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S11.E15: I Feel The Earth Move

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So Owen bonds over the phone with a little girl whose mom may not make it out of surgery.  (What was that other kid's name, Ethan?)  So Ruby, Owen and Amelia will somehow form a family, that's they way they all became the Hunt-y Bunch.


Having to watch Owen's ovaries exploding again was painful. I thought mommy wasn't going to make it, and Owen would have his second chance at parenthood (blech).


And, no way would the man who described his wife and best friend cheating with each other on him saying "I'm gonna see that my wife is cheating on me with Mark, who happened to be my best friend. It's just so pedestrian, common and dirty, and cruel. Mostly just cruel" cheat on his wife, the mother of his children.


This crap is why I will never become invested in another Shondaland show. Ever.

  • Love 7

I live in a seismic country. We have many earthquakes a week. Plus volcano explosions.


This? Why do I bother.


Not cool to lecture Alex on relationships, Meredith. But I loved Alex's comeback "You have a happy marriage without a husband." She can justify herself all that she wants but Alex is right here. 


Ew. Owen and Amelia. Just ew. 


I had to laugh at the phone thing. I mean, you had the Chief of Surgery and the Chief of Neuro with a Trauma surgeon and the surgeon responsible for the residents. That's A-class level of incompetence. An earthquake and no patients? Suuuuure.


I highly doubt Derek is cheating. I am almost positive this will be another Ellis/Thatcher parallel of how they're not that and hopefully put the final nail in the coffin on the whole comparison. I think she is like Ellis but given how repetitive this show likes to be, I'm guessing they're going there.


Really, Shon? Another cheating storyline?

They're really desperate for ratings, aren't they? I can bet my delicious chocolate nutella cake I'm eating that next episode's ratings will be high. 

  • Love 4

Owen on the phone with a 911 kid???  Call a crash cart, I'm suffering flashbacks.


Does anyone remember the L&O:SVU where Olivia spent THE ENTIRE SHOW on the phone, doing her patented whisper-speak to a scared 911 kid, Maria?  ("We can't triangulate her position!"  "We've lost the connection!")  And the kid was so obviously an adult actor speaking bad Spanish-accented babytalk that you assumed this must be part of the plot?  Except it wasn't, because there was no plot. 

The cops find Maria and hang up her phone.  Olivia hangs up, too.  Roll credits.  Submit footage to Emmy nominating committee.


Bring on the earthquake; I'm already a fan.

My thoughts went to the L&O SVU episode too.  Oh-leeeeeee-via.  A friend teaches voice over/voice acting.  She uses parts of that episode as an example of what not to do.


On topic - world class surgeons, highly educated and trained, years of experience, supposedly masters of their fields, critical thinkers, problem solvers, the smartest folks in the room, stumped by a phone.  Sounds about right in Shondaland.  The again, with the way some of these characters behave, I'm surprised they can get their pants on most days. 

  • Love 2

Derek is not cheating on Meredith. Shonda's done a lot of messed up things, but I believe that's the one thing she won't do. I'm still curious as to what the ultimate goal for MerDer is, though. I hope it doesn't turn into Ellis/Thatcher 2.0 but so far there have been many comparisons. That would bug the crap out of me as throughout the whole series they've been trying to show how Meredith is not like Ellis at all. 


Boring episode. But can Lance Gross stay? He's a cutie! 



Either Jo is kissing up to Meredith with the never ending ass kissing to try to get her to like her or she's just the character this season tasked with telling everyone every episode just how wonderful Meredith is.  I really want it to be the first and for Jo to snap and be done with it since Meredith treats her like crap. Has Jo or Alex even had a scene this entire season that didn't mention Meredith?  I was hoping Maggie would get her after their bonding but it looks like Alex is still stuck with her.


Derek is not cheating on Meredith. Shonda's done a lot of messed up things, but I believe that's the one thing she won't do.


Agree, she'd never do it. Its probably something really lame like Derek lost his phone and the woman hung up once Meredith said she knows its Derek's phone.

