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The Grinder - General Discussion

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Rob Lowe is being honored tomorrow (Tuesday, December 8th), by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, with star #2,567 on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his many years of work in television. The star is located outside Musso & Frank Grill (a famous, & historic, Hollywood restaurant), 6667 Hollywood Boulevard.

The unveiling ceremony will take place at 11:30AM Pacific Time/2:30PM Eastern Time & will be live-streamed on the walkoffame.com website. It should be over by 12:15PM Pacific Time/3:15PM Eastern Time (in case anyone wants to try to "sneak watch" from work, or anyone wants to watch but is on a tight schedule tomorrow).

Speakers at the ceremony will be Rob's friends & present/past co-stars, Fred Savage, Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow, & Miramax Studios Chairman Tom Barrack (Rob is either an investor in, or full-fledged owner of, Miramax).

It takes me so long to watch an episode of The Grinder, because I am constantly rewinding to laugh at the jokes.


I can't imagine I will ever get tired of watching Dean and Stewart watching The Grinder...Dean, with his oh-so-serious eyes, silently applauding his acting performances in his mind, and Stewart, preoccupied with his paperwork, occasionally glancing up at the television in bemused disbelief.  Rob Lowe and Fred Savage are completely perfect and believable as brothers.  I'd love to see this show continue on for awhile - not sure what kind of ratings or publicity it's getting, but so far, it sure brings the laughs.

Edited by laurakaye
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If anyone's interested, Rob's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star unveiling ceremony is on YouTube.

There's a "highlights" version, which lasts 6 minutes & a few seconds, here:


The full version, which lasts almost 28 minutes (but is worth watching, if you have/wanna take the time, for the speeches made in Rob's honor by the guest speakers--his friend/business partner Tom Barrack, his friend/former co-star Gwyneth Paltrow, & his friend/co-star in The Grinder, Fred Savage--as well as for Rob's own acceptance speech) is here:


My favorite episode of the series so far. The perfect mix of Lowe and Savage, and incorporating Mitch's celebrity in a way that felt different from the other times they've done that. Sometimes, I feel like his "star power" eats the plot, but this was really well balanced.


So thrilled to see this show not only picked up for more episodes, but getting award show nominations. Well deserved!

For those who see this in time, FX is airing all the eps from The Pilot through The Grinder Rests in Peace (which I think is the complete series, to date) from 7-11:30PM Eastern (6-10:30PM Central) TONIGHT, January 2, 2016. Check your local listings for the correct channel number for FX in your area, & the correct start time if you're west of Central Time.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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Dean spots Timothy Olyphant (as himself) romancing Claire, and feels justified in trying to "win her back" by taking the lead on a case involving her friend, but he resorts to questionable tactics. Meanwhile, Stewart is thrilled to be the subject of a reporter's feature story, but isn't so excited after Dean steps in and turns the focus on himself.

Dean is so horrible that I was really having a hard time getting impressed by the "brotherly loyalty" shown by Stewart. His total self-involvement, treating Claire like an object to be "won" through sabotage, and how he's disruptive not only of work but also everyone's personal life-- it's not even funny anymore.


The "Tim's a scrubby dumb lunk" and "Dean's a shiny but also dumb lunk" is the kind of joke that could be funny, but they are taking it into areas that aren't harmless mockery and are actually on the too obnoxious side of the line. It's making everyone else seem like morons to put up with or admire them, instead of like saintly sane ones the show wants us to take them for.


I like Stewart's wife and kids, but they're barely even sidekicks at this point.

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No show has made me laugh this hard in a long time. All if it is great- from Timothy's hamming to Deb's dead pan remarks. She is probably the best sitcom mom on a tv show. Dean groping that guy's bald head on the Grinder while he was hugging him was absolutely hilarious. Please don't cancel this show FOX! What a gem.

What I don't understand is why someone as smart as Claire is going for an idiot like Timothy, when Dean is pretty much as dumb as he is.

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What I don't understand is why someone as smart as Claire is going for an idiot like Timothy, when Dean is pretty much as dumb as he is.

Sometimes we're attracted to a handsome dumb guy X but not attracted to equally handsome dumb guy Y. Those little scentific and mental rules of attraction. 


I think there are some other factors playing into this.  Didn't Claire already kind of lust after Tim before she met him?  I agree with Traveller519 in that I think it's basically a fling for her. And I while Tim is dim and self-involved, he is nowhere close to being as obnoxious towards her as Dean.  She's pretty much calling the shots in her relationship with Tim. She was introduced to him while he was being an actor instead of an actor insisting he could be a lawyer.  She has made it abundantly clear that she's not into Dean and Dean, the father and the other employee basically ignore her on a continual basis.


If I were Claire, that last point would make Dean so much worse than Tim. 

