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S19.E06: Week 6

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Riiiight, because Hollywood is an isolated place, where no country music is ever heard. I call bull***t on Britt's claim at the concert when she cried out "I love this song!" As if she had never heard country music before. Because she hails from Outer Mongolia, apparently. I think she hates country music (I'm also not a fan), but is being fake as usual and trying to be what Chris wants.


I think that this is possible. I live in the NYC radio market, and we've never had a country station...except very recently my daughter told me there is now a country station in the market, but I've never come across it in my scrolling, so I'm not sure about that. I've heard the few cross-overs that have made it to the Adult Contemporary stations. Like, I know of Faith Hill. And there's that girl from American Idol who sang a song about scratching up someone's car that made the top of the pop charts. And I really liked a song from a few years back that went something like "take your cat but leave my sweater." But these are all songs that made it to the pop charts. They don't sound "country twangy" like I've seen in passing on TV--which I would immediately turn off. I've never heard of Big and Rich, yet their song sounded pretty funny, yet not something I would ever listen to. I imagine drunk people singing it in a country western bar.

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Anyone who watched DWTS knows "Save a Horse" since that is the music Cheryl Burke and Nick Lashey (?) did their freestyle dance to, to win the mirrorball. DWTS replays that dance every year. And I mean every year. The highlight of the dance was Cheryl straddling Nick and "riding" him up and down. Yeah, it's memorable.


People might not know Big and Rich were the singers, though.


Rich won Celebrity Apprentice either last year or the time before, for anyone who can stomach their way through that show.


So, for Britt to "love that song" could be entirely possible.

And there's that girl from American Idol who sang a song about scratching up someone's car that made the top of the pop charts.



Carrie Underwood. She's on tv all the time, and hosts award shows. And I only have antenna tv so it's not like she's on some obscure cable station. Carrie is huge in the country market, her latest song is in the top five.


There's a big difference between the beer-bottle smashing and tobacco-chewing redneck country stereotypical music and the cross-over country/pop hits of today. Anyone hear of Taylor Swift? Country.

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Big and Rich is Nu country.   Nu country is likely Chris' genre.   Everyone has heard it, it's ubiquitous.   Britt is a bad actress, and a worse liar.  


Me, I'm into the real trashy stuff, old mountain stuff, and Cajun/Zydeco.   Now, had Britt claimed never to have heard those genres, I would believe her, but Pop/Nu country?   Saber beat me to the punch.   


Oh, and there are plenty of people who listen to big and Rich who aren't stereotypes.   My ex loves them, and he's a south Florida Jew. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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Chris knew he was dumping both girls before they all stepped on the helicopter. You could see his tension during the "dates", then the very visible relief when he climbed back into the chopper. All painfully delightful to watch.

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For all that Ashley came across as ridiculous and silly, I'd say Kelsey's edit was way, way worse - she came across like a legit psychopath. Most of hat was her just acting and speaking like a psychopath, but the creepy music they put in over every talking head certainly didn't help. If she thinks she has a shot at being the next Bachelorette she's dead wrong.

There was a funny shot when Kelsey was laughing.  The camera pulled back , you saw the building she was in, and the laughing continued on a loop, but there was some auto-tuning to make it eerily similar to a witch's cackle.  The editors on this show have a fun job.  

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I think that this is possible. I live in the NYC radio market, and we've never had a country station...except very recently my daughter told me there is now a country station in the market, but I've never come across it in my scrolling, so I'm not sure about that.

Britt is from Detroit, apparently. My husband is from So. Cal., and being that it's in the west, they aren't strangers to country western music. Many steak houses and Tex-Mex bars and restaurants have it on continuous loop. I just think she doesn't like it. But then, from Day One I've been of the opinion she's really wrangling (heh) for a Bachelorette spot, not for Chris Soules' heart and small town.


I'm fuzzy on what happened at the end of the last episode and how it relates to the start of this one. Kelsey was all "I'm a shoo-in for a rose!" to the other women, then Chris came out looking dour, then he left and Kelsey had a meltdown. Is that the gist of it? So bizarre. Her anxiety attack on the floor was ridiculous. The EMT kept asking her how bad the pain was, and I heard Kelsey say she wasn't in pain. Then later I heard the EMT ask what the pain level was on a scale of 0-10, and again she said she wasn't in pain. The poor EMT probably wasn't sure what to do with her, being that it was all a sham. I've had anxiety attacks, and they can feel like a heart attack, which is only one reason I think she was being entirely manipulative. Chris booting her certainly seemed to roll off her back easily enough, just saying.

