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The Grinder - General Discussion

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I liked this one as much as the others. The relationship between Stewart & his wife is as good as it can get for a sit-com. As close to "real" as possible, so do not eff it up, FOX!

Rob Lowe is 51, Christina Applegate is 44 and Fred Savage is almost 40. So are they aging Christina to play Rob's prom date or de-aging Rob to be closer to 40's than 50's? I think both look good for their ages, but even if he was a senior, Christina would have been in 5th grade!

Loved that the son was 23 years old and how typical Dean-like Dean turned the "parenting" knob up to 11. I was hoping they wouldn't make him Dean's son as a result of prom night virginity taking.

Also love Claire's attitude with Dean in the office and how self-centered oblivious Dean is to her lack of giving a damn.

Whatever the actors ages are has nothing to do with the age of the characters. Someone also thought Christina's face looked off but I didn't notice anything different from the norm. Just looked like her face.

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I don't know, I think Dean, as a character, just gets more and more annoying and it's hard to fathom how anyone puts up with him. So far only his brother sees him for the buffoon that he is, along with his wife to a lesser extent, and Claire - although you know eventually Claire will sleep with him. Eventually the whole "star struck" thing is going to wear off and people would just find him absurd and annoying. I did laugh when Dean Sr. and Todd kept telling Claire how well she was taking the news about Dean hooking up with Gail, but Dean is just so preposterous I don't know how long they can keep this up.

I don't know, I think Dean, as a character, just gets more and more annoying and it's hard to fathom how anyone puts up with him. So far only his brother sees him for the buffoon that he is, along with his wife to a lesser extent, and Claire - although you know eventually Claire will sleep with him. Eventually the whole "star struck" thing is going to wear off and people would just find him absurd and annoying. I did laugh when Dean Sr. and Todd kept telling Claire how well she was taking the news about Dean hooking up with Gail, but Dean is just so preposterous I don't know how long they can keep this up.

As with a lot of freshman shows, I think the early episodes are twisting in the wind a little as far as advancing plot. The early shows seem to be all about hitting the laughs where they can get them. I think we've already seen that a couple episodes have been aired out of order (2 and 3 I think) in order to hit some beats. It's episodes 14 onward where I hope to see some development. And we know The Grinder has been picked up for a full season order.


I think you'll see Dean start to settle into a more rounded role in the second half of the season. Once the "He's back!" gags have worn off. I have to imagine there's going to be a multi epsiode arc of Dean studying for the Bar.

... Fred Savage is almost 40


Seeing this written out was a "Whoa!" moment.  How did Kevin .. oops, I mean Fred, get to be 40?  And why am I suddenly feeling so old?


I thought Christina Applegate looked lovely. Perhaps she's allowing her face and body to age naturally instead of indulging in regular visits to a plastic surgeon, something I wish more actors would do.  I like watching faces that can actually move, and are able to show character and nuance.  However, that said, I didn't believe her at all when she claimed to have never seen Dean's show.  Was it supposed to be telegraphed to the audience?  Because it felt that way.


Why is William Devane even on this show?  They're giving him nothing.  Literally ... nothing. [/Chris Traeger]


Based on the description, I expected a little more for William Devane to do.  And he did do more but still not much.


But otherwise, I loved this episode.  Stewart's "Shadow boys" moment at the end was terrific. 

And more of Stewart and his wife being awesome.  I loved their folding laundry moment. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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I thought Christina Applegate looked lovely. Perhaps she's allowing her face and body to age naturally instead of indulging in regular visits to a plastic surgeon, something I wish more actors would do.  I like watching faces that can actually move, and are able to show character and nuance.  



I agree she is lovely, especially since she has had health issues, battled breast cancer, etc. 

  • Love 1

Oh, this show is such a winner.


The opening Grinder scenes are works of art, they really are. The hammy acting and ludicrous dialogue, all set to stirring music, while Dean watches proudly and Stewart just reacts like a normal person. Brilliant. And this time, with added innuendo. "vigorously get this man off", "you grind even harder, behind me".


The bit about crying is actually spot on, though. Seeing someone cry isn't anywhere near as affecting as seeing someone trying not to cry. I really enjoy the scenes between Dean and Ethan. They're very sweet together, and they provide the best opportunity to see Dean being a genuinely nice guy.


"The backyard is fenced in" had me rolling. The comic timing to completely undercut the ridiculous pomposity of Dean's behaviour.


Stewart is great as the grown up nerd, still buzzing off being called "the shadow boys", and Debbie is fun teasing him about that sort of stuff. They feel like a real married couple. And the dynamic between Dean and Stewart is so natural as well. The cool, popular older brother overshadowing the smart, nerdy younger. I can see how that dynamic would carry all the way through their lives.


And you know, while this show is funny and smart, it also hits on some very real, and potentially painful truths. Parents often do treat siblings differently, for any number of reasons. They might not even realise it, or might think that they're right to not vary their parenting, but it can cause very real resentments and festering wounds.


