AnnA February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Kim's blog is up, and it's unreal. It's kind of a relapsed addict in denial primer, it's that bad. Here's one highlight. Kim decides to cite recovery teachings, and writes:"According to the recovery programs, a relapse is when someone preeminently abandons their recovery plan completely by choice." Compare that to what Jennifer, a real addiction counselor and specialist said in tonight's episode: "Kim took a pill? She relapsed. " Period. None of this "by choice" bullshit. Doesn't every alcoholuc know that it's one day at a time? That you start your recovery on day one, and then every day sober is significant, but if you take just one drink, you're back to day one? Hell, even I know that, and my only addiction is coffee. But Kim is still sticking to her "three years sober!" narrative. If I'm understanding that quote from Kim's blog correctly, she's saying she didn't take that pill by choice. It was necessary because of her "100% pain." If that's true, she's kidding herself. It would be different had she been given pain medication in the hospital for a legitimate medical condition. Edited February 18, 2015 by AnnA 9 Link to comment
WireWrap February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I am not menopausal and I don't care enough about Brandi to be bitchy towards her. They have a choice on whether they want to spend much time on this storyline. An addict is not going to get an epiphany on a TV show that she needs to change her behavior. They are choosing to delve deeper than they need to with Kim. They could have cut this drama short by commiserating with Kyle and asking her how than can help her help Kim. She would have told them that its complicated and that they really need to stay out of things. Next conversation. Of course if production is dictating this whole thing, then no one has a choice and all of my commentary is moot. This is how they feel, that they have a "moral responsibility" to try and help Kim. That to not do anything and then have something bad happen, an OD, car accident, total melt down...whatever, goes against Kim's best interest and then becomes partly their fault. If you saw a woman getting hit/slapped by her husband and would you just walk away or would you call 911? Although different situations, both things could cost someone their life, the woman getting hit and Kim's relapse. 6 Link to comment
njbchlover February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Overall, I have to say that I really enjoyed this episode. At least is wasn't ALL doom, gloom and everything Richards....there was a lot of lighthearted fun, which was nice to see again. I thought Lisa's birthday party was great - it looked like they were all (except Brandi) having a good time. As far as Brandi getting annoyed that Ken told her to be on her best behavior - well, if she felt sooo offended about that, why didn't she respectfully decline the invitation? Or, if she couldn't do that, she could have resorted to typical Brandi and told Ken to fuck off.... Oh, and another contradiction - just last week, Brandi said in one of her talking heads - "Don't tell me what to do, because I will do the exact opposite" (paraphrasing here) -- but, at Lisa's party, she did EXACTLY what Ken asked of her!! 7 Link to comment
cooksdelight February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I think that's because Brandi would light herself on fire if Ken and Lisa asked her to, in order to be back in their loving arms. 21 Link to comment
Umbelina February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Even at the party though, the main topic of conversation was Kim or/and Brandi! ENOUGH! I'm so bored with this. I really feel like counting every single time "Brandi" "Kim" or "her" (when directly referring to one of them) is said per episode. I may just do that. Hell, Eileen's out at dinner with her husband. Do they talk about jobs, their children, how hot their spouses look, a vacation they might take, families? Nope! Kim and Brandi! WTF The only thing I enjoyed was Lisa and Ken in the limo and the surprise, not one word about Brandi or Kim! Of course as soon as the party starts they all begin again. arrrgh Edited February 18, 2015 by Umbelina 5 Link to comment
LotusFlower February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I know I am being a bitch but when Kim was tearing up while talking about poor Monty and what he is going through all I was thinking was: " if you feel so bad for him Kim, STOP getting your dirty grubby fingers on his pain pills and his pain patches!!!! I couldn't muster one ounce of sympathy for her poor me act, not one bit. Then I'm an even bigger bitch, because I rolled my eyes and noticed how she once again deflected the topic off of her and onto Monty, who she probably just asked to stay with her for martyr/victim points and access to his meds. Since the first episode of this season, she's been exploiting him and his illness for sympathy, and tonight was no different. As the addiction specialist Jennifer said - is she working the program? Does she have a sponsor? Does she go to meetings? Cuz no one counseling her would ever approve such a move. It's a dangerous situation for her, but also dangerous and unfair to him. I wish the ladies would address this instead of constantly patting her on the back and agreeing with her that things are "so hard" for her right now. 16 Link to comment
DebbieM4 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) I have to agree with Brandi on this one. I think Mohammad is creepy even though he's a very rich man. Why can't he do something with that hair of his? ew I understand people thinking he's not attractive. I've never gotten a creepy vibe from him, though. From what we've seen, he's maintained a good co-parenting relationship with his ex-wife Yolanda, and he seems to be an involved father. He's also been a very good friend to Lisa for years. So my impression is that he's a quality guy, and I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt. But even if he was less than stellar, Brandi is very foolish to burn that bridge. With one stupid remark, she potentially further alienated and angered not only a very powerful & wealthy man, but also Yolanda, David, Lisa, Ken, and probably lots of others. Edited February 18, 2015 by DebbieM4 24 Link to comment
