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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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I never said Kyle should "protect Kim" by not putting the Instagram photos up. I'm saying that she did that and when Kim called her on it and said it hurt her, she didn't say, "Well, I can do what I want on my social media and something needed to be done about your dog." That would have been fine. It's Kyle's right. My point is Kyle acted like she didn't mean anything by it and that she "didn't know" there would repercussions. I'm not faulting her for doing what she did, I'm just saying don't play innocent and act like you didn't know what you were doing, because she absolutely did.

Understand Kyle put out the exact opposite message once it became public.  She said her sister loved the dog and they (Umanskys) had no desire to disrupt  that wish of Kim's.  What a perfect excuse for never having to go to Kim's house AKA the Bates Motel, every again.

  • Love 13

I am so confused about the timing of the dog bit reporting.  I can't find anything before Nov. 6 claiming it was Kingsley, which was the same day that Kim made a statement admitting it was Kingsley.  Before that, it was pretty much radio silence as far as I can tell.


Not that I give a shit. If Kim reacted even half as bad as she did at the reunion, then Kyle can put her on blast for all I care.  I also don't buy that Kyle had some secret motive to out Kingsley.  If she did, why wouldn't she say that Alexia was bitten in her first instagram photo? She didn't.


Unless Kyle thought, "Hmmm, I'll send out a pic of Alexia in the hospital! Then, all my followers will want to know what happened and I'll be forced to admit it was a dog bite, but I won't say it was Kingsley!  Then, everybody will figure it out, because, reasons, forcing Kim to make a statement and admit it!!!  Mwahahahahaha!" Sorry, Kyle ain't that smart.

  • Love 17

Kyle should be a stealth bitch because she is not happy when she is on the outs with Kim.  She will be on the outs with Kim if Kim sees any negative press about herself that comes from Kyle's camp which she will if they continue to do this reality show.  So in order to keep Kim happy she should do stuff on the down low, blind items and the like that she can deny.   Everyone will be happier.

  • Love 2

 One day while I was, thankfully, at work, her little, sweet friendly, dog saw a cat on a fence and ran toward it just as a young man was speeding around the corner in his very large car.


I know a guy; he's not in any way a friend, but he used to let his pit-lab mix run off leash on the trails in Griffith Park and later over in Topanga Canyon. That dog was the sweetest animal in the world.  Just a really good boy.  Anyhow, he sniffed something, went into the brush, my idiot non-friend wasn't too worried until he hears the dog screaming in pain.  The dog had taken, god, I don't remember now, it must have been something like seven or eight rattlesnake strikes to the face and muzzle.  They ran him down the canyon--all seventy-five pounds of him--while he started to froth and lose control of his bodily functions.  This fool could never understand why the vet seemed unfriendly towards him while the dog was mercifully being put to sleep, already half dead. 

Sometimes people just make you sick with how stupid and thoughtless they are.  That dog was an angel, he would have done anything for this guy, and this is how he got paid back.  A painful death.  Did this asshole learn?  Not on your life.  His younger dog--who almost died from parvo as a puppy because he was too stupid to get how parvo works--is offleash all the time too.  

I'm a dog person through and through.  I love dogs for all they do for their people--my dog has saved my life so many times, helps me with my anxiety, is always somehow aware when I'm feeling low--I can be in another room in the house and all of a sudden there he is, wagging and jumping up next to me to give me a lick or sit on my lap, or try to, because he's not really a lap dog, a little too big for that--so I can't even with fools like this.  I tear up just thinking about that guy's dog and how he suffered.

The thing that really sucks is that when the same thing--a needless death--happens to Kingsley because of Kim's negligence, it won't be her fault.  Nothing ever is. Some people should not be allowed to own pets.  Ever.

  • Love 21

Here is the sequence with dates and links:

  • November 4 - Instagram Pictures Posted 1, 2
  • Kyle shares via an Instagram and/orFacebook comment that Alexia was attacked by a dog
  • November 4 - A story about Alexia being in the hospital for a dog bite runs in The Daily Mail and possibly other media
  • November 6 -TMZ reveals that it was Kingsley who bit Alexia
  • November 6 - Kim makes a statement about the incident.
  • Love 4

The one thing Kingsley has going for him is he only attacks invited guests in the family home.  If he were running loose or attacking strangers while on a walk he would be pushing up daisies by now. 


I'm just so frustrated with Kim right now, and I wish someone could convince her to give up Kingsley.  I have worked in animal rescue for years.  I own a pit.  I know it is probably not too late and that Kingsley can be saved. He is young so he is still trainable,  But, at this rate, he will probably be put down.  All because Kim is too selfish to let him go. 

