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S02.E06: In The Cups

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I want mailbox money. Or somebody who has mailbox money. That is all.

Shep looked so hungover at the pet adoption place. And getting humped by the dog!!! God bless Cameran for wanting to adopt the three-legged dog. Dogs with disabilities or older dogs are so hard to find a home for. I hope she and her husband gave him a fur-ever home.

Shep.... he couldn't breathe or be happy if the one true love of his life wasn't happy. Sigh.... my heart stopped for a minute there.

It was nice to see Whitney look like an idiot about that ad.

I could live in Patricia's Hermes bag and still have room left over. Money-wise.

Kathryn's smoking is starting to affect her voice. Or something, because it's sounding worse. In 5 years she's going to sound like an old lady. And she needs to get over Thomas. She's too immature for a relationship with him. I'm not sure what she was expecting, hitching her wagon to a known womanizer who's now running for a national office. I can only imagine what was going through her young mind when he said he was staying at a hotel to focus on his debate.

Add to that, she and Craig were drunk as skunks on the way to the party. Craig, Shep can act like he is tonight because it's his birthday. He's not calling in "sick".

And finally....."I like to lick the icing. So I guess if it's a boob, why not? Practice makes perfect!" -- Shep

  • Love 11

I like this show -- and like SOME of the people on it.

But what the hell....the emotional and intellectual disconnect that Thomas AND Kathryn have...(and Whitney, for a different reason) ...is insane.

-- Thomas will be 53 this year, Kathryn is in her early 20's

-- They're not married and had a baby 

-- She is out drinking and getting drunk


And he thinks he can win a U.S. Senate seat... in South Carolina no less. That kind of insanity makes me ask a person  "Are you on drugs?"

Can you see Kathryn hosting a dinner party on Capitol Hill in Washington?

This entire senate campaign  is folly, right..a made up effort? It HAS to be. It CAN"T be for real.

One reporter catching Kathryn getting drunk like that and his political ambitions are DONE.

Don't get me wrong I LIKE Thomas. I just think he's a lost soul, who messed up his political career which he only was able to achieve because of who his dad was, and his Ravenel name. And when your a rich, lost soul, who's  life is just rambling along....that's how you end up 1) in relationships that dysfunctional, 2) being a JOKE in your chosen profession. If he weren't so damn rich, I'd feel sorry for him. I actually I DO feel sorry for him, I just can't work up any SYMPATHY for him.


As for Kathryn.....how the hell did she think Thomas could spend time with HER, AND run for the Senate?


Which just means both she AND Thomas are delusional....two delusional people in a dysfunctional relationship...with a baby!


Whitney is an ass hole. Craig is immature. Shep, Cameran, and Landon....love them...so far.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 6

Shep and Cameran were adorbs at the pet shelter. And Shep is a secret romantic...sigh...I just knew it!

Thomas' campaign manager is really terrible, and even she knew Whitney's ad was awful. I also think it's bullshit that she answered the call from Kathryn. You're not POTUS, Thomas. Call or text her your damn self.

Their new place in town looked super cheap, right? The kitchen cabinets and hardware were low rent all the way.

  • Love 8

Thomas is like F. Scott Fitzgerald, only he's not eloquent and he can't write. But his drinking's on par.

Their new place in town looked super cheap, right? The kitchen cabinets and hardware were low rent all the way

He mentioned that it's a carriage house behind a bigger house at 29 Charlotte Street. That pool may be something they share with the big house. In other words....they are in a guest house. And it's probably a rental.

ETA: I think the shot of the front of the house that they showed, along with the gate, is the big house. Not where they are living.

  • Love 3

Thomas is like F. Scott Fitzgerald, only he's not eloquent and he can't write. But his drinking's on par.

He mentioned that it's a carriage house behind a bigger house at 29 Charlotte Street. That pool may be something they share with the big house. In other words....they are in a guest house. And it's probably a rental.

