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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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Ahhhhhhahaha!  Couldn't happen to a bigger tool!  I absolutely WILL watch the finale now, just to see that.  


Nick has always enjoyed being on TV and I'm going to assume we'll keep seeing him around the franchise.  He has nothing to lose.  He obviously has no self-respect, no sense of shame and no need to actually DO something productive with his life.  If he did, he wouldn't be so desperate for attention.  

Edited by leighdear
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I am always amazed when they stand there and let the guys propose.  That is some real commitment to show production.  I would feel compelled to stop them before they embarrassed themselves.  Who did Ben F propose to? Ashley? His rejection was really classic TV, and she knew very well that she didn't want him and she seems like a nice enough person.  

I will never understand how the "star" of TB/-ette (either) forms a close enough relationship to be at least  "a friend + kissing", much less "benefits") and doesn't find some way, some time to let him/her know "you're not 'the one' so please don't propose". I'll give some credit to Alli at least for having the class to say goodbye to F2 before the final rose ceremony.


Really, I can't imagine not finding a way to let F2 know in advance. I can't imagine that it wouldn't feel very important to do that, either, but apparently for most of them it isn't at all. Weird.

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Maybe Kaitlyn clued Nick in and he went ahead & proposed anyway. You know there are Nick lovers that will sympathize with him and STILL think he's the Cat's Pajamas!  *LOL*


Again, he has nothing to lose any way he played it.  He was "misunderstood" and his "heart was broken".  He "put himself out there" and he "risked it all" for the love of Kaitlyn.  But he "still believes in love" and "followed his heart".  He "knows his wife is out there". 


He wanted to marry Kaitlyn about as much as he wants a case of Herpes.  

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At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.

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I will never understand how the "star" of TB/-ette (either) forms a close enough relationship to be at least  "a friend + kissing", much less "benefits") and doesn't find some way, some time to let him/her know "you're not 'the one' so please don't propose". I'll give some credit to Alli at least for having the class to say goodbye to F2 before the final rose ceremony.


Really, I can't imagine not finding a way to let F2 know in advance. I can't imagine that it wouldn't feel very important to do that, either, but apparently for most of them it isn't at all. Weird.

well, from the little info that's out there, the final 2 are pretty much coached to propose, and told 'she really wants you, she's ready to ditch the other guy, you're the one she wants to marry'.  

I believe it, because the show seems to be set up that way -  the rejected suitor seems delusional to think he even had a chance.  I still think that the show would be more honest if the BACHELORETTE  had to choose and propose, just like the BACHELOR does.  If the woman is making the final decision, she picks the guy she wants to marry, SHE should propose. (maybe not with a ring, though)


At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.

Yep -  Nick will be it.   He's had his heart broken TWICE, you know.  He believes in love, he wants to find the one special someone who won't break his heart.   

of course, if everyone hates him, he'll just go straight to BIP, where he would have the chance of being rejected on a weekly basis by every woman there. 

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I just don't see Nick being the Bachelor. Maybe I'm wrong but yeah I just don't see it. Again, while some leads have become very disliked AFTER their season, I can't really think of any who were truly hated like Nick is, before they became the lead. I know there was controversy around Brad and some were upset about his not picking anyone but I still don't think Brad was as hated as much as Nick is. I just don't see it.

I continue to be baffled by this season if the spoilers do pan out as RS is claiming. I am honestly baffled by Kaitlyn bringing Nick on despite how the other guys felt and risking pissing them off, then compounds that by having sex with him pre-FS because she couldn't control herself that much and despite feeling bad enough about it to tell her other front-runners as RS claims, she keeps Nick on and brings him all the way to the F2 to not pick him. All I can think is at the end she decided Ashley S was right and it was just lust between them and by that point things with Shawn was already ruined between her not just bringing Nick back but also having sex with him before the FS. And so she doesn't end up with Shawn either.

Unless of course, Shawn is who she has pre-FS sex with. I don't know, something about these spoilers just bother me and I just have a feeling that Nick is not who Kaitlyn sleeps with before the FS. I could be wrong of course but just call it a gut feeling. I think most are assuming it's going to be Nick with the whole circumstances of him coming back on the show, despite how upset the guys are and them having this so called intense connection before she started filming for the Bachelorette, etc. but I just will not be surprised if it's not him. Of course if is Shawn then it also brings up what could have happened with them that she didn't end up with him either.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I still think it's Josh Murray's role to lose.  I've said since he & Andi broke up that he's the best choice.  He's got the experience with the show, the perfect family supporting him, a flexible "entrepreneur" job, good looks, and a "broken heart that can be mended by the love of the RIGHT woman".  


