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S19.E11: The Women Tell All

Tara Ariano
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I'll bow to those who know the entertainment biz better than I. I'm still dubious, as I just can't see them needing financial support or actual money at the mansion. It's not like they need a few $20 bills to pay the pizza delivery guy, or a $10 to run down to CVS for a bottle of Tylenol.

I run a small office. For routine office expenses, I have a company credit card for paper towels, Sharpies, coffee, etc. Those receipts I save until the CC statement comes at the end of the month, then I reconcile it. Travel expenses, shipping, meeting planning is all scheduled in advance, booked online & payments made with the CC, online bill pay or ACH bank transfer. I don't use cash for anything. So obviously I'm seeing this solely from my business perspective.

I'm probably over-thinking this, but we all know there is NO spur-of-the-moment activity or spontaneous anything with this show. It's scheduled, planned and choreographed, organized and orchestrated down to the last detail. That's why I don't think there is any accounting going on at the mansion. But again, maybe there absolutely is.

It's been said that a production assistant will go around every morning in the house and "take orders"-- whether it be food to cook for the day, a particular kind of alcohol, extra makeup, pool toys, etc etc. There would have to be someone on site to track those expenses and approve any major ones for the good of filming. IIRC, this came out after Jillian's season when the boys wanted to throw the pool party because they first had to get the production assistant on board with it.

Now I would be surprised if it was a whole department and not just one guy. I certainly wouldn't imagine gobs of cash flying around or however CH was describing the accounting department.

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Ironic that Chris seems to have a problem with Jade's wild mustanginess, being somewhat of a hellraiser himself

.I think it's not so much her "wild mustanginess" but that she gave no indication of being a wild mustang up until the Playboy reveal.  Chris must have thought: who is this girl? what else is she hiding? She was always so hesitant and demure and un-wild mustangy. Having been spoiled on her past, she gave me the sense of a woman who dresses like a schoolgirl for men who like the innocence masking wildness persona and Chris, being unspoiled, didn't pick that up on that at all.


Re Carly: I think she was motivated at leastly by protectiveness toward Chris.  She did not tell him about Jade's playboy pictures.  If her sole motivation in "tattling" on other girls was to take out the competition, she would have mentioned the pictures to him.


ETA: I'm going to have to stop posting at work or at least, stop copying and pasting posts at work.  I was working in Excel after posting, sent an email, then came back to my worksheet and saw this text  in a cell: "Ironic that Chris seems to have a problem with Jade's wild mustanginess, being somewhat of a hellraiser himself."

Edited by Lamb18
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And I am zero percent mocking him, but could there ever be a better name than Sanderson Poe? Her amazing story even involves first/last name must be said together out of a Dickens novel.

Now you've made me want Kelsey Smirkwell as the B'Ette so we can have an entire Dickensian season.

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Late to this game. i hate it when work interferes with my real life.


I missed the very first part, which, unfortunately was Britt. But what I saw made me like her even more. Call her fake or whatever, but she was one of the nice people in the house. Yeah, she was happy to get the roses but she didn't give anyone the death stare (Kelsey) or do a Senior Wences "Johnny" hand puppet to mock another b-ette (Carly). Plus, she was the only one who actually GOT where she would be living if she teamed with Chris. Because: Would I want to live in Arlington? No way in HELL. Would I want to live in Chris's house surrounded by 6,000 acres with no neighbors in sight? In a heartbeat.


I'm Team Britt all the way. You are still beautiful. And you can do way, way, WAY better than Chris.


Carly, you went from being a sympathetic "also-ran" whom we felt sorry for because you didn't get the rose even when you won the pig wrasslin' and some other contest, to the High School Mean Girl. You sobbed in the Go Home Limo that you would never find love and you are right, no one wants a b*tch like you. You also revealed you knew your status when you told the world Chris was "YOUR FRIEND." So hold the tears, sister.


Kelsey ... girl, for all your brags about knowing "BIG words," you sure owe Jimmy Kimmel's "Amazing" *ding* dollar jar a lot of money. And your skill at not answering questions or actually SAYING anything while talking for ages could qualify you for the next political election. Yeah, you saw that playback of what a poor person you are. Own up to it. Now THAT would make an amazing chapter in your amazing journey book of your amazing life. Yeah, you can "love again" now, but the person you are most in love with is yourself. Good luck finding a man who wants to be part of that package.


And blowing snot into Chris H's handkerchief ... disgusting. Don't these women know to stuff some Kleenex in their bras for later use? I guess since everyone has implants these days, tissue-stuffing is a thing of the past.


Jade looked beautiful. REALLY beautiful. Good on you. 


When Kaitlyn asked Chris why she was sent home, I was SO expecting her to pull a Nick and ask why she was out after she had sex with him. So ... big disappointment there.


And speaking of Chris: WTH was up with his hair? He had peaks everywhere, like devil's horns on his head.


The entire time Chris was struggling to make a coherent sentence and failing miserably, all I could do was mutter "You f*cker" non-stop to my tv. I really dislike that guy now. Such a jerk.


The bloopers also made me like him less. Some guy in the background just "ran through his fart?" The heck? That's funny? Keep all people who fart and then talk and laugh about it out of my life, please. My mom raised me with better manners. So Chris, what, were you raised in a barn? Oh ... yeah. Nevermind.


