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If Kylie, or any of the Jenner/Kardashians doesn't want the public to criticize them, there's an easy two-step solution for that:


step 1. Get off the damn TV

step 2. Get off social media ... or at least stop posting five dozen selfies a day


17-year-old Kylie Jenner is reportedly worth $2.7 million. This is money she got from simply putting her big ass and fake lips on TV and in social media.


Don't like the attention and criticism?  It's simple.  Give back the money and live your life in private.

Edited by remotecontrolfreak
  • Love 7

If Kylie, or any of the Jenner/Kardashians doesn't want the public to criticize them, there's an easy two-step solution for that:

step 1. Get off the damn TV

step 2. Get off social media ... or at least stop posting five dozen selfies a day

17-year-old Kylie Jenner is reportedly worth $2.7 million. This is money she got from simply putting her big ass and fake lips on TV and in social media.

Don't like the attention and criticism? It's simple. Give back the money and live your life in private.

I remember when Kim and Kris complained about being in the spotlight and lack of privacy. Well get the hell off tv then.

  • Love 4

Agree that the new fingernail shape is gross. I hate it and thank the goddess I don't see it too much in the real world.


The NY Times article on Kris was magic. My take away from it was that she is never alone in that huge house. Always someone in person, on the phone, busy busy busy!  I would hate that. There is no peace. I don't think she cares how bad she looked. She thinks we're all just jellus anyway.

Edited by Maire

I don't know why it is, but in every episode it seems as though someone is eating. Kourtney, Khloe and Kim are constantly picking on some kind of food. Usually it's a take-out salad. They'll sit around in their $100,000 kitchens eating out of clear plastic boxes with take out salad. They usually have a humungous clear glass jar sitting on the counter with cookies stacked so perfectly that it must have taken an hour to stack them all so perfectly, and not for anyone to eat, it's only for decoration. If that cookie jar was in my kitchen, it would be half empty by dinnertime.  And the way they eat!! They put the fork perfectly square into a wide mouth so as not to touch it against their lips. Are they afraid to spoil their lipstick or get salad dressing on their lips? It's funny because I'm sure most of them have given a few bj's in their lives, so why a piece of lettuce seems to be a 'no-go' for their lips, I have no idea. See what I mean?


  • Love 5

They're not original to Khloe. I see them in high end coffee shops, bakeries, delis etc. Even caterers will have them at parties.  They sell the jars in Target. I think Khloe had them around the time she and Lamar got married, he had a real sweet tooth.


She comments on it as being part of her OCD. Several of them seem to have it.Rob said he did, as did Kim and Kris also. Not sure about Kendall and Kylie or Kourt .

Edited by iwasish

If I had that many cookies in my house I'd weigh 300 pounds and have type 2 diabetes, so I guess kudos to the Kardashian/Jenner women for their discipline? I also remember on an earlier season someone opened Kris's freezer and it was full of ice cream containers. It looked like 30-40 tubs of ice cream. I kind of hope they're feeding their house staff and the production people with all those treats, otherwise it's a terrible waste.

  • Love 2

Holy hell, even if Rob was in on a fake storyline, and i'm not sure he was or that it was all fake, that was some seriously fucked up shit. The only time he's even mentioned is when the storyline is all about what a mess he is. Nice. I'm sure that helps a ton. Is he coddled by Khloe? Yes. But it's also obvious he's going thru some serious shit and needs someone on his side who isn't all about pimping his problems 24/7 to make herself look better (Kim and Kris). 

  • Love 1

Looking forward to tonite's show - though I suspect this special is more about Kris doing damage control than about Bruce.

After seeing the show: Wow, riveting TV! So interesting to see the different reactions and questions each person has. I'm really happy for Bruce. Still don't get how Kris is surprised when he had five years of hormones and a 36B cup size when they married - maybe part two will go into that.

Edited by nexxie

Kim is loving that Bruce wants her to be spokesperson, didn't she think Kendall may have been hurt by that?

The fact that Khloe is insisting that Bruce has been dishonest by not discussing his hormone/psych therapy and his physical procedures is laughable. She hid her whole fucked up marriage from the family, they all get bent out of shape when anyone dare criticize their choices.

Kim knowing for 12 years? That's funny!

  • Love 2

They all knew he was at least a cross dresser. Kim knew for 12 years and never told her mom? Maybe Kris would have wanted to know? Why isn't Kris mad at Kim for withholding that information? They're mad at Bruce for not being 100% up front, but they have been doing the same for years!!!

I was glad to hear Bruce tell Khloe that the only kids he was concerned for were Kylie and Kendall. All the others are adults. Clearly they don't see him often, if he had a nose job and other facial procedures, the bruising and swelling would have been obvious.

