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S01.E18: All Star Team Up

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Barry is surprised when Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Ray Palmer (guest star Brandon Routh), who flies in as the Atom. They've come to visit S.T.A.R. Labs as Ray needs help with his suit. Their timing turns out to be fortuitous because it's all hands on deck after a meta human named Brie Larvin (guest star Emily Kinney) unleashes hundreds of robotic bees to attack and kill her former co-workers, including Dr. Tina McGee (guest star Amanda Pays). A group dinner with Barry, Felicity, Ray, Iris and Eddie turns into a disaster.


Paradoxically, the promo doesn't focus on anything mentioned in the description (and uses clips from previous episodes):



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I am soooo stoked for this episode. I love Team Flash, and having Felicity on my screen two nights in a row is just too much to ask for. And I know I am in the minority but I absolutely love BR and I am, so glad

he is getting the spin-off, his comic delivery is awesome

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I am soooo stoked for this episode. I love Team Flash, and having Felicity on my screen two nights in a row is just too much to ask for.


Wait, Felicity is fucking coming back AGAIN? WTF? Fuck up two for the price of one? Welp, another one I won't watch. 

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Well that was boring.

Felicity and Ray were a waste of space and added nothing of value to tonight’s show. I like Felicity but if she doesn't return to Central City again it would be too soon.

How is it that Cisco can have memories from an alternate timeline? Or did Barry create an alternate timeline at all? Maybe he just rewound time which means all that happened did happen and that all including Wells and Iris ( and Cisco as evidenced by his dreams) will eventually remember what happened. That could get interesting.

Still don't understand how Barry miraculously connected Wells to RF.

Glad Iris isn't letting the lies go.

Edited by Enero
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Thank goodness Joe and Barry told Cisco and Caitlin the truth. I continue to be desperately worried about Cisco, but now that the truth is out, I think that he will be okay. Now tell Iris the damn truth so she can break up with Eddie on her own.


I don't watch the Arrow so I continue to be perplexed by these people who we are supposed to be familiar with popping up from these other shows. I have always thought that the actor who played the Atom is a terrible actor who ruined the Superman movie. 

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It's official, Cisco and this show make everyone better.  Ray was fun, and he and Cisco were actually a pretty awesome team.  How can you not enjoy them geeking out?


Good to see that Cisco is remembering what happened.  Time for Team Flash to take down Reverse Flash.


Also enjoyed Eddie's crack about everyone knowing but Iris.

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Going to start with the Bad:

The puns, OMG the puns were sooooo bad.

Felicity telling Ray Barry's secret and then telling Barry about Oliver/LoA and Laurel's secret. I get these EPs have some weird adversion to secret identities but they should NOT have people telling others.

And the worst offender. Cisco having dreams about an event that NEVER happened. Cisco didn't have a memory wipe, time was altered, the events that lead to Cisco's death were totally re-written. FFS!

Now the Good:

Felicity/Barry scenes were quite wonderful.

Ray/Cisco scenes were very fun and entertaining

Ray really being a dorky, eccentric weirdo...and the show acknowledging that

Felicity's "beeeee careful" line, followed by the "Really?"

Felicity's "drop the mic" moment. ..I litterly laughed out loud and, i'm pretty sure that was Tom Cavenaugh laughing, not Wells.

Now for Iris. I'm not a fan of the character but, Iris not knowing is stupid at this point. The problem for me, is that I don't care if Iris knows and I get the feeling that the show doesn't either. Iris not knowing isn't even about her, they're playing it about Eddie. i love Eddie and all I could think about is how this secret is affecting Eddie, not Iris being in the dark. It also has me terrified that Eddie is going the way of Tommy and I will not forgive them if they pull that shit again.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Cisco remembers! Holy shit!

How is it that Cisco can have memories from an alternate timeline.


In the comics, Cisco's powers involve alternate dimensions. I think he's coming into his powers earlier than I thought he would be.


They're going full throttle with making Ray a composite character: Oliver's body, Barry's brain and Cisco's love of tech and nicknames. I did like him more here than on Arrow. He wasn't a dick here. It was nice to see Felicity happy again.

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for me any episode with Felicity makes it awesome!! She also looked so hot in that red dress (and this is from a gay guy).


lines of the night: "let me!! Mommas been away from a keyboard too long..." and "She's like my nemesis. I've never had one. I kinda like it....."


