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S14.E17: Top 8 Guys Perform

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I hate the Motown theme. It's usually bland as hell. After tonight… I wasn't wrong, but the contestants did well with what they were given.


Daniel – Plain, boring, but kept up with the band. He's not awful, but he's not going to get good in the limited time we've got. Send him home,


Mark – Horrid arrangement. That song should've worked on him but he fucked it up. Shame because he's got a great soul/folksy voice.


Rayvon – Very smooth, but I did agree with Harry. He needs to rough it up a bit and get a bit more gritty.


Adam – Interesting arrangement. If he's going to progress further, I want him to do something less schticky. He has a good voice, but he's done nothing I've majorly cared for.


Clark – Nice intensity. Thank goodness someone rocked out an arrangement correctly. Good for him. The judging on him was… strange considering what came before.


Nick – Interesting tone on this song. Very professional when juxtaposed with some of the others. I liked him.


Qaasim – a little to frenetic for my tastes, similar to last week. Still decent, but I'm wondering now if can he calm down and still deliver? I've seen no evidence of that yet…


Quentin – He's a cool cat. He did a good job, good choice of song here; one of the few songs not done to death on the Motown theme.


I got the boots right. I'm still not the biggest fan of waiting until the end of the show to boot someone because it overshadows the last performer (it could cancel out the effect of the pimp spot however, if someone particularly notable gets the axe). Shame we lost Savion over the likes of Daniel and Adam, but such is Idol.


Should Go – Daniel, Adam or Mark. (I kind of want Mark as Guy #6 for that voice though, but he was awful tonight)

Will Go – Mark and Adam. Maybe Rayvon?


There is such a stark contrast between the Top 5 Men and the other three (Daniel, Adam, Mark). I am very worried that Rayvon is going to get the axe somehow.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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{edited because I obviously didn't type fast enough to be the first to post :-) }


The two guys whom I was most glad to see make the Top 8:

Nick, who has the voice and the musicianship, and is, to me, the complete package & Quentin, who makes me wonder what the hell he'll do next in the best possible way.  They were both great tonight.  I was afraid that once Qaasim made it, Quentin would be out, but I'm willing to put up with the possibility of another week of one Q in order to get the other.


Clark was really good tonight, and I'm glad he made it.  Mark was in the wrong key for his song, but I liked him a lot last week so I'll forgive tonight if he doesn't make a habit of it.  Rayvon was good, and had a little more personality than before but I'd have preferred Savion.  Adam was better this week, but still kind of cartoonish; I'll give him a chance to prove himself as more than a caricature.


The two I least wanted to see: Daniel, who, although talented, was just lame tonight and really, really so much younger than his years.  He should never have been put through this year.  And Qaasim, who let the performance overwhelm the vocals, which weren't that great to start with.  All I could think while watching him was "where's a tranquilizer dart when you need one?"

Edited by proserpina65
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Daniel and Adam should have been swapped for Riley and Savion. Ugh.


That being said, Daniel wasn't that bad tonight, believe it or not. There were people worse than him (Adam, Mark). Rayvon literally sings the same way all the time. He really does need to change it up now. Qassim does need to focus more on the vocals but at least he's entertaining. I voted for Clark because I generally like him but tonight wasn't his best. Quentin isn't bad but he does nothing for me personally. Voted for Nick too but I think he can do better. Overall the night was underwhelming.


The 4 that should be eliminated are Adam, Daniel, Mark, and the 4th is a tossup. I want it to be Rayvon but it will probably be Qassim. 

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I would have swapped Riley for Daniel, but I agree, Motown week is my least favorite theme.


ETA:  Oh yeah...I would have changed Adam with...well any of the others..I was really surprised he made it thru.

Edited by katycat74
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Eh... Motown week is always one of my favorites, and it was mostly very insipid tonight.  Just no to Daniel, Adam and Qassim.  I really liked the idea of some of the more soulful types (I know, I know... guys with guitars), but even they were underwhelming.  This is the first season I've taken off from the audition and Hollywood episodes, and it may have been a mistake.  I have no vested interest in any of them right now!

