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SoCharmers in the Media: The Post & Courier

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15 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

She competed on The Challenge and hosted Girls Gone Wild: Wild Wild World also. The interesting thing about Cameran is that when people have that many shows in their background, they have a hard time not seeming thirsty. Cameran doesn't come off that way. Bethenny Frankel, Mohamed Hadid, Stassi Schroeder, Caroline Fleming all come across really thirsty, but not Cameran.

Wow, she hosted Girls Gone Wild????

she is a decent actress, that one.

23 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I think trying to be the matchmaker and nosing into people's relationships is thirsty, it gives her airtime. 

That's a good point. I don't think I realized that until you posted it.

Typically the thirsty ones are all about trying to get obvious attention on "me, me, me." Cameran is really good at slightly redirecting that focus, but still keeping herself in focus. Her storylines have included concern that Craig and Shep are partying too much and trying to get Shep to date a particular person. It's remarkable how often phrases like "Oh, Shep" or "Oh, Craig" come out of her mouth.

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I dunno, despite her multiple reality show appearances (and Shep let slip that she will be making an appearance on his upcoming show,) I like her. don't find her necessarily thirsty to watch, although I think the thirst is real for everyone on all reality shows in any iteration, including Cameran. I find her thirst infinitely more palatable than a Stassi or a Kathryn. I would rather watch Cameran's scenes than the other cast members. 

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I just read that the court awarded Thomas full custody with Kathryn having visitation to occur in stages.  Is this an old decision or new?  I thought this was the way it's been for a long time.



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12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

New. People are talking about it in their thread. This agreement has various stages where if Kathryn meets certain requirements she will eventually get unsupervised visitation.

Okay. I thought that if something had not been shown on the show, it was only allowed in the Media threads, since it's a spoiler.  Oh well.  Thanks for letting me know.  

22 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

It is. I recently looked over the 12 steps, thinking of her. She's not yet done #1. I hope she wakes up, for her children's .

I hope she wakes up for ever ones sake.  I for one am sick of speculating whether she will get her shit together or not. It takes like 2 years to get your brain back again, ill check back when she's 30.

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My belief is that Kathryn truly loved and still loves Thomas.  I also believe Thomas cares about her deeply and that if she had her you-know-what-together, he may even be said to love her in return.

I also believe Kathryn loves her kids dearly.   

She just doesn't have the life skills to make any of it work.  Toss in what appears to be a severe additction, and she is a complete disaster.

If Kathryn were poised, on a good career path, emotionally mature with others, etc. and not an addict, Thomas would think she'd be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Kathryn will have a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda's to deal with later in life.

  • Love 4
58 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I think Kathryn is in love with herself and the idea of Thomas and the children (no offense).

No one who treats their body as badly or winds herself up as much she does can be regarded to be in love with herself. She glommed on to Thomas in hopes that he can rescue her and help her make good decisions, but she's too immature and clueless to listen when people are trying to give her advice or help her. 

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, zenme said:

Kathryn hooked up with Thomas for his name and his wallet. Funny how she hooked up with Whitney and Shep--2 other guys with  cash. I bet had Craig had mucho dinero, she'd have slept with him too. 

THIS!  I don't believe in slut shaming, but the woman hooked up with three of the four main cast members of a reality show within a few weeks.  And I'm not entirely certain she never hooked up with Craig.  Regardless of whether she's an addict, she is also very calculating.

  • Love 5

Charmers, We have gotten off topic for the media thread.  Please take any further discussions about the individuals on the show to their character threads.  There is always much to say about TRav and Kathryn.  Let's move to Thomas Ravenel and Kathyrn Dennis, Will He Put a Ring On It? and post away!


2 hours ago, slowpoked said:

I'm never on board with Patricia's assessments because she can't be objective. Thomas is a rake. Nope. Shep is a gadabout. Nope. Kathryn is an unhinged lunatic. Well, she's right about that one.

The other thing that I can't stand is that Patricia seems to think that the viewers are morons and she needs to specifically refute each one of Kathryn's claims. Not even Kathryn thinks she had a real relationship with Whitney. Kathryn described it as a 5 or 6 day relationship, which we in the real world call a FLING. Kathryn launched herself at Whitney because he was encouraging Thomas to go out to the bars and clubs when Thomas was allegedly in a committed relationship with Kathryn who was pregnant with Kensie. A half decent friend would have told Thomas to hash things out with Kathryn because a guy in a happy stable relationship doesn't party like Thomas was doing. Whitney is a lot like Landon. They act like they haven't done things to make that relationship worse when they have. Even if it was shady shitty comments. Kathryn thinks Patricia sees a lot of herself in Kathryn. Kathryn is allowed to. It's an opinion. Some people agree. Some people don't. 

She seems to think that viewers can't figure out that the new changed Kathryn is bullshit. We can. We have working eyes and ears. Just from her treatment of Snowden, that's all we needed to see.

It's funny that Whitney is finally slinking off to a behind the scenes role. Much like Scott Dunlop who created the Real Housewives, Whitney had an unimpressive IMDB resume. Maybe this reality TV thing is more his bag. It's also interesting that his step-sister Serena produced True Life on MTV.

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Kathryn thinks Patricia sees a lot of herself in Kathryn. Kathryn is allowed to. It's an opinion. Some people agree. Some people don't.

I think the whole "Patricia Doesn't Like Kathryn Because She Reminds Her of Her Younger Self"  theory is pure and utter horseshit that was all started by the town gossip Cooper((and I say that as someone who likes and misses Cooper's presence on the show---but he sure hoodwinked Kathryn bigtime with that hooey)).

