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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?

I know that Kim has put Kyle through her daughter's mangled hand needing two surgeries --  so screw the past -- at this point, isn't that enough? Once someone you love has been damaged, the past becomes secondary to what you fear is coming next (which is why Kyle has backed away, I think.)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 10

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it? What has Kim put Kyle through? Being drunk at inappropriate times? Being a mean drunk? Not that that isn't enough, but is that what it is? Has Kim gotten violent? Did she hit on Kyle's boyfriends/husbands? Did she drink and drive with her kids or Kyle's kids in the car? Has Kyle had to bail Kim out of jail or hire lawyers to get her out of trouble? All of these things seem possible. And I really don't know. A lot of what has happened on camera has involved Kim being flakey and mean, which is bad, but stuff Kyle can sort of choose to engage with. But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?


Good question.  I just don't think of Kim all that much but when I do, it's usually because you guys make me. LOL.  That's a really good question.  All I got is that she's late a lot and she makes Kyle cry.  But like you said, that's on Kyle.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 4

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it?




Can't speak for their family but on Intervention when they talk about this stuff they mostly mean that the family worries about them and what they're doing to their kids etc. As one of the therapists often says, "When she feels bad, she gets to get drunk/high. You just feel bad." 

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 9

I would say yes. More than enough. That wasn't my point. My point was that the Kingsley thing made me think there may have been other really dangerous situations in the past we don't know about.


You replied as I was editing  -- Fozzy is fast!  -- yeah, I completely see your point -- my feeling is, even if Kim has been previously violent to Kyle, all bets are off when someone you love (not just yourself) is physically damaged.  Also, I'm assuming this level of danger is new (I don't much like Kyle, but I can't see her sticking around Kim if she had driven her kids while drunk.)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 3

Harry Hamlin's head is too big for his body. He's like one of those balloons in a Thanksgiving Day parade. This workday is moving along so slowly, it's causing me to be in 75% pain.

LOL.Aw, poor Harry.  Dragged into this mess. Now I will totally take back any sympathy I have for him when/if he comes back next season and is more involved.  I'm surprised we see him as much as we do, considering he said he'd never appear and then that he'd divorce Lisa if she signed on.


But yeah, he's getting the bobble head look.  I like my men strong and vibrant.  The color of the great outdoors in their cheeks.  HH is a little too gaunt and craggy looking for me.  He's not unattractive at all, just not my type.

  • Love 4

Starting out shallow: I can't believe how much of Brandi's hair was a weave. When her "live-in hair stylist" was trying to comb her hair (he looked as if he'd never touched her hair before), I could see all the attachments. I know she says she wears fake hair, but that was a lot of weave. Also, her live-in hair stylist has the same face as her female friend who is always with her. Is that plastic surgery or are they related?


Yikes that's some nasty looking hair!  Seriously, when I saw the amount of weave, her "real" hair must be very short.   Bad, ratty looking weave.  


The other thing I notice, and talk about shallow, was how much concealer did that make-up artist use on Kim.  OMG it was like watching somebody repair a damaged wall with spackle!   I was expecting her to pick up some sandpaper to smooth down the layers in between.   

  • Love 6

Reminds me of the very first episode of the show season 1. Kim introduced herself to the audience by telling a story about being on the red carpet with paris and the paps yelled kim kim and Paris said "aunt kim" and a pap said "your aunt is a legend she was here first" and kim replied with "yeah I was here first".

I swear that TH was the happiest we have ever seen her in 5 seasons. 

  • Love 2

I agree.  There are some "human beings" who could be considered useless and without worth.  And as much as I've disliked Kim through all the seasons, she's just not one of them, imo. 


Since I've not cared for her, ever, your question about who cares if she's a functioning alcoholic is interesting.  I've never cared just because I don't care for her in general.  But you got me thinking....seriously, who cares if she's a functional alcoholic? Throwing back a bottle a night, smoking a pack of cigarettes, binge eating fast food - it's all unhealthy but a personal decision.  As long as she's not getting in a car or hurting anyone else.  And the argument stands that she DOES hurt others.  But my argument back is, you can only be hurt if you allow someone the power to hurt you.   

