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S10.E20: Duggars' Guide to Love/10.21:Digging In With the Duggars

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1. I resent the fact that Erica Hill presided over this episode. Maybe because it seems to lend credibility to this extreme lifestyle, much like Natalie Morales hosting a Sister Wives episode.


2. Comedy gold - masterburper - so soon after the "man shower" reference a few episodes ago.


3. I could have gone the rest of my life without hearing JB say that he and Michelle are "still trying". 

  • Love 10

Serioous side eyes given by Anna to MEchelle also Jana to everyone.

MEchelle hates Mackie and Anna and seemed to exclude her often.

Jinger has the whitest teeth out of anyone I have ever seen. We need to find out her secret.

Precious, special, sweet and amazing are words that I am sooooooo sick of hearing.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 5

I am kind of new to this show  the last 3 or so seasons.  Josh said he and Anna did full hugs, did they also hold hands while courting?  I should watch some old episodes.  


Yeah they tried to make the courting rules sound less crazy than they actually are.  They say the couple can decide but I imagine they feel pressured.  Wonder what Si and Marjorie's rules will be. 


That interview was pretty lame but I am not a fan of Erica.  


So much to discuss!


Duggars' Guide to Love:


* Nothing to see here . . . same old man-on-the-street interviews with seemingly normal people who obviously won't agree with the Duggars' policies on premarital hand-holding.  Their engaged kids can't kiss each other on the cheek, but Jim Boob can dry-hump his giggling middle-aged wife on a mini-golf course in front of those very same kids?  Alrighty!


* The repeated talking heads with the sunglasses-wearing woman with the huge blue statement necklace.  Lord, she annoyed me for some reason.  You're not Katy Perry.


Digging With the Duggars:


* MEchelle's review of her heart-wrenching experiences with bulimia- again.  Shut up, MEchelle.  That was 30 years ago and you're only talking about it again now for attention because you feel that your relevance as a mother is waning, despite the many small children still clamoring for your attention (other than Josie.)


* I disliked how they aired Josie's distressing birth scenes with her right there in the room.  She was visibly disturbed and I thought it was unnecessary.  It's definitely apparent that she goes to Jim Boob for comfort, not her mother.


* Josie's thoroughly five-year-old rendition of "Amazing Grace" melted my mean, snarky heart.


* Oddly enough, Jim Boob irritated me less during this episode.  I appreciated how he brushed off Derick and Jill's illicit airport frontal hug as an "act of love."  That's it, JB.  Try on some normalcy.  Don't be scared.  Feels good, doesn't it?


* Jessa's mean girl glance at Anna when she said she was sticking with the M name theme.  That girl is a bitch through-and-through and I don't necessarily always mean that as an insult.


* I love that Jessa confirmed that they're thinking about adoption and have actually taken steps in that direction.  You could practically feel MEchelle's judgment and disagreement across the room.


*Binjermin was slightly more coherent tonight during the brief moments he was permitted to vocalize.  It's clear as day that Jessa has already firmly established herself as the HBIC in that household.  Again, not meant as an insult.  Given as patriarchal and stifling as her religion can be, I think a girl needs a little bitchiness hiding just below the surface to ensure that she doesn't completely lose herself.


* What is this family's obsession with making sex references to each other?  I'm certainly no prude and I can joke with the best of them, but I feel no need whatsoever to make sexual jokes with my dad and siblings with their respective spouses sitting right there. 


* Jill's discussion of her extensive "birth plan."  *snicker*  I had a birth plan, too . . . for the first 10 minutes of labor. 


* Majorie's guest appearance.  17 or not, that girl is going to be just fine.  She clearly wants to be a Duggar.  Like, a lot.


* At the end of every season, going back to the TWoP boards, I've said that I don't see how one more season can possibly air, but here we are again.  The regurgitation has been crazy this season, especially over the last several weeks.  How many more breakdowns of the courtship process are we expected to endure?  Still, we were treated to previews of next season.  *sigh*  I'll be back.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 10

Whoa, did you guys see Jana's bitch face when Josh made the joke about her and Jinger courting? That remark definitely hit a nerve.