Am I the only one who thinks Cisco would make a better relationship for Ray? At least he took little convincing about his boss being the Reverse.

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Quite a few quotables in this one. I liked that Felicity and Ray brought some humor, especially with the downer of Barry being unable to trust his team.


Barry was being a bit too cocky with the low-level criminals at the start of the episode, so I was glad that the threat wasn't something he could easily defeat with speed.



Also enjoyed Eddie's crack about everyone knowing but Iris.

There seemed to be quite a few acknowledgements of fan complaints in this one.

Edited by Trini
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I don't know which was worse, Felicity's hair during the dinner scenes or Emily Kinney's "acting."  Never mind - Emily Kinney's extensions for the win.



Rather than headline his own show, I'd rather Ray join Team Flash.  He and Cisco are adorable together and his earnest geekiness meshes well with the rest of the characters.  

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Yeah - I'm getting a bit tired of the crossover stuff - Felicity is fine - in smaller doses. And her interactions tonight felt forced in a few scenes, especially the puns. And I groaned at the "drop the mic" comment - just TERRIBLE. There are people who cannot pull that off (she didn't even do it right) and she's one of them. Sorry not sorry.

I did like Cisco "remembering" - but if they drop that "vibe" of a plot line, I will be unhappy.

Overall I found this episode boring - I like Ray - kinda - the "it's a bird, it's a plane" part was a cute little callout to BR's role on Superman Returns, but eh. If he's on a show all by himself I don't know if he's compelling enough for me to watch. They need to really dive under the layers so he's not so silly. It reminds me of how he played Clark on Superman Returns and I've always hated that bumbling Clark Kent persona.

Good on Iris for not just accepting everyone's attempts to cover up the lies. I would love for the show to delve into her BS detector and how she uses that to investigate.

As for Eddie, Joe, Barry and everyone else who knows the secret lying to her - I'm so over it. That needs to come to a head soon... and in fact I think it is coming to a head soon. Remember Reverse Flash's threat against Joe that if he didn't stop investigating Wells and Barry's mom's murder, he would go after Iris? And we know that Wells has a camera in Barry's loft (he had footage of Barry being struck by lightning), which means he probably already knows that Barry, Joe, Eddie and now Caitlin and Cisco are all investigating him and are on to him. Which means he'll probably target Iris.

All of their lying could blow up in their faces really soon. They've left Iris as a sitting duck by keeping her in the dark. If Wells lured her somewhere or wanted to meet for "coffee" for a story, she'd have NO CLUE who she was dealing with.

My fear is that this horrid storyline of them all lying to her about everything won't have nearly enough of a payoff. I don't think the writers understand just how bad the fandom overall finds this storyline. The payoff needs to be huge.

But I know it won't be.

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I understand why Iris is written the way she is. Having people keeping secrets from her is getting a bit tiresome, though. And, natch, Ray gets in on the big secret. BTW, is it me, or is it hard to work this episode in the continuity of Arrow?


Good episode, even with Iris getting shut out. When "Wells" inevitably falls, I vote Cisco becomes science bros with Ray. They work well together . . .. it's not a "bromance," but it's cute to watch. Ray is an even bigger dork than Cisco. Liked them both bypassing "Queen Bee" for "Bug-Eyed Bandit."


Another question: is Joe becoming too complacent in "using" Barry?


Felicity is always welcomed on this show. So much sunnier than the stuff going on in Starling City.

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Whelp, I now know my answer: Emily Kinney hasn't really improved since The Walking Dead.  I'm sure Beth fans were happy, but I Bug Eyed ended up being kind of dull.  Felicity deserves a better adversary (come back, Clock King!)


Thanks to The CW's screwy scheduling, it was weird seeing Felicity and Ray back together, after breaking up in the recent Arrow episode.  Anyway, as someone who really doesn't like Ray, I actually enjoyed his interactions with Cisco.  I guess it helps having him play off another comic relief character, as opposed to his normal schick on Arrow.  Of course, they still go out of their way to make him a God amongst men, but at this point, I'll just power through it, until he gets his spin-off, where they can make him the best damn superhero ever.