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Savion is too good for this show. He's going to be so wasted on here, only to come in 6th or some nonsense.

My opinions are the same as last week, except Nick and Mark a little better this time around, but I still wouldn't care if they were eliminated. So many could go and I wouldn't care, but hopefully Adam and Daniel will go soon.

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Savion is too good for this show. He's going to be so wasted on here, only to come in 6th or some nonsense.

I don't know how he's going to come in 6th when he didn't make the top 8.  ; )


I'm a little surprised at the top 8.  Trevor wasn't great last week but he's been great before.  The Qs are similar, Adam sings great but looks like a clown act, Daniel is just cringeworthy.  


No country male, I bet Scott B. is sad.  He seems like a douche.  Hello, Jeff Fordham from Edgehill.  Better keep the girls away from his pool.  

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Not a bad top 8, I guess, though I would have swapped out Riley for someone or another. I'd say Daniel, but oddly enough, as long as he's made it this far I find myself interested in seeing whether he has enough to take him through a growth arc and actually become an entertainer. He is definitely a talented kid and even has a little bit of a jazz sensibility which needs huge amounts of development but intrigues me slightly nonetheless.


I might have kept Trevor in as well just because he was different enough to be interesting, but to be honest his actual voice does seem very limited. I hope he finds a nice science niche in which to use his talent for entertaining.


I could do without Adam because I just can't take him seriously, and while his voice is good, it's not unique enough and his performances not interesting enough to overcome the "cartoon character" vibe.


I could do without Mark even though he has a nice voice, but to me, no stage presence to speak of. I'm not mad that he's there; I just find him forgettable.


I like Nick to a point, partly for being from my home state, partly for being nice to look at, and partly for having a serviceable voice. Not the highest of praise there, I guess, but enough that I'm rooting for him to make the tour, at least. After that, I probably wouldn't care.


The two Q's...I have found Quaasim a bit too focused on the "entertainment" than the singing, but can't deny that he did bring a bit of life to the show which was barely keeping me awake by the time his turn rolled around. And am liking Quentin more and more but still reserving judgment for a bit just because I don't know whether he will be able to balance the weirdness with a bit more mainstream appeal. I don't want him to stifle his uniqueness by any means, just maybe channel it a bit. Which he does appear to be doing.


Won't miss Michael, and probably won't miss Savion, though I liked him well enough.


Who did I miss? seems as though there should be a couple more names, but I'm not quite interested enough to start counting and searching, so this will have to suffice.

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Well I got it wrong.  The first 4 to go thru contained 3 i thought would go.  Its kinda sad to see Riley and Savion sacrificed for Adam and The Embryo.  Girls may have a better chance than i thought.


Hey over on the girls thread a Mod finally had to end a multi-page conversation on how yellow Joey's teeth are.  But did anyone get a gander at Quentin's teeth--they have scroll-y looking shit glued to them.  This is a trend i have never heard of.  Its stupid, I hate when people fuck with their teeth and mouths.  TEETH are never a fashion statement.

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Ryan couldn't be bothered to dress for the occasion?  What are they going to do if there's a heavy snow storm in Detroit?  How long are they planning on staying there?


Jennys dress is pretty, what I can see of it.


Not a Daniel fan, sorry.

I don't know if I liked Adam or not.  My opinion is mixed.

Didn't like Clark's high notes.

Nick was good. Is it my screen, or is there something odd about Nick's face?  Is he highly tanned, or just dirty?

Qassim is insane.  Loved him.

No Trevor?  I call bullshit.

Why is Quentin dressed like Jimi Hendrix?  He was good.  Very good.