I hope Derek does find someone in DC, the kids should go and be with them too. Meredith had the audacity to say her kids are happy? Really happy? in 24/7 daycare and not seeing their father since November. Good job Ellis Jr.



Maybe the kids are happy with the nanny. If she's starting rounds at 5am (if I heard that correctly) and also there at night I'm not sure how she would have any idea how they really are because she spends no time with them. 

  • Love 4

I felt like I'd seen everything before... elderly patient with a sex related injury who becomes too familiar with a chaste doctor, a disaster shakes (in this case, literally) the hospital, Owen bonds with a kid. Boring, boring, boring. Owen/Amelia is nothing that could ever truly excite; ditto with Maggie's dating life. 


Meanwhile, the show isn't bold enough to have Derek cheat, but I appreciate the continuity and connection to the series' roots. In this vein, it's not surprising that the only good scene of the episode was Meredith and Alex discussing his failed relationships.  

Edited by upperco
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"Plastics Posse" made me smile more than it should.


I loved how much Meredith and Alex were interacting in this episode.  The scene where she was listing all his failed relationships (i wouldn't call Olivia a relationship, but it's a funny story that made me miss her for some reason) was great, but no mention of Lexie?  I get that it would have ruined the funny mood and all, but she was kind of a big one.


Fat Bronson Pinchot says that maybe Ruby's mom didn't accidentally fall.

Edited by Starscream
  • Love 1

Is it wrong that I kept laughing during the dramatic phone call?  Exactly how was a small child able to pierce a woman's chest with a skewer then slide a plastic straw over it and into the chest cavity.  It would be hard for an adult to get the skewer in, even between the ribs as she was directed.  A straw would not be strong enough to effectively increase the opening.  it makes so little sense.


I did not need to see Owen and Amelia's big bow-chicka-wow-wow moment.  I don't like them as a couple at all.  Can anyone work there without hooking up with one of the leads?  


And Dr. Muffyn has a much longer winning streak going than Mere.  It's not unheard of.  This show makes it seem like more surgeries than not kill the patient.  It's amazing anyone ever goes to Sloan Whateverthefuck hospital of doom.  And if they could all stop entering operating rooms, getting too close to the open patient while barely holding a mask to their faces maybe they could reduce the mortality rate.  Now if they could all just huddle around a phone for most of an episode.  

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 4

Is it wrong that I kept laughing during the dramatic phone call?  Exactly how was a small child able to pierce a woman's chest with a skewer then slide a plastic straw over it and into the chest cavity.  It would be hard for an adult to get the skewer in, even between the ribs as she was directed.  A straw would not be strong enough to effectively increase the opening.  it makes so little sense.


I did not need to see Owen and Amelia's big bow-chicka-wow-wow moment.  I don't like them as a couple at all.  Can anyone work there without hooking up with one of the leads?  




The kid on the phone was awful.  I'm not even convinced the kid we saw play Ruby was the same voice on the phone.  The whole thing sounded like they couldn't be bothered to pay an actor, just have a key grip raise her voice an octave.  


Also, am I going crazy, or did the show think they could use the whole Amelia/Owen phone operation as a sexual innuendo ? NO.  


I get that this show has been on long enough that it rises and falls, etc., but the Doc as really a kid-with-superpowers is some lame amateurish shit.


Try Again.

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 3

My biggest fear for most of this episode was that Ruby's mom would die, Owen/Amelia would adopt her, and then we would be stuck with this horrible child actor who thnks that badly acted stuttering = scared ("H-h-h-h-h-hello?" "I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't know!"). Thank goodness her mother survived. But of course she did - Amelia is a superhero! Do you think she spent ten minutes doing her superhero pose in the scrub room? Or is that just for 18 hour surgeries?


There was very little Wilson last week and I appreciated that. This week she was barely back but annoying every time. Your boyfriend/coworker SPECIFICALLY told you not to mention this dumb streak so what do you do? Mention it in the middle of surgery. Does she really have no control over her mouth whatsoever? Gawd.


