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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I think the money that JimBob & Michelle control/have is what largely has kept any of them from breaking away. Had they not had TV fame and money, I think one or more would have already broken away. It's not just brainwashing, but money. But as time goes on and more spouses/kids are added to the mix, the money will become less. Eventually one will break away then...my guess is it will be one who doesn't remember how hard things were before TLC came into the picture (I think that may be a large part of why the older ones don't break away). My money is on Josh or an in-law to break away and write a tell-all first, but if not, it will be one of the younger ones once the money and fame dips while the family size continues to increase.

I agree, the money is keeping the older one's loyal.  If they were still in the free house the church let them live in because they were a needy family most of the older ones would have fled the coup by now - or would have been taken away by CPS.  So yeah definitely the money changed everything and kept the kids present and loyal.

  • Love 4

I know. It may also be -- specifically -- the brainwashing of the stupid or the weak or the fearful, though. I experienced very very heavy attempts at brainwashing myself, and they worked for others, but not for me -- not enough to keep me on the ranch spouting uncritical praise, at least --  and I've seen this happen in other families, too. So it still makes me wonder what's wrong with the Duggar kids that nobody so far seems to show any signs of rejecting the brainwashing. Something has to account for having no noticeable dissenting voices in the top eight, who are all of an age to leave or make noises opposing the regime if they wanted to. I honestly think that you can only account for this by concluding that most of the Duggar kids are naturally weak-willed, fear-driven and dumb as stumps. I hate to conclude that about a bunch of young people. But to the degree that they are weak, fearful and dull, they may actually be happy living eternally in the world that JB and M have envisioned for them, because it's definitely a world made for the incurious and the fearful.


Not a world that should be held up as an ideal in the media, though.

I wonder if the Duggar financial wealth has anything to do with it. Not so much "I'll kowtow to the human bank", but more so that the kids have never really struggled. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if everything is going along swimmingly, then there is no need to think outside the box. 


I can't help but wonder if the Duggars were not financially stable, if the kids would spend more time questioning their ways. The saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it' comes to mind. The Duggar 19 don't have a reason yet to see how broken they are, even in the midst of Joshes scandals.

  • Love 7
I can't help but wonder if the Duggars were not financially stable, if the kids would spend more time questioning their ways. The saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it' comes to mind. The Duggar 19 don't have a reason yet to see how broken they are, even in the midst of Joshes scandals.


I think this is absolutely the case.  I think it also explains why families like Anna's have had some defectors from the party line.  It's easy to believe that your parents have all the answers when you've never had to struggle, never had to work hard, never had to worry about food or shelter or clothing.  The older kids surely remember the bad old days when they were all crammed into a tiny two bedroom house provided by their church.  Times changed greatly once TLC came along. Now that TLC is gone, the older kids are going to start to have to find their own way in the world; they can't live off Jim Bob forever, and some of them may well head for the hills.

  • Love 5

"Wait. "Archery Demonstration and Devotional"????? Let's hope the archery has nothing to do with making quivers.'


"Oh, Lord, may my seed fly like an arrow to its sacred target..."


These were my thoughts precisely while reading the archery/devotional part of the schedule

Also agreeing with the post regarding the "lakefront open/no swimming".


And wanted to add that all the "orchestra practice/prelude" moments are a bit perplexing as well. Fifteen minutes twice a day to assemble the

"orchestra" and presumably run through the "prelude" in full hearing of everyone only to play it again for realz a moment later? With only that much rehearsal time, I can't exactly picture it as music anyone would really get much out of, either playing or listening.

  • Love 5


Thanks Mom and Dad for being better parents than Michelle and JB.

Someone call Hallmark. I think we've got a winner!


In other news, I agree that the show (or maybe the media more broadly) holds a lot of the blame for the lack of rebel kids. It could be because the money took away the motivation to strike out on their own, but I would't even begin to put it past JB and M to suggest to their kids... a lot.... that if anyone leaves the show would end and the family would starve in some epic Dickensian tragedy. Ie. It's not just the private plane they'd lose they'd cost the whole family their means of support. They're so hyper-fixated on the number and not on the people, and I think it would be pretty easy to use that to manipulate any potential rebels. 

  • Love 8

Someone call Hallmark. I think we've got a winner!


In other news, I agree that the show (or maybe the media more broadly) holds a lot of the blame for the lack of rebel kids. It could be because the money took away the motivation to strike out on their own, but I would't even begin to put it past JB and M to suggest to their kids... a lot.... that if anyone leaves the show would end and the family would starve in some epic Dickensian tragedy. Ie. It's not just the private plane they'd lose they'd cost the whole family their means of support. They're so hyper-fixated on the number and not on the people, and I think it would be pretty easy to use that to manipulate any potential rebels. 


I agree with this 100%.


I also think that JB and J'chelle have had a very potent schtick to run on their kids for many years. They are clearly beloved by God: God has given them the most blessings, he has given them a big house, he has given them a TV ministry, he has given them money, and he has given them legions of devoted followers, etc.


i can imagine that they have been able to convince their children that any unhappiness they feel is their own fault -- God has blessed JB and J'chelle. Being unhappy in their home is a direct rebuke of God.


