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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Just read all the tributes to MEchelle for her 50th birthday - you can find them, or links to them, here:  https://www.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/ 

Jessa's goes on and on and on and on - so much to snark on there; it'll keep us all busy for a couple of days!  But Anna's tribute is pretty interesting. Here's part of it (bolding mine):  "I remember a few months ago running into you at Walmart and seeing you talking with a small group of people. I briefly stopped to say, "hi!" and quickly excused myself because I had a "long" list of over 25 items to pickup. I finished up my shopping and headed back home. A few hours later you made it back and said that you planned to run into the store to get 2 items - it was supposed to be a quick trip, but you spent 3 hours talking with different people, encouraging them in their walk with God and praying for specific needs in their lives."  

My question: what mother of a bunch of little kids can impulsively choose to spend 3 hours "praying" with strangers at the store, instead of mothering her kids at home? A mother that isn't the primary caretaker, that's who!

  • Love 18

I'm sorry, but this



She gets up while it is still night;

    she provides food for her family

made me lose it. It's more like: 

She gets up by 10 am for Starbucks/and workouts on her elliptical 

eta: That lengthy tome was Joy's, not Jessa's. And yes, it is singularly awful. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

0 [a]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.

About 3.5 mil, actually.

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.

Jim Bob is pretty damn enamored with the only woman who will ever give him the time of day.

12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.

Joyfully avilible.

13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.

Pulls the wool over the kid's eyes with her own two hands.

14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.

Drives all the way into town for a frappuchino.

15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family    and portions for her female servants.

She's a night owl and make sure the female servants (Jana) get table scraps.

16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

The real estate empire.

17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.

Strong arms, no back muscles.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.

Night owl who always ends up on the better side of a deal.

19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

She held some staffs...it's her baggage.

20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.

"Here's a penny's worth of sugary crap."

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

I saw the USA Today pic that luanched it all...

22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

Thrift store finest!

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

Jim Bob did get elected.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.

She's sell anything, for the right price.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.

We saw the mother of the groom dress. Aircraft grade aluminum.

26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

She's faithful to the cult.

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.

She watches over everything...even Josh's affairs.

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:

They'll do anything with the gun she's put toward their heads since birth.

29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”

"In your own mind"

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Well, her looks are going...

31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Praise, infamy. Same thing.


but you spent 3 hours talking with different people,

To me, trawling a Walmart for three hours for attention is just so desperately sad. I'd feel sorry for her, but you know.

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

there's also a link to Jessa's LOOONG tribute in a separate post on the facebook page, but here's the direct link:  http://www.theseewaldfamily.com/2016/9/happy-birthday-mom

ah, missed that. Not surprising, since I didn't spend more than a millisecond on their FB page. :D

I may need a drink or ten to get through anything that Jessa wrote. I can only begin to imagine...

eta: LOVE how they made everyone click through to their monetized blogs to read this drivel. It shows where their "hearts" truly lie. 

eta2: Didn't Jessa do a similar list for Boob's birthday? Girlfriend has WAAAAAY too much time on her hands. And I bet Ben, who has at least taken a freshman-level college writing course, edited it. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

Just read all the tributes to MEchelle for her 50th birthday - you can find them, or links to them, here:  https://www.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/ 

Jessa's goes on and on and on and on - so much to snark on there; it'll keep us all busy for a couple of days!  But Anna's tribute is pretty interesting. Here's part of it (bolding mine):  "I remember a few months ago running into you at Walmart and seeing you talking with a small group of people. I briefly stopped to say, "hi!" and quickly excused myself because I had a "long" list of over 25 items to pickup. I finished up my shopping and headed back home. A few hours later you made it back and said that you planned to run into the store to get 2 items - it was supposed to be a quick trip, but you spent 3 hours talking with different people, encouraging them in their walk with God and praying for specific needs in their lives."  

My question: what mother of a bunch of little kids can impulsively choose to spend 3 hours "praying" with strangers at the store, instead of mothering her kids at home? A mother that isn't the primary caretaker, that's who!

What photo did Jill mcmuffin think most appropriate for her ode to Michelle? Fancy hats from England!


  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

What photo did Jill mcmuffin think most appropriate for her ode to Michelle? Fancy hats from England!


