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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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And that demon beast had racked up...what, FIVE freaking bites to individuals now?


No fucking way that mutt is at a trainer's.


Kim's hesitation gave it away.


The look on Kyle's face and her redirecting Andy to ask Kim gave it away.


Kim's own Freudian slip about "that dog is [present tense] Monty's best friend" gave it away.


Kim's a fucking liar about that mongrel's whereabouts, and I think every single person on that stage knew it.


I wondered at that point about how Kim would feel about "her son" Kingsley if Kingsley were to turn on Monty and bite him as badly as Alexia was bit.  


Something like that could put a person in a precarious health situation in a very, very bad situation, I would think.


Would Kim be so quick to defend Kingsley then??  


ETA:  This query has already been posted and discussed...glad I'm not the only one who thought about this!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 5

I'm willing to bet that the only reason Kim and Kathy talk several times a day is because Kim is constantly calling her. Kathy doesn't seem like a very warm person to me.



If Kim is right and she and Kathy talk 2 and 3 times a day, why is she bothering Kyle and Brandi at 4 in the morning with her problems?  Bitch lies like Kingsley mauls.  Funny how at Adrienne's party, just about every scene Kathy was in she was with Kyle and was actually petting and comforting her.  Kim is beyond delusional.  She's just fucked up!!!

  • Love 20

So what the fuck is Kim at the reunion to discuss?


I am so glad Brandi has washed her hands of the situation between Kim and Kyle since her stupid ass did not need to be involved in the first place.


I think Kyle needs to take a long break from Kim.  She needs to think about whether its really important to be part of Kim's life.  Kim has enough people around her to clean up her messes without Kyle's involvement.  Let Kathy manage Kim for a year or two or forever.

  • Love 11

Poor Kingsley, another one of Kim's victims in this.  The damage that horrible people, like Kim, leave in their wake is so sad.  I hope he can be sent to a sanctuary but I don't know if that's even possible or safe anymore and I have no idea if anyone would be legally able to take him away from Kim or not.  She's destroyed any chance of that dog living a happy, healthy life.  

  • Love 14

If I am Kyle delete and block Kim's number, not let her come to my home and probably take out a restraining order against her. Kim is crazy.! I wonder who will come scrape up her remains when that dog kills her in a fit? It won't be Kathy or Brandi. The callous way she acts about Alexia being bitten is enough to cut all ties with her,!

  • Love 4

Kim can't remember if she was in the hospital 5, 7, or 9 days, nor can she remember if it was yesterday or today that she filmed Kyle visiting her bedside  for damage control.after said hospital stay brought on by Monty's pill on poker night.   I do not for a second believe Kim has any idea how often she talks to Kathy.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 14

And did you hear the jealousy dripping from her forked-tongue when she was yelling at Kyle about how many people were in Alexia's hospital room to support her.  How sick that she's upset not because her dog bit her niece but because she didn't get as much support and poor poodles as the 18 year old in the hospital with a severe injury to her hand.  


It's funny that Kim said that one of her daughters (I don't remember which one) told Kim that there tons of people at the hospital, but Kim, herself, didn't give the appearance of having visited Alexia at all.  


Kim doesn't get the whole concept of "reality TV", even after all these years.  Unfortunately, she doesn't realize that even throwing out an innuendo or suspicious comment and then saying "I'm not discussing this for the cameras", the viewers are going to start digging and the gossip sites are going to have a field day - throwing all kinds of rumors out there, and hoping that one will stick.  

  • Love 10

Kim and her innuendos. First the Palm Springs house, then Harry, now Kingsley. Maybe Harry really did fuck the dog. In the goddamn house.

I laughed way harder at your post than I should have, LotusFlower.  The following scene:


Alexia: "Aunt Kim, are you in -- Who are you?  What are you doing?"


Harry: "Be cool, Kingsley, be cool.... Let me handle this..."

  • Love 12

I agree.  Kim should feel very lucky to have a sister who has been in CYA mode for her all of these years, and doesn't blab said drama when Kim is being a total ass to her.   There's no telling how many times Kyle has had to help her out over the years.  Kyle shows a lot of restraint by remaining mum on many of the issues.


Kim laughed at Lisa Rinna for crying when confronted about the nasty text she sent her, but yet she resorts to crying every time she gets called out.  It's just a damn mess.  Run Kyle.  Run while you can.


