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S19.E09: Week 8, Part 2

Tara Ariano
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Chris visits the hometowns and families of the final four ladies, where candid conversations take place and secrets are revealed. At the rose ceremony, one heartbroken woman is sent home.

Edited by OnceSane
locked thread until airing
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Well, isn't this always the outcome, just about every week?  Someone goes home heartbroken because she committed her life to someone she's known for less than two months?  Just sayin'.

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Based on the look on Chris' face, I believe he expected Jade to tell him she "acted" in porn. So Carly succeeded in getting Britt to leave, too bad she went as well.  According to an old Chinese proverb, "When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves:  one for your enemy and one for yourself."  I am willing to bet that a week ago, the three ladies Chris intended to take to the fantasy suites were:  Britt, Jade and Whitney.

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Chris should have kept Britt for the fantasy suite, her acting would have come in handy then. "Oh Chris, you are the BEST, no man compares to you". hahaaaa


I hope they aren't setting up Carly to be the next Bachelorette. I enjoy snark obviously, but I think a lot of it was jealousy on her part.

Did Becca's sister throw her under the bus saying she is not attracted to men?


Transferring somebody's sperm on The Bachelor, a bit unprofessional and I don't think I would appreciate it if I was that patient. Funny if Chris gave his specimen while looking at Jade in Playboy.

I think Whitney just talked Chris into this, I think Chris just wants to take it easy and wants a woman to do the heavy lifting for him. 


You know Chris is the type who is not going to marry a Playboy model.

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So Chris walks Jade out after the Rose Ceremony when there is a car waiting for her, but after the hometown date he kicks her out of the hotel room in her funky socks and lets her walk around the parking lot alone waiting for a ride.  Not well-played Mr. Manners...

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OK, the dog humping the toy at the end was the greatest piece of film on this show ever.


Everyone has their own list of must-haves, but the insistence that her sister give Chris her blessing made Whitney seem actually whacked out to me. I don't get that need in the first place -- if my father (or mother) was still alive and if I was in a relationship heading toward marriage, I would be appalled if the guy asked for a blessing, and frankly, my now dearly departed (and much missed) father would have responded to a request for a blessing with, "Hey, ask her, it's her decision, not mine." (Of course I'd want my family to like my romantic partner, but I'm a grown ass lady who can make my own decisions.)

Edited by TiaLou
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Ah, the ladies called Britt's bluff about telling Chris she was going to leave. What happened to that? She interrupted him to supposedly tell him she was going to leave, but then WAS just trying to get him to say he wanted her to stay! Well, that didn't work out too well for her! Part of me thinks that he planned on keeping her until she pulled him aside, but who knows. think her tears were "convincing enough" that they could spin it how she left heartbroken and is ready to find love as the Bachelorette. I think Carly turned too mean girl these past couple of episodes to get the lead, which seemed more obvious than Britt's "lying," yet I do think she's funny.

I think I'm all Becca-ed out. I was so confused how the show started w/ a date with her. Guess that's why she wasn't on the group date, but we had one too many dates for that week--and didn't she just have a horseback riding date the week before? That date didn't seem too exciting. Next, they're sitting around a (gorgeous) loft, but still boring. Then we immediately have to go to her hometown, too? They didn't even get attacked by an alligator! But, ugh, then you have her whole family freaking out at you for holding her hand because Becca has NEVER been that "intimate." She probably should have told Chris that Kardashley didn't have the corner market on the V card! Chris probably left there not knowing what was going on.

I liked Whitney's date at the fertility clinic. It was a nice touch of doing something cutesy but while highlighting her intelligence and also showing a day in her life. (I worried that Jade was going to be featured in one of the mentioned Playboys in the specimen-collection room!) I like Whitney more and more every episode. It's a shame that her sister was the token difficult family member, but it's not like she can impede their relationship. It was also cool to hear that Chris's sisters live in Chicago and Chris visits often, so they seem like a natural fit there. No fighting over whose family they're going to visit! On the one hand, I really dislike Chris. And when I see him with everyone else, I think certainly Whitney can do better! Yet, he does seem more natural and engaging with her, and I do like the them together.