I also hated Maggie's entire gap speech, mostly because I'm tired of her using that overeager way of speaking, as well as her "I'm such a special snowflake so I will just be forever alone!" crap. Thank goodness Callie told her to STFU.


Did I really need an entire scene of FOUR DOCTORS sitting around staring at a phone instead of, you know, helping patients?


Ugh and the Owen/Amelia hookup. Just no.




I liked the line 'the disaster starts with you wondering if this must be the woman who's been screwing your husband'. Loved that callback to Addison's first line. And that really is when the disaster started for Mer/Der.

And you know what Rachel's mom said about Ross on Friends: "Once a cheater, always a cheater!" I don't necessarily agree with that (or even 100% believe that Derek is cheating on her, but that line always pops into my head when I see scenes like this on tv).


One of the few things I liked this episode was Alex telling Meredith the truth about what he saw in the current state of her relationship. But I also loved that as soon as she fled the OR, he followed her to make sure she was okay.


when Derek ran out of conditioner...everything is a crisis in this show. At least try harder.

Ha, no kidding. That was a way bigger crisis than the alleged earthquake!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4

I think even ABC/Grey's episode summary publishers couldn't be bothered with this episode, since "Maggie gets stuck in an elevator" was about two minutes' worth of show in the first few minutes, then (thankfully) resolved.

Things I liked:

1) throwback to the Plastics Posse, without walking Ben/the audience through the Mark shout-out.

2) "if this is the woman who's been screwing your husband" throwback to the season one finale.

3) Jackson and Ben, though seeing Jackson's day full of surgery-related items reminded me that it's been awhile since we saw/heard about the board having to do anything. Which I'm happy about, but especially odd it hasn't come up in passing with Jackson taking work home or coming in just to handle or delegate something, and we could hear about Mer having consulted Derek off-screen to cast his vote by proxy for something.

4) Maggie's radiologist is cute.

5) Herman's text to Arizona. Still hope we see her again, but was pleased she hasn't already dropped entirely out of relevance, never to be heard from or mentioned (in a Non-Amelia-Is-Incredible way) again.

This week [Wilson] was barely back but annoying every time. Your boyfriend/coworker SPECIFICALLY told you not to mention this dumb streak so what do you do? Mention it in the middle of surgery. Does she really have no control over her mouth whatsoever? Gawd.

Sometimes serious character flaws are just so obviously solely to clumsily get to a plot point (Meredith realizing the streak and starting date to have an epiphany about Derek) that I can't dock the character (this time, Jo) for it. It's just bad, lazy writing, not character-revealing or insightful. This was one of those times. Edited by WalrusGirl
  • Love 1

My biggest fear for most of this episode was that Ruby's mom would die, Owen/Amelia would adopt her, and then we would be stuck with this horrible child actor who thnks that badly acted stuttering = scared ("H-h-h-h-h-hello?" "I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't know!").


I thought maybe it was Lexie back from the dead, because that's exactly the way she'd stutter ;)

  • Love 1

Having to watch Owen's ovaries exploding again was painful. I thought mommy wasn't going to make it, and Owen would have his second chance at parenthood (blech).


And, no way would the man who described his wife and best friend cheating with each other on him saying "I'm gonna see that my wife is cheating on me with Mark, who happened to be my best friend. It's just so pedestrian, common and dirty, and cruel. Mostly just cruel" cheat on his wife, the mother of his children.


This crap is why I will never become invested in another Shondaland show. Ever.



Men are allowed to like children without possessing female sex organs. Are you saying all the men who are fathers are really women? I think this is sexist. l also don't find anything disgusting about a man liking or wanting children. It seems pretty normal to me. 


As for the episode: I'm sure I've seen variations on the phone call from a child on several TV shows so nothing new there. I enjoyed the plastics scenes with Jackson, because as someone else said, it's nice to see normal hospital stuff. I  continue to be annoyed at Meredith because she apparently is blissful not ever seeing her kids, which IMO is not cool.


I don't believe Derek would be cheating on her, but the woman who answered the phone could have said she was an assistant or something. Maybe it's something top secret government related. Oh Joyl!

