a Manhattan blue blood herself, so she can fuck off with that bullshit attitude.

I'm surprised Ramona mentioned Dorinda's "lovely home in the Berkshires" as a positive, considering the fit that she threw last season when she was forced into going there.  You'd think that'd be something she'd snark on. 

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I had to laugh at the boxing match when Kristen was all "Get Him-Hit Him" etc. When the camera panned to the other people there, they we all just sitting and watching some what subdued. Kristen was the only one going ape-shit over it.

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I would love to know what Bethanny's definition of broke is.


Every time I am subjected to a Bethanny therapy session or having to watch her work through her issues, I think about this wonderful and brilliant exchange between Bebe and Niles (Niles and most everyone viewed Bebe as Satan's handmaiden on the show) from the tv show Frasier:


Bebe: Until today, I had no idea what a brilliant therapist your brother is. He has tunneled his way into the very depths of my psyche.
Niles: Well, let's hope he sent a canary down first.



Such a subtle and beautiful dig. For those of you how aren't familiar, Niles is alluding to the phrase 'canary in a coal mine.' Back in the day miners would carry caged canaries into the mine tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as methane or carbon monoxide leaked into the mine, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners, thus providing a warning to exit the tunnels immediately. I say all this to say, where's my damn canary? Being in the depths of B's psyche is not a place I want to be and I just want out. 


I am a cynical bitch! I just find it queer and odd to have a man you claim to have been the only father figure you had in your life yet you hadn't seen him in 20 years and when you do it is on camera with therapist approval from the episode before? I don't think this is about healing or even about a forging relationship but about 1) validating her story; and 2) getting back at her mom for running her gob about her during the divorce.


No doubt B's mother is terrible and the pain of being rejected by one's own mother must be excruciating, but I am always going to look askance at someone who does it in exchange for money and ad time to sell me shit.


Plus I think B is obsessed with her own psychology. I don't think people ever have to get over it per se but they do have to work through and past it in order to have some type of fulfilled joyful life. I think she will always be turning this around in her head and it has just become her identity. Her raison d'etre.  Her story is integral as to why so many people were cheering for her. Of course, she would dip in that well again, when her Q score has fallen. YMMV.


I thought stepdad handled it as well as it could be handled. Can't go wrong with an unqualified apology. WTH is up with people always thinking someone else has to reach out to them? Do they not understand that phones work both ways? Just because B didn't call you, doesn't mean you can't call her. 


Why was Sonja working out in her bathroom?


The countess has been handling things online messy re: Adam but I thought she was fine last time. She said she wasn't comfortable with it but didn't seem overly pressed. 


Carole's face at the mention of Sonja young. Woah! 


So Lulu said they broke up 6 months ago and Carole said it was a year. Hmmm... who is telling the truth?


Carole? That hat? What were you thinking? I have seen those hipster baggy knit caps before but I have never seen someone quite wear it like that.  Usually it is worn farther back on the head and the 'baggy part' is meant to sit at the back of your head. Not sit straight up on you head and veer off onto your ear. It just looked dumb and she looked out of place at that event. 


Carole taking Testosterone? Rumor has it that for women of a certain age  it could improve your sex life, give you more energy and clear up your skin but it could have the side effect of causing acne, facial hair and a deeper voice. She probably quit when she started sounding like Luann. LOL!


As I said in the preview thread, Lulu looked absolutely fab in her outfit at Ramona's lunch. Like a sexy London barrister sans powdered wig. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I'm surprised Ramona mentioned Dorinda's "lovely home in the Berkshires" as a positive, considering the fit that she threw last season when she was forced into going there.



No kidding. Last season Ramona said "no one I know goes to the Berkshires!" I guess she forgot that one of her long-time friends does ;-) 


I would LOVE to see Ramona fall for a great guy who turns out to be from….Queens. And then watch her backpedal furiously. I grew up in the same area as Ramona and it was rural as hell. It's so funny to me that she's pretentious about Manhattan when she's not even from there originally.

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It looks like Beth has negotiated some stuff, especially with regard to showing her boyfriend, which she has never once mentioned, yet was serious with during filming. This is something Andy has said would not be tolerated, yet Beth is getting away with it. If events are also being scheduled around her time, and she is getting a ton more camera time in general for her one-on-one segments, it is possible this could irritate. 