Ashley S. was the highlight of the entire show. Hilarious, and the only one who had a grasp on reality, as weird as that sounds. Yeah, it IS totally amazing (*ding*) that you were on television. At least she was enjoying the ride. I totally love her.


Plus now we know BiP is returning! So there's that.


I wish I'd known where that Iowa viewing party was being held. I would have so been there. That woman was a judge in Scott County? Girl, I've been in your court. Not cool to be all Chris Groupie.


I did wish some of you posters had been watching WTA with me. I have a huge living room and couch. It would have been a blast.


* Kimmel's money jar might have been for "awesome" not "amazing." Who can remember that far back? I still say the most money would go into a "like" jar.

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Carly, you went from being a sympathetic "also-ran" whom we felt sorry for because you didn't get the rose even when you won the pig wrasslin' and some other contest, to the High School Mean Girl. You sobbed in the Go Home Limo that you would never find love and you are right, no one wants a b*tch like you. You also revealed you knew your status when you told the world Chris was "YOUR FRIEND." So hold the tears, sister.

Standing ovation, how sympathetic can a person who enjoys seeing someone squirm be? I did find it odd that her big mouth didn't go and tattle on Jade's Playboy pictures, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. Maybe she didn't see Jade as a real threat?

The bloopers also made me like him less. Some guy in the background just "ran through his fart?" The heck? That's funny?

It's disgusting & not funny to me either.

* Kimmel's money jar might have been for "awesome" not "amazing." Who can remember that far back? I still say the most money would go into a "like" jar.

Haha the likes were quite abundant. And I'm pretty sure you were correct, it was an "amazing" jar.
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It irritates me that CH was told or really does find onion Ashley worthy of 1:1 talk much less personal BIP invite. When she's on, I'm watching the clock wondering when it will end. Nothing about her entertains me.



KnoxForPres, thank you! Reading the comments here, I seriously thought it was just me. Free association-type incoherence can be damn funny when it's scripted, but in her case she's just winging it and I don't find her clever enough to be interesting. Whenever she's on screen I waffle between bored and mildly anxious. If she seriously agrees to be on BiP, I can only hope that she'll be so wrapped up in her onion garden that she'll forget to board the flight.


Ironic that Chris seems to have a problem with Jade's wild mustanginess, being somewhat of a hellraiser himself.



Such a good point. Sadly, that's the society we're (still) living in. It's okay for guys to be "wild mustangs" (and by the way, raise your hand if you thought "ew!" when Jade's own brother called her that), but women can metaphorically either by virgins or whores - not both. Chris had categorized Jade as a "good girl" in his mind and couldn't reconcile that image with her Playboy past, so he cut and run.  

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I thought ashley S was trying (and failing)  to be like Phoebe from "Friends".  Saying things that seemed like incoherent babble, but every once in a while actually making sense, if you look at life from a weird offbeat angle.  

But, Phoebe was a character, and her lines were written to be weird and quirky. Ashley is winging it, and it seems forced - like she's auditioning for a "phoebe" part. 

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I rewatched the first episode again last night (yes for real LOL), and I think I figured Ashley S out.  Besides the onion thing which was that night, in the beginning she was actually taking the cocktail party relatively seriously and trying to get 1:1 time with Chris to talk to him.  I think she figured out early on they they did not have much of a spark or connection and that is when she started being silly and wandering around.  She was just having fun and being wacky and stopped taking it seriously altogether.  She was definitely "wrong reasons", but it was entertaining.   

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Ashley S is the first person EVAH! on this show who has said she had no tolerance for all the women sitting around the house crying, for no reason. Also the first who said she got BORED! and went exploring, going behind the Magic Curtain of Secrecy which is where TPTB reside, the ones who manipulate this show.


I call good on her for being refreshing and not one of the b-ette sheep. I wish there were more like her, women resistant to The Bachelor Stockholm Syndrome. Because, really ... it's Chris Soules we're talking about. He is no prize in any way, shape or form. (Except $$.) Man can't even form a sentence or express a coherent thought, college degree be damned. 

Edited by saber5055
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I don't think Ashley S was playing a part. Being like that off camera 24/7, if it's not genuine, would be exhausting. She was, I think, trying to pretend to play a part on TWTA, but for me she failed. That look in her eyes...still pretty weird. I'd love to see her on BiP, but I really hope she won't do it.

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That big clump of Kelsey hair that she kept sweeping back as it kept falling into her face was as irritating as she is. Doesn't anyone know how to use hairspray/hairpins/barrettes ... or SCISSORS ... any more? I'd think someone so highly educated and articulate would know how to handle a simple hairdo. I mean, Kelsey's entire 'do was just chop the hair off in the straight line just below her ears. 


That hair clump and her snotting on Chris H's pocket square ... you're just too, too much, Kelsey.

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I did find it odd that her big mouth didn't go and tattle on Jade's Playboy pictures, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. Maybe she didn't see Jade as a real threat? 


Jade got the hometown date.  That bummed out a lot of the other women.  

Jade was also the only one Chris S. cried over when he said goodbye after the Rose ceremony.


I think Carly had reason to enjoy Jade.    She saw Britt as constantly conniving (and I agree with that).

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I did find it odd that her big mouth didn't go and tattle on Jade's Playboy pictures, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. Maybe she didn't see Jade as a real threat?



Jade mentioned that she planned on talking to Chris about it, so Carly probably figured that the situation would take care of itself (and she was right). 

