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S05.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Done.Done with this show. Kim is a disgusting, vile human being who not only enjoys destroying herself, her children, her family but also is a first class mean girl bitch cunt. She surpasses even Brandi. That is not her with a addiction problem (which I would sympathize with) we saw tonight, it was her true self with no mask. I don't delight in sociopaths BRAVO. What an evil manipulative shrew. She would destroy anything or anyone. I am repulsed. Take that dim witted slut with you Kim, you worthless piece of shit. UUUGGGH. 

  • Love 15

Yes, I think Kim is using her children as a weapon against Kyle.  Dis-inviting Kyle to the wedding???  That is really mean.  The last 5 minutes got me upset and I don't watch these shows to get upset.  How low can this woman go?  So sad.  Well at least she has one Good Sister that she can invite (and maybe she'll show up).


They haven't spoken in 3 months but I believe Kim said something to that effect to someone and it got back to Kyle or invitations were not sent, . Kyle's reactions and body language this reunion have a truthfulness that you can't fake. Kim has said or did something to make Kyle feel that she wouldn't be welcome at the wedding.


Kyle write Kim off. Her kids are adults and visit if they choose. Kim, go grab a bottle and crawl into it you haven't drunk enough.

  • Love 23

If Kyle is a pothead and starts eating all the food in the other women's kitchens (hey, that is why she doesn't go hang with Yo much---one almond and a lemon don't satisfy the munchies), offering their kids joints, burning holes in their furniture, stinking up their houses with smoke, etc then and only then should it be brought up since it would be affecting the other women. Otherwise who gives a fuck? It's not hypocritical to not want her pot smoking mentioned on tv (for her kid's benefit) and since it is not affecting the other woman and kyle was obviously joking about not knowing what a joint is called, then there was no reason for Brandi to bring it up. Kyle was being prudent/smart and was joking (not hypocritical imo) at coffee shop in Amsterdam. I think Brandi brought it up not because she felt like Kyle was a hypocrite but because she was mad/jealous at Kyle since Kyle and Lisa were being friendly and joking with each other and Brandi felt left out (she was left out due to her own actions last season and this season--you reap what you sow or some cliche like that).

Personally I think Kyle maybe the rare user or used pot a few times. I don't think it is something she does frequently and her comments about how it

makes her paranoid rang true.

Is Brandi to trashy for a Valtrex advertisement?

  • Love 12

Eileen was blaming Brandi for bringing it up NOW and causing tabloids to revisit things that have been long forgotten and forgiven.  It caused the tabloids to go after Vince's ex who is now friends with Eileen and they co-parent the kids together.  Big difference.  And Vince didn't leave his kids behind.  They're living with him now. 


If I was Eileen, I would have just started chanting "LeAnn Rimes, LeAnn Rimes, LeAnn Rimes" over and over until Brandi's head explodes.  Brandi deserves it.


Funny, yet sad thing is, they could all just start flinging lies and random poo at each other and it wouldn't matter anymore.  Stand up. flip the double bird and do Rinna's ass clown dance (thank you, lulu).  Still wouldn't matter.  Scream and cry and hurl accusations.  As it is, this franchise is done.  Stick a fork in it. It seems like it just doesn't matter what any of them do anymore.  How can they make this work for another season?


I've seen it before when posters have said, 'if so and so is back next season I'm done' and I take that with a grain of salt because these Hos are as addictive as a fentanyl patch.  But I think a lot of us are really over it this time.  If Kim comes back I'm out for sure.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 5


She dont appreciate a single thing Kyle has done for her when she chose to live off drugs/alcohol and semi-quit acting. The fact she wants to dis-invite Kyle to her daughter's wedding out of spite is the most vindictive, calculating, and heartless bullshit. Kyle loves Kim's four children and Kim uses them as pieces to a chess match - repugnant! I bet good money, Kyle probably helped raise them when they were little when Kim was strung out!

Just had to respond to this.


This is exactly what I posted in the Kyle thread about addicts who use their children as pawns against family members. I mentioned this very thing happening to me, personally. I mentioned how the addict will threaten to never let you see their kids again. A form of manipulation. Typical addict shit.  Yes, Kyle did help those kids. She was the one who received those frantic phone calls from Kim's children when Kim was so strung out, she couldn't bother to tend to her own kids. If Kim's son is now suffering from mental issues, it sure as hell is not being helped by Kim's own delusional, fucked up behavior. How long before Kyle is blamed for that poor child's mental issues?


Cut the ties, Kyle. Cut the goddamn ties!! Yes, it will hurt, especially to not be around Kim's kids, but they will understand. Believe me, they will. They know who the fuck up is, and it is not you.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 24

Just had to respond to this.