Agreed! The only one I feel that has a legitimate gripe is Kyle but she's shown enough of her ass for me not to be all the sympathetic. Or at least be exhausted about the fact that she likes the rollercoaster and then gets made when it makes her puke. I mean I just have a thing about people going over the same ground after they've reached a certain point in their lives. My sister held resentments about my mom all her life but when she passed all that hit my sister like a ton of bricks. Me, I made my peace with the situation as it was and enjoyed the fact that as an adult I wasn't held hostage by any of that. I didn't cut my mom off but it was so freeing to just accept things as they were and handle each thing if ever or when ever it cropped up. One day at a time. I guess my big thing is that I have a hard time believing that Kim at this stage of her life, her addiction, her sobriety, her story and her kids lives is the same kind of drain to Kyle and her family that she MAY HAVE been to Kyle back in the day. I just don't see it. Do I see Kim being an embarrassment to Kyle? An annoying detail in Kyle's life? Someone who possesses a different viewpoint of how things in their family went down? Sure. But this reality show has failed to convince me that Kim is nothing more than a pain in the ass to people who let her be a pain in the ass. I don't see Kim holding anyone hostage. Lisa V manages to maneuver through work related obligations without getting up in arms about the state of Kim's sobriety. Yolanda has managed to avoid the vapors miraculously. So I'm not understanding the "Kim has to be reigned in, for the love of almighty God" campaign these women have been on. LOL!

If you get into screaming arguments everytime you leave your house, you aren't a functioning alcoholic.  If you think the way to make amends is to ask to eat a pussy you are not a functioning alcoholic.  If you think yelling and glaring at people is a great way to convince them you're sober, you are not a functioning anything.   


If Brandi were a "functioning alcoholic" Eileen wouldn't have called her a mean drunk.  You shouldn't be turning into the worst version of yourself just because you're inebriated.

I was referring to being able to get through your day, run errands, take care of your home, your body, keep appointments on a regular basis. That sort of thing.

  • Love 4

Originally it was in statements the Kim released to gossip mags.  A couple of them published, none of them reputable.  I think ROL released it 4 or 5 times.


I watched the WWHL one-on-one with Bethenny Frankel from RHNY and she mentioned NY housewives selling stories about each other and everyone knowing which wives sold stories. And...is this true? Because what kind of life is that? I mean, I guess it's just another level of updating one's thoughts on Facebook and Twitter every 30 seconds, but I still can't figure out why people with money, beautiful houses, famous friends, children etc., even bother with online social media. The idea that Kim released statements to Radar or whomever about her dog biting her niece is just beyond sad to me.


When I first started watching RHBH, I hated Kyle. I still don't like her, but the season I started watching (3, I think) she seemed so desperate for any bit of gossipy attention. In one episode she was checking the internet on her laptop for stories about herself and she said something to Mauricio about it, he had this blank expression and I remember thinking my husband wouldn't like me very much if I was that involved in everyone else's petty gossipy crap. Even if this is "for work", it must be a lonely life being so obsessed with my tabloids are writing about you.


Now I have to explain to myself why I spent the day thinking about these pathetic women!

  • Love 4

It's not that she can't ever be there or support someone else--it's not like we haven't been told more than once how she's taking care of Monty and she lived with her mother at the end. You just can't rely on her. She's not someone that "everyone leans on" because that implies reliability. No one in their right mind would consider her that. Sometimes she makes a nice gesture or wants to take care of someone--for instance, she and Monty seem to have a long history where he can drop in and stay with her and she's a good friend to him. If she's feeling that way, great. If she's not--better have back up. 

Kinda sounds like the average person to me actually.

  • Love 2
Kinda sounds like the average person to me actually.



Not really. Even from the little we've seen on the show, for instance, I think almost every other woman has shown more average responsibility to others than Kim has (even the woman with Lyme disease). It's so consistent it's a running joke on the show. The average person I think really does feel a responsibility to be there for people even when they don't feel like it and without calling attention to it.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 8

I recall Kyle speaking (at one of the reunions maybe?) of all the sleepless night she spent worrying about Kim and wondering if she was dead or alive.  She also inferred that she and Mauricio have financially helped her.  I'd bet the farm that you can add in a zillion of those 2am calls, Kim's children reaching out for help, dozens of missed events, unanswered phone calls, and other issues.  That's the way it is with addictions.  It is a disease which can destroy a family, not only the addict.  It is a disease which may involve stealing, lying and just about the only disease I can think of where treatment is refused and fought against. 


On a gossipier note - that book signing dress was too young for Camille.  No one over 40 should wear a skull on their chest.  