I posted the Fancy Hats pic last night before Jilly did, but I think the account is private. I almost died when I saw this today. I'd never seen this pic before last night; now I've seen it twice in fewer than 24 hours. LOL

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Wow, those cards are so sad. Hannie's was even traced over. I know cursive isn't really being taught in public schools any longer, but as the Duggars never fail to remind us, they "do things a little different" (sic). Jenni should have also written her letter in cursive; isn't she 9 now? That's plenty old enough to have learned. But Hannie? For an 11 year old (I think her birthday is next month?), that's really, really pathetic. 

"Thank you for taking me places." "Thank you for taking me places." "Thank you for taking me places." Not only is that clearly coached, and pretty damn lame, but it isn't even particularly true.

And then there's the grade-level issue. Jackson's 12. Hannie'll be 11 in a few weeks. Jennie's 9. No way any of them has anything near the mental sophistication of other kids that age. It's not just math the Duggar kids stink at.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

"Thank you for taking me places." "Thank you for taking me places." "Thank you for taking me places." Not only is that clearly coached, and pretty damn lame, but it isn't even particularly true.

And then there's the grade-level issue. Jackson's 12. Hannie'll be 11 in a few weeks. Jennie's 9. No way any of them has anything near the mental sophistication of other kids that age. It's not just math the Duggar kids stink at.

I thought this, too.  All of it.  Jackson is 12 and his handwriting and overall writing style is not even on par with my 10-year-old's.  And the cards all sound identical.  As if one of their "teachers" told them what to write.  Or maybe it's just a poorly executed FU Internetz.  

You know, it's not what we DON'T see on TV that helps us to form these opinions...it's what we DO see.    Stressed-out, obviously undereducated children who run rampant through the TTH with minimal adult supervision.  Parents who pay little or no attention to their kids except when they are courting.  At which point they are all over them, making sure their virginity is protected and their courtship rules followed to a T.  Because it's not the kids themselves who are important, its adherence to the rules.  And virginity is a commodity. 

  • Love 8

I absolutely think they were fed the lines they had to write in those messages, but I can't snark on the handwriting. Mine was so bad that they refused to give me my pen license in year 3, and even now it's still a mostly unreadable scrawl unless I write super slowly and carefully, when it becomes a readable scrawl.

  • Love 6

If I'm remembering correctly Jackson, Jessa and Anna all mentioned the Proverbs mom thing. That would be some strange coincidence. At least 3 of them mentioned night time talks. Again, some strange coincidence.

And no card posted from Josie. If she is having problems with fine motor skills, dressing dolls, doing puzzles, writing, coloring, and arts & crafts are fun ways to improve that. (in case they're reading this)

My kids are all older now, but I thought by second grade kids were writing in smaller font. I'm thinking back to the wide-lined practice paper with the dotted lines in between, and then by second grade the normal notebook rule size. 11 and 12 year olds would be in 6th & 7th grade I think.

And come to think of it wouldn't most middle-schoolers want to make the card on a computer?

I get that these kids love their mom, but everything thing they do to show the public this love seems so forced, calculated and disingenuous. 

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:



They really are Pharisees; are they not? All full of the legalism the Apostle Paul warned the early church against.

No kidding. And contemporary technology also allows them to take ostentatiously praying out loud in the street to levels beyond the Pharisees' wildest dreams.

  • Love 6


InTouch is claiming the Duggars have taken custody of the 8 year-old son of Michelle's niece. How is this even possible, given that there's a known child molester living on the property? Are they really that hard up to keep the show going that they'd go the Cousin Oliver route?

I'm hoping this is just rumor.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:


InTouch is claiming the Duggars have taken custody of the 8 year-old son of Michelle's niece. How is this even possible, given that there's a known child molester living on the property? Are they really that hard up to keep the show going that they'd go the Cousin Oliver route?

I'm hoping this is just rumor.

"Uh-oh" to most of this post but LOL at the "Cousin Oliver" reference. 

If Jish isn't a registered sex offender, there probably aren't any legal restrictions? The rest of the Duggar kids are still around him - also his own kids. 

There is also a lot of waffle-y language in the article. "Seems to have," "apparently," etc. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

"Uh-oh" to most of this post but LOL at the "Cousin Oliver" reference. 