This is exactly what I posted in the Kyle thread about addicts who use their children as pawns against family members. I mentioned this very thing happening to me, personally. I mentioned how the addict will threaten to never let you see their kids again. A form of manipulation. Typical addict shit.  Yes, Kyle did help those kids. She was the one who received those frantic phone calls from Kim's children when Kim was so strung out, she couldn't bother to tend to her own kids. If Kim's son is now suffering from mental issues, it sure as hell is not being helped by Kim's own delusional, fucked up behavior. How long before Kyle is blamed for that poor child's mental issues?


Cut the ties, Kyle. Cut the goddamn ties!! Yes, it will hurt, especially to not be around Kim's kids, but they will understand. Believe me, they will. They know who the fuck up is, and it is not you.


The amazing thing else we didn't point out, didn't Kimberly live with her fine ass daddy most of her life!  That should tell us right there that Kim slacked off big time on her parenting duties when she was at her worst. 


Did anyone else find it funny how Kim seemed to be at a loss for words when Kyle sprung the wedding thing on her.  Brooke more than likely told auntie Kyle what Kim was planning.  Kim looked damn shocked.   Even her own daughter didn't cover for her from what it appears.


Kyle says she is okay with going to first wedding they had but you know she isn't because why would she cry like that.  This probably isn't the first time Kim has pulled these type of tricks.  Brooke needs to take more control of wedding and tell Kim to kick rocks!  Kim has no business, IMO, to be trying to call any shots when it comes to her daughters wedding.  Brooke should invite who she wants to and that includes Kyle.  If Kyle chooses to go or not that's on her.  But Kim shouldn't be running the show.


Did I mention I couldn't stand Kim.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 16

I thought the big smoking gun at the reunion was in regards to Lisa Rinna's text to Cuckoo Kim; however that whole scene is up on Bravo's website. I'm thinking it's something between Kyle & Kim now.

I like Lisa Rinna, but she needs to take a step back. It certainly appears that next week is going to be about the sisters and while the storyline seems to go on & on, damn it if I'm not intrigued to see just how low Kim is going to go and whether Kyle is going to snap.

Kyle needs to treat Brandi as the joke that she is. Lisa and Kyle just laughing at her tonight while she was snarking that Lisa must be selling her house, was honestly the best way to deal with her.

  • Love 13

Andy is sucking at this reunion.  Thank goodness the Lisas are doing his job for him.  Maybe he had whatever Brandi was having.  Xanax on the rock! 


Kim is brain damaged from all the drugs and alcohol.  It's caught up with her that's for sure.  Her lies don't hold one ounce of water.  The best she can come up with is "focus on your own shit" or "you don't even know me"  to care.   LMAO!  Kim, IMO, was in the hospital because she was detoxing!  See they wont say but there is IG proof of it.  Hernia my ass!  Monty giving her a pill my ass!


Why is Lisa Rinna the only one taking Kim to task for her bold faced lies? The evidence of her ever-changing stories (ie. varying ailments, hospital stays, etc.) is incontrovertible and on film, so why is everyone still tiptoe-ing around this pill-popping, meth-smoking, coke-snorting addict?! Ostensibly the Richards family "don't ask, don't tell" stratagem is doing Kim no favors, so why stick to it?


I wish Kyle would just come out and say "Kim, you're a liar. You did not suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, hernia, slipped disc or anything of the sort. You fell off the wagon and were rushed into detox by your concerned children for a week." 


I'm not all that well versed on the nature of addiction, but even I know the first step would be admitting you have a problem. If Kim can't made the admission herself, its high time her sisters and children force her to face that truth. She's so vile even her cast mates who previously wanted to stage an intervention no longer seem invested in getting her the help she so clearly needs.


How can Bravo even stand on board signing her on for another season when surely the producers see what a drug addled mess she is behind the scenes? This is a prime example of corporate social irresponsibility and the whole scenario really pisses me off. 


Okay, perhaps I don't really give a shit what happens to Kim Richards. I just want her off the show!

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 10

I'm sick of Brandy, sick of Kim, tired of hearing the "my sister" BS. I've fast forwarded through so many hours of this season and what I was left with watching hasn't been all that satisfying. Why watch it?


It has been nothing but a bitchfest these past three years and I am tired of it. I can have more fun watching some other show, have a laugh or two, snark about it here. With this show it just isn't fun anymore. Same bitchy women bitching about the same thing over and over week in and week out.



  • Love 3

I might as well lob a couple more dissenting views before bed...


In defense of Andy, there was really no need to further demonize Brandi and Kim.  Everyone's seen the show.  And read the internet.  Would it have helped any to villify them for another three episodes?  He might as well try to pretend to be objective and look for a different side to the events.


Also, I'm actually more convinced now that Kim had real dirt on HH.  At the Amsterdam dinner, the other women's horror was palpable.  LisaR would not have gone apeshit if Kim's insinuations could have easily been dismissed as Enquirer nonsense.  People have upset me in the past, but I have never reached for their throats or smashed wineglasses at them.  The issue was also way too easily swept under the rug at the reunion.  If Kim really only had a tabloid rumor, the other women would have moved in for the kill and stomped her right there.


