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  1. I also thought the spice girl spokesperson was a very sore loser. Every week I wish waffle love would come to my town. I would love to try their strawberry waffles.
  2. The finalists' routines were crap. This was just a vehicle to introduce Knock Knock Live. Paula Abdul claps like a 2year old. Fix You with Robert and Alison was as good as I remember. Alex and tWitch, even better. I wish they would have spent more than 4 seconds on the winners. Maybe a little where are they now or something. What about group dances?
  3. Why give Sex more airtime than they already wasted on him.
  4. Can we talk about votes yet? Dan, Tyler, Siera and whoever gets voted out tonight will not vote for Mike. For sure. The others will vote Mike maybe?
  5. There's no such thing as 150,000 percent. Go Mike! Your winning challenges is the only good thing about this season. Dan, way to keep it classy mutton chops.
  6. Considering my irrational dislike of Noah, I was pleasantly surprised by his freestyle. I l I ked it. I thought the choreography was amazing. Sharna did much more with him than dancing around him while he does a leg lift. The use of the troupe w as really good. I thought it flowed very nicely. That said, the package hit all the manipulative triggers for the voters. Wounded vet, check. American flag on a field of camouflage, check. Tearful "I thought I'd be out by week 3" TH, check. Trust me. 'Merca is voting for him. Hated Riker' s freestyle. Hated it. Val and Rumer were ok. Where's Save a Horse? Where's Apolo and Julianne' s hip hop? Where's Kelly and Derek's contemporary? Nothing wowed me tonight.
  7. The least offensive of the final three won. Crappy season. But then again, all the shows I watch have had crappy seasons this year. Please don't try to be the dating game again. Just race.
  8. Joe continues to bring the pretty to the jury.
  9. Dan, take your fat, hairy man-titties off my tv. I am on Team Mike for the win. Shirin is just loving tribal councils. And so am I.
  10. That was a damn shame. The judges a r e a lot to blame for this. They scored Noah on inspiration rather than actual dance content from the beginning. By the time Disney week rolled around and everyone could clearly see that Noah had gone as far as he could go technique-wise, the judges were pretty much stuck and couldn't bring out the lower paddles. And by then it probably wouldn't have mattered because 'Merica was on the phone, internet, and Facebook voting for Noah in droves.
  11. Who do you think will be tomorrow night's shocking boot, Riker, Rumer, or Nastia? You know that Noah has this in the bag. As much as I love Sharna, I have that much of an irrational dislike of Noah. This show should be an hour. Even with two dances, they could get rid of all the manipulative sob stories and edited rehearsal packages. Just let them dance. I am in the minority here but I like Riker and Allison. I think they have an easy partnership that the others don't. I keep looking for tWitch. Has he been in the audience yet? Speaking of irrational dislike, there's Melissa Rycroft.
  12. This whole season has been crap. And tonight was the topper. I hate the way they left all the relationships. They took all the fun and the laughter from the show.
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