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S02.E10: Election Day

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Kathryn was drinking white wine for breakfast? And when she showed up drunk/high/whatever at JDs, she was drinking white wine, red wine, champagne, dark liquor. If I ever learned anything, it's never mix your booze.

Cameran looks like a fun drunk!

One little tidbit I think is true is that Kathryn did indeed push her stylist to file charges. She didn't want Thomas to get elected since he left her out of so much of the campaign.

  • Love 9

Kathryn walked into that concession party gunnin'. It kind of shocked how relatively reserved and under control she was. I wish Landon had shut her trap she doesn't understand half of what is going on between Kathryn and Thomas.

Gaaaaaah do I hate Whitney! He's just the ever loving worst. He couldn't wait to tattle on Kathryn to JD and Thomas. Thomas knew she didn't come back. The only purpose of that conversation to reiterate how he, Whitney, has Thomas' back. Thomas didn't wife-up Kathryn and she gave him a baby. What makes Whitney think he'll do better with Kathryn out of picture? Whitney needs to get off Thomas' jock because Thomas is not going to marry him.

Cameran seems like a fun drunk.

  • Love 5

I love how Thomas pretended he had anywhere near a chance of winning, and blamed the assault charge. Even better is there is drunk naked cell phone video of the incident!

No, it never happened. The video shows Thomas asking them to leave his house. That was the night that Kensie was screaming, woke up Thomas, who went looking for Kathryn. Who was outside with her friend, high as a kite. He didn't fall into the pool, he didn't assault the woman. From what I have been told, at least. And police determined the charges were unfounded. Back in October right after it happened, but we're to believe that later on election night, it's still an issue. Maybe.


  • Love 1

OK - I admit it.  I'm team Katherine this season.  I didn't really like her last season but really, she is the mother of his child and they are living together.  He treated her like shit during the campaign.  He wanted her hidden. But now, all of a sudden, her hair stylist makes a claim, she's supposed to run to his side.  And he breaks up with her on facebook?  Give me a break.  He's in his fifties and she's in her early twenties?  Sounds like the opposite.  And I don't think that this was a set up between the hair stylist and Katherine.


I just can't stand Whitney.  Has he ever had to work for anything in his life?  He's so freaking condescending.


Yeah, Cameron looks like a fun drunk

  • Love 9

So are Kathryn and Thomas together or not? After the filming for the season ended, TRav was on WWHL and Kathryn was in the audience. Then he posted pics on facebook of them having a grand ole time out on the town in NYC. Another fake storyline? 


Oh, and if you want to learn how to dance the Salsa, just think of chips and dip. 


Something is always off with Kathryn's look and I can't figure out what it is. She really doesn't know what to do with her hair.  Her stylist buddy really sucks. 


When does Kathryn actually spend time with her baby? 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 2

No, it never happened. The video shows Thomas asking them to leave his house. That was the night that Kensie was screaming, woke up Thomas, who went looking for Kathryn. Who was outside with her friend, high as a kite. He didn't fall into the pool, he didn't assault the woman. From what I have been told, at least. And police determined the charges were unfounded. Back in October right after it happened, but we're to believe that later on election night, it's still an issue. Maybe. http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20141126/PC16/141129514

I can understand his being pissed off at being awakend to a screaming baby with no mom in the vicinity , but he should have a least put on some underpinnings or a house coat before charging down the stairs.

  • Love 9

So are Kathryn and Thomas together or not? After the filming for the season ended, TRav was on WWHL and Kathryn was in the audience. Then he posted pics on facebook of them having a grand ole time out on the town in NYC. Another fake storyline? 


Oh, and if you want to learn how to dance the Salsa, just think of chips and dip. 


Something is always off with Kathryn's look and I can't figure out what it is. She really doesn't know what to do with her hair.  Her stylist buddy really sucks. 


When does Kathryn actually spend time with her baby? 

Yeah, it seemed like they were together when he was on WWHL.


I really enjoyed that teacher's method of teaching salsa. 


Katherine's hair - I know what your mean.  The part is all wrong.  I liked it when she cut bangs.  I didn't have to look at the way to the side part.  I realize she has a high forehead but that part  just isn't flattering. 


I think Katherine does actually spend a lot of time with her daughter and seems to love her very much. 

  • Love 2

I love how Thomas pretended he had anywhere near a chance of winning, and blamed the assault charge. Even better is there is drunk naked cell phone video of the incident!