I need Kaitlyn's family's firepit table for my beach house! Yet, I know my husband would say that's too dangerous. The rapping was terrible. She could be a good Bachelorette, though. Um, that's all I have to say there.

Jade gets a varsity jacket? This is sad to be nearly 30 and a high school sporting event is your big weekly entertainment. I don't even like having to watch my OWN kids' sports, let alone would think it's a big night out to watch others' kids play sports. Mustang Jadey. Ride, Jadey, ride! Yeah, he's saying it doesn't change the way he thinks about her--but everything he's saying in his voice over is that it's changed what he thinks about her. While letting her go: "It's not about what you said," but it's TOTALLY about what anyone with Internet access can see. "I might be making the biggest mistake in my life" by not bringing a Playboy Bunny to the fantasy suite and bringing a virgin instead.

Edited by JenE4
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I quite enjoyed Britt's dumping, and seeing Chris getting perturbed with her.


At this point I think it's a toss-up for who will be Bachelorette.  Britt seemed the obvious choice for a while, but she got such a terrible edit.  And yet, I could seem them still promoting her as "the sweetheart who just couldn't make peace with life in a small town. But now she has a second chance."


I actually think Carly would make a good Bachelorette, but it seems more likely at this point that they'll save her and her snarky commentary for the next Bachelor in Paradise.


Jade.  Yeah, I don't think TPTB are turned off about her nude photos.  I think it's quite possible they'll use that as precisely the hook for her on the show: "A sweet girl from Nebraska once made a horrible mistake in her life.  It may have cost her the man of her dreams.  Can she overcome it and find true love once again?"  Yeah, they can spin anything.  And I've no doubt there would be plenty of guys lined up to date her even if she didn't have nudies all over the internet.  


Kaitlyn is just too blah to be the Bachelorette and didn't get nearly as much screen time as one would expect if they were setting her up.

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Whitney's puppy needs their own show as that was too funny.


As for the rest, I think Britt's audition for the bachelorette failed as way too may fake tears.  But then Ali's flopping down and crying worked so who knows.   


Looking forward to next week in Bali.   

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Gosh, all this buildup over the Playboy spread…it reminded me of Joe Gorga (RHONJ) saying, "Why are we treating strippers like serial killers?"


So, it's a potential deal-breaker that Jade posed for Playboy…and now, it's a potential deal-breaker that Becca is a virgin. A woman just can't win on this show.


Whitney, please don't repeat the Snooki-inspired 'do.

Edited by archer1267
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Are my eyes funky, or was Chris' loft in Des Moines on the first floor, with traffic just out the door?    That's a shitty unit for a rich man.


Carly was a bitch, but she took down My little Pony's ass doublequick.   Bye Britt,  won't miss you.


So, Kaitlyn's a....Rapper?


Was Chris really banned from Canada??? 

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Gosh, all this buildup over the Playboy spread…it reminded me of Joe Gorga (RHONJ) saying, "Why are we treating strippers like serial killers?"




That does seem odd, especially given Chris' past.  We were disappointed that they didn't come to Canada for Kaitlyn's visit, but he Canada's pretty sticky about crossing the border with a DUI. 


II'm also sick of the spoilery previews-  they told us in the first episode that a 'virgin goes to the fantasy suite'!!!  Not a lot of suspense left when they show you everything in advance. 


At least they're finally travelling- I'd be more than a bit pissed if I'd been picked for this season.  

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but he Canada's pretty sticky about crossing the border with a DUI.



Ok, I heard something like this on the Spoilers thread but I didn't understand.  Someone explain, please?  If you have DUI you can't cross the border?  Like, ever? 

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At least they're finally travelling- I'd be more than a bit pissed if I'd been picked for this season.  

If I lost my mind and went on this show, my plan would be to try to stay around until final 2/3 so I could go to all the places than split. Well, in prior seasons.  This season, I would have just employed Ashley S.'s strategy.

