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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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On 5/5/2016 at 11:33 AM, BitterApple said:

In my experience, graduation parties are either dinner at a restaurant for family or backyard barbecues/pool parties for family and friends. I've never heard of a public, "free for all" invite until I saw the Bateses' announcement on Instagram.

My guess is the Bateseseses figured lots of fans would show up bearing cash and gifts. Otherwise, why would you want random strangers at your event?

Wonder if this also has something to do with not actually having any particular friends -- just co-travelers in your cult (so you might not know which would actually want to come to your party, since they're all related to you in the same way -- and not much related to you at that), fans (whom you don't know at all), and co-famewhores (like the Duggars, who may or may not want or be available to come either, just like your other fellow travelers). Gothard certainly preaches heavily against having friends. (especially for women and offspring. I guess male headships are allowed to have something more like friends, but really I don't believe they're encouraged to actually hang out together in a friendly way either, just to slightly bond over their Gothardly godly headsmanship while plotting how to spread the word about it. Like everybody else, they're encouraged to only hang with the nuclear family, I think.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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If JillRod doesn't lay off the egregious usage of ellipses and quotes for words that don't need to be quoted, Imma have to slap a b*tch.  And stop telling me to smile, JillRod!  I'll smile when I feel like it.  >: ( 

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Jill Rod is just creepy. I could write a dissertation on all the creepy things in that blog post but what always bugs me the most is her glee when she talks about her sister and her accident. She is just barely disguising that inner dialog that says 'how great that my sister is paralyzed. Makes for great posts about how amazing we are'

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I thought Amy was dead.  Didn't Jill televise her funeral a week or two ago?  Anyway.  It's nice of Jill to give us all the details about the bedsores on Amy's posterior which are refusing to heal.  I'm a little disappointed she didn't provide any pictures, though.  Maybe next time.

I am glad Jill didn't let the fact that Amy was bedridden interfere with her good time.  That would have just been wrong.  What Jill, I mean Amy needed was to hit the clearance racks at Target and a faux-Italian lunch of unlimited salad and all the breadsticks she could eat! And when the pain of her sores became too much for Amy to take, Jill didn't mind that she had to tip and lean her wheelchair in order to relieve the pressure on the open wounds on her ass.  Because Jill is a giver, people!  Smile!  

Ugh.  Seriously, Jill Rod just SUCKS.  I realize Amy doesn't get out much now, but I can't believe she really felt like shopping and lunch out. Bedsores are no joke.  They are painful as hell, and really dangerous if not treated properly.   Target and the damn Olive Garden will still be there when she is in better shape.   But of course, Jill wouldn't be there to photograph the outing, and that is what it was really all about. Jill was bored, Jill needed material for her blog.  So saddle up, Amy, we're riding out!  Bedsores be damned! 

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8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

OMG, Jrod is at it again. It's sad that now that the kids growing up, they resemble Chimpy more and more. The shopping trip with Amy shone a light on how awful her life is. That said, Amy's hair is far healthier than Jill's. Girlfriend needs to lay off the cheap bleach and home perms by Nurie and rather "invest" in deep moisturizing products. And cut off about five inches of that rat's nest. 

Ask me how I know. I was never that bad and haven't permed since the spiral curl 90's, but when the hair says no more,  you listen and be nice to it!


OMG - my eyes are crossed and I have a headache after reading this....