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I agree Daniel has some jazz sensibility but I still can't believe he's there and Riley isn't. He might show something in three years, but imo he's so not deserving of a top 8 spot. Adam may not have the look to be an Idol but musically he's still a lot better and more deserving than Daniel. I'll be sad if Daniel makes it next week, too. Really, I think it's the Peter Principle at work.

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So let me get this straight, Peyton Manning's Mini Me makes it over Keith Urban's Mini Me, right? Wow! So much for the pimping. I thought Mini Urban was a lock for the lives.


I'm glad to the see the Q boys make it, although I wasn't thrilled with Quentin's version of "Master Blaster Jammin'." I hope he gets to sing next week.


Every time Adam sings, I am reminded of that comedian with the wild hair from my childhood Marty Allen. He's entertaining, but he is teetering on a Sanjaya/Lazaro level. I don't him see him singing next week.

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I had a hard time hearing most of them over the band.

Daniel just looks completely out of place.

I was sorry that Mark's song didn't suit him, because I really like his voice.

I still like Rayvon a lot.   He's one of my favorites.  Nice voice, nice smile, smooth delivery.

Adam surprised me.   This was the first time I almost liked his performance.  He was still kind of silly, but he sang well.

Clark really has a good voice, and I like what he did with that old song, but I think Keith was right.  It would have been better if he had sung with just his own guitar and no band back-up.

Not my favorite Nick performance, probably because I'm way tired of that song and don't think it did his vocals any justice.   But he does have a great smile and is an engaging performer. 

Qaasim ain't no Stevie.

Quentin's quirky appearance is borderline weird/borderline charming.  He's entertaining, and he looks so much better without the nose thingy.  It's easier to watch  his cute face without that distraction. 

I like all of those who were eliminated except for Michael.   I wish Trevor could have had just one more chance, and I would have chosen him over Daniel.  Riley's performance last week was also sub-par, but I was thinking that he might stay because he's the only country guy, and he's a decent musician as well as a singer.

If all 24 had competed together, I think that there would have been more girls than guys going home.

Edited by crocosmia
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I was surprised that Riley didn't make the top 8. I thought that the tweens and teens would be voting for him.

Based solely on my household, Riley's appeal was to the "too-young-to-vote" demographic. My 7yo daughter burst into tears as soon as it was announced he wouldn't move on.

Edited by Abstract
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The guys side gets bleaker by the second. Daniel and Adam are going to outlast better singers (better being a relative term I realize), and Adam and Qaasim will get more and more SNL parody-ish with every new performance.


The judges critique of Rayvon makes me wonder if they just met him for the first time tonight. Rayvon's voice and "grit/roughness" seem pretty mutually exclusive. .


For me Clark and Marc are just there....at least Daniel, Adam and Qaasim are worth a hate watch.


You wonder if instead of Riley representing the country genre (being on the very poppiest edge of country at that) they had chosen someone with a more distinctive country sound like a Ricky or Casey.....if that would have made a difference.


Quentin and Nick were solid again, and I do give a bit of a pass to Quentin as he seemed mentally and emotionally exhausted from having to find out at that last possible second that he made it through. He still finished strongly and I'm more invested in who he is and could be as an artist than they other 7 guys combined.

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Daniel is way to undercooked for my tastes.  I can't imagine expending bandwidth downloading a free .mp3 featuring him, much less actually paying for it.


Adam remains a parody of Jack Black.


With that said, I'm not overly upset about losing any of the 4 guys who are going home, though I would've liked seeing Trevor on the live shows.  I have zero investment in Savion, and I remember him well from last season; he just sounds the same to me on everything, kinda like Rayvon, except I enjoy the latter's smooth delivery in this competition where screaming & screeching are aplenty.  I don't think the guys are as strong as many were making them out to be a few weeks ago..  I see Clark & Nick being there for the long haul.  Quentin intrigues, but will America warm to him?  I doubt it.

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I'm glad Mark made it, but he's been phoning it in and needs to exert more effort, STAT. Plus, not dress for the show like he just mowed the lawn.


