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S05.E01: The Wars To Come

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Episode Synopsis:
Cersei and Jaime adjust to a world without Tywin. Varys reveals a conspiracy to Tyrion. Dany faces a new threat to her rule. Jon is caught between two kings.


Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show only, no book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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I can’t believe they had time to cover almost everybody besides Arya and Theon.


Young Cersei was well cast, acted just like her older self.


White Rat looked so much like Grey Worm, at first I thought they killed GW.  


Did anyone catch where Sansa and LF were headed?


Sad that Manse had to go out like that, he was a good leader after all.  Thank you Jon for preserving his pride before he had to scream himself to death.


The dark affected Dany's babies vision and aim, they came nowhere close to cooking her.


I liked the episode, welcome back GoT.

Edited by dizzyd
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Interesting that last season the story Oberyn told about how he was told Tyrion was a scary devil baby but he wasn't scary at all and this season we have Cersei telling a similar story about how she was told that the witch was scary but that she found her boring. Man, kids sure have high expectations in Westeros.

Loved all the Tyrion/Varys scenes. I don't doubt that Varys still has all kinds of schemes up his sleeve but I liked seeing him be so honest with Tyrion about what his goal is right now.

Bless Jon Snow for having the compassion to shoot Mance with an arrow so that he wouldn't be remembered screaming as he feared.

Ha, Loras was amusing this week. Between his ridiculous condolences to Cersei and his response to Margaery's advice that he try to be a bit more discreet, I am enjoying Loras,

Lancel, on the other hand, was about to get pushed out of that window by Cersei. He'd better watch out or he's going to learn how to fly soon.

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I was disappointed in Dany and the dragons. I thought she was going to apologize and ask their help in finding their brother.  I thought she should expect them to be hurt, upset, confused and lash out.  And even if that wasn't her intent and she was not expecting that reaction, I didn't like her fleeing in fear.  I hope that all turns around soon.

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Thank you Jon Snow, didn't want to see Mance burn.

One episode in, Stannis, his Hype Man and the side piece already grating my nerves.

Bish better stay away from Jon, looking all thirsty.

Daario has severe pancake ass, don't trust him either.

Next week Dorne and first look at Alexander Siddig.


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I was disappointed in Dany and the dragons. I thought she was going to apologize and ask their help in finding their brother. I thought she should expect them to be hurt, upset, confused and lash out. And even if that wasn't her intent and she was not expecting that reaction, I didn't like her fleeing in fear. I hope that all turns around soon.

ITA - kids are always cranky when they're grounded but these poor dragons were left in the dark and unable to fly or hunt. Of course they're going to be super pissed. I can't believe she thought they wouldn't be.
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- Strategic prop placement, body positioning, and camera angles to hide male genitalia, but plenty of male bare butt shots.


- Harsh cutthroat politics


- Pissed off CGI Dragons


- Me forgetting the names of a lot of the characters



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It was fun seeing Robin get his ass kicked at sword practice. Guess his misses his milk breaks! ;-)




Lol.  Personally, I think the kid's future prospects are a LOT better now that he's with the Royce's, but it's clear a great warrior he will never be. 

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Young Cersei was well cast, acted just like her older self.


Did anyone catch where Sansa and LF were headed?

Threatening to have boring eyes gouged out, a classy lady from an early age. Easy to see where King Joff got his charm from.

Sansa said they were going west, not east, and Ol' Batman Impersonator said they were going where Cersei couldn't find her.

Legsposition to tell us about Dorne? Really, show? The rest of that scene was amusing though.

It's weird that someone just now remembered to put the Eyrie back in the opening.

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Jon is my love interest for this season. (I'll never foget you, Robb. I'll never forget you, Oberyn.)


Totally fell in love with Jon when he helped Mance die with dignity in front of his people. Everyone saw who the true leader was, and it sure as hell wasn't Stannis.


I just don't understand Stannis. How does he expect anyone to respect him when he has a witch doing all his dirty work? I think he's emasculated whenever Melisandra is on screen with him. And enough of the burning people alive! Screw you, Stannis and your red witch.


