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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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Anna's dad is 56?????????????????????????? How old is Anna's mom???????

Wow. Genes are genes but the cheap food, overweight and out of date clothing don't help. Wow.

I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now!

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I know we constantly compare the Duggars vs the Bates. I really, really wish that the Bates weren't involved with Gothard cuz I like watching & comparing the two families. On last night's episode, Kelly sat down with the older girls to discuss with them about redecorating their room. Kelly gave her opinion of what paint colors she liked but left it up to the girls to finally decide. I don't think Kelly ultimately liked their gray paint decision, but said it was their room. Gil was being the typical dad -just there to hang the decorations & being thankful he didn't have to do the painting. Plus the girls were acting like typical sisters in their joking & squabling. You know if this was the Duggars, we would have seen Boob taking over the whole project including choosing the paint color & decorations. I actually see Boob telling the girls they would have to use leftover paint he had & not letting them pick out new paint. Then we would have to hear what great painters the Duggars are cuz, well, they are THE Duggars. There was also a segment of Kelly & the girls trying out a new chicken recipe. Again they looked like they were having so much fun, something we would never see between MEchelle & her girls.

Let's not forget the pop ups showing how many cans of paint the Duggars use in one year. 

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Anna's dad is 56?????????????????????????? How old is Anna's mom???????

Wow. Genes are genes but the cheap food, overweight and out of date clothing don't help. Wow.

I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now!

Suzette is 60. And yes, they both look much, much older. 

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I want Jill R on teevee. Just long enough to expose her full glorious craziness. Point a camera at her and let her go. Show stops as soon as she gets camera savvy. All the kids get trustfunds.

Oh please, TV Gods, let this happen! I find Jill and David and their many willowy children fascinating. It would be appointment TV for me!

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OMG..the captions on those pics. "We are so sad Dale Earnhardt died...We hope he died knowing Christ as his Lord and Saviour. " Gag.

The fact that fundies go the beach and expect everyone else to cover up so as not to make the preshus Fundy snowflakes feel defrauded is nothing short of arrogant. The world doesnt revolve around THEM and their phoney cult. You know what I find offensive, Jill? Your tacky hair and makeup and the fact that you're really putting on the lbs while your kids look emaciated and malnourished.

Sorry...but I'm in a bitchy mood.

Oh, and don't forget the caption "(Our girls normally NEVER wear pants, but it was the only wear that was appropriate for these rock climbs…………yikes!)" So sanctimonious and unnecessary.


I watched a recent episode featuring Whitney & Zach buying a couch. It kind of pissed me off though. I don't notice commercials but when they were buying their couch from Rent A Center, I thought it was a bit odd, so I rewound the show a bit. Sure enough there was a commercial for Rent A Center.


I realize these shows offer the families perks and such, but that was the first time I notice a blatant 'commercial' within a show.

I have never been to Rent A Center and always assumed it was, well, for renting things! So I was confused that they appeared to be buying. I also noticed the Rent A Center commercial, which we know means the couches were complimentary. I was also surprised when the employee was talking about payment plans, since Gothardites shun debt like the plague. Boob wouldn't have passed up the chance to preach a mini sermon about Financial Freedom seminars. But I guess it was a moot point since they likely didn't have to make the payments at all. Must be nice.


She and her husband clearly get enough to eat. And you notice how often they eat at restaurants for "date night"? I wonder how often the kids get to eat out? For people who claim children are a blessing from the lord, they sure put their needs last.

Didn't she mention three different date night restaurants all in the same post? They do indeed treat themselves pretty well. I'd be too embarrassed to be constantly begging and talking about needing "love offerings" and then constantly posting about dinners out.

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Over on Rodrigues family ministry, there is a new 2016 video. Listen to the end and you will be rewarded with hearing them beg for money. I guess godly people don't need to go to real jobs every day like all of us.

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I feel like the begging/not working for a living is vastly unusual on this group's part.  My parents were pretty far on the fundie continuum but also cheap, and absolutely believed in my earning outside money as soon as possible so they didn't have to spend money on my "frivolities" (for the curious, this would include makeup, though my mother was all for me wearing it, and batteries for my Walkman, yes I'm dating myself).  also what about the Puritan Calvinist doctrine? those people absolutely believed in working for a living not smartphoning.