On the one hand I liked it when Beth said that deciding to be with her daughter was the easiest decision she would ever make. I think she is a good mom and I think that is incredible considering the way she was raised. On the other hand, it is also a slight to the women who made a different decision. It is really the age-old debate and discussion (on a different level) of a mother who works outside of the home vs. a SAHM. As someone who has always had to work, I have heard hundreds of times from others that they just couldn't stand the idea of leaving their kids and therefore stayed home with them. This is something I admire like nothing else, because being a SAHM is the hardest job in the world. On the other hand, to look at someone who has made a different choice and did leave their kids in the hands of someone else, it can feel like they are saying that you must not have the same feelings for your little one that the SAHM does. I know this is not the truth, but on crazy busy days when you miss your kids like crazy and feel like a failure, it can feel like a judgement. When Beth said there was no question where she would be, it was almost like she was saying that the other girls cared less about their kids because they were able to leave them for the night. They were willing to make concessions that she herself would not make.  


When rules are applied unevenly to a group of people, I can see where anger, annoyance, and even jealousy can take over (been there, done that). But like you said, Beth was savvy enough to negotiate a contract that allows her to have more time with her kid and other special treatment. Kadooz to her. I think Andy was so desperate to get her back on the show he was willing to break his own rules.


Various HWs over the years have not attended every single event that the producers concoct during a season. Is Beth skipping more than the other ladies? Not sure, but it doesn't seem like it to me. In fact, I could do with a little less Beth on my screen.


As for your other point, I didn't see Beth's comment as a slight to SAHMs. (For the record, I don't have kids). I think she was talking about her particular situation. Maybe you are right and she intended that as a "dig" to the other ladies. But it didn't come across like that to me.

Edited by pawsodoom
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Heather must have done a hell of a job in negotiating her contract so as not to be paid at the rate of a "friend of". At this point, that is all she is. I don't think she said more than a dozen words in the whole episode. I wonder if the press I heard yesterday is true and that the other girls are upset with her because of her "lack of a storyline"?  I hate it because she is my favorite. 

I think Heather feels as if she doesn't have to degrade herself by trumping up marital issues, or degrading her extended family.  I think Bethenny has worked very hard to shut her down and I question why the insecurity on Bethenny's part.  Heather has been tough on Sonja and Ramona in the past and I think it is coming back to haunt her.   There are times Heather may take things too far but she really is getting a crap edit this year.

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What the ever-lovin' fuckity fuck is an "abundance candle"?? Sonja drops this phrase at least 11-ty billion times per season and I can't take it anymore!  I know she thinks she's "Spiritual" and practices Eastern philosophies, but why do I have a sneaky feeling Sonja is being "guided" by something the Candle Intern picked up a Yankee Candle? They removed the "Clean Cotton" label and wrote "Abundance" on it in with the same black Sharpie the Handbag and Shoe Intern uses to hide the scuffs on Lady Morgan's old ("vintage") crap.  Isn't part of spirituality becoming self-aware and recognizing one's flaws or weaknesses that need work?  I don't think Sonja's doing so well in either department. 

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I would have loved to have seen Sonja at the boxing match, trying to get the attention of the boxers during their bouts, lol.

Seriously!!  Sonja would have been jumping up into the ring and carrying the posters announcing what round it is (and flashing her pantyless bottom at anyone) - do boxing matches still have those girls do that (I'm not into boxing)??  

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Something is so off this season with these women and I can't figure out what it is.  I'm sick of Ramona's birthday. Seems like that has been going on for at least 4 episodes, didn't it start in the Hamptons, then on to NJ and then her lunch with 30 of her best girlfriends? Enough already! 


Bethenny's story is so stale. Was this franchise suffering so badly in the ratings that they had to bring her back?  Her Miami girlfriends are the friends she went to boarding school with so she has known them for a long time. She goes to Miami often so why she took so long to look up her stepdad is weird.  


I did laugh at Bethenny's description of the UES women. Who knew there were so many pulled, botoxed blondes in NYC. 