He seriously seriously had no chance of winning. The assault had nothing to do with his loss. His cocaine arrest, the reality show, the baby out of wedlock, and breaking up with his baby mama on Facebook probably had more to do with the loss. I'm sure folks voting were thinking "hmmm, do I vote for Lindsay Graham, another qualified candidate, or Snooki's immature dad?" Thomas is over half a century old, but he's just as immature as Kathryn.

  • Love 15

Did Thomas Ravenel's 50+ year old ass REALLY break up with his girlfriend on Facebook?!


Did he then complain that said ex-girlfriend didn't rub his back in sympathy when he lost the election by 46%? He should be grateful Kathryn didn't burn the place down.  He's the sort of self-centered man who never should have had a child or anything to tie him down to any one woman. 

  • Love 16

And once again, Whitney is rendered unable to use his words when trying to talk about someone having heterosexual intercourse.  All he can ever muster up are hand gestures and grunts. 


Cameran's talking head about TRav doing better when he's involved in politics, and then remembering he was in an office when he got busted for cocaine was great. 

  • Love 18

After Thomas thanked Kathryn at the party she should have said out loud to him "Well bless your heart" and then left.

Oh no, you know girlfriend had to get her raging drunk on before she left---homegirl obviously hasn't ever met an open bar she didn't like!!

And that's the saddest thing about Katherine; she seriously should've waited years upon years before she dared get pregnant and have a child because she's still so immature that she obviously still prefers partying to parenting.

But no, her entrapment plan to be the next Mrs. Ravenel just didn't work out the way she wanted, so here she is miersably attached to yet another immature brat 20+ years her senior and with a felony on his record to boot.

It's just so sad and awkward to see these two drunks even trying to film their lousy attempt at a functional adult relationship.

I can't help but feel bad for poor stupid T-Rav even getting sucked into her "physicality" enough to have had a kid with her, because that bitch is obviously a crazy hot mess. And she *always* starts drama everywhere she goes, so I was cringing for Thomas when he was just trying to get through his party with some dignity and without her going apeshit as usual in the middle of the place.

I did silently root a bit for Landon when she correctly pointed out to Kathryn, "It's not always about you." And of course, Kiki just had to show off her classy antics yet again in response to such logic.

Kathryn is just poor stupid trash. How can anyone hang with this broad? She seems to be a giant black hole of self-centered need who sucks the joy out of every gathering. She might make the show oddly entertaining thanks to her ongoing Lindsay Lohan-esque style/theatrics, but bitch be cray.

Thomas has done a total 180 from the smarmy-yet-charming dude he was last season, and it's just so sad to witness.

Let's just hope somehow their daughter grows up to be a far more charming, poised and motivated young woman than her mom.

  • Love 15

I watched the video clip that was posted on The Guardian's website, and it certainly does not prove that Thomas shoved or assaulted Lauren. But neither does it illustrate that Kathryn was high on reefer to me any more than it verifies that Thomas was drunk. Both of them seem to be relatively cogent but angry, although that appears to be their de facto state. There were no substantive grounds for legal charges, but I think it's probably more of a problem for Thomas as a man with political aspirations that, at the very least, the premise stumbling around drunk is relatively consistent with the footage that aired last season of him . . . stumbling around drunk at various parties . . . I will say that Thomas did appear to be solicitous of Kathryn on one occasion this year (the Founder's Day ball), and telegraphed to me as quite charming when he was trying to coax her out her bad humor. . . That being said, I am unapologetically pro-Kathryn for the most part. Why (other than narrative suspense) would it have been necessary for Kathryn to rush back in order to hold Thomas's hand? He wasn't being arrested or hauled to county that instant; she could have easily provided a statement to the police on her return. Thomas has made it abundantly clear that he wishes to distance himself from her publicly, so why should she be inconveniencing herself when he has openly treated her with contempt and vetoed even nominal participation in the campaign for her? And if JT and Whitney are just such good friends, why weren't they tripping over themselves to hurry back to Charleston in order to give emotional support for their buddy? And if one is such a serious and credible candidate for Senate, you'd think one would be able to restrain themselves from blasting the mother of their child on Facebook . . . It absolutely boggles the mind that Landon was attempting to chastise Kathryn for her fury *after* Thomas's social media antics/deliberate efforts to publicly humiliate Kensie's mother. The misogyny is so thick and ingrained with this group that no one bats an eye at TRav's attempts to sling mud at his child's mom for all the world to see yet, somehow, it's "classless" for Kathryn to respond in a less than composed fashion . . . For that, I admire that Kathryn can't find a fuck to give at this point, but I actually thought her behavior at the party was generally more reflective of embarrassment, sadness, and pain than unadulterated anger . . . Patricia's talking head about Kathryn's classlessness, "narcissism," etc: girl, you are the septuagenarian going in on a 22-year-old.