  • Love 13

As long as Kyle insists on outing Kim's behavior in public, i.e. her alcoholism, her relapses, her willingness to keep a dangerous dog, etc. she's not going to get along with Kim. Seems like Kim wants radio silence from her family on all her problems and Kyle is the only one who doesn't follow the program. Kyle's dumb. She should be a stealth bitch, more strategic, when it comes to Kim. Not like it would take any real effort to put one over on Kim and cover one's tracks. That would be a lot more entertaining to me than watching Kyle shriek "You're so MEAN" hundreds of times over the course of a season.

I would love to see Kyle react to Kim's shrieking, finger-pointing and crying by doing the following:

1. Keep her voice low.

2. Stop telling Kim how mean she is. This only puts Kim in the power position.

3. Call Kim out on her bullshit. Tell her "I know you're not sober". Tell her "I know Kingsley's at your house". Tell her "I know you're irresponsible". Tell her "you lie about everything".

4. Stop crying when she hurts you. When you stop, you will have the power.

5. Don't give Kim any more money. If the kids need it, set up a trust.

6. Tell Kathy it's her turn. Kim can call on her for help then, not you.

I know firsthand what it's like to sever a relationship with a sister due to addiction. It's not easy, but it sure beats banging your head against the wall.

Edited by Lnmop
  • Love 18

As a pseudo celebrity, or has been child star, Kim might have a good chance of getting Best Friends to take Kingsley. They are the group that took in several of Michael Vick's dogs, which remember were trained fighting dogs, and I saw a TV show where they showed how those dogs are living happy lives, going for walks with the caregivers, affectionate and wonderful. Because of their history they aren't likely to allow them to be adopted, but they are living good live with experienced care givers. Not that BF only takes dogs from celebs but, like any rescue group, they need funds to continue with the wonderful work they do, so if the Addict had half a brain and an ounce of  true compassion she could use her "name" and BRAVO celebrity to do something for the poor animal.


I care a lot more what happens to Kingsley than I do to Kim. I did not watch much of the show last night and, although I have it on DVR, I still haven't watched Part II. I had the show on while I was working at home and I did catch the part where Kim said her niece had a cut on the finger. She stated that as if it was  nothing. It is indicative of just how addled her brain is. Yeah, Kim, she was hospitalized for the equivalent of a paper cut.


Again, I didn't see the whole show, but it's pretty clear to me why the Skank thinks she was "vindicated". First the moron surely has no idea what the word means, it does have multiple syllables after all. Second, what she actually means is that, to everyone's amazement, and, for the first time in years, there was actually someone in the room that looked worse than she did.  In Brandi's booze soaked brain she is confusing "looks slightly better by comparison" with "vindicated"


No wonder the addict is her new BFF.


The fact that I really have no desire to go back and watch the rest of this episode and even less to watch Part 2, speaks volumes about where I am with this show. If the Skank and the Addict are back next year, this joins the list of HoWives shows. along with NJ and Atlanta,  that I just can't with anymore.

As a pseudo celebrity, or has been child star, Kim might have a good chance of getting Best Friends to take Kingsley. They are the group that took in several of Michael Vick's dogs, which remember were trained fighting dogs, and I saw a TV show where they showed how those dogs are living happy lives, going for walks with the caregivers, affectionate and wonderful. Because of their history they aren't likely to allow them to be adopted, but they are living good live with experienced care givers. Not that BF only takes dogs from celebs but, like any rescue group, they need funds to continue with the wonderful work they do, so if the Addict had half a brain and an ounce of  true compassion she could use her "name" and BRAVO celebrity to do something for the poor animal.


I care a lot more what happens to Kingsley than I do to Kim. I did not watch much of the show last night and, although I have it on DVR, I still haven't watched Part II. I had the show on while I was working at home and I did catch the part where Kim said her niece had a cut on the finger. She stated that as if it was  nothing. It is indicative of just how addled her brain is. Yeah, Kim, she was hospitalized for the equivalent of a paper cut.


Again, I didn't see the whole show, but it's pretty clear to me why the Skank thinks she was "vindicated". First the moron surely has no idea what the word means, it does have multiple syllables after all. Second, what she actually means is that, to everyone's amazement, and, for the first time in years, there was actually someone in the room that looked worse than she did.  In Brandi's booze soaked brain she is confusing "looks slightly better by comparison" with "vindicated"


No wonder the addict is her new BFF.