There were so many weird undercurrents flowing in the married couples interview. Jessa was staring daggers at Anna and Michelle had a really hard look on her face when Jill talked about her delivery. I was also thoroughly pissed when Boob shushed Kenzie during that stupid trivia session. So it's okay for Josie to act like a wild animal but Kenzie fusses for two seconds and has to be reprimanded? Whatever.

Lastly I feel like such a pervert for thinking Jer and Jed are really hot. I'm heading to the Prayer Closet now...

  • Love 11
  On 5/20/2015 at 3:18 AM, Literata said:

Just starting to watch now. I'm so confused about timelines now. We hadn't learned on the show that Jessa is pregnant, right? And Boob mentioned it tonight ... so now we're going backward?

The timeline is going to be jacked as usual. The Erica Hill interview was taped when Baby Iz was four weeks old, so Jessa's pregnancy was already announced via social media. In the previews for next season the timeline goes backwards again as we see a clip of Ben and Jessa talking about how they're going to tell the family they're expecting. They're all over the place.

  • Love 4

In episode one:

I thought it was weird that toward the end, when Jill and Derrick were talking about telling her family that they were expecting that she said something like, "I think they're having Bible time, I think that they have it every night around now."  THINK???  At that point hadn't she just been married 2 or 3 months? So in that time she has forgotten everything about her family's schedule/classes?  

In the second episode "Digging with the Duggers" :

*Jim Bob said, "We let them set their own standards".  Then in the next breath said, "I said I think a side hug is okay"

*Later M. said, "We let them set their own standards."

*To me it sounded as if M was saying that if a man cannot control himself when looking at a woman/girl - it is the woman's/girl's fault!!  So, if she is raped it's because she didn't choose the right clothes??

*After talking about modesty, "courting" - both JB and M talked about all of the kissing that they did BEFORE they got married and then tried to justify why it was wrong for their kids!

*Did not like that JB reprimanded Mack for a slight wiggle but Josie could be all over the place.

*Oh my god!  I am sorry but I couldn't listen to my parents talk about their sex lives, make sexual innuendos - just EWWW!


*The Dugger Trivia - I wonder what would have happened if they had asked the PARENTS the questions??

  • Love 8

Why did Anna put her arms around Josh's arm after the womanfolk started side eying her? Seemed a lot of dissing Anna going on tonight. Even Mack spoke up to make sure she was included when asked who had been born on tv. MEchelle looked annoyed that Anna and her precious grandchildren where all there. Some strange vibes by all.

MEchelle kept looking at everyone to make sure they answered by script. NO deviations otherwise the prayer closet would be in their future.

  • Love 4

Nope. Nope Jana. It's not neat to be a chaperone. Never was. Never will be. It's weird as shit.
I really hope for good things for this poor girl.

Has anyone chugged the kool-aid faster than Derick?

So Jill and Derick 'broke a rule' when they hugged LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE at the airport. And nothing bad happened! So what the fuck? JUST HUG LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!!

I'm sorry. I should not be watching the Duggars when I'm in such a shitty mood.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 14

19 kids and counting? They're not still counting. Grandchildren should get their own count. 


I don't really know who Erica Hill is. 


I'm happy for John David, Joseph, and Derrick for getting out of this interview. 


Rather than asking why modesty is important, I would have asked "how do you define modesty?" 


Jana has been the oldest in the house since Josh got married. Erica seems confused about how old Jana is. 


They're talking about laundry, and it's then I realize Grandma Mary is conspicuously absent. I'm glad she's not there, but I also kind of want to see and hear from her. 


I am tired of them replaying Josie's birth over and over again. The viewers have seen it, especially since it's gone over at least every four episodes.   I also think that making the family relive it is and showing it to them again is unfair. Most people do not video-tape their traumas and force themselves to relive them over and over. To certain extent, the parents chose this (although I'm not sure it's fair to them either), but the children didn't. 


Josie is not demonstrating perfect pitch by singing Amazing Grace.  That's when you pick a key to sing in based on memory without the benefit of some external reference. I would say Josie sings on key and is singing in the same key as the piano. Her singing was very nice in that clip.


Do most parents think "Mission Accomplished" on their child's wedding day?


I like Jessa's dress. It's chicer than Erica's outfit.  Erica's outfit is weirder than Michelle's. 


Michelle "We also encourage them to set their own standards." Yep! 