Unless he hooks up with somebody between now & this fall.  Or he does something really stupid. I liked Josh a lot and would definitely be happy to see him as the next Bachelor.  


I just can't see Nick.  They've never let a 2-time loser take the Lead slot and I really don't think they'd ever waste that on Nick.   Hell, I could see Brad 3.0 before I could see Nick there.  

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At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.


I think Nick is way too controversial. I mean, he was on Andi's season, and it seems like he's going to outdo himself this time, too! But, move over, Chris Bukowski, this guy has Bachelor in Paradise written all over him!


I was thinking that I could see Ben H. as Bachelor material. He has a good disposition and a decent job. He's cute and sweet--and unassuming. He might not be a "dream catch" Bachelor like in the olden days, but he reminds me of a Jason-type, "nice guy" (until he ditches F1 for F2!) Bachelor.


Dr. Chris Cupcake, DDS, could also be a "nice guy" pick, but he's starting to get a little hokey. Ok, I guess he's always been hokey since he DROVE IN ON A CUPCAKE, but this Aladin date made him seem too cheesy and not lead material.


Someone like Ian could be a good catch on paper, but he just doesn't seem to have the personality to carry the show. Whereas someone like Shawn has The Bachelor-ready abs and could be the "swooning Bachelor Nation" pick, but as a personal trainer doesn't really have a good career that the lead should have--no offense to personal trainers!


But I went scrolling through the thread to see who's F3 because third place gets it 90% of the time and, lo and behold, Ben H. is F3 according to the spoilers! So, there you go! My first instinct called it. I'm locking in my vote as Ben H.--even though we have several weeks to go in which Ben H. can totally screw this up and someone else could take the lead!

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But I went scrolling through the thread to see who's F3 because third place gets it 90% of the time and, lo and behold, Ben H. is F3 according to the spoilers! So, there you go! My first instinct called it. I'm locking in my vote as Ben H.--even though we have several weeks to go in which Ben H. can totally screw this up and someone else could take the lead!


He's likable and good-looking but too young (26, and he looks even younger). The "ready to settle down" routine won't work. I think Josh Murray is the safest bet. No way it's Nick.

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Agree, Bugs.  Even if Ben was 27 this fall when cast, that's still a bit too young.  And he seems very nice, but there just doesn't seem to be enough "there" there for him to be a lead.  He'd have to bust out some serious personality between now & the end, but I think it's just too little, too late.  


They could go totally off-book and find somebody not on this season, not Josh and not known, but that's doubtful.  Unless they want to pull back Arie or maybe Brooks, they need somebody Bachelor Nation will recognize, like Josh.  

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Chris showed 0 personality on Andi's season's and got the lead. I guess he had the farmer thing go for him but blah. I think Ben H. is the best bet out of this group. He's positive and not causing drama. He's better looking than busted! Gosling. It'll more likely go to Josh Murray though. 

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Well I for one would happily pass on a Josh season. I have zero interest in another long season of "when I gave up baseball..." Not too mention the overly tanned, way too buff body mixed with blinding shiny white teeth. And frankly I've lost count the number of Bachelor seasons I either just didn't watch or stopped mid-season.


It's odd, I enjoy The Bachelorette more than The Bachelor, because I tend to like most of the guys, yet it's like the producers always pick that one guy I couldn't stand to be the next lead. Or in the case of Juan Pablo, pick a complete who. I couldn't stand Jake's phony "am I too perfect" bullshit on Jillian's season, thought Ben was hideously unattractive, found Chris incredibly dull and boring during Andi's season, thought Sean often looked like a burned lobster and thought he was boring and dull as well. So really I guess Josh would just fit right in with all the others. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It really is time for TPTB to rethink the recycling strategy, though I doubt that they will. But the men have become increasingly boring, and I've quit watching The Bachelor in favor of the Bachelorette.


This group of contestants has set a new low IMO. I don't know how production could begin to sell any of them as desirable.

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At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.

Oh, god.    I'd just as soon watch Britt and Brad throw a  weekly Christian/hipster/country music hoedown.