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I hope any man who watched this with the intent on dating any of these women was taking notes because they would get a good idea of what life would likely be.  Make one mistake and she’ll never let you forget it.



This made me laugh because nearly every married man in America (if not EVERY man, period) will tell you that's what being married to ANY woman is like ... they don't forget, and will bring up ancient history to use as ammunition at a moment's notice. Heck, you don't even have to be married, just dating. Because: It's a hard-wired female trait.


Best part of this entire episode: Chris's dolphin laugh. Now THAT was gold, Jerry, pure GOLD.

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I loved the part about Chris's dolphin laugh too!  I think the Britt  hate was justified or at least the annoyance with Britt. She just came across so fake all the time. She's terrified, as in has a horrible debilitating phobia of heights. Cries about it (in front of the women I believe) . tells chris about it. then gets in a hot air balloon and is all gleeful and not one bit afraid. She should have had a legitimate panic attack. Tells the other girls she enjoys being single, isn't sure she wants to have children. When asked by chris she wants " like a hundred kids" everything that he says to her or tells her he wants she is all ME TOO!!!! Even if its not true. She is appalled by the thought of living in Arlington. (as are most of the girls) However she tells Chris how much she LOVES Arlington, can't wait to move there!!!!!  Now Chris is embarrassed by his tiny town and even he is suspicious by Britt singing the town's praises. this is a a girl who lives in LA right? Hell she can't even be a waitress in Arlington lol.  No one is that over the top insanely excited about every single stinking thing they encounter. Its an act.  She is seen cuddling with everyone in the house. One day its Kelsey. She's all wrapped up around Kelsey stroking her arm and stuff and what? two days later she's celebrating the departure of Kelsey with the other girls? Makes no sense. Nothing about Britt is genuine.  I think Chris finally saw that. At the WTA his body language with Britt was standoffish. He leaned into a lot of the other women but with Britt he was closed off. He's totally over her.



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This made me laugh because nearly every married man in America (if not EVERY man, period) will tell you that's what being married to ANY woman is like ... they don't forget, and will bring up ancient history to use as ammunition at a moment's notice. Heck, you don't even have to be married, just dating. Because: It's a hard-wired female trait.



Oh hells no it's not. It's an unfortunate HUMAN tendency, but folks who are mature and evolved and have some experience under their belts know that you do not bring up past issues in a current argument. I think the issue here is that these woman are young and tend toward famewhoredom, which isn't exactly conducive to healthy attitudes toward life and relationships.

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I loved the part about Chris's dolphin laugh too!  I think the Britt  hate was justified or at least the annoyance with Britt. She just came across so fake all the time. She's terrified, as in has a horrible debilitating phobia of heights. Cries about it (in front of the women I believe) . tells chris about it. then gets in a hot air balloon and is all gleeful and not one bit afraid. She should have had a legitimate panic attack. Tells the other girls she enjoys being single, isn't sure she wants to have children. When asked by chris she wants " like a hundred kids" everything that he says to her or tells her he wants she is all ME TOO!!!! Even if its not true. She is appalled by the thought of living in Arlington. (as are most of the girls) However she tells Chris how much she LOVES Arlington, can't wait to move there!!!!! 


Now Chris is embarrassed by his tiny town and even he is suspicious by Britt singing the town's praises. this is a a girl who lives in LA right? Hell she can't even be a waitress in Arlington lol.  No one is that over the top insanely excited about every single stinking thing they encounter. Its an act.  She is seen cuddling with everyone in the house. One day its Kelsey. She's all wrapped up around Kelsey stroking her arm and stuff and what? two days later she's celebrating the departure of Kelsey with the other girls? Makes no sense. Nothing about Britt is genuine.  I think Chris finally saw that. At the WTA his body language with Britt was standoffish. He leaned into a lot of the other women but with Britt he was closed off. He's totally over her.

Great summary. I was really hoping CH would ask Britt about all of that...any of that. The focus on the "drama" with Carly was just a way to deflect from Britt's fakeness (imo). I was so hoping she'd be put on the hot seat like CH doesn't hesitate to do with b-ettes like Carly, Ashley S. and Kelsey.

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I loved the part about Chris's dolphin laugh too!  I think the Britt  hate was justified or at least the annoyance with Britt. She just came across so fake all the time. She's terrified, as in has a horrible debilitating phobia of heights. Cries about it (in front of the women I believe) . tells chris about it. then gets in a hot air balloon and is all gleeful and not one bit afraid. She should have had a legitimate panic attack. Tells the other girls she enjoys being single, isn't sure she wants to have children. When asked by chris she wants " like a hundred kids" everything that he says to her or tells her he wants she is all ME TOO!!!! Even if its not true. She is appalled by the thought of living in Arlington. (as are most of the girls) However she tells Chris how much she LOVES Arlington, can't wait to move there!!!!!  Now Chris is embarrassed by his tiny town and even he is suspicious by Britt singing the town's praises. this is a a girl who lives in LA right? Hell she can't even be a waitress in Arlington lol.  No one is that over the top insanely excited about every single stinking thing they encounter. Its an act.  She is seen cuddling with everyone in the house. One day its Kelsey. She's all wrapped up around Kelsey stroking her arm and stuff and what? two days later she's celebrating the departure of Kelsey with the other girls? Makes no sense. Nothing about Britt is genuine.  I think Chris finally saw that. At the WTA his body language with Britt was standoffish. He leaned into a lot of the other women but with Britt he was closed off. He's totally over her.

