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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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Yep, while no professional will ever go on the record to confirm this, the behavior pattern makes me think that doctors are like other professionals - the cases that can't be easily diagnosed, let alone treated, are "curve-busters", they destroy the averages, they have a higher cost-per-patient, and it's just damn depressing for a doctor to have a patient who can't be diagnosed, and therefore treated.


For that matter, a chronic condition is very stressful, and yes the patient will be emotional and dramatic and whiny.  The patient is living with the condition 24/7, and the medico isn't helping (seriously, nooooot bitter).

  • Love 5

My MS started in my early 20's but wasn't diagnosed until I was almost 40.  I tried to  tell them what I had after having to figure it out myself - but nope I was a woman, and I was blonde.   I will never forgive those years I went without help, no forgiveness from me.   I don't wish anyone to hell though. 

  • Love 7

Yep, while no professional will ever go on the record to confirm this, the behavior pattern makes me think that doctors are like other professionals - the cases that can't be easily diagnosed, let alone treated, are "curve-busters", they destroy the averages, they have a higher cost-per-patient, and it's just damn depressing for a doctor to have a patient who can't be diagnosed, and therefore treated.


For that matter, a chronic condition is very stressful, and yes the patient will be emotional and dramatic and whiny.  The patient is living with the condition 24/7, and the medico isn't helping (seriously, nooooot bitter).

Doctors have a lot of responsibilities. People's lives are in their hands, and it does affect their mental health. Most doctors become doctors because they want to help people, not become rich.
  • Love 3

David isn't telling the unvarnished truth. He's saying this because he wants to believe he's a special uber Christian. I remember my mother making a lemon cheesecake when I was three, and that's about it.

The thought of hell probably made an impression on him and he did say that it was at the end of his third year.  I remember certain things from that age and I can believe that being told of a hell at almost age 4 would be memorable.

  • Love 1

Regarding David's brother, not sure what kind of cancer he had, but I do know that many abdominal cancers are asymptomatic until they have spread beyond treatment. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer, and subsequently learned that it started with a rare abdominal cancer called mucinous adeno carcinoma. He died 3 months after his diagnosis. It happens, even to people who trust medical professionals and don't pray everything away.

It is entirely possible that Isaac had some other cancer that spread to his leg.

My mom developed a pain in her side this past April. Tests revealed cancer, which was subsequently found to have started as small-cell carcinoma of the lung. This is associated with past or present smoking, and she hadn't smoked since 1964. She passed away in July and never did present any of the symptoms one associates with lung cancer; all discomfort and dysfunction was related to the metastasis. So I am not going to make negative assumptions about the Wallers.

PS: Fuck cancer.

  • Love 11

An almost 4 year old David's view of God was probably like that of an imaginary friend who can save him from punishment for being 'bad'.  He probably needed an imaginary friend when he had parents threatening eternal torment if he didn't believe in him and parents who were calling him a sinner deserving hell.  I mean really.

  • Love 5

David isn't telling the unvarnished truth. He's saying this because he wants to believe he's a special uber Christian. I remember my mother making a lemon cheesecake when I was three, and that's about it.


A lemon cheesecake is well worth remembering.



I expect David's story is a family story told over and over, and he may well think that he does remember it in some detail because of that.

  • Love 7

Too bad it never crossed TFDW's mind that collecting a huge bag of pecans while trespassing on property that doesn't belong to you is breaking a commandment. Still sinning! #sinning (not #winning although can you imagine TFDW in a meeting with Charlie Sheen?)

  • Love 6

Another thing I found weird in David's about David post on their website is that his older brother Isaac died at age 25 and they didn't know he had a rare form of cancer until the day he died. I assume that a cancer so deadly would require some medical attention so why did they not know about it until the day he died? I could be wrong but did they just think he was sick and try to pray it away?

This type of situation happened in my family. We didn't find out until after she died that it was brain cancer.

  • Love 1

I gotta call godly, gargantuan BS on this one.

First, "my winsome nature"???? Who the holy bajezuz talks like this??!!

Next, "No One had to teach me to SIN. I did it quite naturally. I was a SINNER." WHAT sin, pray tell, can a 3-4 year old POSSIBLY commit??

Teaching children they are inherently BAD honks me off. Teaching them God is watching and waiting for the opportunity to cast souls into hell is twisted. Teaching children that this god demands nothing less than a public whine of remorse coupled with a pathetic, rousing beg for forgiveness, followed by a lifetime of assaulting every other human from that day forward with unwanted 'Repent and be saved' 'encouragement' makes my head want to explode.

I find this life view depressingly ignorant.


I think I'd remember the day my parents convinced me I was dangling over a pit of eternal fire where the holy would look down on my torments and laugh.