They showed the onesie Instagram photo, which is interesting because it opens the door to all the other things on their social media pages.


Erica says  "And with 19 kids, there's no lack of musical talent in this family."  In other words, forget the Willis family!


I like Marjorie's outfit, especially the red sweater.


What happened to Michelle and Jim Bob's new season of life? Both in this episode and the last one there was mentioning of the hope of another Duggar baby.


I liked that Josh knew and said TMI. I wonder why he thinks there will be another courtship. I wonder if there might be some pressure on some of the older kids who live at home to start courting soon.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 6
  On 5/20/2015 at 2:35 AM, SoSueMe said:

1. I resent the fact that Erica Hill presided over this episode. Maybe because it seems to lend credibility to this extreme lifestyle, much like Natalie Morales hosting a Sister Wives episode.


2. Comedy gold - masterburper - so soon after the "man shower" reference a few episodes ago.


3. I could have gone the rest of my life without hearing JB say that he and Michelle are "still trying". 


Never heard of Erica Hill so I just googled her. Surprised to find out she's with NBC News. Our family's go-to news channel since I was a kid and my dad watched Huntley-Brinkley and Frank McGee. Guess I've just been watchin' when she wasn't on. Can't say that I'm a fan after this either. Wonder why someone who already had serious news chops would agree to this Duggar outing. Quite odd. Maybe NBC is buying TLC? They already own the Weather Channel, the USA Channel, CNBC, the Syfy Channel, Telemundo and so on.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

Wtf? I might be in the minority, but I've always thought that these multiple, incessant Q/A shows are the death knell of reality t.v.. I wouldn't be so annoyed if the questions weren't ALWAYS the SAME! This exact episode has been done at least three times and all the questions have been answered with the same pat answers in print and on tv. Modesty? Courtship? Josie's prematurity? Jurisdictions? We've seen these things answered so many times it's nauseating. The worst part? Despite the prospect and opportunity for growth and change, they're peddling the same crap. You could literally take the answers from six years ago and drop them in because they've got a memorized answer. There's no thougt. No introspection. Just word for word mimicking.

Josie does not have perfect pitch. She's not even preternaturally talented- she's a six year old that can't read, can barely write, and has suffered from a lack of intervention due to the selfishness of her parents. If they think she has talent, then they should get her speech therapy and really help her develop that gift instead of parading her around to sing the same song over and over. Josie, sadly, isn't treated like a person- she is a pro-life, Christmas miracle being held in a state of perpetual infancy so her mom and dad can weepily retell her story to church groups and cameras. It's disgusting. Michelle insisting that Josie watch her own birth, while baby talking to her, was sad. When will she get to be anything other than Tiny Tim?

Why are we being shown recaps so often? I've been keeping an unofficial count and, so far this season, they've shown Jill and Jessas wedding stuff on every episode. We've seen Josie's birth at least six times. Like I said, when you have to pad every episode with fifteen minutes of old footage, you should probably stop.

  • Love 16

WTF? In the previews, there's a clip of Joe going off to college. He left....LAST JANUARY! Aaaaaaand there was Sierra's mop of hair in the crowd to send him off.


I'm curious what Derick is up to? I am pretty sure he was doing grad school in the Southern Baptist seminary online, but he should still have quite a bit of time left since he can't study full-time. Maybe he quit Wally World to go scrub toilets with Binjermin? Any other guesses?


eta: Marjorie sported another heart necklace. *gag*

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

I think Michelle loves the story of her mowing the lawn in her bikini. The way she talked it sounded like she thought she was so hot that the neighbor had no choice but to stare at her. She really thinks that's why the neighbors hated her. As if there couldn't possibly be another reason to be hated.

  • Love 11


What is this family's obsession with making sex references to each other?  I'm certainly no prude and I can joke with the best of them, but I feel no need whatsoever to make sexual jokes with my dad and siblings with their respective spouses sitting right there.

Ugh. It just grosses me out. I laugh at some pretty raunchy movies and am very far from a prude too, but to me that's in a different and creepy category.


I think TLC decided that with a Jessa wedding and Jill birth this season, they could just coast. These recent episodes have been very boring and repetitive with the same old clips shown and courtship and boundaries being painstakingly described yet again. I would say that they must be bored out of their minds talking about courtship rules for the zillionth time, but actually, what else do they have to think about? They know and care nothing for art, music beyond hymns, theater, literature, etc. This was a snooze fest, yet I will be back for more next season, because I want to see Marsiah!

