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S04.E14: Season 4 Reunion

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I didn't think Sonjia came off that well, either. Lots of eye rolling and RBF from her.

I went into this season loving Benjamin Mach, and I don't do Twitter...but after reading those nasty comments of his tonight, I don't like him anymore.

I liked him too before I started reading  his twitter early on in the season.  He and Helen both love to RT tweets that brag themselves up yet put down the other designers. 


I wish Sonjia wouldn't have rolled her eyes so much.  They really need to think of how they appear.  She was such a light during the season. 

  • Love 4

My goodness Alyssa's baby is her mini me--she looks exactly like her---such a pretty little girl.   I thought it was so nice she wore part of the winning collection.


Dimitri looks so happy and I think he will like being a teacher.    He's so precise and detailed in his thinking, I hope it works out for him.


I hope Helen never comes back, or Benjamin.    

  • Love 15

I was surprised at Benjamin's tweets...I, too, liked him - not so much now.


I also found Michelle to still be extremely annoying and snarky - she actually made me feel badly for Alexandria, and I cannot stand Alexandria!!  Michelle threw her under the bus sooo fast! 


I think what surprised me the most was the total lack of humility from some of the designers, they seemed so full of themselves and downright mean. 


Even though I was not a fan of Patricia's designs/aesthetic, I loved all her comments tonight!! 

  • Love 16

Truth be told, that "weed" dress was my least favorite of Dmitry's collection, but I'll be darned if the version on Alyssa looked better on her than it did on the model. 

We watched the finale and the reunion in succession and it was a lot different of a dress.  Shorter, less weed-like, no leaf vortex at the crotch, no leaves wrapping around to the backside like arms.  The second one was much cuter, I thought.   The leaf pattern was very different on it.  


A lot of them do come off like arrogant fools sometimes.  I thought Kate and Patricia and Justin less so.  Fabio was tame, too.  I can't stand Alexandra so I was glad to see her get almost no time tonight, and what there was wasn't flattering.  


Helen looked nice with her ugly gauge ears and tats hidden, and girlier makeup on.  

I always find it odd that when they talk about and show pictures of significant others, Dimitry is never mentioned. I expected him to say something like "I'm not seeing anyone right now" but nothing at all. Then Michelle mentioned that all of them were looking at the pool guys, so maybe Dimitry is gay but doesn't want to talk about it? I think being gay is pretty common in the design world but perhaps not with his family?


Helen, Sonjie, Michelle and Benjamin came off as arrogant and jealous. The other designers were mostly ok, but there is a lot of competition there. Alyssa's baby is adorable.

  • Love 3

Is Dmitry from Russia, or a different country nearby (Romania, for example)? I wonder if he's trying to keep his private life private because Russia has not been the most supportive of LGBT rights, especially lately with the Olympics fight and with news reports that authorities there don't do much of anything to help prevent violence and discrimination against gay people and in fact treat their LGBT citizens as second class citizens (if that). 


If Dmitry is worried about returning home without winning (as he said in the final episode), I wonder how much more worried he would have to be for something even bigger than whether or not he wins a competition. To return home after they find out he's gay or bisexual or anything other than hetero? Not exactly a safe place.

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 4

Maybe Dmitry's asexual.  Who knows. 


I thought that was a pretty good reunion, as far as these things go.  They seemed to focus more on Helen and Sanjia than Dmitry, which was weird though now that I'm thinking about it he wasn't as much of a character, imho.  Michelle didn't have to act like every question was just for her.  But, they acknowledged that Twitter is a thing, they didn't really shy away from stuff or trot out a lot of unseen footage.  


And I thought Alyssa was on point.  Maybe this is her skillset, not the faux sorrow sending people home.

Strangely...I think this was my favorite episode of the season.

  • Love 6

Dimitry is so much classier than most of the others.  He's the only one that I really liked out of the whole group. Sonjie irritated me with her ," Aren't I just the cutest  and most adorable?" routine throughout the season. I hope this is the last we see of Michelle's bizarre head and her truly obnoxious personality. I live in Portland and hope I never run into her.  (I'm pretty sure I don't live near her avant garde, rebellious neck of the woods.)

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 8

Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow.

So... I took up for Benjamin at different times during the season, but holy cow, he is insufferable. No wonder no one liked him on season 11. I thought, at the time, obviously incorrectly, that it was undeserved. But his Dmitry envy is truly unflattering and I hope never to hear from him in PR world again.