  • Love 23

Still cannot stand Whitney at all.   Give it a rest.  The love of your life, Thomas, will not run into your ever waiting arms just because Katherine is out of the picture.  I'm sure Thomas will be trolling at a nearby university or bar.


Thomas.  Seriously, no one with a brain thought you had even a glimmer of a chance to win.  No. One.  It'd have to be like a King Ralph situation, where everyone met an unfortunate end and you were the only live person left.  It wasn't about the assault accusation.  He then says that well if the American people wants to elect someone with no blemishes, then they have it (something to that effect).  If I recall correctly, you are a convicted felon.  That is a bit more than a blemish.  If you didn't want the "scandal" of having a baby mama - 1.  do not get in the situation of having a baby mama, someone less than half your age, 2.  marry the baby mama before you run for election.  She did not cost you the election.  You had no way of ever winning.  In his fabulous concession speech, he says well the campaign season starts again tomorrow.  I was thinking oh hell, no.  Later he says - finally - he realizes his political career is over.  I don't know if this is before or after he went on Facebook ranting against Andy Cohen - how he'd cost him the election.  Seriously, enough with the Facebook posts.  


When Katherine went to check on him, then he finally says oh thanks for your support.  He said it like you'd say it to a campaign worker or supporter.  I wouldn't have gone to the "party" (more like a wake) if I were Katherine, but he and his cronies would've bitched had she not shown up.  

  • Love 4

Oh, and if you want to learn how to dance the Salsa, just think of chips and dip. 

Reminds me of the 'bend and snap' from Legally Blonde.


I heart that JD was wearing a purple and yellow bowtie to match Thomas' campaign colors.  And because I was so focused on the neckwear, I noticed that Thomas had on the striped tie while outside JD's place being interviewed by the press. But when he was walking upstairs to the 'party' he had on a solid lavender tie.  Then, once upstairs, back to the striped tie. 


Kathryn's dad seemed so happy to have her home.  I thought that was super sweet. 


What was the pin/brooch Patricia had on the party?  Looked like either a Xmas lightbulb or a red and green Mr. Hanky. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 6

So are Kathryn and Thomas together or not? After the filming for the season ended, TRav was on WWHL and Kathryn was in the audience. Then he posted pics on facebook of them having a grand ole time out on the town in NYC. Another fake storyline?

Not exactly. From what I've been told by people who know them, they are on/off again. A lot. Mostly off. He knows it's never going to work, then they'll get together for a few days so he can see the baby, then they fight and it's off again. He's been seen out and about with other women. No idea what Kathryn is up to now.

Regarding her hair, she's got what I'd call a receeding hairline or something. When she was at the concession party, she almost looked like she was wearing a wig because she didn't have hair. I know she has hair, but her part and the hair coming down went so far back that it looked....odd. Bangs 24/7 would be a much better idea, it would hide that odd hairline

  • Love 3

Whitney's odd facial twiches and tics while asking Craig if he and Katherine had sex on the beach looked so pained and uncomfortable it was ridiculous.  He is trying so hard to dig up any dirt he can find so he can run to Thomas.  I'll bet he had hired a PI to try and find something and came up with little or no details that Thomas was interested in.  He's either hiding in the closet or so painfully awkard and shy around women he has no clue.  He really has it out for Katherine though.
Oh, and, 

Momma is boinking the butler.

  • Love 3


When Katherine went to check on him, then he finally says oh thanks for your support.  He said it like you'd say it to a campaign worker or supporter.

I have a hard time giving Katherine a break, but man was he shockingly condescending and dismissive of her right there.  It made my heart hurt for her a bit.  It looked like that was the one instance where she truly wasn't trying to start drama and was just breaking the ice with him.  Oh, but she didn't rub his back.....apparently that's the only way to be supportive of ole T-Rav.


But then.....Landon's irritating as all get out but Katherine's response to her was ridiculous.  Girl does not know how to shut people down.  She needs to learn.  Flicking her fingers and neck weaving only succeed in making her look like an idiot, it doesn't disarm her opponent at all.  In that situation, I can't believe one of the girls didn't shout a stern, "Katherine!  No"!  Like you would to a naughty puppy.  Instead they all sit there with their mouths hanging open in faux horror.  I guess it makes for better tv to let her go on her embarrassing tirade than to tell her to shut it.  


