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S30.E03: Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Tara Ariano
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I am trying to figure out why Jeff Probst is so high on this season because I am not seeing it yet. Most of the people are in the dislike to strongly dislike category, the strategic play has been missing, and there is no real surprise in who is going home.


Probst is always high on whatever season is being shown.  It's just the usual marketing and promotion they do every single season.  I mean what else is he going to say?  "Well this season was a kind of boring, well below average one.  Be sure to tune in and watch!"


I don't see that. I think he's getting a basic nice guy edit but he was called out immediately after they lost the challenge, by Probst, as essentially being responsible for the decision to make Nina go ahead.  And he owned up to it when they got back to camp and apologized. I thought he displayed amazing patience and calm when Vince was coming at him with that bullshit about him not showing him (Vince) respect or whatever he babbled on about.


And he did lose his patience when he snapped at Vince about the shelter building that he thought was wrong. Personally with all those loud, aggressive male personalities on Blue Collar and obnoxious Jaoquin on White Collar, I'll take Joe who genuinely seems to be there just to play the game and have fun doing it. I just think right now more than anything he seems to have a good social game and that might serve him well when the inevitable three to two tribes merge happens. 


This was in response to my saying Joe was getting the "golden boy-god" edit.  And it is saying exactly what I was saying in a way.  The edit makes the audience see him always as Joe the Wonderful, Joe the Humble, Joe the Kind, Joe the Great Builder, Joe the Awesome, Joe the Handsome, Joe the Athletic, Joe the Noble etc. 


Joe can do no wrong even when he does wrong because he is shown to be devastated by his failings as well.  In short, he is being shoved down our throats as a saint from week one.  I don't like "edit-shovings" so I don't much like him as a result. 


Maybe he is a budding saint in real life.  Good for him.  The world could use more saints.  But not on Survivor.  It's too over the top and I'm not buying it because we are being almost made to like him because ... what?  He goes far? Wins?  (I'm not spoiled).  It just is too too much over the top with the edit and so it has totally turned me off Joe.  TPTB, if he really is that good show it in a more subtle, rounded way and don't throw it in my face week in and week out.

Edited by green
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It is a long read but a cochlear implant is not even close to glasses for a person with bad vision. I can put on my glasses and gain 20/20 vision. A choclear implant does not give a deaf person perfect hearing. The article is very long, and gets into the controversy regarding their use, but there are a lot of different parts that have to work for the implants to work. On top of it, there are different types of deafness and the implants work better for some deafness then others


We saw Hali trying to talk to Nina when they were walking and it was clear that Nina could not hear what Hali was saying. Nina needed to have eye contact with someone, which gives me the impression that she can only hear well if she is close to someone and the sound is coming directly at her.


It might be that hearing aids are the equivalent of glasses but I don't know that it is even that easy.


We don't know if Nina understands every word in a conversation or if she is taking in some conversation and responding based on context.


So yeah, she is deaf and the implants help but do not give her perfect or even near perfect hearing. They help her to function but she is not able to participate in the same way a hearing person can and that is a disadvantage.

I work with some deaf people so I've learned to make eye contact to speak to them and I've noticed Nina doesn't seem to need it (or really even seek it), if the other person is close to her.  She did mention she can't hear people if they're more than what looked like maybe 10' away?  I don't imagine being outdoors and near the sea helps much.  I wonder if lip reading is something she doesn't use much, due to becoming deaf late in life and having the implant.  

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Maybe White Collar wold be more comfortable if the monkeys wore pants. And suspenders to keep them on.

And little hats, just to keep me and Shirin happy.


Stay tuned for scenes from our next "Survivor."  


White-collar Max is med-evac'd from the game following a full-frontal jellyfish attack, and Shirin begins a wild romance with the tribe's newest member. 



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This episode was so frustrating to watch.  Everything I predicted would happen happened.  Nina and Will both were completely worthless in the challenge and No collars lost again.... Nina completely gave up at the beginning of the episode saying I know you guys are gonna vote me out and Will is just all talk no action These guys really should have kept Vince.  