The fact that I really have no desire to go back and watch the rest of this episode and even less to watch Part 2, speaks volumes about where I am with this show. If the Skank and the Addict are back next year, this joins the list of HoWives shows. along with NJ and Atlanta,  that I just can't with anymore.

So glad you have mentioned Best Friends
  • Love 2

Kim is a fake, evil, disgusting creature. I didn´t think it was possible to loath any "housewife" more than Brandi but Kim has managed to surpass her nastiness. I wish Kyle would stop saying she wants her old sister back. She should just throw the hag out with the trash (meaning Brandi) and continue on her way. Brandi and Kim are so low and ugly, I hope they will get fired (or quit) because I will not be watching another season with them. This show could be awesome with Lisa, LisaR, Kyle and Eileen, and 1 or 2 other newcomers.

  • Love 12

In re: Kyle speaking 'her truth'; this is why I think that Kyle is in therapy and Al-Anon--she did bring up going to meetings in ep. 1 of the reunion, didn't she? She uses the language now. She was so much calmer at the reunion than I would ever have expected from her. I still have my issues with Kyle and her behavior, but I cut her a lot more slack now than I ever did before. Kim has manipulated and controlled their relationship with her addiction and narcissism since very early on. Those people always hold the cards, because they guilt you so fucking bad about everything. There is not a thing in the world that isn't everyone else's fault, to someone like Kim. If she OD'ed, I wouldn't be surprised to find nasty assed letters hidden in Kingsley's muzzle about how everyone drove her to it.

I know this sounds awful, but it appears that heavy use mellowed Kim out a lot, at least on camera. The problem is that she's still using, but she's being forced by cameras and whatnot to be sober some of the time which just makes all that ugly pour out of her. IMO she was on something for the reunion, but it wasn't enough--probably a benzo or two. 'm sure Kim thinks benzos doesn't count, even though they affect the same receptors in the brain as alcohol--GABA. What she needed was a handle bottle of cheap vodka and a bottle of Vicodin to come across remotely pleasant.

I also think Kim has the beginnings of Wernicke–Korsakoff. It fits together so well--memory loss, slurred words, and especially confabulation, which is the holding of memories which are simply not true. That is Kim to a T.


A few threads back I mentioned Kim should take vitamin B 1 thiamine. It wouldn't hurt her but it's probably a bit late for help. Like you said, she exhibits symptoms suggestive of Korsakoff syndrome. She also has a wonky eye but I think it has always been that way (not sure). However, her vile personality is all her own!

  • Love 3

Does Cesar Milan still work out of CA? Kingsley should go be a permanent resident at his dog psychology center. He worked with a lot of cases like Kingsley where the dog bit because they essentially emulated their owners...quick to react, neurotic, only stable around a select few, aggressive when threatened in any way...sound like anyone we know? A lot of times the owners would return their formerly rehabbed dog because they couldn't or wouldn't do the work required to keep the dog sane.

That's what Kingsley needs. It's not his fault he was raised by irresponsible people/breeders. He is the way he is b/c of people and I'd rather he had a permanent home at a rescue than be put down.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 14


Lisa VP has her blog up.


It's a thing of beauty, BTW.




That was exactly what I thought when I read it: "A thing of beauty".


Finally these women are saying what needs to be said and not holding back.  Lisa V is right on target. 



This show could be awesome with Lisa, LisaR, Kyle and Eileen, and 1 or 2 other newcomers.


I think we're getting a lost footage episode because there is a preview on Bravo's site that I think is from the night that they went to Eileen's movie thing. It is with both Lisas, Eileen and Kyle, and it's fun.  And it reinforces how good this show would be if Bravo would just take out the trash.



Edited by mwell345
  • Love 5

I'm glad Kyle seems to be getting over her sister.

Kim and all her innuendos and bullshit….would drive me nuts. I would have to walk away from her for my own sanity.

Toward the end of the show it appeared that Kyle and the others were exasperated with Kim's lies (or delusions, dementia, intoxication…whatever the cause of her fucked up misinterpretation of recent history) and realized Kim really is a vicious piece of shit who would make up intentional lies with the goal of creating hurt/pain. Fuck, she gets off on it. You can see it by how she perks up at the reunion when other people are suffering. What is the point of debating/arguing/conversing with someone like Kim Richards? I could see Kyle start to see it…I hope she doesn't regress. I know LisaR sees it but she sometimes can't help but try to help (like trying to help Kyle by saying "she needs to own that dog bite" in reference to Kim) and then sat back and just watched, with horror, the twisted malevolent monster named Kim Richards. There is no point in interacting with Kim. If forced to interact with her then keep it as minimal as possible.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 19

Loved how as soon as Kim got backed into a corner, she started sobbing Monty's name.



