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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Thank you. Now I have the song, Behind Closed Doors by Charlie Rich in my head.

"And when we get behind closed doors

Then she lets her hair hang down

And she makes me glad that I'm a man

Oh, no-one knows what goes on behind closed doors"


Maybe they play Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom.

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Maybe some of the men figure out that it is better for them all the way around if the women are happy.  I don't want to believe all of them are a 2 stroke joke.  Do we think Gil Bates doesn't care about Kelly being happy in the bedroom?

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I'd definitely add Jill to the list; I think she's every bit as much a Mean Girl as Jessa. In fact, I'm inclined to view all the Duggars as being steeped in malevolence. Jim Bob and Michelle are just a couple of natural born assholes. That's probably what drew them to each other as teens. It's definitely why they embraced Gothardism. It allows them to revel in being cruel to others (including their own children) while wrapping themselves in a protective cloak of sanctity. It's okay to be unkind to people and ungenerous in your judgments as long as Jesus understands that you're only doing it for His greater glory.


Jim Bob and Michelle then moved on to raise their children in an atmosphere of entitlement and self-satisfaction. The Duggarlings have been brought up to believe that they're better than everyone else. They've been taught that THEY are among God's most cherished beings and that almost everyone else is facing eternal damnation and DESERVES it. How can they feel anything but contemptuous towards other, lesser people? Their lives are so drab and joyless, so empty of actual accomplishment, that the only pleasure open to them (and sanctioned by the parents who control their very thoughts) is a triumphant vindictiveness. It manifests itself in vicious attacks on those who believe differently (Michelle's robo-calls, Ben's social media tirades) and casual cruelty towards each other (Michelle laughing when her children are hurt or in danger, the boys trying to run down the cat to everyone else's glee). They lack kindness and empathy to an alarming degree.


I think we recognize this in Josh and Jessa and Jill simply because the show has brought them front and center. We witness their selfish behavior and their sanctimonious double-talk. We tend to think of the ones we don't hear much from, like Jana or John David, as being somewhat nicer and more deserving of sympathy. But I wonder if they really are.

Excellent post, and at the same time, it gives me chills to know that Michelle and Jim Bob are raising a whole posse of children in their smug image.  If the show continues, when will we notice these alarming traits begin to hatch in the younger children?  At what point will lil' Spurge get that dead, yet superior look in his eyes, learned from his parents?  That's actually kind of terrifying.

Edited by laurakaye
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We are laughing at Michelle's WILDLY OUTDATED hair style. It could be straight and be just as hideous.

I grew up in the 80's also. We loved our big hair. Mine was straight and it was still big. I bet our year book pictures are the same!



I graduated in 1989 and there are yearbook pictures of girls where you can hardly tell there was a backdrop behind them.  I'd have to look but I'd bet there are one or two where it is completely obscured by an Aqua-Net mane.

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I graduated in 1989 and there are yearbook pictures of girls where you can hardly tell there was a backdrop behind them.  I'd have to look but I'd bet there are one or two where it is completely obscured by an Aqua-Net mane.

My hair was so big! Graduated 1988.

Michelle's hair is bad even by 80's standards. Really bad.

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I'd definitely add Jill to the list; I think she's every bit as much a Mean Girl as Jessa. In fact, I'm inclined to view all the Duggars as being steeped in malevolence. Jim Bob and Michelle are just a couple of natural born assholes. That's probably what drew them to each other as teens. It's definitely why they embraced Gothardism. It allows them to revel in being cruel to others (including their own children) while wrapping themselves in a protective cloak of sanctity. It's okay to be unkind to people and ungenerous in your judgments as long as Jesus understands that you're only doing it for His greater glory.


Jim Bob and Michelle then moved on to raise their children in an atmosphere of entitlement and self-satisfaction. The Duggarlings have been brought up to believe that they're better than everyone else. They've been taught that THEY are among God's most cherished beings and that almost everyone else is facing eternal damnation and DESERVES it. How can they feel anything but contemptuous towards other, lesser people? Their lives are so drab and joyless, so empty of actual accomplishment, that the only pleasure open to them (and sanctioned by the parents who control their very thoughts) is a triumphant vindictiveness. It manifests itself in vicious attacks on those who believe differently (Michelle's robo-calls, Ben's social media tirades) and casual cruelty towards each other (Michelle laughing when her children are hurt or in danger, the boys trying to run down the cat to everyone else's glee). They lack kindness and empathy to an alarming degree.


