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S04.E01: Episode 1

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A chance encounter with an impoverished child forces Trixie to see an unfamiliar darker side of life. As Nonnatus House welcomes a new resident, Nurse Barbara Gilbert, Tom Hereward has a surprise romantic gesture in store for Trixie.


Happy to see Charlotte Ritchie join the cast, though not as happy as I was to see that her other show, Fresh Meat, is returning for a fourth series.

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Damn, but that was a harsh ending. They don't usually stick the knife back in and twist it like that. I was not expecting that. I was kind of expecting that Sheilagh would say that she wanted to adopt the other three, not that she wanted to go back to work.


Still, the rest of the episode was beautiful and I missed this show so much. There's just enough interest with the new characters that I didn't feel the loss of Jenny and Cynthia that much, although I didn't like that the new woman has the same hair as Cynthia. Made her seem like too much of a substitute. And we won't lose Trixie now, will we? Could a curate's wife be a midwife then? Please? 


Did I mention I was glad this show was back? I'm glad this show is back. I just wish we could get things on a synchronous broadcast schedule rather than waiting until months later. 

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I found out that this episode was shown unedited in many markets in the US, but a cut version was shown in other areas (including mine). That's extremely unfair. I wish all people in the US would be able to see the whole show. I know they've edited it in the past, but this time some areas get edits and others don't. How silly is that? I hope they put the unedited version on the PBS website.


As for the episode, I think it's a very strong start to the season. I really like Barbara and think she's more likable than Jenny was (although I didn't actually dislike Jenny).  I thought the boy who played Gary did an excellent job, and it was sad to find out what happened to him and his sisters at the end. I love the Turners and seeing them happier at home is great. It's good to see Shelagh getting back to working full-time, as well. She seemed so uneasy last season a lot of the time. I have nothing against stay-at-home moms (I am one), but I think being a working mom suits Shelagh best.


Also, I like Trixie and I like Tom, but I don't like them as a couple. I honestly think they would both be happier with other people. 

Edited by Beldasnoop
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I was sitting here so happy the show was back, & then it hit me with that ending. Now I feel terrible, those poor kids were probably better off with their horrible mother. I'm so depressed.

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I had no idea about the Child Migrant Programme, but it was interesting that the show's writers used it for last night's episode. Those children, especially Gary were so determined to stay alive. It broke my heart, when he told Peter that he was "ashamed", because of his odor.

Peter was chomping at the bit, to arrest those kids mother. Sigh.

Edited by vixenbynight
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I thought the boy who played Gary did an excellent job, and it was sad to find out what happened to him and his sisters at the end. I love the Turners and seeing them happier at home is great. It's good to see Shelagh getting back to working full-time, as well. She seemed so uneasy last season a lot of the time. I have nothing against stay-at-home moms (I am one), but I think being a working mom suits Shelagh best.

Shelagh has the love and support from her husband and oldest child. They know that she needs to do something for their community. That she still has a calling.

I had hoped, that maybe, the Turners would have adopted those children. Alas, this isn't "The Fosters" on ABCFamily.

Also, I like Trixie and I like Tom, but I don't like them as a couple. I honestly think they would both be happier with other people.

Agreed. I think that Tom adores Trixie, but she doesn't really understand why he's chosen to be a curate. He's found his need to help the people of their community, in the same way that she has, by being a nurse.

This show keeps it real that's for sure, and the real wasn't always happy endings :( It's great the show is back, I just need to stock up on my tissues.

That's certainly the truth. I remember the first episode, and that Italian mother, mourning the death, of her stillborn baby. I tried to keep it together and then the baby revived! I was an absolute mess and a fan of this series.

Edited by vixenbynight
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I'm also happy to see the show back.  It is so heartwarming and sad at the same time.  Didn't miss Jenny at all.

Not every child grows up in a loving, caring home where the parents actually can or do properly feed, clothe, and take care of them - something I think too many people in our society don't or won't realize.

It was heartbreaking how the three kids ended up but it was so endearing how much the brother cared for his sisters.

Liked the new nurse.

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I think I've read that the show has used up all of Jennifer Worth's memoirs of her time at Nonnatus House, so I'm guessing that the story of Gary and his three sisters isn't actually true.  I haven't finished reading the second book, Farewell to the East End, so I'm not sure if these events really happened.  Even if these characters weren't real, apparently many children did suffer this fate and it's quite sad.


I also like the new nurse very much.  I was hoping to see Cynthia at some point, and way too little of Chummy.  I'm curious as to what is exactly wrong with Sister Evangelina. 

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Another great premiere.  I love the moments when Sister Monica Joan is just lucid enough to save the day.  Her interaction with the new nurse was good and her talk with Sister Evangelina was great.  I wonder if Sister Evangelina has fibroid tumors, those suckers can wreak havoc.


Not enough Chummy.  I don't know what to think of Trixie's engagement.  She wasn't exactly overwhelmed with joy. I hope we get Cynthia back soon.


I can't even talk about those poor children, they just never had a chance.  At least the baby made out okay.