Well, at least Eddie seems to be channeling a decent portion of the audience when it comes to the Iris stuff, but I continue to hate this damn thing.  Now their relationship is slowly going to shit because of this damn lie.  At least Barry tried to help, but that ain't enough.  And, as much as it pains me to say it, this is flat-out making me dislike Joe.  I actually wanted Eddie to deck Joe, when Joe snarled something like "When you become her husband!", after Eddie asked when does he have a say.  It's like this story turns Joe into a different character: a character I really don't like.


Of course the dinner date was a disaster, and I was just wondering why was Barry didn't at least ask Caitlin or someone to be a platonic date, so he wouldn't so obviously be the fifth wheel.


Did love see Tina again, although it would have been cooler if they found a way to include her in last week's episode, in order to get all the original Flash actors together again.


Glad their is movement in the Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash stuff.  Like the idea that Cisco is having visions of the alt-universe where Wells kills him, so that might make him be more open to this.  That said, I kind of worry when they all become believers, because none of that trio has great poker faces.  Wells would take one look at them being all shifty and be like "Whelp, the gig is up!  Time for Plan B.  Grodd!!!"  I hope Barry/Joe have some idea what to do.

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Oh - one more thought - does anyone else think that the show might be setting things up for Tina McGee to become the "science mom" for Team Flash after Wells falls?

If he falls. Who knows what will happen.

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OMG, Emily Kinney! I thought she looked familiar, but could not place her. I hope Beth escapes whatever prison they put her in.


Brandon Routh, yes that is the name of the bad actor who helped ruin the Superman movie. Seriously, given all the good looking talented actors being discovered everyday in Hollywood, how does that talentless guy keep getting work?

Edited by SimoneS
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The caveman father vs. boyfriend vs. husband scene was the first time I felt the characters were being gross toward Iris, rather than the writing.


I find it oddly distracting that the writers can't decide whether or not Wells was married to Tess.

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This one fell way flat for me.  It was boring and started opening up too many potential plot holes.  Like, I can ignore any same universe issues like a time travel thing that maybe happens on Flash but not Arrow but when Arrow folks show up on scene, it's hard to ignore that Arrow didn't do anything to indicate that there might have been something wonky going on after Barry time traveled.


Speaking of, did he not time travel?  Is Cisco just seeing his own version of an afterimage or something like that?  


I wish there could just be run of the mill bad dudes.  This outrageous, outlandish villains are getting boring.  I know it's comic book show, but why not get back to Barry maybe stopping rapists or thieves or pulling people out of cars because they were rubbernecking at an accident and they are moments away from rear-ending someone.  You know, run-of-the-mill crime fighting.  


I'm so sick of hearing this stupid thing where a woman who is known for a relationship with a superhero supposedly being safer if she is lacking necessary information.  It's gross.  

Edited by bluebonnet
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Bug-Eyed Bandit sucks as a villain name.  And, in Brie's case, Queen Bee was much more suiting.


Iris and Detective Hotpants (what I'm calling him), I could care less.


Next episode: Hopefully some head way into the Reverse Flash storyline.  And hopefully some resolution by the finale.

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I wish there could just be run of the mill bad dudes.  This outrageous, outlandish villains are getting boring.  I know it's comic book show, but why not get back to Barry maybe stopping rapists or thieves or pulling people out of cars because they were rubbernecking at an accident and they are moments away from rear-ending someone.


I was amused at him catching a flasher. The pun didn't get to me until Iris referred to him that way.

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I wish there could just be run of the mill bad dudes.  This outrageous, outlandish villains are getting boring.  I know it's comic book show, but why not get back to Barry maybe stopping rapists or thieves or pulling people out of cars because they were rubbernecking at an accident and they are moments away from rear-ending someone.  You know, run-of-the-mill crime fighting.

Because of my binge watching of Daredevil this weekend, which is really, really realistic and gritty, I thought maybe I was the only one who felt like the "cartoonish" nature of The Flash was over the top this week. The villain was a cardboard cutout. Even Ray felt like cardboard - he's not going to be able to hold down a show of his own as a cartoon character - just give him some more depth please.

I don't know - I get it that the writers are going for making The Flash the "lighter, more fun" show, but they need to try to not make it feel like a childish cartoon.

Or maybe I'm still jaded by my Daredevil binge watching. *kanye shrug*

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Because of my binge watching of Daredevil this weekend, which is really, really realistic and gritty, I thought maybe I was the only one who felt like the "cartoonish" nature of The Flash was over the top this week. The villain was a cardboard cutout. Even Ray felt like cardboard - he's not going to be able to hold down a show of his own as a cartoon character - just give him some more depth please.

