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Kandi's Ski Trip

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I'm still trying to figure out why they picked a ski trip for a show. I doubt Kandi has ever been skiing in her life, and you know the Coven won't be hitting the slopes.

The kardashian did it and I guess they are going to play on the stereotypes.

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I wasn't thinking in those terms. Kandi always goes someplace warm with a beach or a pool in the vacation photos I've seen of her. Todd took her to Paris for their anniversary, London, Amsterdam. I would think the older women would like to go someplace warm in the middle of the winter as well. I sure would!

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My mom and her friends definitely do the ski trip thing...One time. They never made it a habit, and I don't think they made it past the bunny slopes but they enjoyed it...


I think they enjoyed the hot toddys even more, but that's none of my business.

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Maybe the idea was pitched to Kandi to have Kandi and her Coven as fish out of water on the ski slopes.  Maybe they're counting on Mama Joyce and her sisters to bring the Beverly Hillbilly aspect to Aspen, or wherever they're skiing.  Kandi's other spin-offs have been boring aside from Mama Joyce and the Hens bringing the drama.

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I'll be passing on this show.  It looks so stupid.  Just dumb.  And Mama Joyce in the mix?  I'm out.  Then Todd? or someone says something cringe-worthy like "Have they ever seen black people in Steamboat Springs?"  Yeah, I'm doubly out.

Edited by beesknees
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I'll be passing on this show.  It looks so stupid.  Just dumb.  And Mama Joyce in the mix?  I'm out.  Then Todd? or someone says something cringe-worthy like "Have they ever seen black people in Steamboat Springs?"  Yeah, I'm doubly out.

It was Kandi's obnoxious employee who said that. DJ or whatever his name is.

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I for one will not watch just because of Kandie's mom.  Its bad enough we have to see her on Atlanta Housewives.  And for as much as Andy seemed to love Mama Joyce I thought she would be on this season a lot more than she has been.  Apparently Andy read enough on line to realize she was not worth it. 


So yeah count me out.  I will not watch.

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I just wonder why Todd would agree to a trip with Mama Joyce. Is there really as much animosity as they make it out to be or just a storyline?

My bet is on storyline. And Bravo telling everyone "Here's the deal.....everybody gets a paycheck, please ramp up the drama as much as possible."

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I'll check in here, but even though I like Kandi, I can't subsidize Joyce with my attention any more than I'm already forced to do on RHOA.  Or Kandi's "employees," either.

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It looks like a snoozefest to me but the thought of the coven getting stoned is enough for me to at least catch a little BIT of it.  I floved when one of them said, "they're selling pot here like they sell....(wait for it) CHICKEN!"

Now we KNOW they love chicken, so obviously... well who knows?

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Do y'all know Kandi's show is listed tonight under Real Housewives Of Atlanta? So don't forget to record that if you want to watch. The only way I knew was I read the description: Kandi's Ski Trip Part 1. 


I am gonna watch, because I love Todd. I hope this is one of his productions and he makes money on it. Ha ha. 


I am probably the only one who is interested in seeing the Todd/Kandi/Joyce story move along. I am fascinated by Todd and his ability to get through to Kandi and Joyce. I do think Joyce is moving forward, slowly, because of the kind of man Todd is. He is the real deal and Kandi really super lucked up by him falling for her. I think he was a step up for her, not the other way around.

Her other special was the same - under the title of RHOA. Kim's wasn't like that. Was Nene's wedding like that too or just the name - Nene's Wedding or whatever? It always makes me wonder why they try to make it an extension of the season.

I think I'm out because seeing the clip about them accusing Carmen and Todd sleeping together. Like really?!?! No thanks!

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Kandi has the patience of a saint.  A saint who has no short or long term memory and longs to live their life in Groundhog Day. 


It's always the same.  It never changes.  Her mom and her sisters and now her cousin are ungrateful shrews.  Mamma Joyce did have a shocking moment of sanity and manners when she said that the Aunts should just be grateful that they were invited. 

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Kandi's family just seems needy. I get the concept of the Coven of the Sister Elders, my family's still got four around (the fifth sibling fled to FL and only comes around once every five years because he needed a damn break) and they're immigrants so when we talk about tradition -- I get it. However, as gossipy and exhausting as they can sometimes be (I love my grandma's sisters, I swear), they have their own lives and understand that their children & children's children have their own lives, as well. As long as you come to the family Christmas party, it's all good. 