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I am intrigued by JRod and her antics.  I didn't think they made people this awful.  She is a terrible mother as evidenced by all we've said and more.  The bus, the malnutrition, the lack of education, the lack of a caring mother, the lack of a place the children can look back on and say, this is where we grew up, or this is what my parents did.  The grifting meals from poor suckers all over the country and living in parking lots, showering in the church bathrooms and clean up closets, sponging off churches for meals.  The dates with her husband and nice meals alone, just the two of them, while the kids are lucky to get cheetos.  Add to that the appalling way she acted with her sister.  It was a joy for Jill to film and post.  When Amy asked her not to post anymore, Jill told everyone on her blog she would honor those wishes.  But she did not.  Jill has no empathy.  None.  She lately told us her poor broken sister could actually become pregnant.  She lugs her off for lunch.  I had a very dear friend and she made her arms move so that her hand could bring a piece of pizza to her mouth.  But she hated going to lunch.  She was honored at a state lunch with an award, but had to get there, and it was a chore.  The plane broke her wheelchair, and the lunch was spaghetti.  She had to sit on a dais and imagine everyone was watching her totally unable to eat the stuff.  Sure these were things I would not have thought about, but she told me.  She had a service dog but lived in a place where it wouldn't do her much good.  So I had my husband go over and replace the doorknobs with french ones the dog could use, replace the light switches with pads, little things like that she wouldn't ask for but the dog was a great help if the dog could manipulate the doors and lights.  But Jill,, no thought process, just doing make up and hair videos.  Hateful.  She is evil.  The worst example of a mother I can think of.  Do her kids have sheets?  rarely.  Clothes, only for performances.  And her son is purposely starving himself.  Oh, the horror.

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On 5/6/2016 at 11:30 PM, kassygreene said:

I believe school buses still don't have seatbelts.  Nor do people-mover shuttle/transports.  Or subways.  Or public buses.  Or tram cars.  Or those really big cool tricked-out RVs that people with tons of money to burn (literally - gas mileage is horrible) ride around in.  

The big rigs aren't inherently safer apart from having better odds in the force of impact during collisions on flat ground.  But if school buses are legal without seatbelts (something I have thought sucks ever since my first school bus ride fifty very odd years ago), then so are stink buses.

Oh yes, I understand that it's legal. I just think it's a really terrible idea.

16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm awful for saying this, but I couldn't help notice the extreme opposites of the emaciated Rodrigues kids next to the obese church people kids in the pictures. It reminds me of Cartman and Starvin Marvin from South Park.

I'll see myself out now...

Hahahaha, I was laughing at the contrast too. As for poor Amy, wow. It is very clear that she has asked Jill to stop reporting on her -- and from something Jill posted awhile back, it was also clear that Jill had "accidentally" not made it clear that donations made to the so-called printing ministry had nothing to do with helping Amy. Oops. That must have slipped her mind while she carried on about her poor, "crippled" sister and begged for donations.

It has to be an incredibly difficult situation, and Jill gets to just sail in, pretend everything is normal with an ill-advised shopping trip, and sail out again. As someone who is a caregiver for someone who is nearly paralyzed, that attitude is just the worst. Anyone can sail in and be chipper for a couple of days. Big deal. She, with her happy Jesus talk, has no real idea of the hell her sister will experience for the rest of her life.

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21 minutes ago, becca3891 said:

Oh yes, I understand that it's legal. I just think it's a really terrible idea.

On school buses it's legal but not most RVs, depending on the state.  I just had to look it up for a friend the other day. They have to have as many seatbelts as whatever they claim the sleeping capacity is. Whether or not they have to be used depends on the state they're driving in. I'm not sure exactly what the stink bus is registered as though. They may have found some way around the rules. 

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8 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