It would explain a lot about how that community has the epidemic of perversity the Duggars say it has. If whatever sins the adults can convince a three year old they've committed are serious enough to send them to hell, the distinction between the seriousness of masturbation, child molestation and talking back to your father must be seriously blurred.

  • Love 5

Both the story of Isaac's death and David's rebirth are terribly sad. Adam's story of Isaac's life and death left me feeling solemn & sad. David's testimony left me feeling outraged & sad.


IMHO, having an atmosphere in a home where a preschooler can pick up on, or be told outright, that he is full of sin and will end up in a horrible place called hell is abusive.


Warmth, love, safety, value ... are just a few feelings a 3 1/2 should be experiencing.

  • Love 10

I gotta call godly, gargantuan BS on this one.

First, "my winsome nature"???? Who the holy bajezuz talks like this??!!

Next, "No One had to teach me to SIN. I did it quite naturally. I was a SINNER." WHAT sin, pray tell, can a 3-4 year old POSSIBLY commit??

Teaching children they are inherently BAD honks me off. Teaching them God is watching and waiting for the opportunity to cast souls into hell is twisted. Teaching children that this god demands nothing less than a public whine of remorse coupled with a pathetic, rousing beg for forgiveness, followed by a lifetime of assaulting every other human from that day forward with unwanted 'Repent and be saved' 'encouragement' makes my head want to explode.

I find this life view depressingly ignorant.

On the 'no one had to teach me to sin' front, perhaps he was one of those many little kids who can't keep their hands out their pants. I can see a family such as his telling him it was a sin, and that he would go to hell for it.

  • Love 2

I read the sad article on David's brothers' death. He had a rare form of leukemia. He was being treated with antibiotics for a non healing leg infection. It seems like any Dr would have ordered a simple CBC blood test. Wouldn't that have shown that his white blood cell count was off the çharts?

  • Love 1

I gotta call godly, gargantuan BS on this one.

First, "my winsome nature"???? Who the holy bajezuz talks like this??!!

Next, "No One had to teach me to SIN. I did it quite naturally. I was a SINNER." WHAT sin, pray tell, can a 3-4 year old POSSIBLY commit??

Teaching children they are inherently BAD honks me off. Teaching them God is watching and waiting for the opportunity to cast souls into hell is twisted. Teaching children that this god demands nothing less than a public whine of remorse coupled with a pathetic, rousing beg for forgiveness, followed by a lifetime of assaulting every other human from that day forward with unwanted 'Repent and be saved' 'encouragement' makes my head want to explode.

I find this life view depressingly ignorant.


Who talks like this? People with few original ideas of their own, and a great big thesaurus...

  • Love 5

I read the sad article on David's brothers' death. He had a rare form of leukemia. He was being treated with antibiotics for a non healing leg infection. It seems like any Dr would have ordered a simple CBC blood test. Wouldn't that have shown that his white blood cell count was off the çharts?

But weren't they in the middle of a mission not near a hospital or good healthcare? 

  • Love 1

But weren't they in the middle of a mission not near a hospital or good healthcare? 

Or they could have been like I assume like many fundies were in the days before obamacare...using the ER as the doctor so each time they would see someone new and get basically the same treatment?

I read the sad article on David's brothers' death. He had a rare form of leukemia. He was being treated with antibiotics for a non healing leg infection. It seems like any Dr would have ordered a simple CBC blood test. Wouldn't that have shown that his white blood cell count was off the çharts?


I wouldn't assume that even if they ordered a CBC, which may very well have happened, that it would have alerted them to a rare form of leukemia in time to do anything. Doctors look to rare causes way down the line of things. That isn't a slam. It's just reality. A infection causes high white blood cell counts. So tests may look like infection when in reality its leukemia. But infections have lots of causes and a rare leukemia would be down the list. 

  • Love 4

I feel kind of sorry for David and Priscilla acting out their roles that they have been 'trained' to perform.  While she seems right out of her mind like she never matured past age 11 or 12, he seems to want to do his best in keeping it together.  Almost like if he just had a window of opportunity to release himself from his brainwashed past he'd be a decent person and kind.  While Priscilla I don't know if she would be anything at this point without her religious ecstasy in full swing all of the time. 

  • Love 5

Lets not go into the Obamacare and the healthcare debate. Also, we should avoid going into speculation on why doctors did not find a life threatening illness while treating someone. There are plenty websites to debate and discuss the many facets of the healthcare system and Obamacare. Thank you.

I feel kind of sorry for David and Priscilla acting out their roles that they have been 'trained' to perform.  While she seems right out of her mind like she never matured past age 11 or 12, he seems to want to do his best in keeping it together.  Almost like if he just had a window of opportunity to release himself from his brainwashed past he'd be a decent person and kind.  While Priscilla I don't know if she would be anything at this point without her religious ecstasy in full swing all of the time. 