ToukieSmith February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) This is how they feel, that they have a "moral responsibility" to try and help Kim. That to not do anything and then have something bad happen, an OD, car accident, total melt down...whatever, goes against Kim's best interest and then becomes partly their fault. If you saw a woman getting hit/slapped by her husband and would you just walk away or would you call 911? Although different situations, both things could cost someone their life, the woman getting hit and Kim's relapse. Its more likely that I can have some affect on the abused woman versus the addict because the police will arrest the abuser when they observe bruises on the abused woman's body. The abused woman may not press charges and/or will continue to support the abuser; however, the police will arrest the abuser no matter what the abused woman says. I am not criticizing their compassion. I appreciate their intent, but what they say only matters to THEM. It does not matter to Kim because she does not think she has a problem. It really is a waste of their time. Alas, nice people will do this and its what should be done, but it won't get anyone anywhere. Surely they aren't arrogant enough to think that Kim has been walking around for 30 years or so as a functioning drunk and/or drug addict and no one has tried to intervene. I think its literally like having a conversation with a person about the color of grass. You bring up fact after fact after fact supporting your argument that grass is green, but they just keep saying grass is purple without any justification for their argument. Yeah, not interested in any conversation that goes nowhere. Been there way too many times, but good on Eileen and the Lisas. I understand people thinking he's not attractive. I've never gotten a creepy vibe from him, though. I think Mohammad is attractive. He could be a very nice looking man if he got a decent hair cut and made better clothing choices. His eyes are beautiful and he has a nice smile. The long hair makes him look like he is trying to hard to be hip. Edited February 18, 2015 by ToukieSmith 8 Link to comment
SwordQueen February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) So much for Brandi's "not kissing ass" slogan. She wants to be part of the Cool Kids Club so bad, she doesn't even care who the Cool Kids are, just as long as she's their #2. Now that Lisa V. is back to being #1, she wants to be forgiven and let back in. It's sad because she's almost incapable of comprehending that her present relationships and reputation are a direct result of her past behavior and no, no one has to forgive and forget. She even brings people with her to most of these parties, yet she seems to always end up sitting alone and feeling bitter. Kim (and Brandi) is only discussed so much because it's what the show requires. Kim's sobriety, or lack there of, is one of the main storylines this season so it must be discussed as often as possible to link these housewives together to create the illusion that they are really this into each other's business in real life. I'm sure everyone discusses a ton of other things that aren't relevant to the show, so it's cut. I doubt all of these women are obsessed with talking about Kim and Brandi off camera. But this is a show and that is their script. Every season has its A, B, C storylines that are constantly trotted out when necessary for the show. That's one part of these HW reality shows that I have come to accept, actually. They must keep the momentum of the drama going. I thought Eileen looked gorgeous during her lunch with Vince. Her hair was fab. Edited because spelling is hard, yo. Edited February 18, 2015 by SwordQueen 11 Link to comment
swankie February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 So many times, the younger HoWives on the various shows make glib remarks about the older ones, and I don't get it - what is their point? I agree! They don't realize that every day you get older is a blessing. The alternative is to be underground, in a crypt or in an urn. Do they actually consider that better? What a bunch of ageist idiots! 12 Link to comment
talula February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Then I'm an even bigger bitch, because I rolled my eyes and noticed how she once again deflected the topic off of her and onto Monty, who she probably just asked to stay with her for martyr/victim points and access to his meds. Since the first episode of this season, she's been exploiting him and his illness for sympathy, and tonight was no different. As the addiction specialist Jennifer said - is she working the program? Does she have a sponsor? Does she go to meetings? Cuz no one counseling her would ever approve such a move. It's a dangerous situation for her, but also dangerous and unfair to him. I wish the ladies would address this instead of constantly patting her on the back and agreeing with her that things are "so hard" for her right now. Eileen got Kyle alone at Lisa's B-Day party and asked her the same questions about a support group for Kim. All Kyle said was she didn't have the time necessary for Kim and had no idea if Kim was on program or had a sponsor. I like these types of questions especially in light of Kim expressing her fears about not wanting to being alone in front of the TV. Kim also offered us an explanation of how her friendship with Brandi fills her life and gives her away time from Monty. If I was Kyle I'd stop harping on the family secrets Kim told Brandi and instead talk to Kathy and Kim about getting Kim on program again. 4 Link to comment
Betweenyouandme February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) This is how they feel, that they have a "moral responsibility" to try and help Kim. That to not do anything and then have something bad happen, an OD, car accident, total melt down...whatever, goes against Kim's best interest and then becomes partly their fault. If you saw a woman getting hit/slapped by her husband and would you just walk away or would you call 911? Although different situations, both things could cost someone their life, the woman getting hit and Kim's relapse.I understand that sentiment. I really do. However, IMO, Lisa R. and Eileen are missing a point. Because they're not good friends with Kim and don't even seem so far to refuse to be around Kim if she's using, they have no leverage. Calling her out will do what exactly? It's not telling Kim or Kyle something they don't know. To me, it really is just like a coworker at a desk job. They see maybe a colleague with some sort of problem. Well, if they've found out that the boss and the collegue's friends and family know about it, what would be the point of bringing it up again and again? Now, I totally understand stepping in if Kim was about to drive under the influence or was possibly needing medical emergency assistance right then. But, to keep bringing it up and then thinking they need a serious sit down? Well, if they wouldn't be going as a backup to Kyle or other people in Kim's life who can give a consequence if she doesn't stop or a personal connection of how it hurts to see her that way, then I see no point. I'm sorry but having a moral desire to help doesn't mean it's the best thing. I think if they're really worried, they should either keep on to Kyle or Bravo production or try to become closer to Kim so that maybe she would care about their thoughts. But, I agree, even then, Kim may say no. It's up to her. And seeing someone with a relapse or addiction is very hard. But, the constant harping on it could make Kim feel more isolated and anxious and alone. I think they've expressed their concerns. Come up with a game plan for if she shows up using again or refuse to be around her period if you believe it's enabling or something you can't be involved with. That's my two cents! Edited February 18, 2015 by Betweenyouandme 11 Link to comment
