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S05.E13: Forget

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Even if Jessie is into it, that doesnt excuse Rick fingering his gun while Jessie and Pete were walking away and Rick was watching them or well he was watching Jessie walking away. I mean I get it, she's attractive, lusty thoughts ahoy! But it looked like Rick was also having murderous thoughts towards Pete, the Physician who may or may not be abusive but right now he just seems mildly obnoxious, no worse at all than Daryl who walked around with a stinking dead possum for who knows how long that first day?

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Something else I learned of interest on the TTD:  The horse wrangler was the same one from season one, and he was dressed as a walker in this scene.  I feel a little for that horse in real life.  They're afraid of their own shadows, and I don't think they're capable of understanding they're filming a scene for a movie.  Kind of like the poor baby actress doesn't know as she's being suffocated and threatened to have her neck broken.  You couldn't pay me enough to put my baby or pets through something like this.


As someone else mentioned above way back in pages, it was obvious that the horse was being coaxed to lie down by the wranger and the other walkers during the "attack". I've seen that maneouver before on other TV shows (Westerns) where they can get the horse to lie down at will. A horse wranger isn't going to be working with a skittish or nervous horse - they are going to use one who is more docile and the wranger can easily handle them. They are trained for this, just like those dogs a few episodes ago were trained to bark and growl "mean", but they were wagging their tails waiting for their reward.


With the baby(babies?) who play Judith, I noticed a couple of episode ago that it seems like the kid likes AL. She seems to respond to him, which is cool, but you can also tell when her attention is being direction to something off screen. It's cute.


I don't even mind that it looked like the horse was being coaxed. I minded the horse being killed *poor baby*. That horse would have simply run away and could easily outrun the walkers. Why the horsies?? WHY??

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Even if Jessie is into it, that doesnt excuse Rick fingering his gun while Jessie and Pete were walking away and Rick was watching them or well he was watching Jessie walking away. I mean I get it, she's attractive, lusty thoughts ahoy! But it looked like Rick was also having murderous thoughts towards Pete, the Physician who may or may not be abusive but right now he just seems mildly obnoxious, no worse at all than Daryl who walked around with a stinking dead possum for who knows how long that first day?

I think the guns up to interpretation too. I saw it as this: He's back in a cop uniform. He sees Jessie pull away from Pete. Cop instinct kicks in--ok if he pulls her back roughly or escalates that in any way, I may have to get involved. Do I have my weapon, know where it is before I step into a potentially volatile situation? Is it where he could grab it? Could I pull it if things got bad? It didn't read as murderous to me, but as those cop instincts kicking back in, always looking out for potentially dangerous situations. Nothing inexcusable that I saw.

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With the baby(babies?) who play Judith, I noticed a couple of episode ago that it seems like the kid likes AL. She seems to respond to him, which is cool, but you can also tell when her attention is being direction to something off screen. It's cute.

Funny you should say that, because for the last few episodes I couldn't help but notice that Judith is constantly trying to break free from Rick...maybe it was the beard LOL?

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I'm wondering if people's differing opinions of "the kiss" can be partly explained by their own personalities. I am not a huggy-touchy person, and my personal space tends to be larger than the average person's. To me, that kiss would be incredibly intimate. I personally believe the kiss was supposed to be a big deal. AB revealed on TTD that AL was extremely nervous prior to filming the scene, so it would seem that he thought it was a big deal, too.

Something else I learned of interest on the TTD: The horse wrangler was the same one from season one, and he was dressed as a walker in this scene. I feel a little for that horse in real life. They're afraid of their own shadows, and I don't think they're capable of understanding they're filming a scene for a movie. Kind of like the poor baby actress doesn't know as she's being suffocated and threatened to have her neck broken. You couldn't pay me enough to put my baby or pets through something like this.