Well, Jared has been looking good, and seems like a decent guy with a real job.  Uh.....Ian is nice and educated, but is pretty boring and that bald spot on the top of his  shaved head is so distracting......Cupcake appears to be weirdly animated and wearing dentures.... 

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Reality Steve says in his latest blog that Nick arrived first at the final rose ceremony and proposes and Kaitlyn said no. He doesn't know if Shawn did the same.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  Has anyone made a career out of looking like a loser douche on TV the way this man has?  On the one hand it's brilliant I guess, and apparently makes women want him (??) but on the other hand, it's really, really pathetic.  And yet, I want it to never end.

At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.



Sean is the best bet I think. They can call the season "The Bachelor: The Notebook Edition."

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I don't like Ben H. I don't like his pig nose, his smug giraffe like walk and his "connection" with Britt that so conveniently switched over to Kaitlyn.


Shawn is hideous, I can't see women rushing to sign up if he's TB.


I think Cupcake as well. He's TV handsome, successful, rich, and could pull off the scripted stuff.  


After The Bachelor is over, I'd like to see Britt back as Bachelorette. Not because I like her personality, but because she is the most naturally beautiful female contestant ever (not counting plastic Emily). You would know for sure the guys are there for her and are actually lusting over her. The men were desperate for Emily and I think they'd be desperate for Britt too. Plus you would have all the guys that voted for her this season back to bring the drama! I know some Bachelor assistant is lurking, make it happen!

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At the risk of bringing the wrath of this entire forum down upon me: who in this lousy bunch of contestants could possibly be the next Bachelor? Any of them? I don't think so. And maybe the producers saw that too and that's why Nick is back. Because he's it.



I agree.  I don't like any of them.   There seems to be a lot of love around for Shawn on other boards.  I don't see it.  His head is too long, he looks like Alf and his hair do is from some other decade or planet. 

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Shawn wishes he could look half as good as Ryan Gosling. The only guy I find attractive in this group is Ben Z. Nick always looks like a young John Lithgow to me without Lithgow's sense of humor. I liked Josh just fine on Andi's season and wouldn't mind seeing him again.

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I agree.  I don't like any of them.   There seems to be a lot of love around for Shawn on other boards.  I don't see it.  His head is too long, he looks like Alf and his hair do is from some other decade or planet. 


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I'd like to see Britt back as Bachelorette. Not because I like her personality, but because she is the most naturally beautiful female contestant ever (not counting plastic Emily). You would know for sure the guys are there for her and are actually lusting over her.


Yes, and also yes. The chronology of this season:

1. Kaitlyn emerges as the fan favorite (partly as the favorite Not-Britt). TPTB, knowing what makes better TV, favor Britt.

2. They come up with the two-Bachelorettes twist as a way to choose Britt without actually choosing Britt.

3. There's a massive, massive backlash. They panic, stack the deck with Kaitlyn partisans and hope all is forgiven when she wins.


It's clear now that abc should have had the balls to think long-term and go through with its master plan. In the bizarro universe where Britt is TBette, the show's key elements are intact:

-the guys always talk about what a catch she is. Going on the show was their only way to meet a girl like her.

-the guys are on their best behavior, turning on the charm, trying to outdo each other. They're competing.

-they are constantly talking about The Right Reasons (best cliché ever). Who is there for The Right Reasons and who isn't there for The Right Reasons.


In this one:

-once TBette had been chosen, only Shawn and Jared have been talking about how much they like Kaitlyn. (Has anyone used the word "engaged" or "fiancée" recently?) We're not hearing that she's one in a million.

-Brady and Tony left by choice; Kupah and Clint practically dared her to send them home; and Ian (a huge Kaitlyn fan coming into the season) changes his mind about her and leaves next week. Tanner was basically organizing a walk-out on Monday night's ep. They're talking openly about not respecting her.

-we're seeing very little gamesmanship. Only once has someone (JJ) pulled the "not here to make friends" move of getting a date rose AND stealing some time with her during the cocktail party. Everyone's playing fair.

-no one has been talking about The Right Reasons. Yeah, the guys didn't like Clint and JJ, but it was their personalities. Apparently their Reasons were Right enough for everyone else.


This show we're watching is entertaining, but it hardly resembles The Bachelorette.