And, even tonight, Kyle still would not bring up or discuss anything regarding that 2:00 am phone call from Brandi regarding Kim.  She answered, calmly, that she just couldn't discuss it.  


I think that Andy knows what was going on about that, because he dropped it, and moved on.  

  • Love 8

Brandi didn't say there would be smoking gun, Andy Cohen did. Moreover, he mentioned it would be about Lisa Rinna and the episode description clearly states "Kim reveals threatening text messages she received from Lisa Rinna after Adrienne's party."

I was hoping one of the texts would involve "...or else HH will go Perseus on your ass and use your head to turn Brandi to stone."

  • Love 7

It's funny that Kim said that one of her daughters (I don't remember which one) told Kim that there tons of people at the hospital, but Kim, herself, didn't give the appearance of having visited Alexia at all.  


Kim doesn't get the whole concept of "reality TV", even after all these years.  Unfortunately, she doesn't realize that even throwing out an innuendo or suspicious comment and then saying "I'm not discussing this for the cameras", the viewers are going to start digging and the gossip sites are going to have a field day - throwing all kinds of rumors out there, and hoping that one will stick.  


I don't know if she doesn't get the concept or that she just doesn't care about how it will effect anyone, and actually, both could be true.  I doubt she really thinks about anyone other than herself most of the time, and that includes us viewers.  So, I'm going with both because 1) She can't think that outside of her immediate wants and needs, and/or 2) she wants there to be speculation, and for the person to feel hurt/embarrassment, because she's that spiteful. 


Yeah, she didn't visit Alexia, did she?  I would think she'd have brought that up, otherwise, if she had.  You know, because of how awesome and caring she is versus how horrible and "not there for her" everyone else is.  


I'm still chuckling at Brandi's VINDICATION!  LOL  Another person who is so in her own head that she has no concept of the world around her.  Other people are just extensions of her ego and she really believes that we will see her exactly how she wants us to see her.  

  • Love 13

The thing about the bite occurring on Kim's property is that Kim can easily say the Kingsley was provoked by Alexa. A hearing judge will usually dismiss an animal bite if he believes an animal has been provoked by the "victim". The footage if Kingsley attacking the "trainer" is Kyle's ace in the hole to prove to the judge that Kingsley has severe behavioral issues.

I'm glad you offer a professional perspective -- what you see everyday must be terribly difficult. Your info above aligns with what Radar claimed would be Kim's "defense" (Radar's record for accuracy isn't great but maybe this time it is). I posted the link to Radar in the Media thread earlier today.

I can honestly tell you that the common denominator with all the dogs that I've seen that behave like Kingsley is irresponsible/shitty owners. Most are thrown in the backyard and ignored, others have had no formal training whatsoever and bad behavior is encouraged because the owner thinks its "cute".

I have no doubt Kim thought the dog being so protective over her was "cute". Kim should be responsible for owning a gerbil, much less a bully breed, especially not a pit. Pit bulls have been mistreated for decades by people like Kim, and then get completely blamed when they lash out and attack.

And your comment that follows is probably the truest and saddest part of this whole situation :

Kingsley was once just an innocent puppy who didn't deserve to be chosen by an owner like Kim. In his eyes, he's only doing what he thinks would make "mommy" happy.

Heartbreaking. Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 10

Kim can't remember if she was in the hospital 5, 7, or 9 days, nor can she remember if it was yesterday or today that she filmed Kyle visiting her bedside  for damage control.after said hospital stay brought on by Monty's pill on poker night.   I do not for a second believe Kim has any idea how often she talks to Kathy.

I can see Kimmie now, wandering aimlessly around her house talking out loud to Kathy who is nowhere in sight and the phone is hung up but in Kimmie's mind, she IS  talking to Kathy!

  • Love 10

It's weird.  I just realized that Kim makes me so fucking pissed that I can't even snark.  I seriously feel like I need to steal some of my husband's blood pressure medication.  


Too bad that shit doesn't get you high.


She makes me feel stabby too.  I have to take deep breaths after each segment.  Do you think maybe we need an intervention?  ;-)

  • Love 4

Kim making it seem like her sister's Instagram pics are single handedly going to be the cause of a dying man losing his "best friend"? That shit I could not believe.

The way Kim uses Monty and his illness on a regular basis truly does sicken me.