  • Love 6

Men are allowed to like children without possessing female sex organs. Are you saying all the men who are fathers are really women? I think this is sexist. l also don't find anything disgusting about a man liking or wanting children. It seems pretty normal to me.


No I am not saying that. My very own husband has three children he likes (loves, actually) and wanted. I am poking fun at Owen vis a vis his previous yearning for and planning for a child he didn't know, who had a father who was still alive. I laughed out loud during those scenes where he was ready to parent a kid without talking to his wife, who didn't want children, and laughed this time at the improbable scenario that any child coming through the door, like this girl last night, was a possible child for Owen. In other words, I was having fun. It's liberating, really.

  • Love 5


Having to watch Owen's ovaries exploding again was painful. I thought mommy wasn't going to make it, and Owen would have his second chance at parenthood (blech).

I totally agree. Every time there's a potentially parentless child around, Owen just exudes, "what about this one, can I keep it?"


It's not sexist to notice this about the character. Derek's a father. Richard is a father/pseudofather. Ben is a probable stepfather to a non-existent child. None of these men have exploding ovaries as Owen does.

  • Love 2
Its so confusing when there's two pages of comments before the episode even comes on.

I don't ever know where to start.


Where else are we supposed to talk about the promos and sneak peeks other than the place they are posted?  On any board they usually aren't spoilers. I am guilty of posting before it aired but I thought it was allowed. Sorry for my part of adding to the confusion. 


The only part of the episode I liked was Jackson. The earthquake was the biggest non-event ever, I don't care about Meredith's streak and found the story with them all on the phone with the kid like something that has been done hundreds of times on tv. 


I like Jo, Alex and Alex & Jo. Or I did. All of their story being tied to Meredith is ruining them for me. I couldn't stand Jo last night as she ran around professing how magical Meredith is. Maybe next week Meredith will sprinkle magical fairy dust and shoot rainbows out her ass.


I truly hope Meredith hired that nanny. The kids need someone to care for them. Their father left town and couldn't even show up to see them for the holidays and their mother is at the hospital day and night, never sees them yet babbles that they are happy.  I hope Baby Bailey had a nice first Christmas at 24 hour day care.


If Meredith is so concerned about whether or not Derek is cheating then she should get on a plane and go see him and talk to him. We all know that won't happen. Instead she'll run around the hospital moping and following Alex around asking him if Derek is cheating.

And you know what Rachel's mom said about Ross on Friends: "Once a cheater, always a cheater!" I don't necessarily agree with that (or even 100% believe that Derek is cheating on her, but that line always pops into my head when I see scenes like this on tv).


Maybe Derek thinks they are on a break.

  • Love 7

Either Jo is kissing up to Meredith with the never ending ass kissing to try to get her to like her or she's just the character this season tasked with telling everyone every episode just how wonderful Meredith is.  I really want it to be the first and for Jo to snap and be done with it since Meredith treats her like crap. Has Jo or Alex even had a scene this entire season that didn't mention Meredith?  I was hoping Maggie would get her after their bonding but it looks like Alex is still stuck with her.

I am SO over the Mer/Alex/Jo thing (as a group and as individuals) that I am truly and sincerely hoping that Jo snaps and stabs both Mer and Alex in the jugular. Then they can add Karev to the Seattle Grace Mercy Death Sloan Grey O'Malley Doc Kettering Hospital sign and I can stop watching.

Not cool to lecture Alex on relationships, Meredith. But I loved Alex's comeback "You have a happy marriage without a husband." She can justify herself all that she wants but Alex is right here. 

Especially in front of his supportive, relatively long term girlfriend who offered to babysit your orphans just a few weeks ago. Mer went from one of my favorites to my absolute least. I hate her and every, cocky, unfriendly, spiteful, delusional arrogant word out of her mouth. Congrats show. Also, see above re: jugular stabbing.