ETA: Kim did show a quantum of clarity in that situation.  If she had been lying about HH, at least she admitted it.  If she knew the truth about something awful, at least she kept it to herself, which means she is capable of self-restraint.

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 10

The amazing thing else we didn't point out, didn't Kimberly live with her fine ass daddy most of her life!  That should tell us right there that Kim slacked off big time on her parenting duties when she was at her worst. 


Did anyone else find it funny how Kim seemed to be at a loss for words when Kyle sprung the wedding thing on her.  Brooke more than likely told auntie Kyle what Kim was planning.  Kim looked damn shocked.   Even her own daughter didn't cover for her from what it appears.


Kyle says she is okay with going to first wedding they had but you know she isn't because why would she cry like that.  This probably isn't the first time Kim has pulled these type of tricks.  Brooke needs to take more control of wedding and tell Kim to kick rocks!  Kim has no business, IMO, to be trying to call any shots when it comes to her daughters wedding.  Brooke should invite who she wants to and that includes Kyle.  If Kyle chooses to go or not that's on her.  But Kim shouldn't be running the show.


Did I mention I couldn't stand Kim.

I think Kathy told Kyle! Just a gut feeling here but I do sense that it was Kathy. Kim tried to say that Kathy was upset at Kyle, Amsterdam, but stopped just short of it so I am thinking Kathy is not all that pleased with Kim right now. I also think Kathy is keeping Kim on a short leash right now as well. JMO


I thought the big smoking gun at the reunion was in regards to Lisa Rinna's text to Cuckoo Kim; however that whole scene is up on Bravo's website. I'm thinking it's something between Kyle & Kim now.

I like Lisa Rinna, but she needs to take a step back. It certainly appears that next week is going to be about the sisters and while the storyline seems to go on & on, damn it if I'm not intrigued to see just how low Kim is going to go and whether Kyle is going to snap.

Kyle needs to treat Brandi as the joke that she is. Lisa and Kyle just laughing at her tonight while she was snarking that Lisa must be selling her house, was honestly the best way to deal with her.

Andy said there was a "big reveal" on tonight's WWHL and it was the texts from LisaR. These are texts that were sent after the finale. Who knows though, Andy is known for saying 1 thing then showing something completely different.

  • Love 5


I've seen it before when posters have said, 'if so and so is back next season I'm done' and I take that with a grain of salt because these Hos are as addictive as a fentanyl patch.  But I think a lot of us are really over it this time.  If Kim comes back I'm out for sure.


I'm definitely out if Kim or Brandi return.  I just don't enjoy getting all ragey after watching TV and I don't need to turn on the TV to listen to assholes arguing about stupid shit that I care nothing about.  I mean, I can hear the same thing waiting in line at a customer service counter, or going to work, or sitting through Thanksgiving dinner with my family or something.  Thoroughly unpleasant.  


Rum Raisin and her Homie need to go .  

  • Love 16

Is Kim a liar or is her brain so fried she can't remember what's true? Her retelling of poker night was so off from reality it's hard to tell. In any case, Kyle just needs to cut ties and run. Let Brandi be there for her. Heh.

Love Eileen. Her "and then you continue to be an asshole" is my fave line from the reunion this far. That and her "I drive a Flex" resulting in LisaV's befuddled "huh?"

I can't believe Kim's going to try to trivialize the dog bite. That's her niece. She really is a bitter bitch, eh?

I vote B. Kim can't remember ANYTHING except for how she's retold things in her mind.

Kyle is obviously the better aunt as well as mother, friend, person, etc. "it was just a little bite" my ass! Kim owns up to nothing.

ETA: Brandi made my ears bleed.

Edited by Lnmop
  • Love 8

My breakdown


Bless you and Lisa R for bringing up methgate! My how quick do they forget!!! Just proves how toxic of a friendship Kim and Brandi actually have. Thanks for bringING up how Brandi has not only had fights with the cast past and present but also with Nene/Kenya/Cynthia at the Bravo Upfronts a few years ago and guess what Brandi was drunk and on something then too.

Now Kyle we know your sister is "mean" but damnit you need to go to Shade School 101! Or toughing up training. You sounded like Susan Banks (Days of our Lives) "mean mean mean" in every sentence! Did you not read most of your Twitter mentions/Facebook comments prior to Feb 20th??? You had(have) the support. You been given the biggest green light to tell off Kim for this reunion! And you revert into endless tears and being anxiety stricken. Sighs.