I've been in horse rescue for many years and a lot of the horses that need rescuing are scared and, therefore, dangerous. A horse's primary motivation is not food, but feeling safe. A horse is a prey animal, unlike dogs and cats, so their behavior when threatened is completely different. And horses are easily conditioned for the most part. So despite how it appeared, if the horse had felt insecure in any way, he would've kicked his way out of there and ran away. I can definitely say that was a very talented and well trained animal. If he had been scared, that entire scene would have been completely different. Buttons-5 walkers-0. Which would have been all kinds of awesome on the show but awful for the poor walker actors. Haha.

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That's what I've been saying. If a strange man tried made a move on me and I found it unwelcome, I would leave immediately, not stand there with a "Try harder" smile. She finds it exciting to push with one hand and pull with the other. Kind of nasty, but not uncommon, and her marriage -  her problem. Rick wouldn't be cheating on anyone and there is nobody on earth who can "steal" a happy person away from his/her partner.


My own personal impression is that Jessie and Rick are simply two people who have strong sexual chemistry, and they're reacting to it.  I'm not saying that I am sensing crackling chemistry, but I've known people who have been in happy relationships, then encountered someone they have strong sexual chemistry with.  Too often, this is interpreted as "true love" and "soul mate".  I think it's very possible that Rick and Jessie are reacting to this chemistry.  I don't know Jessie well enough to read her reaction, but I think she was surprised.  AB stated on TTD that she thought Jessie was surprised by the fact that she liked his attention.  I'm more disturbed by Rick's reaction.  Mostly because Rick has never seemed the type of guy to even eyeball a taken woman.  I think his kiss was impulsive, and I think it was because he felt drawn to her and he was buzzed.  My problem is I expected Rick to look a little embarrassed at the impulsive kiss and he wasn't.  And stroking the gun stuffed down his pants while watching the woman's husband touch her was a little OTT.  What I see is Rick being deliberately provoking and it doesn't seem like him.  You can't help who you're attracted to, but you can certainly help how you react to it.  That's why I'm assuming that the husband is going to be abusive. 


I stated above that I'm not a big toucher, but I'm a nurse.  While I'm working, I am much more touchy-feely (since I have to, you know, touch people), and I'm much more likely to pat hands, rub a back, etc.  I've had more than one male patient misinterpret my behavior.  I thought Jessie was really enjoying giving Rick the haircut, and stroking his head, but I've seen this behavior in people who cut my hair, and I'm pretty sure they weren't hitting on me. 


As to being unable to steal someone from a happy relationship, I think that's probably true in general.  I've had the misfortune to meet a few women in my life who are always happy in their relationship until they've moved on to the next guy.  They always have their eyes open to trade up to the new guy.  Knowing nothing about Jessie, I have no idea what her motives are.

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With the baby(babies?) who play Judith, I noticed a couple of episode ago that it seems like the kid likes AL. She seems to respond to him, which is cool, but you can also tell when her attention is being direction to something off screen. It's cute.


I think she seems comfortable with him, and especially CR.  I'm glad because the Carl/Rick/Judith reunion scene was marred by the WTF reaction that baby had.  That baby was very comfortable with MMB, and especially CC.  I loved the scene in the church where Judith was sitting in Rick's lap, but she was keeping a close eye on Tyreese, who was sitting right next to her.  It made me wonder if they choreographed the scene that way to keep the baby comfortable.

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My own personal impression is that Jessie and Rick are simply two people who have strong sexual chemistry, and they're reacting to it. I'm not saying that I am sensing crackling chemistry, but I've known people who have been in happy relationships, then encountered someone they have strong sexual chemistry with. Too often, this is interpreted as "true love" and "soul mate". I think it's very possible that Rick and Jessie are reacting to this chemistry. I don't know Jessie well enough to read her reaction, but I think she was surprised. AB stated on TTD that she thought Jessie was surprised by the fact that she liked his attention. I'm more disturbed by Rick's reaction. Mostly because Rick has never seemed the type of guy to even eyeball a taken woman. I think his kiss was impulsive, and I think it was because he felt drawn to her and he was buzzed. My problem is I expected Rick to look a little embarrassed at the impulsive kiss and he wasn't. And stroking the gun stuffed down his pants while watching the woman's husband touch her was a little OTT. What I see is Rick being deliberately provoking and it doesn't seem like him. You can't help who you're attracted to, but you can certainly help how you react to it. That's why I'm assuming that the husband is going to be abusive.