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Oh, and don't forget the caption "(Our girls normally NEVER wear pants, but it was the only wear that was appropriate for these rock climbs…………yikes!)" So sanctimonious and unnecessary.


I have never been to Rent A Center and always assumed it was, well, for renting things! So I was confused that they appeared to be buying. I also noticed the Rent A Center commercial, which we know means the couches were complimentary. I was also surprised when the employee was talking about payment plans, since Gothardites shun debt like the plague. Boob wouldn't have passed up the chance to preach a mini sermon about Financial Freedom seminars. But I guess it was a moot point since they likely didn't have to make the payments at all. Must be nice.


Girls in pants! Nike! I am defrauded reading this.  I hope they shut down the gym so no one could see them.


Rent-A-Center also does rent-to-own at rates that result in people spending way too much for cheap furniture. It is a way to rip off people with poor credit.  BUt the time you make the payments, you could have bought the same item two times over. 


What IS it with these people with their pride in being Perpetually UNemployed??? I'm grateful I had parents who taught us responsibility, dignity, and grace conspire to make begging and grifting an unethical life choice.

In Jill's over-the-top in its hokeyness and elementary school level alphabet soup about 'her god': what exactly is "V = Victor"er"???

Z = Zealous.  So god is her victor and her zealous.  I can only assume that with her limited knowledge these were the only words she could come up with.  Hmm, Z, zoo, zebra, zealous.  I'll use zealous!

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What bothered me the worst was Jill and hubby going out for date night, another dinner, and the St Augustine museum.  Just the 2 of them.  They are the only ones who get a break from the kids and the bus.  The kids are stuck with other 24/7.  The parents sure don't want them around.

They mentioned the Kellers hosting them for dinner and said many people did, but the Keller pictures were the only ones posted.  It has been clear that these trips include very frequent trips to other people's houses at dinnertime so the host can whip up something for an extra 14 people.  The churches provide them with food and a place to park the RV and other needs.  They only spent a couple of months in that house Jill was so thankful to God for.  And she admitted they were on the road because the printing ministry doesn't pay enough money.  So the only other option, obviously, is eat and drink and be merry on somebody else's dime.

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I'm glad the Rod kids got some time in the heated pool. I imagine warm water is a treat for them, with shower time in the bus being, well, limited. Too bad they couldn't feel the water on their skin, as those of us who wear normal bathing suits do. 


As for the JRods pulling the Rrrr Veee into the driveway of the Keller home, I just have to think of Cousin Eddie at the Griswolds. If the Griswolds lived in a trailer. 


And, since these sanctimonious wannabes put me in a mood--David should not wear a shirt with a large pattern around his expanded middle. The border print looked like a line of elephants, but I couldn't see clearly. Anyway, bad clothing choice for your headship, Jill.

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So the Rods no longer have the house we saw on the New Year's video? Was this the West Virginia house the kids raved was so spacious & mom decorated so nicely? Well at least I'm hoping the house went to a needy family that will appreciate it.

Add me to the list of loving to see the Rods roll up on a Counting On episode. Hair & makeup tutorials, singing, a date night dinner for the couples -oh, the possibilities are endless.

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I'm leaning toward believing that they still have the house and took a couple month vacation in Florida to raise money and escape winter.  We'll know soon if we start seeing pictures or videos taken in the house again.

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More details about the Rodrigues house? HOW did they come by a house with such a paltry income? And why do they no longer have the house?

I said it upthread, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Rodrigui were on some sort of government assistance but just not admitting it. Churches may give them a few meals and whatnot, but I can't imagine the love offerings cover gas for the RV, clothes, toiletries and Jill and David's date nights. They just strike me as the type of people who would milk the system.

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I think the house is still there as well.  They were going to expand into another part of the garage or whatever for even more printing equipment that David obviously doesn't need since they are on the road because he didn't have enough business.  The trip is so far 3 months long, and they are probably trying to drum up some more printing tracts business while they are on it.  In addition to the grifting and love offerings and fame whoring, of course.  What abysmal parents and people they are.