I am intrigued by JRod and her antics.  I didn't think they made people this awful.  She is a terrible mother as evidenced by all we've said and more.  The bus, the malnutrition, the lack of education, the lack of a caring mother, the lack of a place the children can look back on and say, this is where we grew up, or this is what my parents did.  The grifting meals from poor suckers all over the country and living in parking lots, showering in the church bathrooms and clean up closets, sponging off churches for meals.  The dates with her husband and nice meals alone, just the two of them, while the kids are lucky to get cheetos.  Add to that the appalling way she acted with her sister.  It was a joy for Jill to film and post.  When Amy asked her not to post anymore, Jill told everyone on her blog she would honor those wishes.  But she did not.  Jill has no empathy.  None.  She lately told us her poor broken sister could actually become pregnant.  She lugs her off for lunch.  I had a very dear friend and she made her arms move so that her hand could bring a piece of pizza to her mouth.  But she hated going to lunch.  She was honored at a state lunch with an award, but had to get there, and it was a chore.  The plane broke her wheelchair, and the lunch was spaghetti.  She had to sit on a dais and imagine everyone was watching her totally unable to eat the stuff.  Sure these were things I would not have thought about, but she told me.  She had a service dog but lived in a place where it wouldn't do her much good.  So I had my husband go over and replace the doorknobs with french ones the dog could use, replace the light switches with pads, little things like that she wouldn't ask for but the dog was a great help if the dog could manipulate the doors and lights.  But Jill,, no thought process, just doing make up and hair videos.  Hateful.  She is evil.  The worst example of a mother I can think of.  Do her kids have sheets?  rarely.  Clothes, only for performances.  And her son is purposely starving himself.  Oh, the horror.

People don't think, though.  They think "Outside!" is a great treat.  I have held doors open for the past 25 years, primarily because of an ankle sprain in college that required crutches (which we later found out, thanks to the kind coach at college, the hospital had completely lacked adjusting in order to make them fit my armpits in the first place).  After days of lying up in my bed waiting for someone to take me to the hospital, my friends though I would... enjoy a trip to the mall.  It was excruciating torture.  Stumping in circles around the food court, head aching.... Went to the movies and sat on an aisle; had snarky people asking me to move my (heavily noticeably wrapped) leg... the times I had to spend snapping at people "it's a cast, can't bend it...", legion. 

The world and mindset is made for the fully abled, even if you think people have made it "handicap-accessible", everyone assumes you're hunky-dory as long as you made yourself leave the front door.  

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Jill R's post about her outing with her sister is disgusting on so many levels. There aren't enough swears in the world to describe it. 

Either the bitch thinks she's a master at subtle grifting or she's a clueless fool. Or both.

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Dear Humans:

I've been forced to add another Commandment.

Thou shall not exploit others to further one's own shameless fame-whoring.

If you have questions, please address them to the appropriate clergy. I will not be taking prayers on this matter.



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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 0:28 AM, MunichNark said:

That graduation party was odd, but they did some filming so I suppose they need something fun to show. And I'm sure that people brought pressies

I read this too quickly, reading pressies as penises.  Made me chortle.  I mean, I'm sure they brought them if they had them.  The song detachable penis was a joke, not a real story.

18 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I am glad Jill didn't let the fact that Amy was bedridden interfere with her good time.  That would have just been wrong.  What Jill, I mean Amy needed was to hit the clearance racks at Target and a faux-Italian lunch of unlimited salad and all the breadsticks she could eat! And when the pain of her sores became too much for Amy to take, Jill didn't mind that she had to tip and lean her wheelchair in order to relieve the pressure on the open wounds on her ass.  Because Jill is a giver, people!  Smile!  

Jill is a giver!!!!  So perfect.   She just gives and gives and gives (as long as she can use it for self-promotion; oh, and the giving part is much more taking than giving). 

In every picture you can easily pick out the Rodrigui children.  They are horrifyingly thin.  Children usually have softer features.  Those kids could cut glass with their facial bones.  The eldest daughter looks like she should be hospitalized.  The photo of the baby with the wig on, the healthiest looking of the lot, could be used on The Walking Dead.  I have never before seen a baby with dark circles under its eyes.  I feel sorry for the kids.  They are screwed for life due to their severe malnutrition during formative years.  They probably have the bone density of 90 year olds. 

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I finally watched several episodes of Bateses.  While they mostly all have way more spunk than any Duggar, one thing definitely upset me.

We KNOW for a fact that little Jordyn Duggar was barely out of infancy when Michelle went away for 7 months to be with Miracle Josie, leaving Jordyn at the tender mercies of Jessa.  In most of her early years, she was seen parked in some corner in a bouncy seat, walker, or playpen, with a pacifier stuck in her mouth, and ignored.  Jordyn is the Most Lost Girl of all!