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At least they're finally travelling- I'd be more than a bit pissed if I'd been picked for this season.

Right! I was thinking that if I was one of these women, I'd be so ticked off so far to be stuck with these lousy destinations. I actually reacted out loud: "Thank GOD, they're finally going SOMEwhere!"

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We were disappointed that they didn't come to Canada for Kaitlyn's visit, but he Canada's pretty sticky about crossing the border with a DUI. 


At least they're finally travelling- I'd be more than a bit pissed if I'd been picked for this season.  


I didn't know that they stamp DUIs in your passport.  I was wondering why they didn't leave the US. 

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I couldn't help but search Google for Jade's video, and you really can see everything, even her breast implant scars.


I think Chris knew Jade was wrong for him (or at least his stated intention of finding a woman ready to marry) when Jade's brother shrugged and said, "She might want to do the whole married thing."


Britt's final, unsuccessful sit-down with Chris reminded me of an episode of The Apprentice when Donald Trump was so exasperated with the excuses and last-minute pleas of the guy Trump wanted to fire, he just threw up his hands and said to the guy, "Isn't it over?" Britt had already dug her own grave, the decision was made, and that whole conversation was just pointless.


The sequence where Chris H announced there would be no cocktail party was great because Britt, acting very anxious, said, "The train is moving!"...except they managed to stop the train long enough for Britt and someone else to both tape talking-head interviews to offer their reaction to the train moving unexpectedly.


I missed about 30 seconds where Kaitlyn was explaining how her family is somehow unconventional. What was it, other than living most of the year in Canada but wintering in Arizona? (Or do they actually winter in Arizona, or was that just a cover story to hide the fact that Chris can't travel to Canada because of his DUI?) Can someone fill me in?


Whitney really creeped me out, and I think creeped Chris out, with her "virginal" wine that she was saving for The One. She also has a terrible poker face. When she's angry, she doesn't just look angry; she looks ugly-angry.


Becca's whole hometown date was cringeworthy for me, but especially the ferris wheel and her reaction to it. She really seems like a 15-year-old girl trapped in a 25-year-old woman's body.


I was so confused how the show started w/ a date with her. Guess that's why she wasn't on the group date, but we had one too many dates for that week--and didn't she just have a horseback riding date the week before?



I agree...all of this time-shifting the producers are doing, moving rose ceremonies to the beginning of episodes and splitting a single "week's" dates across two episodes has me totally confused.


Was Chris' loft in Des Moines on the first floor, with traffic just out the door?



Was that really his own bachelor pad, or just where he was staying while they were filming in Des Moines? I think Becca said the latter.


I'm also sick of the spoilery previews



Considering they had already spoiled who three of the Final 4 were before tonight, the fact that the fourth got the first rose at the rose ceremony was also annoying. Where's the drama in that?

Edited by PhilW
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I found this on tripadvisor:




Also, was Chris drinking Scotch both at Jade's parents and in the hotel room?    Seems like our boy may like to toss a few back.


Re Jade:   You can also see what appears to be a C section scars in that video.  My guess is Chris saw it too, and wonders how many little secrets his wild mustang has.   Not that he's an angel.

Edited by Mu Shu
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I quite enjoyed Britt's dumping, and seeing Chris getting perturbed with her



She was constantly interrupting him the entire time he was talking.  I thought she was so sure she was leaving of her own accord and her bags were already packed?  Whatever Britt.


I think that Chris saw through her and realized she was fake when they were outside at the ice rink. "I really loved it there!" is the wrong answer.  No one really loves it.  No one wants that lifestyle.  The right answer is, yeah, it's small and not ideal but I would go there for you and we'd make it work, like what the other girls are saying. Gushing " I really liked it!!" with a big beaming smile is fakeity fake fake.

Edited by FamilyVan
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I actually think Carly would make a good Bachelorette, but it seems more likely at this point that they'll save her and her snarky commentary for the next Bachelor in Paradise.