I don't know - I get it that the writers are going for making The Flash the "lighter, more fun" show, but they need to try to not make it feel like a childish cartoon.

Or maybe I'm still jaded by my Daredevil binge watching. *kanye shrug*

Ha!  You're right.  The gritty nature of the Daredevil binge is making me crave more gritty realism with my Barry Allen.  

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Now that was a fun episode.


Cisco and Ray make awesome science bros. I'd be down for another crossover with just those two being nerds at each other. And I knew Ray would be used better on The Flash but I didn't think he would be as likable as he was. So, Arrow writers, I know you insist on sucking for fun but take notes anyway.


Just for Christ's sakes tell Iris, you assholes! I am too through with superheroes keeping secrets from people-almost always women-to protect them. At least Barry and Joe brought Cisco and Caitlin in on their suspicions about Wells.

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[/open Chuck fan/] Oh God no.  It's Agent Buzzkill.  Now I'm craving sub sandwiches and margaritas.  [/close Chuck fan/]


Seriously, I like BR when he is working with comedic material. 

Edited by Collinwood
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Wow I kind of feel like I dodged a bullet like the Flash in that I almost didn't watch this show after I heard an early review that Barry was like Peter Parker from the Spiderman reboot and I detested Andrew Garfield in that role bu I decided to take a look anyway. The show continues to get better from week to week and I am sorry the season is near its end.


About tonight. On any other show it would be hard to take "Beth" as a villain but somehow it just works on THE FLASH...and damn Emily Kinney looks pretty good all cleaned up with styled hair!


Don'tk know what to make of THE ATOM. In the comics I read as a kid he shrinks down like ANTMAN but here he seems to be well...kind of ...a poor man's IRON MAN and BR seems to be channelling his role in MIRI and ZACK. Just strange.


Poor Cisco...how many times is he going manage to come back from taking a dip in the death pool? I'm glad team FLASH is now in the loop. That was a nice little bit at the end with a quick shot of the Reverse Flash.


I wonder if Amanda Pays will be made a regular next season as the new "leader" of Team Flash once Wells  is exposed. I know I for one am waiting for some elaborate contortions that will put her in a scene with John Wesley Shipp.


Lastly Felicity gets the best line of the night. "She's like a nemesis. I've never  had a nemesis! I kind of like it!
That was the LOL moment of the night!

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Welcome to The Atom backdoor pilot part I.  (I assumed that part II is on Arrow tomorrow night.)  That said, I liked Ray Palmer here a lot more than I do when he's on Arrow.  I'm beginning to think that Brandon Routh is a better comic actor than he is a serious one. I hope they keep that aspect of the character on the spin-off.The comedy.


I really liked Ray and Cisco's bromance.  It feels like they both could use a friend like that.


How does Cisco remember a timeline that never existed?


Now for Iris. I'm not a fan of the character but, Iris not knowing is stupid at this point. The problem for me, is that I don't care if Iris knows and I get the feeling that the show doesn't either. Iris not knowing isn't even about her, they're playing it about Eddie. i love Eddie and all I could think about is how this secret is affecting Eddie, not Iris being in the dark. It also has me terrified that Eddie is going the way of Tommy and I will not forgive them if they pull that shit again.

That seriously bugged me.  The only person who wants to tell Iris is Eddie, and he's the only person she's mad at for not talking.  Is this their way of breaking them up so that Barry ends up with Iris?  Because I have to say, I like Iris/Eddie a lot more than I like Barry/Iris.


Also, Iris grew up with a cop father.  Doesn't she know that some things are confidential?  In the home of a cop, or lawyer, or doctor, or even a teacher, there are some things they can't talk about and it's making Iris look like a pill that she's insisting Eddie tell her when he's said he can't.


I like Felicity more on The Flash than on this season of Arrow, but that nemesis was Barry's and Ray's more than it was hers.  It took about 90 seconds of screentime to acknowledge the computer fight and defeat Bree.


I know that this was a Ray Palmer episode but I could have used with less of everyone telling Felicity what a great boyfriend he is, and a little more of "you're protesting too much" from Barry instead of the Raylicity propping.  And while the line "he's like Barry's mind in Oliver's body" wasn't as bad as it looked on paper, thanks to EBR's delivery, it still is something that shouldn't have made it past the second draft.