This episode showed yet again why it was stupid to not show the full clip of Brandi and Lisa talking about Kim. Brandi and Kim both got to slither and deny and twist words so that the casual viewer might not remember that Brandi was just as outspoken about worrying about Kim's sobriety just as much as LisaR.

Then Brandi first denies that she talked about Kim to Jen as if she'd forgotten (or thought they wouldn't show that clip). Furthermore Brandi's friend who is aspecialist on addiction according to Brandi thinks that Kim fell off of the wagon. How is this better in Kim's mind than what LisaR did? Kim also ignored Kyle's point about how one would think that Brandi's disloyalty would hurt Kim more since they're supposedly such great friends.

  • Love 16

I kinda gave Kyle the side-eye for the photos.  It seemed like using her daughter's hospital stay for self-promotion.  YMMV.  Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.


And whose fault would that legal trouble be?  Surely not the asshole that has turned that dog into a dangerous weapon via being an irresponsible and shitty pet owner and has tried to sweep multiple bites under the rug.  Kingsley is a mauling waiting to happen and it is 100% Kim's god damn fault.  The more times a dog bites (on purpose) the more likely it is to bite again.  I think that unfortunately for Kingsley, Kim has ruined his life.  But of course why would she be expected to start taking responsibility for her shit at this stage in the game.


Maybe Kingsley is trained to guard Kim's stash, and Alexia got just a little too close? (Like Alexia got near the door where the stash was, not like she was looking for it).


That would imply Kim endeavored to train him at all.

  • Love 11

Tweet Time


Camille is sucha fan now.  I live.



I see who you left out in your tweet Taylor, lol, TeamCrackheadShady Taylor is the best Taylor.



Kyle she said Eddie and her were in legal matters.  That's why she didn't.  But I get your point.



Oh Lisa youre back in good standing with me.




The fans and their sensitivity... Thank good for strong queens to shut them down.



The tweets I'll cherish forever.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 13

I think that taking a couple silly photos in the hospital minimized the severity of the incident as reported.  Otherwise all we'd have to feed on would be "Kim's dog ate Alexia's hand."  But whatever.  


Most infuriating moment: Kim trying to minimize Alexia's pain, partly by saying she was only in the hospital for two days.  For real?  Didn't we hear a whole story last week about how she, as a recovered addict (let's go with her theory that she's not struggling) popped a pill because she was in pain and was in the hospital for days?  Have a little sympathy for your niece.  Or at least pass her a pain pill.


I just can't with her on that.  If my niece were injured and I were in any way responsible I'd be a guilt-ridden wreck.  She's...a broken person, imho, but not one I feel particularly sorry for because I get the feeling she's had many chances to put herself back together.


I think the smoking gun may have been more affecting had I not read about it ahead of time.  


Mostly though, my final thought from this finale after watching it...Brandi needs to learn what the word "hypocrisy" means, as others have noted.  Also, I think she could do with a refresher on "vindicated."


No wait, my final thought- Andy is not equipped for the depth of some of these issues.  I'm all for bullshit pseudo-reality television shows in which women fight over power/nonsense.  I'm less thrilled with real issues, especially family-related.  He should have avoided some of that, I think.

  • Love 12

I loved Rinna saying Eileen has more class than her.  


I totally needed to hear about Rinna's pubes, thanks Nancy from Tacoma!


Watching Brandi try to emote hurts my head.  Her face is so fucked up.  


Brandi using Andy as some kind of standard to judge by when considering dating 20 year olds...  I have no words.  I totally ask myself "What would Andy do?" whenever facing tough moral dilemmas. 


Kim is really just a nasty piece of work.  So much has already been pointed out.  Brandi and Kim being afraid of Rinna is ridiculous.  And Kim insinuating that Rinna has some kind of battery charges in her past?  You think Brandi wouldn't have already found out about that via $9.95 background check and brought it up if it was true?  Kim was downright gleeful over Rinna's tears and I'm glad Andy tried to point out how wrong she was, too bad it fell on deaf ears.  


So it's okay for Brandi to not want to eat space cake on TV due to parenting reasons, but not okay for Kyle to do the same exact thing?  Who's the hypocrite?  Of course Kyle has a drug problem **rolls eyes**.  And as has been said by numerous people, numerous times, Brandi just really does not understand context at all.  I feel like once you hit maybe kindergarten you start understanding that actions and words have different meanings in different contexts.  