Edited by Micks Picks
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I said it upthread, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Rodrigui were on some sort of government assistance but just not admitting it. Churches may give them a few meals and whatnot, but I can't imagine the love offerings cover gas for the RV, clothes, toiletries and Jill and David's date nights. They just strike me as the type of people who would milk the system.

I hope for the kids' sake they are on assistance. But these Gothardites are paranoid of the government, and truly if they were on anyone's radar and stayed put for long enough, I wouldn't be surprised if DCF investigated them.

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The Titus SAHD's are shopping for the fugly at Pro Bass. How awkward for a 34 grown woman to have to ask daddy for money to go shopping for clothes!


I love dogs, too, but their level of investment in the puppy makes me sad. "Life is an adventure for her," Sarah writes. Can't help but thinking that there's an unacknowledged thought behind that of life not being such an adventure for them. The puppy's on a leash and they are, too, but the puppy is an innocent domesticated baby animal who can still feel adventure, leash or not. But maybe the Maxwell daughters have a harder time doing that.They probably feel guilty about it. 

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Does Bass Pro allow animals in their stores like the pet stores do? If not, why were they allowed?

Dear Maxwell sisters, as much as you want to catch a man, it will NEVER happen dressed like an eighty year old grandma, love Fuzzy.

Totally agree. I try to imagine what the Maxwell girls would look like if they replaced their floor sweeping denim skirts with a pair of jeans or shorter skirt with tights? Do they have other (fashionable) footwear than the clodhopper tennis shoes they seem to constantly wear? The Bates gals could have a field day with the Maxwell ladies.

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The Titus SAHD's are shopping for the fugly at Pro Bass. How awkward for a 34 grown woman to have to ask daddy for money to go shopping for clothes!

Oh I love that you called it Pro Bass because I do too.

I guess I would be excited to leave the home, but to go there? Eh. (I live in same town as the largest pro bass and that place is a constant hell)

I know it's been discussed before but I'm not sure what final answer was. Who becomes Sarah's headship (gag) when Pa Maxwell passes?

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Shopping for clothes at an "outdoor world" sends the wrong hint if you're looking for man.

Unless you're there to find a really outdoorsy guy. Maybe they're scoping out the hardware stores and gun shows, too. Eitherway, looking like you're trying be as unattractive as possible won't attract anyone, no matter what the Lord lays upon your heart. Men are men. They choose what they find physically attractive or what their parents arrange for them. The end.

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Unless you're there to find a really outdoorsy guy. Maybe they're scoping out the hardware stores and gun shows, too. Eitherway, looking like you're trying be as unattractive as possible won't attract anyone, no matter what the Lord lays upon your heart. Men are men. They choose what they find physically attractive or what their parents arrange for them. The end.

I agree. Not every girl has fortunate genetics, but you can definitely make the most of what you have through stylish clothing, a light touch of makeup and a flattering hairstyle. Either the Maxwell girls never got the memo or they genuinely believe Prince Charming will fall in their laps.

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Did anyone comment on this?

"Fun at the beach! (We try to find a more remote spot that is not filled with people with barely any clothes on.)……… Sad"

The nerve of people!!!! Wearing hardly any clothes at a beach in Florida! SAD!

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Somebody needs to remind all of these people that, if their theory holds water, God also created boobs. And legs. And asses. Is God a really bored twelve year-old that created things just to be gross and mess with people, or is everything He creates sacred and holy?   What do you think the punishment ought to be for ungodly heathens who are obsessed with covering, flattening, and outright denying the existence of His creation? I wonder....

Edited by Aja
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I know several 80 year old grannies who would NEVER leave the house dressed as frumpily as these young women.

Truth. My mom is a 70 year old granny and wouldn't be caught dead in that frump.

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Somebody needs to remind all of these people that, if their theory holds water, God also created boobs. And legs. And asses. Is God a really bored twelve year-old that created things just to be gross and mess with people, or is everything He creates sacred and holy? What do you think the punishment ought to be for ungodly heathens who are obsessed with covering, flattening, and outright denying the existence of His creation? I wonder....

Can I get an "AMEN!"?