GreatKazu February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Leroux - I am with you. I felt no sympathy whatsoever when Kim rambled on about Monty, what she is going was just nauseating. Oh definitely Brandi, we know you still got the flow! We saw the proof: You then tweeted you were out with "your gays": 4 Link to comment
DebbieM4 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I thought Eileen looked gorgeous during her lunch with Vince. Her hair was fab. I thought so too. Very pretty! I was actually wondering if it would be a good style for me. But then I remembered that I don't have her beautiful face. :-/ 2 Link to comment
WireWrap February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Its more likely that I can have some affect on the abused woman versus the addict because the police will arrest the abuser when they observe bruises on the abused woman's body. The abused woman may not press charges and/or will continue to support the abuser; however, the police will arrest the abuser no matter what the abused woman says. I am not criticizing their compassion. I appreciate their intent, but what they say only matters to THEM. It does not matter to Kim because she does not think she has a problem. It really is a waste of their time. Alas, nice people will do this and its what should be done, but it won't get anyone anywhere. Surely they aren't arrogant enough to think that Kim has been walking around for 30 years or so as a functioning drunk and/or drug addict and no one has tried to intervene. I think its literally like having a conversation with a person about the color of grass. You bring up fact after fact after fact supporting your argument that grass is green, but they just keep saying grass is purple without any justification for their argument. Yeah, not interested in any conversation that goes nowhere. Been there way too many times, but good on Eileen and the Lisas. I think Mohammad is attractive. He could be a very nice looking man if he got a decent hair cut and made better clothing choices. His eyes are beautiful and he has a nice smile. The long hair makes him look like he is trying to hard to be hip. I think they hope it might help but are realistic enough to realize it most likely will not help Kim at all but they feel they must try. If after they talk to her they keep harping on it then I will agree with you. At this point, what they have seen of Kim is enough for them to at least try. You have at least 1% chance at succeeding when you try but 0% if you don't., 1% is better than 0%. LOL I also think Mohamed is nice looking. His smile and eyes light up and I like that. He does need a new hair cut though. 3 Link to comment
runforcover February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Wow, that was an asshole-fest. So it still pains me to feel refreshed by any of Lisa R's fake epiphanies. Kim is grotesque. There are shots of Kyle where I think she will literally fall apart at the seams, like her lips do this frowny hilton-sister thing where I think they might fall off, and then parts of her will just come tumbling out until whatever rickety apparatus that holds her up (read: co-dependent narcissism) is laid bare. Yeah so that's one thought. There were some nice mean-girl shots of Kyle whispering to LisaV edited in at clunky times but they are pretty stand-alone, so that was fun. Ok, does anyone even believe LisaV hates Brandi? What is this whole nexus of disappointment, cynicism, self-absorption, identification and affection? Ken doesn't like to hold grudges? huh? Sure, I don't know what that means and I don't know if he even said that because that's how caught off-guard I was by ken telling us something about himself that is a half degree more intimate and generous than calling the driver "Driver." Right? KEN YOU ARE THE BEST SOCIALLY IGNORANT WHITE GUY WITH MONEY AND PROPERTY - Now put on that pink doggy suit for mummy. Kim is the worst. Oh, Eileen. No. Ugh. Yeah. I know. You think this is about sisters because you've suffered a terrible loss and you're a fixer/manager or whatever but back away and let Addiction Expert Lisa Rinna do the work. She's watched someone else watch someone else die of drinking. Right now, what everyone needs is some shrill emotionalist bullshit using words like "intervention" and "moral obligation," particularly words that accurately describe the situation so that we can make our journey to the next circle of hell where we tell lies by by Keeping It Real. Wait for it... And LisaR's face just fell off! It couldn't handle the brain-rays of Concern, Attention-Seeking and Forming Sentences. And she's the best of the bunch. Kim Richards - Bette Davis' Secret Keeper and Worst Person Ever (Neck and wrinkled alcoholic neck with Sheana effing Marie) Edited February 18, 2015 by runforcover 3 Link to comment
WireWrap February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I understand that sentiment. I really do. However, IMO, Lisa R. and Eileen are missing a point. Because they're not good friends with Kim and don't even seem so far to refuse to be around Kim if she's using, they have no leverage. Calling her out will do what exactly? It's not telling Kim or Kyle something they don't know. To me, it really is just like a coworker at a desk job. They see maybe a colleague with some sort of problem. Well, if they've found out that the boss and the collegue's friends and family know about it, what would be the point of bringing it up again and again? Now, I totally understand stepping in if Kim was about to drive under the influence or was possibly needing medical emergency assistance right then. But, to keep bringing it up and then thinking they need a serious sit down? Well, if they wouldn't be going as a backup to Kyle or other people in Kim's life who can give a consequence if she doesn't stop or a personal connection of how it hurts to see her that way, then I see no point. I'm sorry but having a moral desire to help doesn't mean it's the best thing. I think if they're really worried, they should either keep on to Kyle or Bravo production or try to become closer to Kim so that maybe she would care about their thoughts. But, I agree, even then, Kim may say no. It's up to her. And seeing someone with a relapse or addiction is very hard. But, the constant harping on it could make Kim feel more isolated and anxious and alone. I think they've expressed their concerns. Come up with a game plan for if she shows up using again or refuse to be around her period if you believe it's enabling or something you can't be involved with. That's my two cents! What have they, Lisa R and Eileen, done or said to Kim that makes some feel that they are "harping" on Kim about anything? So far, they have only talked to Kim once and it was not that specific. Yes, they have talked to the others, except Yolanda (Brandi did that), but not Kim herself until tonight at Eileen's house. Kim in her blog references them talking to each other and to the others more than anything they said to her or asked her themselves. LOL 1 Link to comment