I think we recognize this in Josh and Jessa and Jill simply because the show has brought them front and center. We witness their selfish behavior and their sanctimonious double-talk. We tend to think of the ones we don't hear much from, like Jana or John David, as being somewhat nicer and more deserving of sympathy. But I wonder if they really are.

Man you're good. You aced it with this.

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The fact that Michelle breathily accepted "Mother of the year" awards, blabbering out speech after speech about God and Jesus and purpose and encouragement, all the while KNOWING that her son molested her daughters…that tells me absolutely everything I need to know about Michelle Duggar.

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The fact that Michelle breathily accepted "Mother of the year" awards, blabbering out speech after speech about God and Jesus and purpose and encouragement, all the while KNOWING that her son molested her daughters…that tells me absolutely everything I need to know about Michelle Duggar.


Bingo. And not only did she know it but she apparently told her daughters that it wasn't important.

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I've been looking at some of the old specials like 14 and Counting and I wonder again who the kids seem to like more. They seem much more at ease with Jim Bob than they do with Michelle. They are much more likely to grab, hug and touch their father? I wonder why? Is it because mom's constantly pregnant and they're afraid to hurt her? Or something else? As controlling as he might be, they have an ease with Jim Bob that is just not there with Michelle. Michelle kind of looks startled when the kids even talk to her. Any opinions?

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I've been looking at some of the old specials like 14 and Counting and I wonder again who the kids seem to like more. They seem much more at ease with Jim Bob than they do with Michelle. They are much more likely to grab, hug and touch their father? I wonder why? Is it because mom's constantly pregnant and they're afraid to hurt her? Or something else? As controlling as he might be, they have an ease with Jim Bob that is just not there with Michelle. Michelle kind of looks startled when the kids even talk to her. Any opinions?


Maybe it's interest vs. complete indifference. Jim Bob's interest in the kids is an ownership interest and a control interest. But I'm sure they do sense interest. While it wouldn't surprise me that Michelle's checked-out-ness was reflected in complete lack of interest in the kids, in any way, shape or form. She periodically parrots stuff that the ideology suggests she say. But it's robotlike, to me. And maybe she's just a robot around the kids, too.

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Ugh, I'd have a hard time believing any scene of the show wasn't reshot at least 19 times.

I wonder if Josh going off the rails had anything to do with this. Strange name, "Uncommen". They state it's portmanteau of "uncommon" and "men", but the anti "jerkin it to porn" mission, combined with their hashtag #DontBeAJack makes me think it's a pun on "not cumming", "uncummin'". Jack is their mascot too, but he's supposed to be what Uncommen men shouldn't be. He's also a dog.


And everyone is a cartoon.


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Michelle's interest in her kids (and JBs to a lesser extent) is to promote herself as Perpetual Mother of the Year. It's all about spitting out as many babies as she can to perpetuate her identity as Super Mom. As soon as they were born and she could pass them off and get pregnant again, she didn't give a rats ass about her kids. You could swap any of them out with a Howler Monkey and she'd have no clue. Sorry to offend the monkey.

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Where is the list of speaking events for Jim Bob and Michelle?

Last I heard they were cancelled in Canada at a homeschool convention.

I was bored and scrolling through their blog. There is a "request Duggar to speak" but no list of where they are speaking.

Guess no one wants them?

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I've been looking at some of the old specials like 14 and Counting and I wonder again who the kids seem to like more. They seem much more at ease with Jim Bob than they do with Michelle. They are much more likely to grab, hug and touch their father? I wonder why? Is it because mom's constantly pregnant and they're afraid to hurt her? Or something else? As controlling as he might be, they have an ease with Jim Bob that is just not there with Michelle. Michelle kind of looks startled when the kids even talk to her. Any opinions?

I think as the buddy system evolved, Michelle became more and more emotionally unavailable. I don't know that it was calculated or conscious, but it appears that is what happened. And kids are intuitive, so it doesn't take long for even the youngest soul to figure out that their mom "doesn't have a heart for children".


Edited by GeeGolly
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Where is the list of speaking events for Jim Bob and Michelle?

Last I heard they were cancelled in Canada at a homeschool convention.

I was bored and scrolling through their blog. There is a "request Duggar to speak" but no list of where they are speaking.

Guess no one wants them?