Let me tell you something Kyle - cut off Kim for real this time! No good can come from delaying her bottom. Cut her off financially. Stop coddling her and trying to be her hero when she dont want saving. Stop getting her back on the show when all does is take the money and keeps hurting you emotionally. Stop feeling gulity because Kim chooses to be a known drug head/drunk, thats not your fault. If Kathy wont allow Kim to bottom out then turn over your rights to her since Kim reveres her so much! Let Kim be Kathy's problem I bet Kathy won't last long because her children are as messed up as Kim. Walk away, save whatever sanity you have left and get some toughing up training!


I think she has eclipsed Carlton and even Brandi for most disliked HW of this franchise and close to the top in most disliked wives for me! Im legitimately tired of her. I find her deplorable. Exhausting. Jealous hag. Scum. A taker. Troublesome. A straight liar. And most importantly full of shit.

She dont appreciate a single thing Kyle has done for her when she chose to live off drugs/alcohol and semi-quit acting. The fact she wants to dis-invite Kyle to her daughter's wedding out of spite is the most vindictive, calculating, and heartless bullshit. Kyle loves Kim's four children and Kim uses them as pieces to a chess match - repugnant! I bet good money, Kyle probably helped raise them when they were little when Kim was strung out!

I cant look at Kim without wanting to come through my TV and giving her a piece of my mind. That how mad I get now. Please Andy do us viewers a huge favor - fuck what Kathy, Kyle and any of those Hiltons say - and terminate this bitch once and for all! Get her off this show.


You still a deflecting little bitch.

You telling Rinna not to come for your kids. Take your own damn advice! Did you do the same with Bella?? Adrienne's sons?? Hell no you didnt. But you and Kim really showed you can have some serious double standards. Y'all the only two bitches who can be the "life of the party" but your life of the party means ruining it for everyone. The nerve of you to say glass got all over you in Amsterdamn and it was assault during the table explosion and pretend Kim didnt say anything bad about Harry. Then seconds later you threaten Kyle AGAIN. You are a joke! So it's ok for you to be violent and evoke your warth on others but someone puts you in your place it's time for you and junkie Kim to claim victim status... Fuck both yall.


Ive already explained my love for the both you. Glad both of you didn't hold back and came out swinging. Call the spade of spade like it should. Lisa R asked everything we all were thinking "How many days were you in the hospital, Kim? What did Harry do?" Even next week with the text message threats I wont even be phased because Kim makes me so sick I could give a shit. She might need that asswhooped anyhow.


I couldn't help but appreciate LVP and Kyle laughing at Brandi over the house crap. If you couldn't tell how envious and dumb Brandi was in that moment, get a fresh pair of eyes! That house listing comment is recycled crap from season 3 when LVP said that about Kyle-Adrienne being friends and Brandi tried using it. Lisa V and Kyle's poo talk was funny. I really hope they dont let anyone come inbetween their friendship again. I bet Brandi was somewhere fuming that LVP/Kyle can talk about their bowel movement without viewers being upset or judging.


Oh God THIS!!!

  • Love 7

I'm sick of Brandy, sick of Kim, tired of hearing the "my sister" BS. I've fast forwarded through so many hours of this season and what I was left with watching hasn't been all that satisfying. Why watch it?


It has been nothing but a bitchfest these past three years and I am tired of it. I can have more fun watching some other show, have a laugh or two, snark about it here. With this show it just isn't fun anymore. Same bitchy women bitching about the same thing over and over week in and week out.




I completely agree!  This franchise has become New Jersey, but instead of sister against brother, it's sister against sister.  It's enough to make my ears bleed.  :-(


Excuse me, but if anyone, and I mean if anyone dared to try to insinuate anything about any member of my family - my spouse, my kids, my siblings, my dog - IT'S ON. I mean, the shit is on! Brandi isn't the only one who can claim that mentioning any family member sets her off. Try that shit with me and one will see what that gets them. I am a fighting bitch. I won't physically assault people, but my mouth will let people know they pushed the wrong button. Family is a sensitive topic in my book. I mentioned this before and I don't mind posting it again. Say whatever shit you want about me, but keep my family and friends out of it! Even if it is a lie just to throw something at me. I don't play that and clearly LisaR follows that same rule. I know plenty of people who don't appreciate having people mention their family members during a disagreement, argument or fight.



Reminds me of Teresa Giudice when Danielle mentioned her brother and sister-in-law at that reunion where she actually physically moved Andy out of the way to try and get to Danielle.  This was before her brother and sister-in-law and cousin became cast members.  She was so mad she seemed to be speaking in tongues.  lol  It seems that Kim Richards is the only one who doesn't care if anyone (Brandi) insults, mocks, or threatens her family members (Kyle).  No sense of family whatsoever.  It almost makes me wish Kyle would mention Kim's son who had the nervous breakdown, only I know Kyle would never do that.  She loves Kim's kids too much.  Too bad Kim doesn't feel that way about Kyle's kids.  smdh

Edited by swankie
  • Love 6

I will have to disagree with you. Kim had/has diddly squat on HH. She clammed up until her rum soaked brain could think of a way out. Once she came up with the noble façade of " I'm not going to go there" bit I knew the bitch was lying. Goaded by Lisa to spill it she still was fumbling for a way out of her pile of BS.