I truly hope Meredith hired that nanny. The kids need someone to care for them. Their father left town and couldn't even show up to see them for the holidays and their mother is at the hospital day and night, never sees them yet babbles that they are happy.  I hope Baby Bailey had a nice first Christmas at 24 hour day care.

I generally hate kids on tv shows and am happy to ignore them/hand wave the fact that they are never seen. But this show goes out of its way to tell us that Mer is working round the clock and that Derek has canceled trips home to see his kids more than once. Paging Dr. Owen.
  • Love 2

And Dr. Muffyn has a much longer winning streak going than Mere.  It's not unheard of.  This show makes it seem like more surgeries than not kill the patient.   

Good to know.  I was rather alarmed at all the shock and awe going around the staff.


It was a short show--I fast-forwarded through all the phone call scenes (which made all the bugged-out eyes staring at the speakerphone hilarious.)   


I was pleading with Amelia to give the kid her speech about being a superhero and kicking death in the ass.

l also don't find anything disgusting about a man liking or wanting children. It seems pretty normal to me.

Its not disgusting but the way he is expressing it is not normal. Derek likes children. Mark liked children. Alex likes children. Owen is...scary in that way. His need for children is something that would terrify me. He needs to take a step back and not bond and look like he is going to take in every child that is left parentless at the hospital. 


Its probably something really lame like Derek lost his phone and the woman hung up once Meredith said she knows its Derek's phone.


Most likely as the woman there said "what?" when Meredith asked if he was in the lab. She had no idea who Derek was. Which makes sense on the lost phone or stolen phone. Or if he's actually cheating (which he's not because that would mean round 3 of infidelity in the main couples), it's probably a ONS. Whatever it is, we won't find out until the very end when Derek has to fly back to explain because lets face it: Meredith is not going to DC to fight for her marriage. Time to give in again, Derek!


Especially in front of his supportive, relatively long term girlfriend who offered to babysit your orphans just a few weeks ago. Mer went from one of my favorites to my absolute least.

I'm getting close to there as well. The air of grandiosity that she has (that also bothers me with Amelia) in every sense, including her broken marriage, is beyond belief. I'm glad that Alex stands up to her but she needs to find a therapist for this kind of thing. It's annoying. I'm annoyed. Alex deserves better. Jo is better. Let them trash Derek but let it be them, not Meredith. Ugh.


Paging Dr. Owen.


I trust the house with the oven on more than Owen. He might kidnap them and run to Canada. Rather have them sent to Derek first or any of the sisters.


Where else are we supposed to talk about the promos and sneak peeks other than the place they are posted?  On any board they usually aren't spoilers. I am guilty of posting before it aired but I thought it was allowed. Sorry for my part of adding to the confusion.

Ditto. Is there any way to create to a board to talk about sneak and promos though? I know you mentioned the media one, but not sure what would be more appropriate now. 

  • Love 4

 Mer went from one of my favorites to my absolute least. I hate her and every, cocky, unfriendly, spiteful, delusional arrogant word out of her mouth. Congrats show. 


I'm watching the Lifetime reruns and just saw the "competition for chief resident" arc.  Alex tells Meredith he's nervous because he's about to go in for his interview.  She jumps on him about not ratting her out re Derek's clinical trial.  He turns around and says, "You know, Meredith, I thought maybe you were going to tell me 'good luck' or something, but I guess it's every frickin' person for himself."  Meredith rolls her eyes and looks annoyed.


I thought it was an interesting peek that Meredith being all about Meredith isn't brand new.

  • Love 3

I'm getting close to there as well. The air of grandiosity that she has (that also bothers me with Amelia) in every sense, including her broken marriage, is beyond belief. I'm glad that Alex stands up to her but she needs to find a therapist for this kind of thing. It's annoying. I'm annoyed. Alex deserves better. Jo is better. Let them trash Derek but let it be them, not Meredith. Ugh.