JD is a hottie!!!  Loved the contrast of him in his classic white shirt and jeans while Whitney sports some embroidered mess that look like they should only be on the bottom of a Jersey Shore reject.  


Kenzie being mesmerized by the cameras was so cute in the last scene!

  • Love 6

Whitney is so desperately in love with Thomas. You can see the wheels in his mind working, if he can just convince T-Rav that Kathryn was out to get him, maybe Thomas will realize the one who truly loves him most is Whitney!  The way he nervously laughs after everything he says is almost endearing though. 

One little tidbit I think is true is that Kathryn did indeed push her stylist to file charges. She didn't want Thomas to get elected since he left her out of so much of the campaign.



Kathyrn doesn't seem like a genius, but I think even she could see that Thomas had zero chance of getting elected long before the stylist made these allegations. 

Edited by racked

Yea, Katherine and T-Rav are both toxic for each other and I have zero, zilch, nada, sympathy for either of their dumbasses. I feel sorry for Kensington having no relationship with a birth parent because it's obvious to me grandma and grandpa Calhoun are doing 85% (if not more) of the child rearing. Which, in the grand scheme of things is in the child's best interest because she doesn't need to be around such toxicity but damn! I just can't give any fucks about someone who purposely gets knocked up with someone like T-rav and then expects people to feel sorry for what she has to put up with. Bitch, please. You can't convince me either of them care about that baby any more than a photo op or a pawn in their relationship.

I did chuckle when Cameron fell out of the chair and Craig said they would have to have a heart to heart the next day.

  • Love 7

I'm just  curious about the 4% that actually voted for T-Rav. They should be tracked down so we can revoke their voting rights.


And I detest Lindsay Graham.


I don't like Landon. Kathryn is trash and way overreacted to Landon's simple statement but Landon does get on my last nerve. I can't exactly pinpoint it, but her whiny voice doesn't help. 


Kathryn is to this show what crazy Kristen is to Vanderpump Rules.  She is a complete whack-a-doo, but damn she is entertaining.

  • Love 11
It absolutely boggles the mind that Landon was attempting to chastise Kathryn for her fury *after* Thomas's social media antics/deliberate efforts to publicly humiliate Kensie's mother.


Thomas is no prize for sure, but Kathryn chose his lost-the-election party to regale everyone, yet again, with how much she has to go through and how she has suffered...they've heard it all before, she put herself in that position by chasing after Thomas, and that night wasn't about Kathryn.  I was so happy to hear Landon tell her that it's not always about her, and not everything is about her.

  • Love 2

I'm just  curious about the 4% that actually voted for T-Rav. They should be tracked down so we can revoke their voting rights.

Yeah I think Shep said that was around 16,000 people. I can't really imagine more than the approximately 15 people at his party voting for him, out of pity and/or willingness to play along with Bravo's storyline. Maybe people were voting for him just to try to to get votes away from Graham or something.


Whitney really is pitiful. He's so unbelievably petty. When's he sitting in Thomas' office listening to Thomas talk about the election, assault charges, and his relationship with his child's mother, Whitney just HAS to slip in a snarky comment about Kathryn's hairstyles? "Well [hairstylist] obviously isn't a very good one *har har*" STFU Whitney. 

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 1

I guess I am in the minority because nothing Landon said or did to Kathryn merited the reaction she got. Kathryn's reaction, the middle finger, and bitchy faces were incredibly immature.


I can't help but feel bad for poor stupid T-Rav even getting sucked into her "physicality" enough to have had a kid with her, because that bitch is obviously a crazy hot mess. And she *always* starts drama everywhere she goes, so I was cringing for Thomas when he was just trying to get through his party with some dignity and without her going apeshit as usual in the middle of the place.

I don't feel bad for Thomas at all. He and Kathryn are equally yoked. The only one who has my sympathy is poor Kenzie...she didn't ask for two dolts for parents.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 5

I have a hard time giving Katherine a break, but man was he shockingly condescending and dismissive of her right there.  It made my heart hurt for her a bit.  It looked like that was the one instance where she truly wasn't trying to start drama and was just breaking the ice with him.  Oh, but she didn't rub his back.....apparently that's the only way to be supportive of ole T-Rav.

I honestly don't think Kathryn deserved more than what Thomas gave her in that moment. I don't think her approach was supportive at all - it was just awkward and weird. She needs to put down the wine and champagne.

  • Love 5


When Katherine went to check on him, then he finally says oh thanks for your support.  He said it like you'd say it to a campaign worker or supporter.  I wouldn't have gone to the "party" (more like a wake) if I were Katherine, but he and his cronies would've bitched had she not shown up.  