So Lancel's in a cult, and he's going to try and save Cersei. That should be interesting.


I felt so bad for Messande and that glimmer of hope in her eyes when she asked Grey Wormn about the Unsullied visiting brothels. The only true romance on the show, and they'll never be able to consummate their love. Damn, damn, damn!

Edited by dramachick
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Well Young Cersei was very well cast and that witch woman was creepy.   Her laugh........you got the impression she saw Cersei having the unhappiest ending of all.   Gold will be their crowns and gold their shrouds.   Joffrey's down so two more to go.  Yikes.


Tyrion and Varys should be enjoyable and he has a knack for picking the winning side.   His goal (or at least one of them) is to put Dany on the Throne?   She seems to be making a mismash of Mereen, maybe she would do better in Westeros.


Cersei is such a BATCH and I kind of love her for it in a way.   Her "let them wait" to all of the High Born Nobles there to pay "respects" to Tywin was so very her.   Her words to Jaimie were the truth but clearly salt in his wound.   You can tell he feels responsible for what befell Tywin and he was.   Out of everything I'm betting THAT is what Cersei will never forgive him for.   But he's definitely a match for Cersei in paranoia, saying the mourners are here to make sure Twyin is dead so they can start scheming against House Lannister.   Though is it Paranoia if they really ARE out to get you?


Lancel is back and looking MUCH better but GOOD LORD did he give me the creeps.   Folded hands in robes, eeesh.   And that stare.  Yikes.


Margaery gave off the vibe of a spider about to spin a web.   Based on her talk with Loras she clearly has cooked up a plot that will take Cersei OUT of Kings Landing.  I guess Tywin Lannister was the only thing REALLY keeping Tyrell Ambition in line, it'll be interesting to see how Cersei and Jaimie handle it.


LF and Sansa, someone I was watching with said LF and Sansa were acting like King and Queen and Sansa's utter look of boredom and a lack of impress while watching Robyn fight made me giggle.   These two have an appropriately sinister vibe to them.   LF's relentlessly oily and Sansa is as icey as the wall.  Loved her "Are we going somewhere, where you trust everyone" said in snark tone.  lol.  Can't wait to see what they get up to.


The Wall is finally an interesting place but oh boy.   Mel looks like she's ready to jump Jon Snow's bones, not that I blame her.   Maybe Stannis isn't what he use to be.   Though ugh one day I hope she gets hers.   She's a little to eager to burn people who don't worship in her religion.   Stannis's wife is one rung lower on the creepy scale.   The way she was smiling as Mance burned.  Yikes



All in all a very good Season Openner.

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Threatening to have boring eyes gouged out, a classy lady from an early age. Easy to see where King Joff got his charm from.


Basically as a result of the Twincest, Joffrey was Cersei squared-all the viciousness, pettiness,

and arrogance only magnified with even less rationality and no redeeming love of one's own offspring.   But yeah, there've been hints before that Cersei's mean streak began early on; Oberyn's story to Tyrion of how they first met, and Tyrion's remembering how Cersei had a servant girl beaten so badly she lost an eye.

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Am I the only one, thinking that Ciran Hinds was Woefully underused as Mance?

No, I thought so as well.  I always thought that character would be way more important than he turned out to be.


I absolutely loathe Dario.  I think he's supposed to be cocky and charming, but I find him an annoying douchebag.  I far preferred when it was just Dany and her two old man advisors.


I have no idea why, but I always enjoy Sansa and Littlefinger scenes.  I love how bored Sansa looked watching that annoying boy try to learn how to fight.


Loras and Margery are entertaining as siblings.  I enjoy how she always looks out for him.


Young Cersei was spot on.  Bravo to that little actress.

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Loved how Jon was like, enough of this bullshit.

Then gave Mance the Duncan mercy kill, like in Michael Mann's Last of the Mohicans.