Also, I hated that Ray again said that he has no secrets from Felicity (he said it earlier in Arrow's The Offer) when he's been lying to her from the first moment he met her. Do the EPs think we don't watch their shows?

Edited by statsgirl
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I continue to hate the Don't Tell Iris plotline. I have this hope that they intend to use Iris's comic book origin and Joe's desire to keep her in the dark at any cost is part of the setup. There just has to be an explanation for why he turns into this other person whenever someone wants to be honest with Iris. 


A bit of a dull episode really and awkward to fit into Arrow's timeline. I didn't realise the Bee Queen was Beth, surprising what styled hair and a lack of gore can do for a person. We didn't see much of her but as Flash villains go she did alright imo.  

Edited by patchwork
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I thought this episode set-up the next several episodes in a big way.


I enjoyed seeing Felicity in CC. Since I stopped watching Arrow, seeing her again made me smile. Ray…not so much! Felicity saying "not in creepy way" does not change the fact Ray is a creep. Go away, stalker.



I know the writers were trying to get in on what the fans have been saying about Iris when Eddie was like "Everyone but Iris knows." But it still doesn't change the fact Writers are fucking morons for not including Iris on the secret at this point. It also dangerous. 

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I'm not a fan of a the character to begin with, and I do agree that the "we must protect her!" thing grates, but I can't with Iris and how self centered she is. She knows there are things that Eddie, as a law enforcement officer can't talk about, especially considering that she's a reporter. She also came across as petulant and childish with the starting a fight with Eddie in the middle of dinner with everyone and then storming out. That was just plain rude.

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I don't watch "Arrow", but why is the Atom a robot-suited guy instead of a shrinking superhero?  He was a college professor, not a billionaire, as I remember from the 70s comic books.  Why re-invent an existing character completely instead of just creating a new one?


Also, Brandon Routh was boring as Superman and played a lame character-in-search-of-a-personality on "Chuck" (he's a super-spy, no, he's a traitor, no, he's just crazy).  Maybe he's not the actor you need to play an important character on these shows.


This was probably the weakest episode of The Flash this season.  The bee lady villain would have been perfectly suited for a Saturday morning TV show like "Electra Woman and Dyna-Girl", and how did all of her bees manage to match the Flash's speed, anyway?  Cisco "remembers" things that never actually happened (time-line was changed).  Iris and Eddie..... well, who really cares?  The Atom and his girlfriend just wandering around trying to be helpful.  Amanda Pays popping up again was nice, but she's really not a good actress.  This was all really disappointing.

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There were some nice moments - I like Barry and Felicity`s friendship, and it`s good to see Ray interact with other people and show some dimension.     


Good on Iris for not just accepting everyone's attempts to cover up the lies. I would love for the show to delve into her BS detector and how she uses that to investigate.


This is my dream outcome for Iris.  She uses her journalistic skills and figures out on her own that Barry is the Flash and how the population of greater Central City minus one knows he is the Flash.  She gets to agonize about whether to tell them she knows and how to do her job reporting on the Flash while protecting Barry`s secret.  And then she can go to town on the menfolk for deciding what she has the right to know and what is best for her - I had to go back and watch Jesse L. Martin giggling a few times to cleanse my palate from the ``you can decide for her when you are her husband`` awfulness.


Don'tk know what to make of THE ATOM. In the comics I read as a kid he shrinks down like ANTMAN but here he seems to be well...kind of ...a poor man's IRON MAN and BR seems to be channelling his role in MIRI and ZACK. Just strange.


I think Ray`s comment about how smaller is better at the end of the episode is a nod to the shrinking (to come, I assume?).  This is another reason it`s too bad the continuity is a little out of sync for the shows right now, as this would have led nicely into the nanotech business from the last Arrow. 

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I'm not a fan of a the character to begin with, and I do agree that the "we must protect her!" thing grates, but I can't with Iris and how self centered she is. She knows there are things that Eddie, as a law enforcement officer can't talk about, especially considering that she's a reporter. She also came across as petulant and childish with the starting a fight with Eddie in the middle of dinner with everyone and then storming out. That was just plain rude.

Iris isn't mad at Eddie for not telling her "cop stuff". She's been with him for over a year now - she knows what "cop stuff" is. With this, she knows that Barry's BullSh!t excuse that Eddie's secrecy is due to "cop stuff" is just NOT what Eddie is lying about.

