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S07.E08: Conjoined Queens

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The Pearl/Trixie storyline is way too perfect not to be scripted, but I've never really expected this show to be "real" so I'll forgive. They're my two favorites this season, so while I thought they legitimately rocked it this week, I'm clearly biased.


Even though I "knew" Trixie and Pearl would win since it made so much sense, I was still really nervous the entire hour, so I didn't really notice whether the episode was actually good or not. I'll have to rewatch to know for sure, but I think it might've been pretty great? Again, biased.


At this point, I feel like every single queen in the competition deserves to be there. I still can't root for Kennedy or Ginger but I appreciate their talent and if either of them win, I'm fine with it. Trixie, Pearl, and Katya are still my main girls, though.

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About the episode, she said that she would have chosen to be conjoined with Latrice, cause she's "got a big d." She also said she hated this season, though she acted like it slipped out. She made fun of Rupaul's outfit. Everything else she said had nothing to do with the episode, though I don't know where I should post it. Lol

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How the gay hell does Fame get a pass all the freaking time?

Youtube celebrity. Unfortunately unlike Adore and Courtney, who were good performers and drag queens, their attempt to keep someone around with some pre-made fame this season is extraordinarily transparent because she's just not very good at anything and is really bad at performing, probably in the bottom five of performers in the entire series. That Jaidynn, who is a unpolished but genuinely energetic and interesting performer, went before her is just criminal, but then really the same could be said for the rest of the queens who have gone already.

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I would probably put Katya more as the underdog this season(Jaidynn moreso before she got booted this episode). Like Dida Ritz, Joslyn Fox and Tatiana she's a much more budget level queen who came in with a lot of personality and what she could afford or could make on her own. Miss Fame I wouldn't really call a underdog because a underdog usually manages to push themselves through the competition, they aren't given a free pass.

Pretty good episode. Like others have said, maybe the best one of the season so far.


Trixie had me on the floor during the runway. I howled when she said "Good evening distinguished panel of judges." She's really sharp and very funny. It's both a pleasure and relief to have her back on the show. Oh, and the reason why she calls herself  'Trixie'? That was equal parts brave and heartbreaking.


How I wish Ginger had been sent home tonight but with Jaiden on the bottom again her number was kind of up. What an insufferable snot that Ginger is in her talking heads (well, all the time, really). She has quite the high opinion of herself. I try and read things into the kind of edit the queens get and I can't quite see Ginger winning considering the one she's getting. Of course, that could just be me hoping she gets booted in fourth place at the very latest.


Yeah, it seems Fame has horseshoes up her bum (maybe she got them from her farm) as she is way, way past due having to Lip sync for her life. She's an odd duck, that one.


Every week Katya just goes up and up and up on my list of faves. I'd love to see a final three of Katya, Trixie and ... well, whoever.  Oh, who am I kidding; it'll probably be Ginger or Kennedy. 

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Great episode. Was worried they would waste the chance to get a good queen back having a meh queen returning (hi there Candy) but glad Trixie returned by proving herself (seems like shes more focused on what shes supose to do now). Looking at all queens back, I really like this queens, even the bitch ones have a good portion of nice moments and this episode gave some of the queens more chance to talk about themselves (like mentioned above, it was about time for us to see more of them on the working room and less on the stage). 


Right now I´m rooting for Katya (mama has it all)... if Trixie returns stronger and Pearl keeps improving, they are my top 3, but we shall see.. About the bottom, I actually felt bad for Ginger, everything went against her this week, when she was called in the bottom she had such a defeated face and I thought she wouldnt be able to perform at all  trapped in those boobs,but she did it. Jaiden is very nice and have alot qualities but her time expired. And also agree with you guys above on how Fame keeps getting free pass after free pass with her flat performances, I really hope she goes on the next two weeks otherwise she will be taking place of a way more interesting queen.

Edited by Guiaoshi
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Yay!  Trixie's back!  I was hoping it'd be her or Max.  But I was super-worried a queen I did like would go home, and a queen I was meh on would come back.  Very pleased Ginger's still here.  She's still one of my faves.