I always thought the contestants were dressed by wardrobe people picking out their outfits. Then I read (or heard - can't remember) an interview with Kelly Clarkson who said that she used to skimp on buying clothes with her clothing allowence to pay bills. That is the first thing I thought of when Mark came out in a black t-shirt - he must be using his clothing money to pay bills. It really stood out, and not in a good way. Wondering though, what was Ryan's excuse?


I am pretty satisfied with the top 8 guys. OTOH, I can't even remember 8 girls, let alone 8 who might make it into the top spots. I hope they have a better week than the last one.

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I can’t believe Daniel is still around.  Either Riley or Savion deserved that spot, which Daniel promptly proved with his poor performance.


Of the rest, I don’t think either Mark or Nick adapted well to the genre and both were underwhelming.  Clark did a much better job in making the song his own.  But the best of the night were the last two.  I loved everything about Qassim’s performance and thought that this time he didn’t lose his vocals while doing all that dancing.  So my ranking for the night is:


1. Qassim Middleton
2. Quentin Alexander
3. Clark Beckham
4. Rayvon Owen
5. Adam Ezegelian
6. Nick Fradiani
7. Mark Andrew
8. Daniel Seavey


I still think the only one of guys I can see with real potential after the show is Quentin, though I worry that he's too weird to get the votes he needs to win AI.

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Where was that new Randy Jackson to tell Daniel to sing that awful mess with a much higher pitch?  Surely someone at 19E heard and saw that train wreck in rehearsal?!  Oh.  Wait.  They did.  They stood mute and made sure to put him in the death spot (opening the show).   Well done!


I was shocked that Riley didn't get through.  I'm not outraged, but I thought for sure he did enough to see another week.  He was one of the few with any energy last week.  


What time did they tape tonight's ep?  It had to be relatively close to the airtime.  Not once did we see a "LIVE" bug.  Aretha was most certainly taped.  She also most certainly gave the worst performance of the night.  What a shame.   


I am glad Adam made it.  I still think he has the best voice of any remaining.  He doesn't stand a chance  in Devil's Night of making it much further, though.  He did oversing again.  He really didn't have to.  Dangerous, indeed.


Qaasim is one of the best performers in AI histoire.  He is nowhere near the pantheon of best singers, though.  He is going to be the most interesting one to follow, in my opinion.

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Motown week is the American idol equivalent of making everyone dance the Viennese Waltz on SYTYCD.  Yeah, I get that it's an important part of popular music history but I wished at least one of them tried something innovative.  No, I'm not talking about the butchered arrangement of Papa was a Rolling Stone, but something cooler like what David Cook did with the Mariah Carey song. (yes, I know she's not Motown)


Can't really complain about the cuts... I thought Michael was okay at first... but he was bad last week so I can live with that decision.


Hopefully one of the girls can do something better tomorrow.  Probably Tyanna will if she doesn't mess up her song choice.

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Couldn't agree more with Lonesome Rhodes' comment above re: Daniel's train-wreck, uncomfortably unnatural low, low voice for that song.  If he's not a goner soon I'll be amazed.


And yes, I also agree that Aretha's performance was the worst of the night.  I was SO looking forward to hearing her last night (I'm from Metro Detroit), and was in total disbelief that, despite having dozens & dozens of recognizable top 10 hits, she chose a song made popular by frickin Gloria Gaynor?!?  WTF!!!!  ARGHHHHHH!!! 

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Well I got it wrong. The first 4 to go thru contained 3 i thought would go. Its kinda sad to see Riley and Savion sacrificed for Adam and The Embryo. Girls may have a better chance than i thought.

Hey over on the girls thread a Mod finally had to end a multi-page conversation on how yellow Joey's teeth are. But did anyone get a gander at Quentin's teeth--they have scroll-y looking shit glued to them. This is a trend i have never heard of. Its stupid, I hate when people fuck with their teeth and mouths. TEETH are never a fashion statement.

I thought they were braces?