As much as I would love to see Carly as Bachelorette, I have to say Bachelor in Paradise is more likely her fate. She may have been too funny for her own good. But at least she was actually funny, unlike other bitchy contestants from the past who tried to pass it off as humor. Tip for all future would be Michelle Money's and Courtney Robertson's, Carly is the best example of making bitchy comments funny. The secret ingredient is humor. 

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Other thoughts: Britt was fake crying, sitting out in front of the house, hoping Chris would rush out and say, "Britt, I was wrong! Please come back! Your expressions of true grief melted that hardened block of ice that was my heart and now I know you are here for the right reasons and you are my only true love!" Her crying reminded me of the fake crying of a toddler, who cries really loud and then looks to see if anyone is noticing.


Those conversations at Becca's place were strange (so is the music playing on Castle right now). Was her family trying to undermine her? I do like her confidence in feeling that her life is fine without a man in it and that she is holding out for the right guy. I also wonder if she's being set up as the Bachelorette whose heart has never been touched--is there a Prince Charming who will awaken her to love?


Also, I also couldn't help wondering if Jade showed the pictures and video in hopes Chris would get aroused. That bed was right in the background. It seemed strange she would show the pictures otherwise. Also I couldn't help thinking "wild mustang" was euphemistic.


Whitney and her sister - there's some weird dynamic going on there. I like Whitney but I feel like she was sitting up her sister to be the bad guy. Suddenly asking for a blessing on a marriage to a man the sister's never seen before except maybe on TV, the sister is hesitant, Whitney says she couldn't accept the proposal without the blessing, etc., when in fact no blessing is necessary and Whitney and Chris know that quite well. It just seemed strange. I'd be interested in what you guys think.

Edited by Lamb18
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I think the tension between Whitney and her (I'm assuming older?) sister is simply that for the past 10 years, the sister has also been like a surrogate mother for Whitney, and that clashing of roles erupts occasionally.


Becca's family, on the other hand...their comments about her were just weird and inexplicable. They were talking about her like she's an asexual leper, rather than just a virgin without much dating experience.

Edited by PhilW
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RE: Kaitlyn saying that her family is unconventional ...I think she considers her family unconventional because her divorced parents and their current spouses all get along so well and spend time together.


I meant to include this earlier but Whitney's conversation with her sister was really awkward, not only the insistence on the blessing part; Whitney interrupted her constantly. And I agree with a poster upthread who said that when Whitney is angry, she sure is ugly angry. 


(Armchair psychologist: Whitney is a serious, serious control freak. This works very well in her chosen profession, where accuracy and precision are necessary. This particular trait often doesn't work so well in romantic relationships, unless it's very clear that the partner really wants to be controlled.)

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Also, was Chris drinking Scotch both at Jade's parents and in the hotel room?    Seems like our boy may like to toss a few back.



Tonight I really did notice that whenever the conversation turned even remotely serious (usually directed there by someone other than Chris) he reached for his drink.


I think Fleiss and Co. will give it a couple of weeks to see how Britt and Jade play out with the typical audience demo.  It didn't seem to me that they edited Britt in a way that would help her, unless they were trying to gin up sympathy for her being "bullied" by the others.  I think Jade got a decent edit.  (and you know the J. Geils Band have their fingers crossed for the royalties on that one!).  But I also think that whoever goes out at F3 also has a chance.  


I only half pay attention, but was Whitney the only one for whom Chris was shown asking for the family's "blessing"?

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Was Whitney the only one for whom Chris was shown asking for the family's "blessing"?



Yes, and that could be a telling sign, but it could also could just be selective editing. And Jade's father basically gave Chris his unsolicited blessing (at least Chris wasn't shown seeking the blessing), when he basically told Chris that he would welcome him as a son-in-law as long as he makes Jade happy. Of course, that blessing didn't help Jade's chances.

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I was about to say that. He only asked Whitney's family for a blessing in marriage.

Also, if I was Chris' final one, I would be leery of Britt. She is a woman scorned and she's going to see all the mean things the women said behind her back. Plus Chris is probably going to feel sorry for Britt. The other women totally oversold the "she's a fake liar" claims.