Edited by Andromeda
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Anyone who watched DWTS knows "Save a Horse" since that is the music Cheryl Burke and Nick Lashey (?) did their freestyle dance to, to win the mirrorball. DWTS replays that dance every year. And I mean every year. The highlight of the dance was Cheryl straddling Nick and "riding" him up and


So, for Britt to "love that song" could be entirely possible.


Except wasn't she acting like she didn't know it? If she loved that song, why does she not know "any" country music? I mean, it's pretty hard to escape if you ever watch shows like DWTS or The Voice, Idol, etc. Maybe she avoids all that, but it seems unlikely.


I believe Whitney, that Britt has heard country music before and "hates" it. She has got to be the fakest b-ette in my memory. I don't even think she's a good actress, since she is always so "on" and OTT when the cameras and Chris are around, whether making exaggerated faces, jumping up and down, lying outright ("100 children"), cuddling the girls (I think, to be lovable and popular on camera) and looking at him with those (apparently fake) eyes of wonder when they're together.


She's working it (the "I'm so into you" act), but frankly I liked Emily's equally practiced act better ("I'm an awesome catch and I'm in control in the most ladylike but firm way possible, and you just -hope- I like you a little bit esp because you think I'm the greatest thing ever.") Britt could pull off Emily's "catch me if you can" act, but instead she's chosen this one. I think it will backfire on her (perhaps already has, judging from the fairly negative edit she's getting).

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Leading the pack every week is Carly. She talks shit about every one and it's not cute.


I love Carly, but there is no denying that not only does she have a masters in shit talking (no doubt like Ashley I, from a good school), she really does seem to be getting away with it. Michelle Money took a ton of heat for cracking wise about Britt's allegedly non-existent bathing habits, and rightfully so. But Carly is the one who started it all, as we all saw with our own eyes last week. Yet she has hardly received any criticism over that, certainly not at the level the ancient one, Michelle Money, has received. Like I said, I still love Carly, and I am really hoping she ends up the Bachelorette, but it might not be so bad if she got called out on her trash talk.


Still, despite her trash talking ways, she does break my heart when she gets upset. I just want to hug her, dry her eyes, and tell her we can go down to the pound and pick out a new Bachelor.

Edited by reggiejax
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Me, I'm into the real trashy stuff, old mountain stuff, and Cajun/Zydeco.

Cajun/zydeco, yes. Louisiana much? (I know where you live ... heh heh!)


I can't remember if Britt loves or hates country music. It depends on what scene she is in. Hates it in one, loves it and jumps up and down to it in another. I guess I don't really care one way or the other. Chris did say that's his music, though, and he was singing along to "Ride a (Farm) Cowboy." That was a fun segment, however, and finally the show had singers on who could be recognized by the general public as opposed to some obscure person. I guess not having to pay for all those plane tickets to France have paid off in other ways.


I did like the singing competition since everyone was supportive, no one was cranking on anyone else, and all got applause and all seemed to have a good time. Gotta love Big for running down the street with whatshername. He at least had some life to him. *coughchriscough*


Whitney is reminding me of the two-faced woman from Seinfeld. She is witch-of-the-west one minute, then somewhat attractive the next. Makes me laugh, I never know which Whitney we're gonna see.

Edited by saber5055
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Britt could pull off Emily's "catch me if you can" act, but instead she's chosen this one. I think it will backfire on her (perhaps already has, judging from the fairly negative edit she's getting).


After this week and the way she and Chris ran off, I really feel for the woman who ends up with Chris - if it's not Britt. Maybe it's just lust and he's taken with someone who inhabits a very different world, but his "connection" with her is so beyond anything I see with any of the other women. He can't keep his hands off her. Even if she's not the type of girl who'd fit in with his family and his world, I bet Britt's the one he thinks of when he's on his own. I can't imagine the women feeling anything other than "second best."