  • Love 6

Out of all the things that Brandi said - and yes, some of them could have been alluding to just all the the stress of her life events - there is one that speaks 100% to Kim's sobriety.  This wasn't something the said directly to Lisa, it was In her TH during that lunch.  She says that she knows she cannot come right out and accuse Kim of not being sober.  She said that in her experience with addicts, as long as they say they are sober, then in their mind they are sober. She said until Kim admits that she isn't sober, there was nothing that Brandi could do.  Certainly in her comments to Jenn, she came out and said that she felt like Kim had slipped. She said that she no longer felt OK having wine around her. Bottom line, we might all view it a bit differently, but Brandi is the only person on the entire show who has made me believe that Kim might not be sober. Not Lisar with all of her talking, because she is only repeating events that she witnessed. Not Eileen, not Kyle. None of them have given me one reason to believe that Kim isn't just as she claims to be - sober. Brandi Glanville has made me wonder otherwise. 

But Brandi's TH wouldn't have been a factor in the way Lisa R received the information at lunch. Lisa R ran with it the way she wanted to run with it. There didn't need to be any twisting of arms or dropping of obvious bombs for Lisa R to leave that lunch with a predetermined course of action regarding "the situation".

  • Love 3

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it? What has Kim put Kyle through? Being drunk at inappropriate times? Being a mean drunk? Not that that isn't enough, but is that what it is? Has Kim gotten violent? Did she hit on Kyle's boyfriends/husbands? Did she drink and drive with her kids or Kyle's kids in the car? Has Kyle had to bail Kim out of jail or hire lawyers to get her out of trouble? All of these things seem possible. And I really don't know. A lot of what has happened on camera has involved Kim being flakey and mean, which is bad, but stuff Kyle can sort of choose to engage with. But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! and EXACTLY! I mean aside from it being very embarrassing and draining to have to deal with Kim in the states we've seen her in where's all the torture? I mean, I have some ideas because I know first hand what dealing with an alcoholic can entail but honestly I'm not going to just throw my knowledge of that life in the pot and act like those have definitely been Kyle's experiences.  

  • Love 2

 I mean if they are functioning and taking care of business (not saying this is Kim maybe more like Brandi) but in general then who cares if they do polish off a bottle a night? 

Any kind of alcoholism eventually takes a terrible toll, because it's a progressive disease.  And framing the high functioning alcoholic as a lesser drunk/ less of a problem helps create a social climate in which that kind of alcoholic believes everything is either fine, or, even if they admit harm is being done,  it's only being done to themselves. Honestly, there is no such thing as a drinker who doesn't pay the price, and share that cost with everyone around them, eventually.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 10

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it? What has Kim put Kyle through? Being drunk at inappropriate times? Being a mean drunk? Not that that isn't enough, but is that what it is? Has Kim gotten violent? Did she hit on Kyle's boyfriends/husbands? Did she drink and drive with her kids or Kyle's kids in the car? Has Kyle had to bail Kim out of jail or hire lawyers to get her out of trouble? All of these things seem possible. And I really don't know. A lot of what has happened on camera has involved Kim being flakey and mean, which is bad, but stuff Kyle can sort of choose to engage with. But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?

Kyle said in her blog after the Gay Mixer that one thing she would never do is to reveal the things that she has gone through with Kim over the years. This was in response to Kim and Brandi's assertion that she was attempting to get Brandi to "out" secret information about their late night phone calls. I don't think she will ever do it. I have never heard her try to defend herself against the charge that she was horrible to her sister after the limo reveal. Back then, she was just about the most hated HW in history (she took that title away from Camille) and it might have behooved her to try and get some sympathy by letting us all in on some of the dirt. Actually, that was what I expected at the time, not knowing any of the backstory of the family. There have been many times over the years when I think Kyle could have gotten some sympathy by revealing all that Kim had put them all through but she never has. I certainly don't think she needs to now because for the first time, she seems to be getting the sympathy usually reserved for Kim. 

  • Love 9

Kyle said in her blog after the Gay Mixer that one thing she would never do is to reveal the things that she has gone through with Kim over the years. This was in response to Kim and Brandi's assertion that she was attempting to get Brandi to "out" secret information about their late night phone calls. I don't think she will ever do it. I have never heard her try to defend herself against the charge that she was horrible to her sister after the limo reveal. Back then, she was just about the most hated HW in history (she took that title away from Camille) and it might have behooved her to try and get some sympathy by letting us all in on some of the dirt. Actually, that was what I expected at the time, not knowing any of the backstory of the family. There have been many times over the years when I think Kyle could have gotten some sympathy by revealing all that Kim had put them all through but she never has. I certainly don't think she needs to now because for the first time, she seems to be getting the sympathy usually reserved for Kim. 

or maybe what she has to reveal is basically more of the same that we've seen on the show. Just over a really long period of time.