'Request Duggars to speak'

THAT is why the Duggars shouldn't be speaking anywhere. SOTDRT strikes again. Most celebs, even z-list reality show "stars" usually have: 'For bookings or media inquiries, please contact 'XYZ management' or 'Upcoming Appearances..'

These people are such hicks. The Duggars have been in the media for several years and have dealt with producers, TLC execs and various tv hosts. They should know how to sound a bit more...polished? Media savvy? I don't know, but every day these Neanderthals blow my mind.

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Even their fellow fundy families have better presentation and marketing skills.  They should take a lesson from their own kind.


JB was always more engaged with the kids.  They came to him for attention rather than Michelle.  And he gave them attention. 


Hurts me to say something nice, but there it is.

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Jim Bob is arrogrant but he seems more personable and engaging.


Boob has been way too quiet. Did his arrogance do him in with the Josh scandal and now he has been advised to keep quiet? Maybe he finally learned that you can't treat the people in Tonitown like shit without them exposing your secret skeletons.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Yeah, Jim Bob is very quiet.

I actually think that this Josh the Perv mess has actually taken Jim Bob down. I bet this has completely leveled him.

We think they are clowns, didn't handle things right and are overall nutters. But that is Jim Bob's son. No parent wants that mess for your son, especially in such a public way. Jim Bob is quiet because he is devastated as a parent and humiliated as a public figure in his religion.

We might think he deserves it but Jim Bob's world is still rocked to the foundation.

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Yeah, Jim Bob is very quiet.

I actually think that this Josh the Perv mess has actually taken Jim Bob down. I bet this has completely leveled him.

We think they are clowns, didn't handle things right and are overall nutters. But that is Jim Bob's son. No parent wants that mess for your son, especially in such a public way. Jim Bob is quiet because he is devastated as a parent and humiliated as a public figure in his religion.

We might think he deserves it but Jim Bob's world is still rocked to the foundation.


For me, it depends on whether he's as similar as I think to the person in my family that he reminds me of. If he is very similar to that person, then he's furious and blaming the whole thing completely on others. So he'd be rocked, but not shaken about himself. Just rocked and supremely pissed off by the wrongs that have been done him by others and seeing absolutely none of it as being any reflection on himself. If he's closer to normal than that, then it's as you say. My bet is that he's very far from normal and well ensconced in the narcissist end of things, but who knows? I hope for everybody's sake he's having the reaction you describe.

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Michelle's interest in her kids (and JBs to a lesser extent) is to promote herself as Perpetual Mother of the Year. It's all about spitting out as many babies as she can to perpetuate her identity as Super Mom. As soon as they were born and she could pass them off and get pregnant again, she didn't give a rats ass about her kids. You could swap any of them out with a Howler Monkey and she'd have no clue. Sorry to offend the monkey.


So true. With Me-chelle, it always comes back to her narcissism. And she gets no strokes if she just interacts on a normal, daily basis with her kids, doing normal daily household stuff. I used to keep my mother company in the kitchen in the afternoons while my little siblings were napping . Mom was always baking or getting supper started or ironing maybe. And I'd be asking endless questions about when she was a little girl or whatever etc. I loved that time, just the two of us. I doubt any of the Duggar kids ever see much of Me-chelle at all on an ordinary day at home. I see her as all holed-up in her own little office with her Starbucks, scheduling or whatever it was she described as her main responsibility now. Not that that probably takes up much of her time anymore. I do think the most the children ever saw of Me-chelle, and could speak to her, was when the cameras were rolling. Maybe even the oldest kids.

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Where are Boob's eyes pointing?? Nike, Boob, Nike, at least until you get home. Get your eyes off that beautiful modesty insert.

She looks like a more crazy Michele Bachmann....and that's not easy. I think Boob is eyeing her posterior as the lord must have placed it on his heart that he should purpose to pat it. Off for a shower now as this revolts me. See you in the prayer closet.

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For me, it depends on whether he's as similar as I think to the person in my family that he reminds me of. If he is very similar to that person, then he's furious and blaming the whole thing completely on others. So he'd be rocked, but not shaken about himself. Just rocked and supremely pissed off by the wrongs that have been done him by others and seeing absolutely none of it as being any reflection on himself. If he's closer to normal than that, then it's as you say. My bet is that he's very far from normal and well ensconced in the narcissist end of things, but who knows? I hope for everybody's sake he's having the reaction you describe.