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My inner Brit-history geek was delighted that one of Gary's sisters was named Jacquetta. Who, we all remember (if we're White Queen fans), was Elizabeth Woodville's mother, and subsequently grandma to King Edward V. The mom was right: it costs nothing to give your kids the name of a Duchess/Countess.

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When the narrator mentioned the Child Migrant Program, I shuddered.  I recently watched a movie about the scheme, called Oranges and Sunshine, which delves into just how awful the program was.

I am worried for Sister Evangelina, and I loved Sister Monica Joan's moments of lucidity, and that last shot of her enjoying the meringue made me grin.

For me, this show is like a warm hug.  I am glad it's  back, and  also glad I stocked up on kleenex  at Costco. 

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I loved the reference to rosehip syrup.  When we were kids, my dad used to make a really incredible iced tea with rosehip tea.  We also drank it hot.  Yes, it does taste like roses.


Chummy won't be back until the finale. Miranda Hart tweeted that when the show aired originally in the UK.

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Damn, but that was a harsh ending. They don't usually stick the knife back in and twist it like that. I was not expecting that.


Tell me about it! The kids go to Australia as part of an Australian version of the Canadian Home Children program and then Vanessa Redgrave tells us in less than one sentence that their life wasn't that great there either. :-(


Anyhow, I want Cynthia back. Jenny, not so much.

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I want both Cynthia and Jenny back!  I too think Trixie is not a great match with the preacher.


SO heartbreaking about those kids but what a well written line (not exact quote) about how their happiest day of the day of hope and leaving for the new home.


And the joy of Gary taking a bath and splashing!  So great!


Then the doctor taking off Coral's diaper and wincing.  I winced too.  So glad this show is back!

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When the narrator mentioned the Child Migrant Program, I shuddered.  I recently watched a movie about the scheme, called Oranges and Sunshine, which delves into just how awful the program was.

Thanks for the mention of Oranges and Sunshine; I just added it to my Netflix queue.

My pbs station cut off the last few minutes.  Fortunately, there was another showing in the early morning hours, so I recorded it then, and just watched the last few minutes.

I think Trixie seemed very happy, if a bit surprised.  Watching Chummy try to drive with everyone watching was hilarious; glad Peter bailed her out.

I don't know if it's available here, but in England you can buy rose-flavored cream chocolates; they are quite lovely.  I think violet and other flavors are also available.

Glad this is back!  Although the stories may not come from the memoirs, it seems to me like the situations and characters are very much realistic, and such things weren't uncommon at the time.

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SO heartbreaking about those kids but what a well written line (not exact quote) about how their happiest day of the day of hope and leaving for the new home.


Mature Jenny (Vanessa Redgrave): It sometimes happens that new beginnings come not at once, but at last. The wait is rewarded, and the fresh start can commence. But we can never know how the story will conclude, and perhaps that's for the better.


Baby Coral was adopted, and her three elder siblings were sent to Australia under the child migrant programme. They were promised a life of sunshine, blue skies, and endless opportunity. The truth was otherwise. And the only consolation is that hope made them happy for a while.


Joy is not felt less exquisitely because the moment flies. And if we can taste it, we know that we are blessed.

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OK, I'm completely ignorant of the children's migrant programme. Last night after "Jenny" gave the epilogue about them, I just put my fingers in my ears , did a couple of "la-la-la-I can't hear you's" & decided to think she meant they just had rough sea voyage or it was really hot in the Outback. But some of you are making it really hard for me to keep pretending those children lived happily ever after in Australia. I'm going to try to refrain from Googling or checking out that documentary. I was an emotional mess with their story as it was!

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This episode made me cry, I my career in Social Services, I have dealt with children almost as severely neglected. In addition to the neglect, it seemed that the mom was beating her children. The poor baby had diaper rash so severe that she might need skin grafts.

The children were so neglected or worse. It is sad that there wasn't a decent children's home for them to go to.

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In my mind (the Disneyland version) the three tykes ended up with a nice family.  Not every one of the kids shipped off across the sea ended up in terrible situations, some WERE adopted by loving families. Their situation was so heartbreaking and as Lillybee said, neglect knows no era and continues today.  Not defending the relocation program in any way but there had to be times that the kids lucked out and did well.  I'm going to picture those sweet faces with smiles....else I will have to buy more tissues.

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It was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisto


I just rewatched a few minutes with the closed captioning on to confirm what it was.  I don't care if that mother DID want to have her tubes tied and the government wouldn't do it.  That still doesn't excuse her for going off and leaving those precious children in an abandoned building with no food for days at a time.  And then using their skin as ashtrays to put out her cigarettes.  If there was no money for food for them, she had NO RIGHT to be spending a penny on cigarettes and hair spray - and decent clothes for herself.


I think of Fantine ("Les Miserables") who sold her own body so her daughter could be taken care of.  And then there was the piece of trash they showed on CtM.  No comparison.