Edited by becca3891
  • Love 4
  On 5/20/2015 at 5:21 AM, andromeda331 said:

I think Michelle loves the story of her mowing the lawn in her bikini. The way she talked it sounded like she thought she was so hot that the neighbor had no choice but to stare at her. She really thinks that's why the neighbors hated her. As if there couldn't possibly be another reason to be hated.


No kidding. The neighbors were talking about you, Me-chelle. You're not imagining that at all. But they weren't discussing how hot you were. They were doing the very same thing you'd be doing if you saw a bikini-clad teenager mowing the lawn across the street. They were gossiping about what a defrauding little harlot you were...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4
  On 5/20/2015 at 4:57 AM, Lillybee said:

Holy Hell, the way Mullet carried baby Izzy from his baby seat to Jill was very off. Instead of holding him against herself she carried him as though she was carrying a tray.   I don't think that she really cares for Jill and her baby.


Well she does have that missing back muscle. I'm sure that makes it much easier to carry an infant away from your body to put as much strain on your back as possible </sarcasm>.  (to be fair I haven't even seen this episode yet but I can picture what you're talking about)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 4

When Mackynzie was explaining what courtship is, my dad goes "How is she...I didn't know that many words at that age, she keeps looking down so maybe she's reading...but I didn't know how to read either...backwoods kid is pretty eloquent."

A retired schoolteacher said a Duggar is eloquent. Put it in the history books.

  • Love 6
  On 5/20/2015 at 2:41 AM, auntieminem said:

Josh said he and Anna did full hugs, did they also hold hands while courting? I should watch some old episodes.

I just got to that exchange in the first hour (Guide to Love), so ignore me if it comes up again later! I think he was saying that, to him, "a hug is a hug ... In our relationship, we did a hug at engagement and that was about it until we got married." (As I recall, that awkward engagement hug was a side hug, and apparently awkward because it was their first hug.) I was watching a lot of the episodes around their relationship and really don't remember other hugs like Jessa and Jill did; just lots of *really* intense handholding once they got engaged.

Edited by WalrusGirl
  • Love 3


When Mackynzie was explaining what courtship is, my dad goes "How is she...I didn't know that many words at that age, she keeps looking down so maybe she's reading...but I didn't know how to read either...backwoods kid is pretty eloquent."

Really? She's cute and of course far more advanced than her same age aunt Josie, but I would have thought her vocabulary was average for 5 and a half. I was reading Amelia Bedelia and Berenstain Bears books at 5 and a half. However, she does seem to enjoy her SOTDRT, so that's good. Mackynzie always reminds me of Anna's mom too, minus the huge plastic glasses. Hehe.

  • Love 3

Guide to Love

Was pleased that Jessa said she and Ben only group-texted with her parents for the first half of their courtship. Which was quite awhile, but if we knew they were officially allowed to text "alone" later, I missed it.

After they made a point to discuss/excuse Jill and Derek's full-frontal airport hug (go Jim Bob! *hates self*), it was weird when they re-aired Jessa and Ben's full-frontal engagement hug just minutes later without comment.

I can't even with Derick...

Digging In

...Though I do sympathize with his dental surgery.

Good call having to work, John David - he can avoid some of the awkward inevitable courtship questions.

Kind of nice to see the M kids squirming a bit like normal kids - hopefully points to a lack of blanket training in their home.

YAY to Josh consciously eliminating the word "special" from his vocabulary! (Never mind - he relapses discussing Jessa's wedding. Still, good effort, and he seemed over being peeved that they didn't kiss publicly.)

Agree with those who are getting uncomfortable with Josie having to watch footage of the circumstances around her birth (and seizures), and her family discussing it. She's unfortunately at that age where they probably don't think she's taking in and understanding as much as she is, so they aren't being as careful as they might (...I can hope...) be in a few more years. And unfortunately, at her age "you almost died" is pretty disturbing, and throughout my childhood I know I'd have felt like it was my fault my mom's life was in danger because of her pregnancy with me. It's getting pretty irresponsible on TLC's part, never mind that it's just to keep milking footage *they've already re-aired multiple times over the last month.*

Really weird reaction from Jessa when Anna said they were sticking with the Ms. Usually I get a sense (accurate or not!) of what she's thinking during the "bitchy looks," but this I can't figure out - if it was in reaction to something we couldn't see, some nausea or heartburn, or disgust at the M theme, which it obviously read as. The latter just seems weird because they're already three Ms in - they should have already assumed the Ms would continue until told otherwise. And that wasn't Jessa's normal look when she's stifling an eye roll - which is the worst a name theme should merit, not disgust.