I feel really sorry for them. That's why I hope that their sad concept about how love is not emotion but essentially a denial of emotions for an unknown heavenly purpose can provide them some sense of meaning and comfort in their marriage choice (or non-choice....). They seem to be to me to be the type who are too cowed to leave, absent some hideous explosion, and I'd like them to find some way not to be completely miserable and thus perhaps avoid the explosion somehow. They really make me sad. And, unlike many people, I guess, I think there are some people who just cannot leave their families and family traditions, even though they should

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 5

If David was truly enamored with Josh I could see marrying Priscilla as a guarantee of future contact with his true beloved.  Also, I wonder how the 'internet accountability' works in the David Loves Priscilla household.  I can't picture Priscilla saying to David - now let me see what you've been doing on your computer today,

  • Love 3

This is such a kind way to assess the situation, Churchie - I like it a lot.

I, too, feel sorry for them in a way (until they start up on how sinful everyone outside their bubble is).

As a person who had devoutly religious parents who sent 5 children to 12 years of private, religion-based schools, I am just unable to fathom why offspring of these uber fundamentalists do not leave or even QUESTION such a warped and pathetic life view. Despite all the religious training, not a one of my siblings chose to remain religious in any way. We, too, were always made to feel there was something wrong with us for not being willing or able to "JUST TAKE IT ON FAITH", and yet, when each of us reached adulthood, we respectfully declined the gift we are sure their religion was thought to be by our parents. And each of us believes we are happier for making that decision. None of us raised our children with any specific religion - instead, we encouraged them to learn about, then compare and contrast, the world's religions, then make their own choice. So, I know from experience it is possible to be raised with ABSOLUTES, and yet decide in adulthood those rigid concepts that worked well for our parents were not necessarily relevant for us.


Thanks! Not kind so much as just shaped by my own experiences, though, actually.


See, you came from a situation that's almost the opposite of mine. In my case, I'm the only one who did fully leave one of these highly controlling situations. The situation was somewhat different because individual human neurosis and evil were the main drivers turning it into a prison, not religion. But what I've always perceived is that, for whatever reason, some people just seem unable to leave, no matter how bad things are for them and how contrary to their own behavior and (underlying, if not entirely conscious or acknowledged) principles the behaviors and beliefs of the controlling forces are. Hence -- I look at Priscilla and David and see my own family -- all knocked into submission to stuff that not only doesn't fit them but harms them and is just kind of nuts, even. And I can only hope that, since they don't seem able to leave, they can find some kind of peaceful accommodation.


Thanks for sharing your story -- our two stories kind of make the different ways we view this make perfect sense, don't they?


Totally agree that they lose me when they start getting all judgy!

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Even though Ma and Pa Keller are absolutely nuts, I do notice they seem to adore their grandchildren. In all the pictures of them with David and Priscilla's kids you can see the joy on their faces. It's a far cry from Michelle's glassy eyed stare and barely concealed contempt for the Mkids and Izzy.

I also noticed a picture of Pris grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. She's sure come a long way from that double wide.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

I think Pricilla was put with David for a reason,due to her "fragile" state,it was essential she was paired with someone who would not make constant "demands".


I think any self loathing from Davids growing up is down to his parents terrorising him for being "different".


I keep seeing pictures of him posing with a quite handsome tall guy who is always smiling,anyone know who this is?

  • Love 5



Jessa and Bin visited the Websters?

Wonder is Jessa is secretly Jeals of Alyssa...Alyssa is gorgeous, has great clothes, always looks amazing..I could totally see them being 'frenemies'

Hopefully Jessa picked up some styling tips from her

  • Love 5

Alyssa is certainly tiny, which is interesting considering her parents are pretty solidly built.

I remember seeing a wedding photo and she looked really small like Alyssa

That being said I think Kelly looks good for a woman in her 40s. In fact, compared to the ever shrinking Michelle I think she looks pretty good for 19 kids! I'm not sure I would classify her as solid. Gil is kind of short and solid, I agree with that. 


Also, Alyssa looks extra teeny compared to Jessa at 8 mo pregnant, that might have something to do with it.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 2

There's a video on YouTube of Priscilla wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day alongside of some of the Duggar girls.  Josie & Jordyn are sitting next to her and they are just cracking up laughing at her with a serious case of the giggles! Seems like they think she's right out of her mind and funny too.  Near the end of the video, it's only a couple of minutes long, one of the older Duggar girls (I think Jennifer) whispers in one of the little one's ear to try and get her to stop laughing.  