I think it's a little bit of both.

Jim Bob is pissing mad at Josh and anything to do with Josh. Blaming everyone for this massive failure.

And i think deep down, he is crumbling. But he masks it with arrogance and bravado.

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Didn't Lily and Ellie post the link? (eta: Yes, it came from them.) I hope someone has taken them to task (although he said they took the videos down). The videos are still posted on the blog, but I didn't check to see if the links still worked. 


That said, badly played, ladies! 


eta2: I posted the link to their blog, but they approve all posts, so I doubt it will see the light of day. But hopefully, they'll watch it and see how shitty their actions were. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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A lot of us would have had that breakdown, I think. But most of us wouldn't have gone on in quick succession to have 15 more. What in the hell would possess you? Seriously.

Brought over from the Josh thread. Okay, here's my questions, fellow posters: I stopped actually watching 19 kids shortly after Josie came home (and I only watched sporadically for a while before that), so I don't really know the actual details of the laundry room breakdown. Can I get an explanation? Thanks!

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Brought over from the Josh thread. Okay, here's my questions, fellow posters: I stopped actually watching 19 kids shortly after Josie came home (and I only watched sporadically for a while before that), so I don't really know the actual details of the laundry room breakdown. Can I get an explanation? Thanks!

Michelle wrote about it in her book.  When she had the 7th child, she had a nervous breakdown because she couldn't handle that many kids, so a neighbor volunteered to come and help her with the laundry.  (That, apparently, gave her so much more time that she gave birth to 12 more!) 

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Brought over from the Josh thread. Okay, here's my questions, fellow posters: I stopped actually watching 19 kids shortly after Josie came home (and I only watched sporadically for a while before that), so I don't really know the actual details of the laundry room breakdown. Can I get an explanation? Thanks!

From the Duggar blog:


It was 1:00 AM in the morning as I stood folding laundry with tears streaming down my cheeks. Feelings of being overwhelmed flooded my mind. I cried aloud, "LORD I NEED YOUR HELP, I can't do it all! I feel so inadequate! Diapers, dishes, laundry, meals, cleanup, school lessons, baths, hugs, kisses, correction..." My list seemed to go on and on.

Then it was as if a still small voice said, "Michelle, it's easy to praise ME when things are going good, but are you willing to praise ME now?" Immediately the scripture that says, "Offer up a sacrifice of praise", came to mind.

I said, "OK Lord, I will praise you even now! It really is a sacrifice!" So through the tears I began to sing, "The joy of the Lord is my strength". In my heart there was a release as if a burden had been lifted. I finished the laundry at 2 AM and went to bed.

Days later, I was at our piano teacher's home (at 7 AM) trying to catch up on paperwork while the children were taking their lessons. Instead, I kept drifting off to sleep! The teacher noticed and asked, "Are you OK?" I replied, "I'm fine, I'm just tired. I was up late finishing laundry."

As we talked more she said that she actually enjoyed doing laundry and that she would be glad to come and help me! That weekend when she arrived we had mountains of dirty laundry, and when she left we had nice, neat, orderly stacks of clean laundry! For 12 years now, our piano teacher, whom we consider a part of our family and loving call "NaNa" has faithfully come (now twice a week) to help us with laundry! GOD sent "An angel" in answer to my cry for help.

He is faithful to hear the humble cries of his children. "Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up." God lifted my burden (literally mountains of laundry!) and freed me to meet the more urgent needs of my family. "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory..."

Remember mothers, where God guides He provides!

With Love,


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So they left a mountain of laundry for the teacher to do, without trying to keep it down. A sensible person would have found an easier way to deal with her problems: If you are struggling: stop having so many damn children! Simple! Only have what you can manage, only an idiot would take on more. That's why the good Lord gave us brains; as with all of his gifts he expects us to use them!

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So they left a mountain of laundry for the teacher to do, without trying to keep it down. A sensible person would have found an easier way to deal with her problems: If you are struggling: stop having so many damn children! Simple! Only have what you can manage, only an idiot would take on more. That's why the good Lord gave us brains; as with all of his gifts he expects us to use them!

Yup, but Michelle thinks with her uterus and JB thinks with his ... smaller brain.