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I wasn't 100% clear on that comment but I think Rodney was ridiculing Dan's "$100,000 ranch" as in it's a cheap home but homes in Texas are cheap because no one wants to live there.  Rodney's from Boston, right?  That's one of the more expensive cities for real estate in the US.  Kind of a stupid argument but I wouldn't expect much from "I pick up chicks with stories about finding my dead sister" Rodney.


It was Mike's home they were making fun of. But yea, Rodney was basically saying that houses are cheaper in TX, because no one wants to live there - compared with $400,000 Mass homes. Apparently Boston is the place to be.

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So for next week: "Previously on Survivor: Collar-Collar-Collar-Did-We-Mention-Collars?: Everyone was an asshole. And this lady Nina, who hated being there, was voted out by her tribe, who hated having her there." But I guess there are always going to be boring filler episodes (and cast members), what-can-ya-do.

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I think that Hali is compassionate, but is that her reasoning behind voting for Will instead of Nina? It just seemed odd that Hali, Jenn, and Joe all didn't vote for the same person.

My husband's theory is that they decided one person would vote for Nina to try and spare some of her feelings, by making it seem like her boot wasn't such an easy choice.

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TPTB, if he really is that good show it in a more subtle, rounded way and don't throw it in my face week in and week out.



I guess YMMV because I don't think Joe has been shoved down our throats every week. I think the editors are doing a good job showing the dynamics of all tribes and giving quite a few people screentime. Most of Joe's earlier coverage was because of Vince and the crazy war he'd created in his own head between the two of them.


I thought he was fairly invisible last week during Nina's meltdown about Hali and Jenn and later he got lumped in with the two of them when Nina decided she was going to have her revenge. There was a bit of "Joe is so awesome at everything" in the first episode but I felt that was more a way of editing the Joe vs. Vince storyline and showing how Vince was reacting to and responding to him. I honestly don't remember him having many confessionals. Jenn has dominated those on No Collar. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Last season at this point there was outrage at John Rocker and Natalie.  Some moaned about the gay couple being superior or something like that. If my memory were better I could think of more examples of our angst.   


This may turn out to be a VERY good season.  It is too early to know.  

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re: Nina


If you want to stay in, you have to articulate to your tribe mates how you can be useful to them in the future.


Even more so because when a tribe knows it's time to go to TC everyone assumes a "someone other than me" mentality, and why shouldn't they?  It doesn't take much to be nominated as the 'someone', and once nominated, the others need to have some real motivation to change their minds.    "You're being mean to me, and excluding me, and now you're going to vote me off! Whaaa!" is NOT how Survivor works.  

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It is a long read but a cochlear implant is not even close to glasses for a person with bad vision. I can put on my glasses and gain 20/20 vision. A choclear implant does not give a deaf person perfect hearing. The article is very long, and gets into the controversy regarding their use, but there are a lot of different parts that have to work for the implants to work. On top of it, there are different types of deafness and the implants work better for some deafness then others


Thanks for looking into this and summarizing everything. 


I guess what I was getting at is - to be legally blind, your vision can't be better than 20/200 with glasses - which isn't even close to perfect vision.  A Cochlear implant doesn't give you perfect hearing, but is it good enough to not be considered "legally deaf" (the hearing equivalent of 20/200 vision)?  Don't worry, ProfCrash, I don't expect you to do more research for me, but I am hoping someone out there knows the answer.


I have a few friends/relatives with hearing aids.  And each of them says that hearing aids make it better but do not give you "perfect" hearing - it depends on what you difficulty is and how the aids work.  In general, hearing aids amplify the sound, but don't do much when it comes to making the sound clearer.  Also, despite the promises made by hearing aid manufacturers, they aren't very lessening background noises.  Speaking in a small group with sound in the background and my friends/relatives understand pretty well.  Having a conversation in a noisy restaurant or at a party is a different story - the aids help, but there is still a lot of misunderstanding. 