Well, on the Bateses, I saw the youngest, Jed, get picked up and held and loved on constantly, but there was another little boy, seemingly just 11-12 months older, who was ignored.  Just like Jordyn!

Also, I noticed that Ma Kelly REALLY likes to talk.  She does have tons of energy, is definitely hands on, and is real, all of which Michelle is the opposite. And is it just me or does Kelley's lower lip seem extra loose?

I watched the Mothers Day Special, which kind of got me caught up, Back Seat, about the police academy, Bateses at the Beach, and the New York City one. I hate to say this, because Ashley is adorable, but parts of her personality do remind me of Famy.  A lot.

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Muffyn, at very random times "detachable penis" pops in my head and runs through my mind a million times. (Sorry for off topic but I haven't heard anyone mention that song in decades!) ok on topic - Penises rule the Duggars world and if they WERE detachable I think josh would of lost his at a very early age. 

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23 minutes ago, Readalot said:

Muffyn, at very random times "detachable penis" pops in my head and runs through my mind a million times. (Sorry for off topic but I haven't heard anyone mention that song in decades!) ok on topic - Penises rule the Duggars world and if they WERE detachable I think josh would of lost his at a very early age. 

If they could have gotten him to let go of it.

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6 hours ago, Readalot said:

Muffyn, at very random times "detachable penis" pops in my head and runs through my mind a million times. (Sorry for off topic but I haven't heard anyone mention that song in decades!) ok on topic - Penises rule the Duggars world and if they WERE detachable I think josh would of lost his at a very early age. 

Never heard the song, but if it were detachable, Anna could just keep it in a drawer to keep him out of trouble.

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Tsk, Tsk Carlin. It's going to be hard to find a husband when you're doing your schoolwork online.

As for Trace, on BUB he told Kelly he wanted to work rather than go to college, but she asked him to take a couple classes just to try it out. I guess he's still not convinced.

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Why can't they actually attend a College? What's with all that online stuff?

Has anyone read Steve Maxhell's post on his wife? I found it somewhat surprising, since he admits she suffered from depression and he makes himself sound almost human.

Edit, can anyone here see Meechelle or DimBulb trying to convince on of their spawn to try a College course?

Edited by MunichNark
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14 hours ago, louannems said:

So it seems Carlin Bates is planning to enroll in online Crown College.  Trace, not sure, still praying!


So, the rumors of Carlin going to PCC that were all over the place turned out to be unfounded. I kind of doubted it, since they've pretty much run out of age-eligable accountability partners, especially now that Trace has opted out of higher education. 

Munich Nark, don't forget that Joe Duggar did two semesters at Clown College. He probably had to talk his parents into it, given their open hostility towards higher education.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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The silver lining with the online coursework is that Carlin is getting her degree from the Minnesota Crown College. It's actually accredited! IDK if she chose it because she wanted a degree from an accredited institution or because it was the one fits the family's belief system and allows her to still travel. What's really interesting to me is that the Bates girls have pursued higher education at a greater rate than the Bates boys.  Erin has a BA and Tori seems to be on her way. IDK if any of the boys went beyond a semester or two at Tennessee's Crown College.     

I'm amazed at how much everyone in their circle travels.  The gas money alone seems like it would be cost prohibitive.       

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The video wouldn't play on my phone for some reason, so I assumed she was going with TN Crown. I had to fire up the laptop to watch it. I don't know what "lower Arts" entails, but I will be sure to find out if it's even a four year degree. 

But good for her for doing something.

eta: Here are the course requirements for the Liberal (I assume that's what she said, and I misheard her) Arts degree: 


Edited by Sew Sumi
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On May 6, 2016 at 10:25 AM, ingenting said:

I just read this. A good Christian is a "salty" Christian? "Let's stay 'salty' for Christ"?