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It's sweet and heartbreaking to watch Sister Monica Joan have her lucid moments, she wanted so much to help, to just be useful in some way and her plea to Trixie that she knew helping with those kids wouldn't bother her because she'd done it so much in the past.  She can be so naughty sometimes (loved how Sister Evangaline called her out on using cakes to "haze" the new nurses) but other times she gets such a look of love and compassion on her face.


When Shelagh was talking about needing to do more and help more I was completely certain she was going to ask Patrick if they could look into being foster parents.  They'd need a bigger house of course but it would have made sense if she wanted to do that after seeing those neglected children.  


If Chummy is going to go run an unwed mothers home can we just get a spin off please.  "Chummies Mother House" - I would so watch that!!  Something in a cute little village where Peter can be the local constable too.


So far the new Nurse seems like a good fit.  I think they get another next week that I'm not to sure about only because in the quick preview she looked (for those who've seen the Harry Potter movies) a bit like Delores Umbridge.  Not the same actress just a simiar look and bearing and I'm hoping that doesn't also mean a nasty attitude.

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The way she told the kids something about "everybody needing some fun" she might just have been a good time girl -- go with guys for food and a nice bed for the night, trinkets, etc.  She wasn't exactly malnourished.  


What I don't get is why she didn't just abandon them outright.  I mean, why come back at all to that hovel?   It's not like she was trying in any way to feed and clothe and care for them, so why return to the smelly, disgusting place and look at them/beat on them?  They were squatting, so it's not like they'd even find her if she just left, and it's not like she had "belongings" she didn't want to abandon.

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The mother said she worked for a licensed establishment, which could mean a number of different things.  

What was the name of the room at Nonnatus House where the children took the baths?  And since Nonnatus House moved locations, was the bathing room in the new location also?

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I didn't think the room was at Nonnatus House.  I think it used to be like a public decontamination room from the days when fleas, lice, etc., were more prevalent.  When everyone went there, they were taking off their outer clothes as thought they had traveled there from somewhere else.

Edited by AZChristian
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What was the name of the room at Nonnatus House where the children took the baths?  And since Nonnatus House moved locations, was the bathing room in the new location also?

I believe it was the "cleansing station."

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SO glad to have this show back. And I don't miss Jenny at all! 


You guys, I know it's irrational, but I get so angry whenever Sister Monica Joan steals other people's food! It's not cute or endearing to me at all. Especially Trixie's proposal meringue - I seriously almost wept when Sister MJ took that bite. Oh well, she was great with those poor kids, so there's that.


I really like the new nurse too.

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Did a little research.  Prostitution was not illegal, per se . . . and a prostitute could work in a "licensed establishment" such as a sauna or massage parlor.  So if she was working, she SHOULD have been spending some money on the kids.  It was all obviously being spent on herself.

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Having lived with someone with dementia, I tend to overlook Sr. Monica Joan's food fetish.  She can't help it, she has no idea what she's doing.I felt bad about the meringue but for goodness sake, everyone in the house knows they need to keep sweets under lock and key!

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You guys, I know it's irrational, but I get so angry whenever Sister Monica Joan steals other people's food! It's not cute or endearing to me at all. Especially Trixie's proposal meringue - I seriously almost wept when Sister MJ took that bite. Oh well, she was great with those poor kids, so there's that.

I can't be angry at her for it. I did wonder if Trixie left it out for Sister Monica Joan specifically, because as Kohola3 said, everyone (except the new nurse) knows how she can be. But perhaps Trixie was too distracted to remember to guard her dessert.

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I thought, when Trixie first opened the meringue that she didn't really like them -- a brief hesitation and then, "Do you want me to eat it now?" didn't seem like it  was a favorite. Of course, Trixie will go to her grave receiving meringues from her husband and pretending to love them, because she is the nicest person in the whole world.  I just love her!  The way she made the children feel like the cleansing room was a fancy salon and not a place of shame, was so Trixie.  I think she'll make a wonderful minister's wife.

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Yes, I also thought Trixie gave it to Sister Monica Joan, and I thought, what a lovely gesture!  Just as I was also appalled that SMJ took the entire plate of eclairs!  I remember the first episode, where Jenny was given so much cake by SMJ when she first arrived at Nonnatus house.

Thanks for "cleansing station" and explanation of where it was!

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So shocking to see Judy Parfit in the 'behind the scenes' footage sans wig and headgear sporting brilliant red hair. And I don't blame her a bit. I'd want a little color after playing SMJ all day.

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A U.S. program similar to the Child Migrants Programme was the Orphan Train.

And American Indian children were sent to Indian boarding schools, beaten for hewing to their culture and language, used as cheap hard labor, and were abused and molested. Sigh.


I've been watching the broadcast of the 30-year-old Jewel in the Crown. I finally realized that our wacky elderly Sister Monica Joan is played by Judy Parfitt, who played the evil mother Mildren Layton in JitC.


We've seen horrific scenes in CtM before, and I'm a bit immune to horror-used-as-dramatic-effect, but the reference to the very real child migrant program was chilling. I also watched Oranges and Sunshine


Sweets and treats are one of the few things that people with dementia enjoy, with a childlike enthusiasm. I wonder how many meringues the actress ate in order to get the scene "just right."

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