I will say though -- shady move, Miss Kennedy.  I thought you, Jasmine, and Ginger were besties.  And then you stick her with Sasha Belle?  Good thing Sasha takes cues well.  She helped out Ginger better than Tempest helped Jayden.


Jayden, I'll miss you mainly for your talking heads, but I wish you well, gurl.  Katya, keep it going.

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Ginger and Sasha were smart to bring scissors so they could cut their boobs apart (there's a sentence I never thought I'd type) and have more freedom in the LSFYL. Honestly, when Ru had the bottom three lined up, I wondered how they were going to do the LSFYL. I thought they'd at least let the two who had to lip sync disconnect from their twin. Ginger and Sasha were much more entertaining during the LSFYL. I don't know how much of that was Tempest and Jaidynn being stuck together vs. Ginger and Sasha being better performers. All I know is that I was cracking up at Ginger and Sasha.


Trixie's story about her drag name just broke my heart, but good on her for reclaiming that name and turning it into something she loves.


Miss Fame continues to bore and disappoint me. I couldn't believe she acted so proud of herself for finally coming up with any kind of response to Ru asking, "How's your head?" I wish they had put a clock at the bottom of the screen when she was babbling on and on to Ru. I'm glad Ru told her she needs to start listening because she definitely seems like the kind of person who will go on and on at a party while everyone else is uncomfortably trying to either get a word in or find a way to leave. The only good thing about her runway look was that when she and Candy turned around, the words on their side by side butts read "FACE SEX."

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First of all, the return of Latrice Mother Fucking Royale. Bow down bitches! I have so missed her and I actually wished to have seen and heard more of her last night. I loved the mini challenge and thought Katya should have won it.


Thank goodness that Trixie is back! I so missed her and really hope she's at least top 3. Her and Pearl were everything as the conjoined twins, I'm so glad this challenge and episode were finally GOOD. Trixie's TH about where the name Trixie came from and how she claimed it and made it her own actually made me sniffle.


I loved Katya and MKD's conjoined twins, they were a HOOT, I LOL'd when they both literally dragged themselves off the runway floor at the very end (and haven't we all seen these women at casinos, airports and social gatherings), and thought they should have won if Trixie/Pearl had not. I'm not that sorry that Jaidynn sashayed away although even with Tempest strapped to her back she was definitely at a disadvantage, Jaidynn just never really stood out much for me.


I never watched True Blood so did not know who Nelsan (spelling??) was but he seemed to be having a good time. So where the hell is Carson? He only judged what, one episode??

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I really enjoyed Katya' face during the mini challenge, peeking through the leopard skin ski mask, with her jaw dropped open in surprise.


I'm so glad this country is on the way to making gay conversion therapy illegal. I was glad that Tempest was around long enough to talk about her experience with that.


A pretty good episode! So what have they been doing the rest of this season? I hope this means they've turned things around from here on out.

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First of all, the return of Latrice Mother Fucking Royale. Bow down bitches! I have so missed her and I actually wished to have seen and heard more of her last night. I loved the mini challenge and thought Katya should have won it.


Thank goodness that Trixie is back! I so missed her and really hope she's at least top 3. Her and Pearl were everything as the conjoined twins, I'm so glad this challenge and episode were finally GOOD. Trixie's TH about where the name Trixie came from and how she claimed it and made it her own actually made me sniffle.


I loved Katya and MKD's conjoined twins, they were a HOOT, I LOL'd when they both literally dragged themselves off the runway floor at the very end (and haven't we all seen these women at casinos, airports and social gatherings), and thought they should have won if Trixie/Pearl had not. I'm not that sorry that Jaidynn sashayed away although even with Tempest strapped to her back she was definitely at a disadvantage, Jaidynn just never really stood out much for me.


I never watched True Blood so did not know who Nelsan (spelling??) was but he seemed to be having a good time. So where the hell is Carson? He only judged what, one episode??


I'm getting kind of disgusted with how obvious it is that Ru picks the mini-challenge winners without even considering how well they actually did. For Kennedy to win this, and the dress-like-an-old-lady challenge? She didn't come close to deserving it either time. Katya deserved to win just for coming up with the crime of smuggling geese out of the Ukraine.


Nelsan Ellis played a legendary gay character on True Blood, and he appears to be quite different from his role in real life. For those who have never seen anything from True Blood, I highly recommend doing a Youtube search for the True Blood "AIDS burger" scene.