Kim does have the ugly cry.

Khloe was being a bit selfish. She kept saying she understood what and why he was doing, but I don't think she's ever considered his position. Whether it's real or not, she wasn't sympathetic at all.

Really, she buys him those red hooker shoes? The white pumps were okay, a bit much but okay. The red ones to me, just seemed a bit passive aggressive.

And who goes to a family meeting about their parent's gender issues dressed like Johnny Depp as Casanova? She looked ridiculous.

  • Love 2

Am I the only one extremely disappointed by Khloe? I guess I should never have high expectations for any Kardashian, but in the past she had more sense than the others. I understand that she was upset that she felt like she was out of the loop, but she seemed ready for a fight this whole time. It was extremely catty and rude how she was texting Kendall right in front of Bruce, while he was trying to explain the questions that she was asking.

Kim as the "voice of reason" was so ridiculously staged. It's funny how it seems that Kimmy doesn't partake in storylines where she isn't the heroine.

I really do like Kendall more and more, and I just wished Khole would shut up so she could get a word in edgewise.

Kind of a sidenote, but after Bruce's interview with Diane Sawyer, I thought for as much as the girls like to claim Kendall and Kylie as Kardashians, their dynamic reminds me so much of Brandon and Brody. Kendall is so much like Brandon, in the way that she seems so much calmer, and relatively more private than the rest of them. Bruce said he felt much more comfortable talking to Brandon than anyone else, and I think that as she matures (and hopefully gets out from under her evil mother's thumb a bit more) Kendall will be be that kind of a rock for him too. She already seems to make much more of an effort to be around him than Kylie, or her stepsiblings. Kylie, like Brody, seems to enjoy the fame more and are both much wilder than their older sibling.

  • Love 8

I feel so bad for Bruce having to deal with his selfish, shrew daughters and step daughters. Fyi Khloe, Bruce isn't required to run each and every decision he makes by you. Youre a 30 year old woman, so try having some empathy and imagine how difficult it's been for him to live a lie for 65 years. I thought Khloe was being ridiculous and self centered and it was so unecessary for her to drag Kendall into her pity party.

Also, why weren't Bruce's kids included in this special. All the K girls didn't need to be there, it should have been Kendall, Kylie and his kids. No need for the kartrashian girls to be there.

Also, lol at kylie acting all freaked out about the facial surgeries Bruce is planning. Like she hasn't gone through them herself lol

  • Love 3

Really, she buys him those red hooker shoes? The white pumps were okay, a bit much but okay. The red ones to me, just seemed a bit passive aggressive.

And who goes to a family meeting about their parent's gender issues dressed like Johnny Depp as Casanova? She looked ridiculous.

I totally agree that the red hooker heels were a bit of a dig, and she was kind of perpetuating some kind of "faaaaabulous" stereotype. In general, most 65 year old ladies don't wear shiny red heels. He said when she gave them to him, that he didn't know what Her style was yet, but then later when Kourtney asked, he said that She wore mostly casual jeans and sweaters, which made me think he was just being nice about the hooker heels. This episode really was a major fail for Khloe.

I also thought Johnny Depp! But her furry collar made me think of his big bad wolf character from into the woods. All she needed was a mustache and a tail.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 1

Not only did she text her, but shared the text with production.

None of them came across real well in my opinion. Especially since it was revealed that they all had some inkling that Bruce at least cross dressed. My sympathies are with the younger girls. Bruce in my opinion is enjoying the spotlight, after years of benign neglect and disrespect from Kris and the girls, suddenly they're all interested in him and his life.

When they asked why he didn't tell them about the therapy and surgeries, he should have said he didn't want it all over the papers, that he wanted it to be private.

I totally agree that the red hooker heels were a bit of a dig, and she was kind of perpetuating some kind of "faaaaabulous" stereotype. In general, most 65 year old ladies don't wear shiny red heels. He said when she gave them to him, that he didn't know what Her style was yet, but then later when Kourtney asked, he said that She wore mostly casual jeans and sweaters, which made me think he was just being nice about the hooker heels. This episode really was a major fail for Khloe.

I also thought Johnny Depp! But her furry collar made me think of his big bad wolf character from into the woods. All she needed was a mustache and a tail.

Well she did have a mustache at one time and her tail? It's pretty impressive!!

I feel so bad for Bruce having to deal with his selfish, shrew daughters and step daughters. Fyi Khloe, Bruce isn't required to run each and every decision he makes by you. Youre a 30 year old woman, so try having some empathy and imagine how difficult it's been for him to live a lie for 65 years. I thought Khloe was being ridiculous and self centered and it was so unecessary for her to drag Kendall into her pity party.