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So Chris was taken aback that 26-year-old Becca had never been in love?  Maybe she's just a little more discriminating than you, dude. Crikey, 26 is not that old.


I also feel it's sad when you hear women like Kaitlyn berate themselves for "not fully letting down their guard", for not just putting themselves out there.  In the real world, we would applaud a woman for not just jumping into a relationship with a stranger, but in Bachelorland, I think the production staff makes women think that there must be something "lacking" in them, that they would be so cautious...


No way was Britt going to suffer the humiliation of not getting a rose. (Though for all I know, if things had played out, maybe Chris would still have given Britt the rose and sent Carly home.)  I wish Chris had cut her off when she wanted just a couple of minutes and said "No, we're starting this rose ceremony now." That would have been awesome. As it was, she got what she wanted--not having to be subjected to the possibility of ending up standing there, roseless, hearing CH say "I'm sorry, Britt, please say your goodbyes".


I get Carly. Low self-esteem, I'm guessing from family issues.  She's sick of feeling that she's a nice person, interesting, fun, and is reasonably attractive, yet when a gorgeous woman comes along, no matter how high-maintenance and self absorbed, the guys only have eyes for the gorgeous babe.  Sadly, it's the way of the world more often than not. Carly isn't the most mature person, but I couldn't help liking her.  


As for Britt, please, this experience is a tiny blip on the onward and upward trajectory that is her life. I completely believe that most guys--even seeing these last few episodes of TB--would overlook all that just to be with her beautiful self and hopefully earn her love or whatever. That's why she'd (sadly) be a good Bachelorette. It would be like Emily's season--guys tripping over themselves to get time with Britt.

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I was actually on Britt's side in this, and Chris looked like an ass. Everything Britt said was honest and I would bet a million dollars the other girls feel the same way, they just are hiding it which is even faker. I think all of the girls like Chris, want to get married, want to be chosen, but don't want to live in Iowa. All of them. I think Chris was acting like Britt did something terrible, all she did was point out that he has been all over her since day one, probably had sex with her, and it surprised her not to be chosen for the hometown date. I don't like Carly and the fact that she was more interested in ruining Britt's chances than care about her own, speaks volumes.


None of the hometown dates really worked. I thought it was unprofessional for Whitney to actually involve Chris in someone's personal business, and even suggesting he should donate sperm was just kind of gross. And yes, the ceremonial wine thing was just too Fatal Attraction for me taste. No way is she going to be happy being a farmer's wife.


Becca kind of bugs me with her blinding white veneers, and her family was really implying some odd things about her. They seem to be saying she is cold and impersonal and doesn't like to be touched, which is way different than saying she hasn't had a serious relationship.


Jade seems like a sweet woman, but why are her father and brother so in the know about her Playboy stuff and it seemed like they were implying other things. Either they don't like her or something is out of whack.


Kaitlyn doesn't seem interested in Chris and I would bet that the billboard thing was a producer set-up. I don't know, there is something phony about her. 

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The other women totally oversold the "she's a fake liar" claims.



I felt this was too.  Granted, when it comes to Britt I'm pretty sure I'm thinking with the wrong head.  But it seemed to me that she admitted to Chris in her first conversation at the Ice Rink that she was initially concerned/skeptical about living in Arlington, but then gradually came around.  That may very well have been her trying to pre-spin things, assuming that Carly would tell Chris.  But either way, she can't be accused of having concealed that from Chris. 


Ultimately I think Chris just decided that Britt was too high-maintenance for him.  Given the behavior we saw from her last night, I can't say I completely blame him.  But I am getting the sense that Chris prefers his women to be seen (and french-kissed) but not heard.

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I think Carly would be Ashley Hebert 2.0 and assume that every guy stepping out of the limo was disappointed that it wasn't Britt standing there. (And who knows, maybe there'd be someone jerky enough like Bentley or William to actually admit on air that they were hoping for Britt, or Jade, or Kaitlyn instead.) And then she'd feel the need to APOLOGIZE for not being Britt. Ugh. I get that that kind of insecurity makes her relatable as a woman, but I don't want to see The Bachelorette projecting that onto the guys around her. I cringed badly enough when Ashley did it.