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It seemed that Jenn (no collar) had an unfortunate stain on her bikini bottoms at the immunity challenge.... or was that...?


It seemed they had (or were getting) new clothes.  And it's only eight days.

Edited by nottopbravo
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Last season at this point there was outrage at John Rocker and Natalie.  Some moaned about the gay couple being superior or something like that. If my memory were better I could think of more examples of our angst.   


This may turn out to be a VERY good season.  It is too early to know.  


I agree that it's too early too tell, but I'm enjoying it.  Jeff has do to do the "best season ever!" hype, I agree.  But something about the hype this time seems like he really means it.  Of course I don't usually agree with their definition of best, greatest, etc., so I may the one most disappointed at the end.  The Survivor era of seasons 20-29 were pretty dull and forgettable for me (with about 3 exceptions in there), so it could also be why I think this season is so good so far.  I got the impression Jeff's hype came from the long term game, when alliances shift and personalities mix and clash, and idols and blindsides will be weekly.  For now, though, I am enjoying it.  We'll see, as some of my favorites look to be the ones in most trouble moving forward.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The most hilarious moment of the episode for me came after the challenge when Will was giving the most hypocritical voice over of the season so far where he talked about how Nina needs to go because she's weak and bad in challenges. 

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While I find Rodney to be basically unintelligible, I did manage to catch him saying something along the lines of 'I don't take orders from anyone, that is why I work for myself.'

Just another reminder of the stupid "collar" construct as defined by Survivor; white collar makes the rules, blue collar follows them. In reality, I imagine the ratio of blue collar workers who are their own boss would exceed white collar workers who are their own bosses.

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Re: the comment about how No Collar wanted Nina out because she was different.  I agree with the sentiment behind this opinion, but really only and strongly for Jenn.


Motivations of No Collar:


Jenn:  Nobody kills my buzz; get Nina out of here.  She's different.

Hali:  I'm a follower.

Joe:  ?????? It's unclear.  I thought an above poster had a very fascinating assessment of how he tried to 'befriend' Nina in using some 'first hand knowledge' of her disability, but really treated her like crap during the challenge nonetheless...... Secret bully?

Will:  Just trying to survive.  No clue what he can do next week.  I don't blame him for the hypocritical comments or turning on Nina.  He's just trying to save his own.  Though blaming him for last week's boot, I totally get.


Edited because I misunderstood the above post.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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At this point, Probst should just throw in the towel and merge them all into one bunch. In fact, with these people, dumping them out there and telling them "Hey, guess what? No tribes! You're all on your own. Good luck, see you at the individual immunity challenge!"

Talk about heads spinning and people scrambling.

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I would say that I like Joe, Hali, and Shirin.

I don't know enough about Kelly, Tyler, or Max to like or dislike them.

I dislike Mike, Dan Will, Jenn, and Lindsey

I strongly dislike Rodney and Joaquin.

You are missing Carolyn and Sierra.


You know, now that I think about it, three weeks in, and I'm shocked no one on Escameca or Nagarote has found their respective idols yet.  Carolyn found one in week one, but no one else after her!

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I don't think Joaquin and Tyler are more upset with Shirin's nudity than with Max's because they're sexist. I think it has more to do with the fact that it's uncomfortable to see anyone outside your own family/spouse/partner naked, but when it's someone of your own sex, it's something you've probably gotten used to over the years if you've ever taken P.E. in school or gone to a gym as an adult. I'm a woman and I wouldn't be too jazzed to see either Shirin or Max walking around naked, but I would be more uncomfortable with Max's nudity. I don't care if it makes more sense to be nude in that environment because of the lack of dry clothing; there's a reason why people in polite society wear clothing and that reason is MY EYES.


My strange observation: Does No collar Jenn Brown remind ANYONE else of Amy Steel from Friday the 13th Part 2?


I think she looks like a young Penny Marshall.