Kandi's passive nature has begun to annoy me and I can't stand how she lets her mom disrespect Todd, but the pile up by the OLG was too much. And Winnie, too? Come on now.

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It's always the same. It never changes. Her mom and her sisters and now her cousin are ungrateful shrews. Mamma Joyce did have a shocking moment of sanity and manners when she said that the Aunts should just be grateful that they were invited.

I know, right? I was actually a little scared that Mama Joyce and I agreed on something. I also laughed a little when she told Kandi that she tries not to go out with both aunts at the same time. Thankfully, it looks like Mama Joyce will return to being an ass soon, so I can stop worrying.

Oh, and Aunt Bertha can miss me with her sulking about the long bus trip (was she carsick? What else was she going to do with that time?), although I don't blame her for being put off by Matthew's foot rub offer.

Edited by Vanderboom
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Kandi's aunts know their houses is about the size of those tiny drive-by houses in a John Singleton movie so I don't know why their complaining about the size of the room. I would watch a show with just them, though. That is all.

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Kandi's passive nature has begun to annoy me and I can't stand how she lets her mom disrespect Todd, but the pile up by the OLG was too much. And Winnie, too? Come on now.


I can't with her entire family.  The neediness is too damn much.  I wouldn't blame her and Todd for moving out of state. Their cottage was bigger than most people's homes, and they're whining about stairs. If Kandi had any type of backbone, she would've purchased them all tickets back to ATL.

Edited by Sheenieb
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If my relative had such a bad attitude as Bertha after being treated to a FREE trip, I would have shipped her fat ass back home so fast it would have made her stinkface spin around to the back of her baby dinosaur head.  Ugh!

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I think they wanted Kandi to offer her room to them.  They wanted to be close to the action, getting the top shelf treatment they think they deserve.  Walking twelve steps was not going to kill them and I doubt the walkways were covered with ice and snow.

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These women have to be the most ungrateful, entitled pack of bitches I have ever seen... I have a couple of these Aunts myself, had to block their whining asses on Facebook because my "scorekeeper" aunt started letting me know I "liked" my other aunts stuff more than hers. Girl, BYE! With that petty shit... Kandi needs to tell her Aunts, cousin & mama to kiss her wealthy ass!!

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Can't stand mumble mouth Kandi.

Momma Joyce and the rest of her clan can just fuck off. Most ignorant and ungrateful people ever!

I only watched the last 20 minutes of this show and will not watch again, they just piss me off!

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I get the complaints about the stairs, at 73 and 75, twelve stairs can be too much, some consideration should have been given to putting them on a lower level, however, maybe if Aunt Bertha didn't smoke maybe she could do twelve stairs.  Nothing was wrong with the rest of the cottage, I don't get the complaints about the rooms.  If I were Kandi they would of been sent back on the first thing smoking, including Weenie for instigating.  Why does the whole family's happiness in life revolve around whether or not Kandi visits or calls?  I hate that Kandi allows these people to make her cry, get a back bone like you get when you get into it with your fellow cast mates on RHOA.  You don't owe these folks an explanation, if they can't figure out why you don't want to deal with them then shame on them.

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I just don't understand Kandi's thinking the way she keeps letting the world see how awful her family is.  Does she think these assholes are endearing to us?  Surely she sees the kind of vitriol her own mother stirs up in people.  How does she think seeing her aunts and cousin acting like entitled douches is going to make us want to keep watching them?  Is money so important to her that she doesn't care that she's putting her people on folks' hate lists?  I think Phaedra was right.  Kandi only cares about money.  I guess that makes her the biggest asshole of the family.  smdh


Why does the whole family's happiness in life revolve around whether or not Kandi visits or calls?



Because if Kandi isn't around the cameras aren't around and they don't get to show out on tv.  These hags have probably been living off Kandi's celebrity ever since her Xscape days.  But then, she just keeps letting them so her tears are falling on deaf ears.

Edited by swankie
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I think Don Juan & Carmon should've taken Bertha & Nora's age into consideration and not had them going up any stairs. They made sure they had downstairs rooms and I'm sure they thought they'd give the aunts a view, but old people don't care about no view. I also noticed DJ sucking his teeth at Matthew. Don't hate because Matthew does his job and you do....?????

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I just don't understand Kandi's thinking the way she keeps letting the world see how awful her family is.