Ditto Helen. I can never figure out why SO MUCH of everything that happens is focused around her. It's ridiculous. I was even happier to see KATE than I was to see Helen again.


Chris March had said in a couple of interviews that he was quite surprised about how everything played out (i.e., he wasn't even allowed to mention anything that had to do with his season, I guess because it was on Bravo???) and wished he had not even agreed to do the show, so I was not surprised at his unhappiness. Full on snarklefish or adorable goofball, I love him and that will never change. He wasn't the most pleasant person on season four either, but idc, he will always have my undying love.


Michelle didn't bug me any more than she ever did, so she didn't bug me much; although I do realize I just hear trumpets most of the time when she talks, like Charlie Brown's teacher. I SO DID LOVE that nearly everyone said her red carpet dress should have put her in the finale without the extra drama of the additional one hour on the runway, tear shit up, challenge.


Patricia - who, as I have mentioned before, Mr Monkey cannot stand - and Justin are lovely people. I ended up liking Jay more when he admitted he can rush to judgment and should handle things better sometimes.


Overall, for me, personally, it was not the worst PR All Stars outcome: for me, that one was Anthony Ryan's win in season two of PRAS.

Oh! And I think a lot of boys AND girls are going to have a crush on Professor Sholokhov... :)


ETA: I wasn't even going to mention Sanjia because I didn't care for her much on this reunion show, but after seeing her behaviour tonight, I must admit I'm pretty damn glad she didn't win.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 9

There were a lot of teases that were never enacted, such as when Alyssa said the designers would get to dish on the judges.  All they were asked was who was harder to please.  Not exactly an insightful segment.  Plus, the looks on their faces when she teased that segment were priceless.  I was waiting for some juicy insights and comments.  Same thing with catching up with what they're doing now.  I would really like to know.


I thought the dress looked great on Alyssa except that it should have been longer due to her sitting throughout the reunion.  I agree with others that a different side of Sonija came out during the show.  Perhaps she received a wonderful edit through the season.  I still think that Helen thinks that she is more precious than she really is.


Overall, I enjoyed the reunion.

  • Love 2

Oh, Michelle is such a bullshit artist. They showed her at Mood asking the woman at the worktable whose fabric it was and sharing that it wasn't brocade before Sanjia bought it. That she's pathetic enough to play her subsequent shit stirring as friendly helpfulness is just so her. It was amusing watching her fess up to other peoples' nasty comments because she couldn't remember exactly whch toads and snakes came pouring out of her own mouth.

And hey, sweet of her to out Dmitry (naked girls are good for nobody here? Really?) I guess she wasn't thrilled at not being invited to play besties in the front row.

Sanjia didn't really bother me, I was too struck by how beautiful she is without the event hair and lipstick to really listen to what she was saying. Under the circs, though, it was a little rich for her to pile on Alexandria as though Sanjia would never dream of swooping down and cockblocking anyone else's fabric choice.

Funny how fast Benjamin dropped the sad woobie victim pose for flat out nasty when he didn't need pity to stay on TV, neh? And what a massive baby he was about being too much of a jellyfish to use the damn fabric he wanted.

I really don't like Alyssa as Miss Snap. They should let Isaac or Zanna do it. They have no likability to lose.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 7

I watch these reunion shows to see the designers non-stressed personalities.    Justin and Patricia are both very nice people when not stressed and only wigged out a little under stress.  I'd like to see what they could do with more generous deadlines and without waves of nastiness around them.  Speaking of which, Helen and Michelle are detestable both under stress and without it.  Helen could use a frickin psychiatrist.  Michelle is just gleefully and inartfully mean.  (I do think she should have been in the final rather than Helen, though.)  Michelle dissembles and tries to change memories of events, seemingly forgetting that so much of what she said and did is on video.  To me, that makes her profoundly stupid.  Not unintelligent, stupid.   Benjamin was one of my favorites previously, but he kind of morphed (or was revealed to be?) a caricature of a snippy and rude poncey upper crust git.  It's like he was written for a bad sitcom.   Alexandria is also a favorite of mine and she'd fairly consistent between stressed and non-stressed states.  She's much more reserved than the other designers, particularly the semi-deranged ones, which makes her a target.   Dmitry is a good designer and stays fairly consistent whether stressed or not.  He keeps his private life private, which is actually refreshing.   Let your work speak for itself and don't use a sob story to bring sympathy to yourself.   Sonjia is also one of my favorites, although she needs more experience and has to learn to plan her outfits better.  Grabbing fabrics, draping things, and letting the spirit move you works sometimes but you can't make a full time career from that.