By the way, the Fortune Teller in Cersei's flashback, played by Jodhi May. Who also was Alice in that same film.

me thinks Jon still a bit pissed at that kid, for killing Ygritte.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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Basically as a result of the Twincest, Joffrey was Cersei squared-all the viciousness, pettiness,

and arrogance only magnified with even less rationality and no redeeming love of one's own offspring.   But yeah, there've been hints before that Cersei's mean streak began early on; Oberyn's story to Tyrion of how they first met, and Tyrion's remembering how Cersei had a servant girl beaten so badly she lost an eye.

During that opening scene, I was thinking how much Cersei reminded me of that movie, "The Bad Seed."

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Is that a new actor for Lancel?

Same guy, new bulked-up body.

Poor Robin. How was he really going to turn any different than he is with the mother he had? The kid's probably emotionally closer to 3 than 13 with that extended stay in toddlerhood.

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Dang, Mel.  Way to hit up Jon Snow like the thirsty, ratchet chick you are.  Ew.


I'm hoping we get more Davos (who we know is awesome) doing more than echo the "fairness/just/genius" of Stannis.  I just can't with Stannis; the actor does a great job of making him the least charismatic leader ever. 


Good for Dany continuing to get her some.  Poor Visreion and Rhageal!  There are rightfully put out with mama. She needs to get it together with her dragons.  If she is going to take the Iron Throne at some point, she needs them.  Having someone as smart as Tyrion on her side would also be good.  Hope that works out, as it would be nice to have some of our main characters who've never met interact. 


Nice to see that Cercei has always been a little bitch.  I'm hoping she continues to get what she deserves.  I love the Tyrells doing their thing in KL now that Tywin is dead.


Ah, Littlefinger.  You creepy, creepy creeper. Robyn's fighting demo got lots of LOLs at my house.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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Sigh my only live viewing too bad I don't have anything great to post. Just exceedingly happy that Tyrion is on my tv again. I'm pumped for the season.

Oh those eye rocks on Tywin are soooo creepy! I managed to hit all the episodes with deaths in the marathon run up so got a few in rapid succession. They hadn't made such an impression on me during last season.

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Poor Robin. How was he really going to turn any different than he is with the mother he had? The kid's probably emotionally closer to 3 than 13 with that extended stay in toddlerhood.


I've never been much a fan of the character but I felt somewhat protective of the poor kid. Raised by a crazy mother, sickly from birth, not particularly smart or cunning, and overly coddled. He doesn't even really stand a chance with the vultures surrounding him.


I was impressed with the sheer creepiness of newish Lancel's thousand yard stare and flat affect. Glad to see that Cersei has someone to make her more paranoid about all her dirty secrets.


Mance, we barely knew ye'. Seriously, some good scenes with Mance and Jon, but it would've been nice if Mance had been used a little more so that I'd actually feel a little more sad to see him go. It feels like we hadn't seen him for 10 seasons and he is gone again after a few short scenes.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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As much as I enjoyed Jon performing the Westeros version of dropping the mike, was that really the wisest decision? Stannis was the only one to respond to the killer zombie notice you sent out; maybe just let him do his thing and keep him happy.  Bigger picture here guys!

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Margaery gave off the vibe of a spider about to spin a web.   Based on her talk with Loras she clearly has cooked up a plot that will take Cersei OUT of Kings Landing.  I guess Tywin Lannister was the only thing REALLY keeping Tyrell Ambition in line, it'll be interesting to see how Cersei and Jaimie handle it.




The Wall is finally an interesting place but oh boy.   Mel looks like she's ready to jump Jon Snow's bones, not that I blame her.   Maybe Stannis isn't what he use to be.   Though ugh one day I hope she gets hers.   She's a little to eager to burn people who don't worship in her religion.   Stannis's wife is one rung lower on the creepy scale.   The way she was smiling as Mance burned.  Yikes


The Tyrells aren't stupid. With Tywin dead and Tyrion gone, the Lannisters are ready to self-combust. Cersei is nowhere near as bright and cunning as she thinks she is (something the show has taken pains to stress) and Jaime is unambitious and not a player of the "game". Marg probably thinks she can take them on.