Edited by archer1267
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I did like the singing competition since everyone was supportive, no one was cranking on anyone else, and all got applause and all seemed to have a good time. Gotta love Big for running down the street with whatshername. He at least had some life to him. *coughchriscough*

I confess I didn't recognize Big and Rich. I vaguely knew the name when I figured out what the women were calling them. And maybe I recognized one of them. But the fuzzier guy (is he Big?) totally won me over during his pep talk/run with Jade. We need a Bachelor with a personality like his! It really by contrast showed how dull Chris is.

Edited by Andromeda
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He can't keep his hands off her. Even if she's not the type of girl who'd fit in with his family and his world, I bet Britt's the one he thinks of when he's on his own. I can't imagine the women feeling anything other than "second best."

It's a Ben-and-Courtney thing. Ben could never have dated a model w/o being TB. Chris could never date a beautiful Hollywood actress w/o being TB. So many "right reasons" to be on this show! I wish I were in its demographic, I'd sign up in a heartbeat.

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The article says Kelsey is going to France for two weeks, then returning for "the birth of her nephew."  Then she will be returning to France later.  If two weeks coincides with the WTA, then I would expect to see Kelsey there.

I know the WTA airs on the 3rd of March, but I thought I read that it actually films on the 21st.  If so, she'd be able to avoid the lesser being i.e., the other ladies and the attendant lynch mobs.  Kinda sad if it's true.  I'd love to see her toe-to-toe with the others.  

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First, well done Britt, in each of the group events, ( ie cocktail party) she knows how to make sure she is next to the right person to ensure she has more screen time.  Next to Kelsey for example.  

It's hard for me to comment on this show because I don't know how much of this is set up an edited and if any of these girls are for real at all.  I will say this, Whitney is pretty classy, or is she edited that way.

Anywho, I like the drama, and Ashley I is so immature.  

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The article says Kelsey is going to France for two weeks, then returning for "the birth of her nephew."  Then she will be returning to France later.


I read that article and I'm sorry...but how cliched is it to go to Paris to be a writer? ("If I'm going to be a writer I may as well do it in Paris" - paraphrasing.) What is she going to live on and how is she going to work? Is she expecting that Bachelor infamy will pay the bills? She alluded to staying in Paris for as long as she can before they boot her out of the country.

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I thought the 2 on 1 date was really appropriate considering that's how he lives, in the middle of nowhere with not much to do. Man, Ashley really had an ugly cry. She was making these snuffling noises that sounded vaguely farty. It was cracking me up. He's interested in Britt because she's out of his league. I agree that she's angling for the next Bachelorette. I still can't believe that she sleeps in full make up. The last time I did that, I woke up with a swollen eye due to a clogged tear duct. That was definitely a worse look than no make up!

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"I'm going to Paris to become a writer." Because you can't, you know, write in Austin. The most annoying thing about Kelsey to me is how she's convinced she's so special. I thought she was pretty and seemed down-to-earth the first couple of weeks (little did I know!) but other than that, from the way she expresses herself and the way she acted, I don't see anything special about her at all. It's annoying that she apparently believes her own PR. (And I don't believe she'll be back for TWTA--nothing they can do about it, either!)

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Maybe Kelsey thinks she's going to join up with the Lost Generation writers in Paris. Too bad she's nearly 100 years too late. But her blog will be so amazingly tragic and tragically amazing and eloquently expansive to one's horizons that it will create a paradoxical world in which zombie Hemingway and Joyce and Fitzgerald and Stein will rise from their graves and join in celebrating the most eloquent blog to have ever been written that will be so tragic that readers will have panic attacks yet also so amazing that they will simultaneously faint.

Edited by JenE4
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Moving to Paris to be a writer didn't work out too well for Carrie Bradshaw.



I wouldn't be surprised if Kelsey fancies herself a writer of the Hemingway/Fitzgerald/Miller caliber.


ETA: JenE4 beat me to it.

Edited by chocolatine
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Big and Rich is Nu country.   Nu country is likely Chris' genre.   Everyone has heard it, it's ubiquitous.   Britt is a bad actress, and a worse liar.  


Me, I'm into the real trashy stuff, old mountain stuff, and Cajun/Zydeco.   Now, had Britt claimed never to have heard those genres, I would believe her, but Pop/Nu country?   Saber beat me to the punch.   


Oh, and there are plenty of people who listen to big and Rich who aren't stereotypes.   My ex loves them, and he's a south Florida Jew. 