If Jish isn't a registered sex offender, there probably aren't any legal restrictions? The rest of the Duggar kids are still around him - also his own kids. 

There is also a lot of waffle-y language in the article. "Seems to have," "apparently," etc. 


  • Love 2

This is Arkansas so of course they will be granted custody. Sadly Arkansas doesn't have a good track record for placing children in homes.  They article says they have signed papers but I would be real curious if they were real legal papers with full custody.  I'm sure they would have preferred a girl because they will be down another J-slave soon.

The Jinger courtship story is cooling off (well not in Jinger's mind - lol), so they needed something to keep viewers.  Now that the timing is perfect for the cameras and a new story line (I see JB pitching to TLC now).

I thought with Jessa expecting blessing #2, she would shut up about adopting.  But nope.  We will have multiple scenes with her blabbing on how she will be doing this too in the future (always her "dream").   Of course the followers and leg humpers will be all about how they "saved a child" and "opened their hearts".

How soon will this poor child be shoved in front of the cameras?  Of course there will be a party after the judge signs the papers planned by Joy or someone else (not MEshelle because paperwork is hard and she is too tired).  Will they change his name?  How soon will he be forgotten (again) after the ceremony and attention high wears off?  This child has a loss of his parents and he doesn't need to be thrown into an orphanage.  Guess they will just pray the hurt away...worked so well in the past...grrrrr.

  • Love 4
On 9/12/2016 at 8:35 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I've read it referred to as Touching Little Children. I think that was after the Honey BooBoo scandal. 

That is what I was thinking.  Between Honey Boo Boo, Willis Family, a cheerleading show (if I remember correctly), and the Duggars they have a troublesome history.

On 9/13/2016 at 9:26 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

For all their literal Bible interpretations, I'm surprised about the hair. Once it ceases to be your crowning glory, it would seem to make sense that you would be allowed to trim dead ends...

I read somewhere that the Amish were even forbidden to trim their hair, so by extension, there are likely many other groups/denominations that prohibit hair cutting/trimming.  

I used to cut hair in a college town and I had a client who was part of a religion (or maybe it was just a family thing) that when you cut her hair she had to save all bits of it.  I am not sure what she did with it or why but she took it all.

On 9/12/2016 at 6:45 PM, louannems said:

How painfully awkward for JD if JB and Michelle are pushing him to fall for Tabitha.  Living in the same house, he must make up all sorts of excuses not to be present when Tabitha is around.  After all JD has no time for romance.


Shorter JD: Tabitha turned me down.

If Tabitha turned him down, she's crazy. I know chemistry is important, but she's geriatric by Fundie standards and she isn't exactly a Kate Upton lookalike. Her options dwindle by the minute.

If the story about the nephew is true, then it looks like Michelle scored herself a new show pony. Now she'll be the magnanimous aunt taking in the child of her troubled niece and giving him a loving, Christian upbringing. Sorry, Josie, you had a nice run, but your contract is up and won't be renewed. Hopefully she at least got a parting gift.

  • Love 16
19 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:


My question: what mother of a bunch of little kids can impulsively choose to spend 3 hours "praying" with strangers at the store, instead of mothering her kids at home? A mother that isn't the primary caretaker, that's who!


A mother hoping for media coverage of said event.

Here's a craaaazy question: What would the MOTY have done if someone in that store decided to approach and tell her a few home truths about herself and her family? One has to wonder if she was either accompanied by security or didn't spend "3 hours" there. It's hard to imagine there would not have been someone in the store who had a few off-script things to say to J-Chelle Duggar. Considering the fact they can't answer anything but pre-screened questions at their book signings, J-Chelle alone in a store and chatting with whoever decides to walk up to her is BS.

Said it before, I'll say it again -- what is it with this family and sharing private things online like birthday cards and love letters, which are meant to be seen by the recipient and nobody else? I don't need to see a birthday card message from a minor child that was most likely either dictated or composed by an older sibling to a woman who believes parenting is a once-a-month lunch appointment!

Here's the $40K question -- will we get a FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY VERY SPECIAL EPISODE, complete with another gaudy piece of jewelry "designed" by KJB?