YES -  Britt is that girl who tells a guy that she just LOVES sitting home and watching sports on TV, that her favorite meal is beer and pizza, all in order to "land"  the guy.   Then at some point, she starts with the complaining how he never takes her any where, they need to go to nice places, she's tired of watching sports.   And the guy is confused, because he sincerely believed her act.  Once Chris's eyes were opened to her act, he realized that she was just trying to "Win"  the show, and was going to be whoever she thought he wanted her to be, in order to get that final (or next to final)  rose. Britt didn't want CHRIS, she just wanted to be on TV as long as possible, and to defeat the other women in the competition, regardless of what the "prize"  is. 


Look at  her hugging him for an eternity -  it was her last chance, and I think she knew that they weren't going to edit it out.  She played a game of trying to get more screen time than any other woman, and she played it well.   Even the hugging and cuddling with other women throughout the season -   she knew that it wasn't going to be edited out.  

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I think the Britt  hate was justified or at least the annoyance with Britt. She just came across so fake all the time.



Even if she is fake, why would it be justified to hate her? She didn't do anything to hurt any of the women on the show, in fact she went out of her way to be nice to all of them and to speak nicely about them. She didn't do anything hateful to anyone including Chris. So, she called him out on being all over her and then giving someone else the rose. Maybe she shouldn't have done that, but why should that make the other women hate her? 

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If I had a choice between Britt or Carly and who I would dislike more, hands down it would be Carly.  Yes, Britt was fake, but she wasn't good at hiding it.  In fact, it was easily picked out.  Anyone who paid half a minute of attention could've seen it.  

But Carly is stealth.  She looks sweet and innocent.  She is the kind of person who runs off and tells people every unflattering thing she's ever seen or witnessed about someone and feels she's justified because Carly feels slighted even though the person she's throwing under the bus never did anything to her personally.  People like that are scary ass people and cannot be trusted with other people's feelings.  She took joy in the fact that Britt got cut down the way she did.  That's not someone I would be around.  That's someone you keep your eye on and keep at an arms length all the time.


I may not have liked Britt but Chris will never ever convince me that he didn't do what he did because of what Carly said.  Uh, yeah....he did. At least it was part of it.  Regardless of whether or not Britt deserved it, he was still a dick about it.  Especially considering the fact that it was probably 50% his fault she was acting the way she was.  He made her believe she was special, more special than the other girls and then all of the sudden he just did a 180 and decided he didn't feel that way anymore.  She was justified in feeling like Carly was partly at fault for that.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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Oh hells no it's not. It's an unfortunate HUMAN tendency, but folks who are mature and evolved and have some experience under their belts know that you do not bring up past issues in a current argument.



One can be ancient in years and have plenty of life experience, yet still not be mature and evolved when relationships disintegrate. Note that I just described myself. I'm pretty sure I've been around longer than the majority here.


When a relationship has devolved into hatred, all past "mistakes" become fair game, regardless of age or maturity of the arguing contestants. Because we become "contestants" when arguments go bad, whether we are TB contestants or real-life combatants.


I was not the least bit surprised when TB-ettes turned on ones not considered part of "The Group." It happens every season, and the same thing goes on between TBs themselves. Remember that pool party one year when all the Bs turned on the one guy with a kid? (Names and seasons escape me.)


Plus, this is what TB's TPTB depend on to drive ratings. So there's that. Don't like a witch hunt or shrew fest? Don't tune in.

Edited by saber5055
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I just heard on the radio that a recent study showed "one drink makes anyone look better." This could be one reason why TB has free booze flowing, and Chris has a whiskey/scotch in his hand all the time. No wonder everyone falls in love with Prince Farming!

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ETA: I'm going to have to stop posting at work or at least, stop copying and pasting posts at work.  I was working in Excel after posting, sent an email, then came back to my worksheet and saw this text  in a cell: "Ironic that Chris seems to have a problem with Jade's wild mustanginess, being somewhat of a hellraiser himself."

Hilarious! Since I work from home, I have mistakenly cut and pasted TV-related posts into Word doc, online articles I'm preparing, and yes, Excel cells. While I always catch it, it doesn't fail to freak me out!

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If I had a choice between Britt or Carly and who I would dislike more, hands down it would be Carly.  Yes, Britt was fake, but she wasn't good at hiding it.  In fact, it was easily picked out.  Anyone who paid half a minute of attention could've seen it.  

But Carly is stealth.  She looks sweet and innocent.  She is the kind of person who runs off and tells people every unflattering thing she's ever seen or witnessed about someone and feels she's justified because Carly feels slighted even though the person she's throwing under the bus never did anything to her personally.  People like that are scary ass people and cannot be trusted with other people's feelings.  She took joy in the fact that Britt got cut down the way she did.  That's not someone I would be around.  That's someone you keep your eye on and keep at an arms length all the time.


I may not have liked Britt but Chris will never ever convince me that he didn't do what he did because of what Carly said.  Uh, yeah....he did. At least it was part of it.  Regardless of whether or not Britt deserved it, he was still a dick about it.  Especially considering the fact that it was probably 50% his fault she was acting the way she was.  He made her believe she was special, more special than the other girls and then all of the sudden he just did a 180 and decided he didn't feel that way anymore.  She was justified in feeling like Carly was partly at fault for that.