runforcover February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I have more sympathy for the guy who plays the dumb husband in the Dannon commercial than for Brandi. She's a bitch. She's trifling. She's petty and cruel and she's reaping what she has sewn. I get that. But they've all got a choice to be indifferent; to take the high road they pretend they're on, or to make snarky comments and fake jokes and blame her for the things she's responsible for and the things she isn't, while not "owning their shit" when there is shit to be owned by everyone except Eileen. As much as I love these shows I don't like to watch that. So, yeah, I call it bullying even if she's worse Seriously. There seems to be this move to punish Brandi by behaving like Brandi. That's Brandi's whole thing! Ladieez, please, act like lemonade and rise above. Low blow to snark on menopause so stop pointing to the rope that Brandi is currently hanging herself with - partic to Brandi. 1 Link to comment
talula February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 One nice moment was Yolanda letting Kim know she's there for her. Sadly Yolanda seems very ill right now. Wonder if any are visiting her? 4 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 The surprise of the night was no major blow-ups.. just good old fashion tension mixed in with fun :) Brandi was also sober?!?! 4 Link to comment
RedheadZombie February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Kyle looked different at Eileen's house. The bushier eyebrows and the lack of heavy eye make up work for her. The loose curls this episode are very flattering to her face. She has a nice square jaw, and the straight hair doesn't really highlight it. I think Eileen and Lisa R. need to back off the Help Kim train. I know they mean well, but sometimes you need to stay out of it when it's not your family. I completely agree. Even if they have the greatest intentions, doing it on camera is just disastrous. I'm really surprised Eileen doesn't realize it. I also think that Lisa R.'s long-term relationship with Kyle is giving her the illusion of a closer relationship to Kim. Kim showed in season one that she doesn't trust Kyle's friends, and she had good reason (at least with Taylor). I am fascinated by Lisa V's less than perfect figure. She just does her without any self consciousness. I appreciate that she did not feel the need to get some work done in order to fit in with the other people around her. Lisa's had quite a bit of facial work done, and I'm still not sure about her butt. She shows natural sagging of the arms, jawline, etc., yet her butt is high and hard as a rock. If it was natural, it would have a softer appearance, in my opinion. 2 Link to comment
izabella February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Kim's blog is up, and it's unreal. It's kind of a relapsed addict in denial primer, it's that bad. Here's one highlight. Kim decides to cite recovery teachings, and writes: "According to the recovery programs, a relapse is when someone preeminently abandons their recovery plan completely by choice." She should have just written, "Blah, blah, blah." So glad you admitted that you're not interested in any semblance of a sobriety program, Kim. We're tired of it, too. Yes - exactly! That's Kim's thinking. And just so you know, I'm not a Housewives addict just because I watch every episode and post here daily. It's my choice to watch, and I can quit or go on a 21-day cleanse/withdrawal whenever I choose.. I'll let you know when I think it's becoming a problem. Okay? (Can it start after the reunion?) As long as you take a Xanax every day, you'll be fine. 7 Link to comment
swankie February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) I couldn't muster one ounce of sympathy for her poor me act, not one bit. Then I'm an even bigger bitch, because I rolled my eyes and noticed how she once again deflected the topic off of her and onto Monty, who she probably just asked to stay with her for martyr/victim points and access to his meds. Since the first episode of this season, she's been exploiting him and his illness for sympathy, and tonight was no different. Someone needs to point out to Kim that she isn't the one deserving of sympathy, Monty is. It's not like he's bedridden and she's having to spoon feed him, change his diapers and give him sponge baths. You can tell he's ill but he seems to still be able to take care of himself. Kim is just needy and self centered and has probably been that way since her child star days. She was getting all of the attention back then and now she's just another has been addict looking for a fix. Her biggest fan was her mother and she's dead. Edited February 18, 2015 by swankie 10 Link to comment
runforcover February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Kim's blog post is amazing She used the word "preeminently," you guys! Do you think that off-time from unnecessary drama has been spent reading and not passive-aggressively enjoying all this attention? O.M.G. Kim is just fighting the good fight, haterz (the blog should be recapped) 1 Link to comment
swankie February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 She shows natural sagging of the arms, jawline, etc., yet her butt is high and hard as a rock. If it was natural, it would have a softer appearance, in my opinion. I would lay odds that Lisa V wears Spanx. In fact I would almost guarantee that she does. 6 Link to comment
DebbieM4 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Someone needs to point out to Kim that she isn't the one deserving of sympathy, Monty is. It's not like he's bedridden and she's having to spoon feed him, change his diapers and give him sponge baths. You can tell he's ill but he seems to still be able to take care of himself. Kim is just needy and self centered and has probably been that way since her child star days. She was getting all of the attention back then and now she's just another has been addict looking for a fix. He biggest fan was her mother and she's dead. Yes, I am not understanding all this talk about Kim "nursing" Monty and how stressful it is for her. The man is certainly ill, but also capable of leaving her house on his own and managing elsewhere just fine without her for extended periods. He has a terrible diagnosis, but is not literally on his deathbed and requiring her constant vigilance or anyone else's. She opened her home to him, and that's certainly a nice thing to do (possible ulterior motive aside), but I hardly see that as taking care of him or devoting every day and night to his every need. Even assuming he has good days and bad days, good moments and bad moments, she certainly doesn't seem to be administering any kind of round-the-clock care, or any care at all. We've seen her out of her house and attending more social events with the other HWs than ever before! It's an insult to actual caregivers who do more to tend to loved ones than Kim could ever imagine. And yes, the person who is deserving of compassion right now is Monty, not Kim. 20 Link to comment