Their dad recognised the different characters of his sons, and found parenting approaches that he felt worked best, but did they just reinforce the unequal dynamic? But then you have Stewart repeating this sort of thing with his own kids. The differing attitudes to them dating, last week, telling Ethan it's okay that he failed and not to expect too much, this week. I feel like this show is written by someone's younger sibling.


"We'll be done in a bit. This is grown up stuff." No, Sandy. No it isn't.


Claire and Debbie are still doing great jobs of being the straight women to all these idiots, but I'd like to see them get a bit more to do.

  • Love 7

Rob Lowe is loving this show!  You can tell how he plays The Grinder that he really enjoys it.  I love the chemistry between all of the cast members.  William Devane is great as the father/grandfather.  He doesn't appear to interact with the kids too much.


Ethan is a little too mature for my taste.  I really don't like the fact that he's comfortable using profanity when talking to his parents and they don't even correct him.


"The Ray Donovan" episode was a funny show.  I have Showtime and have never watched it.  So I used FIOS On Demand and watched an episode, thinking it would be a great  show since it plugged it so much in Grinder.  Wow, it was filled with nudity, profanity all kinds of stuff inappropriate for kids.  Stewart acted like they all watched that show together - even with their children. 


I'm probably overreacting, but I just feel like kids should show respect for their parents and elders - even in a TV comedy show.  Nevertheless, the show never fails to make me laugh out loud every week.

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Oh, that reminds me - I remember someone on TWoP explaining that Jeremy Piven said on a talk show that his accent on Mr. Selfridge was based to his research into how Irish/Polish immigrants talked back in the 1920's or whenever.  And I just about couldn't imagine anything more idiotically pretentious.  Last night I wondered if the writers happened to know about that.

  • Love 2

Those opening Grinder scenes are some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen on tv. If that show existed I'm sure it would be hate watched and ridiculed on this website. Too funny.

As everyone has mentioned, what makes me love this show is the chemistry between the cast. They all act like a family, and Stewart's coworkers are hilarious. I hope Fox doesn't cancel it.

  • Love 6

Those opening Grinder scenes are some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen on tv. If that show existed I'm sure it would be hate watched and ridiculed on this website. Too funny.

As everyone has mentioned, what makes me love this show is the chemistry between the cast. They all act like a family, and Stewart's coworkers are hilarious. I hope Fox doesn't cancel it.

It was recently renewed through the rest of this season. Beyond that, we won't find out until sometime in Spring, 2016 probably.

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Rob is still handsome but is showing his age fast (after years of not) Even though they are only twelve years apart I would believe Rob and Fred more as father and son versus brothers who grew up together.

Well, if Rob had sired him when he was 12 is the only way that could work. For me it's much better because real life siblings can be that many years apart (though I think the show is aiming for about half that) and I've seen far too many dramas where the male actor is 50-something and his wife is early 30s. Ick.


I didn't know that was Rob's kid! heh. he looks really young for a 10th grader, which is perfect-- in real life, high school kids, many of them, really look like children. It's only on television and film that they all look 20-something (generally because actors in their 20s and 30s play them).


I didn't know one single person in high school who looked even close in age to anybody in "Grease."

Yeah, it takes a lot for me to notice age difference romances anymore (hello, Hollywood), but this one was glaring. IMdB says Rob Lowe was born in 1964, and while it lists no birthdate for Natalie Morales, I'm pretty sure he could be her father. Or, as in the show before this one, even her grandfather.


 I think the show is NOT going to bring them together, ever. Which I love.

A 21-year age difference is striking but not really particularly uncommon. And his character thinks of himself as being catnip to any female so I buy it.


Technically, I guess he could be her dad, but in reality, not so much. I don't know anyone who started a family that young. Does it happen? of course, but not all that often in middle-class college-going professional kids, because they're still in school at that age.

Well, if Rob had sired him when he was 12 is the only way that could work. For me it's much better because real life siblings can be that many years apart (though I think the show is aiming for about half that) and I've seen far too many dramas where the male actor is 50-something and his wife is early 30s. Ick"

I can do math, my point was Fred easily looks 20 plus years younger than Rob.

Edited by biakbiak

Well, if Rob had sired him when he was 12 is the only way that could work. For me it's much better because real life siblings can be that many years apart (though I think the show is aiming for about half that) and I've seen far too many dramas where the male actor is 50-something and his wife is early 30s. Ick.

I didn't know that was Rob's kid! heh. he looks really young for a 10th grader, which is perfect-- in real life, high school kids, many of them, really look like children. It's only on television and film that they all look 20-something (generally because actors in their 20s and 30s play them).

I didn't know one single person in high school who looked even close in age to anybody in "Grease."

My Mom & her brother are *13 years* apart in age. My Mom is 79 now & my Uncle is only in his mid-60's (hey, it happens... as I think you said).