Now, the blessing machine is dried up, the TV show is gone, and the humpers are drifting away. While I'm sure that their biggest concern is the loss of income, I would also believe that they are scrambling to prove to their kids that tey are still God's chosen twosome and any rebellion against them is a rebellion against God.

  • Love 12

Now, the blessing machine is dried up, the TV show is gone, and the humpers are drifting away. While I'm sure that their biggest concern is the loss of income, I would also believe that they are scrambling to prove to their kids that tey are still God's chosen twosome and any rebellion against them is a rebellion against God.


"Surely God can't be displeased with us, he hasn't ripped the roof off of the house or plagued us with locusts!"

  • Love 2

Jimboob has probably told them that he is a modern day Job - extremely favored by God, but the devil wanted God to test him. That story lets Jimboob play martyr and flaunt his supposed holiness. He might have told the kids that they need to keep sweet and keep on keepin' on until God restores his wealth/TV show.

  • Love 4

I think they hold the Big Sandy camp on the ALERT grounds as well, so I don't see this as a big deal. I think more things will be held there, since IBLP/ATI is moving their base of operations down there from Oak Brook. 

Does that mean that TFDW and Brendon whatever is name his are moving? I can see Bill selling off his property in Oak Brook...very valuable land. 

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 2

I agree with this 100%.


I also think that JB and J'chelle have had a very potent schtick to run on their kids for many years. They are clearly beloved by God: God has given them the most blessings, he has given them a big house, he has given them a TV ministry, he has given them money, and he has given them legions of devoted followers, etc.


i can imagine that they have been able to convince their children that any unhappiness they feel is their own fault -- God has blessed JB and J'chelle. Being unhappy in their home is a direct rebuke of God.


Now, the blessing machine is dried up, the TV show is gone, and the humpers are drifting away. While I'm sure that their biggest concern is the loss of income, I would also believe that they are scrambling to prove to their kids that tey are still God's chosen twosome and any rebellion against them is a rebellion against God.

Jim Bob and Michelle still have Josh to use as a negative example: "See what happens if you don't do what we say!" 


Basically they can't lose, because their kids haven't been raised to be able to function well in the world outside Duggarland. So if any of the kids leave, they'll probably encounter plenty of difficulties, which JB & M can then interpret as God's punishment. I'm sure that's how they're explaining Josh's fall: he looked at bad things on the internet, he got involved with material things and moved to the big sinful city, and now he's paying God's price. If only he'd obeyed JB & M, none of it would have happened.

Edited by Anne Elk
  • Love 4

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day. I wonder if the Duggars' are going to post a tribute to Jubilee. Also, I hope they include J'Caleb. Even though he/she is always the forgotten Duggar. He/She only comes up when J'Chelle feels like it

what really? Am I bad mom if I don't want to commentate the loss of our twins? Wow just realized they would of been 20 this month.
  • Love 5

Jimboob has probably told them that he is a modern day Job - extremely favored by God, but the devil wanted God to test him. That story lets Jimboob play martyr and flaunt his supposed holiness. He might have told the kids that they need to keep sweet and keep on keepin' on until God restores his wealth/TV show.

I think you've got JimBob pegged.

  • Love 2

Wait. "Archery Demonstration and Devotional"????? Let's hope the archery has nothing to do with making quivers.

They have to be prepared to 'meet the Enemy at the Gate' when they die.  They say they get into heaven by Christ's sacrifice but they have to meet the Enemy at the Gate and fight them to get in- and the more children they have to fight for them the bigger army they have.  It only makes sense if you don't think about it.

  • Love 7

They have to be prepared to 'meet the Enemy at the Gate' when they die.  They say they get into heaven by Christ's sacrifice but they have to meet the Enemy at the Gate and fight them to get in- and the more children they have to fight for them the bigger army they have.  It only makes sense if you don't think about it.

So heaven has guards at it's gate that are Christian haters?

  • Love 5

So heaven has guards at it's gate that are Christian haters?

I don't know if they are guards are just 'Enemies at the Gate' that try to stop you from getting in.  Your children are like arrows that fight them off.  That's why you need an army of offspring.   


In a Nutshell from a Newsweek article from 2009:


Often, children of the movement are also called "arrows." Quiverfull takes its name from Psalm 127: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate." A wealth of military metaphors follows from this namesake, as Pride and her fellow advocates urge women toward militant fecundity in the service of religious rebirth: creating what they bluntly refer to as an army of devout children to wage spiritual battle against God's enemies. As Quiverfull author Rachel Scott writes in her 2004 movement book, "Birthing God's Mighty Warriors," "Children are our ammunition in the spiritual realm to whip the enemy! These special arrows were handcrafted by the warrior himself and were carefully fashioned to achieve the purpose of annihilating the enemy."