That's her safe word.


Brandi said the last time SHE smoked pot she was with Kyle. She didn't say Kyle smoked it with her.



Yeah, I caught on to those semantics the first time she said it, and she never amended it to "with" her, so I assume that's a misdirect.

  • Love 8

Damn, I need a Part 4!


Rinna's cry-acting was cheesefuckingasstic. Bravo.


Kim and Kyle, good lawd. I can't even imagine having that kind of relationship with my sisters. SMH.


So what do you all think Kingsley's new name is?

Hunny Buggy Doo Doo?


Vanderpump Rules.


This season and reunion was so much better than the last. Keep this cast intact, Andy! (And give Rinna a raise.)

Edited by jaync
  • Love 4

Despite all the talking, yelling, screaming, accusations, insinuations and pointing fingers.............they didn't really say anything we didn't already know. What a waste of time. That was another hour of my life I can't get back. :(


 Oh yes they did.  we now know that Kim values her dog over her niece.  Her dog over her niece.  Blows my mind.

  • Love 16

As despicable as Kim is, I had the feeling that she was slightly off her game in this 3rd episode of the reunion.  Whereas she's as stubborn as a bull and has a tongue that could start a fire, she backtracked just a little too much for me.  Granted, she argued and made a genuine obnoxious, scowling bitch of herself, irate over anyone who crossed her, but she still let some things go that she ordinarily wouldn't have.  For instance, once Lisa R turned to tears, Kim backed down, not only with an apology but with a walk across the room to give Lisa a hug.  It was a lot of little things that gave me the feeling she didn't want to pursue an argument either because she lost interest or was just too tired.  That was fine with me; she had caused enough trouble as it was.


I have never been Kyle's biggest fan, but I was really impressed that she is taking the trouble to attend Al-Anon in hopes of understanding her problems with Kim.  That, more than anything, convinces me that Kyle is sincere about a reconciliation with her sister.  I hope it helps her.


I feared for some time that the show was going to be a psychological look at the problems between Kim and Kyle, with Andy playing the role of the mediator.  It was, and it began to bore me.  While in large part, this was the case, at least a few other problems came up.  I had hoped to see Brandi have to face the music yet another time, but it didn't happen.  Some of this could have been my own eagerness to see Kim and Brandi skewered as hard as possible, leaving Andy with the impression that everyone was sick of both of them.  The perfect opportunity came near the beginning when Brandi was asked to compare older men and younger men as sex partners, but the rest of the HWs let the opportunity slip through their fingers.  In a sense, I think of these women as the viewers' ambassadors, the only people who can show Andy why the viewers are complaining.  I hoped they would lay it on thick!


As a reunion show, I thought this one was a good one even though it seemed lacking to me in some spots.  I was glad that Andy brought up Yolanda and sent their good wishes to her.  I think that Yolanda would have argued for peace, the very note that the reunion failed to end on.  Can you tell that I love happy endings or at least a glimmer of hope that the future will be calmer?  :)  Oh, well, there's always next season!

Edited by Lura

I would love to see Kyle react to Kim's shrieking, finger-pointing and crying by doing the following:

1. Keep her voice low.

2. Stop telling Kim how mean she is. This only puts Kim in the power position.

3. Call Kim out on her bullshit. Tell her "I know you're not sober". Tell her "I know Kingsley's at your house". Tell her "I know you're irresponsible". Tell her "you lie about everything".

4. Stop crying when she hurts you. When you stop, you will have the power.

5. Don't give Kim any more money. If the kids need it, set up a trust.

6. Tell Kathy it's her turn. Kim can call on her for help then, not you.

I know firsthand what it's like to sever a relationship with a sister due to addiction. It's not easy, but it sure beats banging your head against the wall.

Love this!

It is a thing of beauty indeed. I, for one, can't wait to read Kims blog..............oh wait. I forgot Kim doesn't blog, answer her phone messages or talk about dogs that are like "sons".

  • Love 7

Indeed, methinks the lady doth protest too much. Kyle is a lot less innocent than she tries to appear on camera, but its not like smoking weed is some cardinal sin. However, I think Kyle's reason for declining to eat the space cake had more to do with calories and less to do with drug content. She's been on a major health kick/weight loss voyage as of late and I think she was terrified of going down some kind of rabbit hole. 