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the reason why she calls herself  'Trixie'? That was equal parts brave and heartbreaking.

I cried actual tears watching this part, and I am normally a cold-hearted stone of a woman. Glad to have Trixie back competing! And yes, her and Pearl's win, especially considering Pearl sent her home in the first place, was scripted to death, but I just didn't care.



And although some duos were weaker than others, I thought all 14 ladies did great.



Now that I've tasted it, I want this every week. Every single mini-challenge would be improved by Latrice putting on a costume and hollering. So would every single staff meeting at my office. "Mmm-hmm. Kim got something to say, don't she? Puttin' up her hand when everybody dreamin' 'bout they lunch."

Preach, Mark! Preach!

Edited by Kat
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I'm getting kind of disgusted with how obvious it is that Ru picks the mini-challenge winners without even considering how well they actually did.

It's never really been a factor - especially when it is followed by a group or paired challenge. They have served only two purposes since the beginning. Giving the audience a good chuckle and amping up the team selection drama for the main event. To me any complaint that the judging on this show is unfair or unsupported is beside the point anyway. Ru does whatever she and the producers want to do. There has never been any pretense of fairness on this show - and the Redditors etc. who obsessively tally challenge placements like some sort of drag fantasy football, and cry about injustices and treat this show like it's the "Olympics of Drag" are missing the point. It's not a game show or an atheletic competition. It's a reality show - and a rather silly one at that. Albeit one that has thrust a fair number of queens into more lucrative careers than they might ever have dreamed of and raised the profile of drag considerably.

Edited by SteveAC10
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And yes, her and Pearl's win, especially considering Pearl sent her home in the first place, was scripted to death, but I just didn't care.


WORD!  Again with the obvious tom foolery of editing this season; it just furthers my suspicion that Trixie's leaving, the #justicefortrixie business, and then her return just is all staged but enh like you said the pairing and their performance was such an enjoyment it's forgivable. 


I guess I should just face facts that RPDR is 20% real and 70% staged (the 10% being unknown).

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It's never really been a factor - especially when it is followed by a group or paired challenge. They have served only two purposes since the beginning. Giving the audience a good chuckle and amping up the team selection drama for the main event. To me any complaint that the judging on this show is unfair or unsupported is beside the point anyway. Ru does whatever she and the producers want to do. There has never been any pretense of fairness on this show - and the Redditors etc. who obsessively tally challenge placements like some sort of drag fantasy football, and cry about injustices and treat this show like it's the "Olympics of Drag" are missing the point. It's not a game show or an atheletic competition. It's a reality show - and a rather silly one at that. Albeit one that has thrust a fair number of queens into more lucrative careers than they might ever have dreamed of and raised the profile of drag considerably.


The winners of the mini-challenges have always been suspect, but they've never been this ridiculous.


And I'm not going to excuse blatant fuckery just because it's an entertaining show. "It's just entertainment" is the excuse that game show producers used when they were caught fixing their shows in the fifties. That doesn't mean they didn't owe it to the contestants (and the viewers) for there to be some semblance of fairness.


Obviously there's going to be some manipulative editing and whatnot on a reality show - I'm sure we all know that. But there are certain lines a show like this shouldn't cross. And IMO, choosing winners based solely on who they think will stir things up the most is bullshit.


If it doesn't matter if the show is fixed, then why should we care who wins? Why get invested in it at all?

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I thought Katya and Mrs. Kasha Davis were the clear winners of the conjoined twins challenge.  Their concept and execution were both really creative and hilarious.  So of course Pearl and Trixie had to win.  


Katya should take that yellow teeth mouthpiece of hers and bury it in the backyard.  So gross.


I predict Fame will be the next to go.

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Absolutely the best episode of this season. I got my wish for a design challenge-- which I feel caters much more to this set of queens talents and the skill set of drag queens in general-- we got more workroom time, Latrice MOTHERFUCKING Royale, a terrifically funny mini challenge, and everyone was on stage to receive critique. Hell, I even enjoyed Michelle Visage this episode when I felt I haven't in a while. We finally got to see what Ru and company saw in the audition videos.