I'm sick of Kim's sobriety or lack thereof.  She admits to being high, but also claims 100% sobriety with no relapses.  Whatever.  Over it.  She's a lying liar that lies and is never going to tell the truth about this.  It also annoys me that she keeps saying her 100% pain was chronic pain.  It was acute pain.  Not that it matters, but it bugs me.  Maybe because I've dealt with chronic pain for years and although I am pretty much better now, anytime I have any agitation in that area of my body I'm scared as shit it's the pain coming back to stay.  Also, I'm not an addict, but still I tried a lot of different methods for dealing with my pain that weren't pills just because I couldn't be stoned all the time, I needed to function and live a life.  There are things that can be done that aren't stealing cancer pills.  You also just kind of get used to chronic pain and don't realize how bad it is until the pain is gone.  You build up a tolerance, something Kim probably knows a lot about.


Of course Kingsley attacking Alexia is the worst thing that's ever happened to Kim and it is 100% about Kim -- Alexia who?  We're supposed to forgive Kim's pill popping because she spent an unspecified number of days in the hospital, but Kim's young niece having to spend 5 days in the hospital and have multiple surgeries is no big deal and just blowing things out of proportion and a gross smear job against Kim.  Also, it has been very painful for Kim's children, and I guess that is Alexia's fault for getting bitten, not Kim's fault for being a shitty person and an even worse pet owner.  I'm sure their sister getting maimed has been very painful for Kyle's children (and of course the actual maiming was probably painful too), but who cares.  Okay, Kim.  This whole argument segment is disgusting on so many levels on Kim's part, she's really showing her ass here.  Kyle should be used to Kim not taking responsibility for anything ever and should just give up.


Brandi laughing might be the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life.  Her bloated face pulled tight while laughing and calling Rina crazy, yet again, is the thing nightmares are made of.  Scarier than a close up of Kim's skin.


Loved Andy calling Kim out for just implying shit on camera and saying she won't go there because she's just making it up.  Too bad Brandi wasn't included.  Overall, Andy is a shitty moderator though, so this isn't praise for a job well done.  


Tired of hearing about "intervening" on Kim.  Don't care.  It isn't like the crazies are going to magically start recognizing reality and change their tune, even when confronted with tape.  


How magnanimous of Brandi to bow out of the sister drama after all the instigation she's done.  She's not the cause, but she sure as hell didn't help.


Brandi and Kim need to die a fiery death and get off my TV.  Everyone else handled themselves pretty well, made good points, and generally held it together. 


Poor Eileen being stuck on the crazy couch.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 22

So the big shocker is that Kim doesn't take blame for anything and blames everyone else, including her teenage niece for suddenly moving in front of her dog?  REALLY?  Was there ANYONE shocked by that?  *crickets*


Kim has found her soulmate in Brandi.  Neither take responsibility for anything they do.  They just keep arguing (loudly) so no one else can be heard.  Kyle is better off without that disaster in her life.  You can't always be the fixer and you sure as hell can't fix someone who won't admit she's broken.  I have a Kim for a sister and it's awful. 

  • Love 20

Wow. It's amazing how well everyone came off in comparison to those two.


I'm super curious as to whether the Housewives see the clips at the reunion. Obviously there were no screens around them, but I'm assuming there may be some TV screen off camera? The idea of lying about something as clips of it get shown is just so pathological and insane. Nobody ever seemed to outright acknowledge a clip once it passed.


Love Lisa and Kyle together.


I'm trying to pretend that Kim and Brandi weren't there. Hoping that Kim's refusal to answer many questions, among other (worse) things will get Kim booted.




  • Love 7

Alexia almost lost her hand. But this is the worst thing that ever happened to Kim. She's the one whose pain we should be addressing. Okay. I hope she actually *is* in pain about this and quite a few other things. Let it burn, bitch.

So very true, but no one knows what she goes through at night. Things and events in Kims world matter only in as much as they effect HER. she sure showed her true colors tonight. So you can't talk about her kids or her dog, because he's like a son? Well Kim "your son" is on its way to killing someone. If you don't want to talk about it now you can talk about it on the witness witness stand at your manslaughter trail.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 16

So very true, but no one knows what she goes through at night. Things and events in Kims world matter only in as much as they effect HER. she sure showed her reue colors tonight. So you can't talk about her kids or her dog, because he's like a son? Well Kim "your son" is on its way to killing someone. If you don't want to talk about it now you can talk about it on the witness witness stand at your manslaughter trail.