If it's true, I really like that Ben and Jessa kept the pregnancy news to themselves for a few weeks before telling the family. She's still keeping her cards a bit closer to the vest than some of the family, and demonstrates that Ben is her primary person. (I know plenty of people tell their immediate family pretty early, but the vast majority of people aren't as enmeshed with their parents and siblings as their *only* people. So it seems particularly healthy if Jessa didn't feel a need to immediately tell her parents or sisters - despite what were probably *lots* of baby/pregnancy hints and inquiries, given they're the Duggars - and was good having the secret with Ben for awhile.) I don't know when that interesting-timing-in-retrospect photo was taken for People, but even if she and Ben knew (seemed likely when they announced her due date) it's perfectly plausible to me that they could have added that pose casually without telling People it meant anything - otherwise it seems like they'd have held the photo for an announcement rather than releasing it with the others. Even more points if we don't see her taking the test or telling Ben on-camera next season, and if Jill really was about to pop when they show the staged family announcement.

(Obviously I also like that they weren't inclined to use their own super-early pregnancy announcement to advance their pro-life agenda, but that's to each his own. I don't share their positions, but it just seems a little healthier to me.)

I didn't catch the Anna hate or digs (besides Jessa's weird thing), though my recording cut off during the trivia at the end, before Marjorie. But wow to Michelle's face while Jill answered questions about having a newborn. Even with poor Jill quickly bringing it back around to Michelle's mothering expertise. I don't know whether to feel sorry for where her mind is ("must look happy for daughter despite constant reminders I'll never be pregnant or have a newborn again") or judge her ("young fertile woman getting the attention!").

What did I miss at the end? I caught Jinger feeding someone (Jinny?) the 7000 square foot answer, and that's it.

  On 5/20/2015 at 4:13 AM, Temperance said:

I liked that Josh knew and said TMI. I wonder why he thinks there will be another courtship. I wonder if there might be some pressure on some of the older kids who live at home to start courting soon.

Was this part of what I missed at the end? What did Josh know/TMI?

  • Love 2

I missed what Josh was saying TMI to also.      


Josie does sing well and is in tune. When she sang The Star Spangled Banner on another episode it was impressive. 


I noticed Jim Bob had an insane look on his face when Derrick and Jill announced the pregnancy.  It seemed like he was frantically calculating to make sure it didn't happen before the marriage.  That or either he was worried he was the father.  


The other thing I caught was Michelle jumped in when Josie was asked what she liked to do, like Josie was going to expose a meth lab or something.   But, then Josie talks about her American Girl dolls.    Those are pricey. No buying used there.

  • Love 4

The BEST part of the whole side eye mess aka interview was the comments from people out on the street. I really liked the black man who had whitest hair that said "No kissing umm yeah that's not normal!!!!" Hello nothing about it is normal. There was so much control of everyone in that room with the side eye action going on that the whole interview made them look even worse than they are. 


Jill looked afraid for some reason. MEchelle hates the baby and wasn't lovey at all with him. The hate for Anna was evident the whole interview. Umm Anna get the funk away from MEchelle before she eats you alive.


Mackie is a smart kid she knows what's up especially that NO other child is important other than Josie hence why she asked if she was included. Yep that kid is going to write a book someday!!  lol


Lastly, Viva the Willis Family!!!!!! So darn talented!!!!!!!!! And they have personalities, they laugh, they enjoy life!! (I know off topic.....prayer closet stat for me)

  • Love 5

I loved the man on the street who snorted,"We didn't save anything for our wedding day."

I was rolling my eyes at Jill saying men can get revved up if there's physical contact. And women don't?? Bet she was surprised on her wedding night when things got going. Although Derick doesn't strike me as tiger material between the sheets.