I stated above that I'm not a big toucher, but I'm a nurse. While I'm working, I am much more touchy-feely (since I have to, you know, touch people), and I'm much more likely to pat hands, rub a back, etc. I've had more than one male patient misinterpret my behavior. I thought Jessie was really enjoying giving Rick the haircut, and stroking his head, but I've seen this behavior in people who cut my hair, and I'm pretty sure they weren't hitting on me.

As to being unable to steal someone from a happy relationship, I think that's probably true in general. I've had the misfortune to meet a few women in my life who are always happy in their relationship until they've moved on to the next guy. They always have their eyes open to trade up to the new guy. Knowing nothing about Jessie, I have no idea what her motives are.

Ewww.... It was in a holster not stuffed down his pants. I know this because I made a big deal in my house about how he wasn't really even trying to keep it hidden.

And my first reaction, about a zillion pages back, to the kiss was that Rick was surprised and awkward (i.e. a little embarrassed) I saw the opposite of what you did.

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I think the group is suffering from PTZAS...Post Traumatic Zombie Apocalypse Syndrome.    Wow, a lot of mental anguish In this ep.


I loved Carol with the kid...I can just hear her..."Here's the cookie....now look at the flour."  


I'm still trying to figure what is going on....maybe...


There's a group hiding with hidden cameras watching who they want to keep, kill, enslave, etc....or.... 


This group is going to decide eventually who to keep and who to banish....or...


Our gang is going to thin the herd and take over.....


...somehow I don't think this is going to end well.

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I'm not seeing Stepford yet.  I elaborate below, but remember how everyone reacted after the Woodbury residents were brought to the prison.  Daryl was walking around giving high fives as his fans groveled at his feet.  They were feeding the newbies BBQ and inviting them in to share living quarters and limited resources.  I don't see how that's much different from how the Alexandria group are greeting our gang.  They just have better resources to share.


I realize that this community is looking like a too good to be true Utopia, but I don't know if comic readers are accidentally (or otherwise) spoiling things.  Many of the same criticisms aimed at this town were also said about our gang at the prison.  With the number of people and the amount of time they spent at the prison, they could have dug trenches and Morgan-ized the facility, yet they didn't.  They kept their guns stored outside, and trustingly slept without securing their cells from anyone turning during the night.  Look how long it took Rick's gang to turn into this feral version.  Even right after the prison fell, Rick wasn't this wild.  After Rick escaped the Merletones in that house, he didn't suggest going back and slaughtering the whole group.  And he heard their plans to rape Michonne.  It took watching his son almost be raped, getting lined up at the slaughter trough, then watching Beth's head explode to get the group to where they are.  How could we possibly expect this new group to be on level with Rick's?


I realize that this isn't exactly your point but I wouldn't equate Alexandria with the prison or even with the farm, which is maybe the closest equivalent to where they are now.  Herschel had electricity at least, if I remember correctly. So to me it's not a matter of the ASZers not being hyper-vigilant and ready to kill anything that moves.  Or that Rick and his group have devolved into some lower form of human existence.  It's that the ASZ crowd comes off as plastic.  Complacent and smug and really almost banal in their interactions, with each other and with the CDB group.    It's as if the world hasn't really changed that much.  Maybe Rick and his group would be the same way if they'd had the good fortune to find their own Alexandria early in the ZA.   Maybe you have to experience horrific loss and sustained deprivation to be thankful for what you have.  I guess that's it, the ASZers don't seem all that grateful.  They act....entitled.

Edited by Dodginblue
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Well, damn! I just caught up -- again -- and now I think I need to watch "Forget" one more time just to make sure I am remembering everything correctly.