  • Love 7

If the Duggars are granted guardianship, I wonder how their 8 year old grand-nephew will adapt to their household. I'm sure he was raised in a totally different environment, if the story is  true that his own mother was 15 and a single parent when he was born. In this case, I do wish all of them the best and hope it turns out well.

It's been said that Josh and Anna no longer live in the home, but do we know if they live on the premises or not? I've seen reference to a "pool house" though I can't imagine that being large enough for a family of 6 people. Also, I read elsewhere that Jim Bob bought Anna a house, maybe for tax purposes in light of the fact that Josh is now being sued. Can't confirm that though.

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

If Tabitha turned him down, she's crazy. I know chemistry is important, but she's geriatric by Fundie standards and she isn't exactly a Kate Upton lookalike. Her options dwindle by the minute.

If the story about the nephew is true, then it looks like Michelle scored herself a new show pony. Now she'll be the magnanimous aunt taking in the child of her troubled niece and giving him a loving, Christian upbringing. Sorry, Josie, you had a nice run, but your contract is up and won't be renewed. Hopefully she at least got a parting gift.

With all of the talk about adopting from the married girls, I'm surprised that Jill or Jessa haven't taken him in, especially Jill. As much as we talk about Derrick and Ben, if the little guy is going to stay in the family, they would be a better father figure than Jim Bob, and because of their ages, they'd probably be a better choice. Also, an 8 year old boy would be a great buddy/helper for Israel or Spurgeon. 

  • Love 7

I don't follow the Duggars (or read this forum) with any regularity, but today on The Talk the women were discussing the adoption of the nephew.  Within that discussion, one of them asked how this would be possible since Michelle and JimBob had filed papers for a marital separation, pre-divorce.  In my blissful ignorance of this family, this was the first time I've heard mention of this, and that includes mindless browsing of tabloid covers while standing in the supermarket checkout line.  Is it true that they were thinking of separation?  Or was this just blathering by The Talk crew?   Sorry to be so uninformed!

  • Love 1

It may be throwing another kid onto the pile for Jim Bob and Michelle since they don't do any of the heavy lifting.  I will say one nice thing about Jim Bob, he has shown himself to want to mentor those who are fatherless.  Back to reality: he is a crappy father. At least the nephew will have a roof over his head.  

Is the 8 year old going to be bunking in the boy's dorm? I'm surprised the state would allow him to since there are nine J'boys in there right now and three of them are over 18.  I'm not worried about his safety or anything though I thought that the state had occupancy rules.  Maybe those rules are only for foster care. 

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, birkenstock said:

Is the 8 year old going to be bunking in the boy's dorm? I'm surprised the state would allow him to since there are nine J'boys in there right now and three of them are over 18.  I'm not worried about his safety or anything though I thought that the state had occupancy rules.  Maybe those rules are only for foster care. 


Pickles stated this morning that the Duggars have asked to have the home study "waived". If I really wanted to cement that whole "pitchfork with my name on it" thing, I'd write to Arkansas' version of child services and ask how a family with an admitted child molester that is still living on the property can possibly waive a home study. I'd also ask how they can consider waiving that home visit when the last visit to the Duggar homestead led to their staff member being refused in efforts to check on the welfare of a minor child. I might also mention that there is significant video footage of the Duggars' parenting (or lack of it) available for viewing.

This child is being brought into the home for filming purposes. Period. It's unfortunate there is no other family member that can take him in at this time.

Edited because I should try to make sense when I write... 

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 20
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

If Tabitha turned him down, she's crazy. I know chemistry is important, but she's geriatric by Fundie standards and she isn't exactly a Kate Upton lookalike. Her options dwindle by the minute.



I remember JD's behavior during the car trashing incident. I don't think he's a great guy. Maybe she would prefer to be single rather than marry into the Duggar trainwreck.

IMHO of course.

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

If the Duggars are granted guardianship, I wonder how their 8 year old grand-nephew will adapt to their household. I'm sure he was raised in a totally different environment, if the story is  true that his own mother was 15 and a single parent when he was born. In this case, I do wish all of them the best and hope it turns out well.

It's been said that Josh and Anna no longer live in the home, but do we know if they live on the premises or not? I've seen reference to a "pool house" though I can't imagine that being large enough for a family of 6 people. Also, I read elsewhere that Jim Bob bought Anna a house, maybe for tax purposes in light of the fact that Josh is now being sued. Can't confirm that though.