If John doesn't live in Manhattan, where does he live? Just curious. 

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What the ever-lovin' fuckity fuck is an "abundance candle"?? Sonja drops this phrase at least 11-ty billion times per season and I can't take it anymore!  I know she thinks she's "Spiritual" and practices Eastern philosophies, but why do I have a sneaky feeling Sonja is being "guided" by something the Candle Intern picked up a Yankee Candle? They removed the "Clean Cotton" label and wrote "Abundance" on it in with the same black Sharpie the Handbag and Shoe Intern uses to hide the scuffs on Lady Morgan's old ("vintage") crap.  Isn't part of spirituality becoming self-aware and recognizing one's flaws or weaknesses that need work?  I don't think Sonja's doing so well in either department. 


An abundance candle is an alleged special candle you light to attract prosperity, increase success and obtain material possessions. So yeah, Sonja should have dozens of those going at a time to solve her money problems. LOL! It should be something you can get for a couple of bucks to about Yankee Candle prices but I wouldn't be surprised if Sonja was paying upwards of $60 per wick to some cross-legged con person for ones 'direct' from Asia & blessed by Tibetan or Buddhist monks or something. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I think under whatever bridge the Three Billy Goats Gruff call home in the NY metropolitan area.....

I'm dying! Now I'm not going to be able to picture this poor man without hooves.

Why was Sonja working out in her bathroom?

Right? And with her hair down. I'll never understand how these women exercise without tying their hair up. And the shoes that were allegedly "delivered" to her looked suspiciously similar to a pair of Enzo Angiolini sling backs that I bought in the late 90's.
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 I feel like she takes it and works over it and over it like an oyster with a grain of sand to build this huge pearl of misery she can hang on to forever.


THIS. This is the best line ever! You nailed it. You are MASTER of the Housewives' Boards!


It applies to so many in the Housewives franchise. They never let go, they might say they do but months, seasons, years later it always rises up again and again. They are like Daffy Duck in Ali Baba Bunny, tiny standing in an oyster clutching a pearl shouting "It's mine, mine, mine! Do you hear me? ALL MINE, MINE, MINE!!!"

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Seriously!!  Sonja would have been jumping up into the ring and carrying the posters announcing what round it is (and flashing her pantyless bottom at anyone) - do boxing matches still have those girls do that (I'm not into boxing)??  

I could swear they showed three scantily-clad ladies in the ring taking a group photo at the beginning of the match.  Not sure what they actually did, though.


I agree with this sentiment, but not with the tone.  I think it's like Luann essentially said to Bethenny:  Bethenny was hired to do an ensemble show with these women, but instead, she's mostly filming her original pitch idea to Andy, "Bethenny Starting Over."  Her interactions have been much more in the Bethenny Ever After camp (trips to Miami with old friends, therapy sessions) than the RHONY days.  I don't think Kristen and Heather are "bitter and jealous" - I think they're frustrated and possibly getting angry.  In any work situation, if you're hired to do a project with a team, and one person instead of working on the team project decides to do their own thing, you're not going to be overjoyed.


I really wonder if that's true, that she was brought back to do an ensemble show.  I'd love to hear how Andy pitched it to her to get her to come back.  


I can also imagine she came in with preconceived notions based on conversations with him about the newer women, their impact on the success of the show, and possibly their chances of sticking around as full-time castmembers.  I could be making that up, but given that they're friends I can see those conversations occurring.  


I guess we'll see, but so far it seems like if she's avoiding anyone it's Kristen/Heather, both of whom have no real story this year as mentioned upthread.   Makes me wonder if she knew they were on the bubble, so she didn't think it was important to interact with them too much.

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Something is so off this season with these women and I can't figure out what it is.  I'm sick of Ramona's birthday. Seems like that has been going on for at least 4 episodes, didn't it start in the Hamptons, then on to NJ and then her lunch with 30 of her best girlfriends? Enough already! 


Bethenny's story is so stale. Was this franchise suffering so badly in the ratings that they had to bring her back?  Her Miami girlfriends are the friends she went to boarding school with so she has known them for a long time. She goes to Miami often so why she took so long to look up her stepdad is weird.  