That's exactly where this is headed and I'm sure they'll be pulling RHOBH footage to use against her.

  • Love 3

Despite all the talking, yelling, screaming, accusations, insinuations and pointing fingers.............they didn't really say anything we didn't already know. What a waste of time. That was another hour of my life I can't get back. :(

This is every single reunion of every single show. If there is one thing reality television has taught is that people rarely own or even become truly conscious of their bad behavior. It's not supposed to be a good thing to "make something all about you" but as a condition of our being, that's what things are about. Survival is a real instinct and people have automatic guards go up when they are attacked :deflection, projection, denial, tears.

Again and again, people blame Andy for not asking the right questions and "why don't they show the tape?" Well, I've seen Andy ask questions over and over and people don't answer!

Kyle kept trying to get Brandi to admit that she, Kyle, was not telling the world that B was a bad mother and Brandi kept changing the subject. Or they shout over you or interrupt until you're tired of it.

Ain't never gonna be different. Human behavior. Fascinating. Not fiction, with hugging, learning and growing.

My jam.

  • Love 9

Yes, I agree it clearly states that. My question was did quarantine ever actually happen as I couldn't recall. Several posters have already weighed in that Kingsley wasn't quarantined. Are you saying he was?

Kim has no other animals so essentially if he stayed at her home he was quarantined.  She has also said he went off with a trainer so that would qualify as quarantined. Quarantine is only for owners or authorities to observe to see if the dog has rabies it is not some form of punishment. The quarantine is not what is important it is the fact she has not had the dog destroyed and has now attempted to place the blame on the victim(s) to get out of mandatory having the dog put down.  Two bites within 36 months is the law. If reports are believed he may have had as many as five bites but the number and severity are unknown. Both of Kingsley publicized victims had bites that qualified to have him destroyed.  Kim is the one that is trying to skirt the issue.  I am sure after last night there will be a follow up as Kim essentially admitted she  can't live without the dog.

  • Love 5


I honestly cannot quite comprehend the viciousness that is Kim Richards. What a narcissist. For her to sit there and completely dismiss what happened to Alexia is outrageous.


I'm thoroughly repulsed by her. Kyle needs to cut her off. Let Brandi and Kathy take care of her.


I was thinking the same thing.  Kyle needs to let her go.  Quickly.


All I got out of this one was that Kim is even more repulsive and more vile and more disgusting than I had previously thought.  Just like she did with Harry Hamlin, as soon as she's asked to reveal her big secret, she backs off. 


And her tears are of course real, and Lisa Rinna's are fake.  Sure. And she's not discussing the house because she doesn't want to, even though she continually brings it up on the show.   And she's not discussing the dog.  When did Kim start making the rules?


Loved when Eileen Davidson switched couches, except I wanted her to stay on the Lisa's couch, but I'm guessing production made her move back. 


And Brandi - it's ok to be shown on TV falling down drunk, having sex with whoever shows up at your house, but her lawyer was concerned about the space cake?  Seriously?  I'm thinking Eddie and LeAnn don't even need that - they have plenty.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 13

Kim has no other animals so essentially if he stayed at her home he was quarantined.  She has also said he went off with a trainer so that would qualify as quarantined. Quarantine is only for owners or authorities to observe to see if the dog has rabies it is not some form of punishment. The quarantine is not what is important it is the fact she has not had the dog destroyed and has now attempted to place the blame on the victim(s) to get out of mandatory having the dog put down.  Two bites within 36 months is the law. If reports are believed he may have had as many as five bites but the number and severity are unknown. Both of Kingsley publicized victims had bites that qualified to have him destroyed.  Kim is the one that is trying to skirt the issue.  I am sure after last night there will be a follow up as Kim essentially admitted she  can't live without the dog.


That's fucked up if true.  Up thread I mentioned that when my cat was bitten she had to be quarantined for six months and she couldn't just be running around the house, in contact with people, either.  She had to be caged and there were a lot of regulations and rules about that.  


Kim's dog mauls 5 people and she gets to keep him in the same house, under the same conditions?  Ugh.  She's such an asshole for even having that dog back in her home when she won't care for him properly.  I've changed my mind.  I think Kim should be committed.  She's a danger to herself and others.  Hateful Raisin.  