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Oh I guess we're back to the "Britt would have been the most perfect and most gorgeous Bachelorette ever that every man would be salivating over and there solely for her" talk. Uh-huh. YMMV but in my opinion, even if Britt had been the Bachelorette, it would be the same situation it is every season. The lead typically has potential with maybe 5 people at best. Then you have a number of obviously friend zoned contestants who are dragged along for numbers purposes, know they have no shot of being with the lead and hardly care but they figure it's a nice vacation and they can make some nice friendships. And then there are the ones clearly there to maximize their screentime even if it means being the villain. 


At the end of the day, as I always say, this is an entertainment show first and foremost. If a couple comes out of the season, great but Fleiss and company are in this to get as much drama because drama and controversy in their minds equal watercooler conversations, tabloid covers and social media trends. They would have messed with Britt as they have every lead by casting guys who I'm sure they would know have no desire to get married. And if there wasn't enough drama by the group of guys, they'd find a way to manipulate things and create it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I think the same contestants would definitely behave differently with Britt.  If you're a woman like Kaitlyn and act like a buddy, guys will treat you like a buddy. And Nick would never have figured into things, so it would absolutely be a different show.  

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Okay yes remove the Nick factor but correct me if I'm wrong didn't Tony, Kupah and JJ all vote for Britt for the Bachelorette? So assuming she had been picked, do we think they would have all suddenly been normal and there would have been no drama? JJ is clearly one of those who knows he has no shot of being the F1 but will make sure he gets as much screentime as possible. Kupah would likely still have his issues about meeting a minority quota since does anyone think he would have had any more of a shot with Britt as he had with Kaitlyn. And creepy Tony would have found some other issue to be weird about. Again, the producers cast these people knowing exactly what they're doing. 

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Someone like Ian could be a good catch on paper, but he just doesn't seem to have the personality to carry the show. Whereas someone like Shawn has The Bachelor-ready abs and could be the "swooning Bachelor Nation" pick, but as a personal trainer doesn't really have a good career that the lead should have--no offense to personal trainers!


Well, we've had unemployed Juan Pablo, insurance salesmen Mesnick and Sean, winemaker-without-a-winery Flapjack, and what was Blob's job again? I'd take personal trainer Shawn over those guys in a heartbeat.

Edited by chocolatine
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Whereas someone like Shawn has The Bachelor-ready abs and could be the "swooning Bachelor Nation" pick, but as a personal trainer doesn't really have a good career that the lead should have--no offense to personal trainers!







Sean Lowe and Juan Pablow were practically jobless too when they became bachelors.  The producers have to make it appear like Sean owns a business when it was owned by his friends. I don't know about Juan Pablo. 

I vote for Ben H too but he looks like he's too young and most of the bachelor applicants and viewers are old enough to be his aunts/mom.

Edited by CaptainJapan
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So now that Chris & Whitney have split, ya think Nick has asked the producers for her number? He is single,after all!

According to Hollywood Life and a few other tabloids, he's already been out in public with her.

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I just don't see Nick being the Bachelor. Maybe I'm wrong but yeah I just don't see it. Again, while some leads have become very disliked AFTER their season, I can't really think of any who were truly hated like Nick is, before they became the lead. I know there was controversy around Brad and some were upset about his not picking anyone but I still don't think Brad was as hated as much as Nick is. I just don't see it.

I continue to be baffled by this season if the spoilers do pan out as RS is claiming. I am honestly baffled by Kaitlyn bringing Nick on despite how the other guys felt and risking pissing them off, then compounds that by having sex with him pre-FS because she couldn't control herself that much and despite feeling bad enough about it to tell her other front-runners as RS claims, she keeps Nick on and brings him all the way to the F2 to not pick him. All I can think is at the end she decided Ashley S was right and it was just lust between them and by that point things with Shawn was already ruined between her not just bringing Nick back but also having sex with him before the FS. And so she doesn't end up with Shawn either.

Unless of course, Shawn is who she has pre-FS sex with. I don't know, something about these spoilers just bother me and I just have a feeling that Nick is not who Kaitlyn sleeps with before the FS. I could be wrong of course but just call it a gut feeling. I think most are assuming it's going to be Nick with the whole circumstances of him coming back on the show, despite how upset the guys are and them having this so called intense connection before she started filming for the Bachelorette, etc. but I just will not be surprised if it's not him. Of course if is Shawn then it also brings up what could have happened with them that she didn't end up with him either.