phoenix780 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) I felt bad for Brandi at the party. Yes, she's an asshole who did more than enough to karmically deserve it, but there's still something about Lisa's behavior that I thought was off-putting. Maybe it was that for the first time in many episodes I felt like Brandi was exposed and authentic. Not in her TH's, but in being at the party, without her alcohol or any friends, really. I thought she was trying, I think she genuinely wants to be liked by Ken (and Lisa). it would've been nice to see that translate into some kind of a genuine "moving forward" moment. I reserve the right to change this perspective next week when she's a dick again. With Kim...I'm no expert when it comes to sobriety or psychology, so this is just a random feeling more than anything else, but it seems like feeding into her whole MY LIFE IS SO HARD narrative isn't necessarily the most helpful thing. It reinforces her victim mentality, and this idea that she's not in control of her choices. Obviously she has things happening around her that are awful and uncontrollable. But...couldn't she change the way she engages with those things? Like maybe hire a caregiver for Monty so you don't feel the full burden of taking care of him, for example. I dunno. It's easy to say stuff from here, it just seems to me like they need to reframe it so Kim has more agency in her life. And the more they validate her hard luck story, the easier I think it'd be for Kim to rationalize a pill or a drink to cope with reality. Like I said, though, I've no real clue when it comes to this stuff. On a totally unrelated note, Kathy Hilton seemed off to me. I think this is the first time I remember her on this show with a smile (it seemed forced, imho) instead of being...kind of a dark vortex. It was weird. Edited February 18, 2015 by phoenix780 8 Link to comment
DebbieM4 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I agree! They don't realize that every day you get older is a blessing. The alternative is to be underground, in a crypt or in an urn. Do they actually consider that better? What a bunch of ageist idiots! Yes, and with age comes experience. And lots of other good things. Brandi carries on as though she's in her 20's and the others are decades older than she is. Totally delusional. Her issue at the moment, I think, was that they were having fun without her, she wasn't part of the group, and nobody was talking about her or thinking about her. Just some spontaneous fun that had nothing to do with her and she couldn't handle it so she turned to her default mode: snarky & insulting. Such a foolish girl! 12 Link to comment
Popular Post DebbieM4 February 18, 2015 Popular Post Share February 18, 2015 I felt bad for Brandi at the party. Yes, she's an asshole who did more than enough to karmically deserve it, but there's still something about Lisa's behavior that I thought was off-putting. Maybe it was that for the first time in many episodes I felt like Brandi was exposed and authentic. Not in her TH's, but in being at the party, without her alcohol or any friends, really. I thought she was trying, I think she genuinely wants to be liked by Ken (and Lisa). it would've been nice to see that translate into some kind of a genuine "moving forward" moment. I reserve the right to change this perspective next week when she's a dick again. With Kim...I'm no expert when it comes to sobriety or psychology, so this is just a random feeling more than anything else, but it seems like feeding into her whole MY LIFE IS SO HARD narrative isn't necessarily the most helpful thing. It reinforces her victim mentality, and this idea that she's not in control of her choices. I agree that Brandi felt like an outsider at Lisa's party, but I didn't feel bad for her at all. You reap what you sow, and she was in that position because she put herself there. Yes, she does desperately want to be on good terms with Lisa & Ken again, but she made a huge strategical mistake and destroyed that relationship as she's destroyed so many others. If her friendship with them was so important, then she should have nurtured it all along. One of the lessons in life is that you can't keep making the same mistake and expect to undo it and have people forgive and forget every time. You can't deliberately and maliciously hurt people and then get to be the victim. She's been gleeful in her bashing of Lisa, and she doesn't deserve an easy entry back into the lives or the trust of Lisa & Ken or any of these people. She's alienated pretty much everyone on this show. All she has left is Yolanda, who is backing away slowly. And Kim, who doesn't know which end is up. Neither of those relationships are going to end well either. This is not a case of someone making a one-time mistake. Brandi is a repeat offender of the worst kind because she takes no responsibility for anything ever. I don't at all blame Lisa for not providing a genuine "moving forward" moment. Lisa is smart enough to know that Brandi is best kept at arm's length. The barn door is closed, and Brandi has no one to blame but herself because she's the one who closed it. It's her own fault that no one trusts her. She has shown herself to be disloyal and untrustworthy time and time again. Yes, she does want to be liked by Ken & Lisa. But you can't treat people that way, and then get all sulky when they've decided they don't like you anymore. She needs them far more than they need her, and she was foolish not to realize that a long time ago. I do agree with your thoughts about Kim. It's much too easy for her to feel that she has no control over her own life and therefore is not responsible. For pretty much anything. I usually dislike the word "empower", but I think she really needs not to be pitied, but to feel empowered. Because the reality is that she has things to overcome in her life, but so do lots of people. And she does have choices and she does have control over what she chooses to do. Pitying her is only helpful in that they're letting her know that they hear and understand what she's saying. The next step should be support in a way that actually makes her stronger so she doesn't fall back on all the "I get nervous", helpless little girl stuff. And obviously this would best come from professional sources. 25 Link to comment
cooksdelight February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 but in being at the party, without her alcohol or any friends, really. Since alcohol IS Brandi's friend, yeah, I guess she was as alone as being on a deserted island. And it can't be said enough that she's where she is today by her own big mouth. Make fun of people, alienate them at every turn, talk nasty behind their back, start unfounded rumors..... alcohol will be the only friend you'll ever have, Brandi. 17 Link to comment
DollyMamaB February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I didn't feel sorry for Brandi at all. She brought this all on herself. She can't keep practicing the same bad behavior and expect a different outcome. She should be embarrassed by the fact that the host had to ask her to behave herself. 20 Link to comment
Nanny pants February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Interesting. In the last couple of episodes Brandi is nowhere to be seen when the women engage in a group activity (film festival, table reading). She is only in scenes with Kim and Yolanda, one on one. And in this episode, while she is included in the group, it is with stern warnings from Ken and with Yolanda making sure she's not drinking. How much longer can she be on a show that highlights group interactions when that group no longer wants anything to do with her behavior? Hopefully, not long; 11 Link to comment