Meh, it's really not that ubiquitous. I know that I've heard country music, but I couldn't name a single song or artist other than really, really well known ones like Garth Brooks and Faith Hill and Blake Shelton (and the last one only because I used to watch The Voice). I'd never heard of Big and Rich before last night. Country music isn't played on the popular/Top 40 stations in my city and I have no idea if there's a country station in the area. It's pretty easy to avoid, and if you're not into it, it's pretty easy to not absorb it even when you do hear it. So yeah, I can totally buy that Britt hasn't heard much country music in her life. I don't remember what she said at the concert, but I could also easily believe that caught up in the moment she enjoyed the music and commented as much - not saying "I've loved this song for years" but more "I'm enjoying this song as I'm listening to it."


That said, I do think Britt is a big fat phony, so I could also easily believe that she's listened to plenty of country music or hates country music, or whatever else, and just said she loved the song for Chris's benefit.

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After this week and the way she and Chris ran off, I really feel for the woman who ends up with Chris - if it's not Britt. Maybe it's just lust and he's taken with someone who inhabits a very different world, but his "connection" with her is so beyond anything I see with any of the other women. He can't keep his hands off her. Even if she's not the type of girl who'd fit in with his family and his world, I bet Britt's the one he thinks of when he's on his own. I can't imagine the women feeling anything other than "second best."

I couldn't agree more. If Britt isn't the recipient of Chris' final rose, she will be the one that got away.

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I couldn't agree more. If Britt isn't the recipient of Chris' final rose, she will be the one that got away.

Even though I dont know her except one sentence, I still think that spot is reserved for Samantha. Wow!

I really didn't like how Chris bolted after coming back hand in hand with Britt. It put all of the onus on her which wasn't okay. Man up, acknowledge the situation, and deal with it Chris.

Kelsey's ego is astounding. Generally with these types you can tell their end game is screen time; I firmly believe she means every enunciated syllable. My only problem is a sick part of me wonders if that delusion yields happiness. Does Kelsey know something I dont? Could keep me up if I thought it through too much.

Triscuit and Ritz help me, but I thought Ashley was great. She had a realization she got emotional when she was around him and couldn't stop it all the same. I went to summer camp and I can say, I've never felt the passion/love/what the fuckedness I felt as a youngster for the boys I met there. I think she suffered from that. Closed environment=love for Evah when young and naive. Cannot imagine other girls vying for the guys. Experience is wonderful and painful. Can't believe I'm pulling a 180, but I think she's a virgin with little to no past with guys.

I can't remember and wish I'd write this shit down, but early with the horse date Chris said, and it's the descriptive word that fails "this is such a perfect date and it's because (girl on horse date) is perfect". Fuck Chris, same word?

And not that it matters, because we all know or have heard what we have interest in, but I live in the great state of Tennessee (yep Nashville is capital) and if you put a TN rifle to my temple couldn't name a song or if they were even men re: Big and Rich. Yes, I have heard that name. But I went to see The Black Keys in Atlanta a few months ago, because I like them. I don't expect everyone in Maine to know how to catch a lobster nor, outside of Madonna (the Beatles?) do I think there is probable universally known artist much less song recognition. With that, as a fan of music, I wish a Big and Rich (the name alone!) fan had gone bc how amazing to be on stage with one of your faves.

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I'm fuzzy on what happened at the end of the last episode and how it relates to the start of this one. Kelsey was all "I'm a shoo-in for a rose!" to the other women, then Chris came out looking dour, then he left and Kelsey had a meltdown. Is that the gist of it? So bizarre. Her anxiety attack on the floor was ridiculous. The EMT kept asking her how bad the pain was, and I heard Kelsey say she wasn't in pain. Then later I heard the EMT ask what the pain level was on a scale of 0-10, and again she said she wasn't in pain. The poor EMT probably wasn't sure what to do with her, being that it was all a sham. I've had anxiety attacks, and they can feel like a heart attack, which is only one reason I think she was being entirely manipulative. Chris booting her certainly seemed to roll off her back easily enough, just saying.

Do we KNOW that was an actual EMT?  I'm doubting it.  I think she was one of the production crew. 