My gut feeling was that it's definitely not Nick and it's not Shawn either. I'll bet she has sex with someone, admits it was a mistake and sends him home.  (I think Kaitlyn is no stranger to one night stands--just a vibe--and think she might have one of them with one of the handsome bachelors, not with a so-called frontrunner.)


It's still early, but she has potential to be the worst b-ette ever.

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It's still early, but she has potential to be the worst b-ette ever.


Strongly Agree.  You can see that these Bachelors are just not that into her at all and she's making it so much worse by shitting on any chance of a good time at every turn.

This? is only entertaining in that I'm loving watching her f*** up over and over. Why does she bring such needless drama into every situation? How many times can her "heart beat out of her chest"?

Drama. Queen.  Stop with the drama and the apologies.  Britt would have owned this shit -- No, I don't think the guys would have been all that different but Britt would have handled the situation AND the bachelors differently.  Agree with Bugs Meany that none of these guys seem to care if they are winning/losing when it comes to Kaitlyn.  Possibly Jared.  Ryan Gosling looked as if he just wanted to leave.  He appeared disgusted with the entire situation. 

Makes a strong statement that the only tears we've seen have been from JJ when  Clint left. HA.

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Nick and Whitney?!? Hahahaha. I hope they show up together to the Men Tell All thing.



Please, please, please, please reality TV gods, let this coupling really happen, even if just for a little while.    You know Nick would date her for the continued fame and Whitney would probably do so to get back at Chris.  Its a win, win situation for me!

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I think it will be Josh Murray as the next Bachelor. He's a lunkhead, but if they can get him to stop talking baseball, he's better than the last three in looks, TV smoothness, and popularity.

Ben H is probably too young. Ben Z appeals to only specific tastes. Shawn has a lot of people who don't find him attractive. Chris the Dentist, I suppose is a candidate, but even he has a lot of people who find him cheesy and has a real job.

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I am not taking the Nick and Whitney thing seriously. For one thing, Nick is now officially a part of Kaitlyn's season and whether or not she picks him, until he is eliminated on the show, he has to publicly appear as still a possibility of being her pick. Going to a public bar with someone else where many people could see him, would not make sense and let's face it, Nick's already screwed up one season pretty badly with that plane video. I doubt he'd give the Bachelor producers more fodder to hold over his head. 


The article says they had a "secret" date. Again, being at a very public bar, no less a packed one because people are watching the home team in the NHL finals is not exactly secret. This is the same magazine I believe that reported about Nick and Andi, which also had an eyewitness account then too, that claimed they were flirting and very close. And sure we saw a picture of them standing next to each other but judging by Andi's continued comments on twitter about Nick and retweets of some truly hateful things about him, I think it's safe to say she still hates him and nothing happened there. I'm sure Nick and Whitney just spoke to each other because they were both at the bar, both living in Chicago and because as Kaitlyn herself said in her blog this week, once you appear on the show, it does seem like you become a part of one big, dysfunctional family. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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but judging by Andi's continued comments on twitter about Nick and retweets of some truly hateful things about him, I think it's safe to say she still hates him and nothing happened there.


Andi needs to take her own advice and "STAHP" with this. She looks childish and ridiculous. Like someone replied to her, her ass STILL slept with him sooooo... And if Sharleene is ok with Nick then maybe he is not as awful and evil as so many see him. Yes he's a famewhore but really, anyone who goes on this show is one too. Some more than others. 


I can't stand Josh but if having him be The Bachelor will cause a meltdown from Andi then I'm all for it.

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Once whoever likened Busted Ryan Gosling to Alf, all I can see is ALF!


Whichever busted-looking suitor is gonna place third is gonna be TB. Fleiss rarely change it up so I dont expect he will this time. Yeah, I know he did for Juan PabAssBitch and look where they ended up? Never again!

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Nick and Andi, Nick and Whitney, Nick and Kaitlyn.   Does Nick understand that there are women in the world other than BACHELORETTES?  

maybe he needs to give Match.com a try.  