I don't really think he made her feel more special than other girls aside from giving her the first impression rose. She had to wait until week 5 for a 1-on-1 date and he gave Kaitlyn a rose in front of her twice. I think she felt that he made her feel more special than others because she thinks she IS more special than others. I think he was already a bit put off when she questioned him the first time about that camping date rose and I don't blame him at all. She wasn't even on the date and was implying that he's validating sexual behaviour by giving a girl he likes a rose. Not to mention saying other women were thinking of going home because of it, which was BS. Well maybe Kelsey was, since she was miserable the entire time on that date, but no big loss there.


Besides that she was constantly making everything about her. When others got dates she would start crying, because she really wanted to go! And when they got back and told others what they did on the date, she would start crying and apologizing for it, because she just can't help feeling feelings, because they have such a strong connection. Ugh. So inconsiderate. I don't care that she pretended to be apologetic about her outbursts, it's still immature and self-absorbed to try to piss on other people's excitement.

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I loved the part about Chris's dolphin laugh too!  I think the Britt  hate was justified or at least the annoyance with Britt. She just came across so fake all the time. She's terrified, as in has a horrible debilitating phobia of heights. Cries about it (in front of the women I believe) . tells chris about it. then gets in a hot air balloon and is all gleeful and not one bit afraid. She should have had a legitimate panic attack. Tells the other girls she enjoys being single, isn't sure she wants to have children. When asked by chris she wants " like a hundred kids" everything that he says to her or tells her he wants she is all ME TOO!!!! Even if its not true. She is appalled by the thought of living in Arlington. (as are most of the girls) However she tells Chris how much she LOVES Arlington, can't wait to move there!!!!!  Now Chris is embarrassed by his tiny town and even he is suspicious by Britt singing the town's praises. this is a a girl who lives in LA right? Hell she can't even be a waitress in Arlington lol.  No one is that over the top insanely excited about every single stinking thing they encounter. Its an act.  She is seen cuddling with everyone in the house. One day its Kelsey. She's all wrapped up around Kelsey stroking her arm and stuff and what? two days later she's celebrating the departure of Kelsey with the other girls? Makes no sense. Nothing about Britt is genuine.  I think Chris finally saw that. At the WTA his body language with Britt was standoffish. He leaned into a lot of the other women but with Britt he was closed off. He's totally over her.

And she didn't like country music, but "I LOVE THIS SONG!" A man (or a woman, for that matter) could never trust anything she said. She was always having the best date EVER because she was with the best guy EVER, because it's always excesses of reaction at all times, every time! Wheee!!! Plus, being a drama queen, she was going to go home. Carly asked if she REALLY was going home, she said 100%. Carly pushed and Britt admitted she had to talk to Chris first. So maybe she wasn't going home. That constant waffling and OTT behavior would have driven me up the wall, too, especially since it was apparent it was to get attention.

Another example was when Britt didn't get the one-on-one date to see Arlington, she talked about how important it would be to see it. So the other women decide to go, and then she almost backs out, concerned whether Chris would be OK with it. But who was the first to grab him and gush about it? Britt. She gives people whiplash.

I also didn't get that she talked on the WTA like she thought Carly was her best friend, and was totally blindsided, when we heard her say to Chris, "Was it Carly? She has a problem with me" or something of that nature. So she knew Carly wasn't her good friend, but pretended on the WTA like she was confused Carly didn't love her. (Because all women love her, or something). When Carly was really being civil, instead of instigating a big confrontation or fight in the house. Carly WAS honest to Britt's face that she noticed her flip-flopping (the conversation about whether she was staying or going), so it's also not as if she never brought it up.


Even if she is fake, why would it be justified to hate her?

Who said they hated Britt? Carly never did. She didn't trust her, wanted her to get a well-deserved wake-up call, but I don't know that she hated her. Fans, sure, but that's our right, because none of these people are real to us.

But I don't hate Britt. I don't trust her emotions and opinions are real (rather than calculated to elicit some reaction), but I reserve my hate for much more heinous crimes.

Edited by Andromeda
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I was responding to the post I quoted, which said there is justification for the women to hate Britt because she is "fake".

OK. That was vague, anyway. I didn't see much of anyone at the WTA expressing hate for Britt. Kelsey, yeah. Carly, yeah, from Jillian. Not so much Britt, who to me was painted as the wronged heroine.
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I was responding to the post I quoted, which said there is justification for the women to hate Britt because she is "fake".

I think in general the more bullshit shows I watch (The Bachelor, Vanderpump Rules etc) hate is used because it feels right. Like I hate Sean. Yet I could never hate Roger from Mad Men, who is infinitely worse. For me (and I wasn't the author of said quote, just my thoughts) on what I deem D grade shows I kinda rest well going "fuck, I hate Kelsie" Taking it seriously and analyzing it takes out the escape I rely on and need.

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I can’t help but think they decided to pile on after forming some odd second-hand anger upon seeing how Kelsey was being edited and the online comments about her.


Kelsey was annoying and certainly did herself no favors at the tell all. But I agree with you when I saw one of the drunk chicks who got kicked off early say with vitriol "but you said your story was AMAZING". Ironic that the drunk chick was such a harsh judge when she (I refuse to look up her name) spent most of her time on the show loaded acting like an idiot.