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I enjoyed Britt's departure, esp. that she wasn't in control of it all. Her sobbing was kind of funny, though, when she finally explained to the camera "I thought Carly was my friend! I didn't think she'd lie about Arlington!"  I took that as "She made me look bad" not as "OMG! I just lost Chris who could have been the love of my life!"


Carly was a mean girl, perhaps, but I was feeling it, too. Britt took a lot for granted imo and manipulated Chris and others not from love but from a desire to be the B-ette. I was happy, too, that she got her comeuppance. (I wouldn't mind her as the B-ette, though, since she's got the looks and confidence to wrap the guys around her finger and that's a good b-ette to have, not one who's desperate--like a lot of these women.)

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I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but my comment on Britt wanting to leave -  Britt SAID to Chris that she was ready to marry him and settle down in Iowa.  When she said she wanted to LEAVE, she didn't say it was because she didn't love him, or didn't want to marry him.  She said it was because she was jealous when someone else got a rose, or got a date.  She couldn't handle the idea that she wasn't his "one and only."  It's wrong.  In real life, you might leave a relationship, after a year or more, if you have the feeling "I love him, but he doesn't love me enough".  Sure - you put so much into a relationship, and don't feel you're getting enough back.   But on this show, that's ridiculous.   If you decide to leave it should not be because "He doesn't love me enough, doesn't love me more than everyone else."   It should be because "I don't love him enough to commit to marriage."   

Britt has a very immature view of love - she is used to being admired and catered to, she wants to BE LOVED, but she hasn't looked at how to LOVE the other person.  If she had just looked inside herself, to see that she didn't really want to be married to a farmer from Iowa, she could have walked away with some dignity.   But that's not what she signed on for.   

The crying when she left - that was all filmed so that it can be her intro to her Bachelorette season -  a bunch of men, all vying for her attention, and she being the one to decide who gets how many minutes of her, how many roses, how many kisses, etc - it's the role she has been training for her entire life. 


Carly can't be the next B'ette - she doesn't have enough confidence.  and Jade?  No, I don't think they want a B'ette where all the guys in the house can look up her nude photos online. 

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I didn't know that they stamp DUIs in your passport. I was wondering why they didn't leave the US.

Canada considers DUI a felony offense. My husband, who is 50yrs old, has DUI's on his record - one when he was 19 and another at age 21. (No, he's not an alcoholic-he was just young and stupid!). 2 yrs ago he tried to enter Canada for a fishing trip with his father and he was denied entry. There is a way to file for clearance and my husband did that. It involves a mountain of paperwork, fingerprinting, references, a $200.00 fee, and also a written essay about how you have been rehabilitated and that you have a strong standing in your community. It took over a year of waiting but he is now free to enter Canada. I am no longer married to a felon!

No way would Chris have been allowed entry. And the show would not have had enough time to go through the paperwork process to get him cleared.

Edited by JayJey
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That's why she'd (sadly) be a good Bachelorette. It would be like Emily's season--guys tripping over themselves to get time with Britt.


Just what I've been thinking. Britt is perfect for the "role" of the Bachelorette and to me she is very similar to Emily as well. Emily was not very popular on The Bachelor, and got called out for many of the same things you hear about Britt now - fake, plastic, wears too much makeup, in it for the Wrong Reasons - but she got great guys and her season of The Bachelorette is still my favorite. It amused me tonight to see Emily defending Britt on twitter and calling Carly out as a hater. Which she is.

Edited by judie
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How did Becca end up on this show, anyway? It seems like an odd move for someone who doesn't seem interested in men/dating (at least according to her very own family) and who apparently doesn't like to be touched.