I thought Kyle said something about passing because she didn't know the effects of the spacecakes. I live in a legal-MJ state and one needs to approach edibles cautiously. The amount of THC varies widely in each product and the process of getting high is very, very different than smoking. Edibles can really creep up on you and fuck you up more than you anticipated. Or so I've been told. ;)

  • Love 10

I would love to see Kyle react to Kim's shrieking, finger-pointing and crying by doing the following:

1. Keep her voice low.

2. Stop telling Kim how mean she is. This only puts Kim in the power position.

3. Call Kim out on her bullshit. Tell her "I know you're not sober". Tell her "I know Kingsley's at your house". Tell her "I know you're irresponsible". Tell her "you lie about everything".

4. Stop crying when she hurts you. When you stop, you will have the power.

5. Don't give Kim any more money. If the kids need it, set up a trust.

6. Tell Kathy it's her turn. Kim can call on her for help then, not you.

I know firsthand what it's like to sever a relationship with a sister due to addiction. It's not easy, but it sure beats banging your head against the wall.


I would assume that if Kim ever says she needs money for the kids, she's lying.  Don't those kids all have loaded dads?  I'm sure they all already have trust funds.

  • Love 3

That's fucked up if true. Up thread I mentioned that when my cat was bitten she had to be quarantined for six months and she couldn't just be running around the house, in contact with people, either. She had to be caged and there were a lot of regulations and rules about that.

Kim's dog mauls 5 people and she gets to keep him in the same house, under the same conditions? Ugh. She's such an asshole for even having that dog back in her home when she won't care for him properly. I've changed my mind. I think Kim should be committed. She's a danger to herself and others. Hateful Raisin.

Oh, man, I love you. Spaceballs is one of my favorite movies.

This one is also for Brand, with all of her "It's not fair" tantrums...


Now its 5 people the dog has "mauled"??

I thought the dog had bitten 2 people which is bad enough. Who are the other 3 people the dog has bitten?

  • Love 1

From LVP's blog:


Also in this final segment, it baffles me once again as to the arrogance as to state what is off limits. How many scenarios can we excuse? Dogs? Children? House? Sobriety? Our business became your business when we entered into your living room. We should strive for transparency, and we should deal with consequences as we profit from the benefits.


Love this part.  They all made an active choice, as part of a genre and franchise that already had quite a few people walk down the path.  Which is to say, Kim knew the drill- unless she wants to argue that she high when she signed up.  


What I'd love to see Kyle do in response to Kim is just say two words: "you're right."  Everything else triggers some weird competition to see who can be the bigger martyr ("I'm leaving," "No, I am!").  Don't argue with crazy.  Let it sit, know what real reality is for your own sake, and see what happens when it's not so frustrated anymore.  I guess in this case Kim might move to lawsuits for money over the stolen house or something, but I'm still curious how she'd react in the moment.


As despicable as Kim is, I had the feeling that she was slightly off her game in this 3rd episode of the reunion.  Whereas she's as stubborn as a bull and has a tongue that could bite an aunt off a log, she backtracked just a little too much for me.  Granted, she argued and made a genuine obnoxious, scowling bitch of herself, irate over anyone who crossed her, she still let some things go that she ordinarily wouldn't have.  For instance, once Lisa R turned to tears, Kim backed down, not only with an apology but with a walk across the room to give Lisa a hug.  It was a lot of little things that gave me the feeling she didn't want to pursue an argument either because she lost interest or was just too tired.  That was fine with me; she had caused enough trouble as it was.


I don't think she lost interest or got tired of arguing.  I think those were her lucid moments, when she returned to the script she (and Brandi) seemed to have prepared in which they were victims of everyone else, and Kim in particular was to portray herself as calm, collected, and most definitely undeniably inexorably eternally sober.  


I think the arguments were the periods when she lost focus.  Sometimes she reined herself in; at least once Brandi seemed to do it (when Rinna was crying/"crying").  And I guess this means I think she was off her game almost the entire reunion, except perhaps in the beginning when she delivered a line to Kyle.

  • Love 1
I love me LVP even with flaws she still manages to reign supreme. Her blogs have been very indepth and insightful this season. Shes definitely taken the gloves off way more against those parasites Kim and Brandi after how they treated her last year and at last year's reunion. So that three blogs down expressing no bullshit with Kim. I like it!

Speaking of...

One of the few funny moments of the pt 3. Im glad Lisa V got her spunk back this reunion.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 8

Does Cesar Milan still work out of CA? Kingsley should go be a permanent resident at his dog psychology center. He worked with a lot of cases like Kingsley where the dog bit because they essentially emulated their owners...quick to react, neurotic, only stable around a select few, aggressive when threatened in any way...sound like anyone we know? A lot of times the owners would return their formerly rehabbed dog because they couldn't or wouldn't do the work required to keep the dog sane.