I guess that's it, the ASZers don't seem all that grateful.  They act....entitled.


Entitled is definitely the word.

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Well, damn! I just caught up -- again -- and now I think I need to watch "Forget" one more time just to make sure I am remembering everything correctly.

Entitled is definitely the word.

But also so, so oblivious. People are eating other people while they are having dinner parties listening to Muzak.

It actually angered me that they are so sheltered. The juxtaposition of Sasha's memories with the party was nicely done and drove home the difference.

Jessie's speech that they all had lost something? Yes, but I doubt Rick is lamenting his lack of cable TV.

Edited by mandolin
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What seemed off to me is how that kid followed Carol without her hearing.


I have a problem with everything about that scene.  How about Carol going into a building that everyone knows is locked, and flips on the bright overhead lights.  Anyone who even glanced that way would realize someone had gotten into the building.  They're not completely lax with the safety of the building or they wouldn't bother with locking it.  These people seem to have everything available, why not use a flashlight?


When he said that he never watches the show because he doesn't want to get self-conscious about camera angles and stuff in his performance, I did think, Well, that's helpful to you maybe, but do you care about the other cast members work? Did you watch The Grove for instance?


AL isn't in every episode or every scene; couldn't he at least have an assistant delete the scenes he is in so he could watch the hard work of other actors? He doesn't always see them do it on set because they are not all in the same place everyday. I just thought that was possibly disappointing to the actors he works with who would like to hear his feedback.


I love AL and Rick is my favorite character, but I think method actors, like AL and NR, tend to be a little too self-serious.  It reminds me of a famous story from Marathon Man.  Dustin Hoffman, a method actor, plays a character who's gone three days without sleep.  Laurence Olivier asks Dustin Hoffman why he looks so horrible, and Hoffman explains that he stayed up three days without sleep to be in character.  Olivier responds, "Try acting, dear boy...it's much easier."

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^^ I like that story about Hoffman/OIivier.

I can see why AL maintains his Rick voice behind the scenes. It might be hard for him to switch or maintain his own English accent and the Southern one, or that the English accent creeps into certain words if he doesn't constantly stick with it while shooting. Just speculation.

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But also so, so oblivious. People are eating other people while they are having dinner parties listening to Muzak.

It actually angered me that they are so sheltered. The juxtaposition of Sasha's memories with the party was nicely done and drove home the difference.

Jessie's speech that they all had lost something? Yes, but I doubt Rick is lamenting his lack of cable TV.


I know, and kudos to the writing and the directing and the acting.   I think this is why a part of me hopes that the ASZ is really about something else, that there's something else going on because it seems so wrong that these people could be so unchanged by the ZA.   It's one of the things that keeps me watching this show, that they do such a good job of keeping the show from becoming too cartoonish with the horror and they manage to maintain a credible focus on people, what happens to them, what they become, how this new world changes them, for good (not so much of that lately) as well as for bad.

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If there was discussion on this subject, I missed it.  Where exactly is this Alexandria?  It certainly isn't part of the actual city, which is surrounded by more suburbs.  This area is rural, so is it the 'new' Alexandria?  Why must they scout for bunnies and possums to kill instead of driving their vehicles into the city to check out the Costco, Walmarts, and various large supermarkets for supplies?  Is the D.C. area so full of live people in hiding that there are no supplies left? 


How can this community have commerce and government when it's so small?  We haven't seen all the buildings, but it can't be very large or the wall would have taken years to build. 


So many questions about this place, and I hope we get some answers.

I thought Deanna explained it very well when they first met her- it was a planned community designed to stand on it's own.

A dedicated power source, water, and a clear focus on sustainability- everything they needed in one area. I don't think it is meant to be the whole, real city of Alexandria VA.

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A red 'A' with a circle around it was the symbol on Sons of Anarchy. Could signify the Alexadria group feeling like they're a gang tied together.


I'm still sorta stuck on a teeter-totter between The Scarlet Letter vs. Terminus Boxcar A.


