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S30.E11: Survivor Russian Roulette

Tara Ariano

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If Mike wasn't going to play his idol on Shirin, why did he mention that he had the idol at all? I totally understand why he didn't play it, as it buys him an extra week, but it seemed kind of silly of him to expose that he has it if he loses his lone ally anyway.


I HATE that there was applause when Shirin was voted out and that Rodney did that obnoxious fist-pumping.


Believe it not, Mike is the only remaining player who has yet to receive a vote against him at tribal council. Who would have guessed, after his messy beginning and after being a big target for half of the merge phase, that this would be the case...

Edited by jsm1125
  • Love 17

Dan almost seems shocked when his name comes up.  Why wouldn't it?  Yeah, that was a risk, that sadly didn't pay off.  Mike will probably need that idol, but damn, that would have been fantastic!  And seriously, I wish she had hit Rodney with her bag on her way out.  Do these people really expect to act this way and then have people vote for them?  First time ever a jury has the right to be completely bitter.

  • Love 20

Dan is tool and a hypocrite. He spoke down to Shirin and Sierra so he's the last one to criticize Will. Can't wait to see his torch get put out.

Poor Boston Rod. His beard itches, nails dirty, he's hungry, he probably has jock itch, wah, wah, wah!

I wish Mikes plan would have worked at TC. The six called his bluff. I hope Mike keeps winning immunity, I dislike him a bit less than the rest.

  • Love 12

 Mike's an idiot.  The bluff was an awesome idea, but after his BS at the auction everyone knew he was full of shit.  It still could have worked, though.   I get he didn't want to burn his HII, but what he needed to do after the votes were cast is give his immunity necklace to Shirin.  He knew no one voted for him because no one would expect him to do that.  Shirin could have been safe and he still would have had his idol. 

  • Love 15

Good bluff Mike but I had a feeling they would call his bluff because they probably wisely figured there was no way he'd throw away an idol when he's in such a precarious position in the game and literally needs to win Immunity every time to stay in. I thought Shirin's excitement over Jeff snuffing her torch was great. 


But man, I really don't know how much longer I can hold on this season. Carolyn is annoyingly smug, Rodney is well Rodney, Tyler is annoying, Will is useless but without question the worse is Dan. Dan is the WORSE kind of a player - a MORON who thinks he's such a mastermind and great player so he can't get a clue if one sells it to him. So Dan really believes Mike was lying about that four and really believes he's not at the bottom of that alliance? Really...


I wonder how he felt tonight watching Carolyn and Tyler essentially call him a moron that they just have to keep playing and keep in line. And it will be interesting to see if next week he still doesn't get a clue when his name was the one that showed up along with Shirin and Tyler. Well obviously Mike and Shirin voted Tyler so you'd think he'd wonder why some of the others chose his name to go with. But he won't because he clearly thinks he's just the smartest guy in the room when he's such an idiot. 


I couldn't believe when Dan told Mike that if he makes it to the end not doing anything, the jury will say "well he made it to the end so he must have been playing the game." No Dan, they could say the other people sitting next to you made the big moves and your dumb ass got dragged to the end as the goat who would get no votes. Ugh, can't he just get off my screen already? Sierra is pretty much just a sitting duck waiting to be voted out. She makes these confessionals to make it seem like she has some idea of how to play the game but she has no power and essentially continues to do nothing and is simply waiting to be voted off. And finally it may be petty but I hope Rodney never wins a reward.


If Mike wasn't going to play his idol on Shirin, why did he mention that he had the idol at all? I totally understand why he didn't play it, as it buys him an extra week, but it seemed kind of silly of him to expose that he has it if he loses his lone ally anyway.



It was a bluff. If they believed he would play it, then they might have switched their votes and at least Tyler and Will seem to fall for it judging by their votes for Dan. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 18

 Mike's an idiot.  The bluff was an awesome idea, but after his BS at the auction everyone knew he was full of shit.  It still could have worked, though.   I get he didn't want to burn his HII, but what he needed to do after the votes were cast is give his immunity necklace to Shirin.  He knew no one voted for him because no one would expect him to do that.  Shirin could have been safe and he still would have had his idol. 


You can only give immunity up before the vote is cast.  Though it'd be a classic BB move of back dooring someone if they could switch after.  I half expected Carolyn to play her idol for Tyler.  At least that smug group of 6 was taken down a few notches.  If Mike loses immunity, they know he's safe.

  • Love 7

 Mike's an idiot.  The bluff was an awesome idea, but after his BS at the auction everyone knew he was full of shit.  It still could have worked, though.   I get he didn't want to burn his HII, but what he needed to do after the votes were cast is give his immunity necklace to Shirin.  He knew no one voted for him because no one would expect him to do that.  Shirin could have been safe and he still would have had his idol. 