"I'm going to Paris to become a writer." Because you can't, you know, write in Austin. The most annoying thing about Kelsey to me is how she's convinced she's so special. I thought she was pretty and seemed down-to-earth the first couple of weeks (little did I know!) but other than that, from the way she expresses herself and the way she acted, I don't see anything special about her at all. It's annoying that she apparently believes her own PR. (And I don't believe she'll be back for TWTA--nothing they can do about it, either!)

I had the same view of her.  When they had that date where they were all in bikinis and pitching tents to camp in, she was sarcastic about one of the girls saying how AMAZING the date was.  I liked her take on it, and I liked that she didn't seem to go along with the trope that everyone MUST fall in love with the Bachelor.  She was my favorite at that point.   And then she showed her CRAZY.

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I personaly think Brett will win. Or at least she will be the new bachelortte?

I thought either Britt or Ashley were looking good for being the new 'ette but now that Ashley's bit it, my money is on Britt.  Crazy Kelsey had a point - no way Britt is gonna move to the farm having finally gotten some tv time.  The 'Tell All' episode will be high noon for the bachelorette candidates but I think it'll be Britt by a nose.

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Anyone who watched DWTS knows "Save a Horse" since that is the music Cheryl Burke and Nick Lashey (?) did their freestyle dance to, to win the mirrorball. DWTS replays that dance every year. And I mean every year. The highlight of the dance was Cheryl straddling Nick and "riding" him up and down. Yeah, it's memorable.




Close.  That was Drew Lachey.  But that's forever been my ALL TIME FAVORITE dance EVER done on DWTS.  It really was inspired!  In fact, a year or two ago it was the voted the BEST dance ever on DWTS by the viewing audience.


I read that article and I'm sorry...but how cliched is it to go to Paris to be a writer? ("If I'm going to be a writer I may as well do it in Paris" - paraphrasing.) What is she going to live on and how is she going to work? Is she expecting that Bachelor infamy will pay the bills? She alluded to staying in Paris for as long as she can before they boot her out of the country.

I'd bet she's living off the insurance money he so unselfishly left her.  Because he's an AMAZING human being.  And now she's AMAZINGLY rich.

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Someone identifying himself as Kelsey's Dad wrote a long diatribe in her defense in a comment here

I'm sure Dad really thinks he made a point there. Maybe his time would be better spent convincing his daughter to NOT go on the show in the first place...

It's a cut and paste from his comments over at RS...

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This post made me imagine that as the girls yell, "Chris!" and he flies off in the chopper, suddenly a giant "THE END" appears in the sky and the helicopter runs into it - THUD - and plummets to the ground. Then Ashley says "Chris?"




Followed by Kelsey, "And my story just became more amazing, tragic and wonderful." 

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With that, as a fan of music, I wish a Big and Rich (the name alone!) fan had gone bc how amazing to be on stage with one of your faves

I was thinking Whitney was probably very hurt by him choosing Britt for this "date". She openly said she was a huge fan of Big and Rich and so excited to meet them. She would have loved the concert. Plus being spontaneous was her and Chris's "thing" so she's probably hurt by that as well. At first I thought he had a real connection with Whitney but ever since the nap he took with Britt he seems to be ignoring her. I hope he doesn't choose Whitney in the end or she's is going to look back at how poorly he treated her and how hung up on Britt he was and her head is going to explode. At this point I can't imagine him choosing anyone other than Britt but after the previews next week it doesn't look like Britt would ever move to Iowa so I guess he will have to pick someone else.. Becca maybe?

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kira28--this is exactly why I think it is short sighted for the bach/ette to be so obvious about being into one person during the process.  Because if it doesn't work out, how do you sell to the other bach/ettes that you are "in love" with them?  I get that Chris likes Britt, but as you said if/when he chooses someone else later they have to watch this all play out, and how sad is that?


Plus I think sometimes they feel the chemistry with someone but even they know they aren't completely certain until they have more time with at least a few people to get to know them better and decide what might work better long term.

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Kelsey's dad wrote again at that link I posted. I think he would be better off staying away from the boards, I can't imagine my own father even getting involved with something like that. If her family treats her like a special snowflake and makes excuses for her, you can see why she has the attitude she does.

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Well, the good news is that she is leaving the US, and Paris can have her.  Lucky them!  


The father obviously doesn't understand that Kelsey made her own bed, and whatever he says is not going to change viewers' minds.