Edited by Sincerely Yours

I just can't with the disconnect of Kim and Kyle spending 5 seasons on a reality show fighting about their relationship and then saying with a straight face that they don't talk about family issues in public. What the fuck in all of fucktown? The PS sister retreat was so they could talk about personal family issues on camera! Where are these magic privacy lines in the sand that the both of them are always going on about? I don't undrstand this family, not even a little bit.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 8

The idea of the average person being like Kim really, really bums me out.

It shouldn't because it is absurd. She is a completely selfish, narcissistic, bitch that lives in a fantasy world and/or drug haze. Either way, she has no idea of reality and she has shown herself more than ever this season to be a totally horrible person. Which is why I think she and Brandi deserve each other and are, in fact, a perfect. match. 


Kim is not an average person and anyone that truly thinks so, seriously needs a new set of friends and/or serious therapy.

  • Love 11

It ain't easy to change your life. From the outside looking in, it seems so simple. But when you're in the thick of it, not so simple. I finally learned this, but only after living 60 years or so.

Exactly, this true for everyone including Kim.


I agree.  There are some "human beings" who could be considered useless and without worth.  And as much as I've disliked Kim through all the seasons, she's just not one of them, imo. 


Since I've not cared for her, ever, your question about who cares if she's a functioning alcoholic is interesting.  I've never cared just because I don't care for her in general.  But you got me thinking....seriously, who cares if she's a functional alcoholic? Throwing back a bottle a night, smoking a pack of cigarettes, binge eating fast food - it's all unhealthy but a personal decision.  As long as she's not getting in a car or hurting anyone else.  And the argument stands that she DOES hurt others.  But my argument back is, you can only be hurt if you allow someone the power to hurt you.   

Kyle seems to love being a victim as much as Kim does. They are two peas in a pod.

  • Love 6

I think she's going to be crawling up Kyle's for a while, too.  Lisa's (drunken?) tweet rant was addressed on WWHL and Kyle admits she was upset and that Lisa tweeted her and apologized.  I saw Kyle look uncomfortable several times this season when Lisa was trash talking Kim to Kyle.


There's little (if anything) to like about Brandi and Kim so I get why they're hated.   Brandi has said and done more than her share of unkind, inappropriate and downright horrible things.  There's no denying it.  I don't have the energy or the desire to discuss Kim anymore.


I have to give Kyle credit for admitting on WWHL that she was upset with LisaR's tweets.  What I don't get is why isn't Kyle upset about LisaR's talking heads and the conversations with other HWs calling Kim an addict?  I can't even guess how many times she's said it. 

  • Love 4

That said, Kyle is also responsible for making Kim a part of the BH franchise. Why would you want to film a reality show with your barely functioning, mean spirited alcoholic sister? I suspect it was a passive aggressive move by a fed up Kyle who probably wanted everything to come to a boil so she wouldn't have to keep the sordid family secret of Kim's alcoholism and drug abuse any longer. Lord only knows what that woman has done under the influence, though.


Where did this observation come from?  I've never seen Kyle do anything remotely shady.  Quite frankly, she's not smart enough to pull it off.  And she CANNOT keep her mouth shut.  If this was her motivation, she would have said it to someone or cried about it at some point.  I would venture a guess that if there were any reason Kyle suggested Kim be a housewife was because it would give Kim something to do since.....she doesn't do.....anything?  And that maybe if she had something to do or a perceived purpose in life she would knock off the drinking.


I have to give Kyle credit for admitting on WWHL that she was upset with LisaR's tweets.  What I don't get is why isn't Kyle upset about LisaR's talking heads and the conversations with other HWs calling Kim an addict?  I can't even guess how many times she's said it. 


Because Kim IS an addict.  Sober or not, she's an addict and always will be one.  Lisa R was speaking truth.  I see no reason why ANYONE including Kim should be upset with her at all for it.

  • Love 17

Not an ounce of her [Kim] wants resolution, only victory and a sense of purity and blamelessness.


Perfectly put, film noire.  This is Kim in a nutshell.


I'm going to miss this board for the next five days.  I'm flying from Detroit to Tampa early tomorrow morning, so I'm sure I'll have lots to catch up on when I get back!

  • Love 3

HAHAHA I am SO glad I am not the only one who heard this...but I recall EILEEN was the one telling the story about living next door to the Jacksons (the convo with Yolanda was in the car on the way to the party). And it sounded like Eileen said, "he used to come over and clean our house"

ahhaha WTF moment captured! I know it must have been something else that she said, but it sure did sound like that! LOL

  • Love 2

I keep forgetting Kim didn't actually apologize to LisaR when she made that visit to the hotel room. I still stand by my belief that LisaR was being shady when she chose to go shopping with Brandi and Kim and LisaV and acted as if she didn't know Eileen.