ETA: I think the shot of the front of the house that they showed, along with the gate, is the big house. Not where they are living.

Of course it's a rental.  They as much said so.  They also said it's behind another house.

I want mailbox money. Or somebody who has mailbox money. That is all.

Shep looked so hungover at the pet adoption place. And getting humped by the dog!!! God bless Cameran for wanting to adopt the three-legged dog. Dogs with disabilities or older dogs are so hard to find a home for. I hope she and her husband gave him a fur-ever home.

Shep.... he couldn't breathe or be happy if the one true love of his life wasn't happy. Sigh.... my heart stopped for a minute there.

It was nice to see Whitney look like an idiot about that ad.

I could live in Patricia's Hermes bag and still have room left over. Money-wise.

Kathryn's smoking is starting to affect her voice. Or something, because it's sounding worse. In 5 years she's going to sound like an old lady. And she needs to get over Thomas. She's too immature for a relationship with him. I'm not sure what she was expecting, hitching her wagon to a known womanizer who's now running for a national office. I can only imagine what was going through her young mind when he said he was staying at a hotel to focus on his debate.

Add to that, she and Craig were drunk as skunks on the way to the party. Craig, Shep can act like he is tonight because it's his birthday. He's not calling in "sick".

And finally....."I like to lick the icing. So I guess if it's a boob, why not? Practice makes perfect!" -- Shep

I think it's Thomas who is immature for a relationship.

  • Love 2

Okay, so were these Churchills Whitney was going to hang out with the same Churchills Sonja Morgan (RONY) used to hang out with? Does he have a secret toaster oven line coming out soon too?  LOL!


I hope Cameran did adopt that adorable dog, or any rescue really, but the whole scene just was such a reality show set up.  


TRav's political game is looking like a bad knock off of "The Campaign" right now. 

  • Love 5

Okay, so were these Churchills Whitney was going to hang out with the same Churchills Sonja Morgan (RONY) used to hang out with? Does he have a secret toaster oven line coming out soon too?  LOL!


Thank you!  I was coming here to post just that.  Too bad they are too old for each other - Whitney and Sonja would make a perfect insufferable match.


Craig really had his eye on Kathryn.  And not in a just friends way... more in that drunken frat boy way when they fixate on someone.  Not good.


Mailbox money = investments.  Stocks & property?  Being a landlord isn't the most fun thing in the world but if you have enough money, you can hire a manager to deal with the headaches.  I hope Shep's restaurant does well.  It should get a boost from the show and probably draws a big  college crowd.

  • Love 3

There was something so absolutely hysterical to me during the dog scene.  Shep was so concerned....not with the poor dog having only three legs (bless poor Ellie's heart)....but that it was jumping off of two story buildings.  He mentioned/questioned it twice.  And it makes perfect sense:  I, too, would like to know why this dog is jumping from two-story roofs.


Campaign Amy's text? Ummm. Nope.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 5

Thank you!  I was coming here to post just that.  Too bad they are too old for each other - Whitney and Sonja would make a perfect insufferable match.


Oh, they'd make a terrible romantic match, but I'm thinking more of Sonja as a "sister from another mister" or "crazy younger aunt/older nephew" to hit the bars with Whitney.  Both "jet set", both have failed film careers, and both depend on the older generation (mom & Old Man Morgan) for support. 


I am wondering why that dog was on a second floor roof.  I know of cats that do that, but never a dog.  My dogs barely like coming up 3 steps into the house.

I find the Kathryn/Craig flirtation so weird...she seems older than him, mostly due to the fact that her trucker-voiced young babymama shtick clashes with his videogame-playing overgrown fratboy vibe. But they just seem so oddly matched, other than being two pretty young lusty party animals. What else beyond the physical and their social scene do they even have in common?

Add me to the list of those who think Shep and Cameran would make the perfect couple if he weren't still a bit immature for her tastes---they have a great natural chemistry. I think the guy has the potential to settle down and be a good husband/father, he's just not ready to yet; nothing wrong with having a slower biological clock, especially if you're a male. He'll probably find some laidback slightly younger gal by the time he hits his early-to-mid 40's.