I did laugh at Bethenny's description of the UES women. Who knew there were so many pulled, botoxed blondes in NYC. 


If John doesn't live in Manhattan, where does he live? Just curious. 


I don't know if you watch Vanderpump Rules, but Ramona's birthday celebrations seem like they are beginning to rival Stassi's continuous, year-long, every year birthday celebrations.....

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I agree with this sentiment, but not with the tone.  I think it's like Luann essentially said to Bethenny:  Bethenny was hired to do an ensemble show with these women, but instead, she's mostly filming her original pitch idea to Andy, "Bethenny Starting Over."  Her interactions have been much more in the Bethenny Ever After camp (trips to Miami with old friends, therapy sessions) than the RHONY days.  I don't think Kristen and Heather are "bitter and jealous" - I think they're frustrated and possibly getting angry.  In any work situation, if you're hired to do a project with a team, and one person instead of working on the team project decides to do their own thing, you're not going to be overjoyed.


I get what you're saying, but I don't think Bethenny is at Kim Z levels of not participating yet. She went out to the Hamptons. She went to Atlantic City. She went to singles night at that weird club. What else did she not show up to besides boxing? (I'm not being snarky, I just genuinely can't remember.) Dorinda and Sonja weren't at boxing as well. 


Personally, I don't like it when all of the outings/gatherings include everyone. It feels forced and fake to me. I miss the early days when you'd see two or three girls get together for something they would actually do together and then there might be one or two big, group gatherings per season. It just felt more real. They're all grownups. Not everyone is going to be invited to everything, and not everyone is going to be able to attend everything. Yes, it's a job, but for some it's not their only job. I don't have a problem with it. 


I can also see how some think this season is a bit Bethenny heavy, but I get TPTB would want it that way. She's been gone awhile, so people are curious. Plus, with her divorce and her business, she has a lot going on that could be perceived as "interesting". Maybe Kristen is just pissy because she's not really that interesting. I really couldn't stomach another season of watching her horrible husband talk down to her, and her crying about it. But that was really all she had going for her. This year she's trying her fashion blog thing, but so far it's falling pretty flat. 

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And I'm just plain old BITTER that Bethenny is ruining this show for me!  Too much of her and I really don't give a shit and she's just re-hashing everything I remember of her from RHofNY in the beginning.  It's like she's never grown in any way since the last time she was on.  And she's such a BITCH!  But I'll soldier on...

The lack of growth really is shocking when it comes to her family matters.  Dr. Imabore should be embarrassed at his lack of effectiveness.  Big question when it comes to her stepdad, did she pay him to come on?


According to Brandi, Kristen and Beth will have a big issue because of a product that Kristen wants to develop/launch, and Beth has some harsh words for her. If Brandi is to be believed (a huge "if" I know), Beth is not at all nice to Kristen about this. 


It seems to me that the ladies (I am trying to break my habit of using the term "girls" as is per my usual because 50 is approaching for me later this summer and I don't want to pretend to be someone I am not) must have talked about Beth missing things. It was interesting that Lu had that conversation with Beth, when we've really seen nothing at this point that would indicate that there has been a problem with Beth not attending events. Carole was actually the one to make the comment at the Boxing Match, with Kristen following up in her TH. We never saw Kristen say anything to the other girls about Beth. This leads me to believe it has been a topic of conversation at other times and they are probably showing Kristen's words as a prelude to the upcoming issues between them. 


I think the whole thing is stupid. Unless Bravo is going to show us other times when Beth has failed to show and the ladies are upset, this part makes absolutely no sense at all. 

She didn't show up to Dorinda's cocktail party either.  It seems that Bethenny goes where Bethenny likes.  Maybe to the event of HWs that she knows and not the newbies.  Meanwhile, others complain like Kristen - Heather complained for her.  And Carole complained too.  Dorinda was put out by her rsvp also.

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What the ever-lovin' fuckity fuck is an "abundance candle"?? Sonja drops this phrase at least 11-ty billion times per season and I can't take it anymore!  I know she thinks she's "Spiritual" and practices Eastern philosophies, but why do I have a sneaky feeling Sonja is being "guided" by something the Candle Intern picked up a Yankee Candle?