The reason I hate having so many acting challenges is because I don't particularly think drag queens are actors (in the script reading sense, not the "All the world's a stage" philosophical sense) or have to be actors. Even though Ru has played many bit roles and a few lead roles during the course of his career, I don't think of him as an actor. This challenge focused on what drag queens should be for me, that is: creative, clever and performative. That's why despite having weaker entries this week, no one was particularly horrible and there was such a high threshold for the winner.


I recall last week thinking how I just wanted Trixie back, but color me surprised that after all was said and done on the runway, I didn't know who I wanted to return. Mrs. Kasha Davis and Max really impressed the hell out of me and I would have been happy with their return as well. This episode even managed to make enjoy Sasha Belle during the lip sync taking Ginger's lead. I previously called her Fall runway look Snarf from the Thundercats and thought of her only as earnest, but deadweight.


With the

John Waters challenge next week

(spoiler tagged just in case) I'm hoping this momentum from the Snatch Game continues.

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If it doesn't matter if the show is fixed, then why should we care who wins? Why get invested in it at all?

Well said! I see this show similar to the WWE or TNT wrestling. Situations are created from writers, challenges are setup to benefit one queen or another, and I'm not saying the queens struggles aren't real it's just they are told at just the right time. Season 7 is supposed to be more real & raw pfft Edited by Dirtybubble
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I'm not sure why people are upset about Kennedy winning a mini-challenge unfairly when the mini-challenge winners have always been unfair - and, especially in team challenges, selected to cause a bit of drama. Remember Shangela or Carmen's mini-challenge wins in Season 3? RuPaul's Drag Race is, more or less, as Tom and Lorenzo said when they used to recap the show, a "drag variety show where RuPaul picks her favorite queen at the end", and it's pretty open about that. Frankly, I think Ru and the producers settle, roughly, on a final three or four a few episodes into filming. The challenges and the challenge order are determined so as to favor, if not force, certain results. It's not as if the wins and losses are completely arbitrary, but it's pretty clear that the people in charge anticipate certain results, hope to get those results, and then use editing to make their decisions make more sense. I'm invested in the show less because of the competition and more because I enjoy the contestants' personalities and watching what they come up with each week. 


I also don't think the reason this season has been less entertaining is the number of acting/singing/dancing challenges. It's the same number as in Seasons 4, 5, and 6. I think it's because, up until last week's episode, there were a lot of scripted acting challenges that were really poorly written and didn't allow contestants' individual talents to shine through. Even though it's beyond the reach of a lot of the queens, the point of the show is to stretch the queens' limits  beyond lip-syncing, and see not just who has training or expertise at acting/singing/dancing, but who can fake it until they make it work. This week was better, because a.) we had an original challenge that allowed the queens to think independently and produce interesting results and b.) more time was spent in the work-room getting to know the queens. That was sorely lacking in the first half of the season. Although the children in Guatemala or Ohio or Belgium are crying that Violet and Max didn't win, the queens who placed highly won because they pushed a "look" challenge beyond design for design's sake and into characterization. IMO, the talent of many of the best queens to come out of this show is integrating look into characterization - and Trixie/Pearl (more Trixie) and MKD/Katya did just that this week.

Edited by vrocotamy
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The winners of the mini-challenges have always been suspect, but they've never been this ridiculous.

Eh, I find Kennedy's win here(and in the old lady challenge) completely in keeping with Rupaul's sense of humor, since Rupaul is the one sole chooser there. Rupaul really likes off color ghetto racial, especially black, humor. A black queen putting on a giant ghetto booty or covering herself in powder to look ashy is absolutely how you win Ru over. It's a consistent winner in any challenge, mini or main, where the goal is 'these monkeys have to make Ru laugh'.

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I thought the bottom two were the bottom two that had to be there. Kandy and Miss Fame may have picked an overdone concept, but their execution was clean. Jaidynn and Tempest unfortunately couldn't figure out a way to get the comedy of their concept into their runway performance. Ginger and Sasha had comedy, but really poor craftsmanship. Miss Fame's still here because her looks are generally good and she's never the worst. I think her time is coming, though. Ginger's LSFYL was really good, though. Sasha may have dropped the ball a bit in the workroom, but she was a good performance partner for Ginger in the LSFYL.