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I think in general the more bullshit shows I watch (The Bachelor, Vanderpump Rules etc) hate is used because it feels right. Like I hate Sean. Yet I could never hate Roger from Mad Men, who is infinitely worse. For me (and I wasn't the author of said quote, just my thoughts) on what I deem D grade shows I kinda rest well going "fuck, I hate Kelsie" Taking it seriously and analyzing it takes out the escape I rely on and need.

For me, I used to get so emotionally involved, I really DID hate certain "villains" (like Jerry on Survivor 2.) I've seen so many reality shows, that now I rarely get worked up about any of the "baddies." I just roll my eyes, or if I hate them, it doesn't last beyond 10 minutes after the show ends. I still probably hate Bob the most of all Bachelors, because I really felt the hate back when he was on!
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Jade got the hometown date.  That bummed out a lot of the other women.  

Jade was also the only one Chris S. cried over when he said goodbye after the Rose ceremony.


I think Carly had reason to enjoy Jade.    She saw Britt as constantly conniving (and I agree with that).

I'm thinking they were les bummed out when they realized the Hometown date consisted of icky kissing in a deserted high school at night, followed by a rousing game of high school football.    I mean, what did that cost?   A buck fifty?


Carly like Britt just overplayed her hand.   Britt was just too fake and get along girl from jump, and Carly let her  bitchy side take over too much.    Had Britt been more real, she would have been a shoo in for B-ette.   Carly needed better grooming, a better wardrobe, and much less cattiness to have a shot at it.


Oh, and fuck you hard, Chris H.   When a whole group of girls don't like one other girl,  it doesn't mean they're jealous of her because she's got a bunch of my little pony hair and mad (bad) drama club skillz.   It usually means that she's an ass, and they have her number.    Why didn't he pull the jealousy card in Kelsey's defense?   Because he doesn't like Kelsey, and has a hard on for My little Pony, that's why.   Tread lightly, Harrison.   Your audience is female, and we can spot a fake ass bitch at 50 paces.     I don't buy that Britt is anything to be jealous of.    she's pushing thirty with no real career.  She's in the position herself of being jealous of prettier, younger women in her industry.   We can all purchase her splendiferous hair.   She looks like a cabbage patch with no hips.  A gorgeous cabbage patch, but a cabbage patch nonetheless.


Actually, I'm more envious of Kelsey's looks.   Beautiful hair and skin,  great long limbed figure,  well dressed and poised.   Then I think she's fucking nuts and feet better about my own flaws, but Britt?    Nah, that heifer doesn't have anything I want. 

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Some posters have said here they could see Chris was "over" Britt (as opposed to being "all over" her!) on WTA because he was stiff and stilted (okay, so more than usual) and didn't lean into her, hug was "cold,"  yada yada. Consider this: F1 was chosen months ago and now has watched the season and has seen Chris being all hotsy for Britt, including the closed-door two-hour "nap." That F1 could have been living in Chris's isolated house all season and no one anywhere would know (outside of his family).


So, consider this: Chris has been nagged and ragged all season by F1 for doing all those things with Hot Britt while F1 sat around with a bunch of other women. Nag, nag, rag, rag ... "Why did you do THAT with her?" "You mean you kissed her THAT many times?" "I thought I was the one you were in love with from the start." This ad infinitum. 


So, when he sees Britt in person these months later at WTA, he's going to go in for the "I'm really sorry, I miss you, I made a mistake letting you go" hug and kiss?


No way in hell!


Refer to my earlier posts about women bringing up everything from the past during an argument. Chris is doing a save-his-ass thing with F1. Who, at this point, is the only one who matters to him.

Edited by saber5055
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I get the feeling that Carly's comment about Jillian in the limo was more in a joking manner. It was probably something like, "Jillian has so many muscles, maybe she actually has a penis!" Everyone chuckles and moves on. Apparently Jillian didn't even say anything in the moment. Carly just looked taken aback by that whole thing.

If Kaitlyn becomes the next bachelorette, Britt's head will explode.

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Oh, and fuck you hard, Chris H.   When a whole group of girls don't like one other girl,  it doesn't mean they're jealous of her because she's got a bunch of my little pony hair and mad (bad) drama club skillz.   It usually means that she's an ass, and they have her number.    Why didn't he pull the jealousy card in Kelsey's defense?   Because he doesn't like Kelsey,



YMMV but I actually think Chris Harrison was better with Kelsey than Britt. Yes he asked the women if part of the feelings had to do with Britt getting the first impression rose because he'd seen that happened before but he also allowed the women to go at Britt while she was having her one on one time with him onstage. People were jumping in the whole time Britt was trying to speak. With Kelsey, completely different vibe.


He allowed Kelsey to speak and make her case completely uninterrupted. In fact, when one of the women asked him if she could say something while Kelsey was speaking he almost snappishly went "no, not yet..." He absolutely did not allow anyone to interrupt Kelsey. He also asked Ashley S flat out of if she herself didn't say bad things about Kelsey when Ashley brought up Kelsey's whole "I'm here and she's there..." comment. 

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YMMV but I actually think Chris Harrison was better with Kelsey than Britt.



I agree.  


The treatment Kelsey got is surprising to me.  Remember, she also got an uninterrupted, one-sided one-on-one with CH during the (unprecedented, I believe) "Chris Tells All" episode.  


And then her treatment at the WTA was 100% softball questions.  CH allowed Kelsey to play the victim/poor-widow card without challenge.  Now I agree the women in the chairs were acting like cackling shrews.  But if CH was going to shut them down, he should have put some of those questions to Kelsey himself.  