I did feel quite bad for poor weepy Kathryn when Thomas left her that cold voicemail about not coming home for a few nights and then his manager texting her further about it just to drive that knife in further; it did seem unnecessarily cruel, especially for a hormonal young mother.

I promptly went back to disliking her though when she decided that gave her the right to call up her parents to watch the baby while she went out to go get wasted drunk on shots. Didn't they have to drive up all the way from their place in the boonies?! Ugh...either way, TRav kinda sucks as a boyfriend.

Not much Landon per episode is a good rule of thumb.

Yes, Whitney, you *always* sound pretentious---but I do like his haughty self-awareness and amusingly snooty snarking though. He's a snob, but at least he amuses me, much like his mom.

  • Love 3

I wish Shep had revealed his version of the beverage cart girl with his own Tennessee Williams metaphor. If only her name were Stella, it would be perfect!

I almost fell off my couch when they said that Hermes handbag was $105,300 (or $103,500 or whatever). How is that possible? My brain just could not compute. I mean I suppose that you could put any price tag on anything, and the more expensive it is, then The Haves will pay it because that means it's "the best" or "most exclusive" or something. But jesus, that's insane! I didn't see any jewels or anything to justify it being that much money, like Pat's diamond-encrusted shoes.

Yet, the handbag was still a bargain compared to T-Rav's $150,000 "raise the roof, not taxes" commercial; although I guess 3 commercials combined were that much.

I don't even know what to say about T-Rav and Katheryn. They just should not be together. I was a little shocked to hear Cameran say that Katheryn has NO CHOICE but to make it work with T-Rav. Really?! Even Pat snared a few rich husbands after having Whitney. I can't imagine in this day and age that this woman would be shunned by all potential mates for having a child. Or, is it like "the best" she'll get is a "nobody" like Craig rather than another Huguenot? Apparently these family names really matter to them...or you can't get into the balls and whatnot. Kudos to Cooper for creating his OWN ball since he's (gasp!) from Alabama! Oh, my! Bring on the smelling salts!

  • Love 7

Did you see the prices on the furniture in the store, and Kathryn kept saying "I want this" figuring Thomas would just fork over his credit card. THAT is her attraction to him. He bought her a nice bed. Trouble is, she'll be sleeping in it by herself. The only time I see her smile is when she's with her baby. I'd take that kid and disappear to Mom & Dad's, and tell him when he's ready to start treating her with respect, then he can visit. But I damn sure wouldn't be dreaming of engagement rings and a house filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furniture. Honey, they won't keep you warm at night.

  • Love 7

I don't even know what to say about T-Rav and Katheryn. They just should not be together. I was a little shocked to hear Cameran say that Katheryn has NO CHOICE but to make it work with T-Rav. Really?!



Pretty sure it was Landon who said that, pushing her further over into the "she annoys me" column. Such an ass-backwards way of thinking.  It's not 1920 anymore, sweetheart. 


I promptly went back to disliking her though when she decided that gave her the right to call up her parents to watch the baby while she went out to go get wasted drunk on shots. Didn't they have to drive up all the way from their place in the boonies?! Ugh...either way, TRav kinda sucks as a boyfriend.



I certainly will not dispute the bolded!  While Kathryn might not have made the most "mature" decision to go out and do shots, etc, I'm pretty sure she said her parents were already coming up to babysit Kensie while she and Thomas went to the party. And being that they do live a bit of a distance away, it seems likely that they were probably already going to be spending the night in Charleston anyway, so it wasn't some crazy change of plans on their end (most likely).   