As for Rob Lowe's son who has an apparently recurring role as Zadak, the friend/nemesis of Stewart & Deb's kids:

His first name is Johnowen

He's the youngest of the 2 sons of Rob & his wife--of almost 25 years--Sheryl, a Hollywood makeup artist turned jewelry designer (yes, she worked on at least 1 of Rob's movies before they married, but they'd actually been on a blind date before that, as I remember)

He's a Freshman at Stanford this school year

He just turned 20 in the last week or so

I just realized - I think the episode titles are the title of whatever Grinder episode the show opens with?

I enjoy every single character on this show. Even when they only get a few minutes of screen time, it's never throwaway or boring, and bits are never run into the ground. Debbie's assistant is a good example of what I mean.

  • Love 2

Cop: Wait, are you The Grinder?


Dean (Rob Lowe), nodding: Once upon a time.


Cop: This is really embarrassing, but my wife and I have this free pass thing where we both get to pick a celebrity...


Dean: Yeah, and I'm hers?


    (Awkward pause)


Cop: Um... yeah.


Nicely played, show. You earned your Season Pass on my DVR.

  • Love 10

Did we see what Deb does for work? It seemed so ambiguous but maybe I missed it in another episode. She's so chill at home so find it surprising she goes through so many assistants. This one deserved to be fired- what a lazy idiot.

The relationship between the brothers continues to be the highlight of this show. I like that Dean isn't a clueless idiot and knew immediately that Stewart was using him to get his car fixed faster. I also loved Todd's cameo trying to pronounce the Armenian mechanic's last name.

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I liked seeing Deb at work. I've been in a similar situation where I've tried to be "cool" and overly helpful to someone who was supposed to be working for me.  The woman in my case wasn't as manipulative or lazy, she just wasn't able to handle the job and should never have been hired (I had no say in the hiring).  This woman would cry and have panic attacks when she felt "overwhelmed" with tasks (such as Please take this stack of files to the 3rd floor and then stop at the mail room to send out this package).  I only lasted 2 weeks before I had enough.


Loved the cops' free pass confessions, and Claire's advice to trick Dean like a dog going to the vet.

  • Love 4

Rob Lowe was born to play this role. I absolutely love this show.  How spectacular did he look waiting in the car at the repair shop? 


I hope other people start watching it.  I would never have even given it a try if it hadn't gotten praise on the EHG episode that aired the day of the premier... pretty much all sitcoms fly under my radar until they are in syndication.This one needs more positive press!

  • Love 5

Murphy Brown would have sent that assistant packing in 30 seconds.


I enjoy every single character on this show. Even when they only get a few minutes of screen time, it's never throwaway or boring, and bits are never run into the ground. Debbie's assistant is a good example of what I mean.


The casting on this show is stellar!

  • Love 6


Murphy Brown would have sent that assistant packing in 30 seconds.


Murphy Brown was precisely my thought when Deb said she'd already let go of several assistants in one year!


I love how sharp this show is. The cast is outstanding, even the kids; the boy especially has the timing and nuance of someone well beyond his years. They haven't yet found a solid niche for William Devane, but I'm confident they will. And enough cannot be said about the wonderful, real, not at all sitcommy relationship between Stew and Deb.



I enjoy every single character on this show. Even when they only get a few minutes of screen time, it's never throwaway or boring, and bits are never run into the ground. Debbie's assistant is a good example of what I mean.


Exactly! No one is there just to advance the story; each character adds something of their own.

  • Love 2

Yeah we'll have to agree to disagree. Rob doesn't look 60. I don't know anyone who looks that good at 60. He looks 51. Which he is. And I wouldn't find it remotely plausible for him to play Fred Savage's dad.


ETA: Ah! I was confusing Zadak with the younger son. That makes way more sense. Isn't the younger son about 12?


That's great that he's going to Stanford. Tough and great school (also my alma mater so admittedly I'm biased).

Edited by lucindabelle
  • Love 3

Stewart:  Just because you say something and leave the room doesn't mean you've made a point.  Bwahaha!


This show is a classic, almost every line is funny.  There is some very sharp writing.  I really don't know how the alleged viewer information is gathered any more, but I can't believe this show wouldn't have a pretty wide audience.  It's my favorite sitcom in years and blows away The Big Bang Theory in laughs.

  • Love 8

Yeah, it takes a lot for me to notice age difference romances anymore (hello, Hollywood), but this one was glaring. IMdB says Rob Lowe was born in 1964, and while it lists no birthdate for Natalie Morales, I'm pretty sure he could be her father. Or, as in the show before this one, even her grandfather.


Wait, there's a 21 year age difference and he could be her grandfather?  How does that work?

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I love that the show has not shied away from showing male fans of Lowe; in fact, there have been more male fans shown to be lusting for him than females, I think.

Within the context of the show, though, they aren't fans of *Rob Lowe*. They're fans of either the character Mitch Grinder, from the show within the show, or Dean Sanderson, the primary character Rob plays & the actor who played Mitch Grinder. Or, in some cases, they're perhaps fans of both Mitch & Dean.

Anyway, I get the point you were trying to make. And it's well-taken.

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