I've heard VFTW is no more but I wonder if something similar is still around. That is the only reason I can see Daniel and Adam getting through. I disagree with someone who said Adam is better than Daniel. In a few years I think Daniel could be amazing and he seems like a very serious musician. Adam claims he takes music seriously but to me he always comes off like a parody act. And his vocals to me haven't been impressive at all. I think his high notes are terrible. Imagine the horror if this guy won?

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   I am really hoping Daniel goes home this week.  I just don't think he's ready for this and his voice is really nothing special.

  The one I liked best this week was Quentin, much to my surprise.   I think he did a great and unique take on his song and I was impressed.  Losing the nose ring was a welcome change.  I hope he keeps it out, at least while he's performing, because I really think he'll get more votes without it (shallow? maybe, but I think it's true).

   I also thought Clark had a strong performance and I still like Adam, though I doubt he'll make it much further.

   I agree with what others said about Mark.  He did look like he just strolled in from finishing the chores, not like he's getting ready to do a pretty important gig.  But he didn't do much with the song either, so maybe he really doesn't take this seriously. 

  I still don't care for Qaasim.  Yeah, he is a performer, but I don't think he really has much to offer as a singer.  Feels to me like he knows that and goes overboard on the dancing to hide that fact.

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I agree with what others said about Mark.  He did look like he just strolled in from finishing the chores, not like he's getting ready to do a pretty important gig.  But he didn't do much with the song either, so maybe he really doesn't take this seriously.


I wish he would shut up about how music is going to save him from back breaking manual labor.  Like a career in music is a sure thing, like getting your CPA or becoming a doctor.


anyone get a gander at Quentin's teeth--they have scroll-y looking shit glued to them. This is a trend i have never heard of. Its stupid, I hate when people fuck with their teeth and mouths. TEETH are never a fashion statement.


I thought they were braces?



Braces?  If so I feel like I just had a "You damn kids get off my lawn moment"

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I don't think they are braces...I had actually commented on it last week, but I think my post was the last in the thread, so maybe it wasn't noticed. I agree that messing with teeth as a fashion statement is beyond the pale. It appears to be some sort of filigree work, and I can only hope it's just glued to his teeth in some way rather than embedded in them as I've seen done with gemstones. Of course, I am a teeth purist and get upset over much dental work being done which others want to deem a necessity. I like quirkiness in tooth structure and have never forgiven people like Cher and David Bowie (and more recently Morgan Freeman) for ruining what I thought were charming smiles. I cried for days when Clay Aiken got his veneers LOL


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To me it looks like Quentin has braces on his top teeth but removed the wire that runs horizontally between the pieces cemented to each tooth.  I don't know if he's trying to minimize the 'braces look' without having them removed completely, for the show, so he can continue his orthodontics after?  Or he could have a very transparent wire, I guess.

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I don't know how he's going to come in 6th when he didn't make the top 8.  ; )


I'm a little surprised at the top 8.  Trevor wasn't great last week but he's been great before.  The Qs are similar, Adam sings great but looks like a clown act, Daniel is just cringeworthy.  


No country male, I bet Scott B. is sad.  He seems like a douche.  Hello, Jeff Fordham from Edgehill.  Better keep the girls away from his pool.  

I've been getting them mixed up all week, which is another reason I'm glad one was cut. :P I had a similar problem with Pia and Thia Megia a few years ago.


Not sure what to expect vote-wise next week, because I can totally see Rayvon getting eliminated while trainwrecks Daniel/Adam/the Q's go through (especially with the black vote divided three ways), but where he was early in the show, plus the Q's close together, I'm guessing Rayvon will go through while the Q's compete for one slot.