That's what Kingsley needs. It's not his fault he was bought by irresponsible people/breeders. He is the way he is b/c of people and I'd rather he had a permanent home at a rescue than put down.

Is he running a two for one so he can work with feral Kim as well?

  • Love 7

Narcissists do not admit they are assholes unless they get some emotional reward for it, like people jumping through hoops to tell them they're not, and even then, they certainly don't mean it.  They'll just treat you like shit and do it all over again at a later date.  Likewise, they don't apologize for the same reasons.  They are absolutely useless human beings, there is no type of therapy or medication which truly seems to help them, and if you have one as a family member, going low or no contact is the best thing you can do for yourself, if such is possible.  

I think Kyle worries about the cousins not being close, but I think in due course the cousins will be fine.


Yes!  They only admit fault when they are trying to convince you to feel sorry for them.  And any emotion they show is manufactured because they can't feel emotions on a normal level, so it's not genuine.  When a Narcissist "apologizes" -- ask them -- ask them what they are apologizing/sorry for.  They won't know.   They won't know because they don't understand that they've done anything wrong and they don't understand why you're upset with them.  They often feel persecuted when others are upset by their behavior and expect them to own it.  So the tears are part them feeling sorry for themselves (they have just enough emotion in them to sometimes feel self-pity) and part them trying to manipulate you into compliance.  They want everything to be forgotten and to go back to the way life was, so they don't have to change themselves and they can continue abusing/using the people in their lives.  


I don't agree with LVP's advice only because Kim is not going to change, so their (Kim and Kyle's) relationship won't change, no matter how much therapy and support Kyle has.  There's no fixing a Narcissist because they think they are perfect as they are, and you can't fix what you can't admit is broken.  Kyle just needs to lay it all out on the table to Kim, draw her line in the sand and spell out her boundaries very clearly, and then walk away.  If Kim wants a relationship with Kyle, she will have to stay within the boundaries that have been set for her, but Kyle shouldn't put up with Kim's manipulations and threats any longer.  I think (I hope) that hurting Kyle's kid was enough for Kyle to finally see who Kim really is, as a human being, not just as a sister and aunt.   



Now its 5 people the dog has "mauled"??

I thought the dog had bitten 2 people which is bad enough. Who are the other 3 people the dog has bitten?


I think so.  There was a Bravo crew member, one or two of the trainers, "second mom" Kay, niece Alexia, and BFF Brandi had even said that the dog bit her or tried to.  It's hard to keep all of this insanity straight because Kim (and Bravo) keep trying to cover it up.

  • Love 7

Count me in as one who also was bitten by a dog.  It was a German Shepherd, owned by my best friend's family who lived across the street.  I was something like 11 years old, and I had been in and out of that house a million times.  Then one day - as I reached for a doorknob - the dog attacked, and bit me on my wrist/hand.  It was awful!  I was lucky that it wasn't worse, but there was a scary ride to the hospital, lots of pain, and the terror stayed with me for a long time.  I had a fear of dogs for awhile after that even though my own family had dogs since I was 3 y.o.   In any case, my heart goes out to Kyle's daughter.  And to Kyle.  I'm sure it was terrifying for her as well.


It infuriated me that Kim would not let Kyle get a word in.  And that Andy's attempts to let Kyle complete a sentence were so passive.  Kim kept shouting over Kyle because she clearly did not want anyone to hear what Kyle had to say.  It speaks volumes that in the end Kyle didn't have to say much.  Kim's ranting made the entire situation crystal clear.  If Kyle would have been allowed to speak, she would have disputed every single thing that Kim was saying.  And Kyle is far, far more credible.  Kim seemed panicked and determined to talk over Kyle, her hysteria escalating as she realized that she didn't have a leg to stand on.  I would have loved to hear Kyle tell everyone the truth, but ultimately I guess it doesn't matter because the end result was the same.  We know who's desperate and delusional, and we know who has the actual facts on her side.  And yay for Kyle for pretty much holding it together!  I hope her ability to do that indicates that she's turned a corner.


I like Kyle, but thought it was kind of childish when she told Kim that she's "mean" (Reunion, Part 2?)  But now I get it.  It's the perfect word.  Kim is mean.  Absolutely.  Horribly mean.  Disgustingly mean.  Mean with no conscience whatsoever.  She's other things too.  Self-centered also comes mind.  But oh yes, this bitch is mean.  (I loved her on Nanny & The Professor, and I like to think that her meanness came later on!  I do not like the grown-up Kim at all.  I tried, I thought she was quirky, I felt sorry for her addiction.  But like so many others, I am done.)