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Oh, gag. I hate it when people congratulate themselves for their prayers being answered, like it's a merit badge from God. Like God doesn't have anything better to do than figure out a solution to some overly-fertile Arkansas housewife's laundry problem. Screw the dying planet, screw the sick and the starving, screw the victims of violence...Michelle can't keep up with the diapers!!!!

Maybe God has a sense of humor. According to Michelle He provided her with laundry help and a dozen more kids.

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God forbid JB help his wife with the laundry & the rest of the household chores. I know in their cult it's women's work. If I were him, I would be embarrassed that I didn't help around the house causing my wife to have a nervous breakdown about the laundry in the middle of the night. He also had the luxury of being home part of the day (to help) that most husbands/Dads don't. It makes my blood pressure rise when I think about it.

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So they left a mountain of laundry for the teacher to do, without trying to keep it down. A sensible person would have found an easier way to deal with her problems: If you are struggling: stop having so many damn children! Simple! Only have what you can manage, only an idiot would take on more. That's why the good Lord gave us brains; as with all of his gifts he expects us to use them!

When my sister's kids were younger, she was going crazy with laundry until she realized they simply had too much shit. The kids would wear a sweatshirt or use a bath towel once, and toss it in the hamper whether it was dirty or not. A truckload full of bags to the Salvation Army solved that problem pretty quickly.

I don't know what Michelle was thinking at that point in her life. She already wasn't fond of children to begin with, but proceeded to have seven back to back. In general I have nothing against neighbors helping neighbors, but why should they have to clean up her mess? If anything it just gave Michelle the green light to keep breeding because she found a way to dump the work on someone else.

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"For 12 years now, our piano teacher, whom we consider a part of our family and loving call "NaNa" has faithfully come (now twice a week) to help us with laundry!"

I guess NaNa is better than "Dumbshit House Slave."

What happened to Grandma doing the laundry? I'm going to pretend that she and NaNa are actually sitting around watching Netflix and drinking Scotch all day, secure in the knowledge that none of the Duggar clan would lower themselves to walk into the laundry room.

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"For 12 years now, our piano teacher, whom we consider a part of our family and loving call "NaNa" has faithfully come (now twice a week) to help us with laundry!"

I guess NaNa is better than "Dumbshit House Slave."

What happened to Grandma doing the laundry? I'm going to pretend that she and NaNa are actually sitting around watching Netflix and drinking Scotch all day, secure in the knowledge that none of the Duggar clan would lower themselves to walk into the laundry room.


Grandma probably just refolds the dirty laundry. The Duggars looks like they don't bathe regularly as it is, so they don't know any different.

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I don't know what Michelle was thinking at that point in her life.

I think she wanted fame and power, even as a teenager. Once she got into Gothard, she found a what that only required she have sex, not learn or grow as a person. By kid seven, well, she was committed.

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Isn't the background of a lot (most? all?) of the biblical stories where God "humbles" someone, is because he wants to teach them that what they're already doing is wrong, prideful, and sinful?


I very much doubt the lesson thus, is going to be "bring me more house slaves".  I should think it would be "change your life's mandate and mission", i.e. "don't have kids you can't take care of".

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Don't forget, Michelle went on to have 8 MORE KIDS, even after discovering her OWN SON molested most of her daughters already born, all the way down to a 5 year old!

It was more like five. All this went down when Justin was an infant.

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Does anyone know what happened to NaNa? Was she ever on the show? I'm thinking she "retired" from the laundry duties when they moved in the TTH with the numerous washers & dryers & it became a jurisdiction for the J'slaves. I think Grandma took over the laundry duties to help the girls when her & Grandpa moved in.

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I very much doubt the lesson thus, is going to be "bring me more house slaves".  I should think it would be "change your life's mandate and mission", i.e. "don't have kids you can't take care of".

They don't actually listen to "the Lord". They make up their minds how things will go and do what they want. After all, if they actually read and comprehended what the Bible says on a variety of issues, they'd live differently. See "their show got cancelled because their eldest son molested four of his sisters" for starters, among other issues. It's been shown to anyone with the brains of a duck that they make poor decisions in life and claim God is "blessing" them.


Only an idiot would continue to get pregnant (or impregnate someone else) when she can't deal with what's already on her plate without (free) help. They're not children to the Duggars. They're a profit center. Always have been, always will be. One has to ask how they would have managed to care for 19 children without TLC; the local church most likely was not able to underwrite an annual income sufficient to feed, clothe and house such a large family. Good thing they managed to get on reality TV!

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