I don't see Deanna as being controlling.   She's kind of the anti-Governor as this point.  Whereas the Gov. identified threats to his power and quickly neutralized them, Deanna is recruiting people who could threaten her place.


Oh, Deanna is definitely controlling - just not in a physical sense.  And Deanna's recruitment of "threatening people" is a prime example of her hubris, in that she's certain she can manipulate these menacing hulks to her - and Alexandria's - advantage.


Entitled is definitely the word.


Actually, the first word that springs to my mind in describing the ASZhats is "innocent" - as in they not only don't know anything, they don't even suspect anything.

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Oh, Deanna is definitely controlling - just not in a physical sense.  And Deanna's recruitment of "threatening people" is a prime example of her hubris, in that she's certain she can manipulate these menacing hulks to her - and Alexandria's - advantage.





I just don't understand how one could put such a feral bunch in charge of their security so quickly. Deanna's compound is not like Tara and her family were when the Governor came around, so why would she make such a suspicious move?  

Edited by Iguessnot
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I just don't understand how one could put such a feral bunch in charge of their security so quickly. Deanna's compound is not like Tara and her family were when the Governor came around, so why would she make such a suspicious move?  


You want to keep track of them easy? 

Put them in distinctive uniforms and give them a job which requires walking around in public all day.

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I liked Andrea and I wouldn't have minded her and Rick (I actually thought she and Shand had chem too).

But, I don't like Jessie. I feel like they are trying to do too much too quickly and there have been too many fanficy scenarios with Rick and Jessie. Rick goes from spending several seasons not ever looking at anyone even the slightest bit sexually and now he sees this woman and he can't help himself? The haircut, holding his baby, etc. - it is just all too convenient and too fast. What's next, is he going to walk in on her in a towel next? By the end of the episode, Rick appeared to be contemplating killing Pete so he can bang Jessie. Way too much. Especially because I was starting to think the guy was asexual so this other extreme doesn't work for me.

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But also so, so oblivious. People are eating other people while they are having dinner parties listening to Muzak.

It actually angered me that they are so sheltered. The juxtaposition of Sasha's memories with the party was nicely done and drove home the difference.

Jessie's speech that they all had lost something? Yes, but I doubt Rick is lamenting his lack of cable TV.

Even if you got to Alexandria in the first months of this thing you would have lost plenty.  I don't see those people's parents, other family members, or friends there.  I know it doesn't compare to watching people get tore apart by zombies or anything, but that in itself is a pretty big loss. I lost both my parents and grandparents in a two year time span and trust me, the loss is great.

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I'm still sorta stuck on a teeter-totter between The Scarlet Letter vs. Terminus Boxcar A.




I'm thinking Scarlet Letter A.. I just watched the episode  from the 1st season when Rick gets to CDB. Shane sitting on top of Dale's camper looking over at the tent that Rick and Lori are in. The tent has what looks like an A on the outside of it. Then later we get the girls outside doing the wash and talking about all the things they miss. I was getting some strong parallels to Forget. Shane also beat the hell out of Ed the abuser in this episode. I'm getting the vibe that Rick is Shane now and maybe Michonne is the Rick. If Rick ends up beating the hell out of Pete then I think I'm onto something.

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I'm thinking Scarlet Letter A.. I just watched the episode  from the 1st season when Rick gets to CDB. Shane sitting on top of Dale's camper looking over at the tent that Rick and Lori are in. The tent has what looks like an A on the outside of it. Then later we get the girls outside doing the wash and talking about all the things they miss. I was getting some strong parallels to Forget. Shane also beat the hell out of Ed the abuser in this episode. I'm getting the vibe that Rick is Shane now and maybe Michonne is the Rick. If Rick ends up beating the hell out of Pete then I think I'm onto something.


Hmmmm...  Nice research work.  We'll have to wait and see if Porch Dick, er, Pete really does turn out be an abuser and if so, if Rick goes apeshit on him with his fists.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Even if you got to Alexandria in the first months of this thing you would have lost plenty.  I don't see those people's parents, other family members, or friends there.  I know it doesn't compare to watching people get tore apart by zombies or anything, but that in itself is a pretty big loss. I lost both my parents and grandparents in a two year time span and trust me, the loss is great.