The show really isn't for singers anymore, but I think Rayvon also has a look/personality/stage presence, too (the latter two Sam Woolf lacked last year). He dresses a bit like Pharrell Williams to me. I don't really mind if he ends up singing the same every week as long as he sounds as good as he does now. I mean, it's not like Scotty, Phillip, or Caleb ever did anything but the one song while they were on Idol either, and they were much worse. The problem comes when TPTB don't want someone to win, and so the judges criticize someone talented for doing the same thing every week while giving lessers a pass (which is a fate I'm guessing is already set for Rayvon). Causing the contestant to flail and make bad choices to shut up the judges or look bratty if they don't listen to them, either way ending up voted off. I'm betting Clark is the plan this year, imo, and I don't dislike him, thankfully.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Where was that new Randy Jackson to tell Daniel to sing that awful mess with a much higher pitch?  Surely someone at 19E heard and saw that train wreck in rehearsal?!  Oh.  Wait.  They did.  They stood mute and made sure to put him in the death spot (opening the show).   Well done!

From what I've heard, Daniel seems to have a range of less than an octave so if he had started the song in a higher key in order to be able reach the low notes, he then would have been unable to sing the high notes without screeching.  I noticed that during his performance last week when he changed the melody in order to keep in his sweet spot.  Oh, I'm sorry... I mean, "made the song his own".


Also, I'm sure he was told to do so because he's tiny but it freaked me out when he maneuvered his way into the front of every shot of the singers coming offstage to deliver their "vote for me" pleas.  I hope they axe that feature-- it felt very pageant-y to me.


Aretha sang I Will Survive off her latest album of cover songs and because that's an awesome choice for elimination night.

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I'm glad Mark made it, but he's been phoning it in and needs to exert more effort, STAT. Plus, not dress for the show like he just mowed the lawn.

This.  That drove me crazy.  Casual is one thing, and we saw others wearing casual clothes, but at least they were better looking and fit better.  I wasn't crazy about what Ryan was wearing in regards to his hosting, but at least it looked good fit and style-wise. 


I think Daniel put out a decent effort, but it was the weakest one and he needs a few more years to hone his talent.  With more experience, I think he'll be great.  I wish Trevor had made it through for just one more try--I think his nerves got the best of him and he ended up trying too hard. 

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Mark looked like he had in one of those z-accordion style plastic headbands that a woman would wear to hold her hair back to take off her makeup at night.  The Nathan kid who just won Master Chef Junior also wore them but he had an excuse-- he was cooking.  

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I didn't like Quentin during his audition, but after last week he is the only guy I am invested in. He has a real gift for artistry and really brings the drama (in a good way) like no one since Adam Lambert. I literally cheered when he got that last spot. LOL.

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Gotta preface this with "For me," cause last night's show was nuttin' but meh.

Aretha: Normally, she's in full diva armor, but last night, she showed up with iffy vocals and looking like the producers dumped her out of a Barcalounger, put on her house slippers and drug her to the show to give the ratings a kick.

Qaasim has now become boring. Terence Trent D'Arby called and wants his act back.

Adam seems like he was great out of the gate, but I'm thinking his stamina ain't what it should be.

The littlest contestant probably will be going home.

Nick looked like the total package, what with the look, the voice and the performance.

Mark's song was sad.

The rest were OK, with Quentin leading the lot.

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My first thought with Aretha was, damn, she looks SO much better than her satellite performance a couple of years ago.  Younger, too!

  The day after the show, and all I can remember is the smiley guy (Nick) and the two Q's.  All the rest just kinda blended together.

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I am not sure what happened to the sound but about the first 15-20 minutes of the show were like an echo so everything sounded horrible until about halfway through someone's song, forget who, the sound suddenly popped or something and was fixed.  Weird.  Aretha sounded horrible so I blamed that.  


Looks like Keith is growing his hair, wonder what look he is going for.  

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Looks like Keith is growing his hair, wonder what look he is going for.

Is he going the route of Bruce Jenner?  Maybe Nicole had better watch out.


The only one I liked was Quentin, although I fear he may be too "out there" for the voters.  I'm glad he took the nose thingy out though.  Somebody gave him good advice.