I suppose it's possible that TPTB decided that Kelsey was legitimately crazy and figured they'd give her enough rope to hang herself.


But, if I didn't know better, I'd think that someone's lawyers had a talk with someone in production about how Kelsey would be handled.


Meanwhile, I really can't remember another contestant getting treated as tough as Britt was on the WTA.  I know that's a low bar, given the typical soft-ball game that the WTA usually is.  But, if anything, that made it stand out more to me.  

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But, if I didn't know better, I'd think that someone's lawyers had a talk with someone in production about how Kelsey would be handled.



Oh, but are you sure you don't know better? This make a lot of sense to me.

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Meanwhile, I really can't remember another contestant getting treated as tough as Britt was on the WTA. 


Several women have been treated worse. CH was incredibly mean to Rozlyn Papa from Jake's season for liking a producer better than Jake. The women of Brad's second season were really hard on Michelle Money, even calling her parenting skills into question. Courtney Robertson from Flapjack's season was made to appear on WTA even though she was one of the final two, just so CH and the women could take her to task for her behavior during the show. I think Britt got off relatively easy with nobody mentioning her tantrum at the ice skating group date or her assertions that she was going to leave voluntarily.

Edited by chocolatine
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I think Carly got a bad rap in terms of being the only backbiter and the shows only shit talker. 

Britt had a number of detractors - including Kaitlyn who was strangely silent on it through the show and WTA.  I really wish they had emphasized more that Carly wasn't the only one who warned Chris. Jade and Ashley did too. I think that Chris trusted Carly and Jade the most. Plus, Britt wasn't innocent a complete innocent. She tried to throw Kaitlyn under the bus and then take credit for the Arlington trip. I would have liked Britt more if I didn't know she was trying to be an actress or if she outright said she disliked Carly and Kaitlyn. She is covertly passive aggressive with a veneer of cheer.


Jillian raging against Carly was weird because she didn't call out anyone else for saying she was a man/had masculine qualities.  Carly's unseen joke was a crass and mean thing to do in front of Chris and the other women, but Chris was around Jillian and got to see how competitive she was. Her dinner conversation sent her home, not someone suggesting she was manly.  I do feel bad for Jillian because production did edit her that way, with her help.  Like others have said, she would constantly flex and then, at the farm, she ran into frame and growled. Also, Jordan was the one who said she had a hairy ass and a dick to the camera. I felt bad for her edit because it was unfair that a woman who was competitive and muscular would be labeled a man, but Carly had nothing to do with that. 


 I think Carly kept her mouth shut about Jade simply because they were friends. I don't think Carly talked shit about those she was friends with. I don't remember her talking meanly about Kaitlyn, Becca, or Whitney.


I also think that editing played a big role into our perception of Kelsey. I think she was manipulative and crazy, but the editing and music turned her into the show's sociopath. If they had liked her or there was someone even more over the top, she may have gotten a sympathetic edit.

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Several women have been treated worse. CH was incredibly mean to Rozlyn Papa from Jake's season for liking a producer better than Jake. The women of Brad's second season were really hard on Michelle Money, even calling her parenting skills into question. Courtney Robertson from Flapjack's season was made to appear on WTA even though she was one of the final two, just so CH and the women could take her to task for her behavior during the show. I think Britt got off relatively easy with nobody mentioning her tantrum at the ice skating group date or her assertions that she was going to leave voluntarily.


But I think the other women yo mention all did something overt that triggered the attention.  Rozlyn obviously violated the "we're all here for [insert Bachelor's name] meme the show pushes".  Michelle Money, I believe, overtly fashioned herself as a "villain" for that season and behaved accordingly", and Courtney pulled the "shocking" blow-job-in-the-ocean move, which back then was still apparently frowned upon.  


I don't think Britt did anything on that level.  Sure she was a drama queen.  But for the most part the drama was constrained to her "relationship" with Chris.  The times that the show usually chooses to skewer an 'ette is when their drama involves one or more other contestants.

I also think that editing played a big role into our perception of Kelsey. I think she was manipulative and crazy, but the editing and music turned her into the show's sociopath. If they had liked her or there was someone even more over the top, she may have gotten a sympathetic edit.



I drew the conclusion that Kelsey was clinically screwed-up solely on what she said and the way she behaved in her talking-head confessionals.  In fact, the only behavior that I can recall that seemed crazy to me was her "panic attack".  And by that point I'd already concluded that she was nuts.


Kelsey is one case that I can't attribute to the editing.

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I don't feel -that- sorry for any of the women on this season. This isn't the first time the show's been on. How could anyone not be aware of how the editors will use (misuse) whatever you give them?


I am actually impressed by Whitney. She doesn't give them much--not a lot of negative comments about others (quite a few complimentary ones), and seeming to avoid the dramas as much as possible. Very very poised and self-controlled--as anyone would -hope- she could be after seeing past seasons!  She doesn't make for great television (unlike Carly, Britt, Kaitlyn, the Ashley and Kelsey) but ...smart girl to go all the way to F2 like that.


And Becca would get an honorable mention for the same thing, except I don't think she's self-controlled, I just don't think she has anything to say. And I still fault her for not telling Chris about her virginity until the FS. It would have been much better to have told him earlier, even on the HTs, especially since it's not like she thought she was in love with him.  Not very nice not to give him the chance to choose someone else for F3 if "non virgin" was important to him. 

