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Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over and Over...

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Wow, I forgot Chris Evans was in She's All That! I feel like I'm the only person alive who hasn't seen Pootie Tang. I need to get on that.


 My niece also loves to act out Ren's dance moves from Footloose.


Have you seen this yet? It's the best talk show entrance in history!


I used to love those Ernest movies as a kid. You know, Ernest Goes to Jail, Ernest Scared Stupid, etc. Speaking of kids stuff: Drop Dead Fred was my jam!

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Wow, I forgot Chris Evans was in She's All That! I feel like I'm the only person alive who hasn't seen Pootie Tang. I need to get on that.


Have you seen this yet? It's the best talk show entrance in history!

Of course! I recorded it and alerted my sister that it was on! :)

Don't feel bad--I've not seen Pootie Tang. I can't get past the title.


Wow, I forgot Chris Evans was in She's All That!

Sorry for the confusion. I meant that Chris was in Not Another Teen Movie. He played the Freddie Prince Jr. part in She's All That. 


As for the Footloose video, lol at the part where Kevin Bacon transforms into an Asian guy. But he was a very good sport for doing that entrance.

I've also been known to flip though channels and stop when from justin to Kelly is on, because I always find myself memorized by the terrible songs and outfits.

I've got the DVD.  I thought it was mindless fun--a perfect example of a stupid movie.  I always felt bad for Justin (I voted for him over Kelly, never liked her) because I think he took the brunt of the ridicule when the movie came out.  Kelly was pretty much unscathed because she was the likeable girl next door who won American Idol.   

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From Justin to Kelly - uh I have "The Bounce" on my IPod. I do love that song.


Grease 2, one of my daughters tried to sneak my copy out of the house when she moved out. Didn't work. Everytime I go bowling (ok, once a year), I end up with the song "We're Going to Score Tonight" going through my head.


Center Stage is silly fun and I don't watch the whole thing but I have watched the ending, completely unrealistic and nonsensical dance sequence many times.


Bring It On and all its sequels. Each film is sillier than the previous ones, but I love the gymnastics.

Edited by cmahorror
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Last night I watched Undercover Blues for the umpeenth time, a comedy with Kathleen Turner and Dennis Quaid as spies whose maternity leave is cut short by the return of old nemesis Fiona Shaw.  It's absurd at every turn, but delights in it, so it's a fun romp.  And I love Jeff and Jane's relationship.  Plus, Stanley Tucci.  ("My name is Muerte.")

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So true about Stanley Tucci.  He even made Burlesque bearable.  Which is actually another stupid movie I stop and watch if I see it while channel surfing.


What about Bob?  I loved that movie while at the same time understanding how stupid it really was.  But watching Bob become more and more sane while driving poor Leo crazy was hysterical.  When they were talking to the psychiatrist about what meds to give Leo and Bob was discussing it with them as though he were a consulting doctor?  Very funny. I also loved him taking his fish with him in a mason jar that he hung around his neck.


And then there's this exchange:


Leo: Are you married?

Bob:  I was.

Leo:  What happened?

Bob: Well, doc, there are two kinds of people in this world:  those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't.  My ex-wife loved him. 



Edited by Shannon L.
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Soap starring Sally Fields, Kevin Kline & Whoopie G; Easy Money starring Rodney Dangerfield & Joe Pesci; of course, Animal House, and Major League.  It's not shown very often but I do like Jumpin' Jack Flash just to see Whoopie fly out a window while Diana Ross's cassette is wailing, "Can't Hurry Love" (the cassette player is flying through the air alongside Whoopie).

Edited by annzeepark914
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I love Project X WAY more  than I should. I thought the kid that played "Costa" was hilarious in all his douchebaggery and aside from all the getting naked and taking random drugs that fell on the ground, it seemed like a party I actually would have liked to go to when I was in high school (until the neighborhood caught fire).



Jumpin' Jack Flash just to see Whoopie fly out a window while Diana Ross's cassette is wailing, "Can't Hurry Love" (the cassette player is flying through the air alongside Whoopie).