I understand and can empathize (though not quite equally, and I am sorry for your losses), but (to me) it just came across...fake? Too pollyanna? Up until 3 or so days prior, they were all almost dead and eating dog. They've all lost people, but to lose them and be comforted in a safe, well-stocked community, is different in some way than to lose them to cannibals, or killing them after they turn and leaving them in a field, or burying them in any random wood patch I guess. 


CDB is #1 in my heart. :P

Edited by mandolin
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I understand and can empathize (though not quite equally, and I am sorry for your losses), but (to me) it just came across...fake? Too pollyanna? Up until 3 or so days prior, they were all almost dead and eating dog. They've all lost people, but to lose them and be comforted in a safe, well-stocked community, is different in some way than to lose them to cannibals, or killing them after they turn and leaving them in a field, or burying them in any random wood patch I guess. 


CDB is #1 in my heart. :P

Oh I completely understand your point.  I don't think anyone in Alexandria could ever understand what CDB has been through ever, but even though they haven't been through that I think her point was valid that everyone has lost a lot.  I remember when Rick was talking to Carl about his Dad and how he always knew the right thing to say, I wondered if he was alive when the ZA hit, or if Rick assumed his parents were dead.  That would drive me insane if I didn't know what had happened to my immediate family and friends.

Edited by kj4ever
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On rewatch I think I figured out when Daryl started trusting Aaron.  When Daryl told him to go ahead and pointed to the horse to put it down you could see how upset Aaron was, and Daryl noticed that big time.  He almost seems shocked by it.

He was probably thinking, "You think that's hard, kid? I had to put my own brother down."


This, in quadruple spades. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only person on the planet who saw it that way. What I saw:

  • Rick hears a rattle of metal.
  • Fearing the worst - a walker has gotten through - he charges over to (hopefully) close the breach and stem the bloodbath which would inevitably follow if a herd got in amongst the ASZhats.
  • Rick gets there to find... nothing. A walker came up against the Wall - but the Wall held with no problem, and the walker is simply jostling against it with no effect.
  • Rick feels something close to a sense of wonder at the stark realization: unlike so many in the past, this is a Wall which WORKS.

I thought for sure it was going to be Enid coming back over the wall. 

I interpreted #4 as it hitting home with Rick that it IS all fake, as we just heard Sasha tell Deanne. You have 2-3 blocks of normalcy to stroll around in but then you hit the wall, that's as far as your world goes. I think he had a sense of relief that it couldn't get in, it wasn't a threat, but I also think he was longing to be on the other side. Thus the wall-stroking. He's grateful for the safety it provides but also knows it's a cage.  


 I have to use the after show to see if I'm getting where they're going with it sometimes. 

I think they should do away with The Talking Dead. A show needs to stand on its own. If I need supplemental material (the books or the after-show) to make me understand what is going on then the show is doing a pisspoor job of telling the story. If something doesn't happen, or isn't conveyed to us, through the show itself then it doesn't count to me. So I don't often watch TTD. I don't want my perception clouded by what is said there rather then on the show itself. I did watch some of the last one though and it boggled my mind that "Jessie" was giving a detailed backstory to her character ...

we met in college, I got pregnant accidentally, he went to med school so he could provide well for us

... WHAT?  Certainly didn't cover that history during our few brief meetings of Jessie on the show so far but now that info is out there and trivial as it seems, speculations can be spun from it. Like,

maybe Jessie was fooling around with someone else and the baby wasn't Reg's but he married her and raised it as his own anyway. (Shades of Ric & Judith anyone?). Maybe he didn't know until much later the child wasn't his and he resents her and thus there's this tension in the marriage. Or maybe the kid is his. Who knows. 