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Joaquin also mentioned Tyler's being married last week and how it was just very awkward for him trying to look anywhere else but at a naked woman or half-naked woman standing in front of him. Yeah as a married guy I can understand his not feeling comfortable looking directly at some woman's naked bottom half. And I definitely think that might have been worse for him than if she'd just exposed her breasts. As for Max, I thought he stated that he was doing the naked thing to get alone time so I think most of the time he was naked he was frolicking in the sea by himself. Shirin was trying to have casual conversations while she was butt naked save for her bikini top. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Especially knowing there's a good chance your wife will be sitting next to you on the couch watching footage of it.  

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Rodney is an idiot, but I can't disagree with his assessment that a person who gets a face tattoo has some issues.


He makes a good point, but considering he got a tattoo about his dead sister and uses it to seduce women, his point kinda loses it's validity.


I wonder why Tyler would think his wife would give a fuck if Shirin was naked. I still get sexist vibes from him but at the very least it's IMO pretty immature for him to be all "Don't look at the vagina!" But also, are we sure Tyler's spouse is a woman? I was so sure he was gay.

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You are missing Carolyn and Sierra.


You know, now that I think about, three weeks in, and I'm shocked no one on Escameca or Nagarote has found their respective idols yet.  Carolyn found one in week one, but no one else after her!



That astounds me as well.  Always seek odd things that can be described in a clue and certainly check the well area!    

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I wonder why Tyler would think his wife would give a fuck if Shirin was naked. I still get sexist vibes from him but at the very least it's IMO pretty immature for him to be all "Don't look at the vagina!"



For the record, he didn't say it, Joaquin said he could tell how uncomfortable Tyler was and how he was trying to look anywhere but at Shirin and he mentioned Tyler's being married. As for the sexist thing, YMMV but I don't see why a person not wanting to see someone naked in front of them automatically makes them sexist. Last week they did comment on Max first when he started doing it and then mentioned Shirin again. I frankly, had I been in that situation, would have been just as uncomfortable as these guys.


I don't want to basically be forced (because they're stuck on this island so they can't just walk away - unless they go sit in the forest or somewhere for however long it takes one to put their damn clothes back on) to have to see someone's naked ass. Whoopee for one if they are so comfortable in themself but it is forcing others into a very uncomfortable position and their saying that it bothers them doesn't make them sexist or immature in my opinion.


These people had barely known each other for a week at that point and already Joaquin and Tyler had to stand there talking to Shirin with her vagina on display? Like what the hell? In my opinion that is an inconsiderate action right there. Again, great if someone is comfortable and free with themselves and their bodies but many people aren't and they shouldn't be made to feel immature or wrong for that when they are being forced into an uncomfortable situation. It's the same way many people disliked Hatch because they felt he used his nudity as a power play and intimidation tactic. He did it because he knew it bothered and made some uncomfortable. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I wonder why Tyler would think his wife would give a fuck if Shirin was naked. I still get sexist vibes from him but at the very least it's IMO pretty immature for him to be all "Don't look at the vagina!"

Different strokes for different folks, some people get jealous easy. On the "don't stare at the vagina" thing, I kinda get it. It's not so different than if someone has a giant mustard stain or something. It's one thing if you're at a nude beach or locker room or something, but it's different when you're having a conversation with someone you just met.

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If Tyler and his wife are more conservative, she might not be OK with some woman parading her vag around in front of her husband (it wouldn't thrill me if I was her, either). I don't think it's immature of him to want to respect his wife by trying to avert his eyes, especially since he knows this will be aired on national television.


I love how the "you don't work as hard as I do" argument morphed into:  Your God sucks.  Where you live sucks.

YES. Mike was being obnoxious, but it was like watching a message board thread happen in real life--no one could stay on the topic, which was Mike being obnoxious, and they instead started insulting him personally to try and make him back down. It was ridiculous.