The way Whitney described his partying in his 30s made me wonder if he's secretly 10 to 15 years older than we think. In the late 90s to early aughts, Whitney should not have been sporting stretch acid washed jeans tucked into boots anywhere in America. That look wouldn't have been cool anywhere in this country at that time



LOL that was my first thought too.  Like, was he 35 years old in 1986? But then I started thinking .... well he DOES spend a lot of time in Europe (as he'll not let us forget!) Perhaps that was a European look. back in 2003-2005?  Nah that's pretty unlikely.


Also, isn't he wearing a James Dean-esque leather jacket in some of his talking heads?  Perhaps Whit-Whit is just many, many decades behind when it comes to fashion?  How dreadful.  What would HALSTON think??

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3

My love for Shep just grows and grows. I am smitten with his closet romanticism, his attitude and his general joie de vivre. I like the glimpses we're getting of what lies underneath his happy-go-lucky exterior. He's incredibly sweet and thoughtful. I even like his toothy smile. He'll eventually make some woman very happy. And for her sake, I hope he's as good in bed as he is out of it.


I've seen Kathryn smile more on this episode than I have since she showed up. Thomas's credit card really made her light up.


I can't with Craig's jealousy any more. His desire for fame is eating him alive.


I'm pretending Whitney isn't on the show anymore.

  • Love 7
Even Pat snared a few rich husbands after having Whitney.


Well, to be fair, those rich husbands probably didn't even know Whitney existed, what with him spending most of his time in closets like Nosferatu.  


I also think it  was disgusting that Landon thought Kathryn's "best" chance was putting all of her energy into her relationship with Thomas.  Isn't that literally what you said you did and it didn't work out?  Dear Landon:  shut up.

  • Love 19

I also think it was disgusting that Landon thought Kathryn's "best" chance was putting all of her energy into her relationship with Thomas. Isn't that literally what you said you did and it didn't work out? Dear Landon: shut up.

Landon's nuts. She's just the person Kathryn needs giving her advice. *rolling eyes*

Landon's husband was rich, but absent. Thomas, same thing. Why on earth would she encourage Kathryn to marry such a man?

  • Love 2

ETA: I think the shot of the front of the house that they showed, along with the gate, is the big house. Not where they are living.


Nope, that's their carriage house. The main house that faces the street is a 3-story Charleston single. And that would be the pool T-Rav allegedly fell into while holding poor Kensie. Can we post pics here? If so I can always snap a quick photo next time I'm down that way....and then run up a few streets and get one of Shep's dive-bar/hotdog stand.


Goodness, I do believe I just offered to go all stalker for y'all. Maybe I need to find a hobby. Wonder if Kathryn could help me with that?

  • Love 15

I've seen Kathryn smile more on this episode than I have since she showed up. Thomas's credit card really made her light up.



ROFL! And he seemed to know it was the best way to make her happy. Or shut her up. To him, same thing. 


I wish those two crazy kids could make it work, for the sake of Kensie. They clearly adore HER and want to be good parents. 


When Kathryn was going through the store furnishing their house I had a flashback to myself at that age and how I started living with a guy then as well. Like Thomas, he wasn't as ready for commitment as I was. I had all these dreams of our life together that now, especially watching Kathryn, I see were so unrealistic. She's just young. I think Thomas has a genuine affection for her but not enough patience or insight to understand how to give her the attention she needs. 

  • Love 3

Landon's nuts. She's just the person Kathryn needs giving her advice. *rolling eyes*

Landon's husband was rich, but absent. Thomas, same thing. Why on earth would she encourage Kathryn to marry such a man?

That's exactly why I thought it was Cameran saying that she should put all of her energy into the relationship. I thought Landon was saying how Katherine shouldn't because that's what she did and it was a sad existence. Was she like well, maybe you'll have better luck than I did!

Yes, by all means, post photos in Thomas & Kathryn's thread. :) I plan to visit the Palace Hotel when I am there next month.

I hope you enjoy your visit here! May is a great time to visit. If you want to go really stalkery the Charlotte St. house, Republic, and Craig's house are all within walking distance of each other. From King St. and E. Bay St between Columbus and Charlotte. I think Shep's newly constructed digs are in the same area.