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At first I thought he had a real connection with Whitney but ever since the nap he took with Britt he seems to be ignoring her. I hope he doesn't choose Whitney in the end or she's is going to look back at how poorly he treated her and how hung up on Britt he was and her head is going to explode. At this point I can't imagine him choosing anyone other than Britt but after the previews next week it doesn't look like Britt would ever move to Iowa so I guess he will have to pick someone else.. Becca maybe?



That is the thing. It is pretty obvious the "nap" changed everything. I imagine like someone else said in this thread that Britt is his last fling. Most likely he hasn't met too many girls like her in a small town. 


It is so similar to the Des/Chris/Brooks situation except that Brooks wasn't having it (while Britt is going for it). I think the biggest reason that Chris was able to overcome what went down is that he didn't watch the footage.  Whoever is Chris' F1 most likely will see this footage and be devastated (even if they don't publicly admit it). Of course who knows maybe Chris will pick Britt.

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It is pretty obvious the "nap" changed everything.



I have an odd question - was the Bachelor always this accessible to the women? I started watching back in Season 1, through Season 5 (Jesse Palmer's season) and then lost interest. I've watched here and there, but I always thought that the Bachelor/ette was off-limits outside of the context of a scheduled date. You couldn't just knock on their hotel room door, or apartment, and talk to them when you felt like it.


These women seem to have pretty easy access to Chris when they feel like it, and I can't imagine the 2-hour "nap" happening in the first few seasons of the show. For someone who's been watching the show for a long time - is this a relatively new development?

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You couldn't just knock on their hotel room door, or apartment, and talk to them when you felt like it.



It wasn't the case in the very, very early seasons but the thing is, at the end of the day, this is an entertainment show and the producers are looking for anything that creates drama, excitement, etc. So one season (can't remember specifics. I'm sure posters who've watched all or more seasons than I have can remember), one person was allowed to pull a move like this because it was shocking and bold and got a lot of water cooler talk and since then it's become the thing to do and the producers very much encourage it. Of course it's often the person edited as the villain of the season who does it and it's made to seem like they just all on their own did this and it makes them so manipulative and awful, even though we've now heard repeatedly how production is always in on it and most time encourages it.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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As truthaboutluv said, production is definitely OK with "breaking [their own] rules" when it makes good TV. What's unusual about the "nap" is the unstructured downtime. I remember Brad and Chantal had some unexpected alone time when their date was rained out, but Britt and Chris were seemingly given two free hours to do as they pleased.

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Thanks, BugsMeany and TruthAboutLuv. Now that I think about it, the first aberration I remember was Trish coming back in S5 after she'd gotten cut. And of course, since she was the one that none of the other girls liked, it was A Big Deal.

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As truthaboutluv said, production is definitely OK with "breaking [their own] rules" when it makes good TV. What's unusual about the "nap" is the unstructured downtime. I remember Brad and Chantal had some unexpected alone time when their date was rained out, but Britt and Chris were seemingly given two free hours to do as they pleased.


I agree with this. Courtney said in her book (yes, I read it..don't judge me) that production was all for her going to Ben's hotel room and getting some skinny dipping time with him. So production is definitely cool with it - probably extra cool with it if it is someone who is a 'villian' and especially someone who has smoking hot chemistry with the lead.


Another observation I have about this extra alone time - It seems to be that this most often happens with someone who the lead does NOT pick at the end. Courtney was the most recent one I can remember where the lead picked her at the end.

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Chris knew he was dumping both girls before they all stepped on the helicopter. You could see his tension during the "dates", then the very visible relief when he climbed back into the chopper. All painfully delightful to watch.

TPTB had it all set up for a double dumping. There was absolutely NOTHING to do on that date but sit on the harem bed pitched in the dirt in the middle of the blowing wind and dirt. Then Chris takes Ashley and right away asks her what's going on in the house. TB NEVER ask the b-ettes that stuff, that is a TREAD LIGHTLY subject. Then he takes Kelsey and rats Ashley to her. Then Kelsey walks back to the harem bed and spends how much time giving Ashley the stink eye? TOTALLY production set up. They were just waiting for the melt down, which they got, so Chris could send both home. Plus, two vans were waiting off camera to take each home. So there's that, too. 


That Most.Dramatic.Scene.EVAH got lots of publicity and replay, from Kimmel to the gossip tv shows. Just what TB wanted to happen.