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Some posters have said here they could see Chris was "over" Britt (as opposed to being "all over" her!) on WTA because he was stiff and stilted (okay, so more than usual) and didn't lean into her, hug was "cold,"  yada yada. Consider this: F1 was chosen months ago and now has watched the season and has seen Chris being all hotsy for Britt, including the closed-door two-hour "nap." That F1 could have been living in Chris's isolated house all season and no one anywhere would know (outside of his family).


So, consider this: Chris has been nagged and ragged all season by F1 for doing all those things with Hot Britt while F1 sat around with a bunch of other women. Nag, nag, rag, rag ... "Why did you do THAT with her?" "You mean you kissed her THAT many times?" "I thought I was the one you were in love with from the start." This ad infinitum. 


So, when he sees Britt in person these months later at WTA, he's going to go in for the "I'm really sorry, I miss you, I made a mistake letting you go" hug and kiss?


No way in hell!


Refer to my earlier posts about women bringing up everything from the past during an argument. Chris is doing a save-his-ass thing with F1. Who, at this point, is the only one who matters to him.


I agree this often happens (Brad with Chantall comes to mind), but it did not seem to be the case at all for me in terms of Chris and Britt.  First because Britt didn't even make it that far - and lets not forget he let her go pretty unceremoniously and was not that upset about it - and also Chris is not that sophisticated an actor.  It's not so much that he was acting over her or cold (that I believe he could fake if he wanted) -- its that he literally looked like he was trying to mask his despise.   

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Chris knew that Kelsey would hang herself, and deftly handed her the rope.    Of course he's not going  to look like an asshole tearing into a grieving widow.   That's bad for the brand.    I may have misheard, but he asked Britt if she thought the women were against her because of "jealousy" and  he has opined it is because she got the first impression rose.    He gave both what they wanted-Kelsey the opportunity to bloviate, and Britt the opportunity to look like the saddest jilted woman ever, who was sabotaged by big, bad Carly.   The difference is, he knew Kelsy would continue to look bad, and there was an attempt to make poor, poor Britt look better.    How dare someone else narrate HER love story.   Because she was the only one there with the right to have a love story, you know? 


Caveat emptor.    Not buying what he was trying to sell-Mardi Gras head Britt as the bachelorette.


Oh, I forgot-STFU Juelia.  You tried to manipulate Chris with your sob story, too.     Kelsey just worked it harder. 

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He gave both what they wanted-Kelsey the opportunity to bloviate, and Britt the opportunity to look like the saddest jilted woman ever, who was sabotaged by big, bad Carly.  


Dang, that's a big word! It's been awhile since I had to pull out the dictionary. I like that one and will attempt to work it into conversation this week.

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But I think the other women yo mention all did something overt that triggered the attention.  Rozlyn obviously violated the "we're all here for [insert Bachelor's name] meme the show pushes".  Michelle Money, I believe, overtly fashioned herself as a "villain" for that season and behaved accordingly", and Courtney pulled the "shocking" blow-job-in-the-ocean move, which back then was still apparently frowned upon.  


I don't think Britt did anything on that level.  Sure she was a drama queen.  But for the most part the drama was constrained to her "relationship" with Chris.  The times that the show usually chooses to skewer an 'ette is when their drama involves one or more other contestants.


YMMV, but Britt contradicted herself several times on the show (and even during the WTA) and the women called her out on that. Nobody made any false accusations, they just addressed Britt's behavior as it aired on the show. And Britt was the one who tried to involve other people by repeatedly blaming Carly for her failed relationship with Chris, even though everyone who's seen the show knows that it was Britt's own tantrums and insincerity that sent her home.

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Some of the edits on this episode puzzled me. Mainly the whole Britt thing. It was like one whole commercial for Britt as the next bachelorette. Portraying her as the sweet girl wronged by mean ol' Carly was completely ridiculous.

Britt skirted dangerously close to the edge of bitchy shrewdom when she gave Chris that first little pre-rose ceremony lecture on inappropriate behavior. She totally blew it with her second tantrum over Kaitlyn getting a rose. Add that to the poorly executed "heights phobia" and even a simpleton like Chris could see that she was a total fake by that point. I think Chris only kept her around as long as he did at producer command.

I just have to laugh at the portrayal of Carly as mean and evil, when there were plenty of girls that were mean and snarky. Kaitlyn came off as a total bitch to me that first night with some of her cracks on the others. Jillian and Tara also come to mind as being able to dish it out. And Jordan was the one who made the crack about Jillian's hairy a** and having a d***.

The only difference between Carly and many of the others is that she totally got the shaft in the edits. But hopefully, anyone who does that show knows that it might happen to them going in. I liked Carly, and thought she was way more real than many of the others. Britt trying to play the wronged little miss innocent was hilarious.

The only thing more amusing than Britt's histrionics was Chris' eye-twitching when Jade and Kaitlyn were getting "more closure." You could almost see the neurons exploding with the effort of formulating a reply.

Edited by OnceSane
snark the show, not your fellow posters
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Dang, that's a big word! It's been awhile since I had to pull out the dictionary.



The last time I had to pull out the dictionary was while watching this episode, because Kelsey uses so many big words.

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Phil, your post reminded me of this tweet:


Bill Murray @BiIIMurray  ·  Feb 18

sometimes I use big words that I don't fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis

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