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I agree. Not every girl has fortunate genetics, but you can definitely make the most of what you have through stylish clothing, a light touch of makeup and a flattering hairstyle. Either the Maxwell girls never got the memo or they genuinely believe Prince Charming will fall in their laps.

The thing is...the Maxhell girls used to be even MORE homely, if that's even possible. They used to have thick Oscar the Grouch eyebrows with a unibrow thrown in there. I think people were leaving comments on the Maxhell blog about it because suddenly the Maxhell slaves showed up on their blog one day with noticeably thinner, manicured brows.

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Blessed be the frumpy, for they shall inherit their patriarch.

NOT one of The Beatitudes but it should be! Just glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I saw your post.

Love it! Just catching up since me and Mr Evenstar went out of town this past weekend to an amazing rock concert. Been thoroughly enjoying your most excellent snark.

My other favorite fantasy beatitude is Blessed are the cheesemakers.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Post from Becca

Oh, and don't forget the caption "(Our girls normally NEVER wear pants, but it was the only wear that was appropriate for these rock climbs…………yikes!)" So sanctimonious and unnecessary.

I think whenever they post they have to be wary of being judged by other Fundies....

Wearing a skirt for rock climbing just won't do.....going to the beach isn't normally where Fundies go. I think they feel obliged to let whomever reads their blog know that they had to bend the rules a bit..but that they usually don't do that...Fundy folk seem to have their own peer pressure and accountability thang going on.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Dear Maxwell sisters, as much as you want to catch a man, it will NEVER happen dressed like an eighty year old grandma, love Fuzzy.

I think it's their rigorous and intimidating belief system and courtship demands that are doing them even more harm. I know a lot of plain women who forego makeup and fashion who had guys interested in them and formed relationships/marriages. So the right guy wouldn't mind the granny skirts. But he WOULD mind an almost impossible to navigate vetting process by Mr. Maxwell, endless "purity" rules, expectations for no birth control, etc. I think it's difficult to be a Quiverfull/fundie woman because they tend to be more faithful than the young men and there just aren't enough to go around.


Oh I love that you called it Pro Bass because I do too.

I guess I would be excited to leave the home, but to go there? Eh. (I live in same town as the largest pro bass and that place is a constant hell)

I know it's been discussed before but I'm not sure what final answer was. Who becomes Sarah's headship (gag) when Pa Maxwell passes?

I believe one of her brothers. It reminds me of the old days, when "spinsters" would be passed around from family to family like nomads when their parents died. How horribly depressing to contemplate never being your own person or having your own house.

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Totally agree. I try to imagine what the Maxwell girls would look like if they replaced their floor sweeping denim skirts with a pair of jeans or shorter skirt with tights? Do they have other (fashionable) footwear than the clodhopper tennis shoes they seem to constantly wear? The Bates gals could have a field day with the Maxwell ladies.

They aren't really that bad looking. Not gorgeous, but nothing that would make someone take a leap back if they met them in person. They could be pretty with a little styling. Daddy Maxhell has a lot to answer for. 


I also think the dog has become a substitute child. If she were living by herself, she'd probably have more than one pet. 

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They aren't really that bad looking. Not gorgeous, but nothing that would make someone take a leap back if they met them in person. They could be pretty with a little styling. Daddy Maxhell has a lot to answer for. 


I also think the dog has become a substitute child. If she were living by herself, she'd probably have more than one pet.

I'm sure the Maxwells are intellectually stunted as well. I'm not even talking about knowing the Seven Wonders of the World. I mean being able to carry a decent conversation about every day things --current events, movies, sports, etc. My God, they couldn't even go out & order a Pepsi without thinking about their mom's so called addiction to it.

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They could do SO much with all of that free time they have.  They could "preach" by being a light in their community:  helping out at a woman's shelter, babysitting for a single mom that has to work, volunteering in a soup kitchen, etc.  Instead they preach via their website, delete all posts/questions they do not like, and have the cleanest ceiling fans around.  Ugh.  Maxhell indeed.

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Excellent post, Barbedwire.  They could do so much good in the world, and they don't.  No one's burden is lightened or lives made better because of their existence.  It speaks very poorly of their belief system.