On the one hand about the Melisandre/Jon Snow thing I was about to call out the show for its unsubtly on her "interest" in him but on the other hand this is a show that has to give nakedness every episode so being subtle is not exactly its forte. 

Edited by Mr. Simpatico
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Hey, they managed to convince Charles Dance to at least show back up as a corpse.  I'm still going to miss that evil tyrant.  Oh, Tywin.  You were a horrible human being, but so enjoyable to watch.


Totally knew that the opening scene was a flashback, because that actress really was a dead ringer for Young Cersei.  Even had the same smirk Lena Headey always brings to the table.  Good to see Cersei was always kind of fucked in the head.  Either way, I'm glad it seems this season is going to have a lot of Cersei.  I know she is awful too, but I just enjoy all her bitchy comments.  Cracked up over her ignoring poor Loras (at least he's getting some.)  And, hey, Lancel is back!  And found religion!  That can be good.


I love you, Margaery, but maybe learn to knock.  Just saying.


Tyrion and Varys!  On a Road Trip to Mereen!  That should be fun.  I love those two together.  Peter Dinklage and Conleth Hill seem to be having so much fun in those scenes.  I can't wait to see more of that pairing.


And, Daenerys could use their help, I think.  I get that she wants to help the people and I respect that, but if she just pisses all of her enemies off, it will blow back on her some day.  At least Daario is around to convince her to maybe open up the fights to free people.  More importantly though, she really needs to get back on good terms with her babies.  Being the Dragon Queen without dragons could be quite a problem there, Dany.


I like the actors, but are they really going there with Grey Worm and Missandei?  I would think the whole no reproductive organs thing would kill the mood.


Have no idea what to make of Littlefinger and Sansa yet.  Seems like they've got a plan.


Don't care much about Jon.  Indifferent to Stannis.  And, yet together, I kind of found them... interesting?  I guess I like the idea that both of them seem to have their own honor codes, and I'm curious to see how they will clash.  On some levels, they are the same.  On others, they are very different.  Curious to see where it goes.  Although, Jon better be careful with Melisandre.  She seemed to be putting the moves on him.  She may be hot, Jon, but that is some crazy there, that could be dangerous for you.


One "king" down, I see.  It's not like Mance really had a chance on this show.  I like Ciran Hinds, but Mance never had the spark I thought he would have had.  He just doesn't come off like a guy I could see inspiring the wildings like he did.


Next week looks very interesting.

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So who was young Cersei's friend?  I didn't think she had any friends besides her twin bro. I also wonder what was the point of the flashback, it didn't tell us anything we didn't already know.

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Loved all the Tyrion/Varys scenes. I don't doubt that Varys still has all kinds of schemes up his sleeve but I liked seeing him be so honest with Tyrion about what his goal is right now.

Lancel, on the other hand, was about to get pushed out of that window by Cersei. He'd better watch out or he's going to learn how to fly soon.

Tyrion/Varys combo was E-ver-ry-thing!!!!!! "I only know what it's like to pick up your shit and throw it overboard" was the Quote of the Episode for me.

Did Lancel pull a Neville Longbottom on us!? Lol. But I really like his creepy "I've seen the light" demeanour. Interesting.


One episode in, Stannis, his Hype Man and the side piece already grating my nerves.

Lameness alert: I had to google "what's a Hype Man?" and automatically burst out laughing because that's exactly what Davos was this episode.  I was like "Jesus, chill out mate!" Why was he so intense? 


White Rat was a hottie though, RIP.

Did anyone's heart go out to the poor bastard paying for a cuddle? Sniff. As soon as the camera zoomed in on his throat I was like "Cue throat slit!"


So Lancel's in a cult, and he's going to try and save Cersei. That should be interesting.


I felt so bad for Missandei and that glimmer of hope in her eyes when she asked Grey Wormn about the Unsullied visiting brothels. The only true romance on the show, and they'll never be able to consummate their love. Damn, damn, damn!

Lol at the bolded portion.

This annoyed me because it felt so useless, honestly the sadness of an Unsullied only getting this type of affection was key here. They should've just had him respond that he knew, if White Rat had a "usual", it can't be a secret. That would have made more emotional impact on Missandei. 


