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S30.E10: Bring The Popcorn

Tara Ariano
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There was a lot of mean-spiritedness in this episode.


Not a fan of Jenn's, but I was hoping she'd be saved this week and someone from the bigger alliance would go. 


I felt really bad for Shirin, but wanting Carolyn to be voted out instead of Rodney was just stupid.  



So I guess Mike and Shirin voted for Jenn because she wanted out and it would give Shirin another three days?



They voted for Carolyn, didn't they?

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Hated this epi. Btw Damn Dan getting the vote the attack on Shireen and Jenn going home it sucked. So finally sierra flips like shes been in the edge of all the time so i hate her for voting out Jen. And what is up with her eyebrows? Was hoping Dans boo hoo broken heart would get him a med e vac. Damn Tyler is shady. Pulling for Mike for the win.

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First, I must say that I don't give a flying fuck because I hate this season and that horrible,hateful tribal council, but I totally do not understand what happeed.  I even rewound to try to get what Mike did that pissed everyone off.  And why Rodney flipped.  And why Mike went from the leader of the BC alliance to an outcast. Any why all the machinations failed to disguise the foregone boot, Jenn.

Edited by susannot
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Ponderosa is the place to be. Jenn's exit interview where she lays out how each person sucks was great.


This season is going as bad as it can possibly go. I can only hope that these awful people are completely humiliated as they watch this in their living rooms.


I approve of Shirin's denial of Will's appeal for his letters.


I'm continuing to root for the last chicken or rooster (did they kill the rooster yet?).

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Well. Jenn was almost right: these people all suck. But that INCLUDES Jenn. I can't believe she got such a good edit considering that she didn't do much except play her HII correctly once and got stung on her smelly hooch twice.

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Honestly this is one of the worst seasons ever.  I don't even care anymore, nothing exciting is happening, it has just about the meanest cast ever (and brother, that's saying something considering we've had Fairplay, Russell, and Colton).  No one is doing anything except following orders.  I thought we might actually see some action tonight.  The blue collars are the worst of the worst to represent.  They're like the backwoods family on a b-list horror movie with all their talk about trust and loyalty.  Sierra is one of the most worthless people to be in this game at this point.  All talk, but does nothing except expect to float to the end and collect a million for being nice.  Hey, with this group, it might work.  Mike is probably Terry 2.0 and will be hard to get rid of at this point.  Is it next season yet?

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For all the Jenn is such a mean girl talk that's been on the boards for weeks, I never saw  ANYTHING as ugly from Jenn as what I saw tonight from Will. Seriously, as a woman, FUCK YOU Will. There was NO need for that whatsoever.



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So many despicable, disgusting, loathsome people.


Mike was outed as a backstabbing douche when he pulled the  "my conscience wouldn't let me" routine when Carolyn was willing to sacrifice her letter.  I was glad that blew up in his face.


It's hard to root for anyone.  Will, Rodney and Dan are just vile human beings.   

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First, I must say that I dn't give a flying fuck because I hate this season and that horrible,hateful tribal council, but I totally do not understand what happeed.  I even rewound to try to get what Mike did that pissed everyone off.  And why Rodney flipped.  And why Mike went from the leader of the BC alliance to an outcast. Any why all the machinations failed to disguise the foregone boot, Jenn.



THIS. How Mike went from the top dog last week to in danger of being voted out tonight was BAFFLING.


I really want to know WTH the editors are trying to pull.


And is this the crap that Jeff thinks everyone loves? This does not make for good TV and "jumping the shark", Jeff.


I don't like Shirin one bit but that was completely uncalled for. Even worse is, no one stepped up to defend her.

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Popcorn indeed!


Interesting shift of alliances.  Bad move Mike.  You can't unring that bell.


Rodney riding the goat train.  Dan is going to fall hard.


Clueless Jenn.  Where does she think the rest of the players are going?

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I believe they pretty much solidified Mike winning tonight.  No spoilers, just a hunch.  He talked about flippers never winning.  I can't believe Sierra and Dan did it.  I mean, maybe Sierra, but what does this get her?  It's why I think she's worthless.  I figured Dan would stay glued to Mike's ass the rest of the game.  So Mike went from being top dog to becoming a threat.  So now he's an underdog.


Still thinking Tyler has a shot, too.  He's playing pretty good, for a guy I can't even remember being there.  I hope next season, assuming we get a season full of bullies again, that we get some strong minded women that will stand up and give them a smack down. 


As far as TC, was there the need for all that drama because the most obvious person to go home got voted off?

Edited by LadyChatts
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So Dan is going to ride the coat-tails of the biggest group he can, and his big plan is to save his ass at F5 or whatever by using... something that he won randomly by grabbing a rock. How the hell does he expect to win this game?


Nobody in Sharegate came across well. At all.


Don't buy Rodney's crap for a second about how Mike almost "cost" everyone's chance to have that special moment. First of all, you're out there for like a month. Less, for most of them. After you're out, you can read all the letters you want. Quit being such crybabies. Second of all, let me explain how auctions work. If you choose not to buy steak dinners or pictures from home, you have more money to buy game advantages with than if you do choose to buy those things. Anyone who is happy to just draw lots for it obviously doesn't want it as much as somebody who wants to save their money for it.


There is nobody I (usually) like in this thing any more except for Mike and Shireen. But even if he wins next week and gives his HII to Shirin, that's only one asshole that they can remove. The week after that, one of them will be gone anyway, and then the other. Don't think I can watch all the way through just for those other people.