Kim showed her ass this season, especially this reunion.

That's most likely the case.  But... it's also possible that LisaR was goading Kim because telling the secret would have been career suicide for Kim (if that's even still possible), because the other women would have iced her out afterward.  And, more importantly, spilling the beans might have revealed the source of the information.  Like, what if LisaR had let something slip when she was hanging with Brandi, and Brandi passed it along to Kim?  Or if the source had been Kyle?


But, so far, all evidence points to your being correct about Kim.  It was just a feeling I had.

  • Love 4

I admit I was only half watching the reunion but what is it with all the dog sex references in this franchise?  What the what ? I tuned in to hear Lisa Rinna shrieking at the top of her lungs, jumping around, talking about Harry fucking a dog.  She said it a few times.  *crickets*  Between LVP talking about dogs being sexy and LisaR's dog stuff...  I don't even know what to say.  Out of everything Lisa Rinna could have made reference to, WHY did she pick dog sex?  Oy.  I'm far from being a prude in bed but uh ....

  • Love 9

Oh God THIS!!!

I completely agree!  This franchise has become New Jersey, but instead of sister against brother, it's sister against sister.  It's enough to make my ears bleed.  :-(



Reminds me of Teresa Giudice when Danielle mentioned her brother and sister-in-law at that reunion where she actually physically moved Andy out of the way to try and get to Danielle.  This was before her brother and sister-in-law and cousin became cast members.  She was so mad she seemed to be speaking in tongues.  lol  It seems that Kim Richards is the only one who doesn't care if anyone (Brandi) insults, mocks, or threatens her family members (Kyle).  No sense of family whatsoever.  It almost makes me wish Kyle would mention Kim's son who had the nervous breakdown, only I know Kyle would never do that.  She loves Kim's kids too much.  Too bad Kim doesn't feel that way about Kyle's kids.  smdh


Kim was playing the Melissa Gorga role tonight.  Who remembers the season 4 reunion when Melissa said she and Joe were moving because she claimed Teresa's children bullied her daughter which ended being loads shit because they moved because they couldn't afford that mortgage on the spechouse.  Now we get this shit when Kim trying to dis-invite Kyle behind her back with the wedding.  Trying to work her magic.  I'm with Wire  who the hell tipped off Kyle about the wedding!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

I NEED some pot now.  {E-cig...I like it mellow in case anyone here wants to send me some}


Lisa...take a seat.  I loved how Andy shut her down "Let these two work it out."  In my mind, Andy said "Let these two morons keep going at it."  I think Lisa was just trying to adjust her diapers by all that jumping around.  I do that sometimes with my jeans....jump up, acting like I'm dancing when I'm really pulling them up over my stomach.


Enjoy reading everyone's post because you all are saying what I would say.  Could you pass me the bunt please???  For the munchies....RHONY first episode...see ya all over there. 


ETA:  I edited this post 5 times -  I must have gotten a cyber high from Vyle.

ETA#2:  6 times.  morons not moranas.

ETA#3:  Vanderpump's hair is so distracting.  Jiggy, darling, wants his lil pony tail hair bands back.

Edited by Lablover27

Kim was playing the Melissa Gorga role tonight.  Who remembers the season 4 reunion when Melissa said she and Joe were moving because she claimed Teresa's children bullied her daughter which ended being loads shit because they moved because they couldn't afford that mortgage on the spechouse.  Now we get this shit when Kim trying to dis-invite Kyle behind her back with the wedding.  Trying to work her magic.  I'm with Wire  who the hell tipped off Kyle about the wedding!

I just watched it again and Kim said, "there are some things coming up. . . ." in the context of where their relationship stood and to me it sounded like they had been separate over the holidays and now here is the next family event hurdle and Kim was going to do something Draconian.  I think it was also edited around either the mention of the daughter's name.  If this is wedding number two for Brooke, I find it ridiculous to exclude the Umanskys and Farrah as the groom's family and Kyle have been friends since before the groom was born.  The Umanskys should be invited and sit on the groom's side of the aisle.


From a second view of this I think where Brandi is feeling vindicated is that Kim has made such an ass out of herself with he absolute re-writing of history that Brandi looks good by comparison.  Granted Brandi has a somewhat distorted view of things and can't seem to grasp that her drinking behavior plays out repeatedly on camera.  Whatever or whenever Kyle smoked pot or told Brandi about smoking pot occurred off screen.  To me it sounds like Kim is telling Brandi that Kyle smoked/smokes pot, because it sounds like a total druggy move to start pointing fingers at those around them.  Again this is Brandi's bad move -we have heard about the pot smoking, Kyle has said she does not want a public discussion because of her children, for Brandi to keep bringing it up as if it magically excuses her behavior.