Except everyone Nick was rumored to possibly be with after Andi's season, had nothing to do with the show. And I still say this Whitney thing just sounds like typical tabloid fodder because they were seen talking, maybe even laughing at the bar and someone figured it was a good story to make up.


eta: Btw, it's kind of funny reading all the comments about what an awful Bachelorette Kaitlyn is and the season has been because I've been checking out the Afterbuzz for the show (Brooks from Desiree's season has joined the panel for this season at least) and they all love the season so far and love Kaitlyn and think she's one of the best Bachelorettes ever. They actually loved the infamous sumo/sex ed group dates episode and thought all the dates were awesome. I just think that's funny and proof of how differently some people can see things.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'd rather see Josh as the Bachelor than any of these men, but Andi would  be furious that their breakup was being rehashed (even a little) to his advantage. Since she's more of a CH pet than Josh is, I doubt it will happen.


I can't stand Andi (thought she was one of the better b-ettes, but a truly awful person, imo) so I'd love to see Nick happen this season. Unfortunately, per Rs, it won't. So many people hated him after Andi's season that unless this is TB's major plan  to have his heart broken so he is loveable an dcome s back as the bachelor, I don't see it happening.


I -do- think Nick would make a better (i.e. more interesting and fun) bachelor than Josh Murray who didn't seem to think about much beyond sports, but since that's not going to happen imo, at least Josh is handsome and seems kind.

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eta: Btw, it's kind of funny reading all the comments about what an awful Bachelorette Kaitlyn is and the season has been because I've been checking out the Afterbuzz for the show (Brooks from Desiree's season has joined the panel for this season at least) and they all love the season so far and love Kaitlyn and think she's one of the best Bachelorettes ever. They actually loved the infamous sumo/sex ed group dates episode and thought all the dates were awesome. I just think that's funny and proof of how differently some people can see things.


Afterbuzz wasn't even negative about PAB's season. They are all twitter friends with everyone in Bach Nation so I wouldn't expect anything else.

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I'm sure there's some positive stuff because they have connections, just as it happens with the DWTS Afterbuzz which is the one I really watch more regularly. And I'll admit I haven't watched the Bachelor franchise Afterbuzz often because I find the constant talking over each other and going off topic annoying.


That said, I have seen them make judgments about some things, like Cathy raked Andi over the coals for how she handled the Eric situation and I remember her scoffing and eye rolling the interview with Andi and CH that aired after and basically calling it out as Andi trying to cover her ass because the poor guy died. Cathy also HATED Nick throughout much of Andi's season, long before the ATFR bombshell while Danny was always Team Nick.


And I thought his comment in this week's episode when they brought up Andi's tweets about Nick joining the show was interesting. Without saying anything concrete, he kept alluding to the fact that he just feels like there is more to the story between Andi and Nick and he sides with Nick even while he didn't think Nick should have called her out publicly. I'm not sure I buy his saying it's just a feeling. These Bachelor Nation people all know each other and talk. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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And I thought his comment in this week's episode when they brought up Andi's tweets about Nick joining the show was interesting. Without saying anything concrete, he kept alluding to the fact that he just feels like there is more to the story between Andi and Nick and he sides with Nick even while he didn't think Nick should have called her out publicly. I'm not sure I buy his saying it's just a feeling. These Bachelor Nation people all know each other and talk. 


That is really interesting. I wonder what dirt he has on that story because as you pointed out, all these alumni talk. I do remember someone commenting or tweeting about Andi reaching out to Nick after her breakup with Josh. I didn't think much of it at the moment but I do wonder if there was some truth behind it...

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I truly think at this point that the criteria for a male to be cast by Fleiss & Co (either as The Bachelor or as a "suitor" for the Bachelorette) is whether they're willing and able to make Chris Harrison feel like a "bro". (i.e., "hey man, how's it go'in?").  It's like Fleiss' bi-annual mid-life-crisis convertible present for Chris.


Thus, we can get a cardboard cut-out like farmer-Chris, as long as there's Crazy Ashley, "virgin" Ashley, the mean-girl who ratted out Britt, melodrama Britt and Kelsey (who's "Isn't my story tragic? But great?!?" and "I KNOW what you did." lines are probably the best ever uttered on this show).


Any of the current cast of guys will do, so long as Fleiss can cast the right (i.e. crazy) field of women contestants.


Now, what I'd really like to see is a season with 20 Bachelors, all competing to avoid having to propose to Andi.  

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Here's the article about the supposed Whitney "date" with Pube-head.