I remember seeing the photos that Kyle posted on Twitter when the dog bite happened.  Those kinds of photos are pretty typical of the photos she posts.  Her daughters doing normal things, someone making faces for the camera,  a poignant moment spent with family.  Nothing wrong with any of that, IMO, and I actually find it kind of endearing.  As she tried to say at the reunion - and I remember this when she posted the photos - she did not in any way indicate that Kim's dog had bit Alexia.  In fact I thought at the time that it was one of the Umansky dogs.  She also tried to say on the reunion that she was trying to keep things upbeat for her daughter - posting photos saying they were having a pajama party or whatever, and things like that.  Trying to have fun with a terrible situation.  When I saw the photos at the time, I remember thinking, "Good for Kyle!".   I also remember thinking how lucky Alexia was to have support like that and people rushing to be at her side and keep her spirits up.  It's sad that Aunt Kim is not one of them, but you know what - She doesn't need her.  I think Kyle & Mauricio have done a great job of forming their own tight little family unit.  Run, Kyle!  Run home and have a big family barbecue with your daughters and Mauricio, and then hop into bed with him and go wild with no thoughts about the welfare of your ungrateful sister.   Enjoy, girl!  You deserve it! 

  • Love 16

Once again, the Kim and Brandi show had me nearly apoplectic, shouting, "Liar! Liar!"


Kim is still doing her, "If I don't want to talk about it, no one talks about it! SH!!" routine. She is all sorts of a disgusting, dirty fighter who will go anywhere, leaving us once again with an ephemeral accusation as evidence for her side. "I'll tell all about it, and you won't like it!" once again turns into, "Well, I don't want to talk about it. Drop it! I'm a better person than that." Sure, Kim.


No, Brandi, you were not vindicated. And if you do not want to "break up" the sisters, you need to get that sucked lemons look off your face every time it looks like they may be reaching an agreement.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 12

No dog is too much for Cesar, but Kim is. He rehabilitates dogs and trains people - Kim is beyond rehabilitation or training. She should be humanely put down.

Or do what my dad did , and lie. "Kim is going to live on a farm upstate, she'll have lots of room to run around and farm animals to play with"

Ok, ok, I know that is awful but I couldn't help myself.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 16

Now its 5 people the dog has "mauled"??

I thought the dog had bitten 2 people which is bad enough. Who are the other 3 people the dog has bitten?

Brandi said, last season, that Kingsley bit her when Kim first got him, he was still a pup. I have no doubts that at least 1 film crew member was bitten because production/Bravo paid for not only a trainer last season but a $6K enclosure/kennel in Kim's backyard for the dog. The third person was the trainer we saw last season, Kingsley did bite him at Kim's house the first time he went there. The fourth victim was 80 year old KR and finally, Alexia, all before the dog turned 3 years old!

  • Love 7

Kim is making me yell at my tv dammit and now my spouse knows what I am watching.


LOL. Fortunately for me, my watching schedule means Mr. Renatae is in bed. Sleeping. But not for long if I don't decrease my hollering volume.

Pretty dumb of her -- think Ramona at last year's NY reunion. Andy doesn't like it when he's told his business.


[Kim telling Andy to "drop it" over the whereabouts of Kingsley.]

Please, please, please make it her final mistake! Bye, Girl!

  • Love 2


Brandi didn't say there would be smoking gun, Andy Cohen did


Actually she did too. She was on a podcast with Snooki: And Brandi says there is a shocking moment to come in part three of the RHOBH reunion. “I can tell you that on the 3rd episode of the reunion, there’s a smoking gun at the end that you are not even prepared for and people are gonna FREAK OUT.” Brandi adds, “I didn’t touch anyone. Thank God this one has nothing to do with me.”


I still have no idea what she is talking about because ... yeah ... I got nothing.



Brandi Glanville in my opinion rings the bell for me for just being truthful and making sense.


I sincerely disagree. I think nearly every single word that came out of her mouth all season was a lie. With BG its all lies, deflection and semantics. Who cares if she didn't say the word intervention first. She said if Kim knew she was talking about this Kim would kill her and then herself. She said that and much much more about Kim and her sobriety. And then? Lies right to Kim's face about all of it.


As for making sense, I disagree too. BG makes no kind of sense to me. Going on and on about Kyle and pot. All of those women were joking around and acting up a bit about the pot/cake. None of them were seriously denying anything about drugs. But BG goes off on some rant about how the others can do this and say that and they are hypocrites. Please. She has no idea what that word means. Kyle did not want to eat the cake because she didn't want to on camera which she explained. Brandi didn't have any because of the court stuff with her ex. Each had a reason ... why is Kyle's reason so much more offensive? Who knows. BG is a complete moron.



