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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I just saw on FB that JB wanted incest to be a Captial crime during his 2002 senate campaign.  Wonder what he thinks now.

Everyone has been saying Anna should never have made a statement. I do not believe she did - I think someone else did it or she was instructed what to say and had no choice.

What PR firm in their right mind would take on their case?  And, I agree, those TLC attorneys have been working 24/7 on this. I can't see how the show can continue just with the loss of sponsorship alone never mind the controversy of keeping it on tv.


  • Love 2

Since cancellation of the show will mean that the Duggar kids will lose the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to, I think that JimBob, who is responsible for the kids not getting the education that would afford them decent, well paying jobs, should have to support all of them for the rest of his life.  That could be his penance for covering up Josh’s crimes and allowing the pervert to smugly sit in judgment of others.  After all, his decisions, along with Josh’s, are responsible for the downfall of the Duggar empire.

  • Love 7

So that would be "legitimate incest"...

I really think his statement meant rape and incest that resulted in pregnancy because he goes on to talk about not punishing the innocent babies right?

Noticed a reference on another forum to JimBob's ideas about flawed-thinking-from-leaders from his campaign site during the 2002 run for the Senate nomination. The Wayback Machine turns them up here: https://web.archive....en_dangers.html

This link is so freaking weird! I clicked on it and got pop ups of all JimBob's freakish ant-abortion rants. "4000 heartbeats stopped today because someone lied to mothers...the greedy abortion industry." OMG what a creepy ass clown. Edited by charmed1
  • Love 3

"It's been such a joy to make the friendships with the crew that we have because we know the show may not go on forever and we realize that, that's really understood, but at the same time our friendships will be there for life and that's what's so great."


Those are the words Michelle spoke at the very end of the episode 'Behind the Scenes'. I have watched this episode twice since it's one of the last ones kept on my DVR. The crew most definitely had a very strong bond and love for the Duggar's and they for the crew. I searched a couple of the crew online, the cameraman and the director, just to see if either of them have made any public comments regarding Josh, they haven't. I also wondered how much the director knew about the molestation. I can't believe he was totally clueless if the crew was there all the time filming.


In that episode they showed how they all managed to arrange the traveling for the Duggars. They've all been to Central America, Thailand, China, Israel, London and France. I don't believe they've ever traveled to the 'dark continent', Africa. On most trips cousin Amy and grandma Duggar have tagged along. In El Salvador some of the girls even had armed body guards. We, yes we...have made all these trips possible and paid for them. We paid for them by watching and increasing TLC ratings. by using products the network sold and shopping at stores they advertised. People who can't afford to pay for a week's school lunch for their kids, have provided the Duggar kids with experiences our kids can only dream about. We were the enablers, we fed the beast. I think it's time to take stock of where our viewing priorities lie and be a lot more discerning when we choose to watch side-shows like the Duggars. Once the fog clears and the lights go out suddenly on a show due to a scandal such as this, we should take pause and wonder why in the world we ever allowed such a phenomena to bloom in the first place.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 13

Since cancellation of the show will mean that the Duggar kids will lose the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to, I think that JimBob, who is responsible for the kids not getting the education that would afford them decent, well paying jobs, should have to support all of them for the rest of his life.  That could be his penance for covering up Josh’s crimes and allowing the pervert to smugly sit in judgment of others.  After all, his decisions, along with Josh’s, are responsible for the downfall of the Duggar empire.

Since Jim Bob has an estimated net worth of $3.5 million dollars, I think possibly has already created trust funds for each of the children. Hopefully that's true and when they all reach the age of 21 they can use it for education, their own family or maybe even breaking out of the cult environment. I know we'd all feel some vindication knowing that they'll all be broke, but that's not happening. The worse thing that could have happened to Jim Bob and Michelle is their 'fall from grace' to everyone who has supported them over the years.


As greedy as JimBob is, and as much as he is against education which would make the kids able to be self-supporting as adults , I find it hard to believe he has bothered to set up trust funds for the whole tribe.  A bunch of money would put them in the position of being independent and possibly breaking away.  If Jessa had gotten a substantial sum of money, would Ben still be cleaning toilets for JimBob?  JB will offer jobs and houses to each kid as they leave, but its not out of the goodness of his heart; its to keep them under his thumb.   



Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 16

3.5 million dollars divided by 21 people over a lifetime may not be as much as it sounds like. Enough to buy a house in Arkansas and a couple of cars, if it's divided evenly, but to live on? That's a stretch. I don't mean to be dismissive about it. Certainly it's more than most of us can expect to have handed to us -- but they're not exactly the Beverly Hillbillies, either. And somehow I doubt that JB plans to split it evenly with all with his kids.

  • Love 10

3.5 million dollars divided by 21 people over a lifetime may not be as much as it sounds like. Enough to buy a house in Arkansas and a couple of cars, if it's divided evenly, but to live on? That's a stretch. I don't mean to be dismissive about it. Certainly it's more than most of us can expect to have handed to us -- but they're not exactly the Beverly Hillbillies, either. And somehow I doubt that JB plans to split it evenly with all with his kids.