Kim gets such great satisfaction over "hitting a nerve" with Rinna.  A far better position for Kim to take is that she finds Rinna over dramatic and exploitative in her discussions about Kim's sobriety.  Kim is so lame-I had planned on having a talk with Eileen and Lisar but I got mad instead.  There was a time I felt sorry for Kim and that is when she keeps insisting that conversations she has with people she is expecting their sympathy or support over Monty and not their concern over a possible relapse.  I guess she finds her co-stars to be respite providers?  From what I have read Monty gives Kim plenty of breaks from having to "care" for him.

  • Love 8

This big secret Kim knows about Harry...didn't Rinna say earlier this season that he was sober for 3 years (and then there was debate over what she meant by that on here)?  And Kim's been sober that long too, right, according to her?


Could she possibly know him from some treatment program, and that's the big secret she can't reveal?

  • Love 3
Also, I'm actually more convinced now that Kim had real dirt on HH.  At the Amsterdam dinner, the other women's horror was palpable.  LisaR would not have gone apeshit if Kim's insinuations could have easily been dismissed as Enquirer nonsense.  People have upset me in the past, but I have never reached for their throats or smashed wineglasses at them.  The issue was also way too easily swept under the rug at the reunion.  If Kim really only had a tabloid rumor, the other women would have moved in for the kill and stomped her right there.


ETA: Kim did show a quantum of clarity in that situation.  If she had been lying about HH, at least she admitted it.  If she knew the truth about something awful, at least she kept it to herself, which means she is capable of self-restraint.

I have read through almost all the posts and haven't seen this mentioned, although there are so many posts I could have missed it. About a month ago I read a blind item about RHOBH. It was obvious who it was about. Didn't think much of it at the time but with the backpeddling Kim is doing now I went to go find it again. I have seen it posted on a few sites, one of those also had a story about Kim telling TMZ in an interview she just made up the Harry Hamlin dirt just to piss LisaR off. Anyway here is the link to the blind item:




And the blind item:


"Apparently this Real Housewife was given a choice.  If she wanted to stay on the show then she had to say the story was made up (it wasn’t) otherwise she would be fired.

The producers wanted the accused on the show more than the accuser.


Look for one big name to be gone next season though."


Hope it's ok to post it here. Seems Kim won't get the boot next season after all.

  • Love 2

I'll keep you company.  On another thread someone posted a clip of Lisa from her Access Hollywood co-host gig this week. Her schtick is why I suspect she hasn't had any steady, long term acting gigs in a while.  She's over the top, crass, yells instead of speaks, and is just up in yo' face at all times. Hands and arms waving all about the place.  RHOBH or soaps are perfect vehicles for her.  But if I was a potential employer?  I wouldn't hire her. She's exhausting in her self promotion and I don't think she plays well with others.


Over these past 2 reunions, I've seen Kyle, Eileen, LisaVP and Andy look like they were annoyed with her.  She's annoying. 


Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that, given a few more seasons, LisaR could start to get on my last nerve BIG TIME. I've enjoyed her mostly this year, but there was a time when I also loved Brandi. She's got it in her, just waiting to come out.


You know, I feel badly about Eileen's hair. It looked so great all season and on the reunion it looks like its in desperate need of a deep conditioning. Kyle's hair is also looking way too severe to me. And then there is Lisa V's - ugh. Lisa R may have had the same hair for a decade or whatever, but it suits her. 

  • Love 6


When will Andy et al realize that if they had a real host who could actually conduct this reunion in a competent way, they would have more than the shitfest  of "you shut up, no YOU shut up, no you".


Yes Yes Yes, 1000 Times Yes.  Andy in no way, shape or form should be hosting these reunions.  Been my complaint since he started really screwing up the NJ reunions by letting everyone get their shots in re Theresa, but shutting her down every time she opened her mouth, not to mention his constant calling out of Joe G for one gay comment.  But enough about that....on to last night's festivities.


Kim is horrible. Just horrible.  The entire time she had a look on her face that said "attack mode", and her defense of Brandi at this point is just silly.  She forgave Brandi for the drug comments but can't forgive her sister for...what, exactly?  And she can't forgive Lisa Rinna?  What Brandi said about Kim on national TV is far worse than anything Lisa R has said. 


Brandi is right there with her, just horrible.


But...the rest of them!  Yes!   Keep calling those two idiots out.  Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson were particularly adept at it - with Lisa Vanderpump in 3rd place and Kyle in 4th. Love how Lisa R called Kim out on the hospital stay, and almost demanded that Kim spill what she supposedly knows about Harry.  Kim knows nothing, that was evident.