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Admittedly I'm mostly just taking Shirin's word for it. I an extra vid from last week she talked about how no one cared about Max being naked but was clutching their pearls over her and stated that it was indicative of the bigger sexism problem on her tribe. And since Tyler was so offended by it in that ep and used it as a reason to dislike her in this one, it kinda fit IMO.


Also I personally wouldn't care if my husband was on Survivor and one of his females tribemates was naked, so that affects my opinion, as I'm sure the fact that some would be offended by that affects their's.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Admittedly I'm mostly just taking Shirin's word for it. I an extra vid from last week she talked about how no one cared about Max being naked but was clutching their pearls over her and stated that it was indicative of the bigger sexism problem on her tribe.



Well as I've noted, my comments are solely based on what I see in the episodes. I recognize some watch the extra videos, watch the eliminated contestants interviews but I don't. So any comment I make is based on what I see during the episodes.

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You know, now that I think about it, three weeks in, and I'm shocked no one on Escameca or Nagarote has found their respective idols yet.  Carolyn found one in week one, but no one else after her!


They never got the clues so may not realize that there are idols.  Only White Collar went with the small bag of beans.


Three weeks in, and my daughter's prediction is coming true:  these tribe names are so jacked up that no one will ever use them.

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They never got the clues so may not realize that there are idols.  Only White Collar went with the small bag of beans.

Carolyn didn't use the clues, though.  She went looking on her own and found hers.  Anyone on either of the other two tribes could've gone looking by now.

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I know she didn't, but she knew something was up when So and Joaquin came back and went through their incredibly convincing discussion of what their choice had been.  And they had the clue.  The other tribes ought to suspect, but apparently don't.

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You are missing Carolyn and Sierra.


You know, now that I think about it, three weeks in, and I'm shocked no one on Escameca or Nagarote has found their respective idols yet.  Carolyn found one in week one, but no one else after her!


They don't even seem to be looking.  Considering NC has dwindling numbers, I'm sure we'll see the scramble coming up to look for it (especially Will-he has to know he's next).  But yeah, that is surprising that Carolyn was the only one to have found it, and WC is the only tribe shown looking.

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As for Max, I thought he stated that he was doing the naked thing to get alone time so I think most of the time he was naked he was frolicking in the sea by himself. Shirin was trying to have casual conversations while she was butt naked save for her bikini top. 


I couldn't agree with this more.  Max was taking it off and going off on his own, so it was easy to avoid seeing the goods if you didn't want to see the goods.  


Personally, I don't enjoy nude men and I've only ever enjoyed seeing nude women in situations with potential for sexin'.  I've never been one for Playboy or strip clubs: if it's not gon' be mine, I don't wanna see it.  




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The others know there is an idol. The two choose between the idol clue and the beans. Both blue collar and no collar told their tribes what choice they had. They don't have the clue but they could be looking. Carolyn knew where to look because she watched So and Joaquin and she watches the show.

Thanks for looking into this and summarizing everything. 


I guess what I was getting at is - to be legally blind, your vision can't be better than 20/200 with glasses - which isn't even close to perfect vision.  A Cochlear implant doesn't give you perfect hearing, but is it good enough to not be considered "legally deaf" (the hearing equivalent of 20/200 vision)?  Don't worry, ProfCrash, I don't expect you to do more research for me, but I am hoping someone out there knows the answer.


I have a few friends/relatives with hearing aids.  And each of them says that hearing aids make it better but do not give you "perfect" hearing - it depends on what you difficulty is and how the aids work.  In general, hearing aids amplify the sound, but don't do much when it comes to making the sound clearer.  Also, despite the promises made by hearing aid manufacturers, they aren't very lessening background noises.  Speaking in a small group with sound in the background and my friends/relatives understand pretty well.  Having a conversation in a noisy restaurant or at a party is a different story - the aids help, but there is still a lot of misunderstanding.

Yes, she is considered legally deaf even with implants

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So, is Rod a toned down, less psychopathic but still crazy version of Brandon? Mike being a taskmaster didn't warrant Rod blowing up on him or Lindsey for that matter... but I could see that really getting on my nerves. Her blowout was out of line though. The content I don't have a problem with... but it was petty and done to hurt his feelings. 