Those Rodrigues people freak me out more than the Duggars do. The kids all look malnourished while mom and dad certainly aren't missing any meals. Sickening. And the blog posts are hysterical...everything's precious. Simpletons. 

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TFDW and Prissy have officially moved into the remodeled meth lab. I still wonder how much he actually makes as the President of ATI, or whatever his title is as its head. Unless they change the Wisdom Books up, it's still Gothard's material, no matter how they try to distance themselves from him. 

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I wonder if Priscilla's sister Anna sent her husband to help, since he is unemployed and all.  Is that red tights they put on their toddler daughter under her blue dress while the son is in shorts?  Poor kid, heat rash a commin'

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I'm sure Joshley was sent down to TX to help with the house; there were rumors of them being in Texas a couple times. Given his persona non grata status among, well, just about everyone else, this would have been a great place to hide him from time to time these past couple of months since his return. 

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I just read this. A good Christian is a "salty" Christian? "Let's stay 'salty' for Christ"?

Kinda wish this was true. Salty meaning: coarse, earthy, colorful, spicy, racy, risqué, naughty, vulgar, rude. I'm sure there are many who truly are salty Christians and I would love for Jill to meet them.


On another topic, yesterday I saw the movie: Lights at the Piazza. Whoever suggested the young girl was like Anna's sister, I agree. 

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The salty thing relates to this verse:


"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

from the NIV.  So it is not racy or risque in intent. 

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12 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm sure Joshley was sent down to TX to help with the house; there were rumors of them being in Texas a couple times. Given his persona non grata status among, well, just about everyone else, this would have been a great place to hide him from time to time these past couple of months since his return. 

I'm sure TFDW welcomed him with a real hug and appreciation for the help. *giggle*

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3 hours ago, Absolom said:

The salty thing relates to this verse:

from the NIV.  So it is not racy or risque in intent. 

God sure nailed the science in that verse. 

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I also find the Rodrigui totally fascinating, in a Fred and Rose West kind of a way. Jill is absolutely batshit and I'm stunned that child protective services have not gotten involved. One of those kids will have to die before she's taken to task for the abuse that she openly posts on the internet. Because Jesus. Unfortunately.

I also LOVE how her sister has repeatedly asked her not to post about her tragedy, yet "Amy" is one of only two blog categories you can click on. 

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6 hours ago, Absolom said:

The salty thing relates to this verse:


"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

from the NIV.  So it is not racy or risque in intent.

Yes, I do remember that verse, but one can hope she does meet a "salty" Christian in the other sense.

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Just looked at the Rodriguii pics from their grifting trip to NY.  I'm kind of speechless.  I can't believe the stuff she said about Amy in the shopping and restaurant pics.  Why Jill did you feel the need to comment on her bed sores, her special utensils, her struggle sifting through items at the store, etc.?  Oh, I know why, so all your "fans" can see what a good Christian you are for taking your cripple sister out for a day of shopping and eating.  

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29 minutes ago, sr7698 said:

  Why Jill did you feel the need to comment on her bed sores, her special utensils, her struggle sifting through items at the store, etc.?  

Because donations.

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On 5/8/2016 at 1:49 PM, MunichNark said:

Why can't they actually attend a College? What's with all that online stuff?

Has anyone read Steve Maxhell's post on his wife? I found it somewhat surprising, since he admits she suffered from depression and he makes himself sound almost human.

Edit, can anyone here see Meechelle or DimBulb trying to convince on of their spawn to try a College course?

Fundies are absolutely terrified of children going away to college, even fundy colleges like Liberty. Because it's almost impossible to get through the college experience without having had your mind expanded or your way of thinking challenged. So the best option, if you are a fundy who does actually approve of higher education, like the Bateses, is to be lucky enough to live near an ultra fundy school so your children can remain at home and under your umbrella of protection.

20 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

I wonder if Priscilla's sister Anna sent her husband to help, since he is unemployed and all.  Is that red tights they put on their toddler daughter under her blue dress while the son is in shorts?  Poor kid, heat rash a commin'

Ugh. I will never understand what they find so immodest about loose fitting shorts but that's so unfair to make a little girl swelter in tights.