I wish she would find a therapist and free Alex. Not that she'd listen to the therapist any more than she listens to Alex. I admit I was bored and not paying a whole lot of attention, but when Meredith started in about how Alex was right, she's better without Derek, she's amazing, actually, I was like when did Alex say that. All I saw was Alex questioning why she wasn't in DC and pointing out that Meredith's supposed perfect marriage didn't actually involve a husband.
  • Love 4

On topic - world class surgeons, highly educated and trained, years of experience, supposedly masters of their fields, critical thinkers, problem solvers, the smartest folks in the room, stumped by a phone.  Sounds about right in Shondaland.  The again, with the way some of these characters behave, I'm surprised they can get their pants on most days. 

I work at a University and most everyone employed here has advanced degrees... and we (myself included) are often stumped by our phone system.  Even now, I can't figure out how to check my messages on the phone... I have to use my outlook on my computer.  Phones are hard, man.

  • Love 12
I work at a University and most everyone employed here has advanced degrees... and we (myself included) are often stumped by our phone system.  Even now, I can't figure out how to check my messages on the phone... I have to use my outlook on my computer.  Phones are hard, man.


For weeks after we got our upgraded phone system at work, I would just give callers the number to call so-and-so directly because I couldn't figure out how to transfer them.

  • Love 6

"Plastics Posse" made me smile more than it should.

That's OK; it made me snort. Actually, it was Ben's reaction that really got me. Jason George's facial expressions throughout most of his scenes with Jackson were seriously priceless. In fact, their whole storyline tonight (aside from the unsubtle symbolism bookending it) was by far my favourite part of the episode.


That earthquake? I don't even know why they bothered having it. I was actually looking forward to a good disaster episode. I am well past the point of caring that that hospital has already seen way more than its fair share of over-the-top disasters; I just enjoy the ensuing chaos. This was no more exciting than the actual earthquakes I've experienced (and the earthquakes where I live are infrequent and mild — not that I'm complaining about that), and thus highly disappointing.


And the phone thing? Oh my god, the phone thing. Much as I'm sympathetic to the plight of figuring out how to do anything more complicated than receiving or placing a call (and on some phones, even the latter is more challenging than it ought to be), the epic dramatic music while Owen transferred the call — Will he succeed, or will he hang up on a scared, innocent child?!? — killed me. I half expected them to go to commercial before we found out if he managed or not. Phones can be used effectively and dramatically on TV, but this was so not one of those occasions.

  • Love 2

 I so agree, they never do that. Sadly, Mer does keep the "Sun" reference too much ....


From what I remember --  for years, Meredith's attitude (and Derek's) was that her life revolved around Derek's magnificent glow forever, since she was a subordinate (and then some) when their relationship started out in in a bar encounter and she later found out he was not only a doctor at the hospital where she was now working but a fabulous neurosurgeon.

  Christina's 'You are the sun" was to remind her that she didn't always have to defer to Derek or put his needs first because she was not a satellite whose light came from Derek but that she was also herself a light.  Shonda's always trying to remind us (often in heavy-handed ways) that a woman shouldn't have to put her man's needs first at all times, even if the world might prefer that women remember their place in the scheme of things in our culture when things get tough.


  Meredith's first impulse has been that since Derek was the one who had The Gift, she should support him as needed, and even now she needs to "remind" herself that Christina pointed out that Meredith  is herself another 'Sun' and she should acknowledge her own worth (or at least try to actually fulfil her own potential).  It's not that she wants to be seen, as Amelia does, as a 'superhero' with special powers;  it's that Meredith should recognize and remember her own gifts and not let her decisions be based only on her "better half's" higher placement in their world and his needs.

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 4
for years, Meredith's attitude (and Derek's) was that her life revolved around Derek's magnificent glow forever

Wait, when was this? Because as far as I can tell, it never was. Career-wise, well, yeah. He was already an established surgeon and she was beginning her career, but personal-wise? Never. Had Derek been the sun, that house would've been built in S5, there wouldn't be any strays, maybe she would've stayed on the day his best friend died. 