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Did anyone comment on this?

"Fun at the beach! (We try to find a more remote spot that is not filled with people with barely any clothes on.)……… Sad"

The nerve of people!!!! Wearing hardly any clothes at a beach in Florida! SAD!


I was struck by someone who once said that they themselves used to go to the ocean to train for competitive swimming.  Because she was swimming, she naturally wore a one-piece tank.


She said, "I've never been hit on by so many sleazy and unlikely men, to the point where I decided that the mere act of wearing a one-piece when 98% of the rest of the lady population over 12 and under 50 were in bikinis, meant that I was actually being targeted as a fundie at worst and an insecure frump at best, by predatory men, who thought this made me an easy-to-impress pushover they could get their leg over easy."


Something to think about...

Edited by queenanne
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Jill Rodrigues has a new blog post up praising their oldest son for fasting about his future. This but struck me as so sad:


"Timothy just turned 16 years old and we told him he could pick out any “boy” friend to take out to dinner with us and to then go do some fun “guy” thing (like go-carting / or something like that).  Well, he could not think of a friend (near us) that he felt close enough to that he could relate to spiritually, so he chose Grandpa!!  Wow!  That alone blessed my heart!"


I think it's great to be close to your grandparents! That's not the issue. The issue is that these poor children don't have friends. And they are so brainwashed that everything has to be about spiritual compatibility. You cant just go go-carting with friends, not if they don't hold all  your same beliefs. This hit close to home for me, because when I was yanked out of public school and homeschooled, I lost all my friends and never had the opportunity to make new ones, especially when we moved. It was very lonely and depressing.

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Jill's blog post:




So she complains that Timothy was JUST like her with him always thinking about himself! Oh and everyone of her blog posts about her kids reads like a Christian Mingle ad. Jill please stop! I can see her kids getting married young JUST to get away from her kray kray! 


Her poor sister does she have to use the word, crippled? Nice way to show your love Jill. I haven't seen anyone use that word in years. As a matter of fact the Shriner's Children's hospital took that word off their sign years ago!........smile!!

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Now, I must encourage Moms out there that may be reading this.  I do NOT say this to put my Timothy down, but he has been our most stubborn child by far!!!  He was a chronic whiner and whined his way through the toddler age.  He connived his way through childhood and was always looking for ways to look out for number one and what HE wanted out of life.  Needless to say, sometimes it drove my husband and I crazy!

YET……….even when David and I felt bone weary and could not believe we were having to deal with yet another “strong – willed” moment in our son, we would (by God’s grace and power) consistently correct it every time.  We tried not to let the “little errors” go by, but rather show him the error of his ways with each and every small and big thing.


From Jill R's blog post. Her rhetoric describing Timothy "conniving his way through childhood" is downright terrifying after reading I Fired God. And holy shit, that boy does NOT need to be fasting.

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Jill's blog post:


So she complains that Timothy was JUST like her with him always thinking about himself! Oh and everyone of her blog posts about her kids reads like a Christian Mingle ad. Jill please stop! I can see her kids getting married young JUST to get away from her kray kray!

Her poor sister does she have to use the word, crippled? Nice way to show your love Jill. I haven't seen anyone use that word in years. As a matter of fact the Shriner's Children's hospital took that word off their sign years ago!........smile!!

Gotta love the pictures taken outside in some random parking lot/ rest stop. Do these people live in a house? Children, especially 14 kids or however many umpteen kids they have, need room to grow. They need proper beds, room to play etc rather than being squished like sardines into a trailer/RV. Their quality of life seems to be lacking.

I'm not hating on people who live in trailers or RVs. However, if Baby Jesus lays it on your heart to have 14 kids perhaps you should consider the logistics of where you're going to live and whether or not it's suitable for 14 kids to be squished together. Just sayin'.

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Timothy is such a hard worker!  Jill's dream job for Timothy would probably be working for Jim Bob cleaning toilets while courting one of his girls.  Is Joy the right age for him?  Maybe that's the kind of guy that has come a-courtin' for Jana.  Timothy might be a very nice young man, but who wants to get caught up with that crazy crowd?

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