Quiverfull advocates Rick and Jan Hess, authors of 1990's "A Full Quiver: Family Planning and the Lordship of Christ," envision the worldly gains such a method could bring, if more Christians began producing "full quivers" of "arrows for the war": control of both houses of Congress, the "reclamation" of sinful cities like San Francisco and massive boycotts of companies that do not comply with conservative Christian mores. "If the body of Christ had been reproducing as we were designed to do," the Hesses write, "we would not be in the mess we are today." Nancy Campbell, author of another movement book from 2003 called "Be Fruitful and Multiply," exhorts Christian women to do just that with promises of spiritual glory. "Oh what a vision," she writes, "to invade the earth with mighty sons and daughters who have been trained and prepared for God's divine purposes."

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 3
I don't know if they are guards are just 'Enemies at the Gate' that try to stop you from getting in.  Your children are like arrows that fight them off.  That's why you need an army of offspring.


They're not talking about heaven's "gate". You don't have to fight to get into heaven. Jesus already fought that battle and won. 


Admittedly I don't know much about the Quiverfull movement other than the goal is to have all these children to show how God has "blessed" you. Children are not "arrows" and they are not "warriors". They are not an "army". They are humans with free will. The human control aspect of this whole thing is ridiculous. 

  • Love 5

Once again, a (paraphrased) timely & relevent Jim Gaffigan bit:

Jim: We always hear about the Pearly Gates of Heaven. So, when you die, you go to a gated community? Makes me wonder about the kind of neighborhood Heaven is in. Are the gates really necessary?

St. Peter: Yeah, we got a problem with kids sneaking in and using the pool. Those gates weren't easy, either. We had to go to Hell and get a contractor and everything.

Thank you, ladies & germs, remember to tip your waitresses!

  • Love 11

Also, please tell me I'm not the only nerd who thinks of Heimdall when guarding a gate comes up. We're still talking gods & afterworld and all, just not the ones of the Duggars'!


Edited because I can't get image to show as a picture, even though I followed directions...

Edited by Liz Tudor
  • Love 2

The Duggar Family Blog has just posted a newborn picture of Meredith. They say that soon, she will no longer be the youngest Duggar, since Jessa is due Nov. 1st. I bet Jessa's had her baby already and the Duggars are "teasing" us so Jessa can give birth on TLC. The commentors are telling the Duggars that Meredith wasn't born July 16; that she was born July 19.

  • Love 3

Once again, a (paraphrased) timely & relevent Jim Gaffigan bit:

Jim: We always hear about the Pearly Gates of Heaven. So, when you die, you go to a gated community? Makes me wonder about the kind of neighborhood Heaven is in. Are the gates really necessary?

St. Peter: Yeah, we got a problem with kids sneaking in and using the pool. Those gates weren't easy, either. We had to go to Hell and get a contractor and everything.

Thank you, ladies & germs, remember to tip your waitresses!


Love this. A huge Jim Gaffigan fan - have all his CDs.

  • Love 2

The Duggars and people of their cult literally reproduce to make an army for God in this world and beyond and if they are doing it well God rewards them with 'blessings' of more and more offspring.   The more the merrier.   They take things very literally and arrows and archery are taught as skills that will be needed in God's war.  I can't make this stuff up - that's really what they believe.  

  • Love 6

The Duggars and people of their cult literally reproduce to make an army for God in this world and beyond and if they are doing it well God rewards them with 'blessings' of more and more offspring. The more the merrier. They take things very literally and arrows and archery are taught as skills that will be needed in God's war. I can't make this stuff up - that's really what they believe.

What a horrible mindset to live with. Enemies everywhere. It makes me sad, but also a little scared when they want to influence others with their belief system. Shuddering.

  • Love 7

What a horrible mindset to live with. Enemies everywhere. It makes me sad, but also a little scared when they want to influence others with their belief system. Shuddering.

That's why we're here.  It's our duty.  Like our job to deflect their crooked arrows of brainwashing lies.  Don't worry, we'll win. 

  • Love 4

Wouldn't that be considered sodomy and thus dirtybadwrong and a one way ticket to hell?

You would think so. But apparently lots of the teens who are guarding their purity balls or wearing their True Love Waits rings from daddy or whatever, do indulge in this variant. They think they are still virgins. I will need to dig around for some backup on this but it was in the media awhile back. Kind of a phenomenon, apparently.

I think the poor kids just don't know what tondo with their very natural surging hormones and somehow this is where a lot of them end up. I imagine that the fear of pregnancy is a huge factor as well.

  • Love 2

The Duggars and people of their cult literally reproduce to make an army for God in this world and beyond and if they are doing it well God rewards them with 'blessings' of more and more offspring.   The more the merrier.   They take things very literally and arrows and archery are taught as skills that will be needed in God's war.  I can't make this stuff up - that's really what they believe.  

Now I picturing them teaching their young to use slingshots. I mean they should really shouldn't they? 

  • Love 2

I plan on hanging with all the folks who have good hearts, but eff up on occasion. No bouncers at that gate.

This is why I'm #bettingonpurgatory.

If any of the Christian ideas about the afterlife are correct, I'm hoping the Catholics are the ones who have got it right and there's a purgatory. Fingers crossed.

If there's an afterlife (and no purgatory) and if JimBob is the type of person I'd be stuck around for eternity in heaven, I might be willing to checkout what was going on in hell.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9
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