The pool house has either four or five bedrooms It is called because there's a pool in the backyard

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:


InTouch is claiming the Duggars have taken custody of the 8 year-old son of Michelle's niece. How is this even possible, given that there's a known child molester living on the property? Are they really that hard up to keep the show going that they'd go the Cousin Oliver route?

I'm hoping this is just rumor.

I'm hoping it gets their mess, including their schooling, heavily inspected by CPS. Shit, they're child hoarders. If he were an additional cat, he wouldn't be permitted to live on such pet hoarders' property. Nobody gets spayed or neutered. Nobody gets fed appropriate cat food. Nobody moves through the appropriate developmental stages.

  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

Pickles stated this morning that the Duggars have asked to have the home study "waived". If I really wanted to cement that whole "pitchfork with my name on it" thing, I'd write to Arkansas' version of child services and ask how a family with an admitted child molester that is still living on the property can possibly waive a home study. I'd also ask how they can consider waiving that home visit when the last visit to the Duggar homestead led to their staff member being refused in efforts to check on the welfare of a minor child. I might also mention that there is significant video footage of the Duggars' parenting (or lack of it) available for viewing.

This child is being brought into the home for filming purposes. Period. It's unfortunate there is no other family member that can take him in at this time.

Edited because I should try to make sense when I write... 

WTF? Seriously, the justice department or some federal agency needs to investigate Arkansas/the county's child and family services. First the state rep who did the adoption rehoming and now they're letting the Duggars and any other families go without a home study.  The very least family services should do is prevent the Duggars from filming a child in temporary custody.   The Duggars are the example for why a proactive child and family services is necessary.

If it is for filming, fuck them. The whole relationship between the Duggars and TLC is like an episode of Black Mirror.  You think that it can't get any lower and the network and Jim Bob rise to the challenge. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:


I used to cut hair in a college town and I had a client who was part of a religion (or maybe it was just a family thing) that when you cut her hair she had to save all bits of it.  I am not sure what she did with it or why but she took it all.

Well, there are some traditions that believe you must carefully protect all your hair and nail clippings lest witches use them to help Satan get hold of your soul.

Doesn't sound very Amish, but it's all I've got...

15 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

Edited because I should try to make sense when I write... 


Yep, but that's really hard to do when you're sputtering with disbelief and fury. I have the same problem.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Churchhoney:  Well, there are some traditions that believe you must carefully protect all your hair and nail clippings lest witches use them to help Satan get hold of your soul.

Doesn't sound very Amish, but it's all I've got...

Interesting!  I wonder what it was with her.  I found it interesting.

Yeah, I'd love to know, too.

6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Arkansas must be the flagship of the "Good Ole Boy" political States because otherwise I cannot for the life of me figure out how the Duggars got a home study waived. Especially when you consider their track record. This is fucking insane, I just can't. 

Bribery of the right parties, perhaps? Maybe conducted in a roundabout fashion through old JB super-relig-pol connections?

I wouldn't put it past them.

  • Love 2

Well, I guess we wouldn't have known that Michelle's sister had a stroke if not for the guardianship story. Lots of private info went public. I wonder if Amy tried to get guardianship.

In spite  of the Duggar involvement I really hope their nephew will be ok.

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

A mother hoping for media coverage of said event.

Here's a craaaazy question: What would the MOTY have done if someone in that store decided to approach and tell her a few home truths about herself and her family? One has to wonder if she was either accompanied by security or didn't spend "3 hours" there. It's hard to imagine there would not have been someone in the store who had a few off-script things to say to J-Chelle Duggar. Considering the fact they can't answer anything but pre-screened questions at their book signings, J-Chelle alone in a store and chatting with whoever decides to walk up to her is BS.

you're probably right, but I can't help but think it's also possible that a lot of folks who think they're brave warriors who would speak their mind, would in fact be cowed and silenced into murmuring generic pleasantries by seeing said individual in person and in public.  I imagine it as much the same principle that couples use when they broach an argument or break up in a restaurant - "people around will keep him or her from causing a scene".  Social constraints are powerful things.

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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