mwell345 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Another Kim-Centric episode. I guess she's going to be the focus for the entire season. What a waste of the Lisas and Eileen. Can't Bravo give us anything more than them circling around Kim? Lisa seemed way off to me last night - with having Brandi sing - we get it Lisa, Brandi is desperate to get back your friendship, so you're making her grovel. It's getting old. And is this what people do at parties? Sing about BJ's? I thought Ken was honest in his invitation to Brandi - that he didn't want to leave anyone out and telling her she needed to be on her best behavior. I saw nothing wrong with that. I give him points for inviting her. And I agree that Eileen and Lisa Rinna need to back off from Kim. Kyle is Kim's sister, and Kyle knows the history - let it be and let Kyle and Kim's family deal with it. Eileen and Lisa don't know Kim that well. They've expressed their concern on more than one occasion - this is not their problem to fix. (And really, it's not even Kyle's - Kim's an adult and it's up to her to get the help she needs). Speaking of Kim, next to Brandi, I find her the least likeable person on the show. However, when she talks about her career as a child actor, I am immediately interested and entertained. Loved the Betty Davis story. She could really be interesting and fun if she was sober. Kathy Hilton looked like a fish out of water in the limo with Kim and Brandi. Were any of the husbands other than Ken at the party? Edited February 18, 2015 by mwell345 6 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Eileen looked absolutely gorgeous at the surprise party in that pink dress and lipstick color. I love how she's subtle with her makeup. 10 Link to comment
mwell345 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 One nice moment was Yolanda letting Kim know she's there for her. Sadly Yolanda seems very ill right now. Wonder if any are visiting her? I thought this was the best scene in the episode, simply because of the way Yolanda handled it. She didn't make a huge issue of it, just simply said "I've heard things, I'm not going to repeat them, but I'm here if you need me". Well done on Yo's part. 16 Link to comment
ghoulina February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) So Brandi is doing a cleanse with Yolanda and can't drink alcohol for 21 days. Now, she may not be shaking and going through serious DTs, but the first thing she said to Yo was that she misses it and finds life "boring". To me, that indicates SOME sort of a problem with alcohol. She may not be Kim level bad, but she has a concerning relationship with alcohol, that's for sure. And I didn't think it was out of line at all for Ken to ask Brandi to behave at Lisa's party. It's not like she has the greatest track record. So far this season she has flirted with men in front of their wives, made inappropriate sexual remarks at dinner parties, thrown a glass of wine in a co-workers face, tossed pizza on another co-worker's floor (while getting involved in an issue between sisters), and probably dropped about 50 F-bombs. So yea, maybe more people should address her antics ahead of time, some proactive Brandi managing might not be a bad idea. I thought the surprise party was very sweet, and Pump continues to strike me as the most beautiful of all of their restaurants. I was a bit worried for a minute, though, that Ken would pull a Simon Van Kempen when Lisa was insisting the limo driver not stop - "You're ruining the fucking surprise!" I have to give Ken props for getting her there in the end. Kim continues to try and act innocent and play both sides of the fence. I became so infuriated when she was trying to defend Brandi - "I think she really deep down believes some of the stuff she's saying. She just doesn't know the history between me and Kyle". Well then, TELL HER!!!! If you're such close friends, why have you not shared any of this? If Brandi is saying something inaccurate about your sister, who has been there for you much longer than Brandi and will likely continue to do so after Brandi tires of you, why not take 5 minutes and correct her? No, Kim wants Brandi fawning over her....and Kyle fawning over her, and she'll use the other to get what she wants. She is a chronic manipulator. Ugh, and what was with Brandi and the constant age cracks tonight. I think bashing someone's age is probably the method of insult that annoys me the most. Because we ALL age. It's not something you can help. Being born 10 years before someone does not make you superior, because you're going to be 50 one day too! Damn. It makes no sense to me. And "menopause mamas"? Really? I'm fairly certain Kyle is roughly the same age as Brandi and probably still gets "the flow", as she so demurely put it. Gah, she's so annoying. Put her out to pasture already, Bravo. Edited February 18, 2015 by ghoulina 23 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I thought this was the best scene in the episode, simply because of the way Yolanda handled it. She didn't make a huge issue of it, just simply said "I've heard things, I'm not going to repeat them, but I'm here if you need me". Well done on Yo's part. I think this is going to end up being an important part of the story moving forward. Kim said in her blog that she had no idea that ladies were talking about her sobriety before Yo said this at the party. She knew there were questions about her behavior and concerns about her taking one "pill", but was unaware she was the subject of so much discussion. I think this is proably what casues her to come unhinged to some degree in Amsterdam. 4 Link to comment
poeticlicensed February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 After the table read at Eileen's when Kim turned the convo into a pity party for herself about caring for a cancer patient, that was classic deflection. Lisa R got a little too close, asking too many uncomfortable questions. So it became not about her addiction, but about Monty's cancer and her stress. Brandi is a damn fool for getting between the Richard's sisters. They have a long history of codependence and crazy. Brandi will end up the loser. Not that I care. As for her comments about the menopausal mommas Brandi likes to think she is 25, but she is pretty close to knocking on menopause's door herself. THe producers must have had a gun to Ken's back when he called Brandi to invite her. No way would he have done that other than at their insistence. And I believe 100% that Lisa knew about the party. She isn't that good of an actress. Oh, Yo, I hope you have been reading the recently published literature that indicates that taking vitamins and supplements can actually be harmful.And that herbal supplements many times contain no herbs at all. And I don't know any doctor who would recommend taking pills instead of eating a healthy well balanced diet. Yo needs to come to the realization that she does cleanses and supplements in lieu of food for weight control, not because of lyme. How can Kyle go from looking so good at Eileen's to looking so bad at Lisa's party? Slouchy pants and sweaters are not her friend, and neither is sparkly makeup. THe most disturbing thing I heard during the ep? That the great Bette Davis, who starred in classics like All About Eve, Jezebel, etc, would star in Escape From Witch Mountain 2. Shudders 8 Link to comment