  • Love 9


Michelle didn't have to act like every question was just for her.

I laughed when she hurtled herself into one of the Twitter stories - "Oh! Oh! That was me! What happened was...blah blah blah...manic body movements ...blah blah blah..." Only to learn mid-rant that the incident was about someone else. It's very obnoxious how she tries to dominate every discussion. Her image-improvement campaign failed.


I definitely think the right guy won, having seen this reunion. Sonjia should curb the bratty bitterness because this may be the most attention her career will receive; she's not a great designer, just an OK one. I think the way she styles herself is more successful than her designs.


Hopefully Helen was listening when her fellow contestants voted that her pale green evening gown should not have survived the competition. (I loved her little black and white finale dress.)


Chris looks so unhealthy.


Seeing Fabio laugh heartily made me laugh.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7

Sonjia's hair was gorgeous. She looked beautiful, but that's all the praise I got for her because underneath she is a nasty, entitled brat. I get it, she's disappointed she lost, but wow, she came off horribly.


My love for Justin continues. Such a sweet guy. Patricia seems really cool. Still thrilled Dmitry won. He deserved it. Benjamin is horrid. Chris March seems like such a sad, angry man now. I wish he hadn't done the show. Michelle just needs to shut up and go away.

  • Love 7

Maybe Dmitry's asexual.  Who knows. 


I actually think Dmitry is a vampire.  And that is just fine with me.  :)


I think his pot-leaf dress looked great on Alyssa (and so did Sonjia's gold dress), but women who wear shorter skirts should really think about that side-thigh thing they expose when they sit down and cross their legs.  You don't even have to be heavy for that to be unsightly.  Like if she had crossed her legs the other way, relative to the camera, it would have been a lot better.  OK, that's my PSA for the day, ladies!


Finally: STFU, Michelle.  No one cares.

  • Love 12

Why was Samantha sitting away from everyone else? When Alyssa introduced her she was sitting behind her. Then I started watching the reunion and I forgot all about her. It was odd. And I deleted the episode so I can't look back to see if I just imagined this. Plus it's not ready for on-line viewing yet. Anyone else notice that?


The Samantha that Alyssa introduced was Justin's sign-language interpreter, and she was sitting behind Alyssa.  The designer Samantha was sitting in the front row with the other designers.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 9

I have always liked Sonjia's personal style of dressing.  I think Tom and Lorenzo (a great fashion blog, for those who do not know, that started off as Project Rungay) described her as Tootie from Facts of Life going to college and taking a class from Maya Angelou. However, I wish she had been a little more gracious last night.


I love Dimitry and am happy that he won.  That being said, I do not think his lovely dress flattered Alyssa.  Her body and legs looked very short and stocky.  I am going to need a real world challenge where designers make looks for very petite women.  It always seems like the clothes only look good on the tall thin amazons that serve as runway models.  Since many actresses are on the shorter side and the average American woman is 5'4"... it is a market they can not afford to ignore.


Oh my God...shut up Michele.  The way she was trying to dominate the conversation and almost jumping out of her seat to put her mug in the camera was embarrassing.  I agree with the above poster who said she was unhappy about not being in the front row.


Alyssa's baby is quite pretty... like her mommy.

  • Love 6

Speaking of (designer) Samantha, I thought it was awkward and tacky when she randomly pulled out her baby presents and made a special point that they were from, like, three of the twelve designers in attendance. Way to make everyone else feel like rubes for not bringing gifts to this non-baby-shower event, honey.


Unless, of course, all were invited to make/bring something and only those three or so did.

  • Love 3

I am going to need a real world challenge where designers make looks for very petite women.  It always seems like the clothes only look good on the tall thin amazons that serve as runway models.  Since many actresses are on the shorter side and the average American woman is 5'4"... it is a market they can not afford to ignore.


I'm 6 feet tall and not built like a thin Amazon.  I need some clothes with long enough sleeves and pant legs, as well as jackets that fall where they should.  You'd think that the standard clothes in a department store were made for tall people, but they're not despite what runway models look like.  Additionally, the petite section in every single department store is much bigger than the store's selection of long items.  Too long items can be tailored.  Can't do much with pants that are high waters or shirts with cuffs that end above your wrists.