Jessa and Bin visited the Websters?

Wonder is Jessa is secretly Jeals of Alyssa...Alyssa is gorgeous, has great clothes, always looks amazing..I could totally see them being 'frenemies'

Hopefully Jessa picked up some styling tips from her

Alyssa's man makes Bin look even more like  a boy.   Yeah, Jeals is probably Jealessa about it.

  • Love 1

I think Kelly Jo looks healthy compared to Michelle. She doesn't look to me like she's had 19 children.  There are so many variances in what women in their forties look like, but I don't think Kelly looks necessarily older than her age.  Michelle's movements are stiff and of someone decades older. Also, Kelly seems more present in her children's lives and that makes her seem younger to me than Michelle.


I like Alyssa's style. It's modest without seeming like she is going out of her way to tell the world she dresses modestly.

Jessa has appearing here in Orlando, FL yesterday and today at the Orange County convention center ; about 20 minutes from ME! Just think, she's so close and yet so far....(I wouldn't pay to see her, folks). Alyssa lives in Clermont, which is about 40 minutes from Orlando and the Kellers live in Interlachen, FL, near Gainesville in Putnam County. I think Alyssa and her husband drove to O'town to say "hi", probably at the request of her parents I would imagine. Hope that helps.

  • Love 5

Jessa has appearing here in Orlando, FL yesterday and today at the Orange County convention center ; about 20 minutes from ME! Just think, she's so close and yet so far....(I wouldn't pay to see her, folks). Alyssa lives in Clermont, which is about 40 minutes from Orlando and the Kellers live in Interlachen, FL, near Gainesville in Putnam County. I think Alyssa and her husband drove to O'town to say "hi", probably at the request of her parents I would imagine. Hope that helps.

Thank-you floridamom.

"It's gotta be tough HIDING THE FABULOUS 24/7." You nailed it!

I know I'm in the minority but I'm still not sure whether he's closeted, or just deeply, deeply programmed. That may be all it is. I don't think either he or Priscilla ever speak original thoughts, though. Everything is a talking point.


If David was truly enamored with Josh I could see marrying Priscilla as a guarantee of future contact with his true beloved.  Also, I wonder how the 'internet accountability' works in the David Loves Priscilla household.  I can't picture Priscilla saying to David - now let me see what you've been doing on your computer today,

I can't picture it either. Not to be mean, but as we have all observed, she just doesn't seem sharp. Whatever is going on, I don't think she'd know it if David had secrets.


That being said I think Kelly looks good for a woman in her 40s. In fact, compared to the ever shrinking Michelle I think she looks pretty good for 19 kids! I'm not sure I would classify her as solid. Gil is kind of short and solid, I agree with that. 

There's no denying that Kelly is plus-sized, but I don't think that's a bad thing at all. She's probably size 18-20 range, based on the latest Bates shows filmed over the summer. I don't think solid has to be a negative term but whatever you prefer, she is not tiny like some of them and that's fine. I think she looks good.

  • Love 4

How the Wallers handle Halloween:


As we were preparing the dinner the door bell rang numerous times. We greeted each child and carefully instructed them “This is for you to eat [holding up candy] and this is not for you to eat J [holding up a Gospel tract]” The children would usually giggle and then run off to the next home. However, this year, I was shocked at how many of them really appreciated the tracts. We chose to use a little Bible tract. A few girls who must have been around eight years old stated, “Oh, I go to church, but not very often.” We were then able to share that it is really not about going to church, but about a relationship. One of the little girls looked up and asked, “Are you a preacher or something?” A few minutes later they came running back, “Hey, my mom and dad want one too. Can we have a few more of those Bibles?” As we reached for a few more inside the door the little children came right in after us and said, “Can I have one for my classmate as well?” Before I knew it she was counting out one for each of her twenty-five classmates. Then the other girl looked up and asked, “By the way, is it wrong to dress up like a demon?” We replied, “What do you think the Bible says?” The other girl quickly boasted, “Well I’m dressed up like a Greek goddess!” The other girl then replied, “I don’t think Jesus would like it very much when we dress like a demon.” What a blessing for us to be able to meet and share Christ’s love with many children last night.

In 2014 when David loves Priscilla  were expecting their second child and Paul was 1 year old.:   More responsibility for Paul!  


Friends and family, Paul is going to have a lot more responsibility come mid November 2014 because a little sibling is on the way! We are so excited to be expecting another little blessing.

  • Love 3

I don't feel the least bit sorry for David or Priscilla anymore.   From reading their blog stories they are just such liars, embellishing their little stories with pure fantasy to try and make themselves appear holy and humble and God's BFF.  David is fabulous, Prissy is oblivious and the whole ruse is obvious.

  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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