The more I think about it, the more brilliant it is.  


She gets them all a paycheck, so they don't siphon her earnings.  She gave them all their 15 minutes, and you know they've probably been after that for years.  And now when she cuts them all off at some point nobody will buy the stories they sell about how Kandi did them wrong, 'cause we've all seen that they're pretty awful.  


That's what I'm going with, anyway.

Edited by phoenix780
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I think Don Juan & Carmon should've taken Bertha & Nora's age into consideration and not had them going up any stairs.



I think production was responsible for putting the old ogres in the back cabin with the steps.  Too bad Carmon is put in the position of taking the blame for it. 


Listening to Riley and Kaela carry on a conversation is like listening to paint dry.  For young folks they don't seem to have a lot of energy.

Edited by swankie
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Does Riley ever put her cell phone down?

This is so far the most contrived scripted thing any of the housewives has ever done. Anytime Kandi has photos of her and Todd on vacation, they are at the beach or someplace tropical. It's almost like they were asking for disaster by going to a cold, snowy place.

How many times did Todd announce "Steamboat Springs, here we come!" Must have been part of the contract to announce their destination as much as possible.

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I can't with the Auntie that can't sit on a bus for 2 hours. The plane ride was twice that long, with less freedom to move around or pull over. I mean, how hard is it to sit. That being said, even if the drive somehow put me in a bad mood, I would have excused myself to my room until I felt better. Oh, no! She had to sit there with her stank face & piss on everybody's vacation...

I have never seen a group of people ruin a vacation so fast over complete bullshit. If they were that worried about the icy walk & the stairs, try asking the gentlemen to escort you back to your room---or maybe something could have been said gently before they went buckwild & turned the room assignments into a personal attack linked to years of family baggage. UGH!!!!!!!!

The Old Lady Gang & their apprentice brings Kandi to tears & makes her feel like shit about herself & all-in-the-same-breath wonder why they don't hear from her more often. I truly hope they take their Bravo checks & buy themselves a fucking clue.

Oh dear! ***clutching my pearls*** Such a potty mouth today! I tell ya, the OLG really gets me riled up.

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I don't like Don Juan's comment about the old ladies knocking Todd's assistant's "little pale ass" over a cliff.  If the tables were turned and Matthew made a comment about someone knocking Don Juan's "little dark ass" over a cliff, a situation would occur.  So far Don Juan's comments have been the most asinine of the whole group, starting with "Has Steamboat Colorado ever seen black people?"  What century do you think this is dumbass?!  This fish out of water bullshit pisses me off.  It just makes them look and sound so ignorant!

Edited by swankie
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Man, it so did not take long for the old ladies to get all crotchety. You'd think in their old age, they wouldn't want to spend so much time being unhappy all the damn time. That pile up on Kandi was ridiculous. And Aunt Baby Dinosaur was just doing too much just because the car ride was long. If you're going to pout, stay your ass outside.

So is Riley off limits because...?

I hope not, cause she was acting like a little brat. Telling Kayla that she's always on her phone, when I've NEVER seen Riley without hers. Straight up telling her mom no when asked to move to the other cabin. I don't know when kids started having an opinion on the decisions that adults make, but it's obnoxious. Couldn't have been in my family.
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The old bitches were complaining about feeling unsafe in their room, and, possibly using a stun gun but sending 11 or 12 year old Riley, and, Todd's teenage daughter to spend the night there instead, was OK? And, Riley, that little entitled shit says no and that's the end of it. I somewhat understand the aunts re Kandi ignoring them after meeting Todd. I was a very generous aunt and attended all the graduation crap and other crap aunts are stuck going to. My nieces moved across the country 2 years ago and haven't heard from them since. In my case, I changed my will to ensure they inherit nothing but I doubt Kandi's bitches have much Kandi hasn't given them.

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Was this filmed before or after Todd's mother died? Judging by Kandi's reaction to Todd almost letting the cat out of the bag about Mama Joyce's apolgy to his mother, I am sure there's going to be some "amazing" breakthr.

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But has Kandi really been ignoring them all this time?  We've seen several instances of them all getting together for drinks and chicken and BBQs on the show over the past two seasons.  It's one thing for Kandi to be at her aunts' place several times a week when she's single.  But she's married now and needs to start her own traditions with her new family.  I just feel they were looking for a reason to start some shit.  It was also very telling that everyone was shocked by Weenie's response.  

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