I hate admitting this, but the kind of awkwardness I'm seeing in Shirin is the kind of stuff I pull. I would be completely talking to monkeys, stoked to see them bone, and excitedly sharing the details in a dramatic and rather ridiculous way. She isn't my favorite contestant, but I think we'd get along well. But she is destroying her own game by not taking at least one moment of self-reflection on how her social game is really translating. I genuinely think it's not even on her radar. 

And No Collar... Oh No Collar! I was pulling Nina would have pulled through that - especially when it was so close to the surface that decisions were being made for really bad decisions. Especially when they were so close to realizing that she would have been (likely) a stronger player - and a more loyal one- than Will. I still really like this tribe as a group of individuals, but the decision making is both predictable and horrible. 

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You don't get to say something racist about all African Americans if you don't like Will and you don't get to grossly disrespect a religion because you don't like Mike.

I don't think these are comparable in the least.  Respecting the humanity of others is not the same as respecting one's belief system.  I find it hard to believe that she would have referred to his religion if he hadn't been mentioning it to the group regularly.  No one is entitled to have their beliefs given unquestioned respect.  Sorry.  It doesn't work like that in the parts of the world where creationism is not given equivalence to the science of evolution. 

Edited by GenL
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Holy shit!! 

Alapaki wrote:

"And woe to ye who rest on your bamboo beds while the righteous feast on scorpions.  For I will bring the wrath of my hairy-bellied beast upon your jezebel mother."




And I just straight up lost my shit laughing!! 

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I thought it was very interesting how Tyler seemed to be playing both sides with the idol.  He seemed to be genuinely bonding with Joaquin, but  Carolyn certainly didn't seem like she was worried he might say anything.  I had forgotten he even knew about it until his confessional.  I don't know.  I just think he's someone to watch.  He's playing very well so far.

I totally agree. I also respect his game for the fact that he went out and "looked" for the idol that he knew was found. He's playing a thorough game and seems able to be able to save his displeasure for the confessionals. I think he will go very far.


Hali: Surfing is the third most important thing in my life.

Khaleesi (8): You don't say something like that and not tell people what #1 and 2 are.

This was my reaction, too. Additionally, how long is this list of passions in her life? Does she only have three, or does she have dozens? Did they all get ranked?


I know. Every year it amazes me that in a game to win a million dollars, pretty much based on your ability to get along with people, someone is always bossy, and someone is always calling other people out. I picture the Mikes of the game going home to a wife who has been planning how to spend the mil and telling her, "Sorry. It just bothered me so much that I was collecting more firewood than anyone else that I just had to make an issue of it."

I love everything about this. I loved it to the same extent that hated that I agreed with Rodney in his showdown with Mike. There is no reason why Mike should get to set the tribe's work schedule and spending a week with such a person (who appears to wake people up so that they can start on their chores), my nerves would be pretty raw, too. On the other hand, we haven't really seen anyone try to approach Mike about it in a calm way—it seems that the people on the Blue Collar tribe who are capable of remaining calm are also capable of keeping their mouths shut and letting their more outspoken tribemates fight these battles for them.


I am very much looking forward to the tribal shake-up and the merge. I really hope Blue Collar stays intact, largely so that everyone else can marvel at their insane dynamic (and I really want to see what people like Tyler and Joe make of Rodney). I'm also really curious as to who the women on that tribe ally themselves with. My speculation is that whoever is left from No Collar will stick together, Blue Collar fractures, and White Collar all agree to stick together, but someone flips.