Good stuff:

-Varys and Tyrion

-The Wall, it helps that I didn't find Gilly(?) annoying this time.

--Mance was more awesome in this one episode than in all the other seasons combined; even with his good moment in 4.10 and I was so relieved when Jon shot the arrow. I really didn't want to see more of that.

--Stannis always loses me when Melisandre is around. And for the first time, Davos' presence didn't earn Team Stannis brownie points for me. Melisandre just shat over everyone who is not on Stannis' side with her false god claims, sigh... That's why zealots need to stay in their place of worship and let the sane ones do the ruling.

--I had nervous giggles when Melisandre started hitting on Jon. So creepy...

-Meereen: while I still dislike Daario, he is actually right. I wanted to snap my fingers in front of Dany when she just middle school girl crush style dreamy stared at Daario. Really? And Queen are politicians, darling. 

-Mini Cersei was amazing, I literally recognised who she was just from the body language. Man, this kid is good. Did she shadow Lena for a day or something? Damn.

-Vale: Loved Sansa's back and forth with LF. Robin trying to train was so sad... Lord Royce sounded like he wanted to fall on his sword rather than be subordinate to him. Poor kid, I feel sorry for him. Brienne being snarky/bitchy was kind of refreshing? I really felt her shame/self doubt from failing to protect Arya. But I also wanted to give poor old Pod a hug. I always want to pinch his cheeks for some reason. Also, "come show!" for having Sansa literally drive by Brienne...


Ok stuff:

-Kings Landing was mostly ok, lots of set up obviously. Liking the fact that Margeary clearly has an ace up her sleeve. Didn't care about Jaime and Cersei's conversation by Tywin's body. Also, isn't it a little OOC of Jaime to be that paranoid? That surprised me. But then again, he is the idiot that wasted his time trying to scare Loras away from Cersei's bed when everyone and their mother knows the kid is gay. He should be the one option Jaime is ok seeing married to Cersei. This bit was more interesting with the potential than its actual content. Maybe the shitstorm I saw coming from Tywin's death last year could have been presaged a little more strongly though.


Bad stuff:

-Don't know if I always felt that way, but the Missandei/GW stuff felt really stupid and unnecessary tonight... I only would've liked it if he knew and told her what WR was doing there. Also, aren't there more pressing matters going on? Assassination and revolt plot followed by "so...do you like-like me? #twirlingmyhair" is a little jarring.


All in all, I liked it. I liked the pace and most of the organisation, I liked that it wasn't focusing on everyone and had ARya and Theon/Bolton stuff pushed back. They are both storylines that didn't need to be picked up right away and the others need more of a follow through. This kind of felt like what S1-3's episodes 10 felt like. A wrap up and a launching pad. I also really enjoyed the visual style for some reason, the director and DOP did a great job. The episode was beautiful to look at. It wasn't what I expected, but at the same time, it was pleasant and felt like I'm being eased back into the show. Full of anticipation for the season so that's good.

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Good start to the season. I felt like we checked in on mostly everyone and got some nice snippets.

Agreed with all above about young Cersei, for a second I thought is that Lena's daughter and the I remembered that her child is still very young. The actress nailed it to a tee. Now can we get a young Jaime flashback, I'm just curious about him as a tween.

Stannis would not make a good ruler, he's an idiot for killing Mance and basically losing any hope of a wilding army. Happy that Jon gave Mance the mercy shot.

Tyrion was nays looking when he got out the crate and I didn't need to hear about pushing poo through the holes complete with stains to match.

Took me a minute it realize it was the same Lancel, he looks very different.

Dany, why are the dragons in the dark, she should have expected their reaction ?..wonder if Drogon will break out his siblings. She does realize they will outgrow those chains.

Edited by bluvelvet
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I enjoyed this episode for the most part...

The Wall- My fave parts of the episode. Jon/Mance made it for me. I hadn't thought much of Mance in previous seasons, but he brought his A game for this. Jon too. Like many others, loved Jon's arrow of mercy.