Kim  really crossed the line in even starting that whole thing, and for that alone she should be fired.  At what point does it stop, or can anyone just hurl out any accusation about any cast member's husband or children, regardless of whether or not it's true?  I mean, seriously - you can "hear" lots of things, can't you? Add to it that if Kim actually ever heard anything, she was most likely in an alcoholic haze and doesn't remember it correctly. 


And Eileen - well, there are no words - perfection!  Idiots have finally met their matches.  Love how she told  Brandi she should get along with LeAnn.


I'm glad there is only one more reunion episode left.  I can't take anymore of Kim Richards ugliness and denial.  Kyle is right - she's just mean.  It's not fun to watch.  And the same for Brandi.   Good lord, her son is in middle school?   Does she not think he gets teased about her behavior?  We all know how kind middle school kids can be. : )


Sad, this would be such a fun show if it wasn't for these two losers.   I'm out next season if they're back. 

  • Love 9

I missed that explanation...loved the fact it was asked but I never heard the answer.

Regarding the 5/7/9 hospital stay, the answer was 8 which makes no sense whatsoever.  She gave the reason for the trip to the hospital as pneumonia and bronchitis for the past 8 weeks.  However, the facts that we have seen fly in the face of this answer.  We saw her out at various events during that time with no coughing whatsoever.  We saw her smoking with no coughing whatsoever.  And, I believe, we have Monty's instagram pictures of her out at a family dinner the night before Poker Night. 


We also have Kim saying quite specifically that Monty gave her one of his pain pills and urging her to attend.  And we have Monty writing on twitter that he never gave Kim any of his medication (because that would be illegal). 


The only thing I learned from all this is that maybe Monty is a liar as well as Kim.

  • Love 13

I thought the rumor was that Harry is gay? Seems like it from that naked man clip in Amsterdam when Kim insinuated Rinna hadn't seen a penis in a while. Seems as though Rum Raisin and the Blowfish spent time Googling so they could dig up 20 year old rumors about their cast mates and their spouses, whatever. I'm on the who cares band wagon.


I've seen it before when posters have said, 'if so and so is back next season I'm done' and I take that with a grain of salt because these Hos are as addictive as a fentanyl patch.  But I think a lot of us are really over it this time.  If Kim comes back I'm out for sure.

Add BG to that and I'm in. I try not to ever say I won't watch next season, because I know better, but I never want to see either of their faces again after the 3rd installment.

  • Love 2

I admit I was only half watching the reunion but what is it with all the dog sex references in this franchise?  What the what ? I tuned in to hear Lisa Rinna shrieking at the top of her lungs, jumping around, talking about Harry fucking a dog.  She said it a few times.  *crickets*  Between LVP talking about dogs being sexy and LisaR's dog stuff...  I don't even know what to say.  Out of everything Lisa Rinna could have made reference to, WHY did she pick dog sex?  Oy.  I'm far from being a prude in bed but uh ....

She seems to be using absurdity to distract - imo there must be something there.

  • Love 5


I've seen it before when posters have said, 'if so and so is back next season I'm done' and I take that with a grain of salt because these Hos are as addictive as a fentanyl patch.  But I think a lot of us are really over it this time.  If Kim comes back I'm out for sure.


I can only speak personally.  I haven't watched Atlanta in two weeks, and I am not watching NY this season because Sonja is sad, I can't stand Bethenny, and I don't feel like watching the disintegration of Ramona's marriage. 


I agree that viewers are sick of the Kim Richards show, and I think Bravo needs to make some changes, or they will definitely lose much of their audience.


One more thing I wanted to add - was the look on Kim's face when Andy was talking about Eileen's acting career. Jealous much, Kim? Or maybe Kim has higher standards than Eileen does, too LOL.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 8


ETA: Kim did show a quantum of clarity in that situation.  If she had been lying about HH, at least she admitted it.  If she knew the truth about something awful, at least she kept it to herself, which means she is capable of self-restraint.

Yes, she clearly is capable of self-restraint. Same with Brandi. If you saw her on CA, it is clear she can restrain herself and act like a normal human when she wants/needs to. 


IMO this is what makes them so horrendous. They can control themselves, they just prefer to cut a bitch and go places no one else would think of going. How nice for Kim to decide to keep what she knows/thinks she knows about HH to herself now. What a big person that makes her. She knew exactly what she was doing when she threw it out to begin with. She did it on purpose. It wasn't some uncontrolled or provoked reaction. It was planned and said with an intent to hurt, just like when Brandi very carefully and thoughtfully threw out the stuff about Adrienne's surrogacy. They know what they are doing which is why they are so dangerous. 

  • Love 18

IMO this is what makes them so horrendous. They can control themselves, they just prefer to cut a bitch and go places no one else would think of going. How nice for Kim to decide to keep what she knows/thinks she knows about HH to herself now. What a big person that makes her. She knew exactly what she was doing when she threw it out to begin with.