I can't listen to Jumpin' Jack Flash without thinking about her trying to figure out the lyrics to that song. "Mick, Mick--these are some crazy ass lyrics, man!"  And, another one of my favorite moments, the telephone booth: "You can't miss me!  I'm a little black woman in a big silver box!"

Edited by Shannon L.

It's not shown very often but I do like Jumpin' Jack Flash just to see Whoopie fly out a window while Diana Ross's cassette is wailing, "Can't Hurry Love" (the cassette player is flying through the air alongside Whoopie).


I love it for the aforementioned "I'm a little black woman in a big silver box," plus the first thing I think of upon hearing someone reference the movie:  "Dogs barking, can't fly without umbrella."


Speaking of stupid Whoopi Goldberg movies I'll watch anytime I come across them:  Made in America


I like Batman Forever. Not only do I like it, but I would watch it over at least two of Nolan's Batfilms. The Dark Knight is the only exception and that has everything to do with Heath's Joker. What can I say in my defense? Not much. Just that it's simple entertainment and makes me feel good. Nolan's films are depressing.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Wait the songs for Grease 2 are available to be downloaded? How the f*** hadn't I looked into this before?


Along with Independence Day, I would also include Armageddon.


I also seem to have like Will Ferrell movies popular or not. Semi-Pro, Blades of Glory and Megamind are all personal favorites.


Most of the cheesy but still watchable 80's and 90's teen romance/comedies have been mentioned. I didn't see Can't Buy Me Love.


I may also have copies of Kung Pow! Enter the Fist and The Last Dragon.

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Pearl Harbor.  Seriously.  When we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago, the treadmills in the hotel gym had personal televisions attached to them and I happened to hop on just as Pearl Harbor was starting.  I stayed with it for an hour and a half (normally, I can only stand the treadmill for about an hour), then ran upstairs, showered quickly and found it on tv to watch the rest (it was evening, we were done going out for the day and no one else was watching anything).


The only thing that can explain it is my crush on Ben Affleck (even though I can admit that it's not his best movie) and my interest in US history starting from WWII.  I know movies aren't usually historically accurate, but I'm still interested in them anyway.


I'm going to go crawl under a rock now :)

I love Where the Heart Is, there are some really talented people in this. I just can't bring myself to not watch. I've also decided if disaster hits one can make a go of living in Wal-Mart.


It is such an awful adaptation of the book (Ashley Judd as Lexi?!), but that doesn't stop me from watching it every time it's on.

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I read this entire thread and didn't see it mentioned once: Mannequin. MANNEQUIN, people! Can't not watch it, though. Family Guy did a spoof of The Ring once but had a clip from Mannequin instead, which put me into hysterics. My brother was confused by this and all, "But you LOVE Mannequin." Which yes, but I will readily admit that it's a terrible movie.

The Fug Girls did a photo recap of it by the way, and it's hilarious.

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Pearl Harbor.  Seriously.  When we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago, the treadmills in the hotel gym had personal televisions attached to them and I happened to hop on just as Pearl Harbor was starting.  I stayed with it for an hour and a half (normally, I can only stand the treadmill for about an hour), then ran upstairs, showered quickly and found it on tv to watch the rest (it was evening, we were done going out for the day and no one else was watching anything).


The only thing that can explain it is my crush on Ben Affleck (even though I can admit that it's not his best movie) and my interest in US history starting from WWII.  I know movies aren't usually historically accurate, but I'm still interested in them anyway.


I'm going to go crawl under a rock now :)

ME TOO! It helps that Affleck looks so good in this movie.


My list: Legally Blonde. Titanic. Dirty Dancing. Road House. Independence Day. He's Just Not That Into You, 13 Going on 30.

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My list: Legally Blonde.


I will watch Legally Blonde every single time I see it on tv, and it never gets old.  I actually really truly feel like Elle Woods is a great role model, and so I get a little boost of "Hell yeah, I wanna be like Elle!" every time I watch.


Plus, Paulette doing her bend and snap straight into the UPS guy makes me laugh until I cry every time.  It's her proud "Is he looking?" face at the end that seals it.

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