Though Reality Steve said this today

Well, it started yesterday with the story of Nick and Whitney on a date this past weekend watching the Blackhawks/Lightning game at a bar. Yes, they were both there. Yes, someone who took a picture of them sold it to a tabloid. No, they weren’t on a date. Trust me I’d be the first guy to jump all over this if it was true, but it isn’t. Nick lives in Chicago, Whitney lives in Chicago, they have mutual friends (one even being former contestant Jaclyn Swartz), they all met up, and that was that. Any allusion to it being a date and they were touchy feely and blah blah blah is just tabloids running with a story based on a picture they got. So it isn’t true. Plus, do you honestly think that with Whitney and Kaitlyn being such close friends still, she would just start hooking up with a guy fresh off her season? Didn’t happen, not going to happen, nice try.

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I generally enjoy the bachelorette seasons because the competition among the guys and the 'chase' to win a woman's heart is more natural in the gender world. (we seem to agree it's not happening in this season)   Overall I believe it has resulted in more matches/marriages than the bachelor.so I'm more inclined to believe in the romantic side.


The Bachelor is fun for snark value.  The women selling and chasing and vying for attention is pretty unattractive (but fun to watch and snark)  but frankly by the time the season is halfway thru, he's overwhelmed with women throwing themselves at him and his ego has gone through the roof.  He knows he can have his pick and loses interest.  No chase, no challenge. 


Perhaps they think by bringing Nick in it might re-ignite the competitive spirit that's lacking in the guys with K this season..  It obviously backfired if that was the purpose.  The 2 bachette thing was a confusing buzz-kill, the dumb dates are No fun and embarrassing,  Kaitlyn's insistence to discuss Nick over and over made the guys even more limp about her.. so it's a loser all around.  At least they can count on ONE guy to pretend to give a crap about her and the show.

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I just don't see Nick being the Bachelor. Maybe I'm wrong but yeah I just don't see it. Again, while some leads have become very disliked AFTER their season, I can't really think of any who were truly hated like Nick is, before they became the lead. I know there was controversy around Brad and some were upset about his not picking anyone but I still don't think Brad was as hated as much as Nick is. I just don't see it.

I continue to be baffled by this season if the spoilers do pan out as RS is claiming. I am honestly baffled by Kaitlyn bringing Nick on despite how the other guys felt and risking pissing them off, then compounds that by having sex with him pre-FS because she couldn't control herself that much and despite feeling bad enough about it to tell her other front-runners as RS claims, she keeps Nick on and brings him all the way to the F2 to not pick him. All I can think is at the end she decided Ashley S was right and it was just lust between them and by that point things with Shawn was already ruined between her not just bringing Nick back but also having sex with him before the FS. And so she doesn't end up with Shawn either.

Unless of course, Shawn is who she has pre-FS sex with. I don't know, something about these spoilers just bother me and I just have a feeling that Nick is not who Kaitlyn sleeps with before the FS. I could be wrong of course but just call it a gut feeling. I think most are assuming it's going to be Nick with the whole circumstances of him coming back on the show, despite how upset the guys are and them having this so called intense connection before she started filming for the Bachelorette, etc. but I just will not be surprised if it's not him. Of course if is Shawn then it also brings up what could have happened with them that she didn't end up with him either.


I'd be VERY surprised if Nick was the one Kaitlyn went to bed with.  There's such a thing as a weak moment, granted, but knowing the importance and meaning that surrounds sex for Nick, I just don't think he'd go there without an (at least impending) engagement.  That's what the conversation with Andi (ATFR) was all about.  IMO, he really is that way.


I'd love to see him as the Bachelor.  We'd see a romance for sure, unless TPTB purposely cast women who would be inappropriate for him. 

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I listened to Reality Steve's podcast last night and he was very sure that pre-fantasy suite sex guy is Nick so I'm going to be very, very, very surprised if its someone else.  And like Steve said, it will make Nick look like a complete idiot after he yakked on and on and on about sex meaning sooooooo much to him to hop into bed with Kaitlyn on their first one on one date in Ireland.    Will be interesting to see what the reaction is in a few weeks when that episode airs.   Both he and Kaitlyn could be in for a bumpy ride.


As for the next bachelor, I think Shawn's edit in this upcoming episode in San Antonio is crucial to his chances.   I still feel like Josh Murray is the top candidate but you never know.