Also, why weren't Bruce's kids included in this special. All the K girls didn't need to be there, it should have been Kendall, Kylie and his kids. No need for the kartrashian girls to be there.

Also, lol at kylie acting all freaked out about the facial surgeries Bruce is planning. Like she hasn't gone through them herself lol

Khloe was literally horrendous this episode. I really don't think I've ever been so upset over an episode of KUWTK (lol I need a life!) but I was seriously so annoyed at how selfcentered she was. I really felt like she was trying to manipulate Kendall into being her little henchwoman too. When they were crying in the kitchen, Kendall said something about how she didn't like it when people said Bruce was going away, and I assumed it was because she felt that he wasn't, and even though he will look different, he would still be her dad. But Khloe just kind of restarted her angry cursing "he lied to us" thing, which, to me, didn't really fit what she was talking about.

  • Love 1

Also, I loved how PMK was wearing her pajamas (black and white, of course, because Kanye has forbidden other colors, except for grey and the occasional tan or forest green...and that's only if you've been reeeeaaally good) in bed but she still has her hair done and full make up on, including smokey eye . They really aren't even trying anymore to pretend this isn't staged, are they?

  • Love 2

I liked the special and I thought Khloe's reaction was honest. It's much easier for the older Jenner's because it's been well documented that there were years when they didn't see him and they haven't always been close to him, so there is some emotional distance. This makes it a lot easier for them to handle.


Khloe was raised by Bruce and they have always been close. I think her questions toward Bruce were perfectly legitimate. And I believe she's allowed to be upset - being upset has nothing to do with her not supporting him - and it's easy to judge someone reaction when it's not your own father.


Bruce is a very likable person, but he he has some selfish tendencies in the parenting department and isn't terribly aware of other peoples feelings. Khloe was pressing him in areas he didn't want or wasn't ready to talk about and that's why he got upset.

  • Love 18

Lamar was a candy freak. Khloe used to make sure the hotels he stayed in on the road were totally stocked with candy. And she used to bring him huge cups of tea loaded with sugar at night. Kim dragged him to the dentist cause he had rotten teeth and needed massive dental work.

If you remember, Khloe told him his breath was horrible, that's what got her to push him to see a dentist for his rotten teeth.  (ew, just ew)

  • Love 1

The more I watch these shows the more I adore little Kendall.  I just want Bruce to reassure her that "her" and Bruce aren't that far apart and that the visual thing may take getting used to, but the love and care and all the positives won't change.


I can see how Khloe may have been hurt by Bruce saying he only cared about the baby Ks reactions. There's a way to say it, without it coming out like, you only care what your blood thinks.

  • Love 5


I really felt like she was trying to manipulate Kendall into being her little henchwoman too. When they were crying in the kitchen, Kendall said something about how she didn't like it when people said Bruce was going away, and I assumed it was because she felt that he wasn't, and even though he will look different, he would still be her dad. But Khloe just kind of restarted her angry cursing "he lied to us" thing, which, to me, didn't really fit what she was talking about.

This is how I saw it too. Kendall was upset about people saying Bruce was going away, and Khloe just lumped Kendall in with herself with all the "he lied to us" stuff. I got to say I am liking Kendall more and more. 


I feel like when Kim defends Kris it is always with "She cries all the time blah blah blah....". I believe she has thrown it out there before when any of the siblings get mad at Kris. How much of a hand does Kris have in these episodes, because I feel like I am about to get the Kardashian spin a la Kris Humphries with Kris' reactions.


Stupid question, but is this the docu-series that Bruce was going to have about his transition or is it just these two episodes that are under the regular Keeping up with the Kardashians season?


They all knew he was at least a cross dresser. Kim knew for 12 years and never told her mom? Maybe Kris would have wanted to know? Why isn't Kris mad at Kim for withholding that information? They're mad at Bruce for not being 100% up front, but they have been doing the same for years!!!


Bruce told Diane that Kris knew. He would be siting around in female attire and Kris would tell him, they were on their way somewhere, he had to change.  He made it sound like she was accepting of his cross dressing.

  • Love 2

I flipped over to this a few times. The first time Kris and Kim were in a bed and Kris was crying and saying its "her" life. The next time I checked in Kim was crying about how much Kris does for them.

Then Kim was saying she was worried about how to tell her loser husband.

I thought this was about Bruce.

And screw you Khloe, you wanted more time to hang out with him? He's not going anywhere.