I felt bad for Miss Fame with Ru's "how's your head" joke. So Miss Fame isn't quick with double entendre. So what? She's not an emcee.


I didn't think Pearl and Trixie were that funny, so I would have given the win to Katya and Miss Kasha Davis. But sometimes things read differently in real life than on screen. My heart was just breaking for Trixie during her confessional about her name and her stepfather. 

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Miss Fame's still here because her looks are generally good and she's never the worst.

I'd say I found her the worst, or second worst, in at least the Snatch Game, Glamazon Airlines, Spoof video, DESPY Awards and Ru Hollywood Stories. I didn't think she was this episode(though she was the third worst, which isn't much of a improvement). The Snatch Game is the one that's really noticable about it, since even Michelle agree's Jaidynn's schtick as Raven was funny at first, compared to Miss Fame's Donatello which was a bomb from start to finish.

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RuPaul's Drag Race is...a "drag variety show where RuPaul picks her favorite queen at the end", and it's pretty open about that. .... I'm invested in the show less because of the competition and more because I enjoy the contestants' personalities and watching what they come up with each week.


Yes, and I don't really know why anyone would think otherwise -- of this or most other "reality shows." RPDR lives by the "Whose Line Is It Anyway" credo.



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First and foremost-- LATRICE ROYALE LATRICE ROYALE LATRICE ROYALE.  My fav queen of all the seasons.


Sasha is a beautiful man, albeit a bit doughy.  He needs to stay out of drag. When he was walking around the WERKroom, I am thinking, "Who is that gorgeous guy."  Also, Tempest is a good looking man, his face does not at all translate into drag though.


What, no love for Fame's (was it?) bloodied tampon earrings? Prison challenge was one of my favorite of all seasons and I liked it more than the Siamese twins.  The descriptions they wrote were the best part.  Katya smuggling geese out of the Ukraine--funniest thing I've heard all my life.


Ok its time for Michelle to read Violet on her corsets, like she did with Max and the grey wigs.  Enough already.  Violet is improving week after week.  She has wit behind that pretty face. 


Ok its time for Michelle to read Violet on her corsets, like she did with Max and the grey wigs.

And Pearl's thirsty platinum wigs and gauzy attire, Ginger's auburn poofs (with black spray), Katya's shake and go shoulder length blonde, etc. I think Max was singled out because his was so unusual, but many of these queens seem to have brought only one wig with them.

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How I wish Ginger had been sent home tonight but with Jaiden on the bottom again her number was kind of up. What an insufferable snot that Ginger is in her talking heads (well, all the time, really). She has quite the high opinion of herself. I try and read things into the kind of edit the queens get and I can't quite see Ginger winning considering the one she's getting. Of course, that could just be me hoping she gets booted in fourth place at the very latest.

Can you give some examples of things Ginger has said? I have noticed her say anything like that, but maybe I'm just not paying attention.


Ginger should've gone home just for coming out of her costume and wig alone. I hate when the queens take off their wigs, shoes, or clothes in a lip sync. Jaidynn( sp) turned it with what's her name strapped to her back. Ugh!

If you watch the gif on Mark's recap, it looks to me like her wig fell off. 

I know I've paid out Miss Fame as well (why she is always let off the hook?) but you know, she is extremely beautiful. I've never seen her fail in the makeup department. Or the runway. Violet and Max looked effing gorgeous but I thought Trixie and Pearl deserved to win. Trixie - THANK GOD!!!!!! I've effing missed you girl!!!!

Like so many others I do feel we are now cooking with gas. I have no idea who will win but I'm hoping it is Violet. I don't have fierce love for her as I did for Jinx and Adore but I am seriously hoping she wins.

Finally, I'm excited!!

I agree with the anti-Ginger comments. I felt she was a bit like I'm going to lose cos I am with Sasha and it is all HER FAULT cos I won the challenge last week and I know I'm awesome! That's my take. Well, when Bianca got paired with her then least fave contender Trinity, Bianca sucked it up and made it work. Why? She's a true professional, she can and will work with anyone even people she don't like. Ginger could learn a bit from this. I'm wondering if she will make it to the final four.

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