Meredith's first impulse has been that since Derek was the one who had The Gift, she should support him as needed


By messing up with his ALZ trial and setting his career back and refusing to move to Boston where Harvard wanted him and she had a job she got on her own? This is one kind of support I don't need. Ever. Being realistic, Meredith also used The Gift to her advantage, which is what teachers are for: to learn and become great. But other than the initial moment when he became Chief, I haven't seen much support. 


that a woman shouldn't have to put her man's needs first at all times, even if the world might prefer that women remember their place in the scheme of things in our culture when things get tough.

Which is a perfect message that should be repeated and shouted out loud. One that this show, not only does not convey, it portrays awfully. In another thread, I posted of how this show gave that message: by making men's needs or wants, not only seem irrelevant and not worth of consideration, but emasculate the characters to a point of caricature. There is no compromise, as marriage is, there is jut "my way or the highway". As far as I can tell, the show wants only men to compromise to fulfill a woman's wish.Obviously, it's a case by case basis, but in the broader sense, this is what I get from the show. 


I am a proud feminist all for equality, but the last thing that this show says, is feminism. The message they want to push is good. Very good. But let's not pretend that any relationship (in this case MerDer) is equal in any way.

  • Love 3

Jesus. A whole page worth a comment before the episode actually aired!


Please don't make Derek a cheater again. If you are going to end the relationship, end it. Just don't go there.


Technically I am not sure that Derek can be called a cheater.  I mean yes he got involved with Mer before he divorced Addison and did not even tell Mer that he was  married... However we know that Derek caught Addison/Mark and then he moved 3000 miles away.  Doesn't that imply he left his wife?!?!?  Regardless if Addison thought it was over... at the time Derek thought it was over. Just saying....   

  • Love 3

From what I remember --  for years, Meredith's attitude (and Derek's) was that her life revolved around Derek's magnificent glow forever, since she was a subordinate (and then some) when their relationship started out in in a bar encounter and she later found out he was not only a doctor at the hospital where she was now working but a fabulous neurosurgeon.

  Christina's 'You are the sun" was to remind her that she didn't always have to defer to Derek or put his needs first because she was not a satellite whose light came from Derek but that she was also herself a light.  Shonda's always trying to remind us (often in heavy-handed ways) that a woman shouldn't have to put her man's needs first at all times, even if the world might prefer that women remember their place in the scheme of things in our culture when things get tough.


  Meredith's first impulse has been that since Derek was the one who had The Gift, she should support him as needed, and even now she needs to "remind" herself that Christina pointed out that Meredith  is herself another 'Sun' and she should acknowledge her own worth (or at least try to actually fulfil her own potential).  It's not that she wants to be seen, as Amelia does, as a 'superhero' with special powers;  it's that Meredith should recognize and remember her own gifts and not let her decisions be based only on her "better half's" higher placement in their world and his needs.



I want to believe that, but Cristina's words were, "He is not the sun; you are." Not, "You are his sun, he is yours." Not, "You are just as much of a sun as he is." Specifically, he was not, she was.


I love Meredith, I truly do, and if and when she leaves, I'll be sad. But I love Derek, too, and if and when he leaves, I'll be gone. So I definitely see these things through Derek-tinted glasses, I'll admit. The thing I am unhappy with regarding this "sun" thing is that Shonda, specifically, seems not to be only saying that women's lives don't revolve around men, but almost that women don't NEED men and in fact are superior. I've been a feminist longer than some of you have been alive, I'm sure, and I tell you, this is not feminism. You don't push someone down or aside to elevate yourself.


I have found it extremely difficult to root for Meredith this season. It doesn't help that I/we don't know what's going on with Derek - has he been home, how is he dealing away from his children? Having Meredith verbalize that maybe she's better off with Derek gone was, to me, one of the many nails in the coffin of my Meredith love.

  • Love 6

Technically I am not sure that Derek can be called a cheater.  I mean yes he got involved with Mer before he divorced Addison and did not even tell Mer that he was  married... However we know that Derek caught Addison/Mark and then he moved 3000 miles away.  Doesn't that imply he left his wife?!?!?  Regardless if Addison thought it was over... at the time Derek thought it was over. Just saying....   


Prom sex was definitely cheating though. 

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