  • Love 3

Bruce told Diane that Kris knew. He would be siting around in female attire and Kris would tell him, they were on their way somewhere, he had to change.  He made it sound like she was accepting of his cross dressing.


IIRC, he also said in the Diane Sawyer interview that he'd been taking hormones for five years after the divorce from Linda Thomson and before he met Kris. Linda said in her HuffPo article that during that time, Brody and Brandon once saw Bruce coming out of the shower and noticed that he had breasts. If the little boys noticed it, surely Kris must have noticed it too. So she knew the whole time that Bruce struggled with his gender identity, and wasn't "just" a cross-dresser.


ETA: I hated how Khloe made the whole thing about herself. Kim and Kris weren't much better with their crocodile tears. Only Kendall and Kylie came across as genuine. (I'm not usually a fan of Kylie's, but her "I don't want people to treat him badly" broke my heart.)

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 2

I can understand why Khloe and Kendall were so upset, it sounds like they knew about the crossdressing, but it wasn't clear about transitioning, and even Kris didn't know that he was transitioning, or didn't know how soon it would be. He really should have told them everything before they filmed the show. Unless of course this is all for the show which it could be. 


And it looks like only Kim was told about the Diane Sawyer interview, it seems like she was supposed to be part of it. I think they weren't because they wanted it on their own show.  


I do think they are reacting more than Bruce's other kids is because they lived with him.

  • Love 5

I can't believe I cried (especially when Kendall spoke about not wanting people to hurt him).  Where did that come from?  I'm shocked at myself!  I guess just seeing someone wanting to be themself and be happy....then....


Leave it to Kris J to bring it all home and to make it be about herself and ratings, etc.  


I always cry in my bed in full smokey eye make up in my million dollar home.  Please, she didn't give a shit about him.   As long as he didn't have his ATM card and played well with others - go along.  I hope he took off with her $4,000 dresses.


Okay, have to end with a joke to make me feel better, I bet the girls are saying "See, it wasn't me mom!"

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 1

I was disappointed in Khloe's reaction, too.


TMZ has been speculating for about a year that Bruce is transitioning.  They've had article after article on his laryngial shave (shaving down the adam's apple) and other things.  It can't be that much of a surprise to the girls that this is happening.  Did they not wonder once why he had his adam's apple removed when it was so apparent to the rest of us?

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 3

This definitely wasn't thrown together, that family meeting was back in January when they all posted the same photo.


I felt awful for Kendall and Khloe, Kendall made me tear up. Her reactions are so real and raw.


I don't think there is an easy or logical or even step by step way to deal with something like this. Bruce said himself it's a lot easier for him to talk to strangers, which could be why the kids he didn't raise could be having an easier time compared to Khloe or Kendall. Those family videos alone show how he was with all of them, going from that to this new "dad" that's going to look different and be different has to be confusing to them. It makes them feel like they're losing that person that's been in your life and raised you the entire time, in Khloe's case since she was 4.


I think Bruce is thinking more about the youngest kids compared to the adult ones but this episode shows what he meant in the Diane Sawyer interview Khloe's got a lot of abandonment issues like with losing her dad and Lamar and now Bruce her other father. I can't fault Khloe at all for her reaction, because there's no set way to react. Her wanting more time? She's hurt and scared and thinking she's losing her father and she had 2 and now at this point in time thought she will have none. 


Scott in the previews brings up valid points for Mason too, Mason calls him grandpa how will this change all that. 


Non Bruce note, Kendall the supermodel was make-up free for basically this entire thing it was such a contrast when she's in scenes with Kim, Kylie and the others.



I do think they are reacting more than Bruce's other kids is because they lived with him.

ITA. When it's your father that raised you all your life, everyday, took you to school everyday, was at all your sports meets and school events, it's going to be so much different and harder for them compared to an acquaintance father you saw once every few years as a kid. 


I wonder if his older biological kids ever see these home movies of Bruce being Super-Dad to the K+Rob 6 kids? I feel bad for them, it must be hard. If they sit and watch things like Bruce sending "our oldest" Kim off to school or with Khloe as a kid, all those Kendall and Kylie moments. I remember them showing him and Rob at Rob's highschool track meet.  They have to think, you could parent them and be there for them for 20+ years, but not us. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 11

Also, Kim.. stop. I really hate her "being the voice of reason", because I don't buy it. I think it's a put upon thing and also, hate the fact that she did her whole, "I just feel so bad for Mom! We need to think of all she's done for us!" which is a speech Kim has given many, many times before. And also, had no place on this special tonight. Seriously, I wanted to scream. 


Just think, this time next year she'll be saying the same thing about Bruce verbatim.  

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