Finally, I know I've said this before, but I really wish that at challenges, first place gets immunity and reward, second place gets immunity and no reward, and third place gets tribal council. Both of the rewards this week included a tarp and past seasons have indicated that it makes a huge difference to quality of life at camp. No Collar are going to get significantly less sleep on stormy nights than the other two tribes, which puts them at a disadvantage at future immunity challenges. I would not be surprised if they lost next week as well (and kept losing until a tribal shake-up). I'm convinced part of the reason Cagayan and Philippines both had teams that could never seem to win was because even the reduced rewards allowed the other two tribes to accrue major advantages over the tribe that lost. I think the reason why White Collar appears to buck the trend is because they got flint at the first tribal council, meaning that the tribe that came in second (Blue Collar) didn't have a major fire-making advantage over them, despite having won a reward.

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Thanks for looking into this and summarizing everything.

I guess what I was getting at is - to be legally blind, your vision can't be better than 20/200 with glasses - which isn't even close to perfect vision.  A Cochlear implant doesn't give you perfect hearing, but is it good enough to not be considered "legally deaf" (the hearing equivalent of 20/200 vision)?  Don't worry, ProfCrash, I don't expect you to do more research for me, but I am hoping someone out there knows the answer.

I have a few friends/relatives with hearing aids.  And each of them says that hearing aids make it better but do not give you "perfect" hearing - it depends on what you difficulty is and how the aids work.  In general, hearing aids amplify the sound, but don't do much when it comes to making the sound clearer.  Also, despite the promises made by hearing aid manufacturers, they aren't very lessening background noises.  Speaking in a small group with sound in the background and my friends/relatives understand pretty well.  Having a conversation in a noisy restaurant or at a party is a different story - the aids help, but there is still a lot of misunderstanding.



Yes, she is considered legally deaf even with implants

You can't even get a cochlear implant unless you are legally deaf since in order to implant it they have to scoop out all the workings in your ear and destroy whatever natural hearing you have.  Your hearing has to be REALLY limited to do this.


Also about the lip reading - again my information is from my two deaf co-workers who got implants - that even people who are really good at it only pick up about 40% of what is said.  The rest you have to put together (i.e., guess) from the context or from questioning the speaker.   All this shit in the movies where the lip-reader uncovers the whole terrorist plot from reading lips across the street - no.  Just one more reason why they wanted to get the implant.  

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While I find Rodney to be basically unintelligible, I did manage to catch him saying something along the lines of 'I don't take orders from anyone, that is why I work for myself.'

I watched the part I missed. I had some random thoughts about the occupations listed.

Rodney -- General Contractor. Would anyone here hire a GC who said "Get off my back, I'll do it when I'm good and ready, right now I'm eating lunch?"

Shirin - Yahoo!. Does she think running around naked is going to help her career? Yahoo may be casual, but they do have a public image.

I was thinking about Lindsey's tattoos. The woman on her shoulder is prettier than Lindsey. Why would you want that? Does she ever wonder why the guys she takes to bed always look at her shoulder?

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They don't even seem to be looking.  Considering NC has dwindling numbers, I'm sure we'll see the scramble coming up to look for it (especially Will-he has to know he's next).  But yeah, that is surprising that Carolyn was the only one to have found it, and WC is the only tribe shown looking.

I don't think they show us people looking for an idol unless they find it, or it otherwise serves the story somehow.  People have said they spend hours and hours at it.  That would make for some dull tv.  I think it's safe to assume they look, whether we're shown footage or not.  

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Jeff: Nina, the tribe has spoken.

Nina: What?

I'll allow it.


Why do tribes always look so surprised and exasperated when they're "getting their first look at" the tribe that just voted somebody out? They ALWAYS have this 'Oh shit, it's on!' look going on. They see members of other tribes at the very beginning of the game when the tribes are split up and at challenges. They don't know anything about personalities or alliances, or any drama that is going on at the other camps, so why do they always ham it up?

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My husband's theory is that they decided one person would vote for Nina to try and spare some of her feelings, by making it seem like her boot wasn't such an easy choice.


Vince said in an interview that he told the rest of his tribe that Nina had found a HI and showed it to him. Thus explaining why Joe wanted to split the votes last episode. I wonder if Hali did that to try and counteract Nina pulling out a HI. 

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