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Wow! Tonight was a hell of an episode, Torn between being repulsed at Will's behavior and in awe of what good television it was. All 27 days of deprivation, exhaustion, etc. showed on each castaway tonight.

Why oh why is imbicile Dan the lucky winner of extra power, worst case scenario ever. My only hope is that his arrogance will do him in and I like the odds on that. I was thinking it must have been a female camera woman who filmed his mansplaining about the extra vote because of the tone he used.

Sierra???? Do we have any idea whatsoever why she is teaming up with Rodney and Dan?? I felt like I must of missed an episode because it was a foregone conclusion from the get that she was no longer with Mike, why?

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I laughed out loud when Will suggested sitting out the immunity challenge as payment for possibly getting his letter.  He may has well just asked for it for free, given how much of a non-threat he is at challenges.



I wonder if Probst put it to a vote because he already had a clue that Shrin would be a NO.  I wouldn't be surprised.

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Boy...Jeff. Shirin pours her heart out at tribal...he nods his head...moves on like  nothing happened.


I'm still upset that Joe is gone.


I cursed Mike when he didn't get his  personal mail, cursed Mike and Shirin when they questioned Will's generosity, cursed Will when he yelled at Shirin, cursed Shirin when she wouldn't let Will get his letters,  cursed Probst cause he's Probst.


Bye Jenn...you should have never said you wanted to quit.  Some superfan you are.


I have nobody to root for...just like last season.  I'm sad.

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I hate all these people and I can't really give a crap.  It is a darn shame, however, that one of them is going to win a million dollars.  Don't know if I can watch the finale and see that.

I genuinely wonder what the penalty in the contract is for refusing to cast a vote as a juror.  If you're just forfeiting your appearance money and you get shit on by Probst at the Reunion, they should do it.  I imagine there's some kind of serious breach of contract financial penalty like there is for disclosure though, which is a bummer.

Oh and Mike and Shirin voted for Jenn.  I imagine Dan tipped Mike off trying to play both sides so they booted her because the two of them are more invested in sticking around.

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Shirin, Mike, and Jenn outright spread rumours of Will stealing, lying, hiding things based on zero evidence.  They jumped to this conclusion based on nothing and held firm to it.  Why is that just completely forgotten here?  Shirin did play the victim, yet Will was the victim of their shit in the first place.  Will purposely made a decision to NOT act like a victim.  He wanted to fight back.  


What Will said was mean, but he was angry.  I don't blame him for angry feelings.  I thought a lot of the episode was entertaining, until Shirin made everything about her.  I'm sorry but in no way does Shirin's domestic abuse justify lying about Will.  Not seeing the connection there.  Never saw her once apologize or even try to.  I really, really hate those people who attack someone and then when they're called out on it, cry and make everyone pity them.  I've seen that act before.  And yet so many people can't seem to see through it.


I don't see how Shirin, Jenn, or Mike are good people at all.  No thank you.  How is what they did not "mean" yet Will somehow is?  Does everyone forget how this all started?  At least Rodney gave Will the benefit of the doubt and didn't believe any of it at all.  It didn't seem like Sierra believed it either.   And, Shirin was petty and childish.  But I guess it's okay, because she cries when she's confronted.


If you'd never seen an episode of this show before, Dan didn't come out too badly.  Mike is looking worse and worse with every episode.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I was annoyed at the auction when Jeff didn't immediately tell Carolyn that she couldn't get her money back for the letters.

Me too.

I never thought anyone would out-ugly Russell.... but Will did. Hell, Will makes the entire Hantz family look like the Brady Bunch.

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This is the most unlikeable group who's ever played this game!

Ugly, awful people. Tyler is the biggest shit stirrer. He's playing under the radar. I'm surprise no one has figured him out yet. But then again some of these people aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Will is really an asshole. I'm not a Shirin fan but she didn't deserve that verbal smackdown from him. I'm glad she messed up his opportunity to not participate in the challenge.

Agreed re Tyler, also I think he threw the challenge so he didn't draw attention to himself. He knew he didn't need the idol tonight.

Shirin didn't deserve Will's awful smack down but did deserve everyone's thanks for laying out the best way to deal with the letter and avoid the bidding war.

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Shirin, Mike, and Jenn outright spread rumours of Will stealing, lying, hiding things based on zero evidence.  They jumped to this conclusion based on nothing and held firm to it.  Why is that just completely forgotten here?  Shirin did play the victim, yet Will was the victim of their shit in the first place.


Maybe what Will said was mean, but he was angry and I thought justifiably so.  I thought a lot of the episode was entertaining, until Shirin made everything about her.  


I totally get that, and it's why I said a small part of me felt sorry for Will.  However, I thought he crossed a line, and it's also because I don't care about these people at this point.  Plus, he went off on Shirin over the other two.  I understand what you're saying, though.  The 3 of them deserved something, but not to the extent Will gave it, and not just Shirin.  I can understand Will's perspective, given all the circumstances from the auction until that point, on top of being there for 24(?) days.  I don't think Shirin expected that.

Shirin, all is forgiven. Please win this game so one of the flaming assholes doesn't get a million dollars. Thank you.


If it wasn't voluntary to tune in, I think they owe each of us a million dollars for putting up with this crap cast this season.  Best ever?  I can't even believe the cast themselves would hype this shit up to the extent they have.  It's embarrassing all around.

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