Jon/Mel is so going to happen isn't it?

The character (I didn't catch his name) who will look after Robin. Loved his dialogue. That whole scene with Robin "trying" to fight.

Tyrion/Varys- loved their whole exchange

I was totally expecting Margaery to join in with her brother and his "friend". Even before that, I was strangely expecting something to happen between Loras & Lancel.

Dany is the weak link for me. I can't seem to muster up any interest in her story. She bores me. Having said that, I did like how the dragons turned on her. Other than that, nope. I've got nothing.

How is it that I love the Daario actor on Orphan Black, but can't stand him here?

Tywin's death eyes creeped me out.

Finally, I just love Cersei. She is just so mean. But I find her so sympathetic. The actress playing the young version was perfection. LH is my total girl crush.

Edited by Love
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Come on, Dany. You had to know the kids were going to be going through a rebellious phase, what with you locking them up in a dungeon and all that. Staying out all night, smoking in the high school bathroom, trying to eat mom. Those kids. 

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Oh man, how I've missed this show. So happy it's back.


My favorite moment was seeing Ghost gnawing on a big hunk of bone in the courtyard while Jon taught Ollie sword fighting. It made me smile that Ghost is mellow enough to be able to be around dozens of people without making them shit their pants in fear. I'm so glad Stannis doesn't expect him to be caged up like Thorne did.


Jon Snow!! I loved all his scenes. He's become quite the leader and still so very compassionate and honorable. Mance's death was so unnecessary and awful. I was peaking through my fingers and was about to mute the volume once Mance started coughing and crying out, but then Jon shot him with the arrow. Never have I been more relieved to see someone take an arrow to the heart. But Stannis & Mel are going to be most displeased.


It disturbed me that Shireen was made to watch that spectacle. At least at Dragonstone she was up in her room/cell and only heard the screams. This time the poor girl had to watch. Great parenting, Stannis and wife whose name I forget!


I know a few weeks have passed since the S4 finale but it bugged me that in the time it took Tyrion to grow a gnarly beard and the dragons to grow even bigger, Tywin was still lying in state. He must have smelled pretty ripe by then.


Speaking of Rhaegal & Viserion, those poor babies!! Chained up in the dark for weeks. No wonder they were pissed at Mom. But I don't understand why Dany fled in fear. Isn't she immune to their fire? When she was chained up in the House of the Undying, didn't their fire go through and around her in order to fry the bald guy? Her clothes weren't even singed.


Poor Brienne, she's really down in the dumps right now. I hope she doesn't learn that was Sansa passing her by on the road. That'll make her extra grumpy. I do hope she stops being so brusque with Pod. Poor kid has no one else and no where to go. 


While I missed seeing Arya, I certainly did not miss seeing Ramsey and Theon. 

Edited by bunnyblue
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Every time Brienne says she doesn't need a squire, I wonder just how she gets in and out of her armor because I've seen it demonstrated live and there comes a point where you simply cannot put any more of it on yourself. So let's just stop wasting time with those scenes, please?

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Basically as a result of the Twincest, Joffrey was Cersei squared-all the viciousness, pettiness,

and arrogance only magnified with even less rationality and no redeeming love of one's own offspring.   But yeah, there've been hints before that Cersei's mean streak began early on; Oberyn's story to Tyrion of how they first met, and Tyrion's remembering how Cersei had a servant girl beaten so badly she lost an eye.


I bet good money that was the servant girl Cersei had beaten half to death. Because you know she was terrified after her encounter with the witch, and the girl was probably dumb enough to try to comfort her afterwards. I'm surprised she was allowed to walk around with her nose out of joint from such a young age. You're a woman, Cersei, you don't own shit. She also seemed to have missed Occult 101, you don't give bodily substances out to witches all willy nilly.


Cersei certainly placed a lot of sin eggs in one basket with Lancel. Careless. Surprised he's even alive.