bosawks February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Looks like I made the right choice and watched the bitches at Westminster instead........ 20 Link to comment
ghoulina February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I forgot to add to my original post - I had a dream about Kim last night. I dreamt that I was at a party with her, a very small party. And she was acting crazy, as per usual, and carrying around these giant inflatable balls. She wouldn't stop playing with them, and the party was supposed to be over. So I took a pin, and poked tiny holes in both of the balls, deflating them. I assured her that the holes were so tiny, they would easily inflate again at the next party. But she became inconsolable, and Kyle insisted I apologize to her - by reading Snow White to her in bed. See, what it has come to? If WATCHING Kim on TV is driving me a tad crazy, can you imagine what it's done to Kyle and the rest of the family over the years???? 9 Link to comment
zoeysmom February 18, 2015 Author Share February 18, 2015 (edited) I think this is going to end up being an important part of the story moving forward. Kim said in her blog that she had no idea that ladies were talking about her sobriety before Yo said this at the party. She knew there were questions about her behavior and concerns about her taking one "pill", but was unaware she was the subject of so much discussion. I think this is proably what casues her to come unhinged to some degree in Amsterdam. Part of Kim's disease process is she has been indulged by her life coach that she is entitled to absolute privacy and all the while she films a reality show. If the roughest thing Kim had done is confide in Brandi there is whole new level of illness. -Kim is upset because in spite of trying to care and cage the tom cat Monty, he keeps getting out and returns after he has had his latest fun tour. Kim seems to want to control him and isn't get the support she wants or needs from Kyle in her mission. Obviously six months later Monty wasn't illness wasn't quite as advanced as Kim led us to believe. I think when Kim had finished with the wedding and wasn't the center of attention, Monty split and Kim could not understand why he didn't want to be around a houseful of sick people. Kim is like the girl who won't leave her house because she is afraid he will call and she won't be available. With Kim playing the sick ex-husband card she was inviting the others to offer help. -At long last Kyle has admitted that she can't be there for Kim 24/7 because she has four children, a husband and a business. I thought it was also revealing that she claimed she and Kim don't necessarily do well in constant immersion of each other's company. -Kim takes this position that somehow these women are bored because all they do is talk bout her. When is Kim going to take the initiative to contact the women from Poker Night and give them a cohesive, truthful explanation. It is wrong for Kim to put the responsibility on Kyle excuse her behavior to the others and then hold it over her head she is required to keep her secrets. -As far as Lisar and Eileen are concerned it just seems to me they are taking control of their lives and not allowing the screwed up thinking of Kim Richards to interfere with their lives or workplace. -Kim and Brandi have to stop using the word judgmental. Using the word does not absolve them from bad behavior. I noticed Yolanda threw out the word as well. It would have been nice of Yolanda to stay-"Brandi has told me. . . ", instead she threw the others under the bus. -I wish Kim would take the others' concern to heart because right now she comes off as an entitled, relapsed bitter woman. Looks like I made the right choice and watched the bitches at Westminster instead........ At least there was a clear winner!! Edited February 18, 2015 by zoeysmom 8 Link to comment
copacabana February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Another do-loop of dumb. It's really like Groundhog Day, starring Kim and Kyle, except that not much ever gets learned. Stop the show, I wanna get off. I don't care how messed up Brandi is, if you're going to have the woman as a guest at your party, don't spend the evening trying to insult her in front of dozens of people. Not much point in inviting her over with the request that she behave properly if the hostess can't do the same. Cringe-worthy birthday party and, for once, Lisa V looked like she'd had too much to drink herself. I'm rapidly getting over my Vanderpump affection. That said, pretty clear old Brandi isn't much interested in anything her friend Jennifer has to say about how to deal with addicts. Every time she started up, Brandi interrupted and took over. The Willie Nelson braids look good on him -- on Brandi not so much. So sad watching Yolanda chug down those bags full of pills. I can't even imagine waiting in Bette Davis' trailer to surprise her when she takes her wig off. Kim truly has a death wish. Edited February 18, 2015 by copacabana 10 Link to comment
bichonblitz February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Listen up, Brandi. I had my "flow" regularly and heavily until I was 54 years old. I had all the symptoms and signs of menopause for years before that. It's called peri-menopause, you stupid bitch. You are very close to being in the throws of it yourself. So STFU with your catty ageist comments. Is there really anybody that thinks the Eileen and Lisa R. concern over Kim's addictions is not completely producer driven to give the "newcomers" more camera time? If you think it's all organic than you haven't been a HW fan for long... Edited February 18, 2015 by bichonblitz 7 Link to comment
chlban February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) Since alcohol IS Brandi's friend, yeah, I guess she was as alone as being on a deserted island. And it can't be said enough that she's where she is today by her own big mouth. Make fun of people, alienate them at every turn, talk nasty behind their back, start unfounded rumors..... alcohol will be the only friend you'll ever have, Brandi. And she was still snarking on every one and really doing her best to ruin the party. I feel not one ounce of sympathy for the bitch. Loved when she asked Ken if everyone was getting the same warning to be good. I wish he had answered honestly. No, Brandi, they aren't all low class, foul mouthed, drunken sluts whose behavior would be found offensive at a frat party, so I don't need to warn them. At their worst they look like a group of clustered nuns compared to your slutty self. Of course then all the Brandi sympathizers would probably be organizing a telethon for the Skank today because, god forbid, anyone give Brandi the same treatment she has given.....oh let's see..........EVERYONE. Kim is a useless, whining, immature, whining, stupid, whining, spoiled, whining, drunk, whining, pill popper, Yes she needs help. It's not my job or the rest of the viewers to get it for her. It also isn't Kyle, Kathy, her kids, Brandi, Lisa R or anyone else. It's time the spoiled little bitch, grow up and sober up. Or not. I frankly don't give flying fig anymore. I am fed up with people trying, and often succeeding, in killing themselves and then it is everyone elses fault. Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, it wasn't a question of if, it was a question of when. Yet the minute it happens everyone starts pointing fingers at doctors, friends, agents, whatever. Those people may have been horrible, but the addicts were already on the path. I don't know if Kim is or not, but I don't find it entertaining. At all. I don't watch "Intervention" because I found it depressing and disturbing. I don't watch BRAVO for that sort of television. As much as I like Lisa R and Eileen, if all they are going to do is fret over the spoiled child with the rest of the group, I'm out. I will take the Tomfuckery of Vanderpump Rules any day over this depressing crap. Hell, I found last nights show more depressing than The Walking Dead. Edited to add that the irony of the comparison to "The Walking Dead" only occurred to me after the fact. Edited February 18, 2015 by chlban 15 Link to comment
ToukieSmith February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 (edited) I would lay odds that Lisa V wears Spanx. In fact I would almost guarantee that she does. She does exercise so that may be why her butt is high and hard, LOL. She has to be in better than average shape to even consider doing DWTS. I am just fascinated that her clothes seem to be ill-fitting when they fall below her waist, but she does not see anything wrong with that. Yeah, I know she had some work done on her face, but she feels comfortable, IMO, to have a less than model/actress ass in a culture that has a compulsion for perfectly aligned features. THe most disturbing thing I heard during the ep? That the great Bette Davis, who starred in classics like All About Eve, Jezebel, etc, would star in Escape From Witch Mountain 2. Shudders I know, right? The star of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, no less. SMDH. Edited February 18, 2015 by ToukieSmith 1 Link to comment
SwordQueen February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 So Brandi is doing a cleanse with Yolanda and can't drink alcohol for 21 days. Now, she may not be shaking and going through serious DTs, but the first thing she said to Yo was that she misses it and finds life "boring". To me, that indicates SOME sort of a problem with alcohol. She may not be Kim level bad, but she has a concerning relationship with alcohol, that's for sure. Ooh, so I must have missed this tidbit. My roommate was yapping in my ear for the first ten minutes or so (and he knows that Tuesdays from 9-10pm mean NO TALKING TO ME. But I swear, every single time...). This is definitely an indicator of dependence. That she finds life and/or herself "boring" without being drunk, is sad. I really hope for her kids' sake that she cleans herself up. The message that "Drinking makes you fun and likeable!" is a dangerous one for young people. While I think that Lisa R. needs to save her breath WRT Kim, I love it when she just calls her bullshit right out. I mean, she's one step ahead of Kim at all times, it seems. Too bad all of that energy is going to backfire and Kim will gun for her later in the season, as we saw a bit of in the previews. I hope she doesn't waiver in her "Not buying what you're selling, Kim" stance. 13 Link to comment
Wendy February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Yolanda starts talking to Brandi about her drunken behavior and how she shouldn't drink so much where she behaves like a drunken mess and Brandi's reply is "this is not about me, this is about Kim" LisaR started talking to Brandi about her need to act like a mean girl when drunk and Brandi quickly switched the conversation to Kim, her problems and how Kim is worse than "you will ever know" Brandi uses Kim's problems and addictions to deflect any conversation from her own problems and addictions. Kim is using Brandi to get back at her sister but on the same token Brandi is using Kim and her addictions to deflect her bad behavior. Did you notice how quickly Kim deflected last night when LisaR was trying to talk to her about her "problems"? Kim immediately turned the conversation into a monologue about Monty and his illness and how difficult this is for her, deflect, deflect, deflect, Brandi and Kim are one and the same. Kim will never forgive Kyle because she thinks all viewers are blind and dumb and nobody ever noticed that there was something seriously wrong with her since the beginning of the first season. All her castmates covered for her due to some loyalty to Kyle, but Kim's behavior was as crazy as it ever was, getting late, missing events, talking slurred, locking herself in the bathroom for long periods of time, Kyle simply put a name to the forever question, "What is wrong with Kim" , so Kim will forever punish her for that. Can't post the video but maybe if someone else does (that would be great, Kim's sense of entitlement is out of this world) you will notice that Kim was not only drunk but also she was popping pills like it was her job, so the issue of the pill popping has been there all along, she might not drink anymore but when it comes to pills that is another ball game. The video was filmed before Kyle outed her and she had been in rehab twice before this last time. Kim needs to take some responsibility for her own actions it seems that the yonly type of interaction she welcomes is if you cover for her and enable her by entertaining her crazy excuses. It is absolutely crazy! 7 Link to comment
cooksdelight February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 5 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 I watched maybe 10 min total last night (and then real life interfered) so I'll catch it on repeat or on demand but I did watch K & K's ride in the car to Eileen's house. Tense much? That was so uncomfortable for me to watch. Nothing happened, but you could just feel the awkwardness in the air. In general, this season blows. Like a poster mentioned upthread, I don't watch Intervention for a reason. As a psychologist, one of my speciality areas is addiction. I'm not going to give my 2 cents because, honestly, it's been beaten to death, but I will say that I've seen it in my everyday professional life and I'm not interested in seeing it during my down time. I know I sound insensitive, but I watch stupid shows like this one to unwind. It wasn't great last season with Brandi's trashy racist bullshit and it's just awful this year. I don't even know if I want to bother catching the repeat. 13 Link to comment
SFoster21 February 18, 2015 Share February 18, 2015 Brandi's defensiveness is so pure it's almost endearing: "Behave myself, I guess that means ... not breathing, hopefully, to them." They already hate me so why shouldn't I act out? I was only their clown and I won't be disrespected. It's just a spiral. 2 Link to comment
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