She knows it's something else.

Thus, I can't get with the "she's self-centered, petulant and childish" line of reasoning for Iris. She knows something is wrong (it is) and she knows that Eddie is lying to her (he is) and she knows it's not about "cop stuff" (it isn't) like Barry tried to make her believe.

Honestly - Joe, Barry and Eddie have been blatantly lying to Iris for all this time (Eddie only recently) and also derailing her career growth from deterring her from a story that could potentially make her career and IRIS is the selfish and self-centered one?

That just doesn't compute for me.

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Ugh.  I have a feeling I wasn't going to like this episode and sadly that was the case.  It really irritated me for the most part.


First off, Joe can go **** himself.  This episode made me actively dislike the character.  Joe, this isn't the 19th century...you don't get to decide what's "best" for your daughter.  Eddie's got to man up on this one but I will say that Barry's secret is not his to give.  Eddie should go to Barry (who is becoming a pathological liar on the whole Iris thing too) and ask him to tell Iris the truth.  This "don't tell the gentle snowflake" thing the truth is a bad, unappealing storyline that needs to end with Iris going off on each of them and shutting them away for a while.  Especially Joe...she needs to make it hurt with him.


Speaking of secrets, WTF with Felicity telling Ray about Barry's identity.  Ray might be trustworthy (the writers wants us to ignore that he's a liar and a stalker) but Felicity has no right to tell anybody she wants about Barry's secret without his permission.  This whole bit would be worse if it wasn't for the fact that EVERY civilian and criminal seems to know Barry's secret...except Iris who is too gentle of a snowflake to know according to her creepy father.


This show is really struggling with their female characters, Iris and Caitlyn.  Both actresses are doing fine but they are not being helped by the writing and questionable storylines.  The Flash could really learn something from Daredevil about how to write its female characters.  Women on Daredevil are strong and have their own sense of agency.


I'm glad Barry read Cisco and Caitlyn in on the whole Wells thing but this episode reminded me that the Team Flash dynamic that I loved is gone forever.


Now Flash is desperately trying to make Ray happen.  I will say Ray and Cisco were fun together.


Nice to see Amanda Pays back again.  Would love to see her and John Wesley Shipp in a scene together...they worked well together on the original Flash.


Barry and Felicity still work well together.

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I have to agree after watching most of Daredevil, The Flash seems like I'm watching a Saturday morning cartoon, of course The 100 makes Arrow and Flash seem like cartoons as well. It doesn't have to be dark and gritty but it shouldn't be stupid and childish either. 


Mostly I'm getting more and more pissed that they are not telling Iris what's up. Everyone else can know but her, because she needs to be protected when no one else in the world does. Is she made of glass or something. Will she fall apart if she finds out secrets? She probably shouldn't be a reporter if that's the case. 


Emily Kinney really didn't do much, I guess that's a good thing. She did look good all cleaned up though. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Yeah, why is ATOM a poor attempt to imitate Iron Man? That is not his super power in the comics, is it? Looking at Ray close-up while flying, it is obviously a copy of Tony Stark. In which I would like to tell Ray that if he had problem with the power source he should just try the arc reactor.


Iris and Eddie do not make any sense. Eddie could have just told her that he had problems with police matter, with active investigation. And that was something he could not tell anybody. Instead he just acted in a way that made Iris more suspicious.


The quail egg frittata looks delicious even though I wonder how small the spatula be to cook it.

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I wonder if they are trying to show how sweet, innocent and guileless Eddie is right now - he is really, really uncomfortable keeping this from Iris and he really really seems to love her. I wonder if this is happening to set up a contrast between Eddie now and Eddie at a later date. I fear something bad is gonna happen to him - whether that's RF doing something to him or him turning to the dark side because being "forced" to keep Barry's secret is what ultimately causes him to lose Iris.

It's definitely a contrast with Eddie vs. Barry. Eddie seems honestly upset and unable to keep up this facade with Iris. He just doesn't have it in him to lie to her without withdrawing. Contrast that with Barry - who put up a fuss early on - but who now seems able to easily lie to Iris on a continual basis.

I really think this is going to give Iris a complex. First Barry hides his feelings from her for all that time (I can't fully fault him there) without her having an inkling and then he keeps his identity and RF a secret from her and doesn't seem to even blink while doing it.

How could she ever trust him again?

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