I'm sure you're right, because she's been lighting that damn "abundance candle" for several seasons now....it doesn't appear to be working. 

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I get what you're saying, but I don't think Bethenny is at Kim Z levels of not participating yet. She went out to the Hamptons. She went to Atlantic City. She went to singles night at that weird club. What else did she not show up to besides boxing? (I'm not being snarky, I just genuinely can't remember.) Dorinda and Sonja weren't at boxing as well. 


Bethenny didn't come to Dorinda's cocktail party, Dorinda mentioned on camera that Bethenny responded to her invitation with a "can't come!" and that was it.

I think Bethenny is keeping the new ladies at arms length and that's what they are reacting to, Bethenny has been friendly and attending events or filming scenes with Ramona, LuAnn and Sonja but seems standoffish with the new ladies. The only one to have broken through a little is Carole.

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Heather must have done a hell of a job in negotiating her contract so as not to be paid at the rate of a "friend of". At this point, that is all she is. I don't think she said more than a dozen words in the whole episode. I wonder if the press I heard yesterday is true and that the other girls are upset with her because of her "lack of a storyline"?  I hate it because she is my favorite. 


Mine too.  And I so miss her this season.  I suspect she comes back stronger, because the season previews have a lot of Heather in them - unfortunately, I think it's mostly her fighting with Bethenny and LuAnn, especially about whatever goes down in Turks & Caicos.


I looked up the press after seeing your comment, and the only article I found (on Radar Online, of course) read like a total Sonja plant: claiming that none of the other women wanted to be seen with Heather at the Upfronts, and they were all snubbing her.  Well - she was photographed with Carole and Kristen.  She and Ramona have been talking kindly about each other.  I noticed that in Dorinda's blog this week (which I really liked, by the way), Dorinda even laid off Heather a bit finally.  I think Luann and Sonja are pretty anti-Heather, and the Radar article was all about Heather's cruelty to Sonja.  I think Sonja is REALLY mad at Heather, holding Heather responsible for the "Sonja is delusional" storyline.


Whatever.  Heather gets over-emotional at times (otherwise what good would she be as a Housewife?) but for the most part, I find her to be sane and empathic.  Even in Atlantic City, at the dinner where Sonja was crying, we saw Heather sitting beside her, with her arm around her, comforting her and counseling the ladies to "change the topic, get the focus off (Sonja) for a minute, this is too much." Of course, since it didn't fit the negative Heather edit that Andy has dictated for the season, it was glossed over.  


Sonja, the reason you are getting called out for being delusional, is because you are delusional.  Every single cast member (except Dorinda) has said it, many times.  Ramona, Luann, Kristen, Bethenny, Heather and Carole.  That is all of them.  On camera.  Repeatedly.


I think Sonja is blaming Heather, stirring up bad press about her, trying to deflect the story.  Pretty standard play, but I see through it.


And in other news:  More Heather, please!!  Maybe Heather should get a job as Bethenny's therapist, or Bethenny's stylist, or Bethenny's real estate agent, and then she could get some camera time.  It's Bethenny's world, people, and we're all living in it.


(Did anyone else see the ad for the "very special" WWHL episode next Tuesday, in which Bethenny "turns the tables" and interviews Andy?  YES ANDY WE GET IT, BETHENNY IS YOUR FAVORITE EXTRA SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.  But I should be careful about criticizing Bethenny, or we'll have to watch another "rehab the B" storyline, maybe Bethenny visiting her OB/GYN who explains her hormonal imbalance, caused by being raised by wolves, which causes her to shriek at everyone around her.  Then Carole could turn up wearing a ridiculous hat and suggest Bethenny take some testosterone.)


(ETA to clarify that the WWHL is next Tuesday.)

Edited by ottergirl
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Last night Bravo lost a viewer.


Someone who thought they might be on TV and invited her friends and family over to watch her big moment was left in horror as she came up on TV screens all over America, pulled and tucked and painted up and wearing a red feather boa,... just as Bethany voiced a comparison to "Creatures in a Star Wars bar scene."


I bet that scream could be heard throughout Manhattan.

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