Edited by Angeltoes
  • Love 13

The Michelle/Jill exchange was one of the most bizarre moments I've ever seen on this show. I wonder if Jill really calls Michelle for advice, she seemed to be selling it a little too hard for me to believe it's true. The way Michelle carried Iz reminds me of how how I walk with a big bag of dog poop after I've finished cleaning my backyard.

Josh's TMI comment came after Boob told Erica that he and Michelle were still trying for another baby.

I agree with everyone that constantly reiterating the circumstances of Josie's birth is completely unfair. Telling a child over and over that her mother nearly died giving birth to her is an awful burden to put on a kid.

  • Love 9
  On 5/20/2015 at 12:25 PM, Cherrio said:



I noticed Jim Bob had an insane look on his face when Derrick and Jill announced the pregnancy.  It seemed like he was frantically calculating to make sure it didn't happen before the marriage.  That or either he was worried he was the father.  


BRAIN BLEACH! Pass the bleach this way, please!


  • Love 2


Josh's TMI comment came after Boob told Erica that he and Michelle were still trying for another baby.

I almost liked Smuggar in this episode. Almost. I enjoyed seeing the affection between him and MacKynzie; he really seems to delight in her, which is refreshing in that she's just wimminfolk and all. :) I could have handled Anna clutching his arm a little less.


He so clearly doesn't want 19 kids, and I think now that there's some space between him and his parents, he may be starting to realize how fucked-up that whole situation is. I wonder how his and Anna's "family planning" will ultimately play out.


More about the episode:


  • Boob, stop telling people you're boning your wife. Everyone knows, and it's gross.
  • More reinforcement that MEchelle doesn't have a maternal bone in her body: She clearly didn't realize that Josie was uncomfortable watching herself as a baby and didn't even begin to try to comfort her. Boob is a yokel and a controlling pain in the ass, but he's definitely the parent with whom the kids have a closer bond. I'm over Josie, but watching her kiss her dad, then turn to him for comfort, was sweet. And yes, the way MEchelle carried Israel was bizarre.
  • Josie doesn't have perfect pitch. And don't they know any other songs?
  • Sounds like Derick had some serious jaw surgery, and he obviously has new orthodontia. I wonder why that's a recent thing. Surely his parents had medical/dental insurance.
  • Jinger's affection toward Jenny was cute to watch; it sucks that the older girls are the only women in the household to provide that affection, but I'm glad that the little girls know where to turn for hugs and cuddles.
  • No creepiness intended, but Jed/Jer are growing up to be nice-looking boys.
  • Most importantly, WTF is wrong with the major news outlets? Why no hard-hitting questions about Gothard, Quiverfull, etc.? Why does everyone play softball with these people?
  • Love 14

I don't understand why they asked viewers what they thought about the Duggars bullshit rules. Most normal human beings think side hugging or not kissing before marriage is ridiculous.

Tlc is really running out if ideas for the show. The interview was so damn ridiculous. It's the same shit over and over. Talk about something else. Give them the hard questions. Or let's put that fundie education on the spot. Ask a science or math question. Ask JimChelle why their kids can't go to college, do extracurricular activities, why they must all wear sskirts. Ask about Joshies job with a hate group. Ask about why JimChelle never parents their own children. Ask why is it okay for JimChelle to kiss date and wait for kids and not their children? ?

  • Love 11

Erica looked like she was styled for Duggar modesty. So does Cindy. Most of the time we have seen Cindy she looks to be wearing a man's flannel shirt in a size way to big for her.


MeChelle seemed dead last night no emotion whatsoever..........MOTY NOT.


Jana just oh poor Jana DO something and get the funk out of that house your wasting away having to follow the "rules."

  • Love 2
  On 5/20/2015 at 3:14 PM, Literata said:
  • Sounds like Derick had some serious jaw surgery, and he obviously has new orthodontia. I wonder why that's a recent thing. Surely his parents had medical/dental insurance.


I thought the same thing.  Even with dental insurance, orthodontic work is still pretty expensive.  I think he's able to do all that he wants to do with his teeth now that he's rolling in reality show cash and living in a huge, free house courtesy of Jillymuffin's daddy.  If I recall correctly, Anna had some pretty major dental work soon after marrying Smuggar.