$3.5 million dollars is a lot of money. But it's not a lot for 21 people plus any spouses and children the kids have. They are in no way all set for life.

  • Love 5

Like others have said, I do not believe JB will dole out the money to any of his kids. 3.5 million is a lot of money but not when we are talking about 19 kids, and 5 grandkids.  Derick has a good job and can support Jill as long as they don't have tons of kids. Ben has an  AA degree and can continue his education and get some kind of decent job to support Jessa.  Josh - he is screwed. Who will hire someone accused of molesting their sisters?

I feel sorry for everyone but Smuggar, Boob and J'Chelle - they will get what they have coming to them. Now they will really be living the motto "buy used and save".  I would love to be a fly on the wall in that house this past week since all of this has gone down.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 4

IMHO of course. Jim Boob is not giving those kids anything that doesn't have strings attached. NOTHING.


Does anyone else besides me wonder if the plane JD was gifted with has quietly gone up for sale in the past day or so?

The plane just flew to Tulsa (a very common destination) yesterday. So, at least one Duggar is out in the open. I have suspected that there's something goin gon with the Paines. The families are pretty tight. 


I also suspect that JB has much more than 3.5MM. It's been reported that they're making $25,000/episode. Multiply that by 40 episodes a year (20 per "season), and even accounting for whatever Smuggar made, that's quite a bit of change that likely ALL went into the JB/Mechelle Duggar Trust. 



The plane just flew to Tulsa (a very common destination) yesterday. So, at least one Duggar is out in the open. I have suspected that there's something goin gon with the Paines. The families are pretty tight. 


I also suspect that JB has much more than 3.5MM. It's been reported that they're making $25,000/episode. Multiply that by 40 episodes a year (20 per "season), and even accounting for whatever Smuggar made, that's quite a bit of change that likely ALL went into the JB/Mechelle Duggar Trust. 



Maybe they went to drop off Tabby Paine. Now that Mechelle has no schedule to keep she might be going back to homefooling fulltime.

IMHO of course. Jim Boob is not giving those kids anything that doesn't have strings attached. NOTHING.


Does anyone else besides me wonder if the plane JD was gifted with has quietly gone up for sale in the past day or so?


When I first thought of what they'd need to do if the show was cancelled, I immediately thought of the McMansion and that airplane. Boob will actively have to try selling the house now, maybe ALL the houses among his properties, maybe even all his properties period. Derick and Jill will need find themselves a little starter home somewhere. And it looks like it's the end for Duggar Aviation, which I'm sure Boob was imagining as the next TWA. 

  • Love 2


I also suspect that JB has much more than 3.5MM. It's been reported that they're making $25,000/episode. Multiply that by 40 episodes a year (20 per "season), and even accounting for whatever Smuggar made, that's quite a bit of change that likely ALL went into the JB/Mechelle Duggar Trust.



If they were making the rumored $45k/episode, DAMN is right. However, it's not what you make, it's what you spend. Who knows where JB lost money and is too proud to admit it.

  • Love 1

I don't think $3.5 million is much money either, especially for that many people. I am certain that Boob uses money as a form of controlling his kids, like buying houses for them to live in nearby or paying Bin to work for him. I doubt they are free to use money toward anything Boob doesn't approve of, like education for the girls. The idea that he spent a quarter of a million on his campaign while his growing family was crammed into that tiny house sickens me and makes me question his financial acumen. I also think it has been a loooong time since the Duggars have "bought used and saved the difference." Don't get me wrong, they won't be impoverished, but their life will change once TLC is out of the picture.

Edited by KittyS
  • Love 3

Joe only matriculated there for the spring semester. But I agree; if the show is done, so is Joe's education. I have a feeling that Boob allowed it because of the pressure from even their mainstream Christian fans. He doesn't allow any of his kids to do anything without an ulterior motive that benefits him in the end. 

  • Love 3

Joe only matriculated there for the spring semester. But I agree; if the show is done, so is Joe's education. I have a feeling that Boob allowed it because of the pressure from even their mainstream Christian fans. He doesn't allow any of his kids to do anything without an ulterior motive that benefits him in the end.

Absolutely. The girls weren't even allowed to court until they were getting left in the dust by the Bates girls and the forums were filled with people wondering why a bunch of 20-somethings were frittering their lives away in the TTH. Joseph and Clown College just screamed F.U. Interwebz to me.

  • Love 7

If the 3.5 mil figure is accurate that's not a lot of money. Boob and Michelle are still relatively young. They're going to need money for retirement, health insurance etc. If he was dumb enough to blow 250k on a political campaign, you have to wonder what other stupid investments he's made. Even if that 3.5 ended up as an inheritance, when you divide that by 19 that's only around 185k per kid. Subtract estate taxes and executor fees and it's even less. If the Duggar siblings have their own child armies of 10+ kids, that money will be gone in a heartbeat.