GG, Stannis, showing why you'd be a terrible king again. For someone who's lost as often as he has, he's certainly keen on himself. Trying to terrify people who live right next to White Walkers isn't going to work, boo boo. They'll just think you're an ass, which you are. Melisandre is so obviously playing a grander game of chess with Stannis as one of her pieces. She never really sounds that devout with the One True King business, even when he was about to kill her S1 or S2 (can't remember). Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Stannis is planning to light her up himself once he's won the Iron Throne.


 I know you like redheads, Jon, but don't fall for it!


Why do they give Dany so much awesome potential, yet make her sooooooo stupid all the time? Your no. 1 priority should be keeping those dragons happy, woman. You don't sack two cities and get to administer your country bumpkin version of justice through sheer force of will alone. It's because they're afraid Drogon is gonna come eat all their babies. 

Edited by rozen
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I'm going to need Jon to meet up with Sansa or Arya, so I can see some healthy brother/sister relationship. Margaery and Loras haven't been incestuous, but inviting her brother into her marriage bed is pretty creepy.  And Margaery had no problem barging in on her brother with his lover, and seemed almost jealous when they were kissing.


I don't understand why Tyrion's hair gets darker each season, and in this episode you could see his dark roots.


Disappointed that we didn't make it to Dorne.  I thought the opening was Myrcella with one of Oberyn's daughters, then she mentioned her father and I realized it was Cersei.


It was fun seeing Robin get his ass kicked at sword practice. Guess his misses his milk breaks! ;-)


I thought the scene was pretty comical, because CC kept showing, "Robin whimpers".

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Did Dany really think her children would be happy to see her after she locked them up in the dark?

The dark conditions bug me so much! It's one thing to cage an animal (bad enough) -- quite another to keep them in total or near total darkness. It's torture. I just tell myself there's some light coming in from somewhere, because it really bothers me otherwise. Then they're flying animals, unable to fly. I love Dani and the dragons, and just can't wrap my head around putting animals of any kind in a pitch black room for an extended period. She needs to learn how to train her dragons! Surely someone wrote about that during the 300 years of Dragonborn reign.


Next week Dorne and first look at Alexander Siddig.


I was so excited when I saw he was cast! (Yes, a Dr. Bashir fan here.)


I ADORE Tyrlon and Varys together! Two savvy men who can work together on a long-term plan. I love it. I love that Varys is revealing his ultimate game plan, and that he saw in Tyrion a valuable asset. I really hope Tyrion meets up with Dany and joins her advisors -- he'd be perfect for it, and Dany would respect him, unlike his own family. Plus, what a way to get revenge.

Edited by Andromeda
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A few more things:


I thought Stannis's offer was quite reasonable. Roose's head on a spike? Yes, please! Just make sure Ramsey is included on that kabob.Give the Wildings lands, freedom, and citizenship in exchange for a little tussle with the Boltons? Sure! Like I said in my earlier post, Mance's death was so unnecessary. Without him agreeing to the bargain, what will happen to his people just beyond the Wall? They're sitting ducks trapped between the Wall and the advancing White Walker horde. I think most of them would've agreed to join Stannis's army if it meant safe passage through the Wall. 


Shut up, Mel! You've already won; you're about to burn Mance alive. There's no need to belittle him in front of his people that are prisoners of your lover. And keep your hands off of Jon Snow. 


I LOL'd at Lord Royce's non-PC comment that Robin fights like a girl with palsy. Then the camera panned to Sansa's dead-eyed stare and the very weird looks she exchanged with Littlefinger and my smile faded. I had the disturbing thought that Sansa and LF may be sleeping together. I certainly wouldn't put it passed this show to go there with them.


I love Margaery's relationship with Loras. I love that she looks out for him and has never said one hurtful thing about his dalliances with men. I got the feeling this was not the first time she's walked in on Loras getting a little action. I have never and will never have any sympathy for Cersei, so I am rooting for Margaery to get her out of King's Landing and out of Loras's life.


For the first time ever, I liked Daario and was impressed with his advice to Dany. He seemed sincere, so I hope he's not playing her; she's probably still smarting from Jorah's betrayal. It would suck if Daario betrays her too. Although with Tyrion & Varys heading her way, maybe they'll need to trim her entourage. 

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