I *loved* that Patricia article though and especially appreciated her classy response to such horseshit:

Patricia responded, 'I would like to go on the record to say that when I was her age I was in graduate school. I became a professor. I had a career. I was married for 15 years. I did not do drugs and I had no illegitimate children. I don't see any similarity except that we're both women.'

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm never on board with Patricia's assessments because she can't be objective. Thomas is a rake. Nope. Shep is a gadabout. Nope. Kathryn is an unhinged lunatic. Well, she's right about that one.

The other thing that I can't stand is that Patricia seems to think that the viewers are morons and she needs to specifically refute each one of Kathryn's claims. Not even Kathryn thinks she had a real relationship with Whitney. Kathryn described it as a 5 or 6 day relationship, which we in the real world call a FLING. Kathryn launched herself at Whitney because he was encouraging Thomas to go out to the bars and clubs when Thomas was allegedly in a committed relationship with Kathryn who was pregnant with Kensie. A half decent friend would have told Thomas to hash things out with Kathryn because a guy in a happy stable relationship doesn't party like Thomas was doing. Whitney is a lot like Landon. They act like they haven't done things to make that relationship worse when they have. Even if it was shady shitty comments. Kathryn thinks Patricia sees a lot of herself in Kathryn. Kathryn is allowed to. It's an opinion. Some people agree. Some people don't. 


That is an accurate assessment. While Landon doesn't bother me as much as she bothers most viewers, she's still that shit-stirrer. I mean, like the whole thing with Austen - I don't for one believe there were no underlying motives on her part to be all handsy and squinty with Austen when she knows he's involved with someone else (not that Austen is all innocent, he could always walk away but chose to indulge Landon in her flirting). She makes trouble and when she gets called out for it, she then pulls off the "who, me?" innocence defense. Whitney is exactly the same.

I have a feeling, that if Kathryn came from a richer family (and not just a "name" background) and had a teeny tiny more finesse, class and manners, then Patricia would be more than happy to give her some leeway regarding her screw-ups. 

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, scrb said:

The money quote from the article is that Thomas offered to marry Kathryn if she could go a month without having a "hissy fit" and she couldn't do it.

To be fair, Kathryn was a 21 year old who dropped out of college to be a reality TV star and got knocked up by her cast mate. I think it's ridiculous and dumb that he expected good behavior or reason from her.

I was a fairly together 21 year old. I was in grad school, had a job, and living on my own. I'd get asked out by these older guys in their 30s and 40s. I'd say to many of them that what they saw in me was also present in women closer to their own age. I would probably never have been as out of control as Kathryn, but you never know. These guys wanted to settle down and I knew I was at least a solid decade away from wanting that. Kathryn wanted to be rich and not work, but she was way too immature to be a mother. Everyone but Thomas could see that because he was blinded by her physicality. He was too immature for kids too.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

. Not even Kathryn thinks she had a real relationship with Whitney. Kathryn described it as a 5 or 6 day relationship, which we in the real world call a FLING

Kathryn has constantly changed her story last season it was that it was a few weeks and that there were real feelings at least on Whitney's part and they both talked about a future which lead to Craig insisting at Shep's family cabin that Whitney needed to own up to still being in love with her. Another season it was a one night stand when she and TRav were on a break. 

It's Whitney who has consistently described as a 3 to 4 day hook up that lasted that long because she was living at her parents far from the party scene and was how the story seemed to actually play out on screen.

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4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

She had moved in with Whitney. Remember all her clothes piled on the floor? That's how she lives. Clothes on the floor in case they ask her to leave quickly.

"Moved in"? Nahhhh, more like spent a night or two. Spent the weekend. She didn't want to make the long drive back to MC so she brought a few outfits along with her((that she'd likely tossed into the car before she split from home)) in the meantime until she had to bounce. That's not a relationship or living with someone, that's a quick fling or an extended hookup.

How do I know this? I was a messy 21-year-old skank once too.

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7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

She may want to find a new area since everyone in Charleston seems to know her history.  She may have a more fair shot elsewhere.

She won't be able to move far because of her two children and her mother, Imo.

But I agree with you 100% that moving would be great for her.

18 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

She was there 2 weeks.

Wow, I am surprised that they tolerated each other for that long.

 Kathryn has a way with men. And nope, it is not the obvious.

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10 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

She won't be able to move far because of her two children and her mother, Imo.

But I agree with you 100% that moving would be great for her.

Wow, I am surprised that they tolerated each other for that long.

 Kathryn has a way with men. And nope, it is not the obvious.

That is too bad but understandable.  Kathryn frustrates me and I really hope she gets it together.  The right cocktail of drugs (bad term I know) for her mental issues (no shame in that game), a less stressful life by putting Thomas out to pasture, finding something she enjoys, and growing up will do wonders for her.  She's a baby herself with many challenges.  Hopefully she will find some stability.  Hanging out with castmates who drink like they do is not going to help at all.  Where is Ilanya when you need her?  She is not the first nor the last 20 something to really mess up their lives.  Don't be a Shep.  Middle aged (or close to it) drunken frat boys are gross.  So are drunken messy sorority girls.

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22 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

People there tell me it was 2 weeks, he was working on getting the show going and she wanted to be on it. Whitney will never admit a woman used him to be on TV. Kathryn is loathe to admit she slept with him, I think.

I thought she originally got connected to the show by being hired as a 'seat filler' of sorts for a party and they needed more attendees. 

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