Still looking for Brandi's vindication



Oh, man, I love you.  Spaceballs is one of my favorite movies. 



This one is also for Brand, with all of her "It's not fair" tantrums...



  • Love 9

Here's my dilemma: I hate the producers for choosing viewer questions nearly 100% god-damned slanted toward Brandi and Kim, but I also love the producers/editors for showing video proof each time they lied in their answers.

I've always thought those goddamned viewer questions were written by Andy himself.

Wasn't one of Kim's kids' or their boyfriends running a breeding business *cough* puppy mill and they gave her Cujo?

  • Love 1

I can't look at this reunion and put anything into perspective at all. It was such a mangled mess of talking over each other, accusations, crying and lies and it's nearly impossible to make sense of any of it. They're all manipulating, lying, desperate woman.


Bravo broke the first commandment of reality television when they contracted two sisters to be on the same reality show. Of course, their narcissism and need for attention compelled both Kyle and Kim to agree to the participation. Bad idea all around. A sister relationship might survive being cast together in a sitcom or regular weekly series, but definitely not on a reality show. If they had issues before Real Housewives, those would issues would certainly be exacerbated and many new issues would erupt. Pairing up sisters in the same reality show works about as well as putting more of the husbands in the show. (We see how that worked for Russell and Taylor, Adrienne and Paul) It's a deadly relationship cocktail for any family members to appear together in a reality show. I wouldn't be surprised if  Kathy Hilton had been approached to join the cast and refused.


Kim is basically an emotionally shattered person and needs to be off this show and go away and heal. Yet in her wild, crazy and fantastical mind, she does show some logic. Kyle has sung the mantra of a devoted and caring sister to Kim, but she hasn't figured out yet that she and Kim need to work things out off camera with a therapist in order to avoid the on-screen confrontations and veiled threats towards each other.

My opinion of Lisa Rinna remains unchanged. I believe she, above all, has the tools and talent needed to do whatever she wants to do but present it in a way that she's the victim and blameless. She's the one that I would be wary of if I was one of the cast, and would watch my back when around Lisa. She's like that little piece of adorned cake that says 'eat me' but it's laced with poison.


I missed Yolanda being there because she's the one woman in the bunch that I can really take seriously. She's impartial, level-headed and doesn't let her emotions control her mouth. Her words are weighed and measured carefully.


Brandi Glanville in my opinion rings the bell for me for just being truthful and making sense. OMG I actually typed that! I never thought in a million years that I'd have the opinion that Brandi is raw but honest and tells it exactly as she sees it. At least she seems has the desire to get to the truth and heart of the matter.


Eileen Davidson and Lisa Vanderpump are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem so they fly under the radar for most of the time. The others would rather have negative image projecting than none at all.


Bonus image: Bethany Frankel and Kyle Richards.


  • Love 1

I found it interesting that Kim's daughter Whitney contacted Kyle and asked her to remove the instagram photos of Alexia in the hospital. That's almost akin to a silent admission of culpability. I'm really glad Kyle stood her ground, but I'll be damned if that wasn't also a passive aggressive move, though very much deserved.

Did Kyle confirm that Whitney had called? Because if not, yeah I'm not taking Kim's word on that. Whitney probably called Kyle multiple times to check on Alexia. Maybe once she said something about Kim being upset about the instagrams and it would be great if Kyle took them down so Kim would stfu about it.

  • Love 6

I'm sorry but I will need proof that Kim and Kathy talk several times a day. Kim get a notarized statement and maybe then I'll buy this.

I think the only reason that Kim speaks to Kathy several times a day is because Kim calls Kathy several times a day.  I picture Kathy doing major eye rolls every time the phone rings (at all hours of the night and day I bet) and she sees the caller id and picks up begrudgingly..."yes Kim, what is it now Kim." 


That dog is home with Kim and we all know it, even Kyle knows it, and when she was asked about it her answer was vague almost like she could have ratted Kim out but probably thought, what's the use. 


Lisa R was right to tell Kyle to walk away from an abusive relationship. 


Loved, loved, loved Lisa VP truly having Kyle's back! 


I hope Eileen does another season.


Brandi and the space cake, again.  She will hold on to that nugget till her last day on earth.  If I was Kyle I would have brought up the tampon string just to shut her up.


  • Love 14

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