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At the rose ceremony - they all had their WORST dresses on.  Carly and Becca shopped at Sluts R Us for tight evening dresses, Whitney is wearing a pale pink number she had from third grade that she had altered to almost fit her.  Kaitlyn's was too SHINY.  Only Jade had a cute dress on, it's one I would wear.  It's not evening wear, I would throw a blazer over it and wear it to work.  (which makes it bad, because I'm old enough to be her mother)


ETA -  i didn't realize there were TWO rose ceremonies tonight.  I was referring to the first one, when Chris eliminated Britt and then Carly

Edited by backformore
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Becca is stunning.

She's my favorite...not for Chris, just person-wise.  I think she's just genuinely darling...which kind of makes her totally wrong for this show.


I think he'll end up with Whitney, and she'll definitely be the alpha in that relationship for however long it lasts.


Bachelorette..hmmmm. I was thinking Carly or Kaitlyn but honestly, Ashley I. would make for a hilarious season.

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What's with the heavy sighing? It was becoming so predictable that we'd shout, "Heavy sigh!" right before he did it. LOL. After Jade's show and tell of the nudie-judies they cut to Chris sitting on the hotel couch with the laptop before him on the coffee table. 10 bucks says as soon as the crew leaves Chris grabs laptop and hits up browsing history.

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Both times Britt's happy go lucky, loves everyone, angelic facade cracked were when Kaitlyn received the rose. First after the group camping date that she wasn't even a part of and then in that awkward for all present confrontation. Chris clearly didn't like having his choice questioned the first time so I think he was over it the second. And especially after his conversation with Carly. I have to wonder what Britt's problem was with Kaitlyn and if she didn't just feel so above her that she couldn't hide her disdain any time Chris singled her out as his group choice.

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Chris is so inarticulate, it's painful.  Whitney really is a control freak, but how cute was she showing him around her workplace.


Bub-bye, Carly.  You didn't get Chris, but you did last an hour or two longer than Britt, so you can console yourself with that feat.

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So many weird things tonight. I like Becca, but what the hell is up with her family? She said in an earlier episode that not having sex was a choice she made - she could have been lying about that for whatever reason, but if we take her at face value, it's not that strange that someone who's chosen to abstain from sex wouldn't be into a lot of overt PDAs, and some people just don't like being touchy with their significant others around their family (I'm like that - it has nothing to do with not wanting to be touched in general, I just don't like a lot of touching while hanging out with my family). The way her family talked about her was like she was the 40 Year Old Virgin. It's not that weird to be inexperienced in love at 26.


Then there was Jade's family - I would set myself on fire if my brother referred to me when speaking to my boyfriend/potential husband as "a wild mustang". There's something about Jade that really rubs me the wrong way, though I can't quite put my finger on it. It's really hard to buy her as this free spirit wild child when all we see of her is quiet, reserved, barely speaking or showing any emotion at all. The jacket from Chris's high school was a tad lame, but you'd think she'd at least be pleased to receive a memento from their "AMAZING!" date, and yet her response was basically "oh, thanks," with the barest of smiles before tossing it aside.


Then there's the porn reveal. I actually found her explanation very understandable and relateable and I have no judgement for her about doing it, but showing the photos and video to Chris when he's sitting there looking somewhat shellshocked was really weird. "Hey, we've known each other for about a month and been on three dates, here are some naked pictures of me and a video of me stripping!" That would seriously weird me out. That said, Chris seems to have a complete inability to react to things and process info at a normal person's speed. Or hold a coherent conversation. God help whoever ends up with him alone on those 6000 acres.


You know, I can really understand what Britt was saying about not wanting to bring a boyfriend home to meet her family when he's also dating other women, when she's not sure that she's his number one. But then don't go on the freaking Bachelor! If you willingly participate in a reality show in which one man dates multiple women at once, you don't get to complain about being one of multiple women in the man's life.


I love Kaitlyn, but she and Chris seem so completely wrong for one another. No way in hell she'd live with him in Arlington.


I'm curious about Chris's parting words to Carly. Annoying that they VOed that.

Edited by atlanticslide
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I hope it's Britt for the next Bachelorette so I can sit the season out.

But, I said the same thing when I heard it was Chris for this season bc he bored me and I had no interest in watching.