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Finally back after waiting for PTV to send me my password reset notification.  Been enjoying all your snark about JRod and the unfortunate Rodriguii.  She really is a piece of work and the more I read about her in other forums, the sorrier I felt for the poor Rodriguii. 

The littlest one is in a crib that looks like a cage, and then there's Angry Olivia who always looks like she's pissed off.  Then you see the hollow eyed sallow look of all the older Rodriguii who are painfully thin.  I don't know if the dark circles under the eyes are allergy related.

Mr. Evenstar is Hispanic and when his allergies are bothering him, his undereye area looks very dark.  Not sure if the childrens' sallow complexion is ill health, malnutrition, or they have some of their father's coloring blended with their mother's fairer skin.  The children have inherited their father's unfortunate orthodontia, but there is something that looks unhealthy about their teeth and gums as well.  Of course if they don't have enough money for food most of the time, braces are out of the question and it's not their poor children's fault their teeth look like that.

I just can't believe JRod is a beautician with all that fried hair that looks worse than Donald Trump's dead squirrel hair and her clown like makeup.  She looks like a cross between an aging drag queen and a truck stop waitress with that hair and makeup.  Tastefully made up and healthy hair, she'd be a beauty, but there's no amount of money or cosmetics that can bring about class.  And yes, what she does to her poor sister is unconscionable. No doubt poor Nurie will end up marrying the first boy that pays her any mind if it means she can have her own room and privacy to go to the toilet on her own.

J Rod is a Fundy hot mess all the way around.

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Stuff the Bateseseseses scrubbed from their old blog found in the Wayback Machine. Scroll down some of these pages for the good stuff. Note how Kelly used to sell ATI/IBLP, and Gil preaching at one of the conferences.  Zach's ill-fated courtship with Sarah Reith. Note the Michael-made frumpers. Note the Valentine's Day Gothard banquet where Erin met Chad. I can't believe this stuff is only 5 years old. They certainly sell themselves differently now! 






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So is the hapless Priscilla Keller Waller actually pregnant with #3, or is that simply speculation based on the family picture in front of their Texas house?   It is probably sad that I even wonder about such a thing.

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8 minutes ago, Libby96 said:

So is the hapless Priscilla Keller Waller actually pregnant with #3, or is that simply speculation based on the family picture in front of their Texas house?   It is probably sad that I even wonder about such a thing.

Yep, she's preggers.

SewSumi, those links are great. I have to come clean and admit those 4th of July prairie dresses are kind of cute, but I can't believe the difference in such a short amount of time. Especially with Alyssa. She went from Fundie frump and poufy hair to hooker heels and salon highlights. She probably couldn't escape fast enough.

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21 minutes ago, Libby96 said:

So is the hapless Priscilla Keller Waller actually pregnant with #3, or is that simply speculation based on the family picture in front of their Texas house?   It is probably sad that I even wonder about such a thing.

Just can't picture ... nevermind. 

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Nate Paine's blog (he went to Gothard Bible College with Brandon Keilen) showssome pics from a recent trip to the Florida panhandle with some of the Bateses. Erin posted a pic from the same trip to her IG today (in the white dress). I  wonder if they ran into the Duggars at PCC over the weekend? Erin says this trip was "last week," but that could have also included the weekend. 

Warning! This kid is STEEPED in the kook-aid. Gird your loins before entering! :D


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Wow, The Bates' old blog. God, Godly, ministry, fellowshipping, etc, very Duggarish. Among all the flowery God language I found this gem that Kelly wrote about Jessa, written when Michelle was pregnant with Jubilee:

"Jessa Duggar expressed it well in a recent Today Show interview when she was asked if it was difficult to live under the pressures placed on them to be “perfect, model children”… Her humble response was in essence: “It’s not about us, but about helping others see the love of Christ!”

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