The point is, see what a few loose details provided outside the show can do? :(  I think that the writers use TTD as a crutch .. "we only have 53 minutes to tell this story so no time for X Y Or Z so we'll just put the actor on TTD to explain it ... "  Bah.




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But also so, so oblivious. People are eating other people while they are having dinner parties listening to Muzak.

It actually angered me that they are so sheltered. The juxtaposition of Sasha's memories with the party was nicely done and drove home the difference.

Jessie's speech that they all had lost something? Yes, but I doubt Rick is lamenting his lack of cable TV.

But they are kind of oblivious. I mean there are at least two intact families that we know of and it appears there are others. Deanna's family, and Jessie's. Mom, dad, and two kids. Even at the farm they had already lost a wife/mother and son/brother. The Governor lost his wife and daughter. That is what struck me here.


So I guess if you still have your family intact, you are living in very nice houses, have showers regularly and food it's a lot easier to deal with the loss of Cable TV and having to ration chocolate.


I still just don't understand how it is that they have remained so seemingly unscathed.  Even if the dubious wall keeps the Walkers out, it's pretty astonishing they haven't been take over by some bad guys by now. 


I sort of think it's all just a set up to drive home to the viewers just how naïve this little group of ASZhats are. This is not going to end well.    

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Just looked at the screencap site posted above and the pics make me think of something I didn't during the show.


Where/how did Alexandria get all those guns?!


Certainly they weren't left behind by the upper-crust families that once inhabited this small community. And they seem far too many to be just from newcomers checking them in on arrival as there doesn't seem to be all that many people in ASZ. They had such a surplus that they were storing handguns in the freezer, so many that Carol said they wouldn't even notice they were gone. Are they getting them from runs? They said they have only made it 53 miles out so far. They've found that many weapons in an area that was evacuated? Wouldn't people have taken their weapons with them? 

Maybe the Alexandrians are more bad-azz then we think. Maybe they were obtained from a group of baddies that invaded and somehow failed in their take-over attempt. Like Terminus. Didn't that start out as a nice place, then a group of real baddies took over, then somehow the Termites were able to regain control on go on being a nice, polite society (except thy ate people). ?



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That's what I've been saying. If a strange man tried made a move on me and I found it unwelcome, I would leave immediately, not stand there with a "Try harder" smile. She finds it exciting to push with one hand and pull with the other. Kind of nasty, but not uncommon, and her marriage -  her problem. Rick wouldn't be cheating on anyone and there is nobody on earth who can "steal" a happy person away from his/her partner.

Given that it's the ZA and they're living in a (semi)-fortified neighborhood to keep out walkers, and worse, most problems aren't individual but community problems. It's not as if anyone can just pick-up and move a town over to avoid someone.

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I know y'all think I'm nuts but I really think that A stamp is filled with something. Maybe it's in the water itself.  (Maybe it's an additive from Dick Roman Enterprises)


Jessie says they all these people lost something, but they also seem either the most well adjusted and able to cope people  and/or oblivious. I really do wonder if there is mass pharmacological doping happening. A drug that makes them FORGET what they really went through or makes them FORGET the psychological trauma they endured. Maybe that's why there is no apparent signs of PTSD amongst the ASZhats.  Maybe it's even being released into the air they breathe.  Maybe that's why Rick is so different in a matter of a couple of days and why Michonne is willing to hang up her katana.  Maybe it also has side effects that are different for each person....maybe a little paranoia(see Rick with Porch!DickPete). 


Just my musings

Edited by catrox14
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I know y'all think I'm nuts but I really think that A stamp is filled with something. Maybe it's in the water itself.  (Maybe it's an additive from Dick Roman Enterprises)

OK, catrox14, I need you to do something for me. 

Take a deep breath and look at the back of your left hand. Now your right.

If you see even the faintest hint of red ink, get yourself to the doctor immediately!


Just make sure his name isn't Dr. Pete and he isn't really eager to look you over.





Seriously, though, a politician keeping the water supply lightly laced with a happy drug so that she can finally have her own community she's in charge of is an interesting idea. 