But alas, here I am :(.

Kaitlyn seemed so young this episode.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Britt-  I'm confident that the reason there was no cocktail party was because Chris had made up his mind to send Carly and Britt packing.  He was furious with her when she had the meltdown over the rose.  You could tell he did take what Carly had told him about Britt to heart.  Of course, Britt didn't want to be dumped so she tried to do it first but Chris had the last word. Yay!


Carly-  Sweet Carly.  I liked that she could just be her quirky self.  She took one for the team in ratting out Britt, but she didn't reveal Jade's secret which she really could've.  I'd like to know what Chris said to her as she got in the limo.  I think they both just had a good "buddy" vibe between them but the show will be more boring without her.  Carly for Bachelorette!


Kaitlyn--  If Chris can't get into Canada, I don't see how he's going to choose a Canadian.  Kaitlyn is cute, but boring at the same time.  I don't think she actually loves Chris, she seems to like him a bit.  I did like her family but she seems pretty young compared to Chris.  I think she'll be the next out.


Becca-  She's so boring.  I imagine they'd just sit around their house in silence.  Some thing is off with Becca, I don't think it's just shyness.  Huge red flags that her family is telling Chris it's not normal for her to be affectionate with a guy.  She's never brought a guy home?  She's pretty and smart, how has her family never seen her hold hands with a guy?


Jade-  Poor wild mustang Jade.  Jade is the only one we saw get a present from Chris.  I think she was in the top two until the whole playboy reveal.  I also think there's more to her story than just that episode.  Her family thinks she's some kind of hellion and I don't think that comes from posing from a magazine years ago.  I think they realized she'd go crazy in a small town too.  Her elimination was so about those pictures.


Whitney-  Is looking a little desperate.  Her sister was 100% right in saying it was unfair to put her in that position after just meeting him.  At this stage she is one of four and it would be impossible for her to know if Whitney's the one or not.  I'm sure that Whitney knew her sister would be hard on him and was really just trying to get her not to be since she's probably seen the show and knows that family can make or break someone's chances.  It was interesting that this seemed to be the only time Chris asked for someone's blessing.  He keeps saying things like, "Whitney makes me a better man."  With the other girls he just likes spending time with them.  If she's into her career though it would be really hard to do from Arlington.


Chris-  Is drinking whiskey.  I noticed with Becca's family he brought them Templeton Rye, an Iowa whiskey.  I'm not sure that drinking heavy liquor on these hometowns is a great thing to do.  But I suppose it could give the girls a glimpse at how he unwinds.


Lastly--Are they getting to eat at all?  It looked like he just dropped in on the families for an interrogation but maybe only ate at Kaitlyn's?

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Ok, I heard something like this on the Spoilers thread but I didn't understand.  Someone explain, please?  If you have DUI you can't cross the border?  Like, ever?


Canada considers DUI a felony offense. My husband, who is 50yrs old, has DUI's on his record - one when he was 19 and another at age 21. (No, he's not an alcoholic-he was just young and stupid!). 2 yrs ago he tried to enter Canada for a fishing trip with his father and he was denied entry. There is a way to file for clearance and my husband did that. It involves a mountain of paperwork, fingerprinting, references, a $200.00 fee, and also a written essay about how you have been rehabilitated and that you have a strong standing in your community. It took over a year of waiting but he is now free to enter Canada. I am no longer married to a felon!

No way would Chris have been allowed entry. And the show would not have had enough time to go through the paperwork process to get him cleared.

I had a colleague who apparently didn't know all of this and was denied entrance to Canada on a business trip. Rumor has it she was escorted back to the border by the police. That was...difficult to explain to management.

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I definitely think that Becca's family just assumes she doesn't like PDA because they never witnessed that from her. She mentioned in an earlier episode that she was nervous for her dad to see her kiss on tv. So I don't find it surprising that she's never behaved that way in front of them. She's probably treated as the baby of the family and that is why.. I'm the oldest of 7 kids and my youngest sister was always treated as the baby and was very much more reserved than the rest of us in that way.

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