All that said, I do think P.R. needs a realistic real person challenge every season.  Not the model like bridesmaids we saw in this season.  Women with breasts in a wide range of sizes.  Women with hips or a complete lack of them.  Women with a little poochiness around the stomach.  Variable heights.

  • Love 6
Maybe Dmitry's asexual.  Who knows.


I actually think Dmitry is a vampire.  And that is just fine with me.  :)


Tee hee hee.  Actually it's been my experience with people from the Eastern European region that they don't really air out their personal lives.  Of the few people I have known from that area none have been especially personal in matters of the heart.  They aren't mean or nasty but kinda come across as aloof, stand offish a bit when it comes to relationships, love interests, etc.  So I can't possible imagine Dimitry would be chatty about a love life on national t.v. especially if he is gay.  My gaydar does go off some with him; I would guess bisexual.


JHC Benjamin!!  Big talk and a lot of sass for someone I'm gonna forget 22 minutes after the show airs.  Calm down Beyonce!  Gah sometimes I just can't stand reality tv stars!  15 mins. of fame on a mediocre show and well look out they are the next big thing.

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 4

For those of you who may venture on to Benjamin's twitter after reading earlier posts,

He has deleted most of the worst ones.  I actually replied to him after reading one

replying to Helen that said it was like working with a bunch of kindergardner's and

unintelligent fools.  I am not a "celebrity tweeter"  but I was so shocked at the venom.


Also,  Dmitry is straight.   I saw an interview a few years ago about it.  He has also

made some "straight" comments about women that I've seen.  LOL

Edited by xtra-innings
  • Love 2
I'm 6 feet tall and not built like a thin Amazon.  I need some clothes with long enough sleeves and pant legs, as well as jackets that fall where they should.  You'd think that the standard clothes in a department store were made for tall people, but they're not despite what runway models look like.  Additionally, the petite section in every single department store is much bigger than the store's selection of long items.  Too long items can be tailored.  Can't do much with pants that are high waters or shirts with cuffs that end above your wrists.



As a short gal with many tall girlfriends that are over 5'10", I feel your pain.  However, I was just referring to the parameters of the show and not to what you find in off the rack department stores, in general. I feel like specifically the designers on the show can only design for one aesthetic and that is why the real world challenges tend to be such disasters.  I also have no hate for the models...their tall thinness makes them look good in the clothing, which is their job.  I just like designers (again speaking about show) who can show that type of versatility


Alyssa is an attractive woman and I am shocked about how she is sometimes presented on the show.  Even, before she was pregnant, it seemed like her stylists had no idea what to do with a petite woman with curves. Of course her stylist are not contestants on the show, but the disconnect seems to be similar.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 1
All that said, I do think P.R. needs a realistic real person challenge every season.  Not the model like bridesmaids we saw in this season.  Women with breasts in a wide range of sizes.  Women with hips or a complete lack of them.  Women with a little poochiness around the stomach.  Variable heights.


I don't think it should be a single challenge.  At this point, even All-Stars isn't about high fashion fantasy.  They can only create tension in their challenges through shortened time frames, and the unconventional materials challenges have become more about who can find the most fabric-like thing and quickly glue a lot of shit to it (or just glue shit to muslin).  So when it comes to real people challenges- which always set the designers into a tizzy- why stop at one?  Why not just have an entire season (especially if they're supposed to be seasoned "all-stars")?  Hips, breasts, long legs, shorter legs- who knows what's coming next!


Back to the reunion- have to say, I was a little surprised by Michelle because I liked her during the season.  I didn't see her original run so she never came off as obnoxious, but she really did last night imho.  It made me wonder about the edits for both her and Helen (I thought Helen also came off pretty great despite what she was in her first run).


I didn't really think Sanjia was that bratty, maybe by comparison.

  • Love 4

For those of you who may venture on to Benjamin's twitter after reading earlier posts,

He has deleted most of the worst ones.  I actually replied to him after reading one

replying to Helen that said it was like working with a bunch of kindergardner's and

unintelligent fools.  I am not a "celebrity tweeter"  but I was so shocked at the venom.