Quaasim is a good performer but his voice is just mediocre to me.  I think his act will get old, fast.  


I'm tired of Adam  and Rayvon already.  Can't remember the rest.

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I liked Adam, but I think my favorites (which means they won't win, but one might come in second) are Quentin and Qaasim. I'd like a final two of them, except that means Joey Cook is out before final two. Can I have a final two of three singers?

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Watching a few days late.

VERY disconcerting to see an opening shot of these kiddies in the audience going nuts, then... Aretha Franklin.  I'm sorry but it doesn't quite compute--as great as she is, the young kids don't inherently go nuts for Grandma.  Even if she IS a local in the Big D.

First up to sing:

Infant:  That kinda sucked, Infant.  How Sweet It Wasn't.  It was just tremory and uneven.  Harry had some good point too, but the main problem wasn't even mentioned (his weak voice).  Also, Infant had no groove--there was no real emotion.

Mark:  A good Motown performance (even if its a weird combo with a guy who looks like a hippie).  But he got groovy with it (in other words, the total opposite of Infant).  I disagreed with the panel on this.

Rayvon: Certainly got the Motown Song I bet most of the guys wanted.  Did a pretty credible "My Girl".  Not terribly original (the arrangement and stylings were 100% Smokey), but very well executed.  Jennifer sounded like an idiot though saying he showed his "individuality" with "your high notes".  Um... J. Lo.  He did the straight up Smokey high notes.  What's so "individual" of him about that?  It was well done, but hardly "individual".

Crazy haired Meatloaf Junior:  I do love this guy.  Given that this isn't the genre he does, I thought what he tried was interesting. He was shoehorning his screaming rock voice into R&B, and it was a bit bizarre, but brave.

Clark:  Meh.  It started okay, but went weirdly Dave Matthews--which didn't fit the song at all.  He did pick it up at the end of the song though.

Nick:  I liked that he changed it up a bit (not that he could really do it the same way as Stevie Wonder anyway).  Was WAY too fast though (I know they don't have much time though).

Qaasim: A big step down from last week.  What it DID have in common with his performance last week was him singing TOO DAMN FAST.  Cut out some parts of the song if you feel short of time.  But he just sounded frantic (whereas last week was too quick too, but telegraphed it a hair less).

Quentin: A little off-key, but at least he tried something somewhat original.

Savion not getting through seems like a crock.  The other boots were fine.

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Am sad that Riley, Savion and Trevor didn't make it through.  There's something about all three of them that always made me smile when I saw them. 


I'm really not a fan of how this show has been formatted for the initial eliminations.  It feels rushed and disjointed.  They could have cut some of the audition shows instead of doing this.  I also don't like eliminating four people all at once. 


I seem to be in the minority for this, but I actually like Ryan's more casual look.   Harry and Keith show up in jeans all the time so why shouldn't Ryan be able to?

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I really like Adam.  His performances always make me smile.  I agree with the poster up thread though.  His weight may affect his stamina in this show.

Does he remind anyone else of Coach Bieste on 'Glee?'  Adorable!


I think the audience have been told the more they 'react' to the singer, the more they will be shown on air.  The black kid that was rocking out Wed. night ~ although he looked like he was having a ball, I bet inside he was saying to himself  "I'm far better than these guys.  Maybe a recording executive will see me in the audience and give me a shot."


The other one I really liked was Qaasim.  High energy performance.  I liked Taylor Hicks for similar reasons; unusual moves.  But the one I always quit what I was doing in the break room at work (eating, yakking) when he was on was Adam Lambert..


To the one above who said she cried for days when Clay got his veneers, I was heartbroken when he got his jaw job. 

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I really like Adam.  His performances always make me smile.  I agree with the poster up thread though.  His weight may affect his stamina in this show.

Does he remind anyone else of Coach Bieste on 'Glee?'  Adorable!

Honestly?  Not at all.  They're both large people.  That's about it to my eyes.

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