  • Love 5
  On 5/20/2015 at 3:14 PM, Literata said:


  • Most importantly, WTF is wrong with the major news outlets? Why no hard-hitting questions about Gothard, Quiverfull, etc.? Why does everyone play softball with these people?


My guess is that those questions are off limits. The Duggars likely won't agree to be interviewed if questions like that are included. I suspect that what types of questions (and possibly what specific questions) can be asked are agreed upon ahead of time.

  • Love 6
  On 5/20/2015 at 2:41 AM, auntieminem said:

I am kind of new to this show the last 3 or so seasons. Josh said he and Anna did full hugs, did they also hold hands while courting? I should watch some old episodes.

Yeah they tried to make the courting rules sound less crazy than they actually are. They say the couple can decide but I imagine they feel pressured. Wonder what Si and Marjorie's rules will be.

That interview was pretty lame but I am not a fan of Erica.

Josh said that he and Anna only hugged once until after they was married and that was when he purposed.

As far as courting rules the parents say the kids get to make their own rules but from the way the kids talked they are trained from a early age what rules they better have. I believe if one of the kids said kissing on the cheek is ok for our courtship ma and pa duggar wouldn't allow it.

I found it kinda contradicting that Jim Bob separated jill and derrick in Nepal when he put his hand on her back but nothing was said about that frontal hug they shared.

  • Love 2
  On 5/20/2015 at 12:25 PM, Cherrio said:
But, then Josie talks about her American Girl dolls.    Those are pricey. No buying used there.


Those show up at Goodwill from time to time.  I know I've found one, and I used to be on a forum where there were people who were dedicated to finding them and rehabbing them.



I don't know what Josh said was TMI- but I don't understand how ANYTHING could be TMI with these people at this point. They may dress modestly, but they are some of the most immodest people I've ever heard of.

  • Love 6
  On 5/20/2015 at 3:50 PM, SuzyLee said:

I thought the same thing.  Even with dental insurance, orthodontic work is still pretty expensive.  I think he's able to do all that he wants to do with his teeth now that he's rolling in reality show cash and living in a huge, free house courtesy of Jillymuffin's daddy.  If I recall correctly, Anna had some pretty major dental work soon after marrying Smuggar.

More time off?

  On 5/20/2015 at 3:59 PM, lottiedottie said:

My guess is that those questions are off limits. The Duggars likely won't agree to be interviewed if questions like that are included. I suspect that what types of questions (and possibly what specific questions) can be asked are agreed upon ahead of time.

I agree. I'm sure there is a VERY extensive rider in place for these "candid interview" shows.

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I agree with the others that there were mostly "soft" questions.


I found it interesting when they showed Michelle talking about her bulimia and they showed the older girls and Michelle watching the segment.  The older girls had very little reaction or emotion to the segment while Michelle was practically beaming as if to say "Hey everyone, look at me!".  


My dvr cut off at the end shortly after Marjorie came on camera.  Did anything happen in that last minute or two?

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  On 5/20/2015 at 2:41 AM, auntieminem said:

I am kind of new to this show  the last 3 or so seasons.  Josh said he and Anna did full hugs, did they also hold hands while courting?  I should watch some old episodes.  

I know they side hugged after josh asked her to court - but i took this as they were not allowed to even side hug during their courtship.  


I thought it weird they said the side hug started with jess and ben? Their entire family has been side-hugging for years.

Edited by gunderda
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Ahhh, why are they still talking and why am I still watching? I got married at 30, did I need an effing chaperone? They are insane. I have a friend who waited until marriage for religious reasons, but she did not need any chaperones to keep her "pure". Ugh! They veil all their beliefs as this is the best way, but it's all wrapped in patriarchy and is just disgusting and dangerous. 

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  On 5/20/2015 at 9:47 AM, becca3891 said:

Really? She's cute and of course far more advanced than her same age aunt Josie, but I would have thought her vocabulary was average for 5 and a half. I was reading Amelia Bedelia and Berenstain Bears books at 5 and a half. However, she does seem to enjoy her SOTDRT, so that's good. Mackynzie always reminds me of Anna's mom too, minus the huge plastic glasses. Hehe.

My dad is a 70 year old black man who grew up in Mississippi and taught in the most dangerous district in the country so his frame of reference may have been a little off. ;)

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