She attempted to make it appear that she's too good of a mother to use any drugs at any time and it's a fact that she had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.


Kyle didn't say that at all and I don't believe that was her intent. She didn't want to be seen on camera eating that cake because her kids might see it. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure my parents would have done the same thing! Also maybe smoking pot with BG one time (which I say one time because BG said it and she's a lying liar that lies) doesn't make her a pot head or make her someone with a drug problem.



In Brandi's booze soaked brain she is confusing "looks slightly better by comparison" with "vindicated"


Ha! Too true. BG barely looks better by comparison and that still doesn't make all her antics this season (and in past seasons) just wash away.

  • Love 12

Brandi said, last season, that Kingsley bit her when Kim first got him, he was still a pup. I have no doubts that at least 1 film crew member was bitten because production/Bravo paid for not only a trainer last season but a $6K enclosure/kennel in Kim's backyard for the dog. The third person was the trainer we saw last season, Kingsley did bite him at Kim's house the first time he went there. The fourth victim was 80 year old KR and finally, Alexia, all before the dog turned 3 years old!

Brandi said she had been bitten twice on WWHL.


One of the dozen things that bothered me about the Reunion last night was Kim saying-you made it public.  Well Kim got to tell her story when she went to rehab.  Kim got to tell he story when she was hospitalized for 5,7.9 days why shouldn't Alexia be able to tell hers?  And Kim kept the reason for her hospitalization secret until the show aired-talk about doing something for popularity.

  • Love 10

Kim was sneaky in apologizing to Eileen last night over the "Beast" comment I think was when Kyle was talking about her throwing the double bird at Kim at the gay mixer. Did anyone catch that?? See she loves to make herself look good or have those feel sorry for her when Kyle has had a moment with her or Kyle is in the hot seat. Kim just makes me sick.

  • Love 6


I kinda gave Kyle the side-eye for the photos. It seemed like using her daughter's hospital stay for self-promotion. YMMV. Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.

I think this is my tenth time posting this same response:


WHEN is it ever Kim Richard's responsibility?


If Kim had injured Alexia while in a drunken stupor, and Kyle posts photos of her child in the hospital, would that be wrong? In this instance, this pitbull is in the hands of a dangerous person: an addict. Kim has no business owning any dog. Kim having a dog is no different than Kim getting behind the wheel of a car while inebriated. Kyle had no idea that Ms. Rozario would sue Kim since the lawsuit was filed in December 2014. Alexia was attacked a month before. How was Kyle supposed to know what was going on with her sister as far as Rozario attack since Kim wasn't talking to her? Kim didn't even show up to see her niece to see how she was doing. Kim was Team Kingsley all the way and she gave a big "Fuck you" to her niece because of who her mother is.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

I've thought long and hard about what Kim's pea brain could have named Kingsley now...and I'm torn between Not!Kingsley and KingsleyToo. 

Also, this has been on my mind all day (yes, I had class today, why do you ask? I totally paid attention!): as a dog owner and lover...I will say this much. I love my dog with all my heart. But I love my sons with all my heart, soul, and every breath I take. If Chewy (yes, that's his name, haha) ever bit either of my boys, or a child in my family...we would rehome him to someone who doesn't have kids. Period. If he had a history like Not!Kingsley, I would, as a responsible dog owner who loves my dog, be forced to give him to whomever or whatever service I needed to. If rehabilitation wasn't an option, it would break my heart, yes...but it would hurt me more that he had hurt someone else. He's 66 lbs of love, but I took the time to train him, and have raised him with the boys (I got him at 10 weeks old when my youngest was 20 months old).

I still can not fathom what goes on in Kim's head over this. OWN. YOUR. SHIT. 


  • Love 16

Kim was sneaky in apologizing to Eileen last night over the "Beast" comment I think was when Kyle was talking about her throwing the double bird at Kim at the gay mixer. Did anyone catch that?? See she loves to make herself look good or have those feel sorry for her when Kyle has had a moment with her or Kyle is in the hot seat. Kim just makes me sick.




  • Love 5




She was claiming that she did not realize that she called Eileen a "beast" because Kyle claimed she did not remember giving Kim the double bird because she was so upset at the time. She was using Kyle's explanation for her own ugly behavior! She used Kyle explanations several times during the reunion to excuse herself from blame/responsibility.

  • Love 8

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