As for "breaking the rules," remember in one of the first episodes Chris H. told the women where Chris lived and told them to "take advantage of every chance you get to spend time with him." And to MAKE time. He did everything but tell them to not let Chris have any alone time at all. Then those two women snuck into his house and antics ensued. TPTB are really fishing for a naked swim in the ocean this season to boost ratings and cover up for the dullness that is Chris S.

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As for "breaking the rules," remember in one of the first episodes Chris H. told the women where Chris lived and told them to "take advantage of every chance you get to spend time with him." And to MAKE time. He did everything but tell them to not let Chris have any alone time at all. Then those two women snuck into his house and antics ensued. TPTB are really fishing for a naked swim in the ocean this season to boost ratings and cover up for the dullness that is Chris S.


He also let them know where Chris's room was, and emphasized how CLOSE it was -  in earlier seasons it was more of a trek.  The women have pretty much been told -  if you want time with him, sneak off and jump in his bed, just make sure the camera crew knows about it.  


(and Chris has instructions to act surprised and say "what are YOU doing here?" each time)  Like I said before, it's more scripted soap opera than reality show now.

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As for "breaking the rules," remember in one of the first episodes Chris H. told the women where Chris lived and told them to "take advantage of every chance you get to spend time with him." And to MAKE time. He did everything but tell them to not let Chris have any alone time at all. Then those two women snuck into his house and antics ensued. TPTB are really fishing for a naked swim in the ocean this season to boost ratings and cover up for the dullness that is Chris S.


If memory serves,  Chris H. told the ladies that "nothing was off limits" on the second episode.  I fail to see how he would know at that point that this season with Chris S. would be so dull that they would need to boost the ratings.  I feel sorry for Chris.  I believe he got a raw deal, because most of these ladies do not strike me as being very bright.  

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I keep seeing people say that they fully doubt Ashley's a virgin and I have to ask, you believe this is a lie based on what exactly?

At least based on my personal experience with some women who have claimed to be virgins, and based on Ashley's unrelenting claims of being a virgin being a "feature" of hers, coupled with her manner of dress, make-up, and willingness to make out, leads me to believe that Ashley is the type of girl who would smile and say "I'm a virgin, but we can do other things...."

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I fail to see how he would know at that point that this season with Chris S. would be so dull that they would need to boost the ratings.  I feel sorry for Chris.  I believe he got a raw deal, because most of these ladies do not strike me as being very bright.



My thinking is, every time this show went "off script," it got lots of attention from gossip shows, late night and other talk shows. Clips always play the next day, and you can see them all day long if you tune into the right shows. I don't think it's because Chris is dull, TPTB just wanted lots of air play for their Prince Farming. Well, maybe I should say we didn't KNOW at the beginning how boring this season would be.


It's funny how we all thought this was the greatest bunch of smart and attractive b-ettes EVAH! at the start of the season. Then we get to know them and wow, the cray-zee really comes out. I do feel sorry for Chris because I don't see his wife anywhere in this pack. Of course, I am not the one choosing. Heh. Then again, the one(s) Chris sees as his forever-after might not be the ones who view him in the same way.


Another poster wrote how odd it was that Chris took those "olden days" photos in Deadwood by himself. Yes, how odd WAS that? That would have been a really fun date. Didn't Emily and Jake do something like that? (I just remember Jake took off his shirt to change clothes. This before Jake became a tool!) That would have been a fun two-on-one date. Chris could have given each a photo to remember him by before he sent Ashley and Kelsey packing.

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At least based on my personal experience with some women who have claimed to be virgins, and based on Ashley's unrelenting claims of being a virgin being a "feature" of hers, coupled with her manner of dress, make-up, and willingness to make out, leads me to believe that Ashley is the type of girl who would smile and say "I'm a virgin, but we can do other things...."


Agree with this. In college, I knew a lot of girls who were 'virgins' but were ready and willing to do a lot of making out and other stuff of the hand and mouth variety, while still claiming to hold onto their V card. Depending on your own definitions/beliefs, some would not consider them virgins and some still would. I think Ashley fits into that category - kissing plus a LOT of extras.


While Becca, I think is more of a 'pure' virgin - as in, no 'jobs' of any kind.


Just my opinion though and it is based on what I've seen on the show, which is heavily edited.

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