And as if this behavior wasn't bad enough, she then has the nerve to say she won't reveal what she knows, because she's "not that kind of person." A statement dripping in irony.

  • Love 13

Eileen reading Brandi like a DOOL script was such a highlight. The Beverly Hills version of the Phaedra/sperm bank read.

Eileen read her to the gods, but what Phadrea did was practiced mean and hateful. Going after someone for having fertility issues is no comparison to Eileen telling Brandi off because of her crappy behavior.

  • Love 4


And as if this behavior wasn't bad enough, she then has the nerve to say she won't reveal what she knows, because she's "not that kind of person." A statement dripping in irony.


This is the same person (KIm) who was oh, so upset because Lisa Rinna was saying things about her that her children would be hurt by.  And yet she goes there.  I guess other people's children don't matter.  Oh, Brandi, I think we've found another hypocrite.

  • Love 8

I loved them laughing too. Brandi is just so ridiculous there's nothing to do but laugh plus it pissed her off so it's a win-win situation. In another group of ladies Lisa R would be on my last nerve but BH needs her. Who else is going to ask Kim how many days she was actually in the hospital? Not Andy that's for sure. Lisa R was acting as our proxy and I loved it. I think I will also delight in her threatening texts next week. It's about time someone stands up to the gruesome twosome.

  • Love 21

Eileen read her to the gods, but what Phadrea did was practiced mean and hateful. Going after someone for having fertility issues is no comparison to Eileen telling Brandi off because of her crappy behavior.

Thats why I said 'the classy/Beverly Hills version'. Atlanta is all about being mean and hurtful. Also (off-topic), Kenya doesn't have fertility issues - why do you think she was at a sperm bank?

Edited by nowcheckthat
  • Love 1

Thats why I said 'the classy/Beverly Hills version'. Atlanta is all about being mean and hurtful. Also (off-topic), Kenya doesn't have fertility issues - why do you think she was at a sperm bank?

I'm not going to lump all the ladies together but like all the housewife franchises some of them are all about being mean and hurtful. Tamra is one of the first to come to mind. Her fertility issues were addressed on the show before and on wwhl. To bring it back to topic Eillen rocks!

I can't deal with the reunions because Andy Cohen is so incompetent. I wish I could show up, sit him on one of the couches (furthest seat from me, obviously), whip out some index cards and read "Meeeeech from your home state wants to know if you're afraid of your employee Brandi Glanville? Do you think blankly staring, mouth agape as your guests scream at each other equals hosting? Is this just a glorified PR campaign for the women, since no one is expected to actually answer the questions?" He drives me crazy. 

  • Love 13

I "liked" all the anti-Andy comments on this thread - you guys make me feel like I'm not just crazy.  I honestly can't figure out his behavior.  He keeps making Brandi's case for her ("Brandi, do you get frustrated by the double standards of wine throwing?"  "Brandi, were you upset that Eileen didn't forgive you?" "Brandi, do you feel like Lisa Vanderpump held you to a higher standard than the other ladies?") - and he hasn't shown ONE clip or package of the millions he could show highlighting her bad behavior.  Where's the "Brandi threatens Kyle" package?  Where's the "Brandi discusses Kim's sobriety endlessly" package?  Where's the "Brandi verbally attacks all the other women, shoves Kyle down the stairs, and then panics when a bracelet scratches her arm" package?  Where's the "Brandi tries to undermine Kim and Kyle's relationship" package?  Is he saving it all for part three?  


I also agree that it was so strange that, in the moment, Andy didn't challenge any of Kim or Brandi's lies; it was left to production in the edit to show that they were just flat out lying on stage.  But since it was in POST, we didn't get to see them held accountable.  For all the screaming, this is a pretty unsatisfying reunion.  I'm glad that Kyle is holding it together (you can tell, by a thread), I'm in love with Eileen, I think LVP is playing it just right, Lisa Rinna apparently has restless leg syndrome with all the jumping off the couch and dancing (hey, Lisa, another endorsement opportunity!), and - well, Brandi and Kim deserve each other.  


I think there should be a spin off entitled "Brandi, Kim and Andy," and they should all three be required to live together and interact only with each other.  Since they're all such good friends and they all think the rest of the world is unfair.  Put them in the Big Brother house or even better, some distant island, for five years.  I won't watch it, but I will support a kickstarter for it, because it's the best revenge I can think of for the three of them:  you're all so great?  Cool.  Go be together.  


The only thing I'm clinging to at this point is that Bravo already knows that Brandi is fired, and they're trying not to rub it in her face.  But in the process, they're denying us viewers the closure and resolution and karma that WE need.  I can't tell you how many times I have re-watched the RHONY Season 3 reunion.  After Jill's behavior all season, seeing her get eviscerated on the reunion was soul satisfying.  That's what we need, Bravo. 

  • Love 21

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