I disagree. LisaR and LisaV were going to go shopping regardless of what Brandi and Kim were going to be doing. That was their plan for the day. The fact that Brandi and Kim were going shopping as well was just coincidence and it would make no sense for them to go separately.  I also didn't see her acting as if she didn't know Eileen. She simply didn't want to acknowledge and relive the drama of the night before. 

  • Love 1

This goes back to a question I posed in the Kyle thread. We keep hearing about what Kim has put Kyle through and while I don't really doubt it, what is it? What has Kim put Kyle through? Being drunk at inappropriate times? Being a mean drunk? Not that that isn't enough, but is that what it is? Has Kim gotten violent? Did she hit on Kyle's boyfriends/husbands? Did she drink and drive with her kids or Kyle's kids in the car? Has Kyle had to bail Kim out of jail or hire lawyers to get her out of trouble? All of these things seem possible. And I really don't know. A lot of what has happened on camera has involved Kim being flakey and mean, which is bad, but stuff Kyle can sort of choose to engage with. But then there is the Kingsley thing, which involves a different level of danger. So I just want to know what specifically has Kim put Kyle through?


Since early in season one, I thought that Kyle has been a caretaker of Kim and bails Kim out of jams.  I also think that she loves Kim and worries about her, however one thing that struck me was in Hawaii Kim brought up that Kyle talks on her phone while driving and Kyle threw a hair flipping hissy fit over Kim's accusation, and as part of her hissy fit Kyle stated that Kim does not know if she talks on the phone in the car because they don't spend time / hang out together and have not driven together in a car in several years.  That scene has always come back to me, and while I don't doubt that Kyle has been there for Kim, that changed my line of thinking from Kyle (and Mauricio) being on the front lines dealing with Kim and her messes day in and day out. to them being more like Navy Seals / Special Ops forces when it comes to Kim.


Kyle also made similar comments when she and Eileen conversed at Lisa's birthday party, basically stating that she and Kim aren't joined at the hip and they do better when there is some distance between them.  IMO Kyle and Kim have that same trait, they both like being the victim/martyr/hero but on their own terms, they will bask in being told how wonderful they are for taking care of / being there for X, how difficult it must be dealing with Y, but as soon as someone gets prescriptive, it's "blah blah blah blah blah" or "I have four children and a husband..."

  • Love 3

Ugh, my freaking DVR cut off the last ten minutes of the episode! No idea why so I'll have to wait until tonight to catch the entire thing again. It's tough to catch up once you get behind in the threads too.


Of what I saw I thought the finale was okay. I'm definitely disappointed in LisaR for not backing Kyle. I'm totally confused by her motivation here. 


Still loving Eileen and will be disappointed if she's a one and done like Joyce. 


I wish that LisaV had been a bit more frank in her delivery with Brandi but overall I think Brandi at least gets that Lisa is over trying to care about someone who is so thoughtless and rude and is seemingly incapable of learning from past mistakes. 


I liked meeting the prince.


What has Kim put Kyle through?



Answering in Kim's thread.

  • Love 1

Did anyone catch Lisa Rinna's ugly tweets about Kim before they were removed this past weekend?  Watching WWHL last night both Andy and Kyle felt they were inappropriate.  It sounds like LisaR also regretted sending them because Kyle said Lisar sent an apology to her about them. 


Sorry I may have missed them if someone posted about what they were about before, thanks.

The funniest line from last night was Brandi saying that "everyone leans on Kim."  I laughed my ass off at the idea that anyone leaned on Kim for anything ever.

And did you notice the look on Kim's face when she said that? It was like she glowed. She loves hearing praise, even when it's made up.

One of the moments I found very telling about this episode ( and is may have already been mentioned but I am too lazy to go back) was when Kim sits down with Brandi, asks about her father for two seconds, says oh, okay, then it is all about her. Brandi's face fell for a moment . It looked to me that she was so disappointed that Kim could not take more than 10 seconds to talk to her about her father.  

Brandi so desperately needed and wanted attention and pity in that moment, and she got zilch from her bff. Kim immediately said "back to me....so Lisa said you said, blah, blah, blah... ". Some of us have commented on this in the Kim thread - I don't think there's been a singular instance of Kim doing something for someone else EVER over the course of this show. And no - her homemade chicken salad doesn't count, because I don't think they ate it! Her pure form of narcissism is almost fascinating to watch.

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