You are not allowed to do that. You can only do that before the votes are cast.  

  • Love 3

Dan's whole "I'm adopted" thing came out of left field. Especially since, from the sound of it, he wasn't verbally abused.

Sure, Shirin might have been quirky and weird and occasionally naked, but besides that, I don't understand the hate. I definitely appreciate her knowledge of the game.

Part of me hopes that Will gets to the final three, just to witness him getting zero votes and some verbal backlash from the jury. He's done nothing good while he's been out there.

  • Love 18

So who is left?


Sierra: completely invisible, except when she pretends she's going to do something big but is still a blind follower who will expect a million


Tyler: a sneaky snake tattletale that instigates drama, but at least seems nice enough and is making some moves, even if he's under the radar with them


Carolyn: not sure on Carolyn, but for now, I'll say she's a blind follower


Mike: by process of elimination my pick to win, though I don't like the guy from earlier in the season.  Was thinking way too much about the game and loyalty, would have been better off keeping some stronger threats around


Dan and Will: two of the worst human beings ever.  Completely the least self aware of anyone I've ever met or seen on a reality show.  Dan with his 'flippers never win' but thinks he can win?  Thinks by making the final 3 he did something other than be dragged there because he's a complete asshole?  I can't even believe he compared the beautiful gift of adoption to domestic violence.  Jeff said a mouth full when he said Dan would still be flapping his big mouth away.  I think Dan has tied Colton as the worst person ever to play.


Rodney: interesting guy, don't believe he or anyone else is running things.  I appreciate him for his game play, didn't like him applauding Shirin getting voted off or making those gestures with his hands.  He did the same thing when Lindsey was booted.

  • Love 11
So. The most annoying person who ever walked the earth went gracefully out saying generous, non-bitter things. I still have no idea why no one liked her.



Yeah, I know she annoyed them, but I don't get the level of vitriol they all feel towards her.  At least she got to go out as part of an interesting tribal that will be remembered.  She looked like she was having a blast at that TC.  (For that matter, so was Mike.  And so was the jury.  And so was I, watching those other six pricks get the smug wiped off their faces for a couple of seconds.)

  • Love 17

I think it was Tyler and Will that voted for Dan. 


Did I imagine a preview of Dan flipping out because Tyler went through his bag and found the paper with the vote advantage?  I was hoping Mike would drop that bombshell at TC (that he had seen Tyler going through Dan's bag.)


It was major barf city when Dan was cheering on Rotney--that was some kind of putrid.  Can't stand Carolyn's smug face.


Come back Joe!!!

  • Love 6

Again with the hidden school yard pick!??! There is a lot of strategy/relationship insight to be gained from seeing that. Grrr, maybe give us a graphic before the commercial to show how it went down. Or maybe cut a minute of Dan's idiocy.

Like four of the "six strong," I knew Mike was bluffing. While initially annoyed he didn't go for the sure thing (waiting till voting was done and actually giving Shirin the idol), I can't help get excited by the chaos he's sewn.

Tyler vs. Dan .... My money is on Tyler all day.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 5

I'm going to throw this out there in a vacuum, putting aside everything that happened this week and last...Shirin needs to stop throwing the word "stupid" around. Not a good look for her.

And I personally am not sorry to see her go. I mean, there really isn't anyone rootable, but I just couldn't get behind her except for that one interview where she agreed that 'Merica is a terrible name.

Dan was SO INCREDIBLY ANNOYING during the IC he made me want to punch my cat. Is there an off switch for him? Because every time he opens his mouth I see red.

See? I told you Will wasn't going to apologize if he didn't mean it.

Oh! Also, I do not understand Mike's strategy in the RC. Laying the barrels on their side? While trying to balance flat planks on them? And then stopping Sierra from doing something but then bitching in an interview that he was the only one working? Shut up, Mike.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 7

I say at the end, the final 3 have to turn around and vote for someone in the jury to win.  Those are the only people so far that are deserving.  At least they got Shirin and didn't have to put up with Dan. 


Seriously, I knew nothing was going to happen because of the promos and nothing in the teases.  And still, silly me held out hope. 

  • Love 6

I was mostly watching hockey, but I think I caught the important bits:


1) People who sucked kept sucking.

2) Stupid people are still stupid.

3) Mike is good at challenges.

4) Dan retook his lead from Will for worst human.

5) Mike bluffed with the idol.

6) Bluff called, Shirin went home.


No rankings this week because fuck these people.  Mike is #1 but still kind of sucks, everyone else is awful.  Tyler's probably going to win.  Meh.

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