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They could absolutely "groom" Shawn for the next few months into a more acceptable Bachelor lead.  Since he gets the 1-on-1 in San Antonio, I agree CindyBee, that is where we'll get to see this connection they have and his potential.


Nick strikes me as a guy that attaches "importance" and "meaning" when it's convenient.  I think Andi gave him a test drive, found him lacking and moved on.  His ego couldn't take it, so he lashed out.  He's asked for every bump he's gotten thus far with this franchise.  

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And like Steve said, it will make Nick look like a complete idiot after he yakked on and on and on about sex meaning sooooooo much to him to hop into bed with Kaitlyn on their first one on one date in Ireland.



I feel like this is a YMMV interpretation of what happened with Andi and Nick. Nick said multiple times after the ATFR in his media interviews that he has no issues with casual sex and it is not that he felt that JUST because Andi slept with him she had to pick him. His issue is that when it comes to sex BOTH parties should be on the same page and his feeling was that Andi knew exactly where he stood and how he felt because he told her. And so his confusion came when she walked out in the ATFR and basically said one, she never loved him and never gave him ANY indication that she did and two, that she always knew Josh was who she really wanted.


And so yes, it is a reasonable question to wonder why a woman who knew exactly who she wanted and was in love with and was ready to accept a proposal from him two days later would have sex with someone else she knew was in love with her and she would be dumping in two days. Like I've said, I wished Nick hadn't come back to this show and hey he deserves whatever happens to him at this point but I will always defend him with the Andi situation. As I've said, Andi had no empathy towards Nick at all. She walked out and acted like ANY confusion he had about her feelings was his fault and in his head and she had no responsibility whatsoever and did NOTHING wrong. And it doesn't work that way. The woman is an awful person in my opinion and her karma came when her "perfect" love story blew up spectacularly in her face. 


As for RS's podcast, I didn't listen because again I avoid his site and his social media but I read some comments from those following and seems like there's a lot he's still unsure about or doesn't know or can't answer for sure. But of course anything that relates to Nick looking awful, he's a 100% certain. For the record, I'm not saying his spoilers won't pan out, but I do think it's odd he knows exactly when Nick comes out of the limo at the end but has no idea what happened to Shawn or hell if Shawn is even at the FRC or if he proposes and Kaitlyn says no or if they end earlier or what. It's like Shawn is a big question mark in the last two episodes. 


Also, reading the comments informed me that RS is 40 - hmm, 40, living alone with his dog or is it a cat, and having his sole source of income be blogging about the Bachelor/Bachelorette and yet he constantly comments on so many of the people from the show like he is so much better than them and they are beneath him. Right...

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm jumping back into the spoiler thread because I don't trust myself in the season thread(s) even if there does seem to be a huge amount of overlap among the posters.


If this season looked shaky at the beginning it's registering on the Richter Scale now with the arrival of Lego Hair Nick (LHN).  I acknowledge the unfortunate recent tendency of pencil-necked girly-men to be viewed as objects of desire by women conditioned to avoid traditional masculinity (or, as this season has demonstrated, to emasculate men whereever and whenever possible) but the otherwise unremarkable Nick is riding his luck with hippy-dippy Kaitlyn.  If a few anodyne text messages can get her hot and bothered then God knows what states of arousal more advanced forms of social media might elicit (not that I believed their cock-and-bull story about having never met).


It's clear from open statements, coded remarks and body language that fully half of the Bachelors have mentally checked out, including those who were rabid Team Kaitlyn before the vote was taken.  One cancelled RC is a believable anomaly...when multiple RCs are cancelled or delayed it's clear that the producers are desperate to keep as many men on the premises as possible in anticipation of more of them walking away on their own.  Meanwhile, the producers must also make it look like RC upheaval is all Kaitlyn's idea.


It's clear that Kaitlyn is/was a late bloomer in terms of desirability to men and frankly doesn't know how to handle the mating dance (no pun intended) with any sort of grace or style...as others have said she's still a bag of bones therefore hopeless as a clothes horse but the makeup and hair people are doing their level best. Certainly not unattractive but definitely benefiting from the lack of competition.


The ending of this series sounded like a shambles but the current crop of episodes are shambolic themselves.  EVERY group sit-down is interrupted by some crisis real or manufactured.  'Will you excuse us?' is the most frequent quote from Kaitlyn as she rushes off for another hushed, tense confrontation in the hallway.

Edited by Rainsong
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