I think Benjamin made the major category error of thinking he could judge the reaction to his petty bullshit from that extremely select group, People Who Care What Benjamin and Helen Say on Twitter, because he was probably doing really well with the twenty of them. I'm going to guess after last night the somewhat larger group of People Who Watch Project Runway Allstars showed up, and, really, even if he didn't know what was going to happen then Helen really should have told him.

Back to the reunion- have to say, I was a little surprised by Michelle because I liked her during the season.  I didn't see her original run so she never came off as obnoxious, but she really did last night imho.  It made me wonder about the edits for both her and Helen (I thought Helen also came off pretty great despite what she was in her first run).

Michelle definitely got the viewer POV redemption edit this season. I'm generally surprised to hear it worked on people, although not so much if they missed her egregious performance on her own season.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

I think Benjamin made the major category error of thinking he could judge the reaction to his petty bullshit from that extremely select group, People Who Care What Benjamin and Helen Say on Twitter....


This is the most-common failing of Twitterites - since your friends laugh like hyenas at the comments you make when you're together, you assume the whole world deserves to be in on the joke or benefit from your opinion/wisdom as the case may be.  When will people learn that nobody outside of their circle gives a f*ck?

  • Love 7

I hated the canned "Oh, we just can't DECIDE!" framework around the Helen/Michelle sew-off, so I appreciated the admission that everyone knew Michelle's dress was clearly better. 


Patricia, Alexandria, Gunnar and Justin made Alyssa baby gifts.  That sounds about right.


I would really have enjoyed hearing more responses to "most annoying designer" other than Michelle's permanent wild hair about Alexandria.   I was shocked when the only other comment was AM co-signing "annoying Alexandria."  Thanks, editing!  They could have done a whole hour on just that one question and I'm pretty sure Alexandria wouldn't have been the centerpiece.


We lost so much interesting behind-the-scenes stuff and designer discussion in the studio because the show wasted so much time patting itself on the back with irrelevant clips we've already seen--clever Isaac, guest judges, pool boys, etc.


Conclusion:  the reunion show was okay, but mainly because I don't expect anything really good from Project Runway anymore.



  • Love 6

This is the most-common failing of Twitterites - since your friends laugh like hyenas at the comments you make when you're together, you assume the whole world deserves to be in on the joke or benefit from your opinion/wisdom as the case may be.  When will people learn that nobody outside of their circle gives a f*ck?

You would think they would want to be professional. Twitter can be such a good advertising forum.  I look every once in awhile because

I am interested in what they are all doing career wise not to see them behave in this manner.  Speaking of,  I really would have loved to

have seen more of a focus career wise.  Chris is in Target yearly with his wigs etc..  The purpose of  going on the show is to get more

career exposure.  I would be so ticked if I were that crew. 

I found this season so paint-drying-ly dull that I probably won't watch the Reunion, but I have always found Benjamin despicable, so I am loving that he made himself look like such an asshat.


Was Kate there? If so, I'm glad she didn't put her foot in her mouth like she did at the S12 reunion. And if not, I'm glad she wasn't there to put her foot in her mouth like she did at the S12 reunion.


Either way, I still love her, Helen friendship notwithstanding.

I love Dimitry and am happy that he won.  That being said, I do not think his lovely dress flattered Alyssa.  Her body and legs looked very short and stocky.  

Well, she is actually very short and was stocky at the time of taping that.  She's only 5'2" and she was carrying a lot of post-partum weight around her middle there.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  But it looked like he re-made a new dress just for her to wear, I assume at her request.  


I don't think she styles herself well, though.  I thought she looked terrific in Mistresses and kind of train wreck-ish in PR, pregnancy aside.  


And I didn't think his original weed dress did anything for the model's figure, either.  She looked like a giant rectangle.  We were shocked no one commented on the leaves all growing out of her crotch.  Though of course that'd be Heidi or Nina's line, and they'd call it her vagina.  

I thought Sonjia came off a bit as a sore loser with her bad attitude and all the eye-rolling. If she's as great a designer as she thinks she is, she shouldn't have had a problem competing with previous winners. I'm not a huge Dmitry fan, but I think he had a better final collection than her and deserved to win.

I laughed when Helen said that she loved Nina Garcia. It sure seems like she's the only one.

  • Love 3

Chris March looked very unhappy.  He also looked like he had gained a ton of weight since he'd been eliminated and VERY unhealthy.


My Dmitry love is unabated and I have ALWAYS loathed the "legend in his own mind" Benjamin.


Can Michelle jus go VERY far away for a long time?

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 4

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