Edited by SweetCaroline
  • Love 2

So glad the dog ended up getting adopted! I really like Shep and Cameran's chemistry, but I am glad they are not together.


I also think it  was disgusting that Landon thought Kathryn's "best" chance was putting all of her energy into her relationship with Thomas.  Isn't that literally what you said you did and it didn't work out?  Dear Landon:  shut up.

Maybe Landon thinks Kathryn should work it out with Thomas because a child is involved. I don't agree with her at all, but I know of people that encourage 'staying together for the kids'.

Does Kathryn even like Thomas?  I don't see anything resembling affection between them, just neediness on her part and disinterest on his.

Cameran posted on Twitter that Ellie (the three-legged dog) was adopted by someone else the next day.


That makes me happy!  But what about the poodle??  I felt bad that he had to go back into the shelter. 


No matter how over the top she is, I can't think anything bad about Patricia now that I know she's opened her home to as many cats and dogs as she can fit in there and then some. 

  • Love 3

The Kathryn and Thomas story was kind of sad last night. They are on completely different planets. Thomas wants to move Kathryn downtown so she's out of his hair. She'll be near her friends and go out and lunch. He's planning on staying at the plantation or even a hotel for debate prep. Kathryn thinks they moved downtown to help Thomas's campaign - his office is around the corner and she can pop into his office with her surprise lunches. She somehow thinks they'll be more of a family downtown and instead Thomas is using it to pull away from her even more.


Thomas has lost a lot of charm to me this season with how he's treating Kathryn. I felt a little sorry for her when she was crying after he called her to tell her he wasn't coming home.


And Landon..."What is Kathryn going to do? Go be a secretary somewhere with a baby on the side?" Why the hell not? PLENTY of women do that. STFU Landon.

  • Love 11

Kathryn and Craig are better suited for each other. That is, pre-Kensington Kathryn is better suited for Craig. Looks like they have a mutual attraction thing going on.

Except Kathryn had no desire to hook up with Craig when she was single. She went after and slept with the guys with money. Shep, Whitney, TRav. 

Did she even have a job back then when she was single?  I just think she's worthless. I can see how a man could grow very tired of her quicky. She does appear to be a decent mom, though. Let's hope so for Kensie's sake. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 3

No matter how over the top she is, I can't think anything bad about Patricia now that I know she's opened her home to as many cats and dogs as she can fit in there and then some. 


Totally.  Patricia is a snob and is unnecessarily vicious about Kathryn (probably because she desperately wants Thomas as a son in law), but an animal lover must have hidden depths of compassion and love, no matter how horrible their veneer might be.  I love her little busted Pomeranian.


Kathyn didn't sleep with EVERYONE except for Craig.  She didn't sleep with JD, Cameran's now husband, or Jenna's sugar daddy.  See, that shows restraint.  And CLASS!

Edited by larapu2000
  • Love 4

It's officially official.  I want to have a hot and lusty weekend with Shep.  He doesn't even need to know my name. 


It's a sad day when Kathryn is the mature one in the relationship, TRav.  I see no real affection from him to her and while I think she believes she's in love with him, it's probably more codependence and proving she's right and didn't make a mistake.   


Kathryn and Craig would most definitely make more sense as a couple.  Both love to get drunk and neither wants to really work.  Where is Patty Stanger when you need her?


The comment above (I'm too lazy to scroll up and cut and paste) about Whitney being Nosferatu is freaking hilarious.  Funniest thing I will read today!  Kadooz! 


Regarding Whitney - -he's really insufferable.  With the name dropping, attitude and calling his band "Boner" in reverse, he really is a 14 year old gay boy hiding out in the closet.


I totally agree with liking Patricia for no other reason than her love of animals.  She can be as Drunkie-O (love that) or Norma Desmond as she likes, I will always give her props for saving the furbabies.  But $100k+ for a handbag?  Look, I love me some handbags.  So much that I have more than I need and I just bought another last night.  From Kohl's.  But spending what you can buy property for on a bag?  (At least property outside of Cali and NY) Just no.