Edited by morgankobi
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But they are kind of oblivious. I mean there are at least two intact families that we know of and it appears there are others. Deanna's family, and Jessie's. Mom, dad, and two kids. Even at the farm they had already lost a wife/mother and son/brother. The Governor lost his wife and daughter. That is what struck me here.


So I guess if you still have your family intact, you are living in very nice houses, have showers regularly and food it's a lot easier to deal with the loss of Cable TV and having to ration chocolate.


I still just don't understand how it is that they have remained so seemingly unscathed.  Even if the dubious wall keeps the Walkers out, it's pretty astonishing they haven't been take over by some bad guys by now. 


I sort of think it's all just a set up to drive home to the viewers just how naïve this little group of ASZhats are. This is not going to end well.

Yeah, yeah, everybody's lost a lot. The problem is, the two groups have VERY different perceptions of what constitutes "a lot":

  • For the ASZhats, it means former homes and some family. Maybe. And the homes have been replaced. For them the ZA has been a fairly unpleasant speed bump.
  • For CDB, it means loss of homes, entire families, reliable food/water/shelter, a significant chunk of their humanity, and their faith in humanity.
At present, the ASZhats simply do not have a sufficient base of experience to even comprehend CDB's experience.


ASZ is the FPP of settlements.

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Someone might've addressed these questions already but sorry, just can't go through 14 pages of forum  =)


where's our fallen and painfully useless priest?  certainly alexandria could use a religious figure?


does anyone else find it weird that aaron and eric just spied on the crew (for days/week/months???) without being eaten or discovered?  i mean spied with audio equipment too?  that easy, huh?  ok.  


i love carol like i love walter white.  maybe her descent has been a bit clunkier, but i'll take it.


however, unlike my love for carol and her crazy, i am not quite believing rick even for a moment being a teeny tiny bit tempted to kill pete to get to jessie.  he's damaged goods for sure, but it just makes no sense.

Edited by Michell3
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I think its kind of silly to get into a contest of "who lost the most."  A loss is a loss.  I think it's even more ridiculous as the idiot CDB folks won't even share what they have experienced.  I can understand why the other idiots (yes, I think the entire show is full of idiots -- except Michonne and Morgan) are waxing poetic about getting on with life and rebuilding.  As far as we know (that they know), some type of outbreak happened and people died. They lived, so let's start over.  Unless and until the CDB fess up to what's out there, I can't hold anything against the ASZer's. 

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I keep waiting for the gang to be like "Pasta? That wounds nice. At the last place that welcomed us in, they tried to eat us. Pass the salad dressing, please." 


"One, two, three, be appropriate!"


-I cant stop making Brooklyn Nine Nine references today 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Unless Deanna interviews softer than entertainment news, she has to have gleaned some idea of what CDB have gone through out in the world.  She talked to all of them.  If Sasha didn't speak of Bob and Tyreese, it's probable someone else did.  It was Noah's home that was overrun and destroyed, and he was with Tyreese when he died, along with Rick, Michonne and Glenn.  Carol would never have spoken of Terminus, given how her cover would be completely blown, but everyone else was there.  I'm not convinced Deanna wants that degree of reality in her reality.  She has walls, she has a vision and anything that might threaten that is "bullshit".  I thought there was a lot of fear in her dismissal of Sasha.  Aaron and Erik were watching and listening when CDB ate the feral dogs because they were starving and left the water because their lives were in danger.  Carl told her flat-out that he put his mother down.  It's ugly out there, and Deanna has allowed no place for that ugliness in her vision.  Agreeing to put watchers in the clock tower is a good start but I think Sasha's going to have to force-feed Deanna a lot more "bullshit" before Alexandria accepts that there are threats both living and dead out there.  The walls are solid, yes, but have they been tested by a horde of Walkers massing against them?  Have they faced down raiders determined to get in?  It doesn't sound like they have, so I hope Deanna starts listening before dismissing seasoned warnings as bullshit.

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