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I was a bit creeped out by Dean walking into his teenage niece's room without knocking while she was asleep. And walking into his brother and his WIFE's room while theyre asleep. You just don't do that.


Why is he still living with his brother? a successful, famous actor, and he can't find an apartment? a house? why is he not partying up with other celebrities? etc.? I'm a little confused, is this what happens to washed-up actors? Even famous ones?

I wasn’t crazy about this one.  I kind of wish the show were about Stewart and his family; no Dean.  I’m not sure either about all the goodwill Stewart has toward Dean, even though he is doing nothing but messing up his life, and I’m getting really sick of William Devane treating Stew like crap in favor of Dean.  A little more balance in all areas could be just as funny, but more real.

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Ok so I just discovered this show (I'm always behind the 8 ball on these things) and I've been bingeing it on Hulu and LOVING it.  The relationship between both Fred Savage and his wife and the relationship between he and his brother are written so well.  Humorous, but with some heart. 


But seriously?  Then they go and add in Timothy Flippin' Olphant as Rob Lowe's nemesis/TV brother?  I mean, come ON.


MakeMeLaugh, on 25 Nov 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:

I mean really, just when I thought there was no way to make this show funnier, cooler, more special and surprising and insanely well written--why not unexpectedly toss in the incredible Tim Olyphant. As himself! Genius, just genius.


This--exactly!  I'm still mourning the end of Justified, and so to see Tim on my screen on a show I'm enjoying the hell out of was just wonderful.  Bravo, show!


I'm sad to hear that the ratings for this show are not great. :*(  I really hope this show gets another season. Or, as I've read others say, gets picked up by Netflix or something if it is cancelled.

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I can do math, my point was Fred easily looks 20 plus years younger than Rob.


Wow I could not disagree more.  Fred does look young for his age, but Rob Lowe certainly doesn't look 20 years older than him. 


I like that Rob Lowe's face looks natural (I think he might have been using Botox when he was on Parks and Rec because his face did look less "lined"?) now. He looks amazing and I still find him as hot as I did when I first saw him in St. Elmo's Fire!

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Big Mother, on 15 Jan 2016 - 3:33 PM, said:Big Mother, on 15 Jan 2016 - 3:33 PM, said:

I was a bit creeped out by Dean walking into his teenage niece's room without knocking while she was asleep. And walking into his brother and his WIFE's room while theyre asleep. You just don't do that.


Why is he still living with his brother? a successful, famous actor, and he can't find an apartment? a house? why is he not partying up with other celebrities? etc.? I'm a little confused, is this what happens to washed-up actors? Even famous ones?


I mean, it's a comedy.  You've gotta suspend disbelief a little (or a lot sometimes) to enjoy it.


As for why he's living with his family, I think they explained that pretty well in the pilot episode.  He's lived an abnormal life in Hollywood and he's been disconnected from his family for many years.  He is craving family intimacy and normalcy (and his brother is, what he considers, the "prototype" of a "normal guy") and feels like living under the same roof as them could the key to rebuilding those lost connections.   

Edited by Duke2801
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meep.meep, on 07 Jan 2016 - 7:20 PM, said:

Maybe she's seen him lean.


I thought that was Jared Leto (aka: Jordan Catalano)? 


But, don't get wrong: Timothy (aka: Raylan) is a great lean-er too.  And sitter.  And stand-er. And walk-er.  You get the idea....  


I do love the Tim Olyphant cameos, I guess he has nothing better to do since Justified is over?



I wouldn't necessarily look at him as having nothing better to do.  He guest starred on The Mindy Project when Justified was at its height.  I think he enjoys comedic roles. 

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Rob's brother, actor-director Chad Lowe, is directing Delusions of Grinder, the episode of the show that's currently in production for airing sometime next month (February), apparently.


And here's a link to an on-set selfie of the brothers, posted to Rob's Twitter in the last few minutes as I write this.


Deb is just fantastic. I haven't watched much "It's Always Sunny..." and my only other exposure to MEE was as Caroline, Nick's old girlfriend, on New Girl, a role that was mandatory yet I don't think anyone really could have brought a lot too.


Kudos here. Her interactions with Stu, Dean and the kids have always been great. And she really sets up the supporting characters well (her terrible assistant, and Andre this week).

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I was really expecting them to use Andre as a stand in for Rob Lowe every time we saw him from behind. Didn't seem to be the case though. 


I liked the children at first but the past few episodes they've been nothing more than set pieces. One of them replies to the parents with a snarky remark, and the other adds "yeah, exactly [whatever they said]." 


The show actually acknowledged that William Devane's character doesn't have much of a role other than being quirky when needed. That made me happy.


"Because he's gay."

I haven't found the episodes that aired in January nearly as funny as those that aired in the Fall. just me?


I haven't seen the other January episode yet but there was something off about this one.   It just wasn't as fresh and original as they usually are.  I hope some misguided exec isn't interfering with it.

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