Loved Cameron for looking for a pup at a shelter.  While I do wish she had been the one to adopt Ellie, the 3 legged dog, I am glad that someone did and she got a good home.


The fact that Shep said he had to break up with a girl because she woke him up at 9:30, ready to start the day, makes me want to hook up with him even more.  I have been Shep-matized. 


I am so jelly of my fellow posters who are going to be stalking Charleston.  Please report back with pictures, info, police reports, etc.

  • Love 12

ROFL! And he seemed to know it was the best way to make her happy. Or shut her up. To him, same thing.

I wish those two crazy kids could make it work, for the sake of Kensie. They clearly adore HER and want to be good parents.

When Kathryn was going through the store furnishing their house I had a flashback to myself at that age and how I started living with a guy then as well. Like Thomas, he wasn't as ready for commitment as I was. I had all these dreams of our life together that now, especially watching Kathryn, I see were so unrealistic. She's just young. I think Thomas has a genuine affection for her but not enough patience or insight to understand how to give her the attention she needs.

That scene or any scene on a show or even real life. When I see young people playing house, always makes me think of Brenda on 90210 trying to explain to Dillon that they would have a sandwich night, like her parents do on the menu rotation for the week Lol. I don't know why it always pops in my head lol.

I do have empathy for Katherine, she made huge decisions at a very young age that most definitely changed the course of her life. And is now attached to this immature man who Cleary does not love her as much as he lusted after her.

And, yet, I don't really like her much.

  • Love 1

I still love Thomas, I must say. I think that once he said he was going to run he had to go through with it even though he knew he wouldn't run but as long as he was at it, why not try to give it a go? Same thing with Kathryn. I, too, believe he genuinely cares for her but not in a till death do us part kind of way. He is, however, a gentleman, and at least during the baby's first months or few years, he will take care of Kathryn and will definitely always be there for Kensington. He's also kind of old fashioned when it comes to some things and since she doesn't work he expects her to cook and care for the child. That can't possibly be news to her. I don't think he'd begrudge her a career, but while she's not up to much, take care of the home and stop acting like a twit.


Craig cracks me up. Stop comparing yourself to Shep, dude. Yes, it does come down to money and you haven't got any. Also, Shep said that when he was Craig's age he had a job but was a weekend warrior. I liked how Shep acknowledged that his bucks aren't as big as Whitney's but his father taught him how to invest wisely and he's followed that advice. He knows how fortunate he is and doesn't want to squander his luck in life. Craig, on the other hand, would probably blow through his trust fund in a flash.


I don't fault Kathryn for going out and I don't think Thomas would mind at all, but she just got all kinds of carried away. She needs to take some lessons from Cameran (cute poem, by the way) on how to have fun and keep your dignity, too. 


I like how the people on this show, like the shahs, eat and enjoy their food and drink. I was also pleased that when Ravenal gave the saleswoman his credit card they didn't show how much he'd spent like the tacky way they do on other shows.

  • Love 2

Did you see the prices on the furniture in the store, and Kathryn kept saying "I want this" figuring Thomas would just fork over his credit card. THAT is her attraction to him. He bought her a nice bed. Trouble is, she'll be sleeping in it by herself. The only time I see her smile is when she's with her baby. I'd take that kid and disappear to Mom & Dad's, and tell him when he's ready to start treating her with respect, then he can visit. But I damn sure wouldn't be dreaming of engagement rings and a house filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furniture. Honey, they won't keep you warm at night.

The prices weren't that expensive.  My mom has been known to spend that much on overstock.com when she gets half a notion.  


I wish someone had told Kathrynn that men Thomas' age have worms.  Would have saved her all types of trouble.  Were I her, I'd take Kensington back to LA and put her in commercials.  She looks like the original Gerber baby.

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