Gee Boob, looks like some of the kids may need to work for a living. Maybe going extra-lite on edumacation wasn't such a brilliant idea after all?

  • Love 9

Yet he complains about his father.

3.5 million plus taxes. Divided by 21 plus grand kids. Plus their lavish lifestyle of mac books, designer clothes, handbags, and a plane. Let's see how long that money lasts

Exactly. The Duggars claim they're buying used and saving the difference yet somehow every boy has a new looking North Face jacket and the girls are wearing Uggs and Sperry's. Unless Tontitown has the Holy Grail of Goodwill's, I doubt they're finding such large quantities of name brand items at thrift stores. Boob is going to be doing some serious belt tightening.

  • Love 10

They abandoned "Buy used and save the difference" years ago. They get so much crap given to them for free, on top of the money they actually do spend. The only time Boob tries to save money is in the most tacky way imaginable. Don't I recall him bringing a huge load of howlers and lost girls into a restaurant on kids eat free night? And also trying to haggle with a poor street vendor in Nepal? Disgusting.

  • Love 9

 I know I am done. I am completely disgusted. When you have that level of hypocrisy, I almost have no words..... M and JB what kind of parents are you? To raise a son that would do those atrocious acts? To not protect your other beautiful children? That level of disgust I feel is very deep. Maybe when your son is molesting his sisters and you fail to protect your daughters that's SOMEONE telling you you have too many children to properly care for. Then to not even act like a common christian and have no compassion for others ... You are not only not above the rest of us, you are the poster children for what's wrong with society today. You ARE the unreality of reality tv.


God hates Hypocrites. 

  • Love 12

NEWS FLASH: Jim Bob is a dick! And fucking abusive..





My cousins husband used to work at the Duggar production as well. He has many, many, stories about this family, but one that particularly strikes me as terrible is when one of the older Duggar Boys was caught playing with himself. He said that one of his brothers had told on him for being in the bathroom for a few hours one night, worried that he was sick. Well to see if he really was, Jim Bob walked in. He caught him doing it, and on one of the day’s the cameras were filming. Jim bobs screams made the crew run to where they were filming. Immediately they asked him what was wrong. All Jim Could reply was “idle hands are the devils playthings.” Apparently, the whole next day he was supposed to do chores around the house. But, Jim Bob had tied his hands together so that doing anything was nearly impossible. ...

  • Love 8

I think the family will feel the burden of the loss of a paycheck/residuals soon enough...but I don't think it will happen as quickly as is assumed. I remember the Gosselins getting a shit ton of free stuff during their reign - free clothes, shoes, diapers, toys, vacations, bedding, etc. I imagine the Duggars have received free stuff at that level as well which would help keep their personal spending low. So I think the burden will be felt eventually, just not within the year, particularly since TLC's hesitation at an outright cancellation indicates that they are doing some talking behind the scenes about the show's future.

  • Love 1

NEWS FLASH: Jim Bob is a dick! And fucking abusive..




My cousins husband used to work at the Duggar production as well. He has many, many, stories about this family, but one that particularly strikes me as terrible is when one of the older Duggar Boys was caught playing with himself. He said that one of his brothers had told on him for being in the bathroom for a few hours one night, worried that he was sick. Well to see if he really was, Jim Bob walked in. He caught him doing it, and on one of the day’s the cameras were filming. Jim bobs screams made the crew run to where they were filming. Immediately they asked him what was wrong. All Jim Could reply was “idle hands are the devils playthings.” Apparently, the whole next day he was supposed to do chores around the house. But, Jim Bob had tied his hands together so that doing anything was nearly impossible. ...


So he was either really really good at it, or really really bad.

  • Love 23

I'm thinking that Boob will move forward with a Youtube channel subscription only show. That way he can control everything and continue with their "ministry."


Well, it would certainly be interesting to see how long this could last. Not too awfully long is my own guess, because it would depend on the leghumpers to ante up. Put their $$ where their righteous indignation is, so to speak. Will the humpers plunk down cold hard cash to continue to see this poor, persecuted family?

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 5

Jesus H. Christ. This is a form of covert sexual abuse. He purposely walked in on a boy he knew was probably masturbating. And that is not even mentioning the "punishment" afterwards.


ETA: these are unsubstantiated rumors

Edited by Potato511
  • Love 5

That article is so disturbing and upsetting - I knew JB was an asshole but this goes beyond that.  He should be charged with child abuse. That the camera crew knew this is even more upsetting. I know they sign non-disclosure contracts but does that apply to someone abusing a child? If so, maybe that shoud be investigated.  I hope Child Protection Services does a COMPLETE investigation of this family.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 11

Not trying to defend JB & M but I think printing anonymous stories is pretty crappy and doubt the legitimacy of them.  Even the one about the woman looking like a boy, I doubt JB saw the movie or read the book to be able to come up with that reference.  I really disagree with their beliefs and philosophies but I don't like anonymous pot shots.   I am sure there are lots of true stories that are just as bad but at least put your name to it.  

Edited by auntieminem
  • Love 9
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