He also said something like I appreciate your tone of voice. I would have hit him with my martini glass.

  • Love 5

I'm just  curious about the 4% that actually voted for T-Rav. They should be tracked down so we can revoke their voting rights.


And I detest Lindsay Graham.


I don't like Landon. Kathryn is trash and way overreacted to Landon's simple statement but Landon does get on my last nerve. I can't exactly pinpoint it, but her whiny voice doesn't help. 


Kathryn is to this show what crazy Kristen is to Vanderpump Rules.  She is a complete whack-a-doo, but damn she is entertaining.

I think it's the fact that she laughs at EVERYTHING. When things are strained, awkward, awesome, fighting, loving...it all gets the same squinty eyes and giggle.  

  • Love 12

Kathryn's entrance may have signaled Thomas to her intent, mood, and disposition. She seemed like she was on something and I'm sure Thomas wanted to avoid further embarrassment. She wound up making a scene with Landon after all. I don't blame him for his treatment of her. She didn't bother to get back to Charleston to clear up the assault allegation--then she winds up at the party.

  • Love 5

Kathryn's entrance may have signaled Thomas to her intent, mood, and disposition. She seemed like she was on something and I'm sure Thomas wanted to avoid further embarrassment. She wound up making a scene with Landon after all. I don't blame him for his treatment of her. She didn't bother to get back to Charleston to clear up the assault allegation--then she winds up at the party.

Yes, what was up with the entrance she made? Talk about mature. She should have kept her ass at home.

As much as I agree with everyone's dislike of Whitney I took his side on the very first episode (I think it was) when Kathryn was trying to play the "what will Kensie think" card regarding the commercial and Whitney piped up with a comment about all her previous antics being on film for the world to see.

Kathryn can't act all butt hurt over Thomas's antics and play the "Kensie" card when she herself behaves like a drunken strumpet on a national televised TV show.

Now, I'm not judging everyone that gets knocked up before marriage but in the case of Kathryn and Thomas it would have served her much better if he put a ring on it before she got knocked up.

  • Love 2

Kathryn's entrance may have signaled Thomas to her intent, mood, and disposition. She seemed like she was on something and I'm sure Thomas wanted to avoid further embarrassment. She wound up making a scene with Landon after all. I don't blame him for his treatment of her. She didn't bother to get back to Charleston to clear up the assault allegation--then she winds up at the party.

Exactly! She comes in awkwardly, speaks to Thomas awkwardly, and expects Thomas not to react to that? She was looking for drama that night.

  • Love 3

Here's the problem for me vis-a-vis Landon's admonishment to Kathryn that "it's not always about you": Thomas himself had made his loss . . . all about Kathryn. He posted a screed to social media about how the derailment of his dreams (and the attendant evaporation of a million dollars) was entirely attributable to her. Even though, you know, she had absolute nothing to do with the campaign. Whitney can't stop talking about her. JT can't help but support the myth that she "ambushed" Whitney. And, again, why would she hustle back to Charleston just because Thomas decided it would be convenient to have her there and snapped his fingers? There was no logistical reason why an extra day on Jekyll would have made any difference. So I have to disagree that Thomas was just trying to get through the end of his campaign with his dignity in tact; that ship not only sailed long ago, it went under. Ergo, props to Kathryn for throwing mud right back at Thomas in as public a manner as he tried to humiliate her.

  • Love 12


Kathryn was drinking white wine for breakfast? And when she showed up drunk/high/whatever at JDs, she was drinking white wine, red wine, champagne, dark liquor. If I ever learned anything, it's never mix your booze.

Cameran looks like a fun drunk!

One little tidbit I think is true is that Kathryn did indeed push her stylist to file charges. She didn't want Thomas to get elected since he left her out of so much of the campaign.

Never mix hard and soft liquor!  And stick to 1 color of booze.  Thems my rules.   Nothing Kathryn did or could have done cost Thomas that election.  Thomas's past cost him the election.


After Thomas thanked Kathryn at the party she should have said out loud to him "Well bless your heart" and then left.

What was creepy to me was Thomas letting Kathryn know that it was Jennifer's idea that he thank Kathryn in his speech.  Jennifer, the one Thomas was 'confiding' in during Kathryn's pregnancy which made Kathryn so upset.  Ugh.


He also said something like I appreciate your tone of voice. I would have hit him with my martini glass.

When Kathryn had Thomas